Astm B438 08
Astm B438 08
Astm B438 08
Designation: B438 − 08
StandardSpecification for
Bronze-Base Powder Metallurgy (PM) Bearings (Oil-
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B438; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
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the Supplementary Requirements section of this specification.
1.4 This specification acccompanies Specification B439 that
B439 Specification for Iron-Base Powder Metallurgy (PM)
Bearings (Oil-Impregnated)
B939 Test Method for Radial Crushing Strength, K, of
covers the requirements for Iron-Base Powder Metallurgy Powder Metallurgy (PM) Bearings and Structural Materi-
(PM) Bearings, (Oil-Impregnated). ASTM B438-08 als
1.5 Typical applications for bronze-base bearings are listed B946 Test Method for Surface Finish of Powder Metallurgy
in Appendix X1. (PM) Products
E9 Test Methods of Compression Testing of Metallic Mate-
1.6 Bearing dimensional tolerance data are shown in Ap- rials at Room Temperature
pendix X2, while engineering information regarding installa- E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
tion and operating parameters of PM bearings is included in Determine Conformance with Specifications
Appendix X3. Additional useful information on self- E1019 Test Methods for Determination of Carbon, Sulfur,
lubricating bearings can be found in MPIF Standard 35 and the Nitrogen, and Oxygen in Steel, Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt
technical literature.2 Alloys by Various Combustion and Fusion Techniques
1.7 With the exception of density values for which the 2.2 MPIF Standard:
g/cm3 unit is the industry standard, the values stated in MPIF Standard 35 Materials Standards for PM Self-
inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The SI Lubricating Bearings5
equivalents of inch-pound units, shown in parenthesis, have
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B09 on Metal contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Powders and Metal Powder Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcom- Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
mittee B09.04 on Bearings. the ASTM website.
Current edition approved June 1, 2008. Published July 2008. Originally approved The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
in 1966. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as B438/B438M – 05. DOI:
10.1520/B0438-08. Available from MPIF, 105 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540, telephone
Machine Design Magazine, Vol 54, #14, June 17, 1982, pp. 130-142. (609) 452-7700.
B438 − 08
2.3 IEEE/ASTM Standard: CTG-1004-K10—Bronze, 4 % graphite with 11 % oil
SI 10 American National Standard for Use of the Interna- CTG-1004-K15—Bronze, 4 % graphite with a trace or up to 8 % oil
tional System of Units (SI): The Modernized Metric 4.2.4 Prefix CTG-MOD—Bronze-Lead-Graphite (Military
System3 Grade):
2.4 ISO Standard: CTG-1001-K23-MOD—Bronze, 3 % lead, 1 % graphite with 17 % oil
ISO 2795 Plain Bearings Made from Sintered Metal— 4.2.5 Prefix CFTG—Bronze-Iron-Graphite (Diluted
Dimensions and Tolerances6 Bronze):
2.5 Government Standards: CFTG-3806-K14—Bronze, 40 % iron, 0.75 % graphite with 22 % oil
MIL-PRF-6085 Lubricating Oil: Instrument, Aircraft, Low CFTG-3806-K22—Bronze, 40 % iron, 0.75 % graphite with 17 % oil
QPL-6085 Lubricating Oil: Instrument, Aircraft, Low Vola- 5. Ordering Information
tility7 5.1 Purchase orders or contracts for bronze-base, oil-
MIL-PRF-17331 Lubrication Oil, Steam Turbine and Gear, impregnated bearings covered by this purchasing specification
Moderate Service7 shall include the following information:
QPL-17331 Lubricating Oil, Steam Turbine and Gear, Mod- 5.1.1 A copy of the bearing print showing dimensions and
erate Service7 tolerances (Section 10),
MIL-B-5687 Bearings, Sleeve, Washers, Thrust, Sintered, 5.1.2 Reference to this ASTM Standard, including date of
Metal Powder, Oil-Impregnated, General Specification issue,
For7 5.1.3 Identification of bearing material by the PM Material
MS17795 Bearing, Sleeve, Plain, Sintered Bronze, Oil- Designation Code (section 4.2),
Impregnated7 5.1.4 Request for Certification and Test Report documents,
MS17796 Bearing, Sleeve, Flanged, Sintered Bronze, Oil- if required (Section 16),
Impregnated7 5.1.5 Type and grade of special Lubricating Oil, if required
MS21783 Bearing, Washer, Thrust, Sintered Bronze, Oil- (section 6.2 or S2.2),
3. Terminology iTeh Standards 5.1.6 Instructions for Special Packaging, if required (Sec-
tion 17).
3.1 Definitions—The definitions of the terms used in this 5.2 Those additional government requirements necessary on
specification are found in Terminology B243. Additional de- orders for military bearings are prescribed in the Supplemen-
tary Requirements section.
DocumentBook of ASTM Preview
scriptive information is available in the Related Materials
section of Volume 02.05 of the Annual
Standards . 6. Materials and Manufacture
6.1 Porous Metallic Bearing:
4. Classification ASTM B438-08 6.1.1 Sintered bronze-base bearings shall be produced by
4.1 This specification uses the established three-part alpha- first compacting pre-alloyed bronze or elemental copper and tin
numeric PM Material Designation Code to identify the non- powders and any other additives appropriate for the composi-
ferrous materials used for self-lubricating PM bearings. The tion to the proper density and bearing configuration.
complete explanation of this classification system is presented 6.1.2 The green bearings shall then be sintered in a protec-
in Annex A1. tive atmosphere furnace for a time and temperature relationship
4.2 The following standard oil-impregnated bronze-base that will produce the required sintered bronze-base PM mate-
bearing material compositions are contained in this specifica- rial.
tion: 6.1.3 After sintering, the bronze-base bearings are normally
4.2.1 Prefix CT—Bronze: sized to achieve the density, dimensional characteristics, con-
centricity and surface finish required of the metallic bearing.
CT-1000-K19—Bronze with 24 % oil
CT-1000-K26—Bronze with 19 % oil 6.2 Oil for Operating Lubrication:
CT-1000-K37—Bronze with 12 % oil
6.2.1 The interconnected or open porosity in the bearings
CT-1000-K40—Bronze with 9 % oil
shall be filled to the required volume with lubricating oil, either
4.2.2 Prefix CTG—Bronze-Graphite : by an extended soaking in the hot oil or preferably by a vacuum
CTG-1001-K17—Bronze, 1 % graphite with 22 % oil impregnation operation.
CTG-1001-K23—Bronze, 1 % graphite with 17 % oil
CTG-1001-K30—Bronze, 1 % graphite with 9 % oil 6.2.2 A medium viscosity petroleum oil is normally used for
CTG-1001-K34—Bronze, 1 % graphite with 7 % oil most bearing applications, but extreme operating conditions
4.2.3 Prefix CTG—Bronze-High Graphite: such as elevated temperatures, intermittent rotation, extremely
low speeds or heavy loads may require a synthetic lubricant or
an oil with a different viscosity.
ISO standards are available from the American National Standards Institute 6.2.3 Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, a high-
(ANSI), 16 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, (212) 642-4900.
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg 4, Sec. D, 700
grade turbine oil with antifoaming additives and containing
Robbins Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. Electronic copies of military specifi- corrosion and oxidation inhibitors, having a kinematic viscos-
cations may be obtained from ity of 280 to 500 SSU [(60 × 10-6 to 110 × 10-6 m2/s), (60 to
B438 − 08
TABLE 1 Specifications for Bronze-Base Materials used in PM Bearings
Physical Mechanical
Chemical Requirements
Requirements Requirements
Radial Crushing
Material Designation Code Graphitic All Strength, K
Copper Tin Lead Iron
Carbon Others Impregnated Content
mass % mass % mass % mass %
mass % mass % Density Oil 103 psi (MPa)
g/cm3 vol %
CT-1000-K19 bal 9.5-10.5 — 0.3 max 1.0 max 1.0 max 6.0-6.4 24 minA 19 min (130 min)
CT-1000-K26 bal 9.5-10.5 — 0.3 max 1.0 max 1.0 max 6.4-6.8 19 min 26 min (180 min)
CT-1000-K37 bal 9.5-10.5 — 0.3 max 1.0 max 1.0 max 6.8-7.2 12 min 37 min (260 min)
CT-1000-K40 bal 9.5-10.5 — 0.3 max 1.0 max 1.0 max 7.2-7.6 9 min 40 min (280 min)
CTG-1001-K17 bal 9.5-10.5 — 0.5-1.8 1.0 max 1.0 max 6.0-6.4 22 minB 17 min (120 min)
CTG-1001-K23 bal 9.5-10.5 — 0.5-1.8 1.0 max 1.0 max 6.4-6.8 17 min 23 min (160 min)
CTG-1001-K30 bal 9.5-10.5 — 0.5-1.8 1.0 max 1.0 max 9 min 30 min (210 min)
CTG-1001-K34 bal 9.5-10.5 — 0.5-1.8 1.0 max 1.0 max 7.2-7.6 7 min 34 min (230 min)
Bronze-High Graphite
CTG-1004-K10 bal 9.2-10.2 — 2.5-5.0 1.0 max 1.0 max 5.8-6.2 11 min 10 min (70 min)
CTG-1004-K15 bal 9.2-10.2 — 2.5-5.0 1.0 max 1.0 max 6.2-6.6 15 min (100 min)
iTeh Standards
For an oil content of 25 % min, density range shall be 5.8-6.2 g/cm3 and radial crushing strength shall be 13 000 psi (90 MPa) minimum.
At maximum graphite (5 %) and density (6.6 g/cm3), this material will contain only a trace of oil. At 3 % graphite and 6.2-6.6 g/cm3 density, it shall contain 8 vol% (min.)
of oil.
Additional chemical requirements are: Zinc–0.75 % max, Nickel–0.35 % max, Antimony–0.25 % max.
Graphitic carbon content is typically 0.5-1.3 %; total carbon shall be 0.5-1.3 %.
The iron portion may contain 0.5 % max metallurgically combined carbon.
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110 cSt)] at 100°F (38°C) is normally used as ASTM B438-08
a general 9. Mechanical Properties
purpose lubricating oil.
9.1 Radial Crushing Strength—The radial crushing strength
7. Chemical Composition of the oil-impregnated bearing material determined on a plain
sleeve bearing or a test specimen prepared from a flange or
7.1 Chemical Composition Specifications—Each bronze- spherical bearing shall meet the minimum and maximum (if
base PM bearing material shall conform to the chemical required) strength values listed in Table 1.
requirements prescribed in Table 1 when determined on a clean
test sample from oil-free bearings. 10. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
7.2 Limits on Nonspecified Elements— By agreement be-
tween the purchaser and the supplier, limits may be established 10.1 This standard is applicable to bronze-base PM sleeve
and chemical analyses required for elements or compounds not and flange bearings having a 4 to 1 maximum length to inside
specified in Table 1. diameter ratio and a 24 to 1 maximum length to wall thickness
8. Physical Properties 10.2 Sleeve, flange, thrust and spherical PM bearings cov-
8.1 Oil Content—For each bearing material, the oil content ered by this specification are illustrated by Figs. 1-4. Most PM
of the as-received bearing shall not be less than the minimum bearings are small and weigh less than one-quarter pound
percentage listed in Table 1. (~100 g) but they can be produced in sizes that will accom-
8.2 Impregnation Effıciency—A minimum of 90 % of the modate shafts up to approximately 8 in. (200 mm) in diameter.
interconnected porosity in the as-received bearings shall be 10.3 Permissible variations in dimensions shall be within
impregnated with lubricating oil. the tolerance limits shown on the bearing print accompanying
8.3 Impregnated Density—The density of the sample bear- the order or shall be within the limits specified in the purchase
ings, when fully impregnated with lubricating oil, shall meet order or contract. Dimensional tolerances of bearings for
the requirements prescribed in Table 1 for each bearing military or government applications shall meet the require-
material. ments specified in the Supplementary Requirements section.
B438 − 08
iTeh Standards The structure should have a very minimum number of original
particle boundaries. Diluted Bronze material should show a
bronze phase with no visible free tin, dispersed throughout an
FIG. 2 Standard Flange Bearing
iron matrix.
11.4 To verify that oil is present, heat the bearing to about
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300°F (150°C) for 5 minutes. If oil is present, the bearing
surfaces exhibit beads of oil being exuded from the pores.
11.5 When bearings are ordered as being “dry-to-the-touch”
ASTM B438-08to allow automated handling by the purchaser, the excess
surface oil is normally removed by a centrifugal operation. It is
important that the Oil Content test (13.3.2) be performed after
the surface drying treatment to make certain that the required
volume of lubricating oil is present.
12. Sampling
12.1 Lot—Unless otherwise specified, a lot shall be defined
as a specific quantity of bearings manufactured under trace-
able, controlled conditions as agreed to between the producer
FIG. 3 Standard Thrust Bearing
and user (Terminology B243).
12.2 Sampling Plan—The number of sample bearings,
agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser, to be
used for inspections shall be taken randomly from locations
10.4 Recommended commercial tolerances for bronze-base throughout the lot.
PM bearings are referenced throughout the tables in Appendix
X2. 13. Test Methods
10.5 Chamfers of 30-45° are generally used on PM bearings 13.1 Dimensional Measurements:
to break the corners. 13.1.1 Using suitable measuring equipment, the inside di-
ameter of the bearings shall be measured to the nearest 0.0001
11. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance in. (0.0025 mm). The other bearing dimensions only require
11.1 The bearings should have a matte surface and not show instrumentation capable of measuring to the tolerances speci-
oxidation. The surfaces of sized bearings should have a fied on the bearing drawing.
smooth, bright finish. 13.2 Chemical Analysis:
B438 − 08
13.2.1 Oil Extraction—Bearings must be dry and free of oil testing procedure and material strength requirements of the
before running chemical tests. To remove oil, a Soxhlet flange shall be a matter of agreement between manufacturer
Apparatus as specified in Test Method B328 may be used. and purchaser.
However, upon agreement between purchaser and supplier, a To evaluate spherical, or bearings of other configu-
low-temperature furnace treatment [1000 to 1200°F (540 to ration, a number of sample bearings from the lot shall first be
650°C)] with a flowing nitrogen or inert atmosphere may be machined to a right circular cylinder, measured, and then
used to volatilize any lubricant that may be present. crushed to determine the radial crushing strength of the
13.2.2 Metallic Elements—The chemical analysis of metal- oil-impregnated bearing material. This value shall not be less
lic elements shall be performed on an oil-free sample in than the minimum nor more than the maximum (if applicable)
accordance with the test methods prescribed in Volume 03.05 radial crushing strength specified in Table 1 for the material in
of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards or by another approved the sample bearings.
method agreed upon between the manufacturer and the pur- 13.4.2 Bearing Breaking Load—If agreed to by the manu-
chaser. facturer and the purchaser, an acceptance specification for the
13.2.3 Combined Carbon—To determine the amount of minimum (maximum) bearing breaking load, Pmin, ( Pmax) in
carbon metallurgically combined with the iron in the diluted lbf (N), may be established for any specific standard oil-
bronze materials, a metallographic estimate may be made. impregnated bearing. This simplifies acceptance testing be-
13.2.4 Graphitic Carbon—Determine the total carbon con- cause the decision is now based solely upon reading the output
tent in accordance with Test Method E1019 with the exception of the testing machine without a need for further calculations.
that a sample as small as 0.25 g may be used upon agreement This acceptance procedure can be very useful when evaluating
between customer and supplier. With the exception of diluted multiple or repeat shipments of the same bearing.
bronze, the graphitic carbon provides an estimate of the total The minimum (maximum) breaking load,
carbon. For diluted bronze, the graphitic carbon is approxi- P min, ~ P max! required for acceptance of any specific plain sleeve
mately equal to the total carbon minus the combined carbon as or thrust bearing is calculated using the breaking load formula:
determined in 13.2.3.
K 3 L 3 t2
iTeh Standards
P min, ~ P max! 5 (1)
13.3 Physical Properties: D2t
13.3.1 Oil Content—The oil content of the as-received
bearing shall be determined following the procedure for Oil
Content by Volume as Received in Test Method B328. Pmin, (Pmax) = minimum (maximum) bearing breaking load,
lbf (N),
13.3.2 Impregnation Effıciency—The efficiency of the oil-
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K = minimum (maximum) radial crushing
impregnation process in volume percent units shall be calcu-
strength, psi (MPa),
lated as the ratio of the Oil Content by Volume as Received to L = length of bearing, in. (mm),
the Interconnected Porosity using the procedures and formulas t = wall thickness, [t = (D – d) / 2], in. (mm),
in Test Method B328. ASTM B438-08D = outside diameter, in. (mm), and
13.3.3 Impregnated Density—The impregnated density of d = inside diameter, in. (mm).
sample bearings in g/cm3 units, measured after they have Use the minimum (maximum) radial crushing
been fully impregnated, shall be determined following the
strength value specified for the oil-impregnated bearing mate-
procedure for Wet Density in Test Method B328.
rial from Table 1 for K, use the actual D, d and L dimensions
13.4 Mechanical Properties: of the as-received bearing and solve for Pmin, (Pmax). This
13.4.1 Radial Crushing Strength—Radial crushing strength calculated value will be the minimum (maximum) acceptable
in psi (MPa) is the mechanical property by which the strength breaking load for that specific plain bearing. Using the allow-
of oil-impregnated PM bearing material is characterized and able print dimensions that minimize (maximize) the volume of
evaluated. It is determined by breaking plain thin-walled the bearing for the calculations will result in a breaking load
bearings or hollow cylindrical test specimens under diametrical specification(s) that will be applicable to any lot of that specific
loading, following the procedures described in Test Method bearing.
B939, and calculating the radial crushing strength according to The minimum (maximum) acceptable breaking
the material strength formula contained therein. load for a specific flanged bearing shall be calculated by first Plain sleeve bearings and thrust bearings are tested cutting off the flange and measuring the D, d and L of the body.
in the oil-impregnated condition. For acceptance, the radial Then, using the minimum (maximum) radial crushing strength
crushing strength, determined on the test bearings, shall not be for the oil-impregnated bearing material in Table 1 for K in the
less than the minimum nor more than the maximum (if breaking load formula and the measured dimensions of the
applicable) strength specification values listed in Table 1 for body, a Pmin, ( Pmax) value may be calculated. This will be the
the bearing material. minimum (maximum) bearing breaking load required for the Flanged oil-impregnated bearings shall be tested by body of that specific flanged bearing. The test procedure and
cutting off the flange and crushing the body as a plain sleeve breaking load requirements for the flange shall be a matter of
bearing. For acceptance, the radial crushing strength so deter- agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.
mined shall meet the minimum and maximum (if applicable) For acceptance testing of whole spherical bearings,
material strength requirements prescribed in Table 1. The a minimum (maximum) bearing breaking load specification,
B438 − 08
Pmin, ( Pmax) may be established on a specific whole spherical 14.2 Provided the manufacturer notifies the purchaser, all or
oil-impregnated bearing. First, the radial crushing strength, Ka, a portion of the required conformance tests may be contracted
is determined on that specific spherical bearing machined to a to a qualified third party.
plain cylinder as in Second, whole spherical bearings
14.3 Upon receipt of the shipment, the purchaser may
from the same lot are crushed, keeping their axes horizontal, to
conduct whatever quality control inspections that he feels are
determine the breaking load of the whole bearing. Then, using
necessary to confirm compliance to the purchasing require-
the correlation formula, the specifications for the breaking
load, Pa, of that whole spherical bearing are calculated as
15. Rejection and Rehearing
K 3 Pa
P min, ~ P max! 5 (2) 15.1 Rejection based on tests made in accordance with this
specification shall be reported in writing to the manufacturer
where: within 30 days of receipt of the shipment; the rejected bearings,
Pmin, (Pmax) = specification for the minimum (maximum) however, shall not be returned or disposed of without written
bearing breaking load of a specific whole authorization from the producer.
spherical bearing, lbf (N),
Ka = radial crushing strength of the machined test 15.2 In case of dissatisfaction with the test results, either the
spherical bearings according to, psi purchaser or manufacturer may make a claim for rehearing.
K = minimum (maximum) radial crushing strength 16. Certification and Test Report
for the bearing material, (Table 1), psi (MPa), 16.1 The purchaser may require in the purchase order or
and contract that the manufacturer shall supply a Certificate of
Pa = breaking load of whole test spherical bearings, Compliance stating that the bearings were produced and tested
lbf (N). in accordance with this specification and met all requirements.
13.5 Conformance:
iTeh Standards
13.5.1 Dimensional Measurements—For purposes of deter-
mining conformance with the dimensional specifications, the
16.2 In addition, when required by the purchase order or
contract, the manufacturer shall furnish a Test Report that lists
the results of the chemical, physical, mechanical and functional
tolerance limits specified on the bearing print are considered
absolute limits as defined in Practice E29.
tests performed on the sample bearings.
13.5.2 Chemical, Physical, Mechanical Test Results—For 16.3 When required, the Certificate of Compliance or the
Document Preview
purposes of determining conformance with these specifica-
tions, an observed value or calculated value shall be rounded
Test Report, or both may be transmitted by electronic service.
“to the nearest unit” in the last right-hand digit used in 17. Packaging
expressing the specification limit, in accordanceASTM B438-08
with the
17.1 Unless specific packaging requirements are included in
rounding-off method of Practice E29.
13.5.3 Measurement Uncertainty—The precision and bias
the purchase order or contract, the finished oil-impregnated PM
bearings shall be packaged and shipped in containers of a
of the test result values shall be considered by the purchaser
nonabsorbent material to prevent loss of lubricating oil.
and supplier in determining conformance.
14. Inspection 18. Keywords
14.1 The manufacturer has the primary responsibility to 18.1 bearing breaking load; bronze bearings; impregnated
conduct the necessary measurements and tests to ensure that density; interconnected porosity; oil content; oil-impregnated
the bearings meet the requirements of the purchase order or bearings; open porosity; porous metallic bearings; radial crush-
contract and this specification before they are shipped to the ing strength; self-lubricating bearings; PM bearings; PV Fac-
customer. tor; PV Limit
B438 − 08
The following supplementary requirements shall apply to purchase orders or contracts from all
agencies of the United States Government or where specified by a purchaser as part of the purchase
order or contract with a government agency.
iTeh Standards
ments section details those additional governmental require- appreciable sweating of the lubricant on the bearing surface
ments. will be cause for rejection (see 11.4).
S1.2 The bearings referred to within this specification are
not intended for reaming on assembly.
S1.3 The bearings referred to within this specification are
S2.5 COQC—When procured from a dealer or distributor
versus the actual manufacturer, a certificate of quality confor-
mance (COQC) supplied by the manufacturer of the bearing
Document Preview
not recommended for military airframe applications. may be furnished in lieu of actual performance of such testing
by the dealer or distributor, provided lot identity is traceable,
S2. Government Requirements has been maintained and can be demonstrated to the Govern-
S2.1 Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Requirements—ASTM B438-08ment. The certificate shall include the name of the dealer or
to Section 1 and Table 1 for the specifications for bearing distributor, dealer or distributor number, name of manufacturer,
materials that shall conform to material designation codes national stock number (NSN), item identification, name of the
CTG-1001-K23 (sleeve, flange and thrust washer) or CTG- component or material, lot number, lot size, dimensions, date
1001-K23-MOD (sleeve and flange only). The contractor shall of testing, test method, individual test results, and specification
furnish a chemical composition analysis on an oil-free basis for requirements.
each lot showing the weight percentage for each element as S2.6 Records—Records of examination and tests performed
specified in Table 1. Bearings shall conform to this specifica- by or for the contractor shall be maintained and made available
to the Government by the contractor for a period of three years
S2.1.1 Compressive Yield Strength—The yield strength in after delivery of the products and associate material.
compression shall be 11 000 psi (75 MPa) (minimum) for 0.1
S2.7 Inspection— Unless otherwise specified, the manufac-
percent permanent offset in accordance with section X3.2.1.
turer is responsible for testing. The manufacturer may use their
S2.1.2 Surface Finish—For thrust washer bearings, all
own or any other suitable facility for the performance of testing
surfaces shall have a surface finish of 125 µin. maximum
and inspection, unless an exception is stated. The Government
except as noted on a print or drawing. Surface finish shall be
reserves the right to perform an inspection as set forth herein to
measured in accordance with Test Method B946.
assure supplies and sources conform to the prescribed require-
S2.2 Oil-Impregnation—High-grade non-gumming petro- ments.
leum lubricants purchased in accordance with the applicable
Qualified Products Lists (QPLs), such as MIL-PRF-17331 S2.8 Packaging—Special packaging and marking require-
(Military Symbol 2190–TEP, NATO Code O-250 and QPL- ments shall be included in the contract or will conform to
17331) for sleeve and flange bearings and MIL-PRF-6085 Section 17, Packaging.
(Military Symbol OAI, NATO Code No. 0-147 and QPL-6085) S2.9 Requirements—All requirements shall be as specified
for thrust washer bearings, or as specified on referenced herein. Referenced military standard specification sheets shall
military standard specification sheets shall be used to impreg- take precedence unless otherwise specified in the purchase
nate the bearings. order or contract.
B438 − 08
S3. Ordering Information TABLE S3.1 MS17795 Bronze Sleeve Bearings—Dimensions and
Dash Numbers
S3.1 Purchase Order or Contract—Ordering information Static Inner Outer
Dash Length, Nominal
shall be in accordance with Section 5 of this specification and No.
L (in.) ID (in.)
Diameter, Diameter,
shall also include: (lb) d (in.) D (in.)
1 97 ⁄
3 32 18⁄ 0.127 0.1905
S3.1.1 PIN from S3.3, Table S3.1, Table S3.2 or Table S3.3, 2 129 18 ⁄ 18⁄ 0.127 0.1905
S3.1.2 National Stock Number (NSN), 3 194 ⁄
3 16 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.1905
4 258 14 ⁄ 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.1905
S3.1.3 Quantity, 5 129 18 ⁄ 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.253
S3.1.4 Requirements for testing including FAT, 6 194 ⁄
3 16 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.253
7 258 14 ⁄ 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.253
S3.1.15 COQC if required, and 8 323 ⁄
5 16 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.253
S3.1.6 Packaging requirements, if different from Section 17. 9 193 18 ⁄ 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253
10 290 ⁄
3 16 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253
S3.2 PIN—The military PIN shall consist of the letters and 11 387 14 ⁄ 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253
numbers representing the old MS documents and taken from 12 483 ⁄
5 16 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253
the titles of Table S3.1 (for sleeve), Table S3.2 (for flange) or 13 580 38 ⁄ 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253
14 677 ⁄
7 16 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253
Table S3.3 (for thrust washer), a dash number from either Table 15 290 3⁄16 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155
S3.1 (for sleeve), Table S3.2 (for flange) or Table S3.3 (for 16 387 1 ⁄4 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155
thrust washer) and a suffix of Y or Z representing the material 17 483 5⁄16 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155
18 580 3 ⁄8 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155
designation code. 19 677 7⁄16 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155
20 774 1 ⁄2 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155
Example:MS17796 2 104 2 Y
21 386 3⁄16 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378
22 516 1 ⁄4 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378
where: 23 645 5⁄16 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378
MS17796 = the number from Table S3.1 or Table S3.2 or 24 773 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378
25 902 7⁄16 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378
Table S3.3 representing the old MS document, 26 1031 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378
104 = Dash number, from Table S3.1 or Table S3.2 or 27 1289 5 ⁄8 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378
iTeh Standards
Table S3.3, 28 386 3⁄16 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405
Y = Material Designation Code: 29 516 1 ⁄4 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405
30 645 5⁄16 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405
Y = CTG-1001-K23 31 773 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405
Z = CTG-1001-K23 MOD
Note—The MS17796–104–Y part identification number
1 ⁄2
5 ⁄8
1 ⁄4
1 ⁄4
1 ⁄4
number for flange Preview
35 1547 3 ⁄4 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405
(PIN) equates to the old MS17796-104 designation where the
36 645 1 ⁄4 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405
MS17796 represented the military standard 37 806 5⁄16 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405
bearings (sleeve and thrust bearings are described in MS17795 38 967 3 ⁄8 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405
39 1128 7⁄16 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405
and MS21783 respectively), the 104 was the dash number; as
ASTM B438-08 40 1289 1 ⁄2 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405
for the suffix Y, it is new; in MS17796, the material designation 41 1611 5 ⁄8 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405
code was called out separately as a Grade and Type and was 42 1934 3 ⁄4 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405
43 773 1 ⁄4 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503
not a part of the PIN but was part of the required ordering 44 967 5⁄16 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503
information. The dash numbers themselves remain unchanged 45 1160 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503
from those in MS17795, MS17796 and MS21783. 46 1354 7⁄16 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503
47 1547 1 ⁄2 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503
S3.3 Dimensions and Dash Numbers: 48 1934 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503
S3.3.1 Sleeve Bearings—Refer to Fig. 1 and Table S3.1— 49 2320 3 ⁄4 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503
50 2707 7 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503
Standard Military Bronze Sleeve Bearings–Dimensions and 51 3094 1 3⁄ 8 0.377 0.503
Dash Numbers. 52 773 1 ⁄4 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
S3.3.2 Flange Bearings—Refer to Fig. 2 and Table S3.2 53 967 5⁄16 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
54 1160 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
—Standard Military Bronze Flange Bearings–Dimensions and 55 1354 7⁄16 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
Dash Numbers. 56 1547 1 ⁄2 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
57 1934 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
S3.3.3 Thrust Washer Bearings— Refer to Fig. 3 and Table 58 2320 3 ⁄4 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
S3.3—Standard Military Bronze Thrust Washer Bearings–Di- 59 2707 7 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
mensions and Dash Numbers. 60 3094 1 3⁄ 8 0.377 0.628
61 3867 1-1⁄4 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628
S3.4 Tolerances—Refer to Table S3.4—Required Dimen- 62 1354 3 ⁄8 7⁄16 0.439 0.565
sional Tolerances. 63 1579 7⁄16 7⁄16 0.439 0.565
64 1805 1 ⁄2 7⁄16 0.439 0.565
S3.5 Chamfers—Refer to Table S3.5—Chamfers. 65 2256 5 ⁄8 7⁄16 0.439 0.565
S3.6 Documents— Referenced documents shall be of the 66 2707 3 ⁄4 7⁄16 0.439 0.565
67 3158 7 ⁄8 7⁄16 0.439 0.565
issue in effect on the date of invitations for bids or request for 68 3609 1 7⁄16 0.439 0.565
proposals, except that referenced, adopted industry documents 69 4512 1-1⁄4 7⁄16 0.439 0.565
shall give the date of the issue adopted. In the event of a 70 1547 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.628
71 1805 7⁄16 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.628
conflict between the text of this document and the references 72 2063 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.628
cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence.
B438 − 08
TABLE S3.1 Continued TABLE S3.1 Continued
Static Inner Outer Static Inner Outer
Dash Length, Nominal Dash Length, Nominal
Capacity Diameter, Diameter, Capacity Diameter, Diameter,
No. L (in.) ID (in.) No. L (in.) ID (in.)
(lb) d (in.) D (in.) (lb) d (in.) D (in.)
73 2578 58⁄ 12⁄ 0.502 0.628 146 18563 2-1⁄4 1 1.003 1.254
74 3094 34⁄ 12⁄ 0.502 0.628 147 20625 2-1⁄2 1 1.003 1.254
75 3609 7 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.628 148 9281 1 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
76 4125 1 1⁄ 2 0.502 0.628 149 11602 1-1⁄4 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
77 5156 1-1⁄4 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.628 150 13922 1-1⁄2 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
78 1547 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 151 16242 1-3⁄4 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
79 2063 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 152 18563 2 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
80 2578 5 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 153 20883 2-1⁄4 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
81 3094 3 ⁄4 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 154 23203 2-1⁄2 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
82 3609 7 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 155 10313 1 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
83 4125 1 1⁄ 2 0.502 0.753 156 12891 1-1⁄4 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
84 5156 1-1⁄4 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 157 15469 1-1⁄2 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
85 6188 1-1⁄2 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 158 18047 1-3⁄4 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
86 2320 1 ⁄2 9⁄16 0.565 0.695 159 20625 2 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
87 2900 5 ⁄8 9⁄16 0.565 0.695 160 23203 2-1⁄4 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
88 3480 3 ⁄4 9⁄16 0.565 0.695 161 25781 2-1⁄2 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
89 4061 7 ⁄8 9⁄16 0.565 0.695 162 28359 2-3⁄4 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
90 4641 1 9⁄16 0.565 0.695 163 30938 3 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
91 5801 1-1⁄4 9⁄16 0.565 0.695 164 11344 1 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
92 6961 1-1⁄2 9⁄16 0.565 0.695 165 14180 1-1⁄4 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
93 2578 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.753 166 17016 1-1⁄2 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
94 3223 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.753 167 19852 1-3⁄4 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
95 3867 3 ⁄4 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.753 168 22688 2 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
96 4518 7 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.753 169 25523 2-1⁄4 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
97 5156 1 5⁄ 8 0.627 0.753 170 28359 2-1⁄2 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
98 6445 1-1⁄4 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.753 171 31195 2-3⁄4 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
99 7734 1-1⁄2 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.753 172 34031 3 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
100 2578 1 ⁄2 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.879 173 12375 1 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
101 3223 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.879 174 15469 1-1⁄4 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
3 ⁄4
7 ⁄8
iTeh Standards
5 ⁄8
5 ⁄8
5⁄ 8
105 6445 1-1⁄4
5 ⁄8 0.627 0.879 178 27844 2-1⁄4 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
106 7734 1-1⁄2 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.879 179 30938 2-1⁄2 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
107 9023 1-3⁄4 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.879 180 34031 2-3⁄4 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
Document Preview
108 3094 1 ⁄2 3 ⁄4 0.752 0.879 181 37125 3 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
109 3867 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 0.879 182 21656 1-1⁄2 1-3⁄4 1.753 2.005
110 4640 3 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 0.752 0.879 183 25266 1-3⁄4 1-3⁄4 1.753 2.005
111 5414 7 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 0.879 184 28875 2 1-3⁄4 1.753 2.005
112 6188 1 3⁄ 4 0.752 0.879 185 32484 2-1⁄4 1-3⁄4 1.753 2.005
3 ⁄4
3 ⁄4
ASTM B438-08
115 10828 1-3⁄4 3 ⁄4 0.752 0.879 188 43313 3 1-3⁄4 1.753 2.005
116 3094 1 ⁄2 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 189 28875 1-3⁄4 2 2.004 2.38
117 3867 5 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 190 33000 2 2 2.004 2.38
118 4640 3 ⁄4 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 191 37125 2-1⁄4 2 2.004 2.38
119 5414 7 ⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 192 41250 2-1⁄2 2 2.004 2.38
120 6188 1 3⁄ 4 0.752 1.004 193 45375 2-3⁄4 2 2.004 2.38
121 7734 1-1⁄4 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 194 49500 3 2 2.004 2.38
122 9281 1-1⁄2 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 195 57750 3-1⁄2 2 2.004 2.38
123 10828 1-3⁄4 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 196 66000 4 2 2.004 2.38
124 12375 2 3⁄ 4 0.752 1.004 197 37125 2 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
125 4512 5 ⁄8 7 ⁄8 0.877 1.004 198 46406 2-1⁄2 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
126 5414 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄8 0.877 1.004 199 55688 3 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
127 6316 7 ⁄8 7 ⁄8 0.877 1.004 200 64969 3-1⁄2 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
128 7219 1 7⁄ 8 0.877 1.004 201 74250 4 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
129 9023 1-1⁄4 7 ⁄8 0.877 1.004 202 41250 2 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
130 10828 1-1⁄2 7 ⁄8 0.877 1.004 203 51563 2-1⁄2 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
131 12633 1-3⁄4 7 ⁄8 0.877 1.004 204 61875 3 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
132 6188 3 ⁄4 1 1.003 1.129 205 72188 3-1⁄2 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
133 7219 7 ⁄8 1 1.003 1.129 206 82500 4 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
134 8250 1 1 1.003 1.129 207 323 5⁄16 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.1905
135 10313 1-1⁄4 1 1.003 1.129 208 387 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.1905
136 12375 1-1⁄2 1 1.003 1.129 209 451 7⁄16 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.1905
137 14438 1-3⁄4 1 1.003 1.129 210 516 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.1905
138 16500 2 1 1.003 1.129 211 387 3 ⁄8 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.253
139 6188 3 ⁄4 1 1.003 1.254 212 451 7⁄16 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.253
140 7219 7 ⁄8 1 1.003 1.254 213 516 1 ⁄2 1 ⁄8 0.127 0.253
141 8250 1 1 1.003 1.254 214 161 1 ⁄8 5⁄32 0.158 0.253
142 10313 1-1⁄4 1 1.003 1.254 215 242 3⁄16 5⁄32 0.158 0.253
143 12375 1-1⁄2 1 1.003 1.254 216 322 1 ⁄4 5⁄32 0.158 0.253
144 14438 1-3⁄4 1 1.003 1.254 217 403 5⁄16 5⁄32 0.158 0.253
145 16500 2 1 1.003 1.254 218 483 3 ⁄8 5⁄32 0.158 0.253
B438 − 08
TABLE S3.1 Continued TABLE S3.1 Continued
Static Inner Outer Static Inner Outer
Dash Length, Nominal Dash Length, Nominal
Capacity Diameter, Diameter, Capacity Diameter, Diameter,
No. L (in.) ID (in.) No. L (in.) ID (in.)
(lb) d (in.) D (in.) (lb) d (in.) D (in.)
219 564 ⁄
7 16 ⁄
5 32 0.158 0.253 292 7219 ⁄
78 1 1.003 1.379
220 645 12⁄ ⁄
5 32 0.158 0.253 293 8250 1 1 1.003 1.379
221 774 1 ⁄2 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253 294 9281 1-1⁄8 1 1.003 1.379
222 967 5 ⁄8 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253 295 10313 1-1⁄4 1 1.003 1.379
223 1160 3 ⁄4 3⁄16 0.1895 0.253 296 12375 1-1⁄2 1 1.003 1.379
224 967 5 ⁄8 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155 297 13406 1-5⁄8 1 1.003 1.379
225 1160 3 ⁄4 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155 298 14438 1-3⁄4 1 1.003 1.379
226 1354 7 ⁄8 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155 299 15469 1-7⁄8 1 1.003 1.379
227 1546 1 3⁄16 0.1895 0.3155 300 16500 2 1 1.003 1.379
228 1547 3 ⁄4 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378 301 18563 2-1⁄4 1 1.003 1.379
229 1805 7 ⁄8 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378 302 20625 2-1⁄2 1 1.003 1.379
230 2063 1 1⁄ 4 0.252 0.378 303 22681 2-3⁄4 1 1.003 1.379
231 2320 1-1⁄8 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378 304 10441 1-1⁄8 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
232 2578 1-1⁄4 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.378 305 15082 1-5⁄8 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
233 1805 7 ⁄8 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405 306 17402 1-7⁄8 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
234 2063 1 1⁄ 4 0.252 0.4405 307 25523 2-3⁄4 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
235 2320 1-1⁄8 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405 308 27800 3 1-1⁄8 1.128 1.378
236 2578 1-1⁄4 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405 309 11602 1-1⁄8 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
237 3094 1-1⁄2 1 ⁄4 0.252 0.4405 310 16758 1-5⁄8 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
238 2256 7 ⁄8 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405 311 19336 1-7⁄8 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.504
239 2578 1 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405 312 10313 1 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
240 2900 1-1⁄8 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405 313 11602 1-1⁄8 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
241 3223 1-1⁄4 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405 314 12891 1-1⁄4 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
242 3867 1-1⁄2 5⁄16 0.3145 0.4405 315 15469 1-1⁄2 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
243 645 1 ⁄4 5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 316 16758 1-5⁄8 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
244 806 5⁄16 5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 317 18047 1-3⁄4 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
245 967 3 ⁄8 5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 318 19336 1-7⁄8 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
246 1128 7⁄16 5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 319 20625 2 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
247 1289 1 ⁄2 5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 320 23203 2-1⁄4 1-1⁄4 1.2535 1.630
5 ⁄8
3 ⁄4
7 ⁄8
iTeh Standards
251 2578 1
5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 324 12762 1-1⁄8 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
252 2900 1-1⁄8 5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 325 18434 1-5⁄8 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
253 3223 1-1⁄4 5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 326 21270 1-7⁄8 1-3⁄8 1.378 1.629
Document Preview
254 3867 1-1⁄2 5⁄16 0.3145 0.503 327 13922 1-1⁄8 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
255 3480 1-1⁄8 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503 328 20109 1-5⁄8 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
256 3867 1-1⁄4 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503 329 23203 1-7⁄8 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.755
257 4641 1-1⁄2 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.503 330 12375 1 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
258 3480 1-1⁄8 3 ⁄8 0.377 0.628 331 13922 1-1⁄8 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
ASTM B438-08
261 4641 1-1⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.628 334 20109 1-5⁄8 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
262 6188 1-1⁄2 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.628 335 21656 1-3⁄4 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
263 6703 1-5⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.628 336 23203 1-7⁄8 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
264 4641 1-1⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 337 24750 2 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
265 6703 1-5⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 338 27844 2-1⁄4 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
266 7219 1-3⁄4 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 339 30938 2-1⁄2 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
267 8250 1-7⁄8 1 ⁄2 0.502 0.753 340 34031 2-3⁄4 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
268 5221 1-1⁄8 9⁄16 0.565 0.695 341 37125 3 1-1⁄2 1.504 1.880
269 5801 1-1⁄8 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.753 342 23461 1-5⁄8 1-3⁄4 1.753 2.005
270 5801 1-1⁄8 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.879 343 27070 1-7⁄8 1-3⁄4 1.753 2.005
271 8379 1-5⁄8 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.879 344 30938 1-7⁄8 2 2.004 2.380
272 9668 1-7⁄8 5 ⁄8 0.627 0.879 345 28875 1-3⁄4 2 2.004 2.505
273 10313 2 5⁄ 8 0.627 0.879 346 30938 1-7⁄8 2 2.004 2.505
274 6961 1-1⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 0.879 347 33000 2 2 2.004 2.505
275 10055 1-5⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 0.879 348 37125 2-1⁄4 2 2.004 2.505
276 6961 1-1⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 349 41250 2-1⁄2 2 2.004 2.505
277 10055 1-5⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 350 45375 2-3⁄4 2 2.004 2.505
278 11602 1-7⁄8 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 351 49500 3 2 2.004 2.505
279 13922 2-1⁄4 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 352 57750 3-1⁄2 2 2.004 2.505
280 15469 2-1⁄2 3 ⁄4 0.752 1.004 353 66000 4 2 2.004 2.505
281 8121 1-1⁄8 7 ⁄8 0.877 1.004 354 41766 2-1⁄4 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
282 11730 1-5⁄8 7 ⁄8 0.877 1.004 355 51047 2-3⁄4 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
283 9281 1-1⁄8 1 1.003 1.129 356 60328 3-1⁄4 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
284 13406 1-5⁄8 1 1.003 1.129 357 69609 3-3⁄4 2-1⁄4 2.254 2.631
285 15469 1-7⁄8 1 1.003 1.129 358 46406 2-1⁄4 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
286 9281 1-1⁄8 1 1.003 1.254 359 56719 2-3⁄4 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
287 13406 1-5⁄8 1 1.003 1.254 360 67031 3-1⁄4 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
288 15469 1-7⁄8 1 1.003 1.254 361 77344 3-3⁄4 2-1⁄2 2.505 3.006
289 22681 2-3⁄4 1 1.003 1.254 362 49500 2 3 3.006 3.507
290 24750 3 1 1.003 1.254 363 55688 2-1⁄4 3 3.006 3.507
291 6188 3 ⁄4 1 1.003 1.379 364 61875 2-1⁄2 3 3.006 3.507