DM Ouhrod 2024 0586
DM Ouhrod 2024 0586
DM Ouhrod 2024 0586
Department of Education
TO : Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned
2. This Interim Guidelines shall ensure that office plans, commitments, and
performance account for the achievement and contribution of the different delivery
units in all governance levels to the Agency’s Organizational Outcomes as committed
in the General Appropriations Act (GAA), Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP),
and MATATAG Agenda, among others.
3. With this, offices shall utilize the Office Performance Commitment and
Review (OPCR) Form, Revised 2024, as attached in Annex A, in reflecting the
commitments and performance based on its office mandates, in ensuring the
immediate integration of and alignment with the Agency’s Organizational Outcomes,
and in reflecting office's contributions in achieving the strategic priorities set under
Room 102, Rizal Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig City 1600
Telephone Nos.: (+632) 86337206, (+632) 86318494, (+632) 86366549 Doc. Ref. Code DM-OUHROD Rev 00
Email Address: [email protected] | Website: Effectivity 03.23.23 Page 1 of 3
the MATATAG Agenda as well as their respective education development plans in the
Region, Divisions, and schools as a direction in resolving basic education challenges.
5. The revised OPCRF shall be used throughout the RPMS Cycle which covers the
performance for one (1) whole year following a four-stage cycle, to wit: (i) Performance
Planning and Commitment (Phase I); (ii) Performance Monitoring and Coaching (Phase
II); (iii) Performance Review and Evaluation (Phase III); and (iv) Performance Rewarding
and Development Planning (Phase IV).
6. The revised OPCRF shall be used by the heads of offices and functional
offices/divisions/units in the Central, Regional, and Schools Division Offices, and
heads of schools in the elementary and secondary levels. In addition, Assistant
Directors in the CO, Assistant Regional Directors, Assistant Schools Division
Superintendents, and Assistant School Principals shall likewise use the revised
OPCRF to capture their specific performance contributing to the office/school plans
and accomplishments.
Room 102, Rizal Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig City 1600 Doc. Ref. Code DM-OUHROD Rev 00
Telephone Nos.: (+632) 86337206, (+632) 86318494, (+632) 86366549 Effectivity 03.23.23 Page 2 of 3
Email Address: [email protected] | Website:
9. A series of national orientations shall be conducted to capacitate heads of
offices and functional divisions in all governance levels on the interim guidelines and
the accomplishment of the revised OPCRF. A separate Memorandum shall be issued
on this.
10. For more information, please contact the Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development, 4th Floor, Mabini Building, Department of Education
Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at
[email protected] or telephone number (02) 8470-6630.
Room 102, Rizal Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig City 1600 Doc. Ref. Code DM-OUHROD Rev 00
Telephone Nos.: (+632) 86337206, (+632) 86318494, (+632) 86366549 Effectivity 03.23.23 Page 3 of 3
Email Address: [email protected] | Website: