Teaching Strategy Sci
Teaching Strategy Sci
Teaching Strategy Sci
Course Content Units Topics Sub-Topics (if any) Suggested Teaching and Learning
1 Implementing i. Post-teaching practice i. Update SRJ with new events
the basic science discussion
ii. Video on self-practice
Further review of ii. Conversational learning about
the integrated post- professional attitudes
science and skills
curriculum iii. Group discussion on application
iii. Evidence of application of on evidence of equity and SEN
Equity and SEN issues in
science teaching
iv.critical peer review of reports on
Reflective iv. Assessment of tasks assigned tasks assigned to student teachers
practice for use during practicum before practicum session
v. Evidence of reflective
practice through play
2 1. Action i. Writing of case study i. Report writing of action
research (action research) from research
Course Assessment Component 1: Summative Assessment
Summary of Assessment Method: Examination
Weighting: 40%
Assesses Learning Outcomes: CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 & CLO 4
Component 1: Formative Assessment Practice
Summary of Assessment Method: Portfolios
Weighting: 60%
Assesses Learning Outcomes: CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 & CLO 4
Reading List Oddoye, E.O.K, Taale, K. D., Ngman-Wara, E., Samlafo, V., & Obeng-Ofori, D. (2011). SWL
Integrated Science for Senior High Schools: Students Book. Accra, Ghana; Sam-Woode Ltd.
Additional Reading Abroampa, W. K. & Adda i-Mununkum, R. (2017). Rudiments of curriculum construction. Acrra: Ducer
List Press.
Adentwi, K. I. (2005). Curriculum development. An introduction. Kumasi: Wilas Press Ltd.
Enanati, T. Jameni, F., & Movahedian, M. (2016). Classroom management strategies and multi-
grade schools with the emphasis on the role of technology. Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual
Learning, 7(2), 167-179.