Configuring A Simple PI System
Configuring A Simple PI System
Configuring A Simple PI System
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OSIsoft, the OSIsoft logo and logotype, Managed PI, OSIsoft Advanced Services,
OSIsoft Cloud Services, OSIsoft Connected Services, OSIsoft EDS, PI ACE, PI
Advanced Computing Engine, PI AF SDK, PI API, PI Asset Framework, PI Audit Viewer,
PI Builder, PI Cloud Connect, PI Connectors, PI Data Archive, PI DataLink, PI DataLink
Server, PI Developers Club, PI Integrator for Business Analytics, PI Interfaces, PI JDBC
Driver, PI Manual Logger, PI Notifications, PI ODBC Driver, PI OLEDB Enterprise, PI
OLEDB Provider, PI OPC DA Server, PI OPC HDA Server, PI ProcessBook, PI SDK, PI
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• Review the pre-installation check list
• Describe the steps to obtain a License File
• Know the installation steps of PI Server
• Become familiar with the directory structure of PI Data Archive (PI folder)
• Start and stop the PI Data Archive server
Pre-installation Checks
It is critical that you perform the pre-installation checks. If you neglect this step in some
cases you will get an error, and in others, the installation will stop.
Starting with PI Data Archive 2016, only 64-bit version is available and requires a 64-bit
Operating System. For production systems, PI Data Archive version 2018 SP3 or higher can
be deployed on the following Microsoft Windows Server operating systems, in decreasing
order of recommendation:
• Windows Server 2019 – all editions; in both Full and Core installations
When the license file is generated, view the PI Server Manifest to verify the server details.
In order to generate license file, a Machine Signature File (MSF) is required. The PI Server
install kit is capable to generate the MSF by itself, you must copy the install kit to a local
disk on the PI Data Archive Server computer and then run the kit.
The kit will generate the MSF file to Documents folder of user running it.
You are ready to begin the PI System installation.
You should have validated the prerequisites and Microsoft SQL Server, have the install kit
and license file, and performed all the computer checks (clock, etc.) You did, didn’t you?
1. In the installation folder, you will find the PI Server installation kit.
2. Right-click and “Run as Administrator”. After the Welcome screen, where you can
deselect the participation in PI System Customer Experience Improvement
Program there is a feature selection screen where we check the components we
would like to install. Select all except PI Notifications Service.
Important Note: Since unified installation kit PI Server 2018, the fresh installation of PI Data
Archive by default no longer installs these subsystems:
- PI AF Link Subsystem
- PI Alarm Subsystem
- PI Performance Equation Scheduler
- PI Batch Subsystem
If you wish to install those components, you switch to Individual Features section and tick
the box. For upgrade from previous versions of PI Data Archive those components remain.
4. Select the SQL server provided. In our case PISRV01\SQLEXPRESS. Keep the checks
that AF SQL Database scripts will be installed and executed. Ensure the MS SQL
Server service is started before installation.
In Archive settings you can modify the size for historical archives to lesser size than
precalculated size (viz. chapter Archive Sizing)
6. At the RTQP Engine page, keep the default port 5465. For SSL certificate select
the only available certificate PI RTQP Engine
Common PI Interfaces
As we saw in the previous exercise, some of our PI Interfaces are designed for a specific
data source, while others are built using standard communication protocols. Below is a
list of our most popular PI Interfaces.
1. PI Interface for OPC DA
Collects real-time data from OPC Servers using the OPC DA standard, arguably
the most common communication protocol in the industrial automation industry.
2. PI Interface for Universal File and Stream Loading (UFL)
Collects real-time, historic or future data from ASCII files (e.g. txt, csv xml files, etc.),
serial ports and POP3 email servers. The PI Interface can be configured to collect
data no matter the format of the data in the source file, making it one of our most
versatile interfaces.
3. PI Interface for RDBMS
Collects real-time, historic or future data from any Relational Database
Management System that supports ODBC drivers (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server,
Oracle Database, IBM Informix, etc.)
4. PI Interface for Modbus Ethernet PLC
Collects real-time data from PLCs that use the Modbus communication protocol
5. PI to PI Interface
This PI Interface is used to send real-time, historic or future data from one Data
Archive to another. A typical application of this PI Interface is to collect data from
plant-level Data Archives to a centralized corporate Data Archive.
• PI Interface executable: This is the executable file that will run and perform the
operations to collect data from the data source.
• PI Interface instance batch file: Although the executable performs all of the
operations, it needs instructions, such as (1) which data source to collect from, (2)
which Data Archive to send to, etc. A batch file will contain all of these instructions.
Since you could have multiple data sources, you can create multiple batch files,
and hence multiple instances of the PI interface running on a single node.
• Windows Service running PI Interface instance: In order for an instance of the PI
Interface to run automatically when the computer starts, and run in the
background, a Windows Service is created.
We chose an OPC DA Server as the data source for this class because it is the most
common data source among our customers, making the PI Interface for OPC DA our
most widely used interface.
OPC DA is a standard communication protocol developed for the industrial automation
industry. As previously discussed, automation systems communicate using a wide-variety
of different, often proprietary protocols. This makes communication between different
systems very difficult. To solve this problem, multiple vendors got together and developed
a series of platform-independent standards called OPC (Open Platform
Communication). OPC DA is the standard for real-time data collection.
There are two required software components when communicating using an OPC
standard: the OPC Server and the OPC Client. The OPC Server is a software application
that exposes data from a data source in the OPC standard. The OPC Client is a software
application that consumes data from an OPC Server, and translates it to a different
format. The PI Interface for OPC DA is an OPC Client. The OPC Server is a non-OSIsoft
application developed by another company.
Note: We will discuss the OPC UA standard in the chapter “PI Connector
Activity Objectives
Complete steps 3 and 4 from the PI Interface installation methodology we outlined in this
Part 1 – Install the PI ICU and the PI Interface for OPC DA
Step 1 : On PIINT01, navigate to the folder C:\Course Folder\Install Kits
Step 2 : Right-click on the installation kit “PIICU_x.x.xx.xx_.exe” and select “Run as
Step 3 : Complete the steps in the installation wizard.
Step 4 : Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the following installation kits:
a. OPCInt_ReadOnly_x.x.x.xx_.exe
b. PIAPI-xxxx-for-Windows-Integrated-Security_x.x.x.xx_.exe
Note: The first install kit installs the Read-only version of the PI Interface for OPC DA. This
version does not have the ability to write data back to the OPC Server. The read-only
version is strongly recommended as an inherently safer technology that also simplifies
compliance with security policy.
The second install kit installs the PI API for Windows Integrated Security. Although the PI
OPC Interface comes with the PI API, this version is more secure. We will continue our
discussion of PI API security in the section “PI System Security Management”.
Part 2 – Validate that the PI Interface node can communicate with the Data Archive
server over the network
Step 1 : We will first test to see whether network packets can travel from the PI
Interface node to the Data Archive Server. On PIINT01, run the command
prompt and use the ping command to test the connectivity to PISRV01.
Step 2 : Next, we will test to see whether network packets can travel from the Data
Archive Server to the PI Interface node. On PISRV01, run the command
prompt and use the ping command to test the connectivity to PIINT01.
Note: We will continue our discussion of the PI API and PI SDK protocols in the section “PI
System Security Management”.
The PI System is responsible for reliably collecting and storing data. However, there is not
much the PI System can do if data is not available at the data source. This is one of the
most common issues with newly installed PI Interfaces, so it is important to validate data
availability before moving on to PI Interface configuration.
When the data source is an OPC DA Server, OSIsoft provides a tool for this step, called
the PI OPC Client Tool, which is installed with the PI Interface for OPC DA. In the section
“What is an OPC DA Server?” we explained the concepts “OPC Server” and “OPC
Client”. The PI OPC Client Tool is an OPC client published by OSIsoft, designed to allow
users to view data on the OPC Server, without collecting it.
Of course, the PI OPC Client Tool is not the only OPC Client that can be used to view
data. Most OPC Server vendors include an OPC Client with the installation of the OPC
Server. It is also recommended to test the availability of data on the OPC Server using this
vendor-specific OPC Client.
The PI Buffer subsystem is an OSIsoft application installed with every PI Interface. Once configured,
it buffers data on the PI Interface node. A good analogy for the PI Buffer Subsystem is a reservoir.
Under normal operation, when the valve to the Data Archive is open, data simply passes through
the reservoir. When the valve closes (i.e. The Data Archive is down, or the network is down), as the
PI Interface continues to collect data, this data will start accumulating in the reservoir.
When the valve opens again (the Data Archive, or network, are restored), the data will flush out
of the reservoir and be sent to the Data Archive.
Note: Exception and Compression are mechanisms by which data is filtered, so that only
meaningful data is kept in the Data Archive. The PI Interface is responsible for Exception. The PI
Note: PI SDK and AFSDK applications write data directly into the PI Buffer subsystem’s snapshot
table, and so the first step above is skipped.
Activity Objectives
Complete step 9 from the PI Interface installation methodology we outlined in this chapter:
OSIsoft recommends using designated Windows Service Accounts to run PI System services that
communicate over the network. Before starting, you made a request to your IT department to
create a Service Account:
• PISCHOOL\svc-PIBuffer (password: student)
Part 1 – Configure the PI Buffer Subsystem
Step 1 : From PIINT01, run the PI ICU. Navigate to Tools > Buffering.
Step 2 : Select “Yes” to continue with the PI buffer subsystem configuration wizard
Step 5 : This step ensures that the PI Buffer Subsystem will the granted the correct security on
the Data Archive.
i. The default service account for the PI Buffer Subsystem is LocalSystem. This
account has more privilege on the local computer than is needed. Before
proceeding, we will change this service account to our dedicated domain
account. Click on “Change” next to “LocalSystem”
iv. Once you return to the Data Archive Security window, click “Create”. You
should now have a green checkmark on this page. Click “Next”.
Step 7 : The last window will run a verification on the status of the PI Buffer Subsystem. If there
is no errors, you can exit the installation wizard.
Step 9 : Each interface must be configured individually to enable buffering from the PI ICU
general tab.
In order to buffer data from a PI Interface, the PI Buffer Subsystem must start before
all the PI Interfaces on the machine. Since both are run using Windows Services, it is
possible to configure a dependency on the PI Buffer Subsystem.
You can verify the configuration by navigating to the PI ICU > Service tab, and
verifying the “Dependencies” field. The PI ICU will automatically detect if a
dependency on PIBufss is missing. Notice PIBufss is added to the interface service
dependencies when we select “yes.”
• Define a PI Point
• Describe the different point types
• Describe the basic point attributes
• Build and edit points with Point Builder
• Describe a digital state set
• Create a digital state set
• Create digital state points
• Build and edit points with the PI Builder add-in to Excel.
• Connect the OPC data to PI points
What is a PI Point?
A PI point is a unique storage point for data in the PI Server.
For more information see "PI Point Classes and Attributes" in PI Data Archive
System Management Guide.
Note: Some industries and customers use the term “tag.” In the PI system, point, tag and data
stream are synonymous.
The Point Class is simply the name for a defined set of point attributes. The PI Data Archive is pre-
configured with the point classes you will need. The typical PI System has no need for additional
point classes.
All points are based on the Base point class. However, these points do not have the complete set
of attributes required to collect data via an interface. Although points created by PI Connectors
are of Base point class
The Classic point class contains all the Base point class plus all of the attributes required by the
interface to connect to the data source and collect data.
Point Type
The PI Data Archive, designed to collect and store time-series data, can store almost any data
There is no absolute when selecting point type but matching the PI point type with the data type
on the source is usually a good start. For example, if the data source indicates that the data
collected is a REAL32 then you would most likely use Float32 (a 32-bit floating-point value).
One tool that may be used to build and edit points is Point Builder in PI SMT.
The Point Builder plug-in for PI SMT is a graphical tool that allows the user to create
and edit PI points. This tool allows the system manager to set the attributes for each
point individually during PI point creation and allows you to edit them afterward.
Some attributes are system assigned and cannot be changed.
Another tool tool best suited to bulk build and edit points is PI Builder.
The PI Builder is an add-in to Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet format is convenient when
viewing and editing in bulk, with a row for each point or element and a column for each
Listed below are the common point attributes and how they are commonly used.
ALWAYS consult the interface manual!
Future Data If defined as ‘Allow’ it means that events with time stamps
in the future may be stored.
Point Source Must match the value set in the interface configuration. See
the /PS parameter in the interface start-up file.
Scan Include the PI point in the list of points to scan (always set to
Message Logs
The first step in troubleshooting is always the same: check the message logs! All PI System
software write messages to log files. It is therefore important to learn which log files to
check, and how to read them.
1. PI Message Logs
Also known as the “SDK Logs”, these are the logs of all applications based on the
PI SDK. There is one PI Message log per computer where an SDK application is
installed. The logs are managed by the PI Message Subsystem.
Applications that write to this log:
• Data Archive subsystems
• PI Interfaces (UniInt version 4.5.0.x and later)
• PI Client applications
How to access these logs:
• On the Data Archive: SMT > Operations > Message Logs
• On all computers with PI-SDK 1.4.0 and greater:
Step 1 : Run the program “PISDKUtility”
Step 2 : In the left pane, select Tools > Message Logs
Step 3 : Set the filters to obtain messages (start time, severity, etc.)
Step 4 : Click on “Get Messages”