The document summarizes different types of soil found in India including alluvial soil, black soil, red and yellow soil, laterite soil, arid soil, and forest soil. It provides details on the areas each soil type is commonly found, typical crops grown, key components of each soil, and other distinguishing features.
The document summarizes different types of soil found in India including alluvial soil, black soil, red and yellow soil, laterite soil, arid soil, and forest soil. It provides details on the areas each soil type is commonly found, typical crops grown, key components of each soil, and other distinguishing features.
The document summarizes different types of soil found in India including alluvial soil, black soil, red and yellow soil, laterite soil, arid soil, and forest soil. It provides details on the areas each soil type is commonly found, typical crops grown, key components of each soil, and other distinguishing features.
The document summarizes different types of soil found in India including alluvial soil, black soil, red and yellow soil, laterite soil, arid soil, and forest soil. It provides details on the areas each soil type is commonly found, typical crops grown, key components of each soil, and other distinguishing features.
Alluvial Northern Whet, sugarcane, Silt, sand and clay Khaddar and plains(interplay of pulses and other Potash phosphoric bhangar ganga, cereal acid and lime Brahmaputra and Indus) Also common in piedmont plains such as Duars, Chos and Terai Black Deccan trap Cotton Fine clayey material Develops cracks (Gujarat, calcium carbonate, when dry for self- Maharashtra) magnesium carbonate aeration and but poor in sticky when wet. phosphoric content Red and Yellow Odisha, Maize, potato develops on Develop a Chhattisgarh, crystalline igneous reddish colour peidamount region rocks in areas of low due to diffusion of western ghats rainfall in the eastern of iron in and southern parts of crystalline and the Deccan plateau metamorphic rocks. It looks yellow when it occurs in a hydrated form. Laterite mostly in southern tea and coffee. Poor in humus, deep This soil is the states, Western Red laterite soils in and acidic and result of intense Ghats region of Tamil Nadu, deficient in plant leaching due to Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh nutrients heavy rain. Odisha, some and Kerala are parts of West more suitable for Bengal crops like cashew nut. Arid Western Rajasthan Jowar, bajra, maize Lacks humus and the salt content moisture due to dry is very high and climate and common salt is evapouration, sandy obtained by texture, evaporating the water. Fit for cultivation after proper irrigation Forest hilly and Mountain Loamy and silty in Fertile on valley mountainous vegetation and valley and coarse in and terraces areas where forests upper valley sufficient rain forests are available.