Proposal Writing New

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proposal is an idea wherein we want to persuade the

reader (target/donor).

Proposal is a sort of persuasive writing. We make the reader to do

something and to act upon our written plan for doing some task. It is
in the form of recommendations which we want that the reader may
p them.

Proposal may be internal or external. In the first one we suggest that

our department can do a good job of completing a project. In the
latter case, a qualified person or an expert does something for
someone else for which he is usually granted remuneration (fee).
Purposes of proposal

The purposes of a proposal are just like those of a

recommendation report in which a change in proposed policy
is recommended. Sometimes the idea that something is
desirable or undesirable is proposed. Besides that the purpose
off a proposall is
i to
t solve
l a problem.
bl The
Th writer
it proposes
various steps for the solution. Sometimes changes are
proposed in the procedure. In some cases various questions
are answered or an advice is offered
Proposals are submitted in response to a request. Such a
request may appear in trade publication (commerce business
daily) or newspapers,
newspapers or on some occasions a request for
proposal is directed towards a company. The proposal may be
written proposal may be written to departments within your
own company or to outside requesters.
Kind of proposals
Research Proposal:-
Usually academic in nature. Professors or the institutions
desire to obtain a grant in response to a request or an
announcementt ffrom ththe G
Gove. OOr other
th agency.
Companies also submit research proposals. They make
contact with the agency requesting for the proposal.
Business proposal:-
Submitted by business employees for which they are
financially compensated. Like business reports, business
proposals may be short or long, Solicited or unsolicited. In
solicited business proposals, there are many competitors
bidding for that contract, therefore, one should be very much
careful. In an unsolicited proposal, the proposal writer
convinces the readers or reviews committee that he
understands the organizations problem and he has the talent
to solve it properly an successfully
Introduction to proposal

Writing a proposal for a sponsored activity such as a research

project or a curriculum development program, is a problem of
assume that your reader is a busy, impatient, skeptical
person who has no reason to give your proposal special
consideration and who is faced with many more requests than
he can grant,
grant or even read thoroughly.
thoroughly Such a reader wants to
find out quickly and easily the answers to these questions.

What do y you want to do,, how much will it cost,, and how much time
will it take?

How does the proposed project relate to the sponsor's interests?

What difference will the project make to your university,
your students, your discipline, the state, the nation, the
world, or whatever the appropriate categories are?

What has already been done in the area of your project?

How do you plan to do it? (proposal)

How will the results be evaluated? (communication, reports

and evaluation)

Why should you, rather than someone else, do this project?

(skills, equipments, personal, experience)
Introduction to proposal:

This process is grounded in the conviction that
a partnership should develop between the
p and the donor. When yyou spend
p a
great deal of your time seeking money, it is
hard to remember that it can also be difficult to
give money away. In fact, the dollars
contributed by a foundation or corporation have
no value until they are attached to solid
programs in the nonprofit sector.
Who has what?
This truly is an ideal partnership. The nonprofits
have the ideas and the capacity to solve
problems, but no dollars with which to
implement them. The foundations and
corporations have the financial resources but not
the other resources needed to create programs.
Bring the two together effectively, and the result
i a dynamic
is d i collaboration.
ll b ti
How to get the dollars:
You need to follow a step-by-step process in the
search for private dollars
dollars. It takes time and
persistence to succeed. After you have written a
proposal, it could take as long as a year to
obtain the funds needed to carry it out.
out And even
a perfectly written proposal submitted to the
right prospect might be rejected for any number
off reasons.
proposal is an idea wherein we want to persuade the reader.
The general purpose of any proposal is to persuade the readers to do
something. Money plays a great role in proposal, but some firms also
barter (exchange of goods for goods). Proposals are submitted in response
to a request that is called RFP( request for proposal). It may be written to
departments within own company or to outside requesters.

Organization needs Publish in the documents are
some idea about newspaper RFP submitted for the
(request for idea in proposal
Proposal) form

Select the best

11 11/9/2014
Gathering Background Information:

The first thing you will need to do in writing your proposal is to

gather the documentation for it. You will require background
documentation in three areas: concept, program, and expenses.

Concept: (Mission, Philosophy)

It is important that you have a good sense of how the project fits
with the philosophy and mission of your agency. The need that the
proposal is addressing must also be documented. These concepts
must be well-articulated in the p
p Funders want to know that
a project reinforces the overall direction of an organization, and
they may need to be convinced that the case for the project is
compelling. You should collect background data on your
organization and on the need to be addressed so that your
arguments are well-documented.
Program: (know about the project and skills) (road construction vs
computer literacy programme))

Here is a check list of the program information you require:

the nature of the project and how it will be conducted;
the timetable for the project;
the anticipated outcomes and how best to evaluate the results;
andd (result
( l and
d use modeld l iie ffeasibility)
ibili )
staffing and volunteer needs, including employment of existing
staff and new hires.
Expenses: (budget ie amount is sufficient for the project
: proper estimation … 5000 or 200000)
You will not be able to p
pin down all the expenses
associated with the project until the program details and
timing have been worked out. Thus, the main financial
data gathering takes place after the narrative part of the
maste p
master proposal
oposal has been written.
itten Ho
e e at this stage
you do need to sketch out the broad outlines of the
budget to be sure that the costs are in reasonable
proportion to the outcomes you anticipate
anticipate. If it appears
that the costs will be prohibitive, even with a foundation
grant, you should then scale back your plans or adjust
them to remove the least cost-effective expenditures.
t invites
i i contractors (Private
( i or Govt:)) for
f auctions.
i It may be
for constructions of schools, colleges , roads etc…..(tender an offer to supply
goods or do work at a stated price). Then the cheapest proposal is accepted.

The main purpose of a proposal is just like those of recommendations or

gg in which a changeg is p
p or recommended. But the main
purpose is to solve the problem. So the writer proposed various steps for the
solution. That is why many questions are answered or a piece advice is offered.
US Govt is the foremost requesters. i.e
To sell property, such as airplanes, machines, buildings
To construct parking structures, buildings, water systems,
To survey water areas for possible oil fields.
To clean up the ground soil at military airports

15 11/9/2014
Kinds of proposal:

Proposal can be generally divided in two categories,

1 Short
1. Sh t proposall
2. Long proposal

11/9/2014 16
A proposal can be

Solicited proposals-in response to a specific

solicitation by a sponsor
Unsolicited proposals-no solicitation but you believe
them interested
Continuation or Non-competing-contingent
Non competing contingent upon if
initial progress is satisfactory
Renewal (usually competitive)-request for continued
support of an existing project
The following elements must be included in short
1 Sender
1. Sender’ss name & complete address
2. Date
3. Receiver's address
4. Subject
b off the
h proposall
5. Salutation
6. Message/
g / bodyy & include ( proposal
p p writer’s
7. Complementary close
8. signature

11/9/2014 18
Street # 4, Parwan
2, Kabul,
November 27, 2008.

The V.C,
Kardan University,
Kabul Campus.

Subject: Changes proposed in the Curriculum of English for BBA

Dear Sir,

With great pleasure I respond to your invitation for suggestion changes in

the curriculum of English of BBA. I am a recent graduate of BBA and
know well what amendments are required in the English curriculum to
improve further writing and speaking skills of BBA students. I also got
suggestions from myy ex-students and fresh fellows of BBA and, thus, I
included their views in my proposal given below.
11/9/2014 19
It is a fact that the previous course was ten years old, therefore, it should be
revised as a market oriented. Because there are some topics which should be
Consistent harmonious) with our environments.
Proposal Suggestions
First, it must be divided into various sections. The part-1 must be related
synonyms, antonyms, idioms and business terminology. Vocabularies play
great role both in writing and speaking.
Second, there should be some reading, speaking and listening skills because
they are important for learning any foreign language. All these should be
commercial or economical topics having marks in the paper. In my opinion,
this would be to enable the students to get deep business knowledge.
Third, all these four skills should be divided into mid-term and terminal
exams. (listening and speaking in mid-term while reading and writing in
I hope due consideration should be given to my suggestions.
Faithfully yours,

Naeem ullalh khan

11/9/2014 20




Message with Recommendation/Suggestions

21 11/9/2014
T The
To: Th V.C.
V C Kardan
K d Institute
I tit t off Higher
Hi h Education
Ed ti

From: Ashraf Ali khan, Lecturer at Kardan

Subject: Changes proposed in the Curriculum of English for BBA

Date: November 27, 2008

With great pleasure I respond to your invitation for suggesting changes in

the curriculum of English of BBA. I am a recent graduate of BBA and
know well what amendments are required in the English curriculum to
improve further writing and speaking skills of BBA students. I also got
suggestions from my ex-students and fresh fellows of BBA and, thus, I have
included their views in my proposal given below.
22 11/9/2014
It is a fact that the previous course was ten years old, therefore, it should be
i d as a marketk t oriented.
i t d Because
B there
th are some topics
t i which
hi h should
h ld be
Consistent harmonious) with our environments.
Proposal Suggestions
First,, it must be divided into various sections. The ppart-1 must be related
synonyms, antonyms, idioms and business terminology. Vocabularies play
great role both in writing and speaking.
Second, there should be some reading, speaking and listening skills because
they are important for learning any foreign language.
language All these should be
commercial or economical topics having marks in the paper. In my opinion,
this would be to enable the students to get deep business knowledge.
Third, all these four skills should be divided into mid-term and terminal
exams. (listening and speaking in mid-term while reading and writing in
I hope due consideration should be given to my suggestions.

23 11/9/2014
If we are writing a long proposal, then we need the following parts:
1. Title Page
Body of the proposal
1. Executive Summary
(d f contact))
2. Table of Content
3. Scope
4. problem
5. Description
6. Procedure
7. Personnel
8. Equipment
9. Budget
10. Appendix

24 11/9/2014
It is the basic element of the long proposal where we
can include
1. The title.
2. The name of the person or company to whom the
proposal is submitted
3. The
h name off the
h person or company who
h will
ill submit.
b i
4. And the date.

11/9/2014 25

CARE Canada and World University Service Canada (WUSC)

Vocational Training
For Afghan Women Project

Proposal Submitted to:

United Nation International Development Agency , Afghanistan
July 20, 2006

Submitted by:
CARE Canada

9th Gurdwara Road Suite 200

Nepean, Ont. K2E 7X6

11/9/2014 26
The BODY of the proposal should explain the complete details of
the solution:
How the job will be done, broken into separate tasks;
w at method
et od wwill be used to do it,
t, including
c ud g tthee equ
p e t,
material, and personnel that would be required;
when the work will begin; and, when the job will be completed.
It should also p
present a detailed cost breakdown for the entire

11/9/2014 27
Executive summary can be used for both brief and long proposal. It
is the central idea of the complete proposal.
Because it is the quick overview and speaks the complete proposal
and shows our objectives and what procedures will be adopted.
Some executives only read the summary, therefore, it should be
concise & all the essential parts of the proposal should be prepared
very carefully.
f ll
Do summarize the proposal in the same order it is presented
Do include your aims, even though they will be repeated
shortly after
Do remember and include the goals of the sponsor

11/9/2014 28
Executive Summary example

Project Description
CARE Canada and World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
propose to contribute to the development and reconstruction of
Afghanistan and lay the groundwork for sustainable incomes,
incomes by
providing vocational training opportunities for vulnerable women of
Kabul province.

Location and Duration

The vocational Training for Afghan women project will take place in
Kabul Province, Afghanistan over a period of 42 months (3 ½

Amount Requested
An amount of CAD 4.5 Million is being requested for the
implementation of the Vocational Training for Afghan Women
Project. 11/9/2014 29
Table of Contents-3
Brief proposals mostly do not require a table of contents.
While long proposals do require one, as well as a list of
tables, figures and illustration.
– If your proposal is short, the background may be
omitted in a longer proposal
omitted, proposal, information such as the
following is usually included.
• “Previous work completed on identical or related
p ojects”
Draft Contract:-
– A draft contract may be inserted after an executive
summary Such an early presentation gives an
immediate overview, including financial information.


A brief statement of the problem or need your agency has

recognized and is prepared to address (one or two
Show clearly that you understand the problem.
what will be the boundaries of your project. What areas your
project will be implemented in. to say in nutshell, setting your
area of service
Area of community, company, department, org or whole country
or whole world.

11/9/2014 34
Here we briefly state, without exaggeration, how
we will meet the requirement of the reader. It
may be different according to the situation;
1. Be realistic as to what we can accomplish.
2. Be pprecise with the time schedule.
3. Be specific as to method of meeting all goals.
4. What yyou will do and what yyou will not do

The biggest part of the proposal:

How will you carry out your aims?
Do provide detail and rationale for your methods

Do demonstrate that your methods are appropriate for your aims

Do justify the approach you selected, and indicate any potential

difficulties and how you intend to overcome them
Potential Limitations: possible technical problems that may arise and
what alternate plans you may implement

Timeline: Show that your experiments are doable in the proposed

time and that you have a logical plan for carrying them out

The Research Team: describe who your team is, and who will do

Describe what facilities and infrastructure you have available to you

Don’t exaggerate! Either too optimistic or too pessimistic--they will
Basically proposal can be used in various purposes, so the proposal writer
must arrange equipments according to the departments. It depends on the
t pe of projects or proposal.
type proposal If wee are well
ell equipped,
eq ipped easily
easil wee can
accomplish the task.

11/9/2014 38

For any project we need a proposal and it must be completed on
the individuals involved in it. In this section we must give the
individual qualifications ,with complete biographic form and
include also the percentages of time they will devote to the
If possible attach the CVs of all the personnel
Budget 8
The proposal writer should study the specification given about the
budget by the proposal requester and act accordingly. It can be
presented in tabular or even a form of visual aid. It is customary to
include a section where proper justification is given, also giving
l i for
f theh financial
fi i l figures.
 Don’t over or under-estimate costs
 Do try to answer the following questions:
 Can the researcher conduct the project within the proposed
 Are the costs realistic? Is the budget g justified?
 Does the budget match the proposed goals and methods?
 Be prepared to negotiate your budget

11/9/2014 40
The Budget: Parts to include
New equipment
Facilities and administrative costs (Indirect
Cost-sharing (what your institute/university
will contribute)
Visual Aid
it can be with full detail as well.

item description cost

Executive director Supervision $ 10,000 salary

Project director Hired in first $ 500 salary


Tutors 10 hours work Total $ 40

per weekk

Office space Requires 25% of $ 2000

current space
Appendixes contain materials that the proposal writer
needs to include some where in the proposal but are
not essential
i l in
i developing
d l i any part off the h text. It may
be maps or graphs, some relevant letters of support or
endorsement. However,, the appendix
pp mayy be left out
in case some negative reaction is expected.
Reasons of project rejection

Unclear purpose
Inability to be concise
Failure to fallow the formalities as stated in the
request for bid
Unqualified individual or company
Lack of supporting data
i budget
b d
Ch i a sponsoring
Choosing i agency

What is their agenda?

Risk acceptance?
Level of innovation desired?
For example, if you are applying to the Dept of Health and
Nutrition for a project to look for disease resistance, you
had better be able to explain why!

Think interdisciplinary. View your project in a broader context.

Read p
previous p
p that sponsor
p has funded.

Take advantage of seminars or online guidance the agency offers

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