Newsletter 7 10111
Newsletter 7 10111
Newsletter 7 10111
This week has been a busy week for staff and parents as we have been arranging times to speak to you about your childs progress so far this year. It is always lovely to hear all the positive comments about your children. The teachers will also be constructive in explaining the next steps that we are working on with the children in order to build upon their attainment and progress as the year progresses. Please bear with us as we work hard to bring this magical experience to you. Miss Corker may be in contact with you soon with some costume requests! The EYFS and KS1 Christmas Nativity will be on Tuesday 13th December at 2.00pm and Thursday 15th December at 2.00pm. There will be no charge for these events, although space will be limited to two seats per family, with the possibility of further seats when we are sure that every parent has had the opportunity to acquire tickets. The KS2 Carol Service will be on Monday 19th December from 7.00pm in St. Johns Church. In the past, this has been a wonderful service which the children tell the Christmas Story accompanied by songs and readings (and the the last chance for Year 6 children to dress up as a shepherd!)
I would like to invite you to an assembly tomorrow (Friday) to spend a few moments in quiet reection as I ask the children to think about the human sacrice made during the conicts that have affected our country and others. Please be seated in the hall for a 10.45am start. Thank you. There will be a service in St Johns Church on Sunday morning.
As the parents of Class 3 will have heard by text message earlier this week, Mrs Evans is off school for a week due to complications with her pregnancy. We wish her well as she rests at home under the instruction of her doctor. As with all staff absences, I work extremely hard to ensure that the supply teachers deliver the same level of high quality learning experiences as our regular school staff. Where possible, I will also seek to use teachers known to the school and the children as a means to minimise disruption. Mrs Evans will rearrange her parents evening appointments upon her return. Apologies for any inconvenience for changing these.
We have sent a variety of letters home over the past couple of weeks about upcoming events for the children to be involved in, to enrich their curriculum and learning experiences. If you havent already seen these, please look out for Sing a Christmas Story, KS2 Christmas Theatre, KS1 and EYFS Christmas Theatre and Class 5s Visit to Stockport Air Raid Shelters. We have been emailing the reply slips to you and are more than happy to receive these back by email (it helps to cut down on the amount of paper coming into school, which is always a good thing!) As with all trips, these can be paid for online (speak to Mrs Stubbs if you need to be reminded of your logon details), cash or cheque (cheques made to Ashton Hayes Primary School Fund). I have tried to keep the costs of these trips to a minimum in a variety of ways, including: using the school minibus, sharing trips with Barrow CE Primary and Huxley CE Primary and by subsidising the trips from school funds.
This year, the children are keen to support Children in Need, which has its ofcial day on Friday 18th November. Please send your children dressed in spotty clothes, or wearing spots, or with face painted with spots... next Friday. Please send in any donations to the school (I suggest at least a pound per child). The children would like to sell cakes at morning playtime; we would be grateful for any donations of cakes (home-made or bought), which can be sold. We will sell these for between 10 and 50 pence...please can you proved a bit of change in the children's pockets? Thank you!
A catch up of all our wonderful merit winners in recent weeks... Well done to: Tallulah Tilley, Poppy Mason, Lydia Paddock Zac Roberts, Charlie Irlam and Matthew Handley Imogen Paddock, Emily Cuthbert, Fletcher Stephen, Abi Cartwight, William Thakur and Archie Pipes Dylan Woodard, Olivia Jones, Toby Auckland-Lewis, Alex Gibson and Jak Carden Amy Hocking, Sebbie Roberts, Milly Rowe, Scott Telford and Jake Mitty.
The windows are being tted from today, nally enclosing the building and making it weather-tight.We are looking forward to seeing paint going on the wall and carpet being tted very soon!
Tickets are now on sale for the PTFA Quiz night to be held in School on the evening of: THURSDAY 17TH NOVEMBER FROM 8.00PM Tickets are just 5.00, which includes a jacket potato/lling supper. Please bring your own drinks.
The Education Welfare Ofcer (EWO) will be visiting the school tomorrow to inspect the registers and to monitor the attendance of the children. Ashton Hayes Primary School has a good record of attendance, helped with the good partnership between school and parents. I know that you are aware of the educational impact of taking children out of school for holidays and medical appointments. I respectfully ask that you continue to consider this impact when booking your family holidays (and I am well aware that there is a cost implication for taking holidays in the school holidays) and making medical appointments that could be arranged during the holidays.
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Please note the PTFA newsletter and information about the quiz night and the Christmas fair. This year, the Christmas Fair will take place in the Village Hall as we are very short on space in the hall until the building work is completed.
Ashton Hayes Primary School, Church Road, Ashton Hayes, Chester. CH3 8AB Phone: 01244 981418 Text to: 07797 801419 Email: or Web: