04 - GSD

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Product Catalogue
Gravity Shutter Damper
Type ( GSD )

Gravity Shutter Damper products are

manufactured by

“ Your comfort is
our priority

1 Gravity Shutter Damper

Models Features
- GSD-A “Wall Mounted “ - The frame has a typical wall thickness of 1/16”.
- GSD-B “Duct Mounted” - A 1/8”thick, 3/8” wide foam tape is installed on
the blades where they overlap to insure a good
seal and to reduce noise.

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Gravity Shutter Damper 2

Model Design
Khedr Model GSD horizontal operable shutter Damper are
Gravity Shutter Damper

designed to equalize the pressure across it.

Blades Design
The blades are designed and positioned in such away that if
the pressure in the room increase the blades automatically
lift and open relieving the pressure in the room.

Model Materials
The frame and blades are extruded aluminum alloy and
are polyester powder coated.

Khedr Model GSD are also employed at the end of exhaust
ducts where they close when the fan was turned off.

www.k h ed r-e g. c om
3 Gravity Shutter Damper

- Construction & Specs.

- Type (GSD-A) - Wall Mounted



A-1/4” A+2-1/2”

Foam 3/8” Wide

by 1/8” thick

- Type (GSD-B) - Duct Mounted



Listed Size = 1/4”

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Gravity Shutter Damper 4

- Performance Data

- Area Factor

Listed Height Listed Width (Inches)

12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 72
12 0.81 0.96 1.10 1.25 1.40 1.64 2.08 2.47 2.91 3.30 3.74 4.13 4.95
16 1.08 1.27 1.47 1.66 1.86 2.18 2.77 3.29 3.87 4.44 5.02 5.49 6.60

Gravity Shutter Damper products are manufactured by Khedr Trust Co.

20 1.36 1.60 1.85 2.09 2.33 2.75 3.48 4.13 4.87 5.52 6.25 6.91 8.30
24 1.62 1.92 2.21 2.50 2.79 3.29 4.16 4.95 5.82 6.61 7.48 8.27 9.93
28 1.89 2.23 2.57 2.91 3.25 3.83 4.85 5.76 6.78 7.69 8.71 9.63 11.56
32 2.16 2.55 2.93 3.32 3.71 4.37 5.53 6.57 7.74 8.78 9.94 10.99 13.19
36 2.44 2.87 3.31 3.75 4.19 4.93 6.24 7.42 8.73 9.91 11.22 12.40 14.89
40 2.70 3.19 3.68 4.16 4.65 5.47 6.93 8.23 9.69 11.00 12.45 13.76 16.52
44 2.97 3.50 4.04 4.57 5.11 6.01 7.61 9.05 10.65 12.08 13.68 15.12 18.16
48 3.25 3.83 4.42 5.00 5.59 6.57 8.32 9.89 11.64 13.21 14.97 16.54 19.86
52 3.52 4.15 4.78 5.41 6.04 7.11 9.01 10.71 12.60 14.30 16.20 17.89 21.49
56 3.78 4.46 5.14 5.82 6.50 7.65 9.69 11.52 13.56 15.39 17.43 19.25 23.12
60 4.06 4.79 5.52 6.25 6.98 8.21 10.40 12.36 14.55 16.52 18.71 20.67 24.82

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5 Gravity Shutter Damper

- Aerodynamic Data



Pressure Drop IN w.g



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Air Velocity (FPM)

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Gravity Shutter Damper 6

- How to order

Gravity Shutter Damper products are


manufactured by Khedr Trust Co.

Type GSD-A

Size 24 X 24 Size “Inch”

www.k h ed r-e g. c om
Other Products are provided by Khedr Trust Co.

Diffusers & Grills Louvers Dampers Special Parts Duct Works

Khedr Trust

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Tel : +202 4 2452022
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