Math Lesson 2 Emma Jasinski

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Teacher _____Miss Jasinski______________________

Topic __Decimal Fractions and Place Value Patterns______ Grade _____5_________

★ Is for students who will benefit from differentiation (ELL, auditory needs, or visual

Next Generation Learning Standard; Big Understandings

Check the crosswalk between the Common Core Standards (given in the module) and the Next Generation
State Standards.
List the Next Generation Learning Standard here. Also, indicate any additional big understandings the
students should take away from the lesson.


Understand the place value system. Compare two decimals to thousands based on the meaning of the two
digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons

I can explain the place values of decimals up to thousandths.

I can describe the meaning of symbols <, >, =

Mathematical Practice Standards

Which of the eight mathematical practice standards are reinforced in this lesson? Explain.

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them: students solve problems by applying their
understanding of operations with decimals, place values, and units such as > < =. They seek the
meaning of the problems and look for ways to solve them. Students explain the problems to themselves
and consider the units, decimal places, s, and comparisons.

Model with Mathematics: Students experiment with representing the problem situation in multiple
ways including numbers, word problems, decimals, comparisons, the use of anchor charts, and other
visual aspects of the lesson. They understand and use stated assumptions and apply them to their
station work. I will share with students throughout the lesson the identified mathematical practices they
are using by providing anchor charts with the mathematical practices on them and also explaining the
learning outcomes and targets.

Attend to precision: This is reinforced in this lesson because students can focus on clarity and
accuracy of process and outcome in problem-solving. The students work together within their stations
discussing their thinking and explaining their reasoning.This will provide differentiation at different points
in the lesson because students are able to work together regardless of levels and then complete an exit
ticket at the end

Student Performance Tasks; Assessments

Describe the activities, worksheets, etc. The students will do to show you they are reaching the standard(s)
and understanding(s) listed above.

Exit ticket worksheet: this is to assess students’ understanding of the lesson and the station activities.
This helps make sure students understand and can explain the learning target, Also this helps because
students are filling this out individually so I can get a better understanding of the small group stations.

Random Grouping: this is through the grouping generator, shown visually so students know it is random

Millions to thousands place value chart: this will be used in the prior knowledge of the lesson. This is a
paper slipped into a clear plastic film that students can write on and erase using a whiteboard marker.

Personal whiteboard This used to be an option for students who like to show their work

Stations: each station has a worksheet and a blank space to do work whether it’s on the worksheet or
the white boards This helps students collaborate and stay engaged because they are up and walking
around the room

Whole Group discussion: this is beneficial because as a class we can discuss prior knowledge and also
introduce new knowledge. Class discussion helps students be able to lead the discussion while also
ensuring full understanding and asking and answering questions as the teacher asks. The teacher can
help guide the discussion and it’s easier to get a sense of where the students are at and how they are
feeling about the lesson being taught. When the teacher leads this discussion this helps ensure every
student is engaged and participating, sharing their ideas

Station Worksheets: these worksheets cover new material and also prior knowledge material. Each
student gets their worksheet and space to complete the worksheet while also having the option to do
the work on the whiteboard.

Turn and Talk: a turn and talk is a quick way to get the conversation going and share ideas. Every
student is participating in this and can ask and help their peers answer questions This is an easy and
informal way of assessing student engagement and understanding of the lesson. This breaks up the
teacher’s talking and gives students a chance to talk during the whole group discussion.
Anchor Chart: the anchor chart provides a good visual that will be up on the board during the whole
lesson, this can be used in future lessons as well. This helps students show their understanding of the
standards because as a class we are going through the anchor chart together The teacher will be
asking and answering questions, checking for any possible confusion, and helping guide them in
preparation for the stations’ activity.

Wrap-Up discussion: This helps ensure that the students know what was being taught and the
importance of what was taught. The wrap-up discussion helps students tie to what was learned and the
learning target.

What materials are needed for the lesson, as described in the module?

Personal white boards


Station Timer Classroom Timers - Fun TimersOnline

Stopwatch › classroom-timers

Random Grouping Generator: Random Group

GeneratorClassTools.net › random-group-generator

White board marker

Millions of thousands place value chart

Blank sheet of paper

Extra whole group questions (for students who need an individual copy)

Exit ticket
Station Worksheet 1:
Station worksheet 2
Station worksheet 3
Anchor Chart
Classroom Environment
How should the classroom be arranged? Describe in detail or draw a diagram.

This is a model of our classroom RCW 218.

In pink is where each station and group will be located for this lesson, there will be a station worksheet
with markers taped on the whiteboards.

Include the parts of the lesson that do the following:
· Activate prior knowledge
· Be sure the problem is understood
· Establish clear Expectations

Add/modify anything you think is needed, particularly critical questioning and math talk!
Before students come in, project them Math lesson 2: Emma Jasinski on the smart board projector
● “Hi Friends once everyone is seated we will begin today’s math lesson, Today we will be working on
Decimal Fractions and Place Value Patterns
● Please take out your place value worksheets and when you're done please eyes up on the board and a
blank piece of paper for later work.
● Remind them to “Please do not play with them, we will be using them later”

Once everyone is all settled in, ask if any of your students want to read today's topic: “Does anyone want to
read today's topic? Can someone raise their hand and read today's Learning Target?”
- Call on a student with their hand raised
- Help them with any unfamiliar words ( helps students with auditory or visual needs) Any
unfamiliar words, write on the white board next to projector and give student options to take
notes on their own papers of this
- Explain what relationship means and ask if any students remember place value
★ (slide presentation helps ELL students hear spoken and written language and see the

● Have a student pick out of the class sticks (with their name on it) to erase the old learning target and
write the new “I can” statement on to the side of the smart board, this will be visible for everyone
through the lesson
- Pick out of the class sticks, and read students name on stick
- Ask the student if they would like to write on the board
- Help the student with spelling the word and then the teacher will read the “I can” statement out
to the class
- “Thank you _____ for writing our learning target for the day”
● Write out on the whiteboard next to the projector any unknown terms or signs. For example, ask “Does
anyone know what = sign means” Wait for a response and write the answer on the board. If needed ask
about the other math signs. Have them do a think pair share in their groups.

● Explain the lesson outline to the students and ask for volunteers to read the lesson outline.
- Ask “Who wants to read lesson outline 1? 2? 3? And 4?
- “Thank you for your help”
- Now, explain that “we will first be doing a whole group check-in and review before jumping into
station group work” Afterwards we will be completing a quick exit ticket along with a wrap-up
discussion of this lesson”

● Explain expectations: “I expect everyone to work together and ask for help if you need it, don't be afraid
to ask your group than if still needed you then can ask myself for help.”
● “I expect everyone to work together in their groups and take turns talking.”

Move to slide 4 and read the slide, “ Would you rather have 8 quarters or 2 $1 bills? Explain.”
- Pick out class sticks for a student to reread the question
- Tell the student to “turn and talk with your tablemates for help, in one minute will come
back together, eyes on the board when you think you know the answer”

After the students are done ask for a volunteer if no one volunteers in a reasonable time then pull sticks.
- Wait for students to raise their hands. If no one raises their hands, help them and give a hint such as
“There are 4 quarters in a dollar, so what do you guys think now?” The correct answer is they are the
same, wait for students to answer this, and after explaining why they are the same
- If students need explanation draw out 8 quarters and two dollars, and ask students “How much is a
quarter worth (25 cents). Give students a visual and leave this on the board.
● Ask students how did this part of the lesson connect to their life outside of class? Responses may be
that they use or see money in the world.

Now go to slide 5 for the last check-in, read the problem on the board
- Tell students to “turn and Talk with table mates, and use the blank sheet of paper on your desk earlier to
write your answers down”
- Remind them that the last lesson's anchor chart is hung up in the room and to reference it for help.
★ Ask if the student needs or wants an extra worksheet with this problem on it. (this helps students with
visual or auditory needs and can also help ELL learners instead of looking up at the board)
- Provide ELL learners with support such as speaking speed when talking and keep information
easy to understand.
- Give students time and wait until they seem like they are done. If needed do a time check, ask
“Does anyone need more time? Give a thumbs up or thumbs down.”

● Wait for students to finish, if anyone gives a thumbs down meaning that they need more time, ask the
specific table where it came from “How much longer do you guys need”
- Give students the time they need then say “We will be completing this question together as an
anchor chart as a review from the last unit.” (this will be prompted next to the projector through
the whole lesson)
- Ask for students to share the answer for word form: then write it on the board
➢ For teacher use: reference the complete anchor chart on slide 6, which will be what the
finished chart should look like
- Then do the same for the next forms such as unit form and expanded form
- Go into a deeper explanation of what standard form if needed, word form, and expanded from
is. Explain the anchor chart deeper for your students to understand
★ This helps ELLS and students with auditory and visual needs, by talking with peers and also
seeing what we are learning when it is posted on the front board
★ If needed, provide an anchor sheet for ELL learners with information in their home language.

Say to students “Nice job with the review part of our lesson, now we’re going to quickly tackle the exploration
before moving to station work!”

Move to slide 7 and ask for a volunteer to read the question which is ‘Read the numbers 13.196 and 13,296,
Which number is larger? How do you know? Convince me”
- Tell students to take their place value chart and write down the decimals on it.
★ Give students or students a sheet with this question on it for help with visual needs, or for students who
prefer to have it on their paper. Ask “Does anyone want a sheet with this question on it? Please raise
your hand and I will come over to you.”
- As they are working walk around to make sure students are answering questions and staying on
task, and give them a sheet if needed
- After, ask students if they need more time, if no one does then pick a stick and ask the student
“what did you come up with for this question?” If a student is struggling then ask if they want to
phone a friend. Ask for a volunteer, you can say something like “Does anyone want to help our
friend ______.” Wait for a volunteer

Say “Great Job so far guys! Now let’s tackle our activity”

Include the parts of the lesson that do the following:
· Let go!
· Notice students’ mathematical thinking
· Provide appropriate support
· Provide worthwhile extensions

Add/modify anything you think is needed, particularly critical questioning and math talk!

Move to slide 9 and say “Okay guys, Let’s now look at decimals” Remind students to watch what the video
does and say “We will be doing something just like this in our stations soon.”
★ Good for auditory and visual learners, stop the video at the point where they will be doing it which is in
station 1. Say “this is what your station 1 worksheet will look like.)
● After the video ends, remind students of the learning target, ask who remembers what the learning
target is. Look for a volunteer or use the class sticks. After student provides an answer to make sure
students understand repeat the learning target:
● “I can explain the place values of decimals up to thousands”
● “I can describe the meaning of symbols <, >, =”
★ Tie this to how this connects to their personal life and experiences, remind them that decimals
and = signs are important to know. You may want to ask “How can you use the information in
the learning targets in the world today?

● After the video ends, tell students that we will be getting into random small station groups to complete 3
worksheets. ( the random groups will be in slide 10, click on the random group generator with the class
names on it)
● Make sure the students see that this is random grouping, have the generator up on the screen.

- Hold up each station worksheet and briefly go over what the students need to do
- Hold up station 1 sheet, then 2 sheets, then 3 sheets and explain the direction:
- Sheet 1: Color in the boxes you think 0.29 and 0.3 looks like. Use what you drew, which is
- Sheet 2: Can we compare decimals using a place value chart?
- Sheet 3: Place in order from least to greatest

● Go to slide 11 and read directions before grouping your students, the directions are:
★ Helps Auditory and visual support
1. Read the directions at your station
2. Grab a worksheet that is at every station
3. Complete your work on your sheet, use a personal whiteboard or the wall whiteboard if
needed ( if you choose to use the wall whiteboard remind students that “every student
needs a turn with the marker.” )
4. When the timer goes off, move to the next station clockwise
5. Communicate with your group! They are here to help and everyone contribute
★ This will help student with extra needs and different levels, so they can feel and be included and also
share their ideas

Tell students that the groups will be made randomly through the class generator tool linked below:
Random Group GeneratorClassTools.net › random-group-generator
➔ Share the grouping generator on the screen so every student can see that it is random

- “Okay guys get into your station groups, if you have any questions please ask your groupmates
and myself!”

● Let the students work together, and walk around listening to their ideas and thoughts. Make sure they
are on task and getting a good understanding of the station question. (if students seem lost, gear them
in the right directions, or ask if they need help)
★ If a group does not seem to be communicating or working together, chime in and get
conversation flowing asking them questions to eachother

● See how far along they are at the station. Before the timer goes off, ask how much longer everyone
needs at the station, and ask “Give me a one to five in how many minutes your group needs” If students
need a few more minutes set the timer and give them it. The timer will originally be set for 6 minutes at
each station
★ Walking around helps to do an Informal assessment
- Put the timer on the board, this is on slide 12
Link to timer: Classroom Timers - Fun TimersOnline
Stopwatch › classroom-timers

● “Eyes up here friends, How much longer do we think we need?” wait for the student's response then
say “Okay great, keep up the good work! After your group is done go back to your seats and look up at
the smart board to review the discussion questions.”
- Teacher: Give them the time they need while still walking around for help
- When students are at their last station verbally say “Eyes up here everyone, when you are done
with your last station please go back to your seats and wait for further instruction, nice work”
- For students who are done, ask them to think about their favorite part of the lesson and what
was the most challenging part of the lesson. Remind them that this will be discussed about
when everyone is finished and back at their seats
- Once everyone is finishing up or at their seats say “good job guys! What did you think of today's
station work?”
- Wait for the students to call out their thoughts. If there are students who say that they did not
understand or like the stations, ask them why, and plan to talk to them after the lesson to make
sure they feel better.

Include the parts of the lesson that do the following:
· Promote a mathematical community
of learners
· Listen actively without evaluation
· Summarize main ideas
· Identify future problems

Add/modify anything you think is needed, particularly critical questioning and math talk!

Once everyone is at their seats say “Alright guys let’s talk!

“Okay everyone we have one more thing to do before the end of today’s lesson, time for
the exit ticket”
- Pull a stick and ask that chosen student if they would like to hand out the exit
sheets, if they choose not to ask for a volunteer or choose another stick
- Once student hands out exit ticket, say “please complete this exit ticket and place
it in the turn it in bin at my desk when done”
- While you wait for your peers to finish think “How can I apply what I learned to the
learning target.” Wait for the end of lesson discussion

Say “Does anyone want to read the two questions?” choose a volunteer to read off slide
➔ These are:
1. What is the learning target?
2. How did the stations and the work we did today relate to our
learning target?
3. What was your favorite station? And why?
- Ask for students to share their ideas and thoughts on the lesson. Let multiple
students share their thoughts
➢ Wait time is important so, wait a few minutes for students to think and choose
someone to answer the question

Reflect and Refine

What are your overall impressions of this lesson? Does it reinforce what we have been
discussing in class? What are some other ideas you have for teaching these concepts
and practices?

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