IFS AI CS Anticimix 11 23
IFS AI CS Anticimix 11 23
IFS AI CS Anticimix 11 23
Anticimex powers
IoT with IFS.ai
Anticimex is a leading specialist in preventive pest control
and related services, with operations in 17 countries and
around 5,500 employees. It has shown growth every year since
its inception in 1934 as a Swedish bed bug control company.
Driven by strong organic growth and over 80 acquisitions, it has About Anticimex
increased its revenue by more than 60 percent over the past three Founded in 1934 Anticimex started out
years. The market for pest control is growing fast. Trends such as as a bed bug control business. It soon
increased travel, urbanization and increased waste production diversified to offer a wide range of pest
are driving this growth. However, the service industry today faces control. Today Anticimex operates in 17
strict regulatory controls over the types of chemicals it can use. countries around the world providing not
These developments provide opportunities for those pest control only pest control but also food safety,
companies that have the capacity and scale required to develop building environment services, fire
and offer digital and scalable preventive systems. protection and insurance.
The growing pains of pest control
Anticimex has a varied offering for home owners and businesses.
It carries out pest control covering a broad range of
creatures—mostly rodents and insects, though in the far east the
firm regularly deals with exotic dangerous animals such as
cobras. It carries out housing inspections when people buy or sell About Microsoft
property which includes fire prevention, dehumidification, energy
Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @ Microsoft)
inspections, title transfer and insurance against latent defects.
is the leading platform and productivity
It also offers hygiene and washroom services; however, these are
company for the mobile-first, cloud-first
run separately from the pest control business using different
world, and its mission is to empower
vehicles and technicians, and not necessarily delivered at the
every person and every organization
same sites.
on the planet to achieve more.
Out of 5,500 employees, 3,000-3,500 are technicians working in
the field at customer sites. Anticimex technicians use handheld
mobile solutions enabling them to stay out in the field rather than
having to go back to the office to file reports. With such a broad
reaching offering and a highly-distributed network of technicians
and customers, Anticimex needs a highly robust and scalable
ERP solution.
By analyzing the patterns of when and how often certain traps Benefits seen using IFS
run out of power, Anticimex is able to discern which batteries
should be taken out of commission altogether rather than • Highly robust solution
recharged. This saves Anticimex money and helps improve • Scalable
customer service since traps last longer between charges. • Efficient route planning tool
“Rather than technicians scrambling around trying to figure out • Integrated with IoT platform
which trap they need to address, they now know exactly which
trap to address and when they need to go out to which
customer,” says Jussi Ylinen, CEO, Anticimex Finland. “All this
makes the technicians agile, but also us as a company and we
can address our customers’ issues a lot quicker. Working with IFS
in the IoT project they were responsive, they were very cognizant
of what we wanted and they listened to us a lot so they could
adapt quickly to our needs.”