Research 1##

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MARCH 2024


We would first and for most like to thank almighty God for the whole journey and helping us this
success. Next, we would like to express our deepest, gratitude and sincere appreciation for our
advisor Mengistu A. (MBA) for his valuable suggestion and constructive comments giving to us
throughout the research study.Then we would like to thank our family to support us morally and
financially. Finally, we would like to thank all our friends and our best classmates to those help
kindness by sharing idea for accomplishment of this study.


CBE College of Business and Economics

TMP Time Management Practice
AAC Academic Achievement
GPA Grade Point Average


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................1
1.3 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................................3
1.4 Researcher questions..............................................................................................................4
1.5 Objectives of the study...........................................................................................................4
1.5.1 General objectives of study.............................................................................................4
1.5.2 Specific objectives of the study.......................................................................................5
1.6 Significance of the study........................................................................................................5
1.7 The scope of the study...........................................................................................................5
1.8 Limitation of the study...........................................................................................................6
1.9 Organization of the paper.......................................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................7
2.1 Theoretical Review................................................................................................................7
2.1.1Major concepts and ideas Associated with time management.........................................7
2.1.2 Time management practice and academic achievement.................................................8
2.1.3 Dimension of time management......................................................................................9
2.1.4 Steps for effective time management practice..............................................................10
2.1.5 Factors affecting time management practice.................................................................12
2.1.6 A short guide to managing time....................................................................................12
2.1.7 The importance of time management............................................................................12
2.1.8 Time Awareness and Time tracking..............................................................................13
2.2 Empirical Review.................................................................................................................13
2.3 Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................14

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................15
3.1 Research design....................................................................................................................15
3.2 Source of data.......................................................................................................................16
3.3 Method of data collection techniques..................................................................................16
3.4 Target Population.................................................................................................................16
3.5 Sample size and sampling technique...................................................................................16
3.6 Data processing and analysis...............................................................................................17
CHAPTERT FOUR.......................................................................................................................18
DATA PRESENTATION, ANALAYSIS AND INTERPRETATION........................................18
4.1 Background Information of respondents..............................................................................18
4.2 Factors which affect students time management practice....................................................20
4.3 students time management practice.....................................................................................24
4.4 Time management practice and academic program achievement........................................28
4.5. Analysis of data collected through interview from college dean........................................30
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................32
SUMMERY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION......................................................32
5.1 SUMMERY.........................................................................................................................32
5.2 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................32
5.3 RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................................33


Table 1 background information of respondents...........................................................................19

Table 2 Factors of time management.............................................................................................20
Table 3 students’ time management practice.................................................................................24
Table 4 Time management practice and the relation of academic program achievement.............28



3.1 Research design

The main purpose of this study was described the assessment of time management practice on
the students’ of college of business and economics management department regular program in
Bonga university and its effect on academic achievement. To conduct this study, we will use
descriptive research design. Because of the research was described the students’ time
management behavior or characteristics that concern with academic achievement. To arrive on
appreciate conclusion about the issue and in order to answer research questions the necessary
data will be collect through both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative approach
we were used to give more information or detail data about the study, whereas through
quantitative approach we were used to measure and analysis data in terms of tabulation and

3.2 Source of data

We were used primary and secondary sources of data. Primary sources of data were students in
college of business and economics regular program in Bonga University. They were considered
to being relevant source of data, because they are one who knows or have experience with every
activity with their time management practice. Secondary data were collected from published and
unpublished document from registeral office of Bonga University.

3.3 Method of data collection techniques

The whole endeavor of the study was depending on data to be collect. In this study, the necessary
data were collected through primary source of data. Among the primary data collection
techniques interview, observation and questionnaire was used to collect information from the
students of college of business and economics regular program third and fourth year of study in
Bonga University.

3.4 Target Population

The target populations of this study were the students of college of business and economics
regular program students in Bonga University. According to the register office of university
record, the total populations of the students were 503 in number. From the total population, 83
samples were taken to conduct the study.

3.5 Sample size and sampling technique

To determine sample size or sample respondents, we were employed proportionate stratified

random sampling technique based on students’ year of study and their academic measure in
terms of CGPA.So; we were used stratified random sampling technique. This means we divided
the population into strata. With stratified random sampling, there would an equal chance that all
students will be taken as a sample. Using proportionate strata. To determine the sample size, we
use Tarro Yemane (1970) formula because of the most population and it is easy to determine or
to calculate sample size.

n= N/ 1+N (e) 2

Were n= sample size

N=total population

e = error

Give N = 503

E = 10%

n? Solution

n=503/1+503 (0.1)2


3.6 Data processing and analysis

After the data were collected, the processing and analysis would be done. The questionnaires
were collected from all sample respondents and it was checked for the availability of necessary
information from primary data the analysis was carried on. We used descriptive method of data
analysis first data was categorized and next tabulation of data followed and data was interpreted
using both qualitative and quantitative means of analysis. Quantitative methods that we were
used in the research were statically analysis, such as organizing the data in percentage form and
in tabular forms.



4.1 Background Information of respondents

The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents of college of business and economics

Students and the number of respondents who participated to respond questionnaires were 83
students. The researchers were collected the distributed questionnaire from the respondents.
However, some questionnaires were not replied and some respondents were not gives clearly or
accurate answer as objective of study. But, the researchers collected questionnaires enough for
study that is more than (80%) of questionnaire that accurate as objective of the study.

Table 1 background information of respondents

No Items Frequency Percentage Total

1 Sex Male 44 53% 83 100%

Female 39 47%

2 Year or study 3rd 35 42.2% 83 100%

4th 48 57.8%

3 CGPA 2.0-2.5 30 36.1% 83 100%

2.5-3.0 41 49.4%

Above 12 14.5%

Source survey questionnaire (2024)

As the data shows from the above table 1. The researchers was selected both male and female
students to conduct this study. This shows that the number of male is more than the number of
female. Based on year of study, the researchers selected from all year of study through stratified
random sampling. As data shows from the above table the respondents, CGPA found as follows.
That is 30 (36.1%) of respondents found 2.0-2.5, 41 (49.4%) of respondents found 25-3.0,
12(14.5%) of respondents found 3.0 above. Therefore, no one of respondents found below 2.0

4.2 Factors which affect students time management practice

Here below different variables forward to respondents’ whether those variables an affect students
time management practice or not in this college.

Table 2 Factors of time management

No Item Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Total
disagree agree

No % No % No % No % No o % No %

1 Social media 12 14.5 18 21.7 - - 32 38.6 21 25.2 83 100

2 Careless - - - - - - 50 60.2 33 39.8 83 100

3 Peer pressure - - - - 20 24.2 42 50.6 21 25.2 83 100

4 Administrative - - 28 33.7 - - 34 41 21 25.3 83 100


5 Environment - - 21 25.3 - - 35 42.1 47 56.6 83 100

6 Lack of 10 12 35 42.2 - - 38 45.8 - - 83 100


7 Performing - - 23 27.8 - - 50 60.2 - - 83 100

without time

8 Excessive social - - 37 44.6 - - 46 55.4 - - 83 100


Source survey questionnaire, (2024).

From the above table 2 as data shows with regarding to number of items 1, that much of
respondent responds agree and strongly that as can be social media is a factor which affect
students’ time management practice. That is 32 (38.6%) of respondent responds agree and 21
(25.2%) of respondent responds strongly agree that the social media which can be affect students
time management practice. Whereas, 18 (21.7%) of respondent responds disagree and 12 (14.5)
of respondent responds strongly disagree that social media is factors of time management
practice for students, which means social media not a factors of time management practice.
However, majority of respondents’ as the data shows from the above table social media is a
factor which affects students’ time management practice. Nevertheless, no one of respondents
says neutral that social media factors for students. So that, as data shows from the above table 4.2
consuming much of time or consuming much of time on social media is one of factors which
affect students’ time management practice. Unplanned or excessive use of social media is factors
for students’ time management practice. Because of, much of respondents were agree that can be
social media as affects students’ time management practice. Whereas, only few respondents
replied disagree and strongly disagree. This implies that students recognized that excessive use
or consuming much of time on social media as affects time management practice.

As the data shows from the above table 2, regarding to number of items 2, all of respondents
replied agree and strongly agree that careless to manage time effectively is one of major factors
which affects students time management practice, that is 50 (60.2%) of respondents responds
agree and 33 (39.8%) of respondents is strongly agree, which careless of to manage time is also
as a factors of time management practice for students. But, no one of respondents were strongly
disagree, disagree as well as neutral that of careless is factors of time management practice for
students. Therefore, as the data can be shows careless to manage time is a factor of students’
time management practice. This means not initiate to manage time effectively or unwillingness
of using time efficiently and effectively manner.

As can be data shows from table 2 regarding to number of times 3, those majorities of respondent
responds agree and strongly agree that peer pressure can be a factor which affects students’ time
management practice. That is 42(50.6%) of respondent responds agree and 21 (25.2%) of
respondents respond strongly agree that peer pressure can be affect students are management

practice. The remaining 20 (24.2%) of respondents were neutral, and no one of respondents
replied strongly disagree and disagree about peer pressure which affect students time
management practice. Therefore, peer pressure is one of factors of time management practice for
students, which means following the others friend’s behavior can affects their time management
practice. Do to this data majority of respondents have known that peer pressure can affects time
management practice.

Table 2 indicates that with regarding to number of respondents agree that factors of time
management practice as can be come from the administrative system itself. That is 34 (41%) of
respondents agree that factors come from administrative system. Whereas the 28 (33.7%) of
respondents replied disagree, which means factors of time management practice not come from
the administrative system. Again, 21 (25.3%) of respondents responds strongly agree factors of
time management practice as comes from administrative system. But, no one of respondents says
strongly disagree and neutral that of factors of time management practice as comes from
administrative system. So that, as data shows from the table 4.2 majority of respondents agree
about factors which affects students time management practice comes from administrative
system and when unplanned program happen to on students’ time, at that time affects students’
time management practice.

As the data can be shows from table 2 from numbers of item 5, again environmental factors can
be affects students’ time management practice as majority of respondent responds agree, 35
(42.1%) of respondents says agree that factors which affects students time management practice
also comes from environment. Whereas, 21 (25.3%) of respondent responds disagree, this means
factors which affects students time management practice not comes from the environment. The
remaining 47 (56.6%) of respondents strongly agree that of factors which affects students time
management practice as also comes from the environment. But, no one of respondent responds
strongly disagree and neutral, which factors of time management practice for students comes
from environment. Therefore, this data shows that student’s time management practice can be
affects by different environmental factors. For instance, weather condition is one of
environmental factors affect students time management practice as described in open ended type
of questionnaires, and also like different sound comes environment, which affects or disturbs

students time management practice during reading their material and others are factors which
affects students time management practice comes from environment.

The other factors affect students’ time management practice is lack of awareness about time
management practice. As can be data shows from table 2 from number of items 6, much of
respondents responds that lack of awareness as a factors of time management practice, that is 38
(45.8%) of respondents agree that lack of awareness of time management is factors of time
management practice for students. Whereas the minor respondent responds lack of awareness is
not a factors of students’ time management practice. That is 35 (42.1%) of respondents says
disagree and 10 (12.1%)of respondents says strongly disagree that lack of awareness of time
management is factors of time management practice or which means lack of awareness of time
management practice or which means lack of awareness of time management practice. But, no
one of respondents says neutral and strongly agree to that of lack of awareness is one of factors
which affect students’ time management practice.

So that, as data indicates from table 2, much of respondents says agree that lack of awareness as
a factor which affects students time management practice. This means lacks of experience, skills
or ability and knowledge how to manage time effectively. Therefore, as data can be shows one of
major factors, which affect students’ time management practice is lack of awareness.

The other point that affects student’s time management practice is performing academic
activities without time schedule. Again, as data shows from table 2 regarding to numbers of
items 7, much of respondents says agree which performing academic activities without time
schedule affect students time management practice. That is 50 (60.2%) of respondent says agree
which performing academic activities without time schedule can be as affects students time
management practice. Then the remaining 23 (27.8%) of respondent says disagree, mans that
performing academic activities without time schedule is not affects students time management
practice. Whereas, no one of respondents says strongly disagree, neutral and strongly agree when
students perform academic activities, which affects students’ time management practice.
Therefore, as data shows from the presented table, much of respondents agree that performing
academic activities it can be affects students time management practice. This means when
students’ not uses time schedule to work their daily academic activities, it can affect their time

management practice, doing daily academic activities without planning. So, when students not
use their own time schedule to doing certain academic activities, it ca be affect students time
management practice, they can be miss manage their time.

As can be data shows table 2, from number of items 8, with regarding to items 8, the highest
percentage of respondents says agree which the excessive social relation can be affects students’
time management practice. That is 46 (55.4%) of respondents says agree that as excessive social
relation can be affects students time management practice. Whereas, 37 (44.6%) of respondents
says excessive social relation not affect students time management practice. But, no one of
respondents says strongly disagree, disagree and strongly agree that excessive social relation is
factors of time management practice. Therefore, excessive social relation is one of the factors
which affect students’ time management practice as data shows from the table 2 this means when
students expends their much time with friends or spending much of time with group by enjoying
with them can be affects time management practice.

4.3 students time management practice

Table 3 students’ time management practice

No I am interested to manage my time

9 Alternative Frequency Percentage Total

Strongly disagree - -

83 100%
Disagree - -

Neutral 28 33.7

Agree 25 30.1

Strongly agree 30 36.2

No I am spend much of my time on academic program activities

10 Strongly disagree - -

83 100%
Disagree 38 45.8

Neutral - -

Agree 45 54.2

Strongly agree - -

No I have good time management practice

11 Alternative Frequency Percentage Total

Strongly disagree - -

83 100%
Disagree 40 48.2

Neutral - -

Agree 43 51.8

Strongly agree - -

No I am control factors of time management practice

12 Strongly disagree - -

83 100%

Disagree 40 48.2

Neutral - -

Agree 43 51.8

Strongly agree - -

Source; survey questionnaire, (2024).

As data can be shows from the above table 3, regarding to numbers of items 9, the most of
respondents agree and strongly agree as they have interested to manage their time efficiently and
effectively. They have interest to manage their time effective way for their daily academic
program activities. That is 25 (30.1%) of respondents agree and 30 (36.2%) of respondents
strongly agree to that as they have interest to manage their time efficiently and effectively. And,
thee rest 28 (33.7%) of respondents says neutral that the interested to manage their time or not.
Nevertheless, no one of respondents says strongly disagree and disagree, as they have interest to
manage time or not. Therefore, that as a given data shows most of respondents they have interest
to manage their time effectively and efficiently. This means to initiate or willingness to manage
time wisely, properly use of time on objective, practice doing certain academic activities with
planning, or not expend time unnecessary area rather than on targeted objective. Therefore,
students have good time management practice.

Table 3, as data can be shows with regarding to item number 10, the highest percentage of
respondents says agree to spend much of time on academic program activities rather than other
45 (54.2%) of respondents says agree to spend much of time on academic program activities.
Whereas, 38 (45.8%) of respondents says disagree to that the spending of much time on
academic program activities. Nevertheless, no one of respondents says strongly disagree and
strongly agree that spending of much time on academic program activities. So that, spending

much of time on academic program achievement means, effectively use of time on a targeted
program, spend or effective use of time is it encourages academic activities to achieve towards
the targeted goal. Therefore, students have good time management practice.

Table 3, as can be data shows with regarding to number of items 11, that the highest percentage
of respondents have good time management practice. That is 43 (51.8%) of respondents says
agree as that they have good time management practice. Whereas, 40 (48.2%) of respondents
says disagree, means that they have poor time management practice. But, no one of respondents
says strongly disagree, neutral as well as strongly agree as having good time management
practice. This means when students have properly or wisely or used their time on academic
program have highly increase their academic program achievement in times CGPA. So good
time management practice it makes students effective forwards their objective.As a given data
shows from table 4.3 the majority of respondents they have good time management practice.
This implies that students have known the way or a technique of managing time, or they have
enough understanding about time management practice, they know they can manage time
effectively forwards to targeted goal. Therefore, students have good time management practice.
Therefore, students have good time management practice.

As table 3, shows that from number of items 12, the highest percentage of respondents says
disagree to control factors of time management practice. That is 40 (48.2%) of respondents says
disagree to control factors of time management practice, this means they can the different
challenge of time management practice. Then, the remaining 43 (51.8%) respondents says agree,
to that of controlling factors or challenges which affects their time. But, no one of respondents
says strongly disagree, neutral and strongly disagree to control factors of time management.
Which means the major of respondents can be resist the challenge which affects their own time.
Therefore, this is not good for good time management practice.

4.4 Time management practice and academic program achievement

Table 4 Time management practice and the relation of academic program achievement

No Effective time management have a positive impact on academic program achievement

13 Alternative Frequency Percentage Total

Strongly disagree - -

83 100%
Disagree - -

Neutral - -

Agree 50 60.2

Strongly agree 33 39.8

No Poor time management practice have a negative impact on academic program


14 Strongly disagree - -

83 100%
Disagree - -

Neutral - -

Agree 48 57.8

Strongly agree 35 42.2

Source survey questionnaire, (2024).

Table 4, as can be data shows regarding to items 13, all of respondents says agree and strongly
agree, that effective way of using time management practice have as a positive effect on
students’ academic program achievement. That is 50 (60.2%) of respondents says agree 23
(39.8%) of respondents says strongly agree, which effective way of using time management
practice have a positive effect on academic program achievement. But, no one of respondents
says stongly disagree, disagree and natural, that of effective time management practice have a
positive effect on academic program achievement. Therefore, as the data can shows, all of
respondent says effective time management practice have positive impact on academic program

Table 4, as shows from the item 14, all of respondents says agree and strongly agree that the poor
time management practice have negative impact on the students’ academic program
achievement. That is as data indicates from table 48 (57.8%) of respondents says agree and 35
(42.2%) of respondents says strongly agree that poor time management practice have a negative
consequence on their academic program achievement. This means poor time management
practice decreases academic achievement or directly associated with under academic
achievement. So that, it is fact that students’ not uses own time effectively, it has a negative
consequence on their objective, it decreases students CGPA. Therefore, with regarding to this
data, students have enough understanding that the consequence of poor time management


In addition to that, open ended type of questionnaires many respondents give that challenges or
factors of time management practice which affect students’ time management practice.

As respondents replied there are many challenges or factors affect students’ time management
practice as mentioned before. Among those careless of time management practice, unplanned
academic activities, environment, excessive use of social media, excessive social relation, poor
administrative system, peer pressures, unplanned program of teachers, lack of awareness, lack of

interest to use time effectively and others emergence challenges within area or compound of
students are affects their management practice.

According to respondents as said most of respondents wastes their time excessive attending on
social media like, watching DSTV.TV. Different, film and facebook and by joking with friends,
in pool house and other areas, and by playing different game without planning. However, as
respondents discuss the way of managing their time is by planning through using of time
schedule, through using time effectively on the targeted goal or spending much of time on the
academic program achievement. Therefore, students’ have good time management practice.

The other point is respondents describes when used their time effectively last semester they have
a positive effect on their CGPA. All of respondents mentioned that the effective use of time is as
increased their CGPA from previously. Therefore, effective use of time management practice is
highly increase academic program achievement. Additional information as all of respondents
said that time management practice and its effect on academic achievement, time management
practice is directly relating with academic achievement, it is fact that time management practice
has a positive effect on academic achievement or increases academic program achievement.
Whereas poor time management practicehas a negative consequence on students’ academic
achievement as discussed before. Therefore, effective time management practice is very vital
role for students’ academic achievement.

4.5. Analysis of data collected through interview from college dean

In this part of analysis responses obtained through interview with college dean were as follow. In
order to get the dean’s response, the researcher asked the following question and dean respond
for each question in dependently as follow:

First, what are the benefit of implementing effective time management practice? the dean
responds that effective time management practice helps to increase the number of students who
scores a good grade in the college and reduce the number of time which passes without

Secondly: what are the factor which affect students time management in the college? The dean
responds performing any activity without time scheduling is the factor which affects student’s
time management practice in the college. Some students in the college perform their activity
without time planning and this will be case for getting unsuccessful result.

Third: what are the consequences of students don’t have a good time management practice? The
dean responds the consequences of students don’t have a good time management practice are
those; which increase the number of failing students in the college and decreases the number of
students who score a good grade in the college. Therefore, a good time management practices
has positive effect on academic achievement.




Department of management


Questionnaires filling by students of Bonga University, college of business and economics.

Dear respondents; first we would like to express my deepest thanks for your participation and
giving adequate information.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data for study about student’s time management
practice and its effect on academic program achievement (in case of college of business and
economics). Responding to those questionnaires would not create any harm.

Therefore you are kindly request to respond confidentially, when you are asking.


- No need of writing your name

- For closed ended question give your answer by putting mark ’x’ on the space provided


Part one personal information

1. Sex : male female

2. Year of study First Second Third
3. CGPA 2.0-2.5 2.5-3.0 3.0-3.5 Above 3.5
Part two factors which affect student’s time management

No Items Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

1 Social media

2 Careless

3 Peer pressure

4 Administrative

5 Environment

6 Lack of

7 Performing
activities without
time schedule

8 Excessive social

Part- Three: students time management practice

No Item 1 = SD 2 =DA 3 =N 4 =A 5 =SA

9 I am interested to manage my time efficiently

and effectively way

10 I am spending much of my time on academic

program activities

11 I have good time management practice

12 I can control factors of time management

practice that affects my time management

Part Time management practice and academic 1 = SD 2 =DA 3 =N 4 =A 5 =SA

Four achievement

13 Effective time management practice have a
positive effect on academic achievement

14 Poor time management practices have a

negative effect on academic achievement

Part-Five: open ended type of questions, please answer the following questions by giving
additional information about generally time practice quotations in the space provided blow

15. What are the challenges that affect students’ time management practice?

16. What are you recommend for above your mentioned challenges?


17. Identify where you waste your time and in what ways you can reduce such

18. How you are struggle for managing your time?


19. When you used your time effectively last semester is their have the impact or contribution of
time management practice on your CGPA? How much increased your CGPA?
-----------------------------20. What do you think in order to improve students’ time management
---------------------------------------------21. If you have additional information about time
management practice and its effects on academic achievement, please your idea.

Part Six: Interview related questionnaires;

1. What are the benefits of implementing effective time management practice?

2. What are the factors which affect student’s time management in the college?
3. What are the consequences of students don’t have a good time management practice?


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