In Our Time Ernest Hemingway
In Our Time Ernest Hemingway
In Our Time Ernest Hemingway
In Our Time
Author Year Published Original Language
Ernest Hemingway 1925 English
Combat in Times Set in the early 20th century, In Our Time provides glimpses of men
at war: in the trenches, in the bullfighting arena, and against their
of War & Peace wives and mothers. The 17 stories and vignettes depict the universal
struggle of facing death with courage.
Men face inevitable death As doctors or husbands, men In war or bullfighting, a man
and horror with courage or offer strength during painful, owes his worthy opponent
cowardice. frightening birth. a worthy death.
Nick Adams
Hubert Elliot
1899–1961 Virginal, awkward Harvard law
student; writes long poems in France
At age 18 Hemingway tried
and lets himself be fooled into an
to enlist to fight in World War I
unhappy marriage
but was rejected for vision
problems. Hemingway served
as a Red Cross ambulance
driver in Italy instead. Injured
Harold Krebs
while serving chocolate to
soldiers, Hemingway fell in love World War I soldier returning home
with his nurse, who rejected too late to get a hero’s welcome and
him. The author’s experiences suffering from “shell shock”; realizes
of war and unrequited love he cannot adjust to small-town life
inspired much of In Our Time.