7 9套综合写作文本及范文

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第七辛苦lntegrated writing


Throughout the Greek islands, archaeol gists have found over 200 plate-sized ceramic disks

dating to about 2000 t 3000 B.C.E. The disks are typically decorated on one side, while the ther 。
side is und回orated and bas a raised edge that creates a shallow basin. They usually also have short
hand I曲 Archaeologists are still unclear about what the objects were used for. Three theories about
their function have been proposed.

Pans for Cooking Food

Some archaeologists believe that the 。bj 剧性 were used for cooking food.节1曲e archaeologists
believe that food was placed on the undecorated side and that the raised edge on that side
prevented the food from falling out of the pan. The handle would have made it 副sier and safer to
remove the pan from a cooking fi陀 or ven. 。
Other archaeologists believe that the objects were drums for making sounds. These archaeologists
point out that animal skins could have been stretched over the side with the raised edge, creating
an a町chamber that would have ampl的但l sound when the animal skin was struck According to
this theory, the per抽n doing the drumming would hold the drum by the handle with one hand and
strike由e skin with the other hand.


Yet other archaeologists belie •e that the objects were a kind of ancient mirroιAlthough the
。bj 时 。
ts are not made of a ren四川,e material, they could have been used t create a refl 回归。n by

pouring a liquid, such as olive oil, int· the shallow basin with the ra略目l创1ge. Supporters of th陆
theory l 抽int out that the d出orations found on the ceramic disks are similar io decorations found
on hand-held metal mirrors made in ancient Greece.


Now listen t part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

These ancient ceramic disks certainly served 四me purpose, but it s still not clear what that
purpose was. None of the theori曲 you read about 陆very convincing when you consider the
。bjects cl。sely. First, the id 创 。
that the bjects were used as cooking pans. That seems unlikely.
Thi血。f the pots and pans in your home. lf they ’ ve been 四 ed且or awhile, they b田ome blackened
or d陆colored in some other way as a result of having come into contact with high heat. Well,
。 。 。
shouldn't we expect t• find the same type f blackening or disc loration on ancient objects used
as cooking pans? But the fact is, none of the more than 200 disks found so far exhibit such marks.
Second, the drum由eory. Well, remember that the disks arc ceramic. Ceramic disks of this size and
shape would not make a very pleasant sound, even with an animal skin stretched over them. They

just wouldn t sound the way a drum should. A ceramic drum would al 即 have been heavy and bard

t use. Drums made of wood and animal skins are much easier to make and play and also sound

much better. It s hard to understand why anyone would make a ceramic drum when better
materials for drums were available. Third. the mirror theory. Well, to make a mirror you ’ d have to
till the ba剖n with liquid, place the disk on a horizontal surface and then bend over it to look down
at your ref\时tion, but thai would mean placing the disk with its decoraied side down. 1n other
words, the elaborate decoration would be entirely hidden from view. Why would ancient
craftspeople have made elaborate decorations that no one could see? The metal mirrors that had
silver d 四orations worked very differently. People held ihem up vertically, so anyone could s时 the

Summarize the points made in the lecture being sure to explain how they challenged the specific
theories presented in the reading pa路age.


The reading passage and lecture debate what the plate-sized ceramic disks
巾。ughout the Greek islands were used for.刀四reading passage prop回es three theories, but they
are all contradicted by the following l臼ture.

First, the reading pas回ge states that the obj阴阳were pans for cooking food. η1e
special featur础。 。
f the object would make it ea剖er and safer for people to c ok food. But the

lecture argues that there should be blackening or disc loration on the objects if they were used as
pans for cooking fo创 , as you could find on pans at home. However, none of the 200 objects were
found to be blacken创or discolored.

Second, the reading propos臼 that the objects were used as drums for making sounds.
Archaeologists state that that animal skins could have been stretched over the side, creating an air

chamber, though which sound could be amplifi配l when the skin was struck. The person d ing the
drumming could hold ihe drum by出e handle with one hand and strike ihe skin with the other
hand. However, the lecture points out that this is unlikely since ceramic disks of this size and
shape would make not make a very pleasant sound, even with animal skin stretched over them.
Also, ceramic drums are heavy and difticult to use. Drums made of wood and animal skin are
much easier to play and can make better sound.

According to the final th,四ry in the reading pas楠 ge, archaeologists specula阳that
the objects were a kind of mirror. They could create reflection when liquid was po町ed into the
basin with the m峙。d edge. The decorations are very similar to the hand-held mirrors made in

ancient Greece. Yet ihe lecture opposes, stating that elab rate decoration would not be seen if the
。 bj 出ts were used as mirrors. Because you have to place the disk with its decorat创剖de down to

till the basin with liquid, place the disk horizontally and bend over to lo k down at the reflection.
The metal m町ors worked difterently because p四pie could s四 ihe decoration.

In this way, the reading passage was undermined by the lee阳re.

At its peak, the Roman Empire ruled much of the Mediterranean and Northern Eur pe. Roman 。
territori 臼 were protected by groups of soldiers called legions, which were made up of as many as

5,000 soldiers. Rome s Ninth Legion was based in Britain until at least I 08 C.E. But alter由at year,
there are no records of the Ninth legion's existence. Scholars have sugg出ted a few theori出 about
what happened to the Ninth Legion. Each theory involves a different location.

Around the time the Ninth Legion disappeared from history, there were fierce rebellions against

Roman rule in today s Scotland. The Roman emperor was gr回Uy concerned about keeping the
。 ,。
ar臼 under his control. It is quite p ssible that he 随时 the Nmth Legion ne of his best legions,
。 。
there. In that efto 筒 the legion may have been wiped ut by Sc ttish rebels in battle.

The Netherlands
Other historians believe that the Ninth le毡ion disappeared in the area of today‘s Netherlands. They
base由at theory on山e discovery of a roof tile bearing the s严nbol of the Ninth Legion. The tile
was tound on the roof of a Roman tort in the Netherlands that was damaged by rebels sometime
around 108 C.E. According to the theo厅,the Ninth Legion was 随时阳 the area to fight those
rebels, and while there, the legion's soldiers made tiles and repair时l the fort 、s roof. Eventually the
legion lost too many soldiers in battles with the rebels and it was disbanded

Some scholars believe that the Ninth Legion was destroyed in the Roman province of Judea, or on

the Journey there. The Roman imperial government sent the R man governor of Britain t Judea 。
to help suppress a revolt. The governor may have brought the Britain-based Ninth Legion with
him. Either they did not survive the dangerous journey, or they were wiped out in battle once they
reached Judea.


None of the theori臼 you read about is conclusive. The Ninth Legion's disappearance
remains a mystery. Fir时, (inaudible) an entire le毡ion, esp国ially one as large as the Ninth, would
have required a huge battle. (Inaudible) between the Scottish rebels and 由。 er Roman troops, not

the Ninth Legion, le.且behind archaeological evidence like pieces f broken weapons or equipment.

If the entire Ninth Legion of 5,000 soldiers was defeated by Scouish rebels, we d exp由1 1 find 。
。 。
remains of w臼pons r equipment belonging to the Ninth Legion n a baulefield s mewherc in 。
Scotland, but no such remains have b四n found. Second, the roof tile d。因not prove that the Ninth
Legion was ever in the Netherlands. To make a roof tile, you need a kiln. A kiln is an extremely
hot oven由at bakes soft clay into hard tile, but no evidence of kilns has b出n found near the fort,
so the roof tiles probably were not made in the Netherl拍出. η1ey were probably brought齿。 m
somewhere else. We know that some roof tiles b曲 ring the symbol of the Ninth Legion were made
in Britain, so somebody could have transport创the tiles from Britain to the Netherlands and
anybody could have done that. It did的have to be soldiers from the Ninth Legion. Third, it

w uldn't have been very efticient for the Roman governor of Britain to use the Ninth Legion in
Judea. Britain was on the west己m 町lge of the Roman Empire and Judea was on the eastern edge.
If soldiers were needed to suppre路 a revolt in Judea quick!弘the Ninth Legion would not have

been the best choice. It would have taken too long to tra础p rt so many soldiers and their supplies

so far. Other legions in theRoman territori臼 were located closer to Jud剧. It s more likely that the
governor used one of those more 四stern legions.


The r 曲ding passage and the lecture debate what happened to the ninth legion of
Rome and where it disappeared. The reading passage propos臼 three different theories, which are
all contradicted by the following lecture.

First, the reading sugg阴阳that the legion was destroyed by Scottish rebels who
fiercely resist创Rome. However, the liste川、g points out that this is unlikely since the baule
between Roman troops and Scottish rebels would leave archaeological evidence, but the battle
between the ninth legion and the Scottish rebels le且no remains of weapons or other equipment.

Seco时, the reading speculat出 that the legion disappeared in Netherlands where it
lost many soldiers in battles against rebels.η1e speculation is based on the discovery of a tile
found on the roof of a roman fort bearing a symbol of the ninth legion. Yet the listening opp S峙 。 ,

arguing that such evidence was not convincing enough to prove the existence of ninth legion in
Netherlan出To make the roof tile, there has to be kiln but no evidence of kiln was found in
Netherland�.The roof tile could have been transported there by others from Britain.

The final theory, according the reading. proposes that the legion may have been
wiped out in the Roman province of Judea. The Roman governor 。f Britain sent it there to
suppr臼 s a revolt but it did not survive the dangerous journey or was d 由troyed in the battle山ere.
However., 由e listening argues that it would not be very efticient to for Roman governor in Judea to
use ninth legion to suppress the revolt there. The eastern legions would be a better choice for
governor since they were geographically closer.

In this way, the reading was undem1ined by the listening.


In December 。
1872, sai Iors on a passing ship disc vered the Mary Celeste, an American cargo shiψ,
floating in the Atlantic Ocean east of the Azores. There were no people on board the Mary Cel回te:
its captain and the crew of nine people were all gone. lts lifeboat (a small boat that ships carry for
emergency purp 幽幽) was missing. Several theories have been proposed to e,xplain what happened
to山e ten people who had b回n aboard the Mary Celeste.

One theory is that the crew of the Mary Celeste fell victim to pirates. Pirates in the area were
known阳attack commercial ships and capture sailors, then the pirates demanded money from the
company that had employed the sailors for sailors' release. The theory is that pirates attacked the
MaryCel甜e and took everyone on board captive.
A second theorγis b拙ed on the fact that the Mary Celeste was transporting Flammable liquid
stored in barrels. Some of the barrels were found empty when the Mary Celeste was recovered.
suggesting they might have leaked during the voyage. The flammable liquid leaking from the

barrels may have created a danger of explosi n and caused the sailors to 出cape to the lifeboat t 。
wait until the danger passed. As they were waiting , 由e lifeboat may have had an accident, and the
crew was lost

η,e third theory assens that the captain and crew may have determined that the ship was in danger

of sinking. This is supponed by the discovery that more than ne meter of water had leaked into

the sh 甲 ’s bottom, and only one water pump n the ship was in working order. Rather than wait for
the Mary Celeste to sink, the captain may have ordered everyone to get into the lifeboat and use it
to reach the salt)’of the nearby island of Santa Maria.


Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic y ujust read about.

None of th臼e theories about what happened to the people on board the
Mary-CeI皑白 is very convincing. First, the pirate theory. When pirates captured sailors, the main
reason was usuaUy so the pirates could later demand money in exchange for releasing the sailors.

However, no one ever came forward to demand money for the captain and the sailors of the
Mary-Celeste. Adclitionall}飞 almost nothing from the Mary.Ccl 出le was missing. It highly
unlikely that pirates would capture the crew and demand no money or that pirates would leave
behind all the valuables on board the ship. About the second theory and the flammable liquid ...
there路very liltle evidence出at the barrels on board the Mary-Cele.�te had ac阳ally leaked the
liquid and created a danger of explosion. You see, when this type of liquid leaks. it produc臼 a
very strong smell and the smell lingers for a long time. Remember the sailors from the passing
ship who discovered the abandoned Mary-Celeste floating in the ocean? 1f there had been a leak,
由e smell would have stayed around for awhile and those 喃ilors would have noticed it. They made
care如l records of what they discovered on the abandoned ship, but they did not mention there was

any smell Third, although some water had leaked into由e shi币 ’s b ttom, the Mary.Cel臼 te was
clearly capable of traveling for at least a few days since it was still floating when it was djscover创。
The crew members on the Ma巧’-Celeste were very experienced sailors. They would have
rec。gniz,创the ship was still阳在。“四川gh shape阳灿l to the nearby island of Santa Maria.
They would not have abandoned the ship and used a small lifeboat. That would have been much
riskier than staying on the ship.

Summarize山e points made in the lecture being sure to 剧 plain how they challenged the specific
theories presented in the reading passage.


The reading pas捕ge and the lecture debate what happened to the ten p四pie on
board the Mary Celeste ship. The reading阳S姐,ge propos曲 three theories, which are all
undermined by the following I饵阳re.

First, the reading sugg臼ts that the crew may have fallen victim t pirates. The
reason is that the pira阳s in the area often attacked the ships and later demanded money for the

release of the crew. Howe er, the listening a臼ens this is unlikely since no one came to demand
money and almost nothing on the ship was missing.

The second theory proposes that the flammable liquid on the ships caused an
explosion which forced the crew tοabandon the ship. The crew then 出caped to the lifeboat but the

lifeboat had an accident and the crew was lost、 Yet the listening ppos曲 arguing that very little

evidence proved the existence of an explosion. The flammable liquid would cause a strong smell
to stay around the ship for a while. But the sailors on the passi鸣ship who made records did not

men ti n any smell

Last, according to the third theory, the ship was in danger of sinki鸣, supported by
the evidence that more than one meter of water leaked into the ship and only one pump was
working.η、e captain then ordered the crew to e四ape to the Iii丁eboat and then reached the nea由y
land of Santa Maria. But the listening argu臼 that is unconvincing b扭扭』抽 the ship was still
。 。
capable f traveling for a few days剖nce it was found n ating on the ocean. It would have been
riskier if ihe e,电perienced crew abandoned the ship and used the lifeboat.

In this way, the reading was undermined by the following lecture.

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