Halld Lobinae 2008011
Halld Lobinae 2008011
Halld Lobinae 2008011
in sewers
saves lives
David Hall and Emanuele Lobina
Public Services
Research Unit
Foreword 1
1_Summary 2
7_Conclusion 42
Analytical conclusions 42
Policy conclusions 42
8_Further reading 44
Endnotes 52
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
Using the toilet is something we take for granted in the West. We pay little
attention to what happens to the waste when we flush it away and we
assume the sanitation services will always be available when we need them.
This is not the case for people living in developing countries, where 2.6
billion people have no access to even the most basic toilet facilities. The
situation is worst in sub Saharan Africa where 62% of the population have
no access to municipal sanitation services. Thousands suffer waterborne
diseases every day, caused in part by improper, or non-existent removal and
treatment of human excreta. Many children, especially girls, are unable to
attend schools for lack of sanitation facilities. The impact of lack of sanitation
services on human health and economic development is staggering.
The report calls for an end to the demands for full cost recovery as a pre-
condition of investment in water and sanitation services. Full cost recovery will
never enable countries to tackle the needs of the urban poor. Investment in
sewerage must be seen by donors and governments alike as a public good that
will benefit many generations to come. This was the justification for municipal
sanitation in Western Europe when a similar need for investment existed in
the 19th Century. Crucially, the report argues that we must fund the public
sector to deliver the necessary sewerage systems because, as the evidence
shows, the private sector cannot be relied upon to meet this need. It has
failed to deliver any significant investments in sewerage in the last 15 years.
UNISON, the UK’s largest public service trade union, and PSI, the global union
federation for public sector trade unions, have researched and campaigned
for many years on public sector solutions to water and sanitation problems
in poor countries. We represent thousands of public service workers who
deliver water and sanitation services in the UK and around the world. Their
first-hand experience informs our campaigning and policy work.
We hope the report will stimulate debate on the role of public sewerage
systems in dealing with sanitation in urban areas. Sewerage works.
This report focuses on a particular aspect because faeces from unconnected households
of sanitation, the importance of sewerage increases the health risks of all households.
systems. The introduction of the ‘sanitatary
system’ of household connections to sewers The problem is acute in some major
flushed by water has been voted as the cities, such as Jakarta, Indonesia, with a
greatest medical milestone since 1840. population of 12 million, but with only 1%
But although this system is universal in the of households connected to a sewer. Urban
north, developing countries continue to lack sewers are not a northern invention but
urban sewerage systems (Section 2). a traditional urban technology developed
in south Asia 4,000 years ago. The
The UN estimates that nearly 1.5 billion benefits can be delivered by conventional
people need access to improved sanitation sewerage systems or other systems such
by 2015. But the Millennium Development as condominial sewerage (Section 4.3).
Goals (MDGs) definitions only specify
‘improved sanitation’, do not require sewerage The MDGs should include a specific target
connections, and emphasise the use of for urban sewerage: “To halve by 2015 the
‘lowest-cost’ solutions. As a result, they fail proportion of the urban population without
to address the needs of city dwellers for household connections to a sewerage system”.
sewerage connections and so fail to give This entails connecting a further 1.14 billion
proper weight to the enormous public health people by 2015. Half of this need for urban
benefits of sewerage connections (Section 3). sewerage connections is concentrated in
four countries: China, India, Indonesia and
Cholera and diarrhoeal diseases are the Brazil; and 90% of the global need for urban
major health problems in the absence of sewerage connections is in just 24 countries
sanitation, especially for children. They kill with some combination of high economic
about two million children a year in low and growth, high urban populations, or low
middle-income countries – more than malaria, existing levels of sewerage (Section 4.4).
measles and HIV/Aids combined. With sewers,
infant mortality rates are lower. Achieving Donors and international institutions are
universal coverage could save 326,000 infant wrongly emphasising full cost recovery from
lives per year – the equivalent of eliminating users and privatisation as a way of developing
infant deaths from HIV/Aids. Children in sanitation systems. They also argue that
homes without sewers are shorter, and their sewers are unaffordable. This is misleading
educational achievements lower, than children and unhelpful. Sewerage is a public good,
in households connected to sewers. Toilets and leaving it to individual spending choices
and piped water alone do not make up for does not deliver the coverage needed for
the lack of sewerage (Section 4.1-4.2). full public benefits. Full cost recovery makes
sewerage unaffordable to the poor.
The problem of ignoring sewers is greatest All existing urban sewerage systems in
in urban areas, where world population is high-income countries – in Europe, North
growing fastest. Hygienic practices such America, and Japan – were developed
as hand washing and household toilets through taxation and the public sector, not
help, but the problem of disposal of faeces through full cost recovery from user charges
remains. Cess pits and septic tanks do not by the private sector. Connection was made
provide the same benefits due to leakage and compulsory as a matter of public policy
contamination; recycling onto fields is not an and not subject to consumer choices to opt
option in cities. Universal coverage matters in or out. The European Union continues
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
to provide high levels of subsidies from countries, especially in Africa, notably Nigeria
taxation for countries in eastern Europe to and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This
develop water and sanitation systems. would require a redistribution of the present
pattern of aid, which is too concentrated in
The private sector has failed to deliver any countries with relatively low needs are target
significant investments in sewerage (or markets for multinational water companies. The
other urban infrastructure) in the south in total amount of aid required is also affordable
the last 15 years. By contrast, some major for developed countries. It represents a fraction
developing countries are already achieving of the cost of the war in Iraq, for example, and
significant extensions of sewers in cities the UK government support for the troubled
through public finance. In China for example, bank Northern Rock alone would cover half
the urban sewerage connection rate rose the total global needs for sewers (Section 6).
from 30% in 1990 to 50% in 2002, and is still
rising. In Brazil, the connection rate in the Developing countries should continue to adopt
city of Salvador (2.5 million) was increased policies of extending sewerage systems using
from 26% to 80% in just eight years. public finance and concentrate on raising tax
These national efforts can be supported by revenues to finance them. They should resist
donors, for example Japan provides training advice to raise user charges and introduce the
support through a series of public-public private sector. Donors should stop giving this
partnerships. Since public finance is the advice, and instead concentrate on providing
key mechanism, the issue is not increasing aid to those countries most in need of it, along
user charges but whether countries are with capacity building and training (Section 7).
raising sufficient taxation (Section 5).
“The sewer is the conscience of the city” people killed by infectious diseases. The
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables motive was not just humanitarian: the
from UN World Water Development diseases were killing off male breadwinners
Report (WWDR), 2006 and pressure was being put on the state
to carry the cost of supporting the families.
“Urban poverty is not merely a simple The removal of sewage was crucial to
problem brought on by low incomes: it is curb the diseases, and the main reason
more of a matter of poor quality of life as for connecting every house to clean
characterised by very limited access to water was to flush away the sewage. All
clean water and sanitation, health care, households, rich and poor, were connected
education, and economic activities.” 1 to water supply and sewers. The system
was financed and run by the public sector.
This report is about the sewerage systems of
cities. It argues that the health benefits of such This solution included four key features:
systems are too great for them to be treated as — the technology to develop a network of
an optional extra, especially in cities. The view sewers throughout the city, flushed by water
that sewers have to be financed by charges to — public administrative structures to finance,
households, and that the private sector might build and manage these expensive works
provide the necessary investment, is shown to — the recognition that sewers were a public
be mistaken: public finance needs to be the environmental measure, rather than an
basis of developing sewerage systems. When attempt to alter individual behaviour
the costs of urban sewerage are measured — a recognition that the sewers were a
against national economies, the sums are universal public measure applied to
affordable, and some countries are already everyone, not selectively targeted. 3
investing the necessary amounts to deliver
these systems. The amount of aid required to These same principles have been applied
support national programmes is also affordable in every high income country in the world.
for high income donor countries, and needs England achieved near-universal coverage
to be targeted at countries most in need of before the Second World War, but others,
assistance; not those where the private sector such as France, did not do so until much later
sees the opportunity for profitable markets. in the 20th century. It was very expensive
to develop the system (as it is today in
developing countries) and it was financed
2.1_The greatest medical from taxation or massive cross-subsidies. 4
milestone in the last 167 years
The same principles were used for the
In January 2007, over 11,000 readers of the development of sanitation in cities across
British Medical Journal (BMJ) chose “the sanitary the USA. Cities, towns and even villages
revolution” – connecting people’s homes both in these countries have piped water and
to clean piped water and to sewers to dispose sewerage connections to all houses. In
of their waste – as the most important medical Europe, every village with a population
milestone since 1840. They thought it was of 2,000 or more must have a sewer
more important than antibiotics, vaccination system collecting household waste. 5
or the discovery of the structure of DNA. 2
The extension of systems to the villages
The system was first introduced in London of Europe has taken a long time. But in
in the 19th century to reduce the number of developing countries, many cities and towns
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
are still waiting for the sanitary revolution costs by cost-benefit analysis and their
to reach them. They lack the sewerage affordability for national economies
systems, which protect the northern cities. — the potential requirements for assistance
The rate of death and disease in developing from international aid, and comparison
countries continues to reflect this. with other expenditure choices
— the conclusion, with recommendations
Through the Millennium Development for country and donor policies.
Goals (MDGs), the countries of the world
are committed to improving sanitation
in developing countries. However, the
current policy of donors and development
banks implementing these goals are often
at odds with the key principles of the
sanitary revolution. This is because they:
— avoid commitment to the expensive works
of building sewers flushed by water
— are failing to support public sector finance
and public sector organisations to introduce
these systems, preferring to plan on the
basis of cost “recovery” from users
— do not prioritise public
environmental measures
— prefer “targeted”solutions to
a universal approach.
if the MDGs are met, it has been estimated having a sewerage connection in 2004 — far
that 76 million people will die by 2020 of lower than any other region. And at a country
preventable water-related diseases. 11 level, Pakistan is considered “on track” to meet
its overall MDG sanitation goals, and to have
3.1.2_What is “sustainable”? increased the proportion of its urban population
with improved sanitation from around 80%
The UN task force has also refined the definition in 1990 to over 90% by 2004. This is despite
of safe sanitation as follows: “the lowest-cost the fact that over the same period, the urban
option for securing sustainable access to safe, percentage with sewerage connections actually
hygienic, and convenient facilities and services for fell, from around 45% to under 40%.14
excreta and sullage disposal that provide privacy
and dignity, while at the same time ensuring a The following table shows the gap between
clean and healthful living environment both at the MDG definitions and actual sewerage
home and in the neighbourhood of users.” 12 connections for urban populations. In 2004, 73%
of the urban population in developing countries
The most striking feature of this definition is had access to improved sanitation, but only
that it introduces “lowest cost” as part of the 42% had sewerage connections. The gaps were
target itself. Sewers are not ruled out, but they especially wide in Sub-Saharan Africa, South
are clearly not the ”lowest cost” solution. Asia and South East Asia. By contrast, in the
developed countries of Western Asia (roughly
It also explains that “sustainable” in this the Middle East) and the former Soviet Union the
definition, includes the economic sustainability level of sewerage connections are over 80%.
of the service, which is defined as requiring:
“credible arrangements to ensure a regular Table 2:
and reliable flow of adequate performance- Urban population with
determining resources – human, financial, (a) access to “improved” sanitation
institutional, and technical know-how, (b) sewer connections 2004
among others – needed to ensure proper
functioning and satisfactory operation and Region
% with
% with
(billions) sanitation connection
maintenance of service infrastructure.” 13
Sub-Saharan Africa 0.27 53 19
East Asia 0.58 69 50
While this is an important aspiration, it South Asia 0.46 63 24
also makes public improvements, such South East Asia 0.24 81 9
as sewers, look even more costly. Latin America and Caribbean 0.43 86 62
Oceania 0.02 81 32
3.1.3_The limitations of the MDG Northern Africa 0.08 91 73
definitions: no sewers necessary Western Asia 0.13 96 83
CIS (former Soviet Union) 0.18 92 82
The MDG definition of “improved” sanitation Developed countries 0.76 100 93
does not require household connection World total 3.11 80 56
to sewerage. This makes a significant
difference to the assessment of the problem, Source: JMP online data (see Annex)
and of the extent to which the MDGs
indicate a solution, especially in cities. These modifications and policies fail to
For example, South East Asia is considered give sufficient weight to the enormous
”on track” for meeting the MDG sanitation public health benefits of sewerage
goal, despite only 9% of urban households connections, especially in cities.
4_Death, sewers and cities
“The obvious benefits to poor people of a year in low and middle income countries.
increased provision of sewerage facilities The incidence of diarrhoeal diseases has not
should serve as the mandate for greater decreased significantly in recent decades. 19 20
investment by all levels of government
and civil society in tackling one of the There have been great advances and efforts
greatest scourges to communities made to reduce child deaths from diarrhoea
in developing countries — infectious by improved healthcare, but their impact
diarrhoea due to poor sanitation.” has been much lower than hoped for. In the
David Durrheim, writing in the 1980s it was estimated that two thirds of
Lancet, 10 November 2007. 15 deaths from diarrhoea could be avoided if all
children suffering from diarrhoeal diseases
were treated with water containing a sugar/
4.1_Cholera and diarrhoea salt solution – known as oral rehydration
therapy (ORT). The WHO and the UN Childrens’
Cholera and diarrhoeal diseases, both Fund (UNICEF) led a major programme of
transmitted through contaminated food training and the production of suitable kits.
and water, are the major health problems However by 2003, still only about 40% of
in the absence of sanitation. Outbreaks of children were being treated with ORT. 21
cholera are most likely in countries with
high infant mortality rates which, in turn, This emphasises the importance of public
are strongly linked to diarrhoeal diseases. health measures. A recent WHO editorial
The common factor is the absence of estimated that over 9% of the global disease
adequate sanitation systems.16 burden could be prevented by improved
water supply, sanitation and hygiene, with
Cholera epidemics in the 19th century led the greatest impact coming from reductions
to the creation of sewerage systems in in diarrhoeal disease. “The slow progress in
London and New York, and subsequently the extending basic services leaves a billion people
rest of Europe and north America. Cholera waiting in line for services to reach them.”22
epidemics no longer affect London and New
York, but they continue to be major killers in
developing countries. In 2006 the World Health 4.2_The impact on children
Organization (WHO) recorded 236,896 cases
of cholera with 6,311 deaths in 52 countries. 4.2.1_Infant mortality and sewers
This was a 79% increase in cases since 2005,
and was a return to the levels of the 1990s.17 The greatest impact of inadequate sanitation
and sewerage is on children. More than 10
The sanitary revolution brought about through million children under the age of five years
sewerage systems could curb cholera in die each year, most from preventable causes.
the south as it has in north. According to Three hundred and sixteen out of every 1,000
a global medical review: “The longterm children die before they are five. Almost all
prevention of cholera will require improved these deaths are in poor countries: three
water and sanitation facilities, but these quarters of them are in Sub-Saharan Africa
improvements are not happening rapidly in and South Asia. Diarrhoea and pneumonia
most regions where cholera is prevalent.”18 are the biggest two killers, each responsible
for over two million deaths each year.
Diarrhoeal diseases, including dysentery,
continue to kill around two million children
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
Table 4:
Under fives’ deaths that could be
prevented by universal coverage of most
effective preventative interventions
4.2.2_Children’s growth and education most without sewerage systems. There are
three features which make urban sewerage
A lack of sewers not only leads to more infant systems of particular importance:
deaths through higher rates of diarrhoeal
disease. The higher rates of disease also — urban populations are growing fast
cause long term damage to the physical — a significant proportion of urban dwellings
growth and the educational progress of are in slums, where the health problems
children who survive. Children in homes of diarrhoeal diseases are most acute
without sewerage and water connections — the safe collection and disposal of
have more episodes of diarrhoea. This human faeces is much harder in
damage to their health stunts their growth. densely populated areas which do not
Diarrhoea in childhood is also clearly linked have easy access to countryside.
to lower scores in non-verbal intelligence
tests and worse performance at school. Programmes to improve sanitation in
developing countries include a range of
A study in Peru 29 demonstrated these initiatives. Many are concerned with the
remorseless links between sewerage systems, creation of toilet facilities, which are an integral
disease and disability. Children in households part of a comprehensive sanitation system. The
without sewers had a 54% higher rate of disposal of faeces also has to be addressed,
diarrhoeal disease. Children in households and in a rural context this may involve various
without a sewage connection were 0·9 cm forms of septic tank, for example. Hygienic
shorter at two years of age than children from practices are also necessary in order to obtain
households with sewerage connections. the health benefits of improved sanitation, for
example hand-washing after defecation. All of
Toilets alone, without sewerage connections, these initiatives are important and valuable.
made much less difference: by the age of two,
the children in these households had the same But in an urban context, the benefits of toilets
rate of diarrhoeal diseases as those with no and hygienic practices are much more limited
latrine/toilet at all, and were not significantly taller. without a sewerage system to ensure safe
disposal of excreta.31 Attempting to dispose
Sewerage connections also make a greater of human waste without sewers, through the
difference than a piped water connection use of soak-pits or septic tanks, does not
alone. Children in houses with piped water, remove the waste from the urban environment.
but no sewerage connection, were shorter These solutions do not provide the same
than those in households with sewerage health benefits as sewers. A survey in Pakistan
connection as well as piped water. 30 found that infants in households with soak-
pits were 60% more likely to die than those
with toilets connected to sewers.32 Household
4.3_The need for sewers in cities toilets without a sewerage connection may
actually increase the contamination of the
There is a need for sanitation in all areas, neighbourhood, and thus endanger other
rural and urban and the benefits of sewerage households. 33 In rural areas it may be feasible
systems apply in all human settlements, even to recycle excreta as a fertiliser on fields, but
at village level. The needs of rural populations this becomes uneconomic as cities grow and
must be met by public policies, supported by absorb farming land and it is common for water
aid, as much as the needs of urban populations. borne diseases, such as typhoid, to become
However it is urban populations who suffer more prevalent in these conditions.34 However
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
a household with a sewerage connection neighbour’s well. Many tanks leak too. Some
still has a higher risk of disease if the streets are more like pits, because the base of the
are contaminated with sewage from other tank is not sealed and some have walls made
households which are not connected. 35 Even the of ordinary bricks or are too small. Some have
disposal of wastewater from household activities inlet pipes that are not functioning properly.
such as washing and laundry – known as ”grey
water” – “is a major problem in low income The contents of these septic tanks are often
settlements without sewerage and represents a dumped by sewage trucks straight into rivers.
significant health and environmental threat”. 36
Many urban people still use river water for
As the UN’s World Water Development washing and bathing and, collectively, these
Report (WWDR) 2006 states: millions of septic tanks have polluted 70% of the
groundwater in cities with bacteria. Yet half of city
“While household solutions may be sufficient dwellers use this groundwater for their daily needs.
in a rural environment or in a dispersed
settlement, they would be woefully inadequate 4.3.2_The ancient South Asian
in an urban area, especially in urban slum tradition of urban sewers
areas or in congested urban areas and
megacities. For such situations, we would Some argue that sewers and wastewater
need to go beyond access at the household treatment plants are an inappropriate northern
level to provide proper collection systems, technology, at odds with the environment
such as an appropriate form of sewerage, and traditional wisdom. A paper published
together with facilities for treatment and by the German aid agency GTZ in 2006, for
disposal of the collected sewage.” 37 example, argued that end-of-pipe sanitation
systems are “expensive to build, operate
4.3.1_Case study – Indonesia and maintain, and out of step with traditional
wastewater management philosophy”,
The need for sewers in cities is well which was based on the principle of
illustrated by the example of Indonesia. 38 re-use and recycling of human waste. 39
The great majority of people in Indonesian It is important to respect and use local traditions
cities live without a sewerage connection. and knowledge in all countries, but this is
In the capital city, Jakarta, which has a not a reason for avoiding the development of
population of 12 million people, only 1% sewerage systems. In urban environments,
of houses are connected to a sewer. sewers are the traditional technology – a
technology that was first developed in the
Around 12% of the urban population have no ancient cities of South Asia 4,000 years ago.
access to latrines, so they defecate outdoors. The first urban sewerage systems were built
Some of the houses with latrines empty their around 2,000 BC by the inhabitants of the
contents directly into streams or rivers. great cities of the Indus Valley civilisation
The majority, around 65% of houses in urban at Mohenjo-Daro (now in Pakistan).
areas, use septic tanks. In Jakarta alone,
there are more than one million septic tanks. They installed universal systems: almost
every house was connected. “Wastewater
More than 60% of homes have septic tanks was conveyed in baked clay conduits to
that are less than 10 metres apart from their covered gutters, then through canals dug
wells and they are often too close to their under the streets and covered with bricks,
4_Death, sewers and cities
and finally to larger collectors. Settling tanks sewers throughout the city, including the
existed in this network to prevent clogging”. slums: “OPP’s proposal for sewage disposal
The main sewer was 1.5 metres deep.40 for Karachi is now the KWSB’s [Karachi Water
and Sewerage Board] plan for the city costing
Other ancient urban civilisations also used Rs.8.85 billion (about US$121 million). The
sewers. In Ancient Rome, there was even a plan has been approved by the provincial
shrine to a goddess of sewers, Cloacina. 41 and federal government for its financing.” 44
is not certain enough for exact conclusions, in these regions to rise from an average
but the results can be used to indicate the of 41% in 2004 to an average of 71% in
differences between the existing and 2015. Based upon World Bank estimates
proposed goals. measuring the relation between sewerage
connections and infant mortality (see Table
The total figure is higher than the comparable 4), this could be expected to reduce infant
number in the existing MDG target for mortality in relevant urban areas from about
urban improved sanitation. The regional 84 children per thousand to about 70 per
distribution also differs from the MDG thousand. Moreover, the needs are highly
targets for “improved” sanitation, with a concentrated in relatively few countries.
much higher concentration of needs in
East, South and South East Asia. North This target is quite feasible. For all regions,
Africa and West Asia are already close including South East Asia, which requires
to the level of high income countries. the greatest leap, it is less demanding
than the achievement in Salvador, Brazil,
The target would require the levels of which moved sewerage connections
urban household sewerage connections from 26% to 80% in eight years.
Table 5:
Millions needing connections to halve proportion of urban
population without sewerage connection by 2015
Millions %
Numbers of people needing 2004 % urban household 2015 % urban household
connection to achieve target sewerage connection sewerage connection after
achieving target
Northern Africa 46 73 87
Sub-Saharan Africa 179 19 60
Latin America and Caribbean 146 62 81
East Asia 273 50 75
South Asia 277 24 62
South East Asia 157 9 55
West Asia 50 83 92
Oceania 1 32 66
Total above 1,141 41 71
4_Death, sewers and cities
The next table shows that half of all the new involved. Some of the countries at the top of
sewerage connections needed to meet this the list are there because of their size and rapid
target are in just four countries: India, China, growth and urbanisation (China, India). Some
Indonesia, and Brazil. Three-quarters of all the are included mainly because of an existing large
connections needed are in just 20 countries. urban population (eg Brazil). Some are included
mainly because of a very low level of sewerage
This concentration helps make the discussions connection (eg Indonesia and the Philippines);
of needs and affordability concrete, instead of and some because of very high levels of forecast
an abstract debate about billions of people in urban population growth coupled with low levels
unspecified places, and the billions of dollars of sewerage connection (eg Nigeria, Bangladesh).
Table 6:
The 20 countries needing most urban sewerage connections
Millions % %
Numbers of people needing 2004 % urban 2015 % urban household
connection to achieve target household sewerage sewerage connection
(millions) connection after achieving target
China 251 50 75
India 184 25 63
Indonesia 73 2 51
Brazil 60 53 77
Nigeria 43 23 62
Philippines 34 7 54
Pakistan 32 40 70
Bangladesh 27 7 54
Iran 25 19 60
Democratic Republic of Congo 15 4 52
Vietnam 14 14 57
Argentina 13 48 74
Thailand 12 0 50
Sudan 11 1 51
Egypt 11 68 84
Venezuela 10 61 81
Ethiopia 10 2 51
Malaysia 10 41 71
Myanmar 9 10 55
Korea Rep 9 65 83
Total of top 4 (China, India, Indonesia, Brazil) 568
Total of 20 countries with greatest needs 851
Total connections needed in all developing countries* 1,141
*from Table 5
Source: calculated from JMP data and UN ESA population data 47
(see Annex for more details)
5_The need for public finance
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
The UNWP Task Force report even suggests “foresees the implementation of interventions
that by choosing to use the private sector, that will contribute to a more conducive
as the most fundamental choice, this then environment for private sector activity through
determines whether sewers are appropriate: improved water supply and sanitation,
5_The need for public finance
power supply and enhanced road transport sewerage systems in the south also use
and mobility.…. Priority will be given to public finance. The current policy advice is
projects that will attract public and private in itself an obstacle to the development of
participation and lead to immediate capital sewerage and sanitation in the south, because
investments. …… Support activities will focus it directs aid and government efforts into
on preparatory activities to make a project developing schemes which will not deliver
attractive (short term studies, execution the investment needed for sanitation.
studies, Public Private Partnership, tender
documents, etc.). …Private sector participation
(PSP) in the water sector has great potential in 5.2_The problems of cost recovery
several areas of African Water Facility (AWF)
interventions. The AWF would provide the Insisting on full cost recovery means that
necessary support to attract private sector sanitation programmes are only worth doing if
participation, whenever possible, in line with people are willing and able to pay the full cost
the Country policy and regulatory framework.”51 themselves. There are two flaws in this approach.
The problem extends beyond the operation Firstly, the benefits of sewerage connections
of water supply and sewerage. Donors have are public. The improvements in health and the
encouraged the development of public environment are benefits to the community as
toilets by local groups on a private enterprise a whole, not just the households connected,
basis. But these commercial ventures create and so should be financed collectively.
similar problems of affordability and service The UN task force report notes that many
delivery. The Wateraid representative in India households are reluctant to pay for the health
has stated that: “Public toilets are being benefits of sanitation: “among the reasons
viewed as profitable sub contracted works that people invest in improved [sanitation]
and are being increasingly contracted out services, health does not figure particularly
resulting in both unaffordable and badly prominently”. But, as they also note, this
maintained infrastructure for the urban poor. was exactly the same in the countries of
…. The trend to privatise and contract out the north in the 19th century: the citizens of
public infrastructure in slums and even Boston, Massachusetts, in 1850 were also:
in mixed areas (commercial and slums), “unable or unwilling to take on personal
needs to be curtailed.”.52 In Ghana, the responsibility to conduct their lives in accord
policy of contracting out the management with recommended sanitary principles”. 54
of public toilets to “community businesses”
led to local political elites creating “front” The second problem with user charges is
businesses to run these lucrative contracts, affordability. The poorest, who usually are in
as a prime source of funding which they greatest need of connections, will be least
would not easily give up – thus creating an likely to afford them. An insistence on cost
obstacle to developing better services.53 recovery from users of the system becomes
an obstacle to achieving improvements in
This emphasis on the private sector and cost sanitation: “If international donors wish to
recovery is contrary to the experience of high pursue a policy of universal access, they
income countries, all of which developed should acknowledge that the costs of
sewerage systems using public finance. improved services are far beyond the reach
It ignores the failure of privatisation in the of many households.”55 Even low levels of
south to deliver any significant investment; connection charges act as deterrents for poor
and the fact that successful extensions of households, who suffer most from the disease
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
5.3.1 Case study – Toronto sewers for public health reasons, whether
householders asked for it or not, financed by
Before the 1870s, the city of Toronto was the municipality. The benefits were immense:
mainly dependent on private contractors for
water supply. Sewers were not automatically “This unprecedented power…led to
laid in new streets. Instead, householders had tremendous sewer development in the
to petition the local council for connections, 1880s…..The effects of the typhoid fever
and then pay the cost themselves. Neither epidemic were greatly reduced by the
water nor sewerage connections grew presence of a complete, clean sewage
fast enough and deaths from water-borne system. At the beginning of the 20th
diseases, especially typhoid, were common. century, most of the streets in the city had
been serviced and the operational costs
In 1872 the Toronto Globe newspaper wrote: were met through direct taxation.” 63
“We have neither the quantity nor the quality The same approach was taken up across
[of water] necessary to secure the health and the province of Ontario, where public water
comfort of the citizens, and we are equally systems were growing rapidly by the turn of the
destitute of what is indispensable for the century. The Public Health Act 1912 enshrined
safety of our houses from fire; the flushing the Toronto principles of public finance
of our common sewer; and the watering and compulsory connection, by giving the
and cleaning of our streets. No city of the provincial board of health the right not only to
size and pretensions of Toronto can be decide when a water or sewerage system was
mentioned where the sanitary arrangements necessary “in the interest of the public health”,
are so inadequate, and where consequently but also to require local councils to finance it. 64
preventable disease is so common.” 62
The water and sanitation system of
Over the next five years, despite an Toronto has continued to be publicly
economic recession, the city council not run and financed. As a proportion of the
only municipalised the water service, it household incomes of Toronto, there
authorised the city engineer to install new is a long-term downward trend. 65
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
Chart B: The cost of water and chooses to operate in and only one third of
sanitation in Toronto (1935-95) developing countries have received any kind
of private investment in water and sanitation.
Therefore governments have frequently had
to revise contracts and provide guarantees,
creating fiscal risks for governments in the
shape of unexpected liabilities. As a result,
private companies have been unable to get
the necessary rate of return, due at least
in part to public resistance to paying the
prices required to deliver this rate of return.
Therefore governments have retreated, even
Figure 9. Ratio of total water and sewer expenditures from those areas where they have invested.
(capital and operating) to total income Even in middle income countries where the
Source: Pharasi and Kennedy 200266 private sector presence has been greater,
the private sector investment is very small
in comparison to investment by the state.
5.4_The illusion of private In South Africa, for example, total private
sector investment investment in urban infrastructure over
the entire 20 year period “has been quite
The idea that the private sector can or insignificant … much less than 1% of one
will invest significant money in developing year’s local government spending.” 67
sanitation or sewerage systems is equally
misleading. It is contradicted by the evidence A World Bank research paper in 2006, reviewing
on investment in sanitation in developed actual private investment in a 22 year period
countries; by the evidence of private from 1983 to 2004, concluded bluntly that:
sector failure to invest in infrastructure in “PPI [private participation in infrastructure] has
general in developing countries; and by the disappointed – playing a far less significant
evidence of the lack of private investment role in financing infrastructure in cities
in sanitation in developing countries. than was hoped for, and which might be
expected given the attention it has received
In developed countries, the private sector and continues to receive in strategies to
played almost no role in financing the mobilize financing for infrastructure…
sanitation systems. The constant donor
advice to involve the private sector is thus “...PPI is inherently limited in scope for
contrary to all the experience of successful financing urban infrastructure for the wide array
development of sanitation and sewerage. of non-commercial infrastructure services cities
need. Even for commercial services like water
In developing countries, despite all the supply, subsidies are prevalent all over the
encouragement and support from donors and world…Local governments need good sources
development banks, the private sector has of public finance to fund those services,
contributed only a trivial amount to investment and some form of government borrowing is
in urban infrastructure in the last 20 years. needed for major investments in these areas
A key problem has been that the private to avoid inter-generational inequities.”
sector has to make profits that cover the
cost of its capital and the associated risks. This failure is confirmed by reviewing the
It is therefore selective about the countries it actual cases of private sector involvement in
5_The need for public finance
sanitation in developing countries. The record zone. Both concessions included responsibility
of the private sector in water was described for water and sanitation, including targets for
in the earlier World Development Movement’s new sanitation concessions. The regulator,
report called Pipe Dreams.” 68 This section the Manila Water Company (MWSS-RO),
does not repeat the material in that report, assessed that Maynilad increased sewerage
but supplements it with details specific to coverage from pre-privatisation levels of 7%
sewerage connections and sanitation policies. to 11% in 2001 (compared to a target of 16%
for the same year) and 10% in 2002. Manila
5.4.1_Asia Water achieved coverage of 3% in 2001
(meeting its target of 3% for the same year)
In Asia, there have been few attempts to and 3% in 2002, from pre-privatisation levels
use the private sector to finance investment of 7%. 70 A Maynilad executive admitted that
in water supply and sanitation. Asia needs the company had fallen short in achieving
about one billion sewerage connections to sewerage and sanitation targets. 71
achieve 80% urban coverage, but the great
majority of cities have received no sewerage According to an Asian Development Bank
extensions from the international or local (ADB) report in 2007, less than 4% of Manila’s
private sector. There have been private water total population is connected to the sewer
concessions in the capital cities of Indonesia network: “It is estimated that there are more
and the Philippines; Malaysia set up a private than one million septic tanks in Manila.
concession for developing sewerage; and a However, sludge treatment and disposal
project in Tamil Nadu, India, used a private facilities are rare, resulting in indiscriminate
company as a construction contractor in disposal of untreated or poorly treated
building a sewerage system. In China, as of effluent into the Pasig River. Some 10 million
2002, there were a number of private Bank of people discharge untreated waste into the
Thailand (BOT) concessions for waste water Pasig, which, combined with the 35 tons of
treatment plants, but no private concessions solid waste also deposited in it annually by
for extending sewerage connections.69 squatters living in makeshift shelters on the
river bank, makes it one of the world’s most
This includes only two cases where the polluted rivers, with human waste accounting
private sector actually invested in sewerage for 70% of the pollution load.” The limits of
coverage (Malaysia and Philippines). the Millennium Development Goal definitions
However, one example was later nationalised are also highlighted by the fact that the
and the other has delivered very little. Philippines is regarded as on-track to meet
its target for urban sanitation: in 2004, 80%
In Jakarta, where only 1% of the population of the urban population were assessed as
is connected to a sewer, the concessions do having ”improved” sanitation facilities, although
not cover sanitation at all. They have thus only 7% had sewerage connections. 72
contributed nothing to improved sanitation.
In Malaysia, a concession for developing
In Manila, both water supply and sanitation sewerage and sanitation throughout the
were privatised in January 1997 to two company was awarded to a private company
private groupings: a Lyonnaise des Eaux-led Indah Water Konsortium, in 1993. The
consortium to operate Maynilad, involving concession was based on the principle of
the multinational Suez group, in the western financing investment through consumer
zone of the city; and Manila Water, led by the charges. However, consumers objected to the
British company United Utilities in the eastern tariffs, so its structure was revised, and then
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
investment needs were found to be higher fee: “when located relatively close to the
than anticipated. As a result, the Government sewerage network, the toilets are connected
had to provide substantial financial support in to it, otherwise septic tanks are used.”76
the form of long term soft loans. In 2000, the There is also a BOT contract for a wastewater
Malaysian Government nationalised Indah, thus treatment plant, which will be financed
ending the experiment with private sewerage. 73 through a combination of user charges
and tax revenues of public authorities.77
In India, a sewerage project was set up in
2001 to build a sewerage network for the city Table 7:
of Alandur, Tamil Nadu, with a population of Asia: private concession contracts
145,000 in 2001. The construction contract covering sanitation
was issued to an Indian construction company.
However operation was not included, and the Country City Private Sewerage Results
sector aspect
company made no contribution to the financing involvement
of the project. The project was financed by
Philippines Manila Concession Yes, targets Coverage
the public authorities through grants and contracts only 4% after
10 years
loans, with advanced consumer contributions
expected to provide 20-25% as a kind of Malaysia National Concession Sewerage Nationalised
contract extension in 2000
equity investment. The household tariff was
reduced following consumer complaints, and
the Tamil Nadu state government increased 5.4.2_Africa
its contribution. Despite the fact that Alandur
residents were relatively well off, the chair The contribution of the private sector to
of the municipality commented that: “In investment in urban sewerage in Africa is
Alandur, we were able to raise a substantial limited to five concessions or lease contracts
amount from the beneficiaries because of which covered sanitation as well as water.
their paying capacity. In other areas, this may
not work, given the economic conditions of The two contracts in South Africa, at Nelspruit
the people. So, the state government has to and Dolphin Coast, were concessions requiring
support such schemes by giving grants”. 74 investment in new extensions. In Nelspruit, the
company laid 35 kilometres of sewer mains and
The works were delayed, and there was most residents gained access to waterborne
confusion over whether the company or the sanitation.78 The company reported 5,000
municipality was responsible for maintaining new household connections, but no precise
and operating the pumping station element figures for sewerage connections. As with
of the project, and there were problems with water, therefore, despite various problems
sewage flooding due to design problems with finances and public resistance, these
with the pumping station.75 By 2005, nearly are the only two cities in Africa where some
8,350 of the 23,000 households that had paid new household sewerage connections may
for the service in advance were connected, have been made by private investment.
including 500 of the 7,000 slum households,
43% of whom opted for individual sewerage It is worth examining the situation of sanitation
connections. For the poor households that in three other countries, one where a lease
could not afford to pay for the sewerage did not cover sanitation; one where it did;
service, public toilets were provided as an and one where the private sector decided
alternative, but families were expected to join that neither water nor sanitation was an
a membership register and pay a monthly attractive commercial proposition.
5_The need for public finance
In Senegal, water distribution was privatised, than most other African cities, but these were
following World Bank pressure, under a lease financed, not by the multinational company
contract. Therefore the private company had no involved (Bouygues), but by World Bank loans
responsibility for new investments, which were and other public finance. The slum areas,
all made by the state and the World Bank.79 such as Yopougon, do not have sewerage
But responsibility for urban sanitation and connections: “Plans for further large investments
sewerage was excluded from the privatisation, to improve the sanitation of Abidjan, including
and was given to a new government agency, Yopougon, exist but have not yet been
the Office National d’Assainissement (ONAS). implemented.”84 At the end of February 2008,
According to a World Bank report, the reason there were problems with the performance of the
was as follows: “It was decided that including private company: “A third of Abidjan’s inhabitants
the sanitation sector in the responsibilities have had no drinking water for over a month”. 85
of the private operator would be too
burdensome, given its poor state. However, Nigeria has the second highest number of
ONAS was not completely ignored…” 80 under fives’ deaths in the world (834,000).
The infant mortality rate is 184/1000, worse
Unrelated to the water privatisation, between than Ethiopia (174) or Haiti (125). Two thirds of
1998 and 2007 the World Bank helped finance childhood disease is attributable to inadequate
new sewerage connections for 212,250 additional access to safe drinking water. 86 Less than
people in Senegal. However the current World 1% of the population of Lagos, the largest
Bank country assistance strategy for Senegal city, with a population of over 11 million, is
ignores ONAS completely and forgets that it connected to a sewerage system. 87 Lagos
was not privatised. It refers to the success of has suffered from a lack of sewerage and the
privatisation “in water and sanitation”.81 Health associated health problems for a long time.
problems remain: in 2005 a cholera epidemic In the 1920s, colonial administrators decided
killed 1,295 people of 76,881 cases in West that modern sewers could not be afforded,
Africa, according to the World Health Organization even after a series of outbreaks of bubonic
(WHO), more than a third of them in Senegal. In plague.. A further proposal to build sewers
the first 10 months of 2007, there were 12 deaths was later dropped in 1956, because of a lack
and 2,231 cases of cholera in the country. 82 of capital and opposition from politicians who
were benefiting from private waste-removal
In Cote d’Ivoire, the nationwide water privatisation, contractors. 88 After independence, Nigeria’s
which covers sewerage, as well as water, is also own plan for a sewerage system was also
a lease contract not a concession. The private frustrated: “The extraordinary Lagos master
company, Les Actionnaires de la Société de plan of 1980… envisaged that within the
Distribution d’Eau de la Côte d’Ivoire (SODECI), space of two decades all households would
owned by the French multinational construction be connected to a water supply and sewerage
company Bouygues, is thus responsible only for system…but the programme of works was
maintenance and renewal, not for new extensions. curtailed by a combination of economic crises,
The concession was awarded without competition externally imposed structural adjustment
in 1960, and renewed in 1987 for a further 20 policies and the return of military rule”89
years: “In these renegotiations, [Bouygues]
was not prepared to take on responsibility for In 1999 the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
investment because the company did not want made privatisation a condition of a loan for water
to take the risk that future revenue would cover in Lagos, claiming that investment of $1billion
debt service requirements.” 83 Abidjan, the capital, was needed, and that this should be: “largely
has a higher level of sewerage connections financed by tariffs generated by the expanded
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
system.” This plan failed when the multinational of the original target. In the other concessions
companies refused to consider investing money. in Buenos Aires province, the connection rates
The current plan of the Lagos State Water did not improve. The Salta concession did
Company envisages outsourcing of operations, achieve a significant increase in connection
but there is no coherent plan for financing rates, but this was largely due to public
investment.90 However, another World Bank finance rather than private investment.
project for development and governance of Lagos
metropolitan area is encouraging higher property Brazil illustrates the illusions of private sector
taxes, through higher rates and better collection, investment. In the affluent suburb of Limeira,
to support infrastructure: “In most cities, property sewerage connection levels reached 80%
taxes are a substantial part of general revenues. under public control, even before privatisation.
In Lagos, however, property tax rates have been Since then, private companies have claimed to
historically very low.” Increasing the yield from this increase this coverage to 100%, but the figures
source of revenue, therefore, is critical for Lagos are not credible. In the city of Manaus, sewerage
State Government (LASG) to sustain benefits connection was at just 3% when the concession
from investments in drainage and solid waste.” 91 started: by 2005, the company had increased
this to just 12%, compared with a target of
Table 8: 31%. This compares badly with the progress
Private concession and lease contracts in the comparable city of Salvador, which in
covering sanitation in Africa almost the same time period, under the public
sector, increased connection levels to 80%.
Country Location Company MNC Type
In Chile, the high levels of coverage were
Cote d’Ivoire National SODECI Saur Lease achieved under public ownership before
privatisation took place. In the three cases
South Africa Dolphin Siza Water Biwater Concession noted below, the private operators inherited
levels of sewerage connection of 86%,
South Africa Nelspruit GNUC Biwater Concession 87%, and 97% – more typical of European
and North American cities. The coverage in
Tanzania Dar es City Water Biwater Lease Chile is therefore another tribute to the use
Salaam (terminated)
of public finance for developing sewers.
Table 9:
Water privatisations and sewerage extensions in Latin America
Argentina Aguas Argentinas Suez In the nine years from 1993 to December 2001 – prior to the breakout of the
(Buenos Aires) Argentine crisis – Aguas Argentinas expanded sewerage service coverage
from 58% to 63%, compared with the original contractual target of 72%.
Aguas Argentinas’ failure to reach the original contractual goals meant that
by December 2001 more than one million Buenos Aires dwellers had not
been connected to the sewerage network.
Argentina OSBA (Buenos Aires Azurix In 1999 – when privatisation took place – 47% of the urban population had
province) access to sanitation. By 2005, only 45% of households were connected.
Argentina AGBA (Buenos Aires Aguas de Bilbao; Urbaser In July 2006 the contract with AGBA was terminated, claiming that the
province) concessionaire had failed to achieve its targets in terms of investments and
expansion of services. Of the 1.8 million inhabitants covered by the AGBA
concession, 80% were not connected to sewerage.
Argentina Aguas de Salta Latinaguas Sewerage connections under the Salta concession increased from 54%
to 84%, partly thanks to public subsidies directly subsidising low-income
Bolivia AISA (La Paz/El Alto) Suez AISA increased sewerage connections, but these fell 33% short of its
contractual target.
Brazil Aguas de Limeira Suez Sewerage coverage was 80% at the start of the contracts. The company
claimed to have reached 100% connections by 2005, but a 2003 report
stated that “There was also a small improvement in services expansion,
whose rates were already high, and a broad investment in sewage treatment
… On the other hand, there are strong suspicions … of manipulation on
data about the investments made and the contract goals.”
Brazil Aguas do Amazonas Agbar The concession contract emphasised sewerage and sanitation, with 65% of
investment expected to be concentrated in this area. From an initial level of
3% in 1999, the company was expected to increase connections to 31% by
2005 and 90% by 2029. However, actual coverage for sewerage in 2005
was only 12%.
Brazil Aguas de Guariroba Agbar Awarded in July 2000, the concession aimed at achieving 50% coverage for
sewerage in 10 years and 70% coverage in 30 years (from an initial level of
22%). In 2005, sewerage coverage was 32%. 92
Brazil Sanepar Veolia In 1998 SANEPAR achieved 32.67% coverage in sewerage, and in 2005 coverage
(minority stake, reached 42.02% ( 50.95% in urban areas). However in November 2007, urban
1998-2007) coverage was said to be only 48.7%. Sanepar president Stênio Jacob wanted to
achieve 60% coverage in urban areas by 2010, and said that the only way to meet
this target was through state control of the company: “It is important that the state
control the company because aggressively trying to make profits would not leave
room for making water and sewage access universal, serving small communities or
keeping the social and environmental commitment of the company.” 93
Chile ESSBIO Thames Water Under public ownership, Chilean water supply and sanitation company
ESSBIO increased sewerage coverage from 69.2% in 1990 to 86.1% in
2000. Thames Water took control of ESSBIO in September 2000, after which
ESSBIO increased sewerage coverage by 2.1% in five years, from 86.1% in
2000 to 89% in 2005: ESSBIO failed to meet targets, including targets on
expanding the sewerage network. 94
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
Chile ESVAL Anglian Water Under public ownership, Chilean water supply and sanitation company
ESVAL increased sewerage coverage from 81.0% in 1990 to 87.4% in 1998.
Overall, under private operations, coverage for sewerage increased from
87.4% in 1998 to 91.2% in 2005.
Chile EMOS/Aguas Andinas Suez/Agbar Under public ownership, in 1980 EMOS provided sewerage to 90% of the
urban population with the exclusion of informal settlements. Coverage
reached 97% in the early 1990s, including poor peri-urban areas. In June
1999, a Suez/Agbar consortium took control of EMOS (then renamed Aguas
Andinas): according to Ducci (2007: 142), Aguas Andinas has achieved
98.3% coverage in sewerage.
Colombia ACUACAR Agbar The World Bank (2006) estimates that by 2005 ACUACAR had extended
access to sewerage to 95% of the population, 56% in 1994 (ARD, 2005:
63). However, ACUACAR’s claimed achievements in terms of extending
sanitation coverage from 1995 to 1999, at a growth rate of 5 to 8%, are not
remarkable given the scale of external investment ($157.7m). In June 2006,
40,000 buildings in the La Boquilla neighbourhood were not connected yet to
the sewerage network. A number of families referred to the high connection
costs as the impediment to accessing the service. 95
Colombia Monteria Proactiva/Veolia In May 2003, Proactiva was criticised for low investment levels and failing
to reach contractual targets in the first three years of operations (Lobina and
Hall, 2007: 40) 96 Proactiva was reported as halting planned investments
due to financial difficulties, “meaning the city may lose 600 million pesos
($202,000) in promised sewerage upgrades.” 97
Ecuador Interagua IWL In July 2007, the regulator fined Interagua for failing to comply with
contractual targets for the first five-year period of operations. Interagua was
supposed to have reached a total of 55,000 water and sewerage connections
during its first five years of operations, but only installed 27,733. In terms of
sewerage networks, the utility reached 62% of the goals set out. 98
Peru Aguas de Tumbes Latinaguas Despite generous support from public funds, Peruvian regulator Sunass
reportedly found that in the first year of operations Aguas de Tumbes had
failed to extend water supply and sanitation networks and only achieved 5%
of the contractually established operational targets. 99
5_The need for public finance
5.5_Development in the south: Brazil to meet its MDG targets in full and the
public sector and public finance urban sewerage connections target (see below).
In 1996 the city of Salvador, in Brazil, with The authors of the study concluded:
a population of 2.5 million, started on a “Our findings contradict those who claim that,
major sanitation programme. Only 26% of ‘there appears to be little prospect of further
the city’s households were connected to a reducing diarrhoea morbidity rates by investing
safe sewerage system, mainly the upper and further in sanitation’… Sanitation contributes
middle classes in the oldest part of the city. to many of the Millennium Development Goals,
The primary objective of the new programme but our results show that urban sanitation, as a
was to extend the sewerage system to 80% highly effective health measure, can no longer
of households. This involved laying over 2,000 be ignored… Because sewerage is mainly
kilometres of new sewers, building 86 pumping external to houses and the fact that it prevents
stations, and making new connections to disease transmission in the public domain,
300,000 households. This was completed public responsibility is to ensure that sewerage
in eight years, involving 140 construction is installed. At a typical cost per person of
companies. The total cost of the project was $160, investment in sewerage is too large to be
$440m, of which $264m came from a loan left to cash-strapped municipalities, and needs
by the Inter American Development Bank the involvement of international organisations,
(IADB). The development of the sewerage and central government and its agencies.” 104
system cost about $220 million, half the total
project costs. The IADB loan included $20m
for maintenance equipment and training. 102
5_The need for public finance
and that there is a particular need to do areas, ie the training of engineers in designing,
so in infrastructure spending. This is partly operation and maintenance of sewage treatment
because it has fallen to low levels, and partly plants; strengthening of the administrative
because of the refusal of the World Bank capacity of local government in order to keep
to lend further money to public authorities book-keeping of the basic data and records
already in arrears – which includes most of the on sewer networks and house connections;
country’s water and sewerage authorities. 112 strengthening of the administrative capacity
of the central government in creating
The report’s main suggestion is that Indonesia regulatory frameworks for house connections,
should charge higher prices to users of water and industrial water, aquatic water quality
sanitation. But the lack of a public investment control; and in creating financial support
programme is not being compensated for by systems for sewerage development, and the
private sector investment: the World Bank environment and sanitation education.” 114
itself shows clearly that the private sector is
not investing in infrastructure in Indonesia. Public-public partnerships (Pups) have been
used to enhance local capacity building in the
5.5.6_Japan: donor funding and training design and operation of sanitation systems.
to support sewerage development A twinning arrangement between Tokyo
Metropolitan Sewerage Bureau and Beijing
The experience with sanitation in Asia also Municipal Design and Research Institute was
illustrates the potential for a supportive role instrumental to the design of the Gabi Dian
by donors. wastewater treatment plant, but was then
extended to include a sewerage component.
The Japan Bank for International Cooperation
(JBIC) has acquired considerable experience “The first-phase of construction work had
in assisting developing countries to develop started in 1990, and Beijing City itself
sewerage systems.113 On the basis of this executed the entire work under its direct
experience, JBIC highlights the importance management. In March 1993, when the work
of raising public finance through central was almost 80% completed, Beijing City
governments, and for donors to provide capacity- requested Tokyo Metropolitan Sewerage
building and training, including the use of Bureau to provide them with training for
public-public partnerships. JBIC recommends: sewerage operation and management.”
The training was funded by JBIC.115
“Since sewerage systems are very expensive
and are sometimes not affordable for the Furthermore, Osaka and other municipalities
majority of residents, financial support of have run training courses in sanitation for
the central government is indispensable. public authorities in other Asian countries.
Economic externality of sewerage, the The sewerage operator in Osaka, Japan, is
necessity of preserving the water quality of the municipal department for public works.
public water bodies, would justify the financial The municipal department boasts 100%
support by the central government.” sewerage coverage (ADB, 2004a: 3, 19), and
“investments in sewerage and sanitation
With regards to capacity development, during 1997–2001 amounted to ¥336.4 billion
JBIC recommends the following: ($2.71 million)”. Osaka Public Works Bureau
has offered training programmes in a number
“In order for sewerage systems to work of sewerage-related areas to staff from
effectively, capacity development in various developing countries. Such programmes were
5_The need for public finance
funded by Japan’s governmental agency JICA taxes enough to make a difference. In China,
(Japan International Cooperation Agency). The economic growth is producing a growth in
duration of the typical training programme is 90 personal incomes, which means that income
days and sessions cover the following topics: tax can start to grow; China may be able to
finance; renovation of combined sewers; collect 4.5% of GNI in income tax by 2010,
sludge treatment; waste water treatment plant with total taxes worth over 18% of GNI. This
design; history of Osaka sewerage works; asset would reflect a similar process in northern
management; electrical equipment and sewers countries in the first half of the 20th century,
maintenance; water quality management; the same period when much of the investment
storm water drainage. From 2003 to 2007, the in sewerage systems was made. In those
department trained a total of 51 staff from 29 countries: “moving from an elite income tax
countries, mostly Asian, including India and raising less than 1% of GNI to a mass income
China, but also from the Middle East, Africa tax raising around 4-5% of GNI is exactly
and Latin America. It should be noted that the kind of process through which western
other Japanese municipal sewerage operators, countries went during the 1914-50 period.” 121
including Sapporo city, East Hiroshima city and
Kitakyusyu, run similar training programmes.116 Similar growth in taxable personal incomes
is expected in India. 122 The present Indian
government is already increasing tax revenue:
5.6_Taxation needed between 2006 and 2008 tax revenues have
increased by around 50%, with special
As emphasised by JBIC and the experiences attention to increased taxation of multinational
detailed above, raising taxes is central to finance company profits and capital gains.123
public spending on sewerage connections, or Indonesia is also experiencing an increase
other investment in infrastructure and public in tax revenues: the World Bank forecasts
services: “Small government and low taxes are that non-oil tax revenues will rise from 13%
not the answer for reaching the MDGs.”117 of GNI in 2005 to 14.5% in 2010. 124
The WHO presented water and sanitation The table below shows the costs both
costs separately. However, household including and excluding existing systems.
sewerage connections require household water A target to provide household connections
connections to flush the sewage, and so it is increases costs of new elements
not meaningful to cost sewerage connections significantly; and the urban sewerage
in isolation from water connections. target increases these costs still more.
development on the other. Policies that augment supply cannot and will not be financed: “In
the demand for labour are therefore likely to many nations, at least in the next five to 10
produce desirable social-impact outcomes for years, it will not be possible for the provision
developing economies.” 131 The health benefits deficiencies in most urban areas to be addressed
are substantial, whether or not they are reduced by the conventional model of a (public or
to economic terms. The UN World Water private) water utility extending piped water
Development Report (WWDR), 2006, noted that supplies and sewers to individual households.”
the greatest benefits for health are derived from
sewerage connections: “The scenario scoring It offers the following three reasons for this:
highest in actually reducing the burden of water- — the cost of achieving these gains is “above
related disease to nearly zero is that where income levels in developing countries”
universal access to piped water and sewerage — “population growth and burgeoning water
connections is provided.”132 Commenting on demand have convinced most policymakers
the results of the Salvador sewerage study, an that the cost of water system development
article in the Lancet urged that: “The obvious will increasingly have to be met by users”
benefits to poor people of increased provision of — “there is not enough capital to finance the
sewerage facilities should serve as the mandate high costs of expanding and extending
for greater investment by all levels of government provision of household water and sewer
and civil society in tackling one of the greatest connections and of building the institutional
scourges to communities in developing countries capacity to undertake this – and manage
– infectious diarrhoea due to poor sanitation.” 133 the systems once they are constructed
whether publicly or privately.”134
National GNI 2006 Urban sewer Annual cost %GNI Annual cost % GNI
income group ($ billion) target of urban of MDG HC +
(millions) sewer target urban sewer
($ million) target
($ million)
China ML 2641.6 251 6275 0.24 7878 0.30
India L 906.5 184 4591 0.51 5764 0.64
Indonesia ML 315.8 73 1825 0.58 2291 0.73
Brazil ML 892.8 60 1498 0.17 1881 0.21
Nigeria L 92.4 43 1086 1.18 1364 1.48
Philippines ML 120.2 34 852 0.71 1069 0.89
Pakistan L 122.3 32 797 0.65 1000 0.82
Bangladesh L 69.9 27 681 0.97 855 1.22
Iran ML 207.6 25 630 0.30 790 0.38
Democratic Republic of Congo L 7.7 15 386 5.01 485 6.29
Vietnam L 58.1 14 358 0.62 450 0.77
Argentina MU 201.4 13 321 0.16 403 0.20
Thailand ML 193.7 12 302 0.16 379 0.20
Sudan L 29.9 11 281 0.94 352 1.18
Egypt ML 101.7 11 270 0.27 340 0.33
Venezuela MU 164.0 10 247 0.15 310 0.19
Ethiopia L 12.9 10 243 1.89 306 2.37
Malaysia MU 141.4 10 238 0.17 299 0.21
Myanmar L 9 230 288
Korea Rep H 856.6 9 214 0.03 269 0.03
Total of above 21,325 26,773
Total for all developing countries 27,800 34,900
Source: PSIRU calculations from World Bank, JMP, UN ESA and WHO data (see Annex)
Income groups: L=low income; ML=lower middle; MU=upper middle; H=high.
6_Costs, benefits and affordability
Table 15:
Global affordability: the need for aid
Income Annual cost of MDG Aid needed to cover Aid needed to cover Aid needed to cover
group HC + urban sewers spending >1% of spending >0.75% of spending >0.5% of
%GNI GNI ($million) GNI ($million) GNI ($million)
China ML 0.30
India L 0.64 1232
Indonesia ML 0.73 712
Brazil ML 0.21
Nigeria L 1.48 440 671 902
Philippines ML 0.89 168 468
Pakistan L 0.82 83 389
Bangladesh L 1.22 156 331 505
Iran ML 0.38
Democratic Republic of Congo L 6.29 408 427 446
Vietnam L 0.77 14 159
Argentina MU 0.20
Thailand ML 0.20
Sudan L 1.18 53 128 203
Egypt ML 0.33
Venezuela MU 0.19
Ethiopia L 2.37 177 209 241
Malaysia MU 0.21
Myanmar L n/a
Korea Rep H 0.03
TOTAL for all developing countries 2236 3603 7919
Source: PSIRU calculations from World Bank, JMP, UN ESA and WHO data (see Annex)
Income groups: L=low income; ML=lower middle; MU=upper middle; H=high.
6_Costs, benefits and affordability
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
This is a very different conclusion from that 6.3.4_Case study – Stone Cross, England
reached by the WHO study on costs, which
concluded that “there is an enormous overall A group of 32 houses in Stone Cross, a
financing gap at the global level”.142 The key village in the countryside of Sussex, in
difference is that this paper takes account southern England, are being connected
of the capacity of countries to finance for the first time to a sewerage system.
expenditure through public finance; treats The work is needed because the
aid as a supportive supplement, not the existing septic tanks and cesspits
implicit source of all wealth; and recognises were polluting the environment, and so
that the development of water and sanitation posed a danger to public health.143
infrastructure, including sewers, has to be based
on public finance, not consumer spending. The water company, Southern Water, is
charging the villagers the standard connection
Table 17: fee of £276.81 per household.144 But these
Affordability in relation to global economy charges only cover 0.6% of the cost, which
and aid from high income countries is £1.5 million. The other £1,491,142.08 is
being spread between all the customers of
$ billion Annual Annual Annual Annual Southern Water, about four million people.
cost of cost of cost of cost of aid
total MDGs aid to to support This adds less than 40p per person to the
MDGs HC + urban support cost of annual water and sewerage bill (equivalent
+ urban sewerage cost of MDGs
sewerage target + MDGs + urban to about 80 cents in US currency).
target existing + urban sewerage
costs sewerage over 0.5%
over 1% of GNI The Stone Cross sewers show two things:
of GNI
Firstly, the need for cross-subsidy to achieve
34.9 88.7 3.6 7.9 the public benefits of sewerage. If the
principle of full cost recovery was applied,
Global GNI 48482 0.08% 0.20% 0.007% 0.016% the Stone Cross villagers would have to
2006 pay a connection charge of £46,875 per
High income 37529 0.01% 0.02% household. Instead, the capital expenditure
GNI 2006 is paid for collectively, by all users.
Global finance 167100 0.03% 0.11%
capital Secondly, if the same principle of cross-
subsidy was applied internationally through
Source: calculated from World Bank GNI stats, McKinsey 2007, table 11 aid, the cost of the target for the MDGs
with urban sewer connections in all the
cities in developing countries would be
remarkably low. The total annual aid
required to support all spending over 0.5%
of GNI is $7.9 billion – but spread across
Europe, the USA and the other high income
countries, with a population of 1.223 billion,
this would cost $6.46 per person per year.
6_Costs, benefits and affordability
6.4_What can be afforded: comparative Northern Rock has now been consolidated
spending and revenue decisions in a nationalisation which is estimated
to cost £100 billion ($200 billion).
6.4.1_Demand stimuli
This amount would be sufficient to
The global banking crisis that emerged in 2007 finance more than half the entire costs
has reduced global economic growth. The of the MDGs and the urban sewerage
USA government has announced a reflationary target in every city on earth.
package worth $150 billion in a single year.
The purpose of this is to provide an economic The purchase of Northern Rock is an
stimulus to help avoid a world recession. investment made for economic and social
The managing director of the International reasons, and is expected to produce some
Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has returns, although with significant risk of losses.
called for global reflationary measures: “This A similar amount invested through loans for
has become a global problem that requires a sewerage and water in developing countries
global solution …. Emerging markets need to would also provide economic and social
join industrial countries in the macroeconomic returns, though also with some degree of risk.
and regulatory policy response.”145 Private
sector borrowing through bond issues in 6.4.3_Company profits
developing countries fell sharply at the end
of 2007, and “emerging market economies The profits recorded by Exxon, Shell and BP
that are heavily dependent on capital in 2007 amount to $40.6 billion, $27.6 billion
inflows could be particularly affected”. 146 and $17.2 billion respectively, a total in a
single year of $85.4 billion.147 Much of this
A programme of sewer construction would profit was made from activities in oil-rich,
provide a very good economic stimulus. but sewer-poor, countries such as Nigeria.
The annual total of $34.9 billion needed for
the MDGs, plus the urban sewerage target, A 10% windfall tax on these profits would
could be financed through increased public be sufficient to finance all the aid needed
borrowing by national or international bond in one year to support the achievement
issues, for example. The boost to demand in full of the MDGs, plus urban sewerage
would be about 0.3% of developing country targets, throughout the world.
GNI, more modest than the USA package,
which represents about 1% of USA GNI. 6.4.4_Arms spending
It would have an additional major economic Total global military expenditure in 2006
benefit by creating hundreds of thousands was about $1,200 billion. The biggest
of jobs in southern countries. This would three spenders accounted for more than
provide a boost to employment incomes and half of this: USA ($529 billion), UK ($59
so reduce poverty, and create more taxable billion) and France ($53 billion).148
earnings and spending power which could
help finance further public investment. Half of the amount spent by these three
countries on arms in one year would
6.4.2_Northern Rock pay for almost the entire ten year cost
of achieving the MDGs in full, plus the
The support from the UK Government for urban sewerage connections target.
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
8_Further reading
ADB 2007 Asian Water Development Gandy, Matthew 2006 ‘Planning, anti-planning
Outlook www.adb.org/Documents/ and the infrastructure crisis facing Metropolitan
Books/AWDO/2007/AWDO.pdf Lagos’, Urban Studies, 43:2, 371–396 http://
Annez P.C. 2006. Urban Infrastructure
Finance From Private Operators: Hall D. and Lobina E. 2006 Pipe Dreams
What Have We Learned From Recent www.wdm.org.uk/resources/briefings/
Experience? World Bank Policy Research water/pipedreamsbriefing01022006.pdf
Working Paper 4045, November 2006
Hall D. and Lobina E. 2007 Water as a
Barreto et al 2007. Barreto M., Genser B., Public Service. PSIRU www.psiru.org
Strina A., Teixeira M., Assis A., Rego R.,
Teles C., Prado M., Matos S., Santos D., Indonesia 2006 It’s Not A Private Matter
dos Santos L., Cairncross S. Effect of city- Anymore! Urban Sanitation: Portraits,
wide sanitation programme on reduction Expectations, And Opportunities. Government
in rate of childhood diarrhoea in northeast of Indonesia September 2006 http://esa.
Brazil: assessment by two cohort studies. un.org/iys/docs/san_lib_docs/Not%20
Lancet 2007; 370: 1622–28 November 10, a%20Private%20Matter%20Anymore.pdf
2007 www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/
article/PIIS0140673607616389/fulltext JMP 2006 Meeting the MDG drinking water
and sanitation target: the urban and rural
Bartlett, Sheridan. 2005. “Water, Sanitation challenge of the decade. WHO and Unicef
and Urban Children: The Need to Go Beyond 2006 www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/
“Improved” Provision.” Children, Youth and monitoring/jmp2006/en/index.html
Environments 15(1): 115-137. www.colorado.
edu/journals/cye/15_1/a6_Sanitation.pdf Lobina E. and Hall D. Water privatisation and
restructuring in Latin America, 2007 www.
Black RE, Morris SS, Bryce J. 2003 Where psiru.org/reports/2007-09-W-Latam.doc
and why are 10 million children dying
each year? Lancet 2003;361:2226-34. Mara D.D. 2003 Water, sanitation and
hygiene for the health of developing nations.
Checkley W., Robert H Gilman, Robert E Public Health (2003) 117, 452–456
Black, Leonardo D Epstein, Lilia Cabrera,
Charles R Sterling and Lawrence H Orangi Pilot Project Research And Training
Moulton Effect of water and sanitation on Institute (OPP-RTI) www.oppinstitutions.
childhood health in a poor Peruvian peri- org/creplicationofspnd.htm
urban community The Lancet, Volume 363,
Issue 9403, 10 January 2004, 112-118 Shi, Anqing, “How Access to Urban Potable
Water and Sewerage Connections Affects
Comparative Analysis, Obstacles and Child Mortality” (January 2000). World Bank
Recommendations. World Water Council Policy Research Working Paper No. 2274.
March 2006 www.financingwaterforall. http://wbln0018.worldbank.org/Research/
org/fileadmin/Financing_water_for_all/ workpapers.nsf/2b412592eac839e28525
Reports/FullTextCover_MDG.pdf 67e50050df1c/deb83a3c607e359c85256
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
9_Annex: Calculation of tables on needs and affordability
Table 1
Table 2
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
Table 5
Oceania 2 32 1 1 3 1 66
This has been calculated from the data in because the countries in the region are
Table 2, plus the urban population forecasts grouped very differently in the UN and JMP
for 2015 in World Urbanisation prospects: 2007 data. The connection rate is already very high.
revision http://esa.un.org/unpp/. The forecasts
use slightly different regional definitions
from the JMP, and so they have been
adjusted to exclude Japan from Eastern Asia;
exclude Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan from Southern
and Central Asia; and creating a forecast
for Oceania by adding the urban population
forecasts for Melanesia, Micronesia, and
Polynesia. The numbers needing connection
have then been calculated by halving the
numbers unconnected in 2004; subtracting
the result from the population for 2015; and
from this total subtracting the population
already connected in 2004. The resulting
connection rate in 2015 is then calculated.
The CIS has been omitted from the table
Table 6
2004 urban Household Numbers Numbers with 2015 urban Extra connections Target
Population sewer with sewer no sewer population needed by household
(millions) connection % connection connection forecast 2015 to halve sewer
coverage in 2004 (millions) 2004 (millions) (millions) unconnected connection %
2004 (millions) in 2015
China 683 523 50 262 262 251 75
India 416 304 25 76 228 184 63
Indonesia 147 103 2 2 101 73 51
Brazil 185 154 53 82 73 60 77
Nigeria 94 62 23 14 48 43 62
Philippines 70 51 7 4 47 34 54
Pakistan 76 53 40 21 32 32 70
Bangladesh 55 35 7 2 32 27 54
Iran 57 46 19 9 37 25 60
DR Congo 31 18 4 1 17 15 52
Vietnam 30 22 14 3 19 14 57
Argentina 40 35 48 17 18 13 74
Thailand 24 20 0 0 20 12 50
Sudan 23 14 1 0 14 11 51
Egypt 38 31 68 21 10 11 84
Venezuela 30 23 61 14 9 10 81
Ethiopia 20 12 2 0 12 10 51
Malaysia 23 16 41 7 9 10 71
Myanmar 19 15 10 2 14 9 55
Korea Rep 41 39 65 25 14 9 83
South Africa 32 27 70 19 8 9 85
Korea DPR 16 14 12 2 12 7 56
Ghana 15 10 13 1 9 7 57
Tanzania 14 14 3 0 13 7 52
Angola 13 6 19 1 5 7 60
Côte d’Ivoire 12 8 18 1 7 6 59
Mozambique 10 7 4 0 7 5 52
Peru 22 20 67 14 7 5 84
Kenya 11 14 9 1 12 5 55
Yemen 10 5 44 2 3 5 72
Afghanistan 10 7 6 0 6 5 53
Morocco 20 18 70 13 5 5 85
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
Tables 15 and 16
Group GNI Urban Annual % GNI Grossed % GNI Possible Possible Possible MDG HC %GNI
2006 ($ sewer cost ($ up to aid need aid need aid need + urban
billion) target million) MDG HC >1% of >0.75% >0.5% of sewers
(millions) + urban GNI ($ of GNI ($ GNI $m $m +
sewers ($ million) million) existing
million) costs
China ml 2641.6 251 6275 0.24 7878 0.30 20022 0.76
India l 906.5 184 4591 0.51 5764 0.64 1232 14650 1.62
Indonesia ml 315.8 73 1825 0.58 2291 0.73 712 5823 1.84
Brazil ml 892.8 60 1498 0.17 1881 0.21 4779 0.54
Nigeria l 92.4 43 1086 1.18 1364 1.48 440 671 902 3466 3.75
Philippines ml 120.2 34 852 0.71 1069 0.89 168 468 2718 2.26
Pakistan l 122.3 32 797 0.65 1000 0.82 83 389 2542 2.08
Bangladesh l 69.9 27 681 0.97 855 1.22 156 331 505 2173 3.11
Iran ml 207.6 25 630 0.30 790 0.38 2009 0.97
DR Congo l 7.7 15 386 5.01 485 6.29 408 427 446 1232 16.00
Vietnam l 58.1 14 358 0.62 450 0.77 14 159 1143 1.97
Argentina mu 201.4 13 321 0.16 403 0.20 1025 0.51
Thailand ml 193.7 12 302 0.16 379 0.20 963 0.50
Sudan l 29.9 11 281 0.94 352 1.18 53 128 203 896 3.00
Egypt ml 101.7 11 270 0.27 340 0.33 863 0.85
Venezuela mu 164.0 10 247 0.15 310 0.19 787 0.48
Ethiopia l 12.9 10 243 1.89 306 2.37 177 209 241 777 6.02
Malaysia mu 141.4 10 238 0.17 299 0.21 759 0.54
Myanmar l 9 230 288 0 0 0 733
Korea Rep h 856.6 9 214 0.03 269 0.03 684 0.08
South Africa mu 255.3 9 214 0.08 269 0.11 683 0.27
Korea DPR l 7 183 230 0 0 0 583
Ghana l 11.8 7 180 1.52 226 1.91 108 137 167 574 4.86
Tanzania l 13.4 7 172 1.28 216 1.61 82 116 149 549 4.10
Angola ml 32.4 7 171 0.53 215 0.66 53 546 1.68
Côte d’Ivoire l 16.0 6 140 0.87 176 1.10 16 56 96 446 2.79
Mozambique l 6.9 5 129 1.87 162 2.34 93 110 127 411 5.96
Peru ml 82.7 5 124 0.15 155 0.19 395 0.48
Kenya l 20.5 5 121 0.59 152 0.74 49 385 1.88
Yemen l 16.4 5 120 0.73 150 0.91 27 68 381 2.33
Afghanistan l 8.1 5 117 1.45 147 1.82 66 87 107 374 4.62
Morocco ml 58.0 5 114 0.20 143 0.25 363 0.63
Madagascar l 5.3 4 96 1.80 120 2.26 67 80 93 305 5.75
Nepal l 8.0 3 83 1.03 104 1.30 24 44 64 263 3.29
Ecuador ml 38.1 3 81 0.21 102 0.27 260 0.68
Haiti l 4.1 3 75 1.84 94 2.30 53 64 74 240 5.86
Bolivia ml 10.3 3 74 0.71 92 0.90 15 41 235 2.28
Senegal l 8.9 3 72 0.81 90 1.02 1 24 46 230 2.58
Uganda l 8.9 3 71 0.80 89 1.00 0 22 44 226 2.54
Mali l 6.1 3 70 1.15 88 1.44 27 42 57 223 3.66
Benin l 4.7 3 63 1.34 79 1.68 32 44 56 201 4.27
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
Group GNI Urban Annual % GNI Grossed % GNI Possible Possible Possible MDG HC %GNI
2006 ($ sewer cost ($ up to aid need aid need aid need + urban
billion) target million) MDG HC >1% of >0.75% >0.5% of sewers
(millions) + urban GNI ($ of GNI ($ GNI $m $m +
sewers ($ million) million) existing
million) costs
Guinea l 3.7 2 55 1.48 69 1.85 32 41 50 174 4.71
Cuba l 2 54 68 0 0 0 172
Burkina Faso l 6.3 2 53 0.84 66 1.05 3 19 35 168 2.67
Zambia l 7.5 2 53 0.70 66 0.88 10 29 168 2.24
Cambodia l 6.9 2 52 0.75 65 0.94 13 30 165 2.39
Paraguay ml 8.4 2 51 0.61 65 0.77 2 23 164 1.95
Chad l 4.7 2 51 1.09 64 1.36 17 29 41 163 3.46
Malawi l 2.2 2 48 2.17 60 2.73 38 43 49 152 6.93
Togo l 2.2 2 47 2.13 59 2.68 37 42 48 150 6.81
Niger l 3.7 2 41 1.11 52 1.39 15 24 33 131 3.55
Nicaragua l 5.2 2 39 0.76 49 0.95 10 23 126 2.41
Sri Lanka ml 25.7 1 36 0.14 46 0.18 116 0.45
Congo l 3.8 1 35 0.93 44 1.17 6 16 25 113 2.96
Rwanda l 2.3 1 31 1.36 39 1.70 16 22 28 99 4.32
TOTAL group 7835 978 24440 0.31 30681 0.39 1966 3168 6961 77978 1.00
Group as % 85 88 88
of developing
TOTAL 1150 27800 34900 2236 3603 7919 88700
The cost estimates for the MDGs in water new spending for full household sanitation
and sanitation and 80% urban sewerage connection across the 1.052 billion which the
connections are based on the needs WHO paper says are covered by these totals.
assessments in Table 6, the WHO cost The costs for achieving the MDGs as well is
estimates published in Hutton G. and derived by multiplying these estimates for
Bartram J. 2008 Global costs of attaining the costs of urban connections by the ratio
the Millennium Development Goal for water between the total costs of urban sanitation
supply and sanitation. Bulletin of the World connections alone and the full costs of MDGs
Health Organization January 2008, 86 (1) http:// with household connections, for water and
www.who.int/entity/bulletin/volumes/86/1/07- sanitation, in the WHO study. The main
046045-ab/en/index.html, and World Bank columns shown in the body of the report
data on gross national income (GNI) taken do not include the continuing costs of pre-
from World Development Indicators database existing operations; the full table here does
http://go.worldbank.org/3JU2HA60D0. The so, for completeness. The basis of the aid
costs for achieving the connection targets for calculations is as explained in the text.
urban sewerage is calculated by multiplying
(a) the Table 6 estimates of numbers needing
connection, by (b) an approximate average
cost of $250 per person connected, derived
from the WHO study by averaging the total
Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
17 David Durrheim A clarion call for 24 Black RE, Morris SS, Bryce J. Where
greater investment in global sanitation and why are 10 million children dying
The Lancet Vol 370 November each year? Lancet 2003;361:2226-34.
10, 2007 www.thelancet.com
25 Jones G, Steketee RW, Black RE,
18 DA Sack, RB Sack, GB Nair and Bhutta ZA, Morris S and the Bellagio
AK Siddique, Cholera, Lancet Child Survival Study Group. How
363 (2004), pp. 223–233. many child deaths can we prevent this
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Health Organ 2003; 81: 197–204., Bhutta ZA, Morris S and the Bellagio
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Diarrhoea case management in low- article/PIIS0140673603138111/abstract
and middle-income countries — an
unfinished agenda Bulletin of the 27 Shi, Anqing, “How Access to Urban
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bulletin/volumes/85/1/06-030866.pdf (January 2000). World Bank Policy
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and middle-income countries — an 686600521ddd/$FILE/wps2274.prn.pdf
unfinished agenda Bulletin of the
World Health Organization January 28 Shi, Anqing, “How Access to Urban
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22 Jamie Bartram Flowing away: water Paper No. 2274. Table 4 http://wbln0018.
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saves lives
68 Pipe Dreams. WDM. 2006. http://www. 74 The Hindu March 23, 2004 Alandur
wdm.org.uk/resources/reports/water/ Experiment Casts Shadow On
pipedreamsreport01032006.pdf Public-Private Partnership Projects
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Public investment in sewers
saves lives
100 Government launches PAC economic 107 Patricia Clarke Annez. Urban Infrastructure
growth programme 25 January 2007 Finance From Private Operators:
www.brazil.org.uk/newsandmedia/ What Have We Learned From Recent
pressreleases_files/archive-10.html Experience? World Bank Policy Research
Working Paper 4045, November 2006.
101 Business News Americas April 27,
2007 Cities ministry pre-selects 669 108 Browder, G., Xie, S., Kim, Y., Gu,
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Improving the performance of China’s
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1986-2015” (May 2006). CEPR 128 Hutton, G., Haller, L., and Bartram, J.
Discussion Paper No. 5703 Available at (2006). Economic and health effects of
SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=922116 increasing coverage of low cost water
and sanitation interventions. (Human
123 Financial Times 28 February 2008 Development Report Office occasional
New Delhi poised to throw tax net on paper). http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/
offshore deals. global/hdr2006/papers/who.pdf; and
Guy Hutton and Laurence Haller 2004.
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131 Augustin Kwasi Fosu. Poverty and
126 Hutton G. and Bartram J. 2008 Global development. Bulletin of the World
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132 WWDR 2006. Water – a shared
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and sanitation interventions. (Human water/wwap/wwdr2/index.shtml
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Sewerage Works
Public investment in sewers
saves lives
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