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Mech 4th Year Syllabus 2021 22

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E: Mechanical Engineering
(2021 - 2022)

4th Year Syllabus

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru
B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)

Sl.No. Course L T P Credits
1 ME7C01 Control Engineering and Electrical Drives 3 2 0 4
Technology in Hybrid and Fuel Cell
2 ME7C02 3 2 0 4
3 ME7E2XX Elective II 3 0 0 3
4 ME7E3XX Elective III 3 0 0 3
5 ME7IXX Industry Driven Elective 2 0 0 2
6 ME7OXX Open Elective 2 0 0 2
7 ME7L01 Heat Transfer Laboratory 0 0 2 1
8 ME7L02 IC Engines and Fuels Laboratory 0 0 2 1
9 ME7C03 Seminar / Paper presentation 0 0 2 1
10 ME7C04 Project Phase I 0 0 2 1
11 ME7C05 Competency training - - - 1
Total 28 23

Elective II– 3 Credits Elective III– 3 Credits

Subject Subject
Subject Sl.No. Subject
Sl.No. Code Code
Design for Additive
1 ME7E201 Aeronautical Engineering 1 ME7E302
Product Design and
2 ME7E202 IC Engines 2 ME7E303
Industrial Design and
3 ME7E203 Advanced Course in
Ergonomics 3 ME7E304
4 ME7E204 Operations Management
Renewable Energy
5 ME7E205 Fluid Power Systems 4 ME7E305
Mobile Equipment PLC Applications in Fluid
6 ME7E206 5 ME7E306
Hydraulics Power Systems
Environmental Friendly
6 ME7E307 and Sustainable
Technologies Systems

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)

Industry driven Elective – 2 Credits Open Elective – 2 Credits

Sl.No. Subject
Subject Code
Sl.No. Subject
Code Advanced
1 ME7O01
Applied Research in
1 ME7I03 Product Development 2 ME7O02 Project Management
and Manufacturing 3 ME7O03 Entrepreneurship
2 ME7I04 Meshing and Simulation 4 ME7O04 Research Methodology

5 ME7O05 Marketing Management

6 ME7O06 Microgrid Systems

7 ME7O07 Financial Management

8 ME7O08 Organizational Behavior

Industrial Internet of
9 ME7O09

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)

Sl.No. Course Code Course L T P Credits
1 ME8E4XX Elective – IV 3 0 0 3
2 ME8E5XX Elective-V 3 0 0 3
3 ME8E6XX Elective-VI 3 0 0 3
4 ME8C01 Internship - - - 3
5 ME8C02 Project Work 0 0 8 4
Total 17 16

Elective IV– 3 Credits Elective V– 3 Credits

Course Subject
Sl.No. Course Sl.No. Subject
Code Code
Tribology & Bearing 1 ME8E501 Automotive Engineering
1 ME8E401
2 ME8E502 Quality Management
Robotics and Numerical
2 ME8E402 Introduction to Aircraft
Control 3 ME8E503
3 ME8E403 Aerodynamics
4 ME8E504 Digital Manufacturing
4 ME8E406 Rotor Dynamics

Elective VI– 3 Credits

Sl.No. Subject
Biomass Energy
1 ME8E601
2 ME8E602 Quality by Design
Statistical Quality
3 ME8E603
Advanced Operations
4 ME8E604 Management &

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code :ME7C01 CIE : 50 %

Hrs / Week : 05 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Develop the mathematical model of various physical systems into and identify the similarities.
2. Analyze the transient and steady state response of various control systems.
3. Compute transfer function of control systems using Block-diagram reduction technique and
Mason’s gain formula.
4. Appraise the stability of the control systems and recommend improvements.
5. Understand the application of control system in drives.

Course Content
Module 1: Introduction: Concept of automatic controls, open and closed loop systems, requirements
of an ideal control system.
Mathematical Modeling using MATLAB: Modeling of the Mechanical systems and Electrical
system. Analogous systems: Force voltage, Force current. Transfer Functions definition, State-Space
Equations, correlation between Transfer Functions and State-Space Equations, transformation from
Transfer Function to State Space representation, transformation from State Space representation to
Transfer Function using MATLAB.
SLE: Modeling of Fluid system, Thermal system, DC (armature controlled and field controlled) and
AC motors on load. (7L+6T) Hrs

Module 2:
Transient and Steady State Response Analysis: Introduction, first order and second order system
response to unit-step input, Unit-Step Response of the Transfer-Function System using MATLAB,
Definitions of Transient-Response Specifications, transient-response analysis with MATLAB.
SLE: Impulse and Ramp Response of the Transfer-Function System using MATLAB,
(6L+4T) Hrs

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Module 3:
Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs: Block-diagram representation of system elements, and
reduction of block diagrams. Signal flow graphs: Mason’s gain formula.
SLE: Transfer function of Multiple Input Multiple Output control systems. (6L+4T) Hrs

Module 4:
Stability Analysis: Mathematical Concept of Stability, Routh’s-Hurwitz Criterion.
Control System Analysis by Root Locus Method: Definition of root loci, general rules for
constructing root loci, Analysis using root locus plots for open loop transfer functions. Root Locus
Plot using MATLAB.
Control System Analysis by Frequency Response Method: Polar plots, Nyquist Stability
Criterion, Relative stability concepts, Bode plots, phase and gain margin.
SLE: Study of various ways of improving phase margin and gain margin. (12L+6T) Hrs

Module 5:
Electrical Drives and Controllers.
Types of controllers: Proportional, Integral, Differential, Proportional Integral, Proportional
Differential, Proportional Integral Differential controllers. Demonstration of controller applications
using MATLAB.
Electrical Drives: Introduction, Parts of electrical drives, Status of DC and AC drives. Dynamics of
Electrical drives – Fundamental torque equations, Speed torque conventions and multiquadrant
operation, Equivalent values of drives parameters, Components of load torque, Control of electric
drives – Modes of operation, Speed control, closed loop control of drives – current, torque and speed
SLE:Study of various controllers in automated machines, Advantages of Electrical Drives.
(8L+6T) Hrs
Text Books:
1. Automatic Control Systems by Farid Golnaraghi, Benjamin C. Kuo, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
2. MATLAB for Control Engineers by Katsuhiko Ogata, Pearson, 2007.
3. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives by Gopal K Dubey, Second Edition, Alpha Science
International limited, 2001.

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Reference Books:
1. Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata, Pearson Publication, 2010.
2. Control Systems Principles and Design: M. Gopal, TMH, 2000
3. Introduction to Automatic Controls, Howard L Harrison, John G Bollinger, Second Edition July
4. Introduction to MATLAB, by Amos Gillat, Wiley Publication, 4th edition, 2012.
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2 & 3) of 20 Marks each will be conducted and best two will be considered
for 40 marks. Assignment/Presentation/Group Project will be evaluated for 10 Marks.
Mapping of COs to POs& PSOs:
Course Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Outcomes satisfied by the COS that are satisfied by the COS

CO 1 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5. PSO1, PSO3

CO2 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5. PSO1, PSO3

CO 3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5. PSO3

CO 4 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5. PSO3

CO5 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5. PSO1, PSO3

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code: ME7C02 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 05 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamentals of vehicle and various engines
2. Outline the concept of EVs and its storage technology
3. Illustrate the theory of Hybridization and its type
4. Describe the technology involved in fuel cells for automobile.

Course Content
Module 1
Environmental Impact and History of Modern Transportation: Air Pollution and Global Warming,
Brief History of Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Fuel Cell Vehicles.
Vehicle Fundamentals: General Description of Vehicle Movement, Vehicle Resistance (Rolling
Resistance, Aerodynamic Drag, Grading Resistance), Power Train Tractive Effort and Vehicle Speed,
Vehicle Power Plant and Transmission Characteristics (Power Plant Characteristics, Transmission
Characteristics – Manual Gear Transmission and CVT), Vehicle Performance (Maximum Speed of a
Vehicle, Gradeability and Acceleration Performance), Operating Fuel Economy (Fuel Economy
Characteristics of IC Engines, Calculation of Vehicle Fuel Economy, Basic Techniques to Improve
Vehicle Fuel Economy).
SLE: Braking Performance - Braking Force and Braking Distribution on Front and Rear Axles.
(8L + 6T) Hrs
Module 2
IC Engines: 4-Stroke Spark-Ignited Engines - Operating Principles, Operation Parameters (Rating
Values of Engines, Indicated Work per Cycle and Mean Effective Pressure, Mechanical Efficiency,
Specific Fuel Consumption and Efficiency, Specific Emissions, Fuel/Air and Air/Fuel Ratio, Volumetric
Efficiency), Relationships between Operation and Performance Parameters (Indicated and Brake Power
and Torque, Fuel Consumption Characteristics), Operating Variables Affecting SI Engine Performance,

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Efficiency, and Emissions Characteristic (Spark Timing, Fuel/Air Equivalent Ratio, Emission Control),
Basic Technique to Improve Performance, Efficiency, and Emission Characteristics. Working principle of
4-Stroke Compression-Ignition IC Engines and Wankel Rotary Engines.
Electric Vehicles: Configurations of Electric Vehicles, Performance of Electric Vehicles (Traction Motor
Characteristics, Tractive Effort and Transmission Requirement and Vehicle Performance), Tractive Effort
in Normal Driving.
SLE: The concept of Energy Consumption in EVs (9L + 6T) Hrs
Module 3
Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Architectures of Hybrid Electric
Drive Trains (Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Parallel Hybrid Electric Drive Trains – Torque
coupling Parallel Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Speed coupling Parallel Hybrid Electric Drive Trains and
Torque Coupling & Speed Coupling Parallel Hybrid Electric Drive Trains).
Electrochemical Batteries: Electrochemical Reactions, Thermodynamic Voltage, Specific Energy,
Specific Power, Energy Efficiency, Battery Technologies (Lead-Acid Batteries and Lithium-Based
Batteries: Lithium–Polymer (Li–P) Battery and Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Battery).
SLE: Nickel-based Batteries: Nickel/Iron System, Nickel/Cadmium System and Nickel–Metal Hydride
(Ni–MH) Battery (9L + 5T) Hrs
Module 4
Ultra-capacitors: Features, Basic Principles, Performance and Ultra-capacitor Technologies.
Ultrahigh-Speed Flywheels: Operation Principles of Flywheels, Power Capacity of Flywheel Systems
and Flywheel Technologies
Hybridization of Energy Storages
Fundamentals of Regenerative Braking: Energy Consumption in Braking, Braking Power and Energy
on Front and Rear Wheels, Brake System of EVs and HEVs (Series Brake Optimal Feel, Series Brake -
Optimal Energy Recovery, Parallel Brake).
SLE: Antilock Brake System (ABS) for Regenerative Braking (7L + 5T) Hrs
Module 5
Fuel Cell Vehicles: Operating Principles of Fuel Cells, Electrode Potential and I-V Curve, Fuel and
Oxidant Consumption, Fuel Cell System Characteristics, Fuel Supply (Hydrogen Storage: Compressed
Hydrogen, Cryogenic Liquid Hydrogen and Metal Hydrides, Hydrogen Production: Steam Reforming,

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
POX Reforming and Auto-thermal Reforming, Ammonia as Hydrogen Carrier), Hybrid Fuel cell
SLE: Concept of Non-hydrogen Fuel Cells. (6L+ 4T)Hrs
Text Books:
1. Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles - Fundamentals, Theory, and Design by
MehrdadEhsani, Yimin Gao and Ali Emadi, CRC Press, London Second Edition (2nd ed.) 2010.

Supporting MOOC courses:

1. Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicles - Web course in NPTEL
Reference Books:
1. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles by Tom Denton, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2018
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2 & 3) of 20 Marks each will be conducted and best two will be considered
for 40 marks. Assignment/Presentation/Group Project will be evaluated for 10 Marks.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code : ME7E201 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100
Course outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Comprehend the components & configurations of various aircraft, aerodynamics of flight and the
behavior of an aircraft during flight.
2. Describe aircraft propulsion systems& their performance and the different attributes of the
mechanical, electrical & electronic systems used in airplanes..
3. Explain the structural & material characteristics of aircraft components and their manufacturing

Course Contents
Module 1: Introduction
Historical developments in aerospace, basic components of an Aircraft, Aircraft Axis System,
Aircraft Motions, Control surfaces.
Types of Aircrafts: Fundamental classification of Aircraft, Conventional & Unconventional
Configurations of aircraft on the basis of wing position, Aspect ratio, planform, Lift & thrust
generation, Fuselage.
SLE: Classification of Aircraft on the basis of Take-off & Landing Systems & Power plant location
8 Hrs
Module 2: Aerodynamics
Basic Fluid Mechanics: Properties of Atmosphere, Bernoulli’s Equation, boundary layer and Flow
Aerofoils and wings: Aerofoil Nomenclature, Classification and Characteristics, Aerodynamic
Center, Center of Pressure and its effects, Theories of Lift Generation, Kutta-Joukowski Theorem,
Aerofoil Drag,
Supersonic Flight: Mach number, Shock wave, Principle of Shock formation, Critical Mach number,
sonic and supersonic flight effects.
SLE: Wing-Geometry Parameters, Wind Tunnel Systems: Components and functions. 8 Hrs

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Module 3: Flight Mechanics
Airplane performance: Equations of motion, Rate of climb, Gliding Flight, Time to climb, Range and
Endurance, Take-off and Landing Performance,
Aircraft Stability and Control: Forces & Moments on an aircraft in flight, Static and dynamic
stability, Longitudinal, Lateral and Roll stability; Basics of aircraft control.
SLE: Drag polar, turning flight, V-n diagram. 8 Hrs
Module 4: Aircraft Propulsion
Aircraft Power Plants: Introduction, Types: Piston, Turboprop, Turbofan and Turbojet engines. Use
of propellers and jets for thrust production; comparative merits
Engine performance parameters: Thrust, Specific Fuel Consumption, & Efficiency and Effect of
Altitude on the same. Thrust augmentation.
SLE: Thermodynamics of Gas Turbine engines components: Compressors, Combustor, Turbine and
Nozzle. 7 Hrs
Module 5: Aircraft Structures
Aircraft structures and materials: Types of construction, Monocoque, semi-monocoque and geodesic
construction, typical wing and fuselage structure. Metallic and non-metallic materials for aircraft
SLE: Aircraft Design Process, Aircraft Manufacturing Industry 8 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Flight without Formulae by A.C Kermode, Pearson Education,10thEdn, Year 2009
2. Introduction to Flight by John. D. Anderson, Jr. 5th Edition, Year 2007
Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Flight by A.C Kermode, Pearson Education,5thEdn, Year 2009
2. Fundamentals Of Flight by Shevell, Pearson Education, 2ndEdn, Year 2009
Assessment Methods:
Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best
two for 50 marks are taken.

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Course Programme Specific Outcomes

Outcomes Mapping of COs to POs that are satisfied by the COS

CO1 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6 & PO7 PSO1, PSO3

CO2 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6 & PO7 PSO1, PSO3
CO3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6 & PO7 PSO1, PSO3

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)

IC ENGINES (3-0-0)
Sub Code : ME7E202 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 3 Hrs SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and explain the classification, constructional features, fuel & air induction systems and
combustion process associated with IC engines.
2. Apply thermodynamic principles to enumerate the performance of an IC engine
Course Contents
Module 1:
Introduction: IC Engine Classification, Engine cylinder types &arrangements. Cylinder block,
cylinder, cylinder liner, Crank case, Piston, Piston rings, connecting rod, crankshaft, valves, valve
actuating mechanisms.
Thermodynamics cycle: Actual PV diagram, Actual Valve timing and port timing Diagrams. Actual
SLE: Inlet and exhaust system: Air filter, Air flow sensor, Special manifolds, Variable geometry
manifold, Variable valve timing, Exhaust silencer. 7 Hrs

Module 2: Carburetion: Carburetor principle, Properties of air-petrol mixtures, Mixture requirements

forsteady state and transient operation,
Petrol Injection Systems: Direct Injection, Indirect Injection, Comparison of petrol injection and
Carburetted fuel supply systems, Multi point Fuel Injection. Ignition Systems: Requirement of an
Ignition system, Magneto Ignition system, Battery Ignition systems, components, Spark Plug.

SLE: Stratified fuel injection system, Laser Ignition system, Knock control, Evaporative emission
control, EGR, 8 Hrs

Module 3: Diesel Fuel Injection: Injection parameters influencing combustion, working principle,
construction, Fuel pump-Types, constructional features influencing injection parameters
Types of Diesel injection systems - Inline Fuel Injection Pumps, Filters, feed pumps, injectors, and

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
nozzles – types, functions, fuel injection pump principle, delivery characteristics, CRDI – Construction,
salient features Advantages over Mechanical injections system, Pressure waves comparison of both
systems, Numericals.
Governors: Need, SI and CI Engines, qualitative and quantitative governors, Hit and Miss Governor
SLE: After injection, Gas entry into nozzle, Cavitation 8 Hrs

Module 4: Combustion in SI & CI Engines: Combustion in S.I. Engines-Initiation of combustion,

flame velocities, effect of variables on flame propagation, normal and abnormal combustion, knocking
combustion, pre-ignition, knock and engine variables, detonation, effects of engine variables on
combustion, Combustion in C.I. Engines -Various stages of combustion, vaporization of fuel droplets
and spray formation, air motion, swirl, squish, tumble flow, velocities, swirl measurement, and delay
period correlations, diesel knock combustion chamber types
SLE: Combustion characteristics: Rate of pressure combustion rise, Peak combustion pressure. Effect
of the rate of pressure rise and peak pressure on noise and the engine components. 8 Hrs

Module 5: Fuels: Introduction, Chemical Structure of petroleum (Paraffin, Olefin, Naphthene &
Aromatic), Fuels for SI engine, LPG as SI engine fuel, Knock rating of SI engine fuels, Fuels for CI
engines,Knock rating of CI engine fuels, Non petroleum fuels.
Performance parameters: Power, Mechanical Efficiency, Mean effective Pressure, Torque, Specific
output, volumetric efficiency, Fuel air ratio, SFC, Thermal efficiency, Heat Balance sheet, Numerical
on performance parameters
Dual fuel and Multi-fuel engines - Combustion in dual fuel engines, Factor affecting combustion.
Main types of gaseous fuels, Characteristics of multi fuel engines.
Hybrid Technology – Introductions.
SLE: Engine testing: Engine test equipment, Performance trials -data acquisition and analysis, Cold start
trials, Endurance run, Vehicle trials. 8 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines by J.B. Haywood, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed.
2. Internal Combustion Engines by V Ganeshan, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed. 2012.

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Reference Books:
1. Engineering fundamentals of the I.C. Engine by Willard W Pulkrabek, 2nd Ed. 2003.
2. I.C. engines by M.L. Mathur and R P Sharma, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 8nd Ed. 2014.

Assessment Methods:
1. Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of whichsum
of best two for 50 marks are taken.
Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs

CO 1 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6, PO8 PSO3

CO2 PO1, PO2 PO3, PO4, PO6 PSO3

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code : ME7E203 CIE : 50 %

Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply the basic principles of Industrial Design & productivity to provide practical solutions.
2. Explain the principles of Work study, Time study and Method Study.
3. Illustrate the fundamentals of ergonomics
4. Describe the significance of Controls & Displays in the study of Ergonomics.
5. Design work stations, taking into consideration the human factors in the industrial environment.
Course Content
Module-1: Introduction: An approach to industrial design –elements of design structure for industrial
design in engineering application in modern manufacturing systems.
Productivity: Definition of productivity, individual enterprises, task of management of productivity,
factor affecting the productivity, wages, and incentives (simple problems)
SLE: Productivity improvement programmes 8 Hrs

Module-2: Work study: Definition, objectives, and scope of work study. Human factor in work study,
work study and management, work study and supervision, work study and worker
Time study: Time study, definition, time study equipment, selection of job steps in time study. Breaking
jobs into elements, recording information. Rating and standard rating, Standard performance , scale of
rating , factors affecting rate of working , allowances and standard time determination predetermined
motion time study
SLE: Method time measurement (MTM). 8 Hrs

Module-3: Introduction to method study: Definition, objective and scope of method study, activity
recording and exam aids. Charts to record movements in shop operation – process chart, flow process
chart, travel chart and multiple activity chart (with simple problems)
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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Micro and memo motion study: Chart to record moment at work place – principle of motion economy,
classification of moments two handed process chart, SIMO chart and micro motion study. Development,
definition, and installation of the improved methods,
SLE: Concepts of synthetic motion studies. 7 Hrs

Module-4: Ergonomics: Introduction, areas of study under ergonomics, system approach to

ergonomics to model, man- machine system. Components of man machine system and their function –
work capability of industrial worker,
Introduction – general approach to the man- machine relationship- workstation design-working
SLE: study of development of stress in human body and their consequences computer-based
ergonomics 8 Hrs

Module-5: Control and Displays: Shapes and sizes of various controls and displays-multiple, displays
and control situations –design of major controls in automobiles, machine tools etc., design of furniture –
redesign of instruments.
Ergonomics and Production: ergonomics and product design –ergonomics in automated systems- expert
systems for ergonomic design. Anthropometric data and its applications in ergonomic design- use of
computerized database. Case study.
SLE: Limitations of anthropometric data 8 Hrs

Test Books:

1. Mayall W.H., Industrial Design for Engineers, London Hiffee books Ltd. 1988.
2. Motion and time study – Ralph M Barnes , John wiley , 8th Edition, 1990
Reference Books:
1. R. C. Bridger, “Introduction to Ergonomics”, McGraw Hill Publications, 3rd Edition,
2. Brain Shakel (Edited), “Applied Ergonomics Hand Book”. Butterworth scientific. London
3. Introduction to work study –ILO ,III Revised Edition 1981
4. Work study and Ergonomics – S Dalela and sourabh ,chand publication, 1990.

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
5. Human Factors in Engineering design- 7th Edition, 1993
Assessment Methods:
1. Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of
best two for 50 marks are taken.

Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Course Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes

Outcomes satisfied by the COS that are satisfied by the COS

CO 1 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6,PO7,PO8 PSO1, PSO3

CO2 PO1, PO2 & PO5,PO8 PSO1, PSO3
CO 3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO6 PSO1, PSO3
CO 4 PO1, PO2, PO3 & PO4 PSO1, PSO3
PO1, PO2, PO3 , PO5, PO6 ,

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code : ME7E204 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand role of operation management, productivity and develop decision support systems.
2. Understand the different capacities, facility location and layouts.
3. Analyze different qualitative and quantitative forecasting models.
4. Understand industries different planning strategies, modern techniques and methods
5. Create and solve different job scheduling strategies.
Course Content
Module-1: Operations Management Concepts: Introduction, Historical Development, Operations
Management Definition, and Framework for managing operation, Products v/s Services, Productivity,
Factors affecting Productivity, International Dimensions of Productivity, The environment of operations,
scope of Operations Management.
Operations Decision Making: Introduction, Characteristics of decisions, framework for
Decision Making, Decision methodology, Decision support system. Concept and Numerical
problems on economic model (BEA), Decision tree analysis.
SLE: Trending in manufacturing industries. 8 Hrs

Module-2: System Design and Capacity Planning: Introduction, System configuration,

Manufacturing and Service system, Design capacity, System capacity, capacity planning,
investment decisions and Numerical problems
Facility Location and Layout: Introduction, Need of selecting a suitable location, factors
influencing plant location, Location Planning for Goods and Services, Foreign locations,
Objectives of the good plant layout. facility layout, Classification of layouts, analysis and
selection of Layouts, , minimizing cost in job shop layout.

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
SLE: Assembly line balancing 7 Hrs

Modulet-3:Demand Forecasting: Nature and use of forecast , Forecasting time horizon, short and
long range forecasting, sources of data, demand patterns, forecasting models: qualitative
forecasting techniques, quantitative forecasting models- linear regression, moving average,
exponential smoothing, monitoring and controlling forecasting models, Numerical
SLE: Forecasting as a planning tool 8 Hrs

Module-4: Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling: Introduction, Planning and Scheduling,
Objectives of Aggregate Planning, Aggregate Planning strategies and Methods,
transportation model for aggregate planning. Objectives of the Master
Scheduling. Master Scheduling Methods and Numerical problems.
Material and Capacity Requirements Planning: Overview: MRP system, MRP inputs and outputs,
BOM, MRP logic, Introduction to CRP and ERP.
Modern production management tools: overview of JIT, Benefits of JIT, Push/Pull
production. Japanese manufacturing Techniques: In brief Kanban, Poka yoke and kaizen.
SLE: Capacity Management. 8 Hrs

Module-5: Scheduling and Controlling Production Activities: Introduction ,scheduling strategy &
guidelines, Scheduling methodology, concept of single machine scheduling, measure of
performance, SPT, WSPT rule, EDD rule, minimizing nos. of tardy jobs. Flow shop
scheduling: Johnson algorithm’s’ jobs on ‘2’ and ’3’ machines, CDS heuristics.
Job shop scheduling: Scheduling ‘2’ jobs on ‘M’ machines. Numerical problems.
SLE: Gantt Chart 8 Hrs

1. Operations Management by B. Mahadevan, Theory and practice, Pearson education, second edition-

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
1. Operations Management by I. Monks, J.G., McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1987.
2. Modern Production/Operations Management by Buffa, Wiley Eastern Ltd, Year 2007
3. Production and Operations Management by Pannerselvam. R.,PHI, Year 2012
4. Productions & Operations Management by Adam & Ebert, Year 2002
5. Production and Operations Management by Chary, S. N., Tata-McGraw Hill, Year 2000
6. JIT manufacturing by M.G. Korgoonkar First Edition, McMillan India Ltd, Year 2003

Assessment Methods:
1. Written Tests (Test 1,2 & 3) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of
best two for 50 marks are taken.

Mapping of COs with POs and PSOs

Programme Outcomes that Programme Specific
Course Outcomes that are satisfied
are satisfied by the
Outcomes by the COS
PO1, PO2, PO5, PO6, PO10 PSO1, PSO3
CO 1
and PO12
PO1, PO2,PO4,PO5, PO6, PSO1, PSO3
PO10 and PO12
PO1, PO2,PO5, PO6, PSO1, PSO3
CO 3
PO10,PO11 and PO12
PO2,PO3, PO5, PO6, PSO1, PSO3
CO 4 PO7,PO8,PO9,PO10,PO11 and
PO2, PO5,
CO 5 PO6,PO9,PO10,PO11 and

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code : ME7E205 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain with clarity the working principle and performance parameters of various hydraulic
and pneumatic components and systems
2. Design hydraulic and pneumatic circuits for mechanical engineering applications
3. Analyse performance evaluation of fluid power systems and propose improvements.
4. Make an effective presentation of a real life hydraulic or pneumatic system in the form of a
case study and automation studio software.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to Hydraulic Power: Review of Pascal’s law and its applications in Fluid Power Systems,
Structure of Hydraulic control system, Advantages and disadvantages of fluid power & its applications.
Hydraulic oil and its properties.
The Source of Hydraulic Power: Hydraulic Pumps, pumping theory, pump classification, Gear pumps,
Vane pumps, piston pumps, variable displacement pumps, pump performance.
SLE: Pump noise and pump selection. 8 Hrs
Module 2:
Hydraulic Actuators: Linear Hydraulic Actuators (cylinder),Cylinder mountings and mechanical
linkages, Cylinder Force,Velocity and Power, Cylinder loading through mechanical linkages, Hydraulic
Cylinder cushions, hydraulic Rotary Actuators, Gear motors, vane motors, piston motors, Hydraulic
theoretical torque , power and flow rate, Hydraulic motor performance and hydrostatic transmission.
Control Components in Hydraulic Systems: Directional Control Valves(DCV) – Symbolic
representation, Construction features, Pressure Control Valves(PCV)-direct and pilot operated types,Flow
control valves
SLE: Servo and Cartridge valves 8 Hrs

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Module 3:
Hydraulic Circuit Design and Analysis: Control of single and double –acting hydraulic cylinder,
analysis of regenerative cylinder circuit, pump unloading circuit, Double pump hydraulic system,
Counterbalance valve application, Hydraulic cylinder sequencing circuits. Automatic cylinder
reciprocating system, Locked cylinder using pilot check valve, analysis of cylinder synchronizing
circuits, analysis of speed control of hydraulic cylinder, Speed control of hydraulic motors, Hydraulic
motor breaking system. Demonstration on hydraulic trainer kit
SLE: Accumulators and accumulator circuits. 7 Hrs
Module 4:
Introduction to Pneumatic Control: Production of compressed air- Compressors, Servicing of
compressed air by Driers, Filters, Regulators and Lubricators. Structure of Pneumatic control system.
Pneumatic Actuators: Linear cylinders-types, end position cushioning, Rod-less cylinders, working
Directional Control Valves: Symbolic representation as per ISO 1219 and ISO 5599. Design and
constructional aspects of poppet valves, slide valves –spool valve.
Simple Pneumatic control: direct and indirect actuation of pneumatic cylinder, Use of memory valve.
Flow control valves and Speed control of cylinders- supply air throttling and Exhaust air throttling use of
quick exhaust valve and time delay valve.
Signal processing elements: Use of Logic functions – OR and AND gates in pneumatic applications.
Practical examples to the use of logic gates in circuits.
Demonstration on hydraulic trainer kit
SLE: Rotary actuators and its applications 8 Hrs
Module 5:
Multi Cylinder Applications: (up to two cylinder) Functional and Motion control diagrams. Mechanical
Limit switches, Signal elimination methods.Cascading method.
Electro-Pneumatic Control: Principles-signal input and output pilot assisted solenoid control of
directional control valves, use of relay and contactors. Application of switching function possibilities,
electro-pneumatic circuits (up to two cylinders)
Software: Simulation of hydraulic and Pneumatic circuits using Automation
studio/FESTOsoftware/LabVIEW software (two exercises only)

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SLE: Maintenance and troubleshooting of pneumatic system 8 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Fluid power with applications, Anthony Esposito, Seventh edition, Pearson education, inc, 2008
2. Pneumatic systems, S. R. Majumadar, Tata McGraw Hill publishing co, Year 2001.
Reference Books:
1. Oil Hydraulic systems – principles and maintenance, S.R. Majumdar, Tata McGraw Hill
publishing company Ltd. Year 2003.
2. Pneumatics and Hydraulics, Andrew Parr. Jaico publishing Co. Year 2006

Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1,2 & 3) are Evaluated for 20 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 40
marks are taken. 10 marks for Assignment or presentation on industrial automation or short-term
course on FPS or mini project etc.
Mapping of COs, POs & PSOs:
Programme Outcomes Programme Specific Outcomes
CO4 PO1, PO2, PO3 PSO1

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code : ME7E206 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts of hydraulic systems and hydraulic components.
2. Evaluate the mechanical concepts of hydraulic systems.
3. Understand the physical characteristics and accessories in hydraulic systems.
4. Develop the system and electrical controls for hydraulic components.
5. Identify troubleshooting in fluid power systems.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction: Basic principles, definitions, Building a basic cylinder or Hydraulic motor circuit:
Reservoir, Supply line, Pump, Pressure relief valve, Directional control valve, Cylinder, Hydraulic motor,
Return line., Vane pumps, piston pumps, variable displacement pumps, pump performance, Pump noise
and pump selection.
SLE: Oil Filters 8Hrs
Module 2:
Hydraulic Actuators: Linear Hydraulic Actuators (cylinder),Cylinder mountings and mechanical
linkages, Cylinder Force,Velocity and Power, Cylinder loading through mechanical linkages, Hydraulic
Cylinder cushions, hydraulic Rotary Actuators, Gear motors, vane motors, piston motors, Hydraulic
theoretical torque, power and flow rate, Hydraulic motor performance and hydrostatic transmission.
Control Components in Hydraulic Systems: Directional Control Valves (DCV) – Symbolic
representation, Construction features, Pressure Control Valves(PCV)-direct and pilot operated types,Flow
control valves
SLE: Servo and Cartridge valves 9Hrs
Module 3:
Hydraulic fluids and Accessories: Hydraulic fluids types, physical characteristics and transmission of
forces, pipes, tubes and hoses (standards), coupler and fittings – threaded seal metal-to-metal tapered

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
fitting, threaded seal metal-to-metal straight fitting, dry seal to 30 degree cone seat fitting, joint industrial
council flare seal to 37 degree cone seat fitting, SAE flare seal to 45 degree cone seat fitting, o-ring seat
fitting, split flange o-ring seal fitting, o-ring face seal fitting, quick disconnect fitting, oil flow through
orifices, straight thread fitting sizes, thread forms of fluid connectors.
SLE: ISO standardization 10Hrs
Module 4:
Applications: Basic principle of mobile hydraulics technology, compact assemblies, mobile DCV blocks,
Application concerned to agriculture tractors and forklift, networking such as CAN-BUS used in
SLE: Advantages of CAN-BUS. 6Hrs
Module 5:
Maintenance: Introduction, daily maintenance checks, weekly or monthly maintenance checks.
Troubleshooting fluid power systems: Introduction, talk to the operator, friction of air in the hose, air
flow and vacuum flow through orifices, cavitation’s, leaks, hose restrictions, contamination, internal
collapse, worn pumps, leaking cylinder seals.
SLE: Worn motors 6Hrs
Text Book:
1. Modern diesel technology: Mobile Equipment Hydraulics, Ben Watson, SAE, ASE, 2011
2. Fluid power with applications, Anthony Esposito, Seventh edition, Pearson education, inc, 2008
Reference Book:
1. Oil Hydraulic systems – principles and maintenance, S.R. Manjundar, Tata McGraw Hill
publishing company Ltd., 2003.
2. Hydraulics In Mobile Equipment : BOSCH rexroth, ISBN 978-3-9816219-9-0
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2 & 3) are evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best two of 50
marks are taken.

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Mapping of COs to POs and PSOs:

Programme Outcomes Programme Specific Outcomes
CO4 PO1, PO2, PO3 PSO1

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code : ME7E302 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 04 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the difference between traditional manufacturing and additive manufacturing
techniques and its application
2. Comprehend the principle of operation for Stereo lithography, Selective Laser sintering, fused
deposition modeling, solid ground curing and laminated object manufacturing processes
3. Optimize the design for AM and factors influencing AM process
4. Appraise functional aspects of 3D printing techniques and tools
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM): General overview Introduction, The Generic AM
Process, The Benefits of AM, Distinction between AM and CNC machining, need for the time
compression in product development, history of RP systems, survey of applications, classification of AM
SLE: Reverse Engineering Technology. 08Hrs
Module 2:
Stereo Lithography Systems: Principle, Process parameter, Process details, Data preparation, data files
and machine details, Application Selective Laser Sintering and Fusion Deposition Modeling: Type of
machine, Principle of operation, process parameters, Data preparation for SLS, Applications, Process
parameter, Path generation, Applications. Solid Ground Curing: Principle of operation, Machine details,
Applications. Laminated Object Manufacturing: Principle of operation, , Process details, application.
SLE : Micro- and nano-additive 10Hrs
Module 3:
Design for Additive Manufacturing: Design for Manufacturing and Assembly, Core DFAM Concepts
and Objectives, AM Unique Capabilities, Exploring Design Freedoms, Design Tools for AM.
Process optimization: factors influencing accuracy, data preparation errors, part building errors,
selection of part build orientation.

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SLE: Error in finishing 08 Hrs
Demonstration Experiment on 3D printing in FDM machine 26 Hrs
1. 3D Modelling of a single component.
2. Assembly of CAD modelled Components
3. Exercise on CAD Data Exchange.
4. Generation of .stl files.
5. Identification of a product for Additive Manufacturing and its AM process plan.
6. Printing of identified product on an available AM machine.
7. Post processing of additively manufactured product.
8. Inspection and defect analysis of the additively manufactured product.
9. Comparison of Additively manufactured product with conventional manufactured counterpart.
Text Books:
1. Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker, Additive manufacturing technologies: rapid prototyping to
direct digital manufacturing Springer, 2010.
2. Pham D.T. & Dimov S.S "Rapid Manufacturing" Springer London 2011.
3. Andreas Gebhardt, Understanding additive manufacturing: rapid prototyping, rapid tooling, rapid
manufacturing, Hanser Publishers, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Zhiqiang Fan and Frank Liou, Numerical modeling of the additive manufacturing (AM) processes of
titanium alloy, ln Tech, 2012.
2. C.K. Chua, K.F. Leong and C.S. Lim, Rapid prototyping: principles and applications, 3rd Edition,
World Scientific, 2010.
3. Wohlers Report 2021 ISBN 978-0-9913332-7-1.
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test-1, Test-2, & Test-3) are evaluated for 20 Marks each out of which sum of best
two are taken. Assignment evaluated for 10 marks on demonstration experiments.

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Mapping of COs to POs and PSOs:
Programme Outcomes Programme Specific Outcomes

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code: ME7E303 CIE:50%
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE:50%
SEE: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe the fundamentals of new product development process and planning.
2. Establish product specifications identifying customer needs.
3. Generate and select various concepts for a product.
4. Understand the concept of Product Architecture and Industrial Design.
5. Appraise the concept of Design for Manufacturing, Prototyping and Patents.

Course Content

Module-1: Introduction: Characteristics of successful product development, Design and development of

products, duration and cost of product development, the challenges of product development.
Development Processes and Organizations: A generic development process, concept development: the
front-end process, adopting the generic product development process, the AMF development process,
product development organizations.
Product Planning: The product planning process, identify opportunities. Evaluate and prioritize projects,
allocate resources and plan timing, complete pre project planning, reflect all the results and the process
SLE: Characteristics of different organizational structures. 08 Hrs

Module -2: Identifying Customer Needs: Gather raw data from customers, interpret raw data in terms
of customer needs, organize the needs into a hierarchy, establish the relative importance of the needs and
reflect on the results and the process.
Product Specifications: What are specifications, when are specifications established, establishing target
specifications, setting the final specifications.
SLE: A Case study on product planning (Tata Ace). 07 Hrs

Module -3: Concept Generation: The activities of concept generation clarify the problem, search
externally, search internally, explore systematically, reflect on the results and the process.
Concept Selection: Overview of methodology, concept screening, and concept scoring,
Concept Testing: Define the purpose of concept test, choose a survey population, choose a survey format,
communicate the concept, measure customer response, interpret the result, reflect on the results and the
SLE: Caveats in Concept selection. 08 Hrs

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Module -4: Product Architecture: What is product architecture, implications of the architecture,
establishing the architecture, variety and supply chain considerations, platform planning.
Industrial Design: Assessing the need for industrial design, the impact of industrial design, industrial
design process, managing the industrial design process, assess the quality of industrial design.
SLE: Related System Level Design Issues. 07 Hrs

Module -5: Design for Manufacturing: Definition, estimation of manufacturing cost, reducing the cost
of components, assembly, supporting production.
Prototyping: Prototyping basics, principles of prototyping, technologies, planning for prototypes.
Patents and Intellectual Property: Overview of Patents, Preparing a Disclosure to apply for a patent.
SLE: Impact of DFM on other factors.

Text Books:
1. Product Design and Development - Karl. T. Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger – Fifth Edition, Irwin
McGraw-Hill- 2000.
Reference Books:
1. Product Design and Manufacturing - A C Chitale and R C Gupta, PH1, - 3rd Edition, 2003.
2. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly - Geoffery Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst andWinston
Knight – 2002.
Assessment Methods:
1. Case Study presentations on indicated topics : 15 Marks
2. Assignment on Topics : 10 Marks
3. Open book test to design models on problem requirements : 25 Marks

Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs
CO 1 PO1, PO6 PSO1,
CO 2 PO1, PO2 PSO1, PSO3
CO 3 PO1, PO4 PSO1, PSO4
CO 4 PO1, PO4 PSO1, PSO4
CO 5 PO1, PO4 PSO1, PSO4

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)

Advanced Course in Entrepreneurship (3-0-0)

Sub Code : ME7E304 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 3 Hrs SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3Hrs Max. Marks : 100
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. To learn the concepts and theories of entrepreneurship and the role of entrepreneur and their
2. Understand the concept of innovation, its importance for the company and organization
implementation of a systematic innovation strategy.
3. Understanding the need and development of social entrepreneurs for sustainable society and
exposing students to NGO operations and management
4. To know about the financial support systems available for growth and development of enterprise.
5. Learning conceptual frameworks and tools to develop self-sustainable, replicable, and scalable
social businesses


Introduction: Concept and introduction, Entrepreneurial Process, Entrepreneurial behaviour and skills,
Entrepreneurial structure, Entrepreneurial Culture vs. administrative culture, Entrepreneur vs
Intrapreneurs, Rural entrepreneurship.
The Entrepreneur: Role of an entrepreneur: different views-Psychological, social, economic and
managerial; Classification of entrepreneurs; Characteristics and Classification of entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneurial Traits, Motivation Theories- Joseph Schumpeter Theory of Innovation. Entrepreneurial
Life Cycle, Sources of Entrepreneurial Supply and Embeddedness.
8 Hrs
SLE:Cases of successful entrepreneurs


Managing Creativity: An Overview, Understanding Creativity, Unblocking Creative Potential, Creativity
Tools and Techniques - Lateral Thinking, Enablers and Barriers to Creativity, Creative Personality,
Brainstorming, Entrepreneurial Creativity, The concept of innovation: Defining innovation, Differences
between invention and innovation. Product innovation and process, Radical and incremental innovation,
Technological innovation.
Innovation and entrepreneurship: The entrepreneur, Profile analysis, behaviour and motivations, Lean
Start -up, the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Entrepreneurs and strategic decisions
08 Hrs

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
SLE: Steps for Increasing Your Own Creativity.


Introduction: Social Entrepreneurship- concepts and importance; characteristics of a successful social
entrepreneur; Problems faced by social entrepreneurs, Developing the Social Enterprise: Problem /gap
identification for development of a socio business model; Social enterprise goals, objectives and mission;
Business and revenue models, developing social enterprises.
NGOs: Introduction, Role of NGOs; Types of NGO: Orientation based, Operation based; Activities done
by NGO; Management of NGO: Identifying the Thrust area; Registration of NGO, Planning, Decision
Making. 08 Hrs

SLE: Social Marketing of NGO


Startup India, Make in India, Atal Innovation Mission, STEP,JAM, STAND-UP India, TREAD, PMKVY,
Schemes of DST, DIPP,MSMESingle Point Registration Scheme, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Welfare-The Venture Capital Assistance Scheme GOI-Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana.
SLE: Department of Science & Technology (DST)-NewGen Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Development Centre. 08 Hrs


Preparing for Growth, Social Enterprise growth strategies, Intrapreneurship and Entrepreneurial intensity,
and The end of social enterprise process Understanding of ecosystem: Central and state –level institutions
supporting social businesses in India; Government schemes for promoting social enterprise. Monetary and
non-monetary benefits to founders and cofounders
SLE: Entrepreneurial Fund Raising and Marketing 07 Hrs

Text Books:
1. Kuratko & Hodgetts: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices, Thomson Learning New Delhi 2006
2. Entrepreneurship: Creating and Leading an Entrepreneurial Organization,Arya Kumar
3. Joseph A. Schumpeter, The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism, Princeton University Press,
1991, SBN9780691003832
Reference Books:
1. Kuratko & Hodgetts: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices, Thomson Learning New Delhi 2006
2. Nina Jacob, - Creativity in Organisations (Wheeler, 1998)
3. Jonne & Ceserani- Innovation & Creativity (Crest) 2001

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4. Bettina von Stamm,” Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity, John Wiley & Sons ,Latest
5. Arthur C. Brooks, Social Entrepreneurship: A Modern Approach to Social Value Creation,
Prentice Hall, Latest Edition
6. David Bornstein, How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas,
Oxford University Press, USA, Latest Edition
7. Agrawal, Anirudh, Kumar, Payal (Eds.), Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business
8. The Case of India, Palgrave Macmillan, Latest Edition

Assessment Methods:
 Written Tests (Test 1,2 & 3) are Evaluated for 20 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 40
marks are taken. 10 marks for Assignment, presentation etc.
Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs
CO 1 PO1, PO6 PSO1,
CO 2 PO1, PO2 PSO1, PSO3
CO 3 PO1, PO4 PSO1, PSO4
CO 4 PO1, PO4 PSO1, PSO4
CO 5 PO1, PO4 PSO1, PSO4

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Sub Code : ME7E305 CIE : 50 %

Hrs / Week : 04 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and explain renewable energy sources & systems. Apply engineering techniques to build
solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, bio fuel, fuel cell, Hydrogen systems.
2. Analyse and evaluate the implication of renewable energy concepts in solving numerical problems
pertaining to wind energy systems. Demonstrate self-learning capability to design & establish
renewable energy systems.
3. Learn to conduct experiments and find out performance of various energy technologies like solar,
wind, biogas and biodiesel.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction: Need for renewable energy sources, Introduction to renewable energy sources &
Solar Energy: Extra-terrestrial radiation, Spectral distribution, solar constant, beam diffuse and global
radiation. Measurement of Solar Radiation: Pyrometer, pyrheliometer, sunshine recorder. Solar Radiation
Geometry: declination angle, surface azimuth angle, hour angle, zenith angle, solar altitude angle.
Solar Thermal energy: Working principles & application - Water heating, solar air heaters, space
heating and cooling, Solar dryers, Solar cookers, solar thermal power-based electricity generation;
Vapour absorption refrigeration, solar distillation, solar pond, and solar chimney. Solar panels in
Solar Photovoltaic Conversion: Solar PV cell, MPPT. Solar PV systems - standalone system, grid tied
system, hybrid system, Grid interactive system, solar water pumping
SLE: Solar Energy Mission policy and its status. (Refer policy on MNRE) 9 Hrs

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Module 2:
Wind Energy: Introduction - properties, wind data, power from wind- tip speed ratio, blade angle. Wind
Turbines -types, construction, elementary design principles -coefficient of performance, aerodynamic
considerations, numerical examples, and Environmental aspects
Tidal Power: Principle of working, fundamental characteristics of tidal power.
Geothermal Power: Working principle, Case studies of some geothermal power plants
SLE: Wind energy programme in India. 8 Hrs

Module 3:
Energy from Bio Mass: Biomass Conversion Routes. Bio gas: Anaerobic digestion, Classification of
Biogas Digester, operational parameters. Biogas from urban solid waste, Thermal application, electricity
generation from Biogas, Bio CNG (CBG).
Bio oils: Bio diesel – conversion of non-edible oils to biodiesel - Transesterification, Engine performance
with various blending ratios. Ethanol- conversion of biomass to ethanol, use of ethanol as a fuel in
Engine. Biomass Gasification: General working Principle, Types of Gasifier.
Emerging technologies: Hydrogen: Hydrogen as fuel for motor vehicles (working principles).
Fuel cells: Working principle, Types, applications in power-sector, transport and avionics
Micro grid (concept) – Working principle of Microgrid
SLE: Salient features of Bio fuel policy of Govt. of India & Govt. Of India SATAT
(Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation) programme. 9 Hrs
1. Experiment to find the efficiency of a solar Flat Plate Collectors
2. Experiment to find the I-V (current -Voltage) & Power characteristics of a solar cell.
3. Experiment on Performance of a solar Concentrating system
4. Experiment to find Performance of a Wind Turbine.
5. Experiment on performance of Engine with various blending of Biodiesel and Biogas.
6. Demonstration of Transesterification process to produce Biodiesel.
7. Demonstration of working principle of an automated Biogas plant 26 Hrs.

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Text Books:
1. Non-conventional energy resources by B H Khan, Tata McGraw-Hill. -2009-ISBN (10) :0-07-
2. Non-conventional Energy Sources by G.D. RAI, Khanna Publishers. - 2006.- ISBN: 81-7409-
3. Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies by D.P. Kothari, Publisher: Prentice
Hall India Learning Private Limited; 2nd edition (1 January 2011), ISBN-10: 8120344707, ISBN-13:
Reference Books:
1. Renewable Energy resources by John W Twidell, Anthony D Weir, EL BS – 2005.- ISBN- 0419
2. Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology: Principles and Practice by V. V. N. Kishore.
Publisher: The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI, ISBN-10: 9788179932216, ISBN-13: 978-
3. Solar Energy – Principle of Thermal collection and storage, Tata McGraw-Hill- by S P Sukathme,
Edition: 2008.- ISBN: 0-07-462453-9
Assessment Methods:
1. Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 20 Marks each out of which sum of
best two for 40 marks are taken.
2. Assignment evaluated for 10 marks. (Tutorial Portion)
Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:
COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs
CO1 PO1, PO2, PO6, PO7 PSO2
CO2 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO7 PSO2
CO3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO7, PO9 PSO2, PSO3

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code : ME7E306 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain with clarity the working principle and performance parameters of various hydraulic
and pneumatic components and systems
2. To understand and Apply Programmable Logic Control in Fluid Power Applications
3. Design hydraulic and pneumatic circuits using PLC
4. Analyse performance evaluation of fluid power systems and propose improvements.
5. Make an effective presentation of a real life hydraulic or pneumatic system in the form of a
case study by use of design and simulation software
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to Hydraulic Power: Review of Pascal’s law and its applications in Fluid Power Systems,
Structure of Hydraulic control system, Advantages and disadvantages of fluid power & its applications,
pump, Motor, Linear Hydraulic Actuators (cylinder),
Control Components in Hydraulic Systems: Directional Control Valves(DCV) – Symbolic
representation, Construction features, Pressure Control Valves(PCV)-direct and pilot operated types,
Flow control valves
SLE: PLC Types 8 Hrs
Module 2:
Introduction to PLC: Definition, Architecture, Components of PLC, software used, Ladder diagram
Concepts of AND, OR and Other logic, application of PLC in industrial hydraulic
Hydraulic Circuit Design and Analysis: Control of single and double –acting hydraulic cylinder using
PLC, Hydraulic cylinder sequencing circuits with PLC, Rapid, Creep motion of hydraulic cylinder using
external sensors, Timer based hydraulic applications using PLC timer
SLE: Accumulators and accumulator circuits. 7 Hrs

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Module 3:
Introduction to Pneumatic Control: Production of compressed air- Compressors, Structure of
Pneumatic control system. Pneumatic Actuators: Linear cylinders-types, end position cushioning, Rod-
less cylinders, working advantages.
Directional Control Valves: Symbolic representation as per ISO 1219 and ISO 5599. Design and
constructional aspects of poppet valves, slide valves –spool valve.
Signal processing elements: Use of Logic functions – OR and AND gates in pneumatic applications,
Practical examples to the use of logic gates.
SLE: Arduino boards. 8 Hrs
Module 4:
Electro-Pneumatic Control: Principles-signal input and output, electrical components and symbolic
representations, pilot assisted solenoid control of directional control valves, use of relay and contactors.
Application of switching function possibilities, electro-pneumatic circuits (up to two cylinders)
PLC Pneumatics: Operation of Single and double acting cylinder using PLC Pneumatics, Multicycle
operations in single and double acting cylinder, operation of two-cylinder sequencing using PLC, multi
cylinder applications, timer and counter application in pneumatics
SLE: Cascading circuit 8 Hrs
Module 5:
Software: Simulation of hydraulic and Pneumatic circuits using software and demonstration of
experiments covered in module 2 and module 4 using the simulation software
SLE: Maintenance and troubleshooting of Fluid power systems 8 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Fluid power with applications, Anthony Esposito, Seventh edition, Pearson education, inc, 2008
2. Pneumatic systems, S. R. Majumadar, Tata McGraw Hill publishing co, Year 2001.
3. Pneumatic controls by Jiji.P 1st Edition
4. Programmable Logic Controls By W.Bolton 5th Edition
Reference Books:
1. Oil Hydraulic systems – principles and maintenance, S.R. Majumdar, Tata McGraw Hill
publishing company Ltd. Year 2003.
2. Pneumatics and Hydraulics, Andrew Parr. Jaico publishing Co. Year 2006

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Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1,2 & 3) are Evaluated for 20 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 40
marks are taken. 10 marks for Assignment, presentation, short term course on FPS etc.
Mapping of COs, POs & PSOs:
Programme Outcomes Programme Specific Outcomes
CO4 PO1, PO2, PO3 PSO1

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Sub Code : ME7E307 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Describe and explain sustainable technologies & systems.

2. Apply engineering techniques to establish sustainable technology projects.
3. Demonstrate self-learning capability to design & establish sustainable technology systems.
4. Understand low energy combustion and concept of energy storage.
5. Explain the environmental impact of sustainable technologies.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction: Definition and concepts of sustainable technologies and sustainable development,
Integration of Economic, Social and Environmental sustainability, Biodiversity and Availability of
natural resources in development, quality of life, needs and wants.
SLE: List of natural resources 6 Hrs
Module 2:
Waste: Waste and waste management techniques. - waste as a resource, waste reduction, reuse and
recycling of materials, energy generation form waste.
solid waste composition and quantities, classification of fuels, energy potential in waste, waste
management and segregation, waste to energy technology, emission and energy balance of waste
incineration and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF or SRF) technology economic enterprises from waste, current
development in the subject.
SLE: Local waste segregation methods 9 Hrs
Module 3:
Habitat system for sustainable development: Modern methods and components of construction, energy
requirements and environmental impact of various components. Alternative methods of construction,

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passive solar architecture, Rain water harvesting in buildings, green buildings – concept, Efficient Use
of Energy in Buildings, current development in the subject.
SLE: Eco friendly building and construction materials 7Hrs

Module 4:
Low emission combustion: Ecological noxiousness of combustion, mechanisms leading to formation
and emission of nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and particulate matter
in the course of combustion. Devices for noxious substances reduction. Primary and secondary
technologies for emission reduction of noxious compounds typical for energy sector.
Carbon dioxide mitigation technologies: capture and sequestration of CO2 from large stationary
Energy storage for sustainable energy systems: Energy system operation and introduction to energy
storage; Functionality and performance indicators of electric energy storage; Design and operation of
electric energy storage systems; System integration of electric energy storage technologies.
SLE: Different energy storage systems 10 Hrs
Module 5:
Environmental Impact of sustainable Technologies: Environmental impact of prominent Renewable
Energy & sustainable Technologies – Land use, Health Hazards, Accidental discharge of pollutants,
material requirement, flora and fauna, Human safety Hazards, Air and water pollution, Noise. Remedial
measures and current development in the subject.
SLE: A case study of environmental impact of sustainable technologies 7 Hrs
Text Books:
1. A Comprehensive Book on Solid Waste Management with Application by Dr. H.S. Bhatia, ASIN:
B08CTC179W, Publisher: Misha Books (1 January 2019).
2. Sustainable Building Technology by K.S. Jagadish, Publisher: I K International Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd ISBN-10: 9386768208, ISBN-13: 978-9386768209
Reference Books:
1. Designing Sustainable Energy for All: Sustainable Product-Service System Design Applied to
Distributed Renewable Energy (Green Energy and Technology) by Carlo Vezzoli (Author),

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Fabrizio Ceschin (Author), Lilac Osanjo (Author). Publisher: SpringerISBN-10: 331970222X,
ISBN-13: 978-3319702223
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best
two for 25 marks are taken.

Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs
CO1 PO1, PO2, PO6, PO7 PSO2
CO2 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO7, PO11 PSO2, PSO3
CO3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7 PSO1, PSO3
CO4 PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9 PSO1, PSO3
CO5 PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9 PSO1, PSO4

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Sub Code: ME7I03 CIE:50%
Hrs / Week: 02 SEE:50%
SEE: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify research in product design using looking and learning techniques.
2. Explore research in product design by implementing asking and making techniques.
3. Implement testing, evaluation & selection with communication in product design.

Course Content

Product Learning Research: Research in Product Design, Primary and Secondary Research, Iterative
Design Process, Iterative Design Process, Analysing Research and Ethics.
Looking: Ethnography, Photo and Video Dairies, Shadowing, Personal belongings, Future Forecasting,
Trend Spotting, Scenarios, Sketching, Product Autopsy and Sketching.
Learning: Cultural Probes, Competitor Product Analysis, Literature Analysis, Internet Searches, Cultural
Comparisons, Role Playing, Try it Yourself, Mind Mapping and Sampling.
SLE: Case Studies in Sketching and Sampling. 09 Hrs

Module -2
Asking: Questionnaire and Surveys, Focus and Unifocus Groups, User Narration, Interviews, Be Your
Customer, Brand DNA Analysis, Market and Retail Research, Image and Mood Boards, Perceptual
Mapping, Personas, Product Collage.
Making: Sketch Modelling, Mock-Ups, Paper Prototyping, Quick and dirty prototypes, Experience
Prototyping, Appearance Models, Empathy Models, Bodystorming and Rapid-prototyping.
SLE: Case Studies of Extreme Users and Rapid Prototyping. 09 Hrs

Module -3
Testing: Scenario Testing, User Trails, Material Testing and Safety Testing.
Evaluation and Selection: Choosing the Right Methods, Checklists, External Decision Making, Intuition,
Crowdsourcing, Product Champions, Matrix Evaluation.
Communicating: Preparing a presentation, Tips for Presentation, Report Creation, Presentation Visuals
and Models, Presentation Guidelines and Public Engagement.
SLE: Case Studies of Safety Testing and Matrix Evaluation. 08 Hrs

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Text Books:
1. Research Methods for Product Design - Alex Milton and Paul Rodgers, Laurence King
Publishing, 2013, Illustrated Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Product Design and Development - Karl. T. Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger – Fifth Edition, Irwin
McGraw-Hill- 2000.
Assessment Methods:
1. Case Study presentations on indicated topics : 15 Marks
2. Assignment on Topics : 10 Marks
3. Open book test to design models on problem requirements : 25 Marks
Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Course Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs


CO 1 PO1, PO2 PSO1, PSO3

CO 2 PO1, PO2 PSO1, PSO3

CO 3 PO1, PO3 PSO1, PSO3

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Sub Code: ME7I04 CIE: 50 %
Hrs/ Week: 2 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Select suitable mesh for the analysis using Hypermesh software and explain concepts related to finite
volume methods.
2. Perform implicit analysis in Abaqus software.
3. Perform explicit analysis in Abaqus software.
Module 1:
Meshing with Hypermesh: Introduction to different type of elements, Introduction to Meshing, Mapped
and free meshing, effect of mesh density,Numbering Controls, Geometry Cleaning & 2-D Meshing,
Geometry associative meshing, Automeshing, Shrink Wrap Meshing, 3-D Hexa and Tet meshing, refining
surface topology, Introduction to finite volume methods,generic CFD meshing pressure-based solver and
density-based solver.
SLE: Application of different types of meshing elements 09Hrs
Module 2:
Implicit analysis in Abaqus: Overview of Abaqus software, Linear and nonlinear structural analysis,
Material models: linear elasticity and metal plasticity, Selecting the appropriate elements for your
problem, Feature-based modelling, Modelling contact, parts and assemblies, Creating, submitting and
monitoring analysis jobs, Viewing simulation results-Post processing
SLE: Different modules in Abacus 09 Hrs
Module 3:
Explicit analysis in Abaqus: The explicit dynamics method, General contact problem, Adaptive
meshing, Automatic mass scaling for impact problems, Automatic mass scaling for quasi-static problems,
Modelling high-strain-rate deformation and failure
SLE: Understanding colour coding in Abacus 08 Hrs

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Assessment Methods:
1. Written Tests (Test 1, 2 & 3) are evaluated for 20 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 40
marks are taken.
2. 10 marks for assignment/presentation etc.
Tutorial References:
1. Abaqus 6.11, 6.14, Abaqus/CAE User’s Manual, Dassault Systems, USA, 2011.
2. Abaqus Handout, by Professor Suvranu De, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York,
3. Abaqus Tutorials by David G. Taggart, University of Rhode Island Kingston, USA.
4. ABAQUS tutorial, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA.
Reference Books:
1. A First Course in Finite Element Method by Dory. L. Logan, Cengage Learning, 3rd Edition,
2. Introduction to Finite Element Method by Chandrakantha S. Desai, CBS Publications, 2005.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Course Outcomes Programme Outcomes that Programme Specific Outcomes
are satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s

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Sub Code: ME7O01 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 02 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Classify the Semiconducting materials and devices at nanoscale.
2. To understand the basic concepts in Nanoelectronics and devices.
3. Summarize the basics of Nanoscale heat transfer and fluid dynamics.
4. To understand the basic concepts in Nano-Biotechnology.
Course Content
Module 1:
Nano Electronics: Nanoelectronics and its importance, Semiconducting Materials,Tuning the band gap
of nanoscale semiconductors, Quantum Confinement, Quantum dots and their Applications, Stimulated
and Spontaneous emission, Introduction to Lasers, quantum conductance effects in semiconductor
SLE: Confinement effect, Nanobelts and Nanosprings. 9 Hrs
Module 2:
Nano Electronic Devices: Pn-junctions and Transistors, Concepts ofSolar Cells and LEDs, Types of
Solar cells, Organic/Inorganic/hybrid Solar cells, LEDs and their working principals, Quantum
Confinement, Quantum Dot thin film Photovoltaics.
SLE: Current research trends on thin film Photovoltaic. 9 Hrs
Module 3:
Nanotechnology and Coatings: Nanomaterials based paints, Insulating properties of nanomaterials,
Nanomaterials for thermal or fire Retarding, Functional coatings, Organic-Inorganic nanocomposite
formation through self-assembly, Bio-mimetics.
SLE: Nanomaterials as a waste water treatment, removal of pollutant, heavy metals. 8 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Nanotechnology understanding small systems, 2nd Edition, by Ben Rogers, CRC press, 2016.
2. Nanoscience and Nano engineering: Advances and Applications, Ajit D. Kelkar, Daniel J.C. Herr,

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James G. Ryan, CRC Press, 2014.
Supporting MOOC course:
1. Nanomaterials and their Properties, By Prof. Krishanu Biswas | IIT Kanpur,
Reference Books:
1. Micro- and Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics-transport in microfluidic device By Brian J. Kirby, Cambridge
University Press, 2018.
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2) are evaluated for 25 Marks each, SEE will be of 50 marks and 2 hrs.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO3 PO1, PO2, PO3 PSO1
CO4 PO2, PO3, PO4 PSO1, PSO2

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Sub Code: ME7O02 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 02 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course Outcome:

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to

1. Describe Concepts of Project Management.

2. Prepare Scope Document and Communication Plan.
3. Demonstrate the skills, including Work Breakdown Structure and Draw Up a Plan.

Concepts of Project Management: Concepts of a project, Project Life Cycle, Project
Governance, Phases of project life cycle, The need for Project Portfolio Management System
SLE: Project Selection Methods

08 Hrs

Defining the Project: Defining the Scope, Establishing Project Priorities, preparation of WBS,
Responsibility Matrices, Project Communication Plan
SLE: Gannt Chart
08 Hrs

Project Plan: Factors influencing Quality of Estimate, Methods of Estimation, Types of Costs,
Developing Project Network, Simple Network Diagrams, Computation of Critical Path, Forward
and Backward pass, Slack, Extended Network Techniques
SLE: Learning Curves.

10 Hrs
Text Books:

1. Project Management, Clifford Grey, 6 Edition, Mcgraw Hill


1. Project Management a System approach to planning Scheduling & Controlling-Harold Kerzner,

10th edition 2009, John wiley & sons.

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2. Project Management –Bhavesh M.Patel, Vikas Publication House, 2002.
3. PERT & CPM. L.S. Srinath, Affiliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd 2002.
4. Project planning scheduling & control James P.Lawis, Meo Publishing Company, 5th edition 2010

Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2) are evaluated for 25 Marks each, SEE will be of 50 marks and 2 hrs.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO3 PO1, PO2, PO3 PSO1

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Sub Code : ME7O03 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 2 Hrs SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 2 Hrs Max. Marks : 50
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. To learn the concepts and theories of entrepreneurship and the role of entrepreneur and their
2. Understand the concept of innovation, its importance for the company and organization
implementation of a systematic innovation strategy.
3. Understanding the need and development of social entrepreneurs for sustainable society and
exposing students to NGO operations and management


Introduction: Concept and introduction, Entrepreneurial Process, Setting, Preparation, Management,
Survival and Growth, Transition, Entrepreneurial behaviour and skills, Entrepreneurial structure,
Entrepreneurial Culture vs. administrative culture, Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneurs, Entrepreneurship in
Different Context and Forms: Rural entrepreneurship.
The Entrepreneur: Role of an entrepreneur: different views-Psychological, social, economic and
managerial; Classification of entrepreneurs; Characteristics and Classification of entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneurial Traits, Motivation Theories- Joseph Schumpeter Theory of Innovation. Entrepreneurial
Life Cycle, Sources of Entrepreneurial Supply and Embeddedness.
SLE: Cases of successful entrepreneurs 10 Hrs


Managing Creativity: An Overview, Understanding Creativity, Unblocking Creative Potential, Creativity
Tools and Techniques - Lateral Thinking, Enablers and Barriers to Creativity, Creative Personality,
Brainstorming, Entrepreneurial Creativity, The concept of innovation: Defining innovation, Differences
between invention and innovation. Product innovation and process, Radical and incremental innovation,
Technological innovation
Innovation and entrepreneurship: The entrepreneur, Profile analysis, behaviour and motivations, Lean
Start -up, the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Entrepreneurs and strategic decisions
SLE: Steps for Increasing Your Own Creativity. 08 Hrs


Introduction: Social Entrepreneurship- concepts and importance; characteristics of a successful social
entrepreneur; Problems faced by social entrepreneurs, Developing the Social Enterprise: Problem /gap

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identification for development of a socio business model; Social enterprise goals, objectives and mission;
Business and revenue models, developing social enterprises.
NGOs: Introduction, Role of NGOs; Types of NGO: Orientation based, Operation based; Activities done
by NGO; Management of NGO: Identifying the Thrust area; Registration of NGO, Planning, Decision
SLE: Social Marketing of NGO 08 Hrs

Text Books:
1. Kuratko & Hodgetts: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices, Thomson Learning New Delhi 2006
2. Entrepreneurship: Creating and Leading an Entrepreneurial Organization,Arya Kumar
3. Joseph A. Schumpeter, The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism, Princeton University Press,
1991, SBN9780691003832
Reference Books:
1. Kuratko & Hodgetts: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices, Thomson Learning New Delhi 2006
2. Nina Jacob, - Creativity in Organisations (Wheeler, 1998)
3. Jonne & Ceserani- Innovation & Creativity (Crest) 2001
4. Bettina von Stamm,” Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity, John Wiley & Sons ,Latest
5. Arthur C. Brooks, Social Entrepreneurship: A Modern Approach to Social Value Creation,
Prentice Hall, Latest Edition
6. David Bornstein, How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas,
Oxford University Press, USA, Latest Edition
Assessment Methods:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2) are evaluated for 25 Marks each, SEE will be of 50 marks and 2 hrs.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO3 PO1, PO2, PO3 PSO1

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Sub Code: ME7O04 CIE:50%
Hrs / Week: 02 SEE:50%
SEE: 2Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and explain the need for research methodology
2. Apply the concepts of Research design, sampling theory and hypothesis testing in solving a real-
life research problem
3. Demonstrate the research report writing capability by adopting the concepts of research
Course Content
Module 1:
Concepts and importance of Research Methodology: Meaning of Research-Objectives-Types and
Importance of Research - Research Process for Applied and Basic Research.
Research Design: Need-Concepts related to Research Design - Different Research Designs.
SLE: Criteria of good research 8 Hrs

Module 2:
Sample Design: Criteria for Selecting a Good Sample Design-Random Sample-Sampling Techniques -
Probabilistic and Non-probabilistic Samples - Sample Size
Data Collection: Collection of Data - Primary and Secondary Sources - Selection of Appropriate
SLE: Developing a Research Plan 10 Hrs

Module 3:
Hypothesis Testing: Basic Concepts and Procedure, Chi squared test, ANOVA.
Research Report: Report Writing significance of report writing, different steps in writing report,
Layout of research report, types of reports and precautions of writing research reports.
SLE: Scale Construction Techniques. 8 Hrs

1. Kothari C. R. “Research Methodology – Methods & Techniques”, WishwaPrakashan, A Division
of New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
2. Ranjit Kumar, “Research Methodology”, Sage Publications, London, New Delhi, 1999.
Assessment Method:
1. Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best two
for 50 marks are taken.

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Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Course Outcomes Programme Outcomes that are satisfied Programme Specific Outcomes
by the COS that are satisfied by the COS
CO 1 PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 6, PO 8, PSO1
CO2 PO 1, PO 2 PO 3, PO 4, PO 6, PO 8, PSO1
CO 3 PO 1, PO 2 PO 3, PO4, PO 6, PO 7, PO PSO1

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Sub Code: ME7O05 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 02 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of core marketing concepts and Illustrate the consumer buying behaviour
2. Explore the different challenges in New Product Development (NPD) and Analyze competitors,
pricing strategies and categorise appropriate advertising methods for a marketing plan

Module 1: Defining Market for the Twenty-First Century: The new economy. The scope of marketing,
the decisions marketers make, Defining marketing: Concepts of core marketing, production, selling,
marketing, customer, societal marketing. The four components of marketing mix. Analyzing Consumer
Markets and Buying Behaviour: Influencing buyer behavior: cultural factors, social factors, personal
factors, and psychological factors, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Freud’s theory, and Herzberg’s theory.
SLE: Bases for segmenting consumer markets, bases for segmenting business markets. 8 Hrs

Module 2: Challenges in New Product Development: Idea screening, concept development and testing,
marketing strategy, business analysis, product development, market testing, and commercialization.
Product Life-Cycle Marketing Strategies: Product life cycles, marketing strategies for introduction,
growth, maturity, and decline stages.
SLE: product mix, factors influencing product mix, product mix strategies. 10 Hrs

Module 3: Developing Price Strategies and Programs: Selecting the pricing objective, determining
demand, estimating costs, analyzing competitors costs, prices and offers, selecting a pricing method,
selecting the final price.
SLE: Geographical pricing, price product mix pricing, initiating price cuts, initiating price increases,
reaction to price changes. 8 Hrs

Text Books:
1. Marketing Management by Philip Kotler, Pearson Education Inc, 14th Edition, 2011.
2. Marketing Management by Philip Kotler, Pearson Education Inc, 14th Edition, 2011.
3. eMarketing excellence: Planning and optimizing your digital marketing, Third edition, Dave
Chaffey and PR Smith.
4. Indian Cases in Marketing: Neelamegham, S., Vikas Pub. New Delhi.
5. Marketing Management: A Strategic Planning Approach: Bull, Victor P., McGraw Hill, New

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Reference Books:
1. Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Pearson Education Inc, 15th
Edition, Year 2013.
2. Marketing: an introduction by Armstrong and Kotler, Prentice Hall Publishers, 10th Edition, Year
3. Strategic Marketing Problems by Kerin and Peterson, Prentice Hall Publishers, 13th Edition,
4. Douglas, J. Darymple & Leonard J. Parsons, “Marketing Management: Text and Cases”, Seventh
Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
5. Pride, William, M., and O.C. Ferrell, “Marketing: Concepts and Strategies”, Biztantra, New Delhi,
Assessment Method:
1. Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best two
for 50 marks are taken.

Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Course Outcomes Programme Outcomes that are satisfied Programme Specific Outcomes
by the COS that are satisfied by the COS
CO 1 PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 6, PO 8, PSO1
CO2 PO 1, PO 2 PO 3, PO 4, PO 6, PO 8, PSO1

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Sub Code : ME7O06 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 02 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 2 Hrs Max. Marks : 50
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and explain Micro-grid system & its integration with RE sources. Apply engineering
techniques to build a Micro-grid integrated with solar PV, wind turbine, biofuel and Micro-hydro
2. Demonstration of renewable energy integrated Micro-grid systems. Analyze small micro – grid
3. Describe various energy storage systems and demonstrate the use of micro – grid simulation
Module 1:
Introduction: Renewable Energy sources and technology, Integration of Renewable energy - need and
advantages, Micro-grids basics & its importance for remote locations.
Integration of Renewable energy to Micro-Grid system: Schemes to integrate Renewable energy
technologies – stand-alone systems, Hybrid systems. Integration of solar PV, wind turbine, bio diesel
engine and micro hydro – principle.
SLE: Decentralized energy distribution & its significance. 9 Hrs

Module 2:
Micro-grid controller, fundamental of PCU (charge controller, MPPT), Micro-grid architecture (basics),
micro-grid load manager (Any general micro controller, GSM load manager), Micro-grid monitoring
using internet and smart phones, Micro-grid central system software.
SLE: Types of microgrids 7 Hrs
Module 3:
Energy storage: Battery storage – working principle, AH rating, C-Rating, battery management. Lithium,
Lead acid batteries, Nickel Cadmium Batteries & Advanced Batteries (Basics). Pumped storage - pumped
storage systems, application of pumped storage system in Micro grids.

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Analyzing Case studies of Micro-Grid system- A small 1 kW to 10 kW micro grid systems installed
anywhere in the world, Environmental benefits of Micro grid.
SLE: Micro grid& Energy sustainability
10 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Microgrids. Development and Implementation. Editor:Stephen A. Roosa,
ISBN:9781000168655, 1000168654.Publisher:CRC Press
2. Non-conventional energy resources by B H Khan, Tata McGraw-Hill. 2009-ISBN(10): 0-07-
3. Clean Energy Microgrids (Energy Engineering) by Shin'ya Obara, ISBN-10: 178561097X,
Publisher: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Reference Books:
1. Renewable Energy resources by John W Twidell, Anthony D Weir, EL BS – 2005.- ISBN- 0419
14470 6
2. Design of Smart Power Grid Renewable Energy Systems by Ali Keyhani, Wiley-Blackwell (15
July 2011). ISBN-10: 0470627611 & ISBN-13: 978-0470627617.
3. Microgrid Planning and Design: A Concise Guide (Wiley - IEEE) 1st Edition, by Hassan Farhangi
, ASIN : B07QR2BFF6. Publisher : Wiley-IEEE Press; 1st edition (6 March 2019)
Assessment Methods:
 Presentation by students will be evaluated for 10 marks and tutorial component test shall be
evaluated for 15 marks. Totally 25 Marks.
Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs

CO1 PO1, PO2, PO6, PO7 PSO2, PSO3
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO7, PSO2, PSO3
CO2 PO9, PO11
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PSO1, PSO2, PSO3, PSO4
CO3 PO7, PO8, PO9

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Sub Code: ME7O07 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 02 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Analyze finance statements& financial ratios

2. Elucidate Working capital management

Course Content
Module 1: Introduction: Concept of finance, Profit maximization vs. Wealth maximization;
financial decisions in firm, principles of finance, Time value of money, risk and return analysis.
Financial Statements: Balance Sheet basic concepts, contents, Income statement basic concepts
and contents, Simple numerical problems.
SLE: Forms of Business, Means of financing.

9 Hrs
Module 2: Financial Ratios: Types and Usage: Liquidity, Leverage, turnover, Profitability and
Valuation ratios only, Simple numerical problems, Time series analysis and common size analysis.
SLE: Users of Financial Analysis

8 Hrs
Module 3: Working Capital: Concept of Gross Working Capital & Net Working Capital, Factors
affecting working capital requirement. Working Capital Management: Management of cash,
inventory, and receivables. Working Capital Financing: Sources of short-term financing, Role of
commercial bank in working capital management.
SLE: Factoring and other tools of working capital management.

8 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Financial Management, I.M. Pandey, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 9 th Edition 2009.
2. Financial Management, Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw hill.

1. Financial Management and Policy – James C. Van Horne & Sanjay Dhamija, Pearson, 12
2. Fundamentals of Financial Management - James C. Van Horne & John M Wachowicz,

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Jt.,13 Edition.
3. Financial Management Text, Problems and Cases – Khan and Jain, 7 edition, 2015- Tata
McGraw Hill publishing company ltd.

Assessment Method:
1. Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best two
for 50 marks are taken.

Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Course Outcomes Programme Outcomes that are satisfied Programme Specific Outcomes
by the COS that are satisfied by the COS
CO 1 PO 1, PO 2, PO 3, PO 6, PO 8, PSO1
CO2 PO 1, PO 2 PO 3, PO 4, PO 6, PO 8, PSO1

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Sub Code: ME7O08 CIE: 50 %

Hrs / Week: 02 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of Organizational Behaviour
2. Analyze using basic principles of Perception and Motivation

Course Content
Module 1: Introduction: Defining OB, Theoretical frameworks (Cognitive, Behaviouristic), Challenges
and Opportunities, concept of knowledge management & Emotional Intelligence in contemporary
business organization.
SLE: Working with Diversity. 8 Hrs

Module 2: Perception: Nature and Importance of Perception, Perceptual Selectivity, social perception,
attribution Attitude: Concept, process, and importance, Attitude measurement. Personality: Concept,
nature, types, and theories of personality shaping. Learning: Concept and theories of learning.
SLE: Contributions of Herzberg. 10 Hrs

Module 3: Motivation: Primary, General and Secondary motives. Content theories, Process Theories,
Motivation across cultures, Monetary and non-monetary motivation.
SLE: Job Design, Quality of work life and Goal Setting. 8 Hrs

Text Books:
1. Organization Behaviour, Fred Luthans, Ninth Edition, Mcgraw Hill.
2. Organization Behaviour, Robbins, Tenth Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Human Behaviour at Works: Organizational Behaviour by Davis, Keith, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Organizational Behaviour by Gregory Moorhead & Ricky W. Griffin, Jaico Publication.

Reference Books:
1. Understanding Organizational Behavior, by Udai Pareek, Oxford University Press.
2. Organizational Behavior by Mcshane and Radha Sharma, McGraw-Hill.
3. Organizational Behaviour by K. Aswathappa, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
4. Organizational Behaviour by Niraj Kumar, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
5. Organizational Behaviour by Robbins, S.P, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
6. Organizational Behaviour by Luthans, Fred, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

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Assessment Methods:
1. Written Tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 20 Marks each for a total of 40 marks
as final CIE.
2. Assignment for 10 marks. Students are required to present a topic highlighted by the faculty.
3. SEE is conducted for 50 marks

Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Programme Outcomes that Programme Specific
Course Outcomes are satisfied by the COS Outcomes satisfied by COs

CO 1 PO1, PO2, PO8, PO9, PO10, PSO 1

PO11 & P12
CO2 PO1, PO2, PO8, PO9, PO10, PSO 1
PO11 & P12

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Sub Code: ME7O09 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 02 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the concepts of I-IoT and its application to manufacturing sector.
2. Comprehend the various Industrial protocols and importance it.
3. Implement I-IoT application projects.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to Industrial IoT: IoT background, History and definition, IoT enabling factors, IoT use
cases, IoT key technologies, I-IoT – Fourth industrial revolution, use cases of the I-IoT, Similarities and
differences of IoT and I-IoT, IoT analytics and AI, Industry environment scenarios covered by I-IoT.
Industrial process, The CIM pyramid, CIM pyramid architecture – devices and networks, CIM network,
The I-IoT data flow, The Industrial IoT data flow in a factory, The edge device, The Industrial IoT data
flow in the cloud. Industrial data flow and devices, The I-IoT data flow in the factory.
SLE: IoT Frameworks 8 Hrs
Module 2:
Industrial Automation Communication Protocols and OPC: Network topology, Ethernet protocol,
Internet protocol, Profinet, Profibus, EtherCAT, Sercos III, DeviceNet, ControlNet, CanOpen. MQTT,
HTTP & HTTPS, Wi-Fi, Modbus. RS 232 & RS 485, I2C, SPI, UART.
OPC - Discovering OPC, OPC classic, The data model and retrieving data in OPC classic, OPC UA, The
OPC UA information model, OPC UA sessions, OPC UA security model, The OPC UA data exchange,
OPC UA notifications
SLE: I-IoT edge architecture 9 Hrs
Module 3:
Understanding of I-IoT data loggers: Internal architecture of I-IoT data logger, communication
protocols, I/O modules (Digital and Analog).

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Configuring I-IoT data logger through a web based application, Establishing communication between
PLC and I-IoT data logger. Interfacing of industrial sensor with I-IoT data logger.
Development of cloud based applications for the Mechatronics systems using the I-IoT data logger
thorough web portal.
SLE: Integration of vision camera with IoT data logger 9 Hrs
Text Book:
1. Hands on Industrial Internet of Things by GiacomoVeneri and Antonio Capasso, Packt publisher. 2018
edition (e- book).
Supporting MOOC course:
1.Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things – NPTEL;
Reference Books:
1. Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach) 1st Edition by Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, 2014,
VPT publisher.
2. Building the Internet of Things with Ipv6 and MIPv6: The Evolving World of M2M Communications
by Daniel Minoli, Wiley; 1st edition (10 July 2013).
Assessment Method:
 Two tests (Test1 & Test2) will be conducted for 25 Marks. Sum of both the test marks will be
considered for CIE calculation.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO1 PO1,PO2, PO3,PO4 & PO12 PSO1, PSO3 & PSO4
PO1,PO2, PO3,PO5, PO9 &
PO1,PO2, PO3,PO4,PO5, PO6,
PO9 & PO12

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Sub Code: ME7L01 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 02 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the fundamental concepts used in modes of heat transfer
2. Demonstrate the applications of Heat Transfer in heat exchangers, Fins, refrigeration system
3. Implement advanced technology in natural convection, forced convection and Pool boiling
experiments, to measure Temperature, Pressure, Velocity, in heat transfer lab using Multi-
Function Data Acquisition System.
Course Content:
1. Determination of Thermal conductivity of a Metal rod.
2. Determination of overall heat transfer coefficient of a Composite Wall.
3. Determination of Effectiveness on a metallic fin.
4. Determination of Heat Transfer co-efficient in a free convection using Data Acquisition System.
5. Determination of Heat Transfer co-efficient in a forced convention flow through a pipe using Multi-
function Data Acquisition System.
6. Determination of emissivity of a surface.
7. Determination of Stefan Boltzman constant
8. Determination of LMTD and effectiveness in a parallel flow and counter flow Heat exchanger.
9. Experiments on Pool boiling to analyse the critical heat flux phenomenon.
10. Performance test on a Vapour compression Refrigerator
Assessment Method:
1. CIE is the average of the marks awarded for all practical classes which are evaluated for 25 marks.
2. In the SET, the students are required to conduct specific experiments which are evaluated for 25 marks.
3. The Marks from SEE & CIE are summed up to obtain final evaluation.
Reference Books:
1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department.
2. Heat Transfer – a practical approach by Yunus. A. Cenegal, Tata Mc Graw Hill, Year 2002.

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3. Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer by Frank. P. Incropera & David P Dewitt. John wiley and sons
4th Edn, Year 1995.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s & PSOs:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO1 PO1,PO2 & PO3 PSO3
CO2 PO1,PO6,PO7 & PO8 PSO3
CO3 PO1,PO2,PO3 & PO7 PSO3

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Sub Code: ME7L02 CIE: 50 %

Hrs / Week: 02 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 50
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the properties of fuels and lubricants and carry out standard tests to evaluate these
2. Discuss the significance of valve timing for an IC engine and independently determine and draw
the timing diagram
3. Carry our performance tests on IC engines as per standard procedure, analyse the results and draw
useful conclusions
Course Content
1. To determine the Flash point and Fire point of lubricating oil using Abel Pensky’s and Pensky-
Martin’s Apparatus.
2. To find the Calorific value of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.
3. To obtain the Viscosity of a lubricating oil using Redwood’s, Saybolt’s and Torsion Viscometers.
4. To draw the Valve Timing diagram of a 4-stroke Internal Combustion Engine.
5. Performance study on I.C. Engines to calculations of IP, BP, thermal efficiencies, SFC, FP, heat
balance sheet for the following,
a. Four stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine
b. Four stroke Single Cylinder Petrol Engine
c. Multi Cylinder Diesel (Morse Test)
d. Variable Compression Ratio I.C. Engine
e. Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Engine
Assessment Method:
1. CIE is the average of the marks awarded for all practical classes which are evaluated for 25 marks.
2. In the SET, the students are required to conduct specific experiments which are evaluated for 25 marks.

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3. The Marks from SEE & CIE are summed up to obtain final evaluation.
Text Books:
1. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines by J.B. Haywood, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed. 2012.
2. Internal Combustion Engines by V Ganeshan, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed. 2012.
Supporting MOOC course:
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Course Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Outcomes satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s

CO 1 PO1, PO2 & PO4 PSO3

CO 2 PO1, PO6, PO8, & PO9 PSO3

CO 3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6, PO7, & PO8 PSO3

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On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Choose a relevant technical topic for the seminar
CO2: Carry out extensive review of literature to understand relevant issues
CO3: Prepare a report highlighting major issues
CO4: Make an effective presentation of the topic
CO5: Effectively utilize audio/visual aids for the presentation
1. The seminar topic should be strictly based on journal papers, which could be accessed atNIE-
Digital Library.
2. Students are instructed to go through various research papers presented on topics relatedto
their respective topics.
3. Students are instructed to finalize the topic of the seminar in discussion with their guides.
4. The presentation should be vetted by respective guides.
5. Students should submit three copies of seminar report before the commencement of
seminar as per the recommended format duly signed by the guide.
6. Evaluation will be completed based on the following parameters:
a. Relevance of the topic (10 marks)
b. Survey of literature (10 marks)
c. Quality of write – up (10 marks)
d. Quality of Oral presentation (10 marks)
e. Effective use of audio – visual aids (10 marks)
Mapping of COs, POs, and PSOs:
COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs
CO1 PO1, PO2, PO6, PO7 PSO1, PSO3
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PSO2, PSO3
CO2 PO8, PO9, PO12
CO5 PO6, PO11, PO12 PSO1, PSO2, PSO3

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CO1: Formulate the problem for project work based on literature review or specific
industry problem
C02: Create a plan of action for the implementation over short & long term
CO3: Work effectively as a team member and contribute in all aspects of project work
CO4: Make an effective presentation, both written and oral of the project work
1. Students will be split into groups of four and a faculty member will be allotted as guide.
2. The project topic should be strictly based on real world problems and draw support from
journal papers, which could be accessed at NIE- Digital Library.
3. Students are instructed to go through various research papers related to their respectivetopics.
4. Students are instructed to finalize the topic in discussion with their guides.
5. Work must commence at the start of the semester and should serve as foundation for thework
to be carried out in the 8th Semester.
6. The presentation should be vetted by respective guides.
7. Students should submit three copies of report before the commencement of presentationas per
the recommended format duly signed by the guide.
8. The evaluation will be done using the following parameters:
a. Literature Survey & Problem Formulation (Marks 20)
b. Implementation/demonstration (Marks 05)
c. Contribution as a Team Member (Marks 05)
d. Presentation & Communication Skills (Marks 10)
e. Maximum Marks: 50
Mapping of COs, POs, and PSOs:

COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs

CO1 PO1, PO2, PO6, PO7 PSO1, PSO3
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PSO2, PSO3
CO2 PO8, PO9, PO12

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Sub Code: ME8E401 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamentals of tribology and associated parameters.
2. Apply concepts of tribology for the performance analysis and design of components experiencing
relative motion.
3. Analyse the requirements and design hydrodynamic journal and plane slider bearings for a given
4. Select proper bearing materials and lubricants for a given tribological application.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to tribology: Historical background, practical importance, and subsequent use in the field.
Lubricants: Types and specific field of applications. Properties of lubricants, viscosity and its
measurement, effect of temperature and pressure on viscosity, lubrication types. Standard grades of
lubricants, and selection of lubricants.
SLE:Friction measurements, Classification and mechanisms of wear. 8 Hrs
Module – 2
Hydrodynamic Lubrication: Lubrication Principles, Classification of Lubrication, Friction forces
and power loss in lightly loaded bearing, Petroff’s law, Tower’s experiments, idealized full journal
bearings, Mechanism of pressure development in an oil film, Reynold’s investigations, Reynold’s
equation in two dimensions. Partial journal bearings, numerical problems on full journal bearing only.
SLE: Properties of lubricants, end leakages in journal bearing. 9 Hrs
Module - 3
Slider / Pad bearing with a fixed and pivoted shoe: Pressure distribution, Load carrying capacity,
coefficient of friction, influence of end leakage, numerical examples.
SLE:Frictional resistance in a pivoted shoe bearing. 7 Hrs.

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Module - 4
Hydrostatic Lubrication:
Introduction to hydrostatic lubrication, hydrostatic step bearings, load carrying capacity and oil flow
through the hydrostatic step bearing, numerical examples.
SLE:Selfcontained journal bearings. 7 Hrs.
Module - 5
Bearing Materials: Commonly used bearings materials, and properties of typical bearing materials.
Advantages and disadvantages of bearing materials. Selection of coating for wear and corrosion
resistance, potential properties and parameters of coating.
SLE:Concept and scope of surface engineering. 8 Hrs.
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Tribology Bearings by Mujumdar B. C., S. Chand company pvt. Ltd, 2008.
2. “Engineering Tribology”, Prasanta Sahoo, PHI Learning Private Ltd, New Delhi, 2011.
Supporting MOOC courses:
1. Tribology (IIT Delhi) – NPTEL/SWAYAM https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/102/112102015/
2. Tribology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) – MITOPENCOURSEWARE
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Tribology by Basu S K., Sengupta A N., Ahuja B. B., , PHI, Year 2006
2. Theory and Practice of Lubrication for Engineers by Fuller, D., New York company,1998
1. Principles and applications of Tribology by Moore, Pergamaon press, 1998.
2. Tribology in Industries by Srivastava S., S Chand and Company limited, Delhi, 2002
3. Lubrication of bearings – Theoretical Principles and Design by Redzimovskay E Oxford press
company, 2000
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2 & 3) are evaluated for 20 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 40
marks and 10 marks for Assignment.

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Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:

Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO 1 PO1, PO2. PSO3
CO2 PO1, PO2. PSO3
CO 3 PO1, PO2, PO3. PSO3
CO 4 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4 PSO3

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Sub Code : ME8E402 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 03 Hrs Max. Marks : 100
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Classify Configure geometric structure of Robots, understand Drive Systems.
2. Solve direct kinematics and inverse kinematics problems related to robotics
3. Understand Robot Arm Dynamics and trajectory planning.
4. Develop Programs for different robotic tasks.
5. Understand Numerical control and develop programs for a CNC machine
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction: Background, Historical development, Robot Anatomy, Robot configurations, Robot
motions, joint notation scheme, work volume, robot drive system, speed of motion, load carrying
capacity, control system and dynamic performance, speed of response and stability, precision of
movement, end effector, robot application, robot actuation and feedback components – position sensors,
velocity sensors, actuators, power transmission devices,
SLE: Robot Joint control design 7Hrs
Module 2:
Robot Arm Kinematics: Introduction, Direct kinematics problem, rotation matrices, problems,
composite rotation matrix, rotation matrix about an arbitrary axis, rotation matrix with Euler angle
representation, geometric interpretations of rotation matrices, Homogenous coordinates and
transformation matrix, geometric interpretations of homogeneous transformation matrices, composite
homogeneous transformation matrix, links joints and their parameters, DH representation, kinematic
equations for manipulators, problems.End effector rotation matrices – Roll, Pitch and Yaw. The inverse
kinematics problem – Inverse transform technique for Euler angle solution.
SLE: Other specifications of the location of the end effector. 10Hrs
Module 3:
Robot Arm Dynamics: Introduction, Lagrange – Euler Formulations, Joint velocities of a robot

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manipulator, Kinetic energy of a robot manipulator, Potential energy of a robot man. Planning of
Manipulator Trajectories: Introduction, general considerations on trajectory planning, joint interpolated
trajectories, calculation of a 4-3-4 joint trajectory, numerical problems – trajectory planning .
SLE: Planning of Cartesian path trajectories. 7Hrs
Module 4:
Robot Programming: Methods of Robot Programming, Lead through methods, Textual Robot
Language, Wait, Signal and Delay commands, Robot Language Structure, Motion commands, End
Effectors and Sensor commands -End Effectors Operation -Sensor operation, Program Control and
subroutines -Palletizing operation program, pick and place – stacking program. Demonstration of KUKA
and EPSON robots. Demonstration of RobCAD software.
SLE: Salient features of Python programming Language. 7Hrs
Module 5:
Numerical control and CNC programming: Basic components of NC systems, NC procedure, NC
coordinate system, open and closed loop system, NC motion control, CNC machine operational features,
functions of CNC, CNC machining and turning centres, CNC machining operations, Turning tool
geometry and milling tool system, tool representation.
CNC Programming – Part program fundamentals, G and M codes, CNC program structure, Canned
Cycles (Stock Removal, Threading, Grooving, Parting Off, Contour, Drilling, Face Milling, End Milling),
Tool-length Compensation, Cutter-Radius compensation. Simple Programming Exercises in Turning and
Milling using ISO Codes and Canned cycles. Preparing the Process chart.
SLE: Cutting –Tool Materials and cutting tools used in CNC centres 8Hrs
Text Books:
1. Robotics, control, sensing, vision and intelligence– K.S.Fu, R.C.Gonzales and Lee. McGraw Hill
International, Year 2008.
2. Industrial Robotics (Second edition), Technology, programming and applications– Mikell P
Groover, McGraw Hill, Year 2012.
3. CAD/CAM by Groover, Pearson Education. 2008
4. CAD/CAM Principles and Application by P.N. Rao, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition 2010
Supporting MOOC courses:
1. Robotics – NPTEL course; https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112/105/112105249/

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2. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) of machine tools and processes – NPTEL;
Reference Books:
1. Robotics – Yorem Coren, McGraw Hill Intl. Book Co., New Delhi, Year 2001.
2. CAD/CAM/CIM by Radhakrishnan, Subramanyan&Raju, New Age International Publishers,
Assessment Method:
 Three written tests will be conducted for 25 marks each. Best of two tests marks will be
considered for the CIE calculation

Mapping of COs to POs:& PSOs

Programme Specific
Programme Outcomes that are satisfied
Course Outcomes Outcomes that are satisfied
by the CO’s
by the CO’s
CO 1 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6, PO10 & PO12 PSO1, PSO3 & PSO4

CO 2 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO6, PO10 & PO12 PSO1, PSO3 & PSO4

CO 3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6, PO10 & PO12 PSO1, PSO3& PSO4
CO 4 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6, PO10 & PO12 PSO1, PSO3 & PSO4

CO 5 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO6, PO10 & PO12 PSO1, PSO3 & PSO4

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Sub Code: ME8E403 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the basic terminologies and principles of aerodynamics.
2. Develop theoretical solutions to aerodynamic problems through first principles.
3. Analyze the aerodynamic characteristics of various systems and subsystems.
4. Apply theoretical knowledge of aerodynamics to practical applications.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to Aerodynamics: Fundamental principles and concepts, Pressure and Shear Stress
distribution over the body surface, Centre of pressure and aerodynamic centre. Aircraft and
Aerodynamic Forces and Moments. Non-dimensional numbers in aerodynamics.
SLE: Ballooning. Gliding flight 7 Hrs
Module 2:
Fundamentals of Inviscid, Incompressible Flows: Kinematics of fluid motion - velocity with
specified extension and vorticity. Equation of a streamline, Stream Function and Velocity Potential
Function, Significance of Stream function. Potential Flow. Elementary flows: Uniform flow,
source/sink, vortex, Superposition of flows in 2D: Doublet, Flow past a semi-infinite fairing,
Rankine oval, nonlifting cylinder, d’Alembert’s Paradox, Lifting flow over cylinders.
SLE: Historical Note: Bernouli and Euler-The Origins of Theoretical Fluid Dynamics. 8 Hrs
Module 3:
Conformal Mapping and Joukowsky Airfoils: Transformation of circle into Symmetric airfoil ,
cambered airfoil, circular arc. Airfoil nomenclature, NACA 4 Digit , 5 Digit, 6Digit series.Kelvin’s
circulation theorem, Starting Vortex and Bound Vortex, Kutta Condition, Kutta Joukowsky theory of
lift generation. Classical thin airfoil theory: Symmetric airfoils. Airfoil characteristics.
SLE: Introductory concepts related to Finite Wings. 9 Hrs

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Module 4:
Viscous Flow Theory: Qualitative Aspects of Viscous Flow, The Navier-Stokes Equations, Couette
Flow, Plane Poiseuille flow, Relation between Velocity Profile and Pressure Gradient, Boundary
Layer Separation, Pressure and Friction Drag, Boundary Layer Equations, Potential Solution of
boundary Layer on a flat plate, Karman’s Momentum Integral Equations.
SLE: Hagen Poiseuille flow, Karman’s Energy Integral Equations. 7 Hrs
Module 5:
Compressible Flow: Some Preliminary Aspects: A Brief Review of Thermodynamics, Definition
of Compressibility, Governing Equations for Inviscid, Compressible Flow, Definition of Total
(Stagnation) Conditions, Some Aspects of Supersonic Flow: Shock Waves, Normal and Oblique
Shock. Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Waves, Flow through nozzles and diffusers.
SLE: Supersonic wind tunnels. 8 Hrs
Text Books:
1. "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics" by Anderson, J.D., 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co. New
York, 2010
2. “Aerodynamics for Engineering Students '' by E.L.Houghton and P.W.Carpenter, 4th Edition,
CBS Publisher, 2012
Supporting MOOC courses:
1. Introduction to Aerodynamics (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur) - NPTEL
Reference Books:
1. Theoretical Aerodynamics, by E.Rathakrishnan, Wiley Publications; 1st edition2013
2. Theoretical and Experimental Aerodynamics, by Mrinal Kaushik, Springer Singapore
Publications, 1st edition2019
Assessment Methods:
1. Written Tests (Test 1, 2 & 3) are evaluated for 20 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 40
marks are taken.
2. 10 marks for assignment/presentation etc.

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Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:

Course Outcomes Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s

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Sub Code: ME8E406 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the concepts related to rotor dynamics.
2. Perform modelling and solve numerical for instability in rotating machinery.
3. Apply the fundamentals in solving the numerical on rigid rotor dynamics and balancing.
4. Analyze the effect of bearings on rotor vibrations.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to rotor dynamics: Laval-Jeffcott Rotor Model, Co-ordinate systems, Steady state rotor
motion, Elliptical motion, Single degree of freedom systems, Free and forced vibrations. The two degrees
of freedom rotor system, Geared systems, Translational motion, Natural frequencies and Natural modes,
Steady state response to unbalance, the effect of flexible support.
SLE: Software packages for rotor dynamic study 7 Hrs
Module 2:
Instability in Rotating Machinery: Oil whirl and whip, Stability Analysis using Linearized Stiffness
and Damping Coefficients, Routh table, Instability Analysis with Fluid-Film Non-Linearity, Oil whip and
whirl, Internal damping, Asymmetric Rotor with Uniformly Distributed Mass, Sub-Critical Vibrations of
a Jeffcott Rotor, Instability due to Seals
SLE: Vibration standards for various rotating machines 7 Hrs
Module 3:
Rigid Rotor Dynamics and Critical Speed: Rigid disk equation - Rigid rotor dynamics, Rigid rotor and
flexible rotor, The gyroscopic effect on rotor dynamics, Whirling of an unbalanced simple elastic rotor,
Unbalance response, Orbital Analysis and CascadePlots, Simple shafts with several disks, Effect of axial
stiffness, Determination of bending critical speeds, Campbell diagram.
SLE: Vibration based condition monitoring in rotating machines 9 Hrs

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Module 4:
Balancing of Rotors: Single plane balancing, Multi-plane balancing, balancing of rigid rotors, balancing
of flexible rotors, Influence coefficient and modal balancing techniques for flexible rotors.
SLE: Graphical method for force and couple balance 7 Hrs
Module 5:
Influence of Bearings on Rotor Vibrations: Support stiffness on critical speeds- Stiffness and damping
coefficients of journal bearings, Computation and measurements of journal bearing coefficients,
Mechanics of Hydro dynamic Instability, Half frequency whirl and Resonance whip, Design
configurations of stable journal bearings.
SLE: Fluid film lubrication, gas and air bearings 9 Hrs
Text Books:
1. J. S. Rao, “Rotor Dynamics”, Third Edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2018
2. Genta, G., 2005, “Dynamics of Rotating Systems”, Springer, New York, 2005.
Supporting MOOC course:
1. Theory and Practice of rotor dynamics (IIT Guwahati) – NPTEL,
Reference Books:
1. Wowk, V., “Machinery Vibration: Balancing”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995.
2. Rajiv Tiwari, “Rotor Systems-Analysis and Identification”, CRC Press, First Edition, 2017.
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2 & 3) are evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 50
marks are taken.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code: ME8E501 CIE:50%
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE:50%
SEE: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and explain the constructional features and working of clutches, transmission,
suspension, brakes, steering, cooling and lubrication system of automobile.
2. Apply fundamental of mechanics in solving simple numerical on brakes and gear trains.
3. Demonstration of self-learning capability in the course.

Course Content
Module-1: Automobile: Components of an Automobile and chassis construction. Clutches: Definition,
Requirement, types of clutch, principle of friction clutch, Description of Cone clutch, single and multi-
plate clutch, centrifugal clutches, Fluid flywheel.
SLE: Electrical systems: Battery, Starter, Alternator, Spark plug - Heat value, Distributor and Distributor-
less system, Ignition advance mechanism 8 Hrs

Transmission –Functions of Transmission system , Types of Transmission , GEAR BOX: Sliding mesh
type gear box- problems to find gear ratio, synchromesh gear boxes, Torque converter, Automatic
Transmission, Overdrives, , Dual clutch Gear boxes, , Simple numerical.
SLE: Drive systems: Cruise control, Traction control 8 Hrs

Module -3
Drive line: Propeller shaft and universal joints, Final drive, Differential, Rear Axle, Hotchkiss and
torque tube drives, Front Axle – Front axle, Wheel alignment, Factors of wheel alignment, steering
geometry - camber , Castor, king pin inclination, included angle, castor, toe in & toe out, Steering:
Steering Systems, , Power steering.
SLE: Wheels: Axle systems - Single and Multi-axles, Tyres, Tubeless tyres, Use of Nitrogen 7 Hrs

Module -4
Suspension: Requirements, Torsion bar suspension systems, leaf spring, coil spring, independent
suspension for front wheel and rear wheel,
Brakes: Types of brakes – mechanical, compressed air, vacuum and hydraulic braking systems, Disk
brakes, drum brakes, Antilock-Braking systems,
SLE: Safety systems: Active and passive safety systems 8 Hrs

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Module -5
Cooling System: Necessity, classification of cooling system, types of coolant and their properties,
antifreeze solution, Thermostats, Radiators, cooling fans.
Lubrication System:, Function of lubricating systems and types, properties of Lubricating oil
SLE: Hydrogen as fuels distinct cooling systems, differential cooling, Built-in heat exchangers and TC
air cooling. 8 Hrs
Text Books:

1. Automotive Mechanics by William H Crouse & Donald L Anglin, 10th Edition Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing company Ltd., Year 2008.
2. Automobile engineering by Dr. Kirpalsingh. Vol I and II, Standard Publisher - Year 2011.

Reference Books:
1. Automotive Mechanics, S Srinivasan, Tata McGraw Hill 2003.
2. Fundamentals of Automotive engineering by K K Ramalingam, Scitech Publications
(India) Pvt. Ltd., Year 2008

Assessment Methods:
1. Written Tests (Test, Mid Semester Exam & Make Up Test) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each
out of which sum of best two are taken.
Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

Course Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes

Outcomes satisfied by the COS that are satisfied by the COS
CO1 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6, PO8 PSO3
CO2 PO1, PO2 PO3, PO4, PO6 PSO3
CO3 PO1, PO2 PO3, PO6, PO12 PSO3

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Sub Code: ME8E502 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Discuss the principles of quality management and various ISO Standards.
2. Describe problem solving capacity through leadership concept.
3. Apply quality management tools to satisfy Customer and Continuous Improvement.
4. Able to have thorough Knowledge of Safety & Health regulations for pharmaceutical
& food manufacturing industry
5. Understand the Japanese Tools and TPM.
Course Content
Module 1:
Principles and Practice: TQM Framework, Gurus of TQM, Basic approach, historical review, obstacles,
benefits of TQM.
Quality Management Systems: Introduction, benefits of ISO registration, ISO 9000 series of standards,
ISO 9001 requirements.
SLE: TQM implementation in manufacturing and service sectors 08 Hrs
Module 2:
Leadership: Characteristics of quality leaders, leadership concept, characteristics of effective people,
ethics, the Deming philosophy, role of TQM leaders, implementation, strategic planning communication,
decision making.
SLE: Top leadership issues in small manufacturing organizations 08 Hrs
Module 3:
Continuous Process Improvement: Juran’s trilogy, improvement strategies, the PDSA Cycle, problem-
solving methods, Kaizen, reengineering, Six sigma, Quality Tools.
Customer Satisfaction and Customer Involvement:
Customer Satisfaction: customer and customer perception of quality, feedback, using customer
complaints, service quality, translating needs into requirements, customer retention, Employee

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Involvement – Motivation, employee surveys, empowerment, teams, recognition and reward,
performance appraisal.
SLE: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 08 Hrs
Module 4:
Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry: Introduction, types of hazards in an industry, safety aspects
in the Pharma industry.
Food and Drink manufacturing industry: Common ill health hazards from chemicals, Incidents and
Accidents (slips, trips, falls and machine related injuries), Food Safety and Sanitation.
SLE: COVID-19 – The new normal in safety 08 Hrs
Module 5:
Tools and Techniques: Benchmarking, information technology, environmental management system, and
quality function deployment, quality by design, failure mode and effect analysis, product liability, total
productive maintenance.
SLE: TQM tools and techniques in promoting team work. 07 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Design Total Quality Management: Dale.H.Bester field, Publisher- Pearson Education India, ISBN:
2. Total Quality management for Engineers: M. Zairi, ISBN- 1855730243 Publisher- Wood head
Supporting MOOC course:
1.Total Quality Management - I & II by Prof. Raghu Nandan Sengupta (IIT Kanpur)
-SWAYAM COURSE- https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_mg72/preview
Reference Books:
1. Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence by James R.Evans and Williuam M Lindsay, 9th
edition, Publisher Cengage Learning.
2 A New American TQM, four revolutions in management, Shoji Shiba, Alan Graham, David Walden,
Productivity press, Oregon, 1990
3. Organizational Excellence through TQM, H. Lal, New age Publications, 2008
Assessment Method:
 Internal Assessment tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each Better of the
two Tests for 50 marks are taken.

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Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:

Course Programme Outcomes that Programme Specific Outcomes
Outcomes are satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO5 PO7,PO11,PO11,PO12 PSO1,PSO4

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Sub Code: ME8E503 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the procedure and concepts related to design of airplane.
2. Perform weight estimation of airplane.
3. Explain the concepts related to and perform design of wings and fuselage.
4. Outline the design considerations in aircraft configuration layout.
Course Content
Module 1:
Introduction to airplane design: Purpose and scope of airplane design; stages in airplane design;
Aircraft design process, classification of airplanes based on purpose, design requirements and
configuration; factors affecting airplane configuration; historical background. Importance of collection of
data on existing airplanes similar to the proposed design; suggested airplane data sheet; preliminary three-
view drawing based on data collection.
SLE: Principle of Similarity and correlation in Airplane design. 7 Hrs
Module 2:Estimation of airplane weight: Dependence of airplane performance on airplane parameters
and atmospheric characteristics; estimation of empty-weight fraction; estimation of fuel fraction;
guidelines for drag polar and SFC for subsonic airplanes; iterative procedure for take-off weight
SLE: Trade-off studies, Helicopter parts 9 Hrs
Module 3: Design of Wings and selection of its parameters: Considerations for choice of wing
parameters – airfoil section, aspect ratio, sweep, taper ratio, twist, incidence, dihedral and vertical
location of wings
SLE: Ailerons, Estimation of drag and lift coefficients 7 Hrs
Module 4: Design of Fuselage and tail sizing: Features of the fuselages of general aviation aircraft and
transport airplanes ; desired features of fuselage design; guidelines for sizing of fuselages of general
aviation aircraft and transport airplanes; Preliminary sizing of horizontal and vertical tails – choice of

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aspect ratio, taper ratio; sweep and airfoil section; engine location; landing gear.
SLE: Configurations of small aircrafts, private jets, fighter aircrafts, military cargo aircrafts 9 Hrs
Module 5:
Design considerations in configuration layout: Choices in aircraft layout, options for wing layout,
propulsion system layout, tail plane layout, Considerations which influence airplanelay out –
aerodynamic, structural, crash worthiness, manufacturing, maintainability and environmental
considerations. Introduction to Design of Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV)
SLE: Design optimization and concurrent engineering in aircraft design 7 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Aircraft Design and Performance, Anderson John D., Tata McGraw-Hill, New – Delhi, 2010.
2. Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering Approach, Mohammad H. Sadraey, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
United Kingdom, 2013.
Supporting MOOC course:
1. Introduction to Aircraft Design (IIT Mumbai) – NPTEL,
Reference Books:
1. Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, Daniel P. Raymer, Sixth Edition, AIAA Education Series,
2. Conceptual Aircraft Design: An Industrial Approach, Ajoy Kumar Kundu, Mark A. Price, David
Riordan, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., First Edition, 2018
Assessment Method:
 Written Tests (Test 1, 2 & 3) are evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 50
marks are taken.
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s

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Sub Code: ME8E504 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify how to implement light weight 3D data, and understand how SONY’s ideas implemented
lightweight 3D data
2. Identify and understand benefits of lightweight 3D data
3. Understand how NICON and CASIO’s ideas implemented lightweight 3D data
4. Understand process simulation and its effective applications
5. Understand the concept of digital twin and its applications in the real world
Course Content
Module 1:
Trend toward use of lightweight 3D data: Designs based on 3D cad to full use of 3D data, why
lightweight 3D data, not CAD?, display of very large data, 3D use in documents,3D use in drawings,use
of lightweight 3D data throughout the company.
SONY’s Ideas on Expanding Lightweight 3D Data to Company-wide Use: Use of 3D data in design
and manufacturing at Sony, Construction of “3D data information distribution platform”-data sharing,data
distribution and management, business process restructuring using lightweight 3D data,
SLE: Management of original drawing data 8 Hrs
Module 2:
Benefits of Lightweight 3D Data: Use of XVL in design review, 3D parts lists, 3D parts catalogs,
animated 3D visual manuals, sharing CAE analysis results, sharing CAT measurement data, collaborative
design using lightweight 3D data
Design Review in Body Design: Case Study of TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION:Design review
using XVL, the actual design review process, applications and development of design review, advantages
and disadvantages of 3D design, two goals of using XVL
SLE: Why is design review necessary? 8 Hrs

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Module 3:
NIKON: Use of 3D Data as a Communication Pipeline: Environment of semiconductor fabrication
devices, design and manufacturing process innovation with 3D data, difficulties using 3D data in
downstream processes, security: A pending task.
YAMAGATA CASIO: Digital Engineering Practiced at Injection Mold Plant and Transfer of
Technological Information: Weapons for global expansion and delivery time reduction,limitations of
business activities based on drawings and reports, use of 3D data for mold design review, company-wide
sharing of design information, review by mold manufacturing department, application of 3D data to
SLE: XVL’s Role as a communication pipeline 9 Hrs
Module 4:
Process simulation: Basic definitions, simulation, process simulation, process simulate inputs, process
simulate outputs, process simulate commands, status and title bars, viewer area, four basic object types,
process simulate usage, starting process simulate standalone, starting and exiting process simulate
SLE: Process simulate viewer overview 9 Hrs
Module 5:
Digital Twin: Introduction to digital twin, definition, characteristics of digital twin, digital twin
applications and cases, implications of digital twin. Introduction to digital to print (D2P).
SLE: Open issues and challenges 5 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Toriya, H., 2008. 3D manufacturing innovation: revolutionary change in Japanese manufacturing
with digital data. Springer Science & Business Media.
2. Process Simulate Standalone Basic Robotic Simulation Student Guide November 2014 MT45115
– version 11.1
Supporting MOOC course:
1. Digital manufacturing and design technology – Coursera;
Reference Book:

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1. Shao, G., Jain, S., Laroque, C., Lee, L.H., Lendermann, P. and Rose, O., 2019, December. Digital
twin for smart manufacturing: The simulation aspect. In 2019 Winter Simulation Conference
(WSC) (pp. 2085-2098). IEEE.
Assessment Method:
 Three written tests will be conducted for 25 marks each. Best of two tests marks will be
considered for the CIE calculation
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes
Course Outcomes
satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO1 PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4, PO9 & PO12 PSO1, PSO2 & PSO4
CO2 PO1,PO2,PO3,PO5 & PO12 PSO1, PSO2 & PSO4
CO3 PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5 & PO12 PSO1, PSO2 & PSO4
CO4 PO1,PO2,PO3,PO5, PO9 & PO12 PSO1, PSO2 & PSO4
CO5 PO1,PO2,PO3,PO5, PO9 & PO12 PSO1, PSO2 & PSO4

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Sub Code : ME8E601 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 3 Hrs SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and Explain biomass energy sources & systems.
2. Apply engineering techniques to build Biomass gasification, Biodiesel, Bio-
methanization, Bioethanol systems.
3. Analyze and evaluate the implication of biomass energy concepts in solving numerical problems
pertaining to biofuel systems.
4. Design & establish biomass power plants.
Module 1: Introduction: Biomass energy sources, energy content of various Bio – fuels, Energy
plantation, biomass characteristics, sustainability of biomass.
Physical & Agrochemical conversion – Briquetting, Pelletization, Agrochemical, fuel Extraction,
Thermo chemical Conversion: Direct combustion for heat, domestic cooking & heating
SLE: List the various biomass fuels and compare the various types of Briquetting & Pelletization
machine available in the market. 10 Hrs

Module 2: Biomass Gasification: Chemical reaction in gasification, Producergas & the constituents,
Types of gasifier - Fixed bed gasifiers & Fluidized bed gasifiers.
Liquefaction - Liquefaction through pyrolysis & Methanol synthesis, application of producer gas in I C
SLE: Study of 250kW Biomass gasifier used for power generation 7 Hrs

Module 3: Bio Methanization: Anaerobic digestion -basic principles, factors influencing biogas yield,
classification of biogas digester, floating gasholder & fixed dome type. Biogas for power generation.
SLE: Study of a Biogas plant for power generation in & around Mysore. 6 Hrs

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Module 4: Bio – Diesel: Bio Diesel from edible & non-edible oils, Production of Bio diesel from Honge,
Jatropha seeds algae. Use of bio diesel in I C engines, Engine power using bio diesel, blending of bio
diesel, performance analysis of diesel engines using bio diesel, Effect of use of bio diesel in I C engines.
Ethanol as an automobile fuel, Ethanol production & its use in engines.
SLE: Study of the biodiesel production centre at NIE 8 Hrs
Module 5: Bio Power Plants: Bio Power generation routes, basic thermodynamic cycles in bio-power
generation; Brayton cycle, Sterling cycle, Rankine cycle, Co-generation cycle.
SLE: Study of a MW scale cogeneration biomass power plant in Karnataka. 8 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Understanding Clean Energy and Fuels from Biomass, Dr. H S Mukunda, Wiley India.- 2011.
2. Bio Gas Technology by B T Nijaguna New Age International- New Delhi.2001-02
3. Non Conventional Energy Sources by GDRai - Khanna Publications, Delhi, Year 2003
Reference Books:
1. Greenhouse Technology for Controlled Environment by G N Tiwari, Alpha Science Int. Ltd.,
Pangbourne, England, Year 2003
2. Renewable Energy Resources by JohnWTwidell, Anthony DWeir,EC BG-2001.
3. Energy Technology by S Rao& BB Parulekar –Khanna Publishers,Delhi-1999
Assessment Methods:
Written Tests (Test 1,2 & 3) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best two for 50 marks
are taken.
Mapping of COs to POs & PSOs:

COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs

CO 1 PO1, PO2, PO6,PO7, PO8 PSO2

CO2 PO3, PO1, PO2, PO5, PO8 PSO2

CO3 PO1, PO2, PO4, PO5, PO7, PO8 PSO2

CO4 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO7, PO8, PO12 PSO2

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Sub Code : ME8E602 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Course outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Identify new trends in quality design aspects.

2. Analyze and apply different techniques such as quality function deployment and functional
analysis system techniques for resolve issues which require multi-disciplined approach.
3. Evaluate the value of products and services by functional examination.
4. Analyze and manage product design and development process.
5. Evaluate failure analysis of a product
Course Content

Module 1:

Design: Nature and composition of design, Structure of design process- the Kano model. Customer
Needs Process.
The design process: Architectural process- different phases, Ideas selection, use of Brainstorming
and selection processes,
SLE: Alex Osborn’s basic four rules of brainstorming. 08 Hrs

Module 2:
Reliability Growth: Introduction, Definition of reliability, types of failures, the concept of technology
growth, Technology readiness- Maurice F.Holmes’ five criteria, The importance of Latitude,
SLE: Environmental Design 08 Hrs

Module 3:

Functional Analysis System Technique (FAST): Drawing the fast diagram, the function diagram,
definitions, the function diagram and its importance, examples of a fast diagram.
Quality Function Deployment (QFD): the quality lever, quality function deployment – definition,
benefits and disadvantages, QFD team, QFD diagram, the process of QFD,

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SLE: House of quality, examples. 08 Hrs

Module 4:
Value Engineering: Introduction, Definition, difference between cost and value, Innovation,
selection, implementation, minimizing the change, minimizing the risk,
SLE: maximizing the opportunity, examples 08 Hrs

Module 5:
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA): Introduction, Definition, objective, timing, benefits and
applications of FMEA, Types of FMEA, FMEA methodology and preparation,
SLE: Steps in FMEA process, examples. 07 Hrs
Text Books:

1. Quality Through design, the key to successful product delivery by John fox, McGraw- hill 1993

Reference Books:

1. Marcel Dekker Inc, “Quality Function Deployment”, New York. First Indian Edition
2. Matar, “Designing For Quality”, chapman & hall. New York (1990).

Assessment Methods:

1. Written Tests (Test 1,2& 3) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of which sum of best two
for 50 marks are taken.
Mapping of COs to POs:

Programme Outcomes that are Programme Specific Outcomes

Course Outcomes
satisfied by the COS that are satisfied by the COS
CO 1 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO6 & PO7 PSO1
CO 2 PO1, PO2 & PO5 PSO1
CO 3 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO6 & PO7 PSO1
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6 &
CO 5 PO1, PO2 & PO5 PSO1

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Sub Code: ME8E603 CIE: 50 %
Hrs / Week: 03 SEE: 50 %
SEE Hrs: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze different distributions like Poisson, Weibull and Binomial.
2. Evaluate the attributes of control charts
3. Apply the tools like Cusum for the real-time, on-line monitoring of production processes
4. Understand concepts to the design and management of quality control processes in industries.
5. Analyze the acceptance sampling and continuous improvement.
Course Content
Module 1:
Process Quality: Statistical Quality Control and it’s Tools, Advantages, limitations and Applications.
Probability & Statistics: Definition, Laws, Probability Distributions (Normal Binomial, Poisson,
Exponential) & related problems. Measures of Central tendency & Dispersion, Concept of Variation,
Variable and attribute data, Frequency distribution.
SLE: Japanese Contribution to Quality 08 Hrs
Module 2:
Control Charts: Concept of variability, Assignable and chance causes, Concept of specifications and
tolerances, Control charts for variables and attributes and related problems, Variable charts v/s attribute
charts, Control Charts for X-Bar and R- Charts, Type I and Type II errors, the probability of Type II error.
Simple Numerical.
SLE: Analysis of Patterns on Control Charts 08 Hrs
Module 3:
Multivariate cumulative sum control charts: Introduction of basic matrix algebra, Hotelling T2
Control Chart, Cumulative-Sum (Cusum) & Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Control
SLE: Comparative study of the performance of the CuSum and EWMA control charts 08 Hrs

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Module 4:
Process monitoring and adjustment: Process monitoring and process regulation, Process control by
feedback adjustment, Combining SPC and EPC .
SLE: Combining SPC and EPC in a hybrid industry 08 Hrs
Module 5:
Acceptance Sampling: Advantages over 100% inspection, Methods of taking samples, Operating
characteristics curve & its characteristics. Single, Double and Multiple Sequential Sampling Plan, Related
problems and Dodge – Romig sampling plans.
SLE: Use Acceptance Sampling to Improve Manufacturing Process 07 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Design Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, D C Montgomery, Wiley, 8th Edition, 2019.
2. Grant and Leavarworth “Statistical Quality Control” McGraw Hill.
Supporting MOOC course:
1. Manufacturing Process Control- I & II by MIT University –edX course-
Reference Books:
1. EL Grant & RS Leavenworth, “Statistical Quality Control”, McGraw Hill & Co, 6th Edition.
2. Feigenbaum, “Total Quality Control”, McGraw Hill & Co., 4th Edition
3. Montgomery DC, “Introduction to Statistical Quality Control”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 6th Edition
4. Taylor J.R., “Quality Control systems”, McGraw Hill Int. Education, 1st Edition.
Assessment Method:
 Internal Assessment tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each out of
which sum of best two tests for 50 marks are taken

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Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:

Course Programme Outcomes that Programme Specific Outcomes
Outcomes are satisfied by the CO’s that are satisfied by the CO’s
CO4 PO8,P10,P11,PO12 PSO1

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


Sub Code : ME8E604 CIE : 50 %
Hrs / Week : 03 SEE : 50 %
SEE Hrs : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100
Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the fundamentals of operations management and processes.
2. Assess the financial performance of the business.
3. Learn and apply project management techniques like PERT, CPM among others.
4. Understand cost, responsiveness, security, sustainability, resilience and innovation.
5. Gain a robust perspective on operational leadership, and Organizational Behavior

Course Content
Module 1:
Fundamentals of Operations Management:Fundamentals of operations in manufacturing and services,
Process and systems view of the organization, Product process matrix, Process analysis, and
macroeconomics and supply chain.
SLE: Demand Forecasting 8 Hrs
Module 2:
Analytics in Operations:Statistics for managers, Descriptive, predictive and prescriptive, Data
visualization and interpretation, Decision Tree, Simulations.
SLE: Job evaluation, Job allocation (Assignment Technique) 8 Hrs
Module 3:
Project Planning and Management, Inventory Management:Project lifecycle management, CPM and
PERT, Project scheduling, Critical chain project management, Economic order quantity, Inventory
SLE: Measurement techniques of productivity index 8 Hrs
Module 4:
Supply Chain Design and Management: Supply chain planning, concepts, processes and bottlenecks,
Supply chain structure and design, Network strategy, Strategic sourcing and procurement, Sustainability,
Forecasting and Supply Chain Analytics.

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SLE: Supply Chain Management in MSMEs 8 Hrs
Module 5:
Advanced Concepts: Linking operations to financial goals, Risk management and innovation,
Operational leadership and change management.
Organizational Behaviour: Design and Culture, Communication, Motivation, Conflicts and
Negotiations, Stress.
SLE: Work Related Attitudes, Values and Perception 7 Hrs
Text Books:
1. Operations Management: Theory and Practice by B. Mahadevan, Pearson Education,
Second Edition - 2007.
2. Introduction to Materials Management by J.R. Tony Arnold, Stephen N. Chapman, Lloyd M.
Clive, Pearson – Prentice Hall, Sixth Edition – 2008.
3. Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains by Lee J. Krajewski, Manoj K. Malhotra,
Larry P. Ritzman, Pearson, Eleventh Edition – 2016.
Reference Books:
1. Operations Management by I. Monks, J.G., McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1987.
2. Modern Production/Operations Management by Buffa, Wiley Eastern Ltd, Year 2007
3. Production and Operations Management by Pannerselvam. R., PHI, Year 2012
4. Organisational Behaviour K. Aswathappa, Twelfth Revised Edition : 2016 Himalaya Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.,
Supporting MOOC courses:
1. Operations Management (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore) - SWAYAM Operations
Management - Course (swayam2.ac.in)
2. Operations Management: Analysis and Improvement Methods (University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign) Operations Management: Analysis and Improvement Methods | Coursera
Assessment Methods:
 Internal Assessment tests (Test-I, Test-II & Test-III) are Evaluated for 25 Marks each Better of the
two Tests for 50 marks are taken.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIE, Mysuru Page 104

B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
Mapping of CO’s to PO’s and PSO’S:
Programme Specific
Course Programme Outcomes that are satisfied by the
Outcomes that are
Outcomes CO’s
satisfied by the CO’s
CO1 PO1, PO2, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO10, PO11, PO12 PSO1
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO10, PO11,
PO2, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9, PO10,
P011, PO12
PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO10,
CO5 PO6, PO8, PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 PSO1

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Complete an internship at an industry, research institution or organization related to
Mechanical Engineering
CO2: Prepare a report detailing all activities completed during the internship arriving at
pertinent conclusions
CO3: Present the work effectively using audio – visual aids.

1. Students are required complete their internships at industries, research institutes or
organizations related to Mechanical Engineering
2. Internship may be completed during semester vacations at any point before the 8thsemester.
3. Students have to prepare a final report & presentation describing their role at theorganization
and all activities carried out by them at the organization.
4. The presentation & reports should be vetted by respective guides allotted as per Minor orMajor
5. Evaluation will be based on the final report and a presentation of the same to project
6. The internship will be evaluated based on the following parameters:
a. Industry Introduction(05 Marks)
b. Quality of Write-up (15 Marks)
c. Conclusion from Internship (15 Marks)
d. Quality of Oral Presentation (15 Marks)

Mapping of COs, POs, and PSOs:

COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs
CO1 PO1, PO2, PO6, PO7 PSO1, PSO3
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PSO2, PSO3
CO2 PO8, PO9, PO12

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B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)


On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Formulate the problem for project work based on literature review or specific
industry problem
CO2: Carry out design, Analysis and Fabrication of a functional prototype or a software,as the
case may be
CO3: Work effectively as a team member and contribute in all aspects of project work
CO4: Make an effective presentation, both written and oral of the project work
CO5: Convert the outcome of the project into a technical paper or patentable product
1. Students will be split into groups of four and a faculty member will be allotted as guideduring
the 7th semester.
2. The project topic should be strictly based on real world problems and draw support from
journal papers, which could be accessed at NIE- Digital Library.
3. Students are instructed to go through various research papers related to their respectivetopics.
4. Students are instructed to finalize the topic in discussion with their guides.
5. Work must commence at the start of the 7th semester and end before the Semester End Exams
(SEE) in the 8th Semester.
6. Students should prepare a report and presentation, vetted by respective guides, as part of the
7. Evaluation will be done in two stages.
a. Mid Term Evaluation: Before the Third Test
b. Final Evaluation: After SEE in the presence of an External Examiner
8. Students should submit copies of report to the department before the commencement of
presentation as per the recommended format duly signed by the guide.
9. The evaluation will be done using the following parameters:
a. Literature Survey & Problem Formulation
b. Implementation/demonstration
c. Contribution as a Team Member
d. Presentation & Communication Skills

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIE, Mysuru Page 107

B.E–Mechanical Engineering (2021-2022)
e. Feasibility of converting work into technical Paper
Mapping of COs, POs, and PSOs:
COs Mapping of COs to POs Mapping of COs to PSOs
CO1 PO1, PO2, PO6, PO7 PSO1, PSO3
PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PSO2, PSO3
CO2 PO8, PO9, PO12
CO5 PO6, PO11, PO12 PSO1, PSO2, PSO3

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