Honeybee Society
Honeybee Society
Honeybee Society
Paragraph 1:Honeybee colonies are essentially societies of females. In a hive of perhaps 20,000 bees, only
a few hundred will be male bees, called drones. They are around only in the spring or summer long enough,
to rise to treetop level in a comet-like swarm, chasing after one of the queen bees that have assembled from
various hives at a mating site. Of the many drones assembled, only 10 to 15 will actually mate with a queen
during one of her mating flights. Each drone that is successful dies in the process, however, and a similar fate
awaits drones that aren't successful; once mating is done, they will be expelled from their hives or killed.
O forced from
O carried from
O left by
O guided from
2. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that drones are around only in spring or summer because
3. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true about honeybee drones EXCEPT:
Paragraph 2:The week of mating flights prepares the queen for a lifetime of prodigious egg laying: she will
produce up to 2,000 fertile eggs a day for years. Nearly all of the offspring that hatch from these eggs are fe-
male; they are the hive's worker bees; and they are well named, for it is they who will maintain the hive, for-
age for food, store the food away, care for newly laid eggs, and more. It is they who will do everything for
the colony, in other words, except lay eggs and mate with the queen.
4. Which of the following can be inferred from the discussion of bee society in paragraphs 1 and 2?
O Male bees have no function other than to mate with the queen.
O Male bees have higher status than female bees in the hive.
O Female bees produce numerous offspring.
O Female bees play a relatively unimportant role in the hive.
Paragraph 3:Over its brief adult lives of perhaps six weeks, every worker bee takes on, in a predictable or-
der, nearly all the worker tasks that the hive has to offer. For the first three days of her life, a worker is pri-
marily a cleaner of the cells that the bee larvae (immature, wormlike bees) are stored in. As the days pass,
she becomes primarily a larvae feeder, then a hive construction worker, then an entrance guard and food
storer, and finally a forager, going out to secure nectar, pollen, and water for the colony. Within this struc-
ture, however, a worker's life is one of surprising flexibility. After becoming a construction worker, for ex-
ample, she still engages in some cell cleaning; and throughout her life, she spends a good deal of time resting
and patrolling the hive.
5. According to paragraph 3, the main task for the most mature worker bees is
O able
O required
O programmed
O stimulated
O unusually creative
O clearly expressed
O ordinary
O necessary
8. Why does the author mention the famous waggle dance that bees perform in the passage?
O To give an example of a signal shared between worker bees
O To indicate how worker bees are able to find good food sites
O To show how environmental conditions affect bee behavior
O To illustrate how the presence of food stimulates bee activity
Paragraph 5:Quite often, however, bees are reacting to cues they get from other bees that simply imply a
given condition. Take, as an example, a cue that researcher Thomas Seeley confirmed that has to do with un-
loading time at the hive. In a well-fed hive, forager bees gather food only from flower patches that have lots
of nectar. When a hive is near starvation, however, the foragers aren't so choosy; then low-yield flower
patches will do. So, how does a forager know whether to be choosy or not? How is she informed of the nutri-
tional status of the colony, in other words? Her informational source is the length of time it takes her to un-
load her food. Providing the cues are the food-storer bees, which receive the food the foragers bring back and
then process it into honey and pack it away in the hive. It takes a returning forager a relatively long time to
make contact with a food-storer bee in a well-fed hive, but a relatively short time in a starving hive. Why?
Because in a well-fed hive, the food storers have plenty to keep them busy, there is plenty of food to store
away. If, however, a forager can make contact with a food storer within 15 seconds of entering the hive, the
forager knows the colony is low on food and will start paying visits to low-yield sites. This is but one exam-
ple of how life in the colony is self-organizing; each bee's behavior is shaped by the behavior of other bees.
O introduce
O suggest
O state
O reveal
10. According to paragraph 5, which of the following describes forager bee activity when a hive has not been
receiving sufficient food?
11. According to paragraph 5, how does a returning forager bee know that the hive is well fed?
O Paragraph 5 continues the discussion of the location of food sites begun in paragraph 4.
O Paragraph 5 elaborates on the topic introduced in paragraph 4 about types of communication between
O Paragraph 5 discusses the research that made the waggle dance in paragraph 4 famous.
O Paragraph 5 explains in further detail the foraging activities of worker bees mentioned in paragraph 4.
Paragraph 1:Honeybee colonies are essentially societies of females. In a hive of perhaps 20,000 bees, only
a few hundred will be male bees, called drones. ■They are around only in the spring or summer long enough
to rise to treetop level in a comet-like swarm, chasing after one of the queen bees that have assembled from
various hives at a mating site. ■Of the many drones assembled, only 10 to 15 will actually mate with a queen
during one of her mating flights. ■Each drone that is successful dies in the process, however, and a similar
fate awaits drones that aren't successful; once mating is done, they will be expelled from their hives or
13. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
Lacking the body parts to collect nectar and pollen, they have no function in the community once the oppor-
tunity to mate has passed.
Where would the sentence best fit. Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.
14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the
summary by selected THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some
sentences do not belong in the summary express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas
in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Drag your choices to the spaces where they belong. To re-
view the passage, click on View Text .
Answer Choices
O Although a hive may contain as many as 20,000 bees, only a few of its females become queens and mate
with drones.
O Once a queen has completed mating, she lays thousands of eggs each day, thereby supplying the colony
with offspring for many years.
O Worker bees accomplish all the work necessary to maintain the hive by following an orderly pattern of
taking on new tasks as they mature.
O Mature workers are typically required to play a variety of roles daily to ensure that the needs of the hive
are being met.
O Rather than following orders from leaders, workers determine what needs to be done from environmental
cues or from signals from other workers.
O Bees communicate most efficiently when they provide explicit signals to their fellow workers.