Guide Through The Abhidhamma Pitaka (Nyanatiloka Mahathera)
Guide Through The Abhidhamma Pitaka (Nyanatiloka Mahathera)
Guide Through The Abhidhamma Pitaka (Nyanatiloka Mahathera)
Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Followed by an Essay on
Dependent Origination
Nyanatiloka Mahāthera
Printed by
Ajith Printers,
85/4, Old Kesbewa Road,
Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
Dedicated to the memory of my Burmese dāyikā:
The Late
Mrs. Hla Oung, M.B.E., K.I.H.
Introduction 1
The Matrix (Mātikā): The Schedule of the
Abhidhamma Piṭaka ................................................................... 5
I. Dhammasaṅgaṇī: ‘Enumeration of Phenomena’............... 16
II. Vibhaṅga: ‘The Book of Treatises’.................................... 33
III. Dhātukathā: ‘Discussion with reference to
the Elements’ ...................................................................... 72
IV. Puggalapaññatti: ‘Description of Individuals’ .................. 80
V. Kathāvatthu: ‘Points of Controversy’ ............................... 83
VI. Yamaka: “The Book of Pairs” ......................................... 125
VII. Paṭṭhāna: “The Book of Origination” ........................... 162
Appendix I: Dependent Origination ...................................... 222
Appendix II: Tables ............................................................... 243
I owe the idea for the present work to the late Mr. S. W. Wijaya-
tilake of Matale, editor of the Buddhist Annual of Ceylon. When
he asked me to write a summary of the whole Abhidhamma
Piṭaka of the Pāli Canon to be published in parts in the Buddhist
Annual, it appeared to me such a difficult undertaking that at
first I refused; but after Mr. Wijayatilake’s repeated entreaties I
finally yielded.
Indeed, of the seven collections of this intricate labyrinth of
the most abstruse trains of ideas presented in an old Indian dia-
lect, only a little more than one-sixth has been translated into a
Western tongue.
With regard to the Dhammasaṅgaṇi and the Kathāvatthu, my
task was greatly facilitated by the translations of Rhys Davids
(see Introd.). I further consulted the Burmese edition of the Pāli
commentaries and of the sub-commentary (Mūlaṭīkā), as well as
the Pāli treatise on Yamaka by the Burmese scholar Ledi
Sayādaw. The Sinhalese paraphrase of Dhātukathā by my friend
D. Gunaratana Thera, also proved of some help.
I am well aware that this first attempt of mine, of giving a
complete and clear synopsis of such intricate problems, cannot be
free from imperfections or shortcomings, especially if one consid-
ers the limited period of time that had been at my disposal. I,
therefore, beg the reader to be lenient in his judgement, remem-
bering at the same time that this pioneer task has hitherto never
yet been attempted by anyone, not even in Ceylon or Burma, the
strongholds of pristine Buddhism.
Island Hermitage,
Dodanduwa, Ceylon,
Aril 1938
While the final proofs of this book were being read by the
editor, the Venerable author passed away, on May 28, 1957.
Colombo (Ceylon)
28th November, 1956
Publisher’s Preface
Publisher’s Preface
The BPS is pleased to reprint this this valuable and unique work
in a newly typeset edition. Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi made
some minor changes to the first four chapters. Further, the
translation of a few terms has been updated to reflect modern
Given the complex nature of the book, with its many
headings, styles and tables, the typesetting and proofreading
were time-consuming tasks. Our sincere thanks go to Mr. Bill
Hamilton who kindly helped with digitalising the book from
chapters V onward and also did the initial typesetting and
proofreading of the whole text.
Bhikkhu Nyanatusita
Forest Hermitage
Vibh: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Dharm.: 19 18 20 10 17 21 9 7 8 15 – 11 12 1 – – 16 –
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
In all editions of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka, the first book, the
Dhammasaṅgaṇī, is preceded by a list of terms, called mātikā in
Pāli. A close examination reveals it as embracing the entire
universe, classifying it under a great number of psychological,
ethical, and doctrinal aspects. These classifications are arranged
in groups, of three terms and two terms, called tika (triad) and
duka (dyad) respectively. The list is not, as it is sometimes
assumed, merely a part of the analytical Dhammasaṅgaṇī, but is
basic to the whole Abhidhamma, serving as the explicit
framework for the most important of the seven books. It may be
compared to a mould, or matrix, for casting metal, which is why
that very term ‘matrix’ has been chosen here for rendering the
cognate Pāli word mātikā. An alternative, and no less apt,
rendering is ‘schedule’ as used by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli in his
English translation of the Visuddhimagga, named The Path of
This list is divided into the Abhidhamma Matrix and the
Suttanta Matrix.
The Abhidhamma Matrix, which is by far the more
important of the two, consists of twenty-two triads (groups of
threefold classifications). These are defined and explained
analytically in the Dhammasaṅgaṇī and its commentary, the
Atthasālinī. They are also used in the Vibhaṅga. Furthermore,
they are the subject matter proper of the Paṭṭhāna, where the
twenty-four modes of conditionality are applied to all terms of
the Abhidhamma matrix in succession.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
The Matrix (Mātikā)
Section on Roots
1. States that are roots—not roots (§§1053–72)
2. States that have roots—that have no roots (§§1073–4)
3. States that are associated with roots—dissociated from roots
4. *States that are roots and have (other) roots—that are roots,
but have no (other) roots (§§1077–8)
5. *States that are roots and are associated with roots—that are
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
The Abhidhamma Matrix
24. * States that are fetters and associated with fetters—that are
not fetters, but associated with fetters
25. * States, however, that are dissociated from fetters, may be
either subject to fetters or not
Section on Yokes
(PTS §1151 in error for 1151a)
38. States that are yokes—not yokes
39–43. (corresponding to 15–19)
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
The Abhidhamma Matrix
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
The Abhidhamma Matrix
‘Enumeration of Phenomena’
This fundamental first book of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka,
together with the gigantic seventh work, the Paṭṭhāna,
constitutes the quintessence of the entire Abhidhamma. We may
even say that these two books embody the quintessence of the
entire Buddhist doctrine, that is, its two basic teachings of the
egolessness or emptiness (anattatā, suññatā), and the
conditionality (idappaccayatā) of all existence. While the first
book, Dhammasaṅgaṇī, generally proceeds analytically,
dissecting existence into its ultimate constituents which are bare
impersonal phenomena (dhammā), the last book, Paṭṭhāna, uses
the method of synthesis, showing that all these phenomena are
related and conditioned.
According to the Abhidhamma, all phenomena of existence
may be classified under three ultimate terms or realities
(paramattha): (I) states of consciousness (citta); (2) mental
concomitants (cetasika); (3) corporeality (rūpa); as the fourth
reality, Nibbāna is added. Now, in the Dhammasaṅgaṇī, the first
three realities are treated from the ethical, or more exactly, the
kammical standpoint, and divide accordingly in (A) kammically
wholesome phenomena (kusala-dhammā); (B) kammically
unwholesome phenomena (akusala-dhammā); (C) kammically
neutral phenomena (avyākata-dhammā), which make up the
first triad of the Abhidhamma Matrix. Consciousness and
mental concomitants may be either kammically wholesome,
unwholesome or neutral, while corporeality is always
kammically neutral; and so is the fourth reality, Nibbāna.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
6 (= 20) — see 5 — ” 13 — ” 15 46 — ” 10
7 — see 2 — ” 10 — ” 29 47
8 18 — ” 15 — ” 30 48
— see 2 — ” 15 29 (= 37) 39 49
10 (= 14, 23, —”6 30 (= 38) 40 50
27, 53, 56)
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
This chapter may also be regarded as supplement to Section C
of the first chapter, dealing with ‘kammically neutral states.’
This is indicated by the first paragraph which refers to all
kammically neutral states, and not only to corporeality as the
rest of this chapter does:
“Which phenomena are kammically neutral (avyākata)?
Those kamma-results (vipāka) which belong to the sensuous-
sphere, the fine-material-sphere, and the immaterial-sphere,
or to the ‘unrelated’ (i.e., those pertaining to the fruitional
states of consciousness), consisting in feeling, perception,
etc.; further, those kammically neutral ‘functions’ (kriyā); …
further all corporeality (rūpa), as well as the uncreated
element (Nibbāna—these things are kammically neutral.”
Now, the words of the first paragraph all corporeality are
taken up, and in the next paragraph the question is posed “What
is ‘all corporeality?’” The answer is: “The four primary
physical elements (solid, liquid, heat, motion) and the
secondary physical phenomena derived from them—these
are called ‘all corporeality.’”
As a further reply to the question about all corporeality
follows now a separate Matrix, or Schedule, for corporeality, in
which the latter is classified first under single headings, then
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
under two, three, up to eleven headings. After that all the terms
of the Matrix are explained.
According to the classification under single headings, all
corporeality, is e.g., said to be without root-conditions (hetu:
greed, hatred, delusion, and their opposites), of conditioned
origin, worldly, subject to the taints (sāsava), the fetters (which
bind beings to the wheel of rebirth), to the mental hindrances,
etc.; not to be abandoned by understanding or by mental
development (only mental states, e.g., attachment to corporeality,
can thus be abandoned); belonging to the sense-sphere,
cognizable by the six kinds of consciousness, impermanent, etc.
Twofold classifications are, for instance, derived or
underived, kammically acquired or not, visible or invisible,
produced by consciousness or not, internal or external, gross or
subtle, etc.
As ‘derived’ (upādā)—i.e. from the four primary physical
elements—are considered 23 phenomena, to wit: the 5 physical
sense-organs, visible object, sound, smell, taste, (the tangible
object is ‘underived,’ q.v.), femininity, virility, (physical)
vitality, bodily intimation, verbal intimation, (intervening)
space, bodily lightness, plasticity, wieldiness, integration,
subsistence, decay, impermanence, nutriment.
None of the canonical Abhidhamma books mention the
‘heart-base’ (hadaya-vatthu), or any other special organ, as the
physical base of mind.
As ‘underived’ (no upādā) are designated the four primary
physical elements, the solid, liquid (cohesion), heat, motion, of
which the solid, heat, and motion constitute the tangible object.
As ‘internal’ (‘own’) are considered the 5 sense-organs: as
‘external,’ the 5 objects; as ‘not kammically acquired’, the 5
sense objects, bodily and verbal intimation; as ‘visible,’ only the
object of sight (colour, etc.).
Thereafter, all the categories of corporeality are in a similar
way treated in groups of three, four, five, etc.
The third chapter contains a full explanation of all terms of the
Abhidhamma Matrix and of the Suttanta Matrix as well, and
follows the sequence of these schedules. It begins thus:
“Which phenomena are kammically wholesome (kusala)?
The 3 roots of wholesome kamma (kusala-hetu): non-greed,
non-hatred, non-delusion, and those groups of feeling,
perception, mental formations, and consciousness which are
associated with them; further all bodily, verbal, or mental
kamma (action=volition) rooted in them. Which phenomena
are kammically unwholesome (akusala)? The 3 roots of
unwholesome kamma: greed, hatred, delusion, (etc. as
above). Which phenomena are kammically neutral
(avyākata)? The results (vipāka) of wholesome and
unwholesome kamma … the kammically neutral functionals
(kriyā) … all corporeality, as well as the uncreated element
Then follow such questions as:
“Which phenomena are accompanied by pleasant feeling?
… by unpleasant feeling? … by neutral feeling? Which are
kamma-results? … productive of kamma results?…neither
kamma-results, nor productive of kamma-results? Which are
to be overcome by insight or vipassanā? (Answer: The first
three fetters, which are: self-delusion, scepticism,
attachment to mere rules and rituals: these are overcome at
the first Noble stage)…. Which by mental development
(bhāvanā)? (Answer: The remaining seven fetters1)…neither
by understanding nor by mental development? (Answer: The
kammically wholesome and neutral states). Which
phenomena appertain to those who are in the state of
training (sekha)? (Answer: The four Noble Paths (magga),
and the fruitions (phala) of the three lower paths). Which to
those who have completed their training (asekha)? (Answer:
The highest Noble goal, Arahatship). Which to these “Who
1. About the 10 fetters and the 4 Noble stages see further below.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
The last chapter, the Synopsis (lit. ‘The Extract of Meaning’) is
probably of later origin, as indicated by the terminology used in
it, and also by the alternative title, ‘The Commentary Section’
(aṭṭhakathā-kaṇḍa), given to it in the Atthasālinī where it is
ascribed to the great disciple of the Buddha, Sāriputta Thera.
This chapter follows likewise the sequence of the Abhidhamma
Matrix but is more condensed than Chapter III. It does not deal
with the Suttanta Matrix. In the answers, reference is made
throughout to the planes of consciousness (bhūmi)1 and to the
classes of consciousness, called here citt’uppāda (lit, ‘uprising
of consciousness’), a term used, in the earlier parts of the
Dhammasaṅgaṇī, only as the title of the first chapter.
We shall give here only one passage from this chapter to
show the way of formulation used in it:
1. The four planes of consciousness (or, of existence) are: the sense
sphere, the fine-material sphere, the immaterial sphere, and the supra-
mundane or ‘the unrelated (to existence)’ (apariyāpanna).
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
The second work of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka, the Vibhaṅga,
consists of a series of 18 treatises, or Vibhaṅgas, all complete in
themselves and independent one of the other. Each treatise, as a
rule, consists of 3 parts: the Sutta-explanation, the
Abhidhamma-explanation, and a Catechetic Section by way of
questions and answers.
By reason of its first treatises, the Vibhaṅga, in a certain
measure, is supplementary to the Dhammasaṅgaṇī and at the same
time, a foundation for the Dhātukathā. Those 3 treatises are entirely
devoted to an exhaustive investigation of three categories of highest
importance for a real understanding of Buddhist philosophy, that is:
the 5 ‘groups’ of existence (khandha), the 12 ‘bases’ (āyatana), and
the 18 psycho-physical ‘elements’ (dhātu), with reference to which
3 aspects, in the Dhātukathā all the phenomena of existence are
categorized and brought into relationship. Besides, these 3
categories form the subjects of the first 3 chapters of Yamaka,
while in the Puggalapaññatti they head the table of contents
(mātikā). Many of the passages in Vibhaṅga are also found in the
Paṭisambhidāmagga of the Khuddaka-Nikāya, to which it has a
great resemblance, in contents, as well as in arrangement. Both
works are often referred to and quoted in the Visuddhimagga.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
There are 22 faculties, or controlling factors (indriya), of partly
physiological, partly mental or ethical import. The are:
1. eye
2. ear
3. nose (The 6 kinds of
4. tongue organs )
5. body
6. mind
7. femininity (itthindriya)
8. virility (purisindriya)
9. vitality (jīvitindriya)
10. bodily ease (sukha)
11. bodily pain (dukkha)
12. glad-mindedness (somanassa) (The 5 kinds of
13. sad-mindedness (domanassa) feelings )
14. equanimity (upekkhā)
15. faith (saddhā)
16. energy (viriya)
17. mindfulness (sati)
(The 5 spiritual
18. concentration (samādhi)
19. wisdom (paññā)
20. the thought: “I shall come
to know the unknown”
(anaññātaññassāmītindriya) (The 3
21. the faculty of understanding (aññindriya) supra-
22. the faculty of ‘one who has understood’ mundane
(aññātāvindriya) faculties)
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
provides the frame for the explanations given here. Within that
frame, each of the five observances is defined: (1) as the
respective abstention (virati) and the other wholesome states
associated with it; (2) as volition (cetanā) and associated
wholesome states; (3) by the whole list of wholesome states
constituting the respective class of consciousness.
“What is here the observance of abstaining from killing?
whenever, for one who abstains from killing, a state of
wholesome consciousness belonging to the sense-sphere has
arisen, accompanied by happiness and associated with
knowledge (and unpremeditated), the refraining from killing
at such a time, the abstention (virati), restraint, abstaining,
non-performance, not doing, not committing…that is called
the observance of abstaining from killing. The other mental
states are associated with (that) abstention.”
The second method concludes:
“…the volition (cetanā) occurring at that time, the will,
the willing, that is called the observance of abstaining from
killing. The other mental states are associated with (that)
The third method concludes:
“…at that time there are sense-impression…non-
distraction. That is called the observance of abstaining
from killing.”
After permutations with the other 7 classes of wholesome
consciousness and with the remaining four observances, the
same treatment is repeated differentiating each class of
consciousness: (a) as to its quality (low, middle, excellent); (b)
as to its predominant factor (intention, energy, consciousness, or
investigation); (c) as to both combined.
Finally, the question is put, “Which things constitute
‘training’ (in general)?” (katame dhammā sikkhā). In reply,
the formulas for all classes of wholesome consciousness, i.e. of
the sensuous, fine-material, and immaterial sphere, and the
supramundane, are briefly indicated. This passage is perhaps
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
This and the following book, the Puggalapaññatti, are in extent
the smallest books of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka. Both, from
beginning to end, are written in catechism form.
The Dhātukathā consists of 14 chapters, with some
hundreds of questions and answers. Its full title really should be
‘Khandhāyatana-dhātukathā,’ i.e. ‘Discussion with reference to
the groups, bases, and elements’ (see Vibh I–III), for here all
conceivable phenomena are discussed with reference to these
three categories, i.e. whether, and in which measure, they are
‘included’ (saṅgahita), or ‘not-included,’ in these three aspects;
whether they are ‘associated’ (sampayutta) therewith, or
‘dissociated’ (vippayutta) therefrom.
Now, with this task in view, the whole work has been
divided into the following 14 chapters, which, with regard to
their subject matter, form three distinct groups:
i. Inclusion and non-inclusion (saṅgaho asaṅgaho)
ii. Included and unincluded (saṅgahitena asaṅgahitaṃ)
iii. Unincluded and included (asaṅgahitena saṅgahitaṃ)
iv. Included and included (saṅgahitena saṅgahitaṃ)
v. Unincluded and unincluded (asaṅgahitena
vi. Association and dissociation (sampayogo vippayogo)
vii. Association and dissociated (sampayuttena
viii. Dissociated and associated (vippayuttena sampayuttaṃ)
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
1. Eye 7. Visual object 13. Eye-consciousness
2. Ear 8. Sound 14. Ear-consciousness
3. Nose 9. Odour 15. Nose-consciousness
4. Tongue 10. Taste 16. Tongue-
5. Body 11. Tangible object consciousness
6. Mind-element 12. Mind-object- 17. Body-
element (mental consciousness
or material) 18. Mind-
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
This smallest of the seven Abhidhamma books appears to be
somewhat out of place in the Abhidhamma Piṭaka, as is shown
even by its title ‘Description of Individuals.’ For it is one of the
main characteristics of the Abhidhamma that it does not employ
conventional concepts like ‘individual’ (puggala), etc., but deals
only with ultimates, or realities in the ‘highest sense’
(paramattha-dhamma), i.e. the mental and material phenomena,
and their classifications into groups (khandha), bases, elements,
etc. This treatise, however, in accordance with its subject-
matter, is written in the conventional language as used in the
Sutta Piṭaka. In fact, most of its contents have literal parallels in
the Aṅguttara Nikāya and the Saṅgīti Sutta of the Dīgha Nikāya.
The treatise is introduced by a Matrix and its first part is
suggestive of a formal reason for the inclusion of this book in
the Abhidhamma Piṭaka. The Matrix begins with enumerating
six kinds of ‘descriptions’ (paññatti): the description of groups
(khandha-paññatti), of bases, of elements, of truths, of faculties,
and finally, of individuals (Puggalapaññatti). The first five fall
certainly within the scope of the Abhidhamma, and may well
have been the original reason for ascribing this treatise to the
Abhidhamma Piṭaka. These five items, however, appear only in
the Matrix, which adds only their respective divisions into
corporeality-group, etc. There is no detailed treatment of them
in the main body of the book. As a reason for that omission, the
commentary mentions that the subject-matter of these five
‘descriptions’ had already been dealt with, in full detail, in the
respective chapters of the Vibhaṅga.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
This book is ascribed to the Elder Moggaliputta-tissa, who
according to tradition compiled it as a polemical treatise against
the schismatic monk-groups, or schools, existing in the 3rd
century BCE, and recited it at the Third Council, at Pāṭaliputta,
the present Patna, convened by King Asoka in about 246 BCE.
This is, in short, what the Commentary to the work tells us
about the rather confused, and in no way yet settled, history of
those schools: One hundred years after the passing away of the
Buddha, the so-called Vajjiputtaka monks proposed laxer rules
of the Order, and founded the Mahāsaṅghika school from
which, in the 2nd century after the Buddha’s death five other
schools sprang up, making six schools in all. From the original
school of Buddhism, which—by reason of its having been
rehearsed by 500 Theras, or Elders, immediately after the
Buddha’s death—was called the Theravāda, there seceded 11
schools—the most important amongst them being the
Sarvāstivāda (Pāli: Sabbatthivāda) school—making twelve in
all. Thus, in the 2nd century after Buddha, i.e. the 3rd century
BCE, we find altogether 18 different schools, 17 of which were
considered schismatic by the Theravādins, the Theravāda alone
being orthodox.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Theravādins Cetiyavādins
Mahiṃsāsakas Vajji-puttakas
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Vajjiputtakas 12
Mahiṃsāsakas (Mahiṃs.) 21, 55, 59, 82, 98, 106, 161, 181, 192, 197
4th cent. BCE
{ Bhadrayānikas 19
Kassapikas 8
Hetuvādins (Het.) 148, 150–51, 153, 157, 168–69, 192, 194, 219
Uttarāpathakas (Uttar.) 34–37, 39, 40, 45, 47, 58, 59, 74, 87,
88, 90–91, 113, 120–21, 123, 126–27, 129–30,
132, 137–38, 159–60, 175, 178–80, 185, 189, 191,
193, 199, 205–06, 209–11, 213, 216, 219
Andhakas (Andh.) 9, 10, 17, 19-24, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 41–44,
46, 48-54, 58, 60-63, 70–74, 78–81, 85, 88, 89, 96,
97, 111, 114–15, 131, 139–42, 154, 162–65, 179–
80, 182, 186, 190, 195–96, 202, 203, 205–08, 215,
217, 218
Pubba-seliyas (Pubb.) 11–16, 55, 56, 75-77, 83, 84, 86, 93–95,
110, 122, 128, 133–34, 136, 143, 158, 183, 187–
88, 198, 214
Apara-seliyas (Apar.) 11, 128, 158, 214
Rājagirikas (Rāj.) 64–69, 125, 152, 166–67
Siddhatthikas (Siddh.) 64–69, 166–67
Vetulyakas 170–74, 176, 177, 215
1. Is there, in the absolute sense, any personality (puggala)
to be found?
Puggala is here explained by attan (self, ego, personal
entity), satta (being), and jīva (vital principle, soul, etc.), all
terms which in Buddhism have validity only in a relative sense,
namely, as figures of speech in popular and conventional
language (vohāra), but not in the absolute sense (cf. Intr.).
Amongst the schismatic schools, the Vajjiputtakas and
Sammitiyas advocated some sort of personality-belief. This first
controversy starts with 8 refutations.
The first refutation, of which I shall quote merely the
beginning consists of: a five fold affirmative presentation
(anuloma), a four fold rebuttal (paṭikamma), a five fold
refutation (niggaha), a four fold application (upanayana), a four
fold conclusion (niggamana).
(The five fold affirmative presentation):
(1) Theravādin: ‘Can there be found any personality in
the real, absolute sense?’
Heretic: ‘Yes.’1
(2) Ther.: ‘Can the personality be found in the real,
absolute sense, in the same way that a real, absolute fact is
Her.: ‘No, that cannot be said.’
(3) Ther.: ‘Admit your refutation: If the personality can
be found in the real and absolute sense, then you should also
say that the personality can be found in the real, absolute
sense, in the same way that a real absolute fact is found (like
any mental or bodily phenomenon). (4) That which you here
declare is wrong, namely, that we should say the first thing,
but should not say the second thing. (5) If the second thing
cannot be said, then also the first thing should not be said.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
reaches the jhānas (see Pug I). The Ther., in reply, says that in
such a case the 3 other kinds of noble disciples would also be
liable to fall away from their attainments, and all would thus
become ‘worldlings’ again; and that there is no single instance
in the texts where such a thing is reported of any monk (Cf.
3. Can the holy life (brahmacariya) be found amongst
heavenly beings?
The Sammitiyas—not distinguishing between
brahmacariya as a name for the ‘monastic life’ and
brahmacariya as a name for the four Noble stages—rebuke the
Theravādins for holding that, while there is no monastic life
among the heavenly beings, there could nevertheless be the
living of a holy life.
4. Does one lose the mental corruptions only piece by
The Sammitiyas believed that the Sotāpanna, by insight into
the Truth of Suffering and its Origin, loses only a portion of the
1st 3 fetters and the corruptions involved; and that, by insight
into the extinction of suffering, he again loses a portion of the
2nd and 3rd fetters and the corruptions involved; and that, by
insight into the 8-fold path, he again loses a portion of the 3rd
fetter and the corruptions involved. If this be so, the Ther,
objects, one should come to the conclusion that only one portion
of that person is a Sotāpanna, another portion not, etc. The
Sammitiyas support their belief by Dhp 239, while the
Theravādin quotes Sn 231 and another text as his support.
5. Can one as a ‘worldling’ be free from sensuous greed
and ill-will?
The Sammitiyas believed that by entering (through jhāna)
the fine-material sphere (rūpāvacara) one becomes free from
those mental impurities. The heretic, as his last resource, quotes
AN 6:54, where it is said of 6 ancient teachers, still ‘worldlings’,
that they were free from sensuous desires (which is not to be
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
11. May the Arahat still have seminal discharge?
The Pubbaseliyas and Aparaseliyas believed so, and
considered it to be the result of eating and drinking, etc.
12–14. May the Arahat still possess ignorance
(aññāṇa)... possess doubt (kaṅkhā),... be excelled by others?
The Pubb. made these misleading statements, by reason of
the fact that the Arahat may still be ignorant, doubtful and
excelled by others in knowledge, with regard to names of men,
trees, etc. But the Arahat is absolutely free from delusive
ignorance (avijjā), and sceptical doubt (vicikicchā).
15. Is speech uttered during the jhānas (see Vibh XII)?
This wrong conception of the Pubb. is due to the
misunderstanding of the term vacī-saṅkhāra, or ‘verbal
functions’ (i.e. within the mind), by which the two constituents
of the 1st jhāna, vitakka and vicāra, i.e. ‘thought-conception’
and ‘discursive thinking,’ are explained in the texts. (Cf. 93).
16. May a man by merely repeating the word ‘dukkha’
(suffering, misery) induce the four Noble stages, as the
Pubbaseliyas believed?
17. May a state of consciousness last a whole day?
The Andhakas believed that in the world of the arūpa-devas
(immaterial heavenly beings) it may last even for a whole
lifetime, whilst, according to the orthodox teaching, it lasts but
for an inconceivably tiny fraction of time.
18. Are all formations (saṅkhāra) in every respect like
‘red-hot coals’ (kukku¿a)?
The Gokulikas (kukku¿ikas, according to the northern
tradition), are basing this view of theirs on such statements as:
‘All is on fire, O Monks...,’ and: ‘All formations are suffering...’
According to the orthodox teaching, there do exist also
temporary worldly, as well as supra-mundane, states of
happiness, and bliss.—About the difference between the Truth
22–23. Are the 10 powers of a Buddha (see Buddhist
Dictionary s.v. bala) also shared by his disciples? Is his
power of knowing things according to reality, as possible or
impossible (i.e. the 1st of the 10 powers), to be considered as
something Noble (ariya)?
Both these views were held by the Andhakas.
24. Is it the greedy mind that is being emancipated?
The Andh. believed that only after reaching Arahatship, the
mind will gradually become free from greed, etc.
25. Is liberation a gradual process of becoming free?
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
34. May a layman be an Arahat?
The Uttarāpathakas held this belief, basing it on the fact that
Yasa and others had attained Arahatship whilst still living
amidst the pleasures of household life. According to the
orthodox teaching, a layman after reaching Arahatship will not
continue to live the household life.
35. May one become an Arahat at the moment of rebirth?
The Uttar. believed so, apparently through the
misunderstanding of certain terms used in connection with the
Anāgāmin (see Pug 41) reaching Nibbāna in the rūpa-world (as
opapātika, or as upahacca-parinibbāyin, distorted into uppajja
‘having been born,’ etc.)
36. Is every thing pertaining to an Arahat ‘unaffected by
worldly influxes’ (an-āsava)?
The Uttar. are said to have held this view.
37. Is the Arahat still in possession of all the four
Fruitions (of the four Noble Paths)?
The Uttar. believed that the once attained fruitions are still
retained after reaching Arahatship.
38. Are the 6 kinds of equanimity (i.e. with regard to the 6
sense-objects), at one and the same moment possessed by the
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
44. Is the knowledge of emancipation identical with
The Andh. made this incorrect statement, not distinguishing
between the four kinds of knowledge of emancipation, namely:
1. insight-knowledge (vipassanā-ñāṇa), 2. path-knowledge, 3.
fruition-knowledge, 4. retrospective-knowledge. Only the 3rd is
identical with emancipation.
45. Does the sekha (the ‘learner’; i.e. one who has reached
one of the Noble stages, except the last, the fruition of
Arahatship) possess the knowledge of the asekha (the ‘one
who is not learning,’ i.e., the learned one, the arahat)?
The Uttar. affirmed that Sotāpannas, like Ānanda, could
understand the asekha-state of Buddha and others, and that,
therefore, they should have realized that knowledge themselves.
46. Does he who has induced the jhāna through earth-
kasiṇa (gazing on a portion of earth), possess (at that time)
an illusory knowledge?
The Andh. affirm so, as the mental image (nimitta) seen
during jhāna is no longer the original earth.
47. Does the ‘not yet assured one’ (a-niyato) possess the
knowledge required for the path of assurance (niyāma; a
name for the four Noble stages)?
The Uttar. affirmed so.
48. Does all knowledge constitute analytical knowledge
(Paṭisambhidā; see Vibh XV)?
The Andh. made this misleading statement, not taking into
account the conventional knowledge, which, of course, is not
analytical knowledge.
49. Is it wrong to say that conventional knowledge
(sammutiñāṇa) has only the truth, and nothing else, as its
Thus was the statement of the Andh., who did not
distinguish here between the ‘conventional,’ and the ‘absolute’
(paramattha) truth. (Cf. Introd.)
50. Has insight into the mind of others nothing but
consciousness as its object?
The Andh. made this statement, not considering that also the
mental concomitants, as feeling, perception, volition, greed,
hatred, etc., belong to its objects.
51. Is knowledge of the (whole) future possible?
The Andh. believed so.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
54. Is ‘assurance’ attained through the four Paths, or Noble
stages, something Uncreated (asaṅkhata, i.e. without
beginning and end)?
The Andh. believed so.
55. Is the ‘dependent origination’ (paṭicca-samuppāda;
see App.) something uncreated, and eternal (asaṅkhata)?
The Pubb. and Mahiṃs. held this belief, basing it on SN
15:20, “whether Buddhas appear in the world, or not, it remains
a firm, immutable fact, a fixed law, that on birth depend decay
and death, etc.” (Cf. §56).
56. Are the Four Noble Truths (see Vibh IV) something
uncreated, (asaṅkhata) or eternal?
This was a belief of the Pubb., based on their version of he
Sacca-Saṃyutta: ‘Four things, O Monks, are persisting,
permanent, eternal, immutable (nicca, dhuva, sassata,
avipariṇāmadhamma): the Truth of Suffering,... its origin..., its
extinction,... the path leading to its extinction.’ Thus, they really
meant the mere abstract truth, or law, which, however, cannot
exist as something apart from the underlying phenomenal
objects. (Cf. §55, 149).
64. Is it impossible to group certain things together with
other things?
Such was the idea of the Rājagirikas and Siddhatthikas., who
considered it useless to classify material qualities under one
generic concept, as one cannot group material things together by
means of ideas.
65. Are there no mental states, which are associated
(sampayutta) with other mental states?
Such the Rāj. and Siddh. believed, who said that mental
states, e.g., feeling, perception, etc., do not penetrate
(anupaviṭṭha) each other, such as oil pervades the sesamum-
66. Is there no such thing that we may call ‘mental’
(cetasika), or ‘mental concomitant?’
This negative view was held by the Rāj. and Siddh., who said
that we could neither get ‘mentals’ from mind, nor ‘contactals’
from sense-contact, etc., which however, is denied by the Ther.
67. Is alms-giving (dāna) merely a mental state?
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
74. Are there really 6 places of existence?
According to the Andh. and Uttar., the asuras (demons)
form a 6th plane, whilst, according to the Ther., they belong
partly to the yakkhas (ghosts), partly to the devas (heavenly
beings), the 3 other planes being hell, the animal kingdom, and
the world of men.
75. Is there an interim stage between two rebirths?
The Pubb. and Samm. believed so.
76. Does kāma-dhātu (lit. ‘sensuous element’) merely
mean the 5 kāma-guṇas, or sensuous objects?
The Pubb. believed so, whereas the orthodox teaching is
that the word kāma-dhātu signifies the entire sensuous world,
and thus includes all the elements of sensuous existence
77. Does kāma signify the ‘bases’ of sense-consciousness
(āyatana; see Vibh II)?
The Pubb. held this view. But, according to the orthodox
teaching, kāma, in the strict sense, signifies the sensual desire.
(Cf. AN 6:63).
78–79. Does the term rūpa-dhātu (lit. ‘form-element,’ or
‘material element’) merely signify the material things (rūpino
dhammā = corporeality group; see Dhs II) and arūpa-dhātu,
the immaterial things?
Thus the Andh. believed, whereas in reality rūpa- and
arūpa-dhātu are names for the rūpa- and arūpa-bhava, i.e.
existence in the sphere of pure form, and the formless existence.
80. Does a being in the rūpa-world possess all the 6
The Andh. and Samm. believed so, whilst the Ther. teaches
that it possesses only the organs of seeing, hearing, and of mind.
(Cf., however, §183).
81. Is there still matter in the immaterial-sphere (arūpa)?
The Andh. believed that there still exists refined matter in
that sphere.
82. Is the mere physical action, which accompanies a
karmically wholesome consciousness, also karmically
wholesome (kusala)?
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
85. Do the 10 fetters of existence (see Pug 41, 50, and Dhs III)
vanish through merely perceiving the blessing (of being
liberated from them)?
Thus the Andh. believed, whilst, according to the orthodox
teaching, the contemplation of all phenomena as impermanent,
miserable, and without self, is absolutely necessary for the
overcoming of the fetters.
86. Is the thinking on Nibbāna a mental fetter?
Thus the Pubb. believed.
87. Should corporeality be termed sārammaṇa?
Sārammaṇa really means ‘having objects,’ and,
therefore, refers to the mind, whilst the Uttar. thought that
this term meant ‘conditioned,’ confounding it with
88. Are the 7 evil inclinations, or biases (anusaya),
without corresponding mental objects?
The Andh. and certain of the Uttar. thought that they are
latent faculties and, therefore, not connected with mind. (Cf.
§108, 139). (About the 7 anusaya see Yamaka VII.)
89. May insight-knowledge be without the corresponding
mental object?
The Andh. thought that the Arahat’s insight may be
sometimes without object, e.g., at the time when his visual
consciousness is active. Thus, they did not distinguish between
potential, and actual existence.
90–91. Is consciousness of a past, or future object, really
without object?
The Uttar. believed so, as past and future objects have no
actual knowledge.
92. Is every state of consciousness accompanied by
thought-conception (vitakka)?
Thus the Uttar. believed. However, in all the jhānas, except
the first, consciousness is without vitakka.
93. Is sound only the manifestation (vipphāra) of thought
conception (vitakka), at the time of thought-conception and
discursive thinking (vicāra)?
This erroneous belief of the Pubb. is based on the statement in
MN 44 that vitakka and vicāra result in speech, and that they are
verbal functions (vacī-saṅkhāra), i.e. within the mind. (Cf. §15).
94. Does speech not always coincide with consciousness?
The Pubb. say that such is the case, e.g., whilst making a
mistake in speaking, and thus saying things which one did not
intend to say. According to the Ther., however, such unintentional
happening does not constitute verbal kamma. (Cf. §82).
95. Does bodily action (kāya-kamma) not always coincide
with mind?
The Pubb. think so. (Cf. §82).
96. Does one really possess past and future attainments?
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
97. Is it true that 5 operative groups of existence (khandha)
arise, before those groups which are seeking rebirth, have
come to an end?
This was a view of the Andh.
98. Is, whilst following the 8 fold path, one’s corporeality
included in that path?
The Mahiṃs., Samm. and Mahās., think that right speech,
action, and livelihood, are merely physical.
99. Can there exist Path-development (magga-bhāvanā)
whilst enjoying the 5 fold sense-consciousness?
Thus the Mahās believed. Path-consciousness, however, has
Nibbāna as its object, and is mind-consciousness, hence has
nothing to do with sense-consciousness.
100–101. May the 5 kinds of sense-consciousness (seeing,
hearing, etc.) be karmically wholesome (kusala), or
unwholesome (akusala)? Are they accompanied by ideation?
Thus the Mahās. believed. However, only mind-
consciousness may be karmically wholesome, or unwholesome,
and accompanied by ideation, whilst sense-consciousness is
karmically neutral (avyākata; see Dhs, and Table).
102. Is one who develops the 8-fold path, (in the very
moment where he realizes a Noble stage) practising two kinds
of morality (mundane and supramundane)?
Thus the Mahās. believed. (Cf. §26).
103. Is morality (right speech, bodily action, and
livelihood) sometimes not mental (a-cetasika)?
Thus the Mahās. believed.
104. Is morality not in conformity with mind?
108. Are the seven inclinations, or biases (anusaya),
karmically neutral (avyākata; see Dhs I.C.)?
The Mahās. believed wrongly that the evil inclinations were
karmically neutral, without root-conditions (greed, hatred,
delusion), and independent of mind, hence mere latent, and not
actual, conditions. (Cf. §88).
109. Is it wrong to characterise somebody as ‘freed from
ignorance’ (i.e. through becoming Arahant), or as ‘possessed
of knowledge,’ even during a state of consciousness
unaccompanied by knowledge (e.g., during sense-
The Mahās. believed so, not distinguishing between latent
(potential), and actual knowledge. (Cf. §110).
110. May insight-knowledge be unaccompanied by
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
116. Do mere restraint and non-restraint constitute
productive, i.e. wholesome and unwholesome, action (kamma)?
Thus the Mahās. believed. (Cf. §82).
117. Does all kamma (action) produce kamma-results
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
125. Must one who is destined for ‘age-long’ punishment,
endure it for one complete world-age (kappa)?
In holding this view, the Rāj. did not take into account that
he should have to die and be reborn just at the start of a new
world-period. According to the Com., ‘kappa’ in the text quoted
by the Rāj. is to be understood in the sense of ‘normal lifetime’
of an inhabitant of hell. (Cf. §112).
126. May a being, who is enduring ‘age-long’ suffering in
hell, not conceive any karmically wholesome consciousness
Thus the Uttar. believed, whilst the Ther. thinks that he still
could perform certain kinds of wholesome kamma.
127. May an abettor of a cardinal crime (matricide,
parricide, etc.) enter the certainty of rightness (sammatta-
niyāma; cf. §205)?
He may have abetted in one of two ways: by a definite plan,
or by instigation in a general way. According to the Ther., only
in the latter case may he enter the certainty of rightness, whilst
the Uttar. think that he may do so in either case.
128. Has one who is ‘assured’ (of an attainment; niyata)
actually entered the state of certainty (niyāma).?
This was maintained by the Pubb. and Apar. But, in fact,
only he who has actually gained one of the four Paths (Stream-
entry, etc.) or has committed one of the cardinal crimes, can be
said to have entered the certainty in results of rightness
(sammatta-niyāma) or of wrongness (micchatta-niyāma)
respectively. The statement found in the texts that the
Bodhisatta is ‘assured’ of his destiny to become a Buddha,
should be understood as a conventional way of expression
(vohāra-vasena), and not in the strict sense of the term.
129–30. Is during the overcoming of the 5 mental
hindrances (nīvaraṇa), or of the 10 fetters (saññojana; see
Dhs III), one still possessed of these?
135. Can an unwholesome root-condition (akusala-mūla;
greed, hate, delusion) arise immediately after a wholesome
root-condition (kusala-mūla: non-greed, non-hate, non-
delusion), and vice versa?
The Mahās. had such erroneous belief. Karmically wholesome
or unwholesome root-conditions, however, appear, within a
cognitive process, only at the stage of impulsion (javana) which
is preceded and followed by other thought-moments. Therefore,
thought-moments with wholesome and unwholesome root-
conditions cannot follow each other immediately, but appear in
different serial processes of cognition (citta-vīthi), each of
which has to start anew with the phase of advertence (āvajjana).
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
144. Does each factor in the formula of ‘dependent
origination’ (see Appendix) represent only one kind of
condition (paccaya)?
The Mahās. believed that, if one phenomenon is, e.g., the
condition of another by way of being its root-condition (hetu-
paccaya: greed, hate, etc.), it could not also be its condition by
way of object (ārammaṇa-paccaya), or of contiguity (anantara-
paccaya), etc. (Cf. §145).
145. Is it wrong to say: ‘On the kamma-formations
(saṅkhāra) depends ignorance (avijjā),’ just as one says: ‘On
ignorance depend the kamma-formations?’
The Mahās. think so, whilst according to the Ther., not only
on ignorance depend the kamma-formations; but also on the
kamma-formations depends ignorance, namely, by way of co-
existence (saha-jāta-paccaya), mutuality (aññam-añña-
paccaya), association (sampayutta-paccaya), etc. (Cf. §144).
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
155–56. May one be able to master—or to assist (morally)—
another man’s mind?
The Mahās. held this belief. (Cf. §157).
157. May one be able to cause in another man’s mind
happiness to arise?
So the Het. believed, but, correctly speaking, the arising of
happiness is, in the last instance, dependent on various
conditions in the other man himself.
158. May we pay attention to several things
The Pubb. and Apar. made such statement, not
distinguishing between (1) attention directed to one single
object of consciousness (ārammaṇa) at a time, and (2) attention
directed to inferential statements (naya), e.g. ‘all things are
impermanent.’ Thus, only to one single object of consciousness,
belonging to the past, or future, can we pay attention at a time.
159–60. Is corporeality (rūpa) called one of the hetus? Is
it accompanied by hetus?
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
165. Does an Arahat accumulate karmical merit (puñña)?
The Andh believed so, since the Arahat may be seen performing
such acts as distributing gifts to the Order, worshipping, etc.
According to the Ther., however, all actions done by an Arahat
are karmically neutral (see Dhs I. C and Table in Appendix II.)
166. May the Arahat meet no untimely death?
Thus the Rāj. and Siddh. wrongly believed, saying that the
Arahat must, before he dies, first reap the fruits of all his former
167. Is everything caused by kamma (former actions)?
Thus the Rāj. and Siddh. believed—If this be so, then also
our present wholesome and unwholesome actions should be the
result (vipāka) of former actions, which again should be the
effects of still former actions, and thus ad infinitum, so that really
one effect always causes another effect (see Dhs I.C.) (Cf. §73).
168. Is the term ‘dukkha’ confined to the six fold sense-
experience only?
So the Het. believed, not distinguishing between dukkha as
actual ‘painful feeling,’ and dukkha as the ‘liability, or
exposedness, of everything whatever (even pleasant feeling) to
pain, or to the creating of pain,’ through the law of
impermanency. (Cf. Vibh IV, Summary; further §169).
169. Are, excepting the Path, really all the other things,
or ‘formations’ (saṅkhāra), dukkha?
This was an indiscriminating statement of the Het., who
took dukkha merely in the sense of actual (instead of potential)
painful feeling (cf. §168). If this be so, then the Origin of
Suffering i.e. craving), should itself be Suffering, so that in that
case there would he only 3 Truths of Suffering, (Cf. §18, 168;
further Vibh IV, Summary.)
170. Is it wrong to say that the Sangha accepts gifts?
This was a view (still held at Buddhaghosa’s time) by those
‘Vetulyakas (=Vaitulyas) known as Mahā-suññatāvādins
(teachers of the Great Emptiness),’ who took the term ‘Saṅgha,’
in the highest sense, to mean the four Noble Paths (magga), and
their respective fruitions (phala).
In my opinion, Vaitulya is a distortion of Vaipulya, and the
Vaipulya Sūtras of the Mahāyāna refer to the above-mentioned
heretics, whose ideas, too, appear to be perfectly Mahāyānistic.
(Cf. also §189).
171–74. Is it wrong to say that the Sangha (by its pure
life) sanctifies an alms-gift? That it eats, drinks, etc.? That a
gift to it, brings great reward?
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
176–77. Is it wrong to say that the Buddha lived in the world
of men? That he himself preached the Law?
According to the Com., the Vetulyakas (see §170–74)
believed that the Buddha really lived in the Tusita Heaven, the
‘Heaven of Bliss,’ whilst at the same time sending forth a
specially created human form to preach the Law to the world.
The parallelism with Christ’s incarnation is striking.
178. Did the Buddha feel no compassion?
The Uttar. believed so, taking compassion as a form of
attachment, from which latter, indeed, the Buddha was free.
179. Is it true that (even) the excreta of the Buddha
excelled all other things in fragrance?
So the Andh. and Uttar. believed, out of blind affection for
the Buddha.
180. May really the four Noble Fruitions (i.e. of Sotāpatti,
etc.; see Dhs & Table in App. II) be realized by one single
Noble Path?
The Andh. and Uttar. believed that the Buddha had realized
all the Fruitions by one single Path, the Path of Arahatship.
181. Does one pass from one jhāna immediately over to
the next jhāna?
The Mahiṃs. believed so, not admitting an intermediary
stage of ‘neighbourhood-concentration’ (upacāra-samādhi)
between one jhāna, and the next.
185. Can we really overcome mental corruptions (kilesa),
past, present, and future?
Certain Uttar. made such statement. In the strict sense of the
word, however, there is no possibility of overcoming
corruptions—as they are passing mental phenomena, and the so-
called past and future ones are without actual existence—but,
through realizing the Noble Paths, the arising of corruptions in
the future will be prevented.
186. Is the ‘Void’ (suññatā) included in the group of
mental formations (saṅkhāra-kkhandha; see Vibh 1)?
The Andh. made such indiscriminating statement, as by the
Buddha the ‘saṅkhāras’ are called void (i.e. of an ego). They did
not consider that saṅkhāra here was used for all formations
whatever, and moreover, that ‘Void’ was also a name for
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
193. Is even unintentional killing of father, and mother,
etc., a ‘crime leading to immediate rebirth in hell’
Thus the Uttar. believed. (Cf. §82, 106).
194. Does the worldling (puthujjana) possess no real
knowledge (ñāṇa)?
Thus the Het. assert, not distinguishing between the
mundane (lokiya) knowledge of the worldling, and the
supramundane (lokuttara) knowledge connected with the four
Noble stages.
195. Are there really no guards or executioners in hell?
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
The Andh. say so, but their opponent reasons thus: ‘If on
earth such persons are found, why not also in hell?’
196. Are there animals found amongst the Devas?
Thus the Andh. believed, mentioning as example Erāvaṇa,
who, however, according to their opponent, was a Deva having
assumed the shape of an elephant.
197. Is the noble eightfold path (s. Vibh II) only fivefold?
The Mahims. believed that right speech, bodily action and
livelihood, are merely physical, not mental states as the other 5
steps of the path. (Cf. §82, 98, 103, 106).
198. Are the twelve kinds of knowledge concerning the
four Noble Truths, supramundane (lokuttara), i.e. connected
with the four Noble stages?
The Pubb. held this erroneous view.
The 12 kinds of knowledge, or insight, are: 1. This is
Suffering, 2. This must be penetrated, 3. This is penetrated; 4.
This is the Origin of Suffering, 5. This must be overcome, 6.
This is overcome; 7. This is the Extinction, 8. This must be
realized, 9. This is realized; 10. This is the Path leading to the
extinction of suffering, 11. This must be developed 12. This is
developed. (Cf. Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta, SN 56:11).
199. Was the Buddha’s doctrine actually reformed? And can
it be reformed again?
That such be the case, was wrongly advocated by the Uttar.
However, there can be no reform of the Truths proclaimed by
the Buddha.
200. Has the worldling really access (in one and the same
moment) to the phenomena of the three spheres (the sense-,
form-, and formless- sphere)?
The authors of this somewhat unintelligible assertion are not
mentioned. According to the Com., everybody may, at one and
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
207. Can Parinibbāna be attained, through certain fetters
have not yet been cast off?
This view was held by the Andh.
208. Is at the Arahat’s passing away, his consciousness
The Andh. made this misleading statement. (Cf. the
analogous view 190).
209. Does an Arahat or Buddha pass away, whilst being
in an immovable trance (āneñja)?
Certain Uttar. held such wrong belief, whilst according to
the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, the Buddha passed away after rising
from (not during) the 4th jhāna.
210–11. Is there during the embryonic stage—or during a
dream—such a thing possible as penetration of Truth
(dhammābhisamaya)—or attaining of Arahatship?
Certain Uttar. held such views. The fact that sometimes very
young children are reported of having attained the Path, or even
Arahatship, made them believe that this state must already have
existed in the mother’s womb. They further believed in view of
the wonderful feats sometimes performed in dream, as levitation,
etc., that even Arahatship may be attained during dream.
212. Is all consciousness while dreaming ‘karmically
neutral’ (avyākata ; see Dhs I.C.)?
Thus was the belief of certain Uttar., but, according to the
Ther., there may also arise karmically wholesome, and
unwholesome mental states.
213. Is there really no such thing as repetition of (good or
bad) mental states?
215. May one with united resolve entertain sexual relations?
The Ther. objects to this indiscriminating statement of the
Andh. and Vetulyakas, for their not defining the persons
(whether monk, noble person, layman, etc.), and the object of
the resolve (whether for killing, stealing etc.). The Andh., of
course, mean by ‘united resolve’ the wish of both parties to be
united throughout all future rebirths. (Cf. AN 4:55).
216. Are there ‘evil spirits’ (lit. ‘non-human beings’), who
in the shape of noble monks (here called ‘Arahats’) commit
the sexual act?
This view was held by certain of the Uttar. The Ther.
objects to their confining themselves in their statement to one
single offence only.
217. Was it really by the Buddha’s own power and will,
that he (as Bodhisatta) entered woeful forms of existence (as
animal, etc.)? That he entered the mother’s womb? That he
practised bodily mortifications? That he did penance for another
These opinions were held by the Andh.
218. Is there such a thing which is not lust, but
resembles it (namely: kindness, compassion, sympathetic
joy)? Which is not hate (namely: envy, avarice, worry)—not
delusion (namely: mirth)—not mental corruption, but
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Mrs. Rhys Davids, in the preface to her edition of the Pali text,
not quite inappropriately calls this book with its ten chapters, the
“ten valleys of dry bones,” and remarks that its only chance is to
be used, firstly, as a work of reference, and, secondly, as a
thesaurus of terms, from which a teacher might select, but it
cannot he regarded as a work fit for either reading, or recitation.
To me it looks as if this book was composed for
examination purposes, or to get versed in answering sophistical
and ambiguous, or captious questions, on all the manifold
doctrines and technical terms of Buddhist philosophy. The
questions of identity, subordination, and co-ordination, of
concepts are playing a prominent part in our work, which tries to
give a logical clarification and delimitation of all the doctrinal
concepts, as to their range and contents.
It is a work of applied logic, just as Kathāvatthu, Netti-
ppakarana, etc. Many of its plays upon words, though uttered in
the dignified tone of logics, must, at times, appear rather
strange. Take, for instance, the question in Chapter II: “Does
‘sota’ designate the ear-base (sotāyatana, i.e. the organ of
hearing)?” to which the reply comes: “(Not always; e.g.) taṇhā-
sota (the ‘stream’ of craving, sota, here meaning ‘stream’= Skr.
srotas) is sota, but it is not the ear-base.” It is just, as if to the
question: “Is hamlet a village?”, one should answer; “Not
always; e.g., Shakespeare’s Hamlet is Hamlet, but it is not a
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
I. Origination (uppāda-vāra)
Present: with regard to person in positive form
Present: with regard to place in positive form
Present: with regard to person and place in positive form
ditto in negative form
Past: the same treatment as for the Present
Future: ditto
Present and past: ditto
Present and future: ditto
Past and future: ditto
II. Cessation (nirodha-vāra)
Analogous treatment as (I).
III. Origination and Cessation (uppāda-nirodha-vāra)
Analogous treatment as (I).
Analogous treatment as B (I), but only with regard to person
(not to place, etc.).
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
There are 3 karmically wholesome roots (kusala-mūla): non-
greed, non-hatred, non-delusion (alobha, adosa, amoha); 3
karmically unwholesome roots (akusala-mūla): greed, hatred,
delusion (lobha, dosa, moha); 3 karmically neutral roots
(avyākata-mūla): non-greed, non-hatred, non-delusion. (Cf.
Paṭṭhāna, Intr. §1)
(I) Enumeration of Questions:
1. (a) “Are all wholesome phenomena (kusala-dhamma).
wholesome roots (kusala-mūla)? (b) Or, are all
wholesome roots, wholesome phenomena?”
2. (a) “Have all wholesome phenomena one and the same
wholesome root? (b) Or, are those phenomena which have
one and the same wholesome root, all wholesome
3. (a) “Have those phenomena which have one and the same
wholesome root, all one another as wholesome roots? (b)
Or, are those phenomena which have one another as
wholesome roots, all wholesome phenomena?”
4. (a) “Are all wholesome phenomena, wholesome root-
conditions? (b) Or, are all wholesome root-conditions,
wholesome phenomena?”
5. (a) “Have all wholesome phenomena one and the same
wholesome root-condition? (b) Or, are those phenomena
which have one and the same wholesome root-condition,
all wholesome phenomena?”
6. (a) “Have those phenomena which have one and the same
root-condition, all one another as wholesome root-
conditions? (b) Or, are those phenomena which have one
another as wholesome root-conditions, all wholesome
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(Pairs of questions on the 5 groups of existence)
(I) The Enumeration of the questions is omitted in this and all
the following chapters, as all are again given in the following
section on Explanations.
(II) Explanations
1 (a) “Is (everything which is called) rūpa, of the
corporeality- group (rūpa-khandha)? (No; e.g.,) piya-rūpa and
sāta-rūpa (i.e. of pleasing and delightful ‘nature,’ or
‘appearance’) is rūpa, but it is not the corporeality-group. The
corporeality-group, however, is both, corporeality group, as
well as rūpa.”
The terms piya-rūpa and rūpa-khandha are co-ordinate with
one another, and subordinate to rūpa.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
6. (a) “Is anything which is not rūpa, not a group? All the
remaining groups besides rūpa (i.e. the 4 mental groups) are
not rūpa, but they are groups. Leaving aside rūpa and the
groups, the remaining things (e.g. Nibbāna) are neither rūpa,
nor groups. (b) Are those things which are not groups, also
not the corporeality group? No, they are not.”
For understanding the questions and answers in this section, the
following remarks will be helpful. The questions are phrased:
1. With regard to place: The corporeality-group obtains in
all the places of existence, except in the immaterial world
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
1. To whom...............
2. Where..............
3. To whom and where, the corp-group does arise, does
there the feeling-group also arise? (& conversely)?
4–6. .... “ ....... did... “ ....did.... “ .......... “ ........... “ ........?
7–9. .... “ .......will...... “ ....will... “ .......... “ ........ “ ........?
10–12. .... “ ........does..... “ ....did.... “ ......... “ ......... “ .......?
13–15 ...Feel grp does... “ ....did.... “ ......Perc grp....... “ .....?
16–21. .... “ ..... does... “ ....will... “ ............ “ ......... “ ........?
22–27. .... “ ....... did... “ ....will.... “ .......... “ .......... “ ........?
Each of the above (threefold, or sixfold) groups of
twin-questions is followed by the same questions in
the negative, e.g.
“To whom the corporeality-group does not arise, does
there the feeling-group also not arise?” Etc., etc.
Thus, we get altogether 54 pairs of questions.
For the second ‘arise’ read ‘cease’ etc., and a further triad of
twin-questions (as 13–15) is inserted after each triad. Here I am
giving a few answers as illustration:
1. (a) “To (every one to) whom the corporeality-group does
arise, does there also arise the feeling-group? (No; e.g.,) to
one reborn as unconscious being (asañña-satta), there arises
the corporeality-group, but not the feeling-group; to those,
however, born with the 5 groups there arises the
corporeality-group as well as the feeling-group.
(b) But does the corporeality-group arise (to everyone) to
whom the feeling-group arises? (No; e.g.,) to those who are
reborn in the immaterial sphere (arūpāvacara), there arises
the feeling group, but not the corporeality-group; to those,
however, who are born with 5 groups, both do arise, the
feeling-group, as well as the corporeality-group.”
1. (a) “To (every) one to whom the corporeality-group does
not arise, does there also not arise the feeling-group? (No; e.g.,)
to those reborn in the immaterial sphere, the corporeality-
group does not arise, but not does the feeling-group not arise
(i.e. it surely does arise); to all those, however, who pass away
from there, neither the corporeality-group, nor the feeling-
group does arise (at the moment of death).”
“Does to (every) one to whom the corporeality-group
ceases, the feeling-group also cease? (No; e.g.,) at the passing
away of an unconscious being (asañña-satta), the
corporeality-group does cease, but not does any feeling-group
cease (as there is none in such a state of existence); at the
passing-away of five-group-beings however, both do cease,
the corporeality-group, as well as the feeling-group.” Etc.,
By ‘penetration’ (pariññā) is meant the penetrating insight, at the
moment of entering into one of the 4 Noble stages. The questions
are analogous to B (1); for ‘arise’ etc., however, read ‘penetrate,’
etc., and leave out the questions 13–15, 19–21, 25–27.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(Pairs of questions on the 12 Bases)
(I) Enumeration of Questions
(II) Explanations
(Positive): (a) “Does (everything which is called) ‘eye’ refer to
the eye-base (organ of sight)? (No; e.g., ) the divine eye and
the eye of wisdom are called eyes, but they are not the eye-
base; the eye-base, however, is both, eye, as well as eye-
base.—(b) But is the eye-base (always considered as) ‘eye’?
The terms ‘eye-base,’ ‘eye of wisdom,’ and ‘divine eye,’ are
co-ordinate with each other, but subordinate to the term ‘eye.
(Negative:) (a) “Is that which is not ‘eye,’ also not the ‘eye-
base’? (No, it is not the eye-base.)—(b) Is that which is not
the eye-base, also not an ‘eye’? (No, that is not the case,
because) the divine eye and the eye of wisdom are called
eyes, but they are not the eye-base; the eye-base, however, is
both, eye, as well as eye-base; excepting eye and eye-base,
what remains, is neither eye, nor eye-base.” Etc.
(General and particular terms; Positive:) “Is (everything
which is called) ‘eye,’ the eye-base? (No; e.g.,) the divine eye
and the wisdom- eye are eyes, but they are not the eye-base;
the eye-base is both, eye, as well as eye-base.—Are the bases
the ear-base?” etc., etc.
With regard to person: To all beings—in the long run of
saṃsāra—all the 12 bases once did arise. To beings in their last
existence (before entering final Nibbāna), no base will arise in the
future, but all bases will cease. To the Noble Ones (ariya, see
above) in the immaterial world (arūpa), 10 bases (i.e. the 5 sense-
organs and their objects) will no more arise, and will no more
cease again in the future. To the ariyas (anāgāmins) of the fine-
material world, nose, tongue, body, and their corresponding
objects, will no more arise, and no more cease again in the future.
In this Yamaka, ‘arises’ and ‘ceases’ refer to birth and death
in the present existence; ‘arose’ and ‘ceased,’ to a past
existence; ‘will arise’ and ‘will cease,’ to a future existence.
With regard to place: In the immaterial world (arūpa), only
two bases are found: the mind-base and the mind-object-base
(manāyatana and dhammāyatana). In the world of unconscious
beings (asañña-satta), only the rūpa-base (visual object) and the
corporeal mind-object-base are found. In the fine-material world,
6 bases are found: eye, ear, mind, and the corresponding objects.
In the sense-world all the 12 bases are found. (Cf. Vibh II).
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Exactly the analogous method as in Khandha-Yamaka (C), but
here with regard to eye-base and ear-base, namely:
“Does (every) one who penetrates the eye-base, also
penetrate the ear-base (and conversely)? Yes.” Etc., etc.
The answers to the questions are exactly the same, as given
in the Indriya-Yamaka (X).
(Pairs of questions on the 18 Elements)
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(Pairs of questions on the four noble Truths)
(a) “Does (everything which is called) dukkha (here, painful
feeling), refer to the Dukkha-Truth (Truth of Suffering)? Yes.
(b) “But does Dukkha-truth always refer to dukkha
(painful feeling)? (No; e.g.,) excepting bodily and mental
dukkha (-feeling), the remaining Dukkha-truth is Dukkha-
truth, but it is not dukkha (painful feeling).”
(a) “Does to (every) one to whom the Dukkha-truth arises,
also the Origination-truth arise? (No; e.g.,) to all those, who
are being reborn, arises, in the course of existence, at the
moment of arising of consciousness disconnected with
‘craving’ (Origination-truth), the Dukkha-truth, but not the
Origination-truth; at the appearance of craving, however,
both do arise, the Dukkha-truth, as well as the Origination-
(b) “But does to (every) one to whom the Origination-
truth arises, also the Dukkha-truth arise? Yes.”
This is so for the reason that also craving together with all
the other mental phenomena, is subject to the Dukkha-truth. The
remaining contents of this section may be summed up as
In the immaterial (arūpa) world, at the arising of one of the
(supramundane) Paths, the Path-truth obtains, but not the
Dukkha-truth. Amongst the unconscious beings (asañña-satta),
the Dukkha-truth is found, not the Origination- and Path-truth.
In the worlds of the four- and five-group-beings, the Dukkha-,
Origination-, and Path-truths do obtain. In the 4 lower worlds
(apāya), the Dukkha- and Origination-truth do obtain but not the
Path- truth.
The Cessation-truth (Nibbāna) is not mentioned in this
chapter, as no arising or ceasing of the same is possible.
(Present)—1. “Does he who penetrates the Dukkka-truth, (at
that moment) overcome the Origination-truth (and
conversely)? Yes.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(Pairs of questions on the 3 Formations)
“There are three kinds of formations: kāya-saṅkhāra (here,
‘body-formation’), vacī-saṅkhāra (here, ‘speech-formation’),
citta-saṅkhāra (‘mind-formation,’ mental concomitant). In-
and out-breathing constitutes the kāya-saṅkhāra; thought
conception (vitakka) and discursive thinking (vicāra), the
vacī-saṅkhāra (speech-formation within the mind); percep-
tion and feeling, the citta-saṅkhāra. Excepting thought-
conception and discursive thinking, being vacī-saṅkhāra , all
the phenomena combined with mind (but not mind itself),
constitute the citta-saṅkhāra.”
“Is ‘body’ (kāya) the kāya-saṅkhāra? No.—Or, is kāya-
saṅkhāra the body? No.—Is ‘speech’ (vacī) the vacī-saṅkhā
The contents of this chapter may be summed up as follows:
Kāya-saṅkhāra (= in- and out-breathing) is found in the
sense-world, not in the fine-material or immaterial world. It is
found in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd jhāna, not in the 4th jhāna.
Vacī-saṅkhāra (= thought conception and discursive
thinking) is found in the sense-, fine-material and immaterial
world, not amongst the unconscious beings. It obtains also in the
1st jhāna (of the fourfold division), not in the other jhānas.
Citta-saṅkhāra (= mental concomitants) are found in all the
worlds, except that of the unconscious beings, and also in all the
Kāya-saṅkhāra (= breathing) does not obtain at the death-
moment and rebirth-moment (conception). The two other
saṅkhāras obtain at all times.
The method employed in this chapter is the usual one. The
text begins thus:
“Does to (every) one to whom the kāya-saṅkhāra arises, (at
that time) also the vacī-saṅkhāra arise? (No; e.g.,) when to
those to whom, in the absence of thought-conception and
discursive thinking (i.e. in the 2nd and 3rd jhāna), in- and out-
breathing arises, then there arises to them kāya-saṅkhāra, not
vacī-saṅkhāra; when, however, to those who are abiding in the
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
1st jhāna, or who are dwelling in the sensuous sphere, in- and
out-breathing arises, then both do arise, kāya-saṅkhāra, as
well as vacī-saṅkhāra.” Etc., etc.
This chapter is throughout analogous with the corresponding
chapter of the Khandha-Yamaka.
(Pairs of questions on the 7 Biases)
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
with 4 and 5; 1–3, with 6 and 7; 1–4, with 5; 1–4, with 6 and 7;
1–5, with 6 and 7; 1–6, with 7. Example:
(1–5, with 6 and 7) “To whomsoever sensuous craving,
anger, conceit, erroneous opinion, and scepticism adhere, do
there also craving for existence, and ignorance, adhere? Yes.”
(Place)—All the 7 biases obtain in the sense-, fine-material,
and immaterial sphere, except in the Pure Abodes (suddhāvāsa).
Consciousness connected with anger, does not obtain in the
fine-material and immaterial world, though, according to Ledi
Sayādaw, anger still exists there (in a dormant state?). In the
world of unconscious beings (asañña-satta), the biases do not
actually exist, as there is no mental life.
The method is exactly the same as above (for person), e.g.:
“Where (in which place) the bias of sensuous craving
adheres, does there also the bias of anger adhere? No.” (See
beginning of this chapter). Etc., etc.
(Person and place)—(1, with 4 and 5) “To whomsoever,
and wheresoever, the bias of sensuous craving adheres, does
there adhere to him, and there, also the bias of erroneous
opinion, and scepticism? (No; e.g.,) in 2 individuals
(Sotāpanna and Sakadāgāmin), the sensuous craving adheres
to the two feelings in the sensuous-sphere, but not so the bias
of erroneous opinion (as it is already overcome in both); in the
worldling, however, both do adhere to the 2 feelings in the
sensuous-sphere, sensuous craving, as well as erroneous
opinion.” Etc., etc.
(Negative:) The negative questions follow the same method
as above. They begin thus:
“To whomsoever the bias of sensuous craving does not
adhere, does there to him also not the bias of anger adhere?”
Etc., etc.
(IV) Penetration
“Does he who penetrates the bias of sensuous craving, also
penetrate the bias of anger (and conversely)? Yes.” Etc., etc.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(Pairs of questions on Consciousness)
arising, is arisen; it does not cease (now) ... but it will cease.
(a) “To whomsoever consciousness arises, and not ceases
(at that very moment), will there to him consciousness cease
(afterwards), and will no more arise? (No, only) at the arising
of final consciousness (before the death of the Arahat),
consciousness to such a person arises, does not cease (at that
very moment of arising), but will cease (the next moment),
and will no more arise; at the arising of consciousness in
other persons, however, consciousness does arise, does not
cease (at that moment), but will cease, and will arise again—
(b) But to whom consciousness will cease, no more arise, does
there to him (at that very moment) consciousness arise, and
does it not cease? It does arise, does not cease.”
With this last sentence I had to paraphrase the single Pāli
word āmantā, ‘yes,’ which affirms here both the preceding
negative and positive question, and thus could not be rendered
in another way.
In the 2nd pair of questions, the positive and negative forms
of the verbs are reversed.
Thereafter follow pairs of questions with regard to past,
future, present, etc., with all the possible permutations, namely:
“To one to whom consciousness arises (—or, arose—is
arising—is arisen—ceases—ceased—is ceasing—is ceased), is
there to him consciousness arisen (—or, did it arise—will it
arise—does it cease—did it cease—will it cease, etc.)?” Etc., etc.
Thereafter, the foregoing method is applied—but only
indicated by catch-words—to consciousness with and without
lust ... freed and not freed (enumeration according to Satipaṭṭhāna
Sutta) and to the terms of the entire Abhidhamma Mātika.
(Pairs of questions on the term dhamma, ‘phenomenon’)
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
The treatment here is exactly the same as in Khandha-Yamaka.
(a) “Does (everything which is called) ‘wholesome’ refer to
wholesome phenomena? Yes. (b) And are (all) wholesome
phenomena termed ‘wholesome’? Yes.”
The analogous questions are repeated for ‘unwholesome’
and ‘neutral.’
(a) “Is (everything which is) not wholesome, also not a
wholesome phenomenon? No, it is not a wholesome
phenomenon. (b) And are all not wholesome phenomena, not
wholesome? No, they are not wholesome.”
Similar with unwholesome and neutral.
Etc., etc.
This section consists of the 3 usual chapters on: Origination,
Cessation, Origination and Cessation. Here we may mention:
Nowhere do wholesome phenomena, in one and the same
moment arise together with unwholesome phenomena. In the
fine-material world, wholesome, or unwholesome phenomena,
never arise together with neutral phenomena. In the 5 group-
existence, wholesome, or unwholesome phenomena, may arise
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(Pairs of questions on the 22 Faculties)
(1–6) “Is (everything which is called) ‘eye,’ the eye-faculty?”
The six sense-organs are dealt with in exactly the same
words as in Āyatana-Yamaka.
(7) “Is (that which is called) ‘female,’ the femininity-
faculty (& conversely)? No.”
(8) “Or ‘male,’ the virility-faculty (& conversely)? No.”
(9) “Is (that which is called) ‘life,’ the life-faculty (&
conversely)? Yes.”
The last two terms are identical. Also ‘bodily pleasure,’
‘bodily pain,’ ‘happiness,’ and ‘sadness,’ are identical with the
faculties (10–13) of the same name.
(14) “Does (everything which is called) upekkhā,
designate the (type of feeling called) equanimity-faculty
(upekkhindriya)? (No; e.g.,) excepting the equanimity-
faculty, all those other forms of upekkhā, are upekkhā, but
they do not designate the equanimity-faculty; the
equanimity-faculty, however, is both, upekkhā, as well as
The 3 supramundane faculties (20–22) do not find a place in this
chapter. About the others, one has to keep the following facts in
The femininity- and virility-faculties are found only in the
sensuous plane, not in the fine-material and immaterial sphere.
The life-faculty is either physical, or mental. The physical
life- faculty (rūpa-jīvitindriya) does not obtain in the immaterial
sphere. whilst in the sphere of the unconscious beings (asañña-
satta) only the physical life-faculty is found. In the sphere of the
five-group beings, both kinds are found.
The happiness-faculty is found in the happy spheres of
sensuous existence (i.e. men, and heavenly beings of the
sensuous sphere) and also at the moment of rebirth, and death,
in the 9 lower Brahmā-planes.
The equanimity-faculty is found in all the spheres, except
that of the unconscious beings (asañña-satta).
Of the 5 ethical faculties (15–19), the wisdom-faculty
obtains in death- and rebirth-consciousness accompanied by
knowledge; the faculties: faith, mindfulness, energy, and
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
In order to get a fair idea of the kind of answers to the numerous
and often rather captious and sophistically sounding, questions
of this chapter, the following hints may be of some help:
All individuals are divided into the following classes:
i. Attainer of Sotāpanna-Path; develops ‘anaññātañ-
ii. Attainer of Sotāpanna-Fruition; develops aññā-faculty.
iii. Attainer of Sakadāgāmi-Path; develops aññā-faculty
iv. Attainer of Sakadāgāmi-Fruition; develops aññā-
v. Attainer of Anāgāmi-Path; develops aññā-faculty
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
This gigantic and most important work of the Abhidhamma-
Piṭaka deals with the conditionality and dependent nature of all
the manifold corporeal and mental phenomena of existence,
which in their combinations are known by the conventional
names of ‘I,’ ‘person,’ ‘world,’ etc., but which in the ultimate
sense are only just these passing phenomena, nothing more.
Hence, this work provides a most complete and detailed
elucidation of the paṭicca-samuppāda, or dependent origination,
though here the phenomena are not arranged according to the 12
links of the paṭicca-samuppāda, but with reference to the 24
paccayas, i.e., conditions, or modes of conditionality, as will he
seen later on.
The complete text of the work in the Siamese Tipiṭaka edition
comprises 6 volumes. of altogether 3,120 pages whilst the extract
in the Pali Text Society’s edition contains only 549 pp.
The work begins with an introduction which contains an
enumeration and explanation of the 24 modes of conditionality
(paccaya) governing all the manifold phenomena of existence.
The main body of the work has 4 great divisions, namely:
A. Anuloma-paṭṭhāna, Origination according to the Positive
B. Paccanīya-paṭṭhāna, Origination according to the Nega-
tive Method.
C. Anuloma-paccanīya-paṭṭhāna, Origination according to
the Positive-Negative Method.
D. Paccanīya-anuloma-paṭṭhāna
Origination according to the Negative-Positive Method.
In each of these 4 main divisions, the 24 modes of
conditionality are applied in due order to all phenomena of
existence, presented again by the triads and dyads of the
Abhidhamma Schedule. Each of these four main divisions
applies its own particular method (i.e. positive, etc.) in a sixfold
i. Origination of Triads (Tika-Paṭṭhāna)
ii. Origination of Dyads (Duka-Paṭṭhāna)
iii. Origination of Dyads and Triads combined (Duka-Tika-
iv. Origination of Triads and Dyads combined (Tika-Duka-
v. Origination of Triads and Triads combined (Tika-Tika-
vi. Origination of Dyads and Dyads combined (Duka-
According to the number of triads and dyads, Section I has
22 chapters, and Section II has 100 (though in the numbering of
the PTS-edition the latter have unadvisedbly been contracted to
89). Each of these chapters, again, is divided into a number of
sub-chapters, or vāra. Each such sub-chapter, again forms 4
smaller sections, brought about by that 4-fold method to which,
as shown above, the entire work owes its 4 great divisions,
namely the positive method, the negative method, the positive-
negative method, and the negative-positive method.
Finally, each of these 4 smaller divisions, everywhere
throughout the whole work, is again divided into paragraphs
corresponding with those of the 24 conditions which obtain in
the respective case.
This is, in short, the table of contents of the whole work:
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(Siamese Edition)
Enumeration and Explanation of the 24 Conditions
I. Origination of Triads (Tika-Paṭṭhāna)
1. The Triad ‘wholesome etc.’ (Kusala-ttika)
(1). Chapter on being ‘dependent’ (paṭicca-vāra)
(a) positive method
(b) negative method
(c) positive-negative method
(d) negative-positive method
(a) positive method
(b) negative method
(c) positive-negative method
(d) negative-positive method
(Each of the 4 methods is, in due order, applied to the 24
conditions and thus forms a corresponding number of §§. The
question-section is found only in this first chapter).
(2). Chapter on being ‘co-nascent’ (sahajāta-vāra)
(3). Chapter on being ‘conditioned’ (paccaya vāra)
(4). Chapter on being ‘supported’ (nissaya-vāra)
(5). Chapter of being ‘conjoined’ (saṃsaṭṭha-vāra)
(6). Chapter on being ‘associated’ (sampayutta-vāra)
(7). Chapter on ‘investigations’ (pañha-vāra)
(Each of these chapters has the same division as 1).
2. The Triad of feelings (Vedanā-ttika)
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(B, C, and D have each the same divisions and subdivisions as A.)
Thus, A comprises 5 volumes in the Siamese edition whilst B,
C, and D are, in a condensed form, contained in the 6th, and last
volume. If the subject of this second (B), third (C) and fourth
(D) Paṭṭhāna had been treated with the same copiousness as the
first one, the text in the Siamese edition would contain not less
then 14,000 pp.
Before entering into a discussion of the contents of the main
part of the work, I am giving the reader a full translation of the
very important introductory chapter, here and there interspersed,
partly with my own explanations, partly with quotations taken
from the Commentary, or other parts of the work. This
introduction, as already stated above, consists of the enumeration,
and subsequent explanation, of the 24 conditions (paccaya), upon
which all the corporeal and mental phenomena are dependent, and
which are applied to the existence, or origination, of all the
various phenomena treated in our present work.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(a) Positive Method
§1. (ROOT)
(1) “Dependent on a wholesome (kusala) phenomenon, there
arises a wholesome phenomenon, conditioned by way of root,
e.g., dependent on (any) one wholesome group (e.g., percep-
tion), there arise three other wholesome groups (feeling,
mental formations, consciousness), conditioned by way of
root; or dependent on 3, the other 1; or on 2, the other 2.”
It should be remembered that a mental phenomenon is
called ‘wholesome,’ if actually associated with a wholesome
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
§2. (OBJECT)
Three questions are answered, namely:
(1) “Dependent on a wholesome phenomenon, there
arises a wholesome phenomenon, conditioned by way of
object; e.g., dependent on 1 wholesome group, there arise the
other 3 wholesome groups, conditioned by way of object, etc.”
(8) “Dependent on an unwholesome phenomenon, there
arises an unwholesome phenomenon ... (15) Dependent on a
neutral phenomenon, there arises a neutral phenomenon,
conditioned by way of object, etc.”
Visible object, sound, odour, taste, and tangible object are to
the corresponding kinds of sense-consciousness (seeing,
hearing, etc.), as well as to the mind-element (mano-dhātu), and
the mind-consciousness element (mano-viññāṇa-dhātu)
unaccompanied by roots, not only a condition by way of object,
but a condition in four ways: by way of object, pre-nascence,
presence, and non-disappearance. To root-accompanied mind-
consciousness-element, they are besides a condition by way of
decisive object-support (ārammaṇūpanissaya).
In their capacity as object-conditions, they combine with 7
other conditions: object-predominance, support, decisive
support, pre-nascence, dissociation, presence, non-
disappearance. If the objects are mental phenomena, or past or
future phenomena, only object-predominance and decisive-
object-support are found in addition.
Nine answers (quoted), corresponding to those of § 1 (root).
(1) “Dependent on a wholesome phenomenon, there
arises a wholesome phenomenon, conditioned by way of
predominance, etc., etc.
In the following paragraphs, the text will now be left out
entirely, as it corresponds in every respect to § 1; but it will be
pointed out how each phenomenon that represents the condition
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Nine answers (unquoted) corresponding to those of § 13 (kamma).
All the phenomena from here to § 24, have been treated in
the preceding paragraphs.
The 5 sense-organs, in their capacity as faculty-condition,
combine with 5 further conditions: support, pre-nascence,
dissociation, presence, non-disappearance. Also physical
vitality as faculty-condition, combines with 2 further conditions:
presence, non-disappearance. Also the mental faculties,1 in their
capacity as faculty-condition, combine with 13 conditions: root,
predominance, co-nascence, mutuality, support, kamma-result,
nutriment, jhāna, path, association, dissociation, presence, non-
§17 (JHĀNA)
Nine answers (unquoted), corresponding to those of § 1 (root).
The jhāna, in its capacity as jhāna-condition, combines,
according to circumstances, with 10 further conditions: co-
nascence, mutuality, support, kamma-result, faculty, path,
association, dissociation, presence, non-disappearance.
§18 (PATH)
Nine answers (unquoted), corresponding to those of § 1 (root).
The statements in § 17 apply also here, but with 2 additional
conditions: root and predominance.
Three answers (unquoted), corresponding to those of 2 (object).
The associated phenomena, in their capacity as association-
condition, combine, according to circumstances, with 13
conditions: root, predominance, co-nascence, mutuality,
support, kamma, kamma-result, nutriment, faculty, jhāna, path,
presence, non-disappearance.
1. Vibh V. 6, 9-22.
Nine answers (quoted), corresponding to those of 1 (root).
The dissociated phenomena, in their capacity as
dissociation-condition, combine, according to circumstances,
with 17 further conditions (inapplicable are: proximity,
contiguity, frequency, association, absence, disappearance).
Nine answers (unquoted), corresponding to those of § 6
The presence-condition, in its capacity as such, combines,
according to circumstances, with 18 further conditions
(inapplicable are: proximity, contiguity, frequency, absence,
Three answers (unquoted), corresponding to those of § 2 (object).
Nine answers (unquoted), corresponding to those of § 21
Hereafter, all the affirmative answers to the 49 questions (p.
109) of each of the 24 §§, are numerically summed up, in this
manner: “with regard to root, 9 (answers); with regard to
object, 3; with regard to predominance, 9; etc., etc.” In a
similar way, the numbering of the answers to the innumerable
questions is continued with regard to pairs of conditions,
threefold groups of conditions, up to the 24-fold group of
conditions. Cf. the beginning of this paṭicca-vāra.
(b) Negative Method
Two questions are affirmed: No. 8 and 15.
(8) “Dependent on an unwholesome phenomenon, there
may arise an unwholesome phenomenon, not conditioned by
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Nine answers (quoted, and fully illustrated): 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15,
16, 17.
(i) “A wholesome phenomenon may be to a wholesome
phenomenon, a condition by way of object. For example, if,
after having given alms, or taken upon oneself the moral
vows, or fulfilled the Uposatha duties, one is reviewing these
(wholesome) acts (with a wholesome mind). Or, if one is
reviewing (with a wholesome mind) wholesome actions
formerly done. Or, if after rising from the jhāna one reviews
the same ... Or, if one practises insight (vipassati) ... ”
That means, any wholesome phenomenon, through taking it
as object of our thinking, may become a condition of the arising
of other wholesome states of mind.
(2) “A wholesome phenomenon may be to an
unwholesome phenomenon, a condition by way of object. For
example, if, after having given alms, etc., one indulges and
delights in this act, and thereby arises greed, evil views,
doubt, restlessness, or sadness (“either to oneself or to others,”
says the Com.). Or, if one indulges and delights in good deeds
done formerly, and thereby arises greed, etc. Or, if, after
having risen from trance, one indulges and delights in this
attainment, and thereby arises greed, etc. Or, if, whilst
regretting that the jhāna (which one had attained) has
vanished, sadness springs up.”
Thus, any wholesome act, or attainment, may, through
being made the object of wrong thinking, become a condition to
the arising of unwholesome states of mind.
(3) “A wholesome phenomenon may be to a neutral
phenomenon, a condition by way of object. For example,
when after rising from (that wholesome state called) the
Arahat-Path, the Arahat with a karmically neutral mind
reviews this path ...”
(8) “An unwholesome phenomenon may be to an
unwholesome phenomenon, a condition by way of object. For
example, if one indulges and delights in greed (an
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Ten answers (quoted): 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17.
(1) “A wholesome phenomenon may be to a wholesome
phenomenon, a condition by way of predominance, i.e. either
as object, or as co-nascent. As object: if, after having given
alms, etc., one (with wholesome mind) reviews this act, by
giving it preponderance. Or, if one is reviewing one’s former
good deeds, by giving them preponderance. Or, if after rising
from the jhāna, one is reviewing it, by giving it
preponderance ... As co-nascent: a predominant wholesome
phenomenon is to the associated groups, a condition by way
of predominance.”
(2) “A wholesome phenomenon may be to an
unwholesome phenomenon, a condition by way of
predominance, i.e. as object. For example, if after having
given alms, etc., one indulges and delights in this act, by
giving it preponderance, and thereby arises greed. etc ...”
(3) “A wholesome phenomenon may be to a neutral
phenomenon a condition by way of predominance, i.e. either
as object, or as co-nascent. As object: for example, if after
rising from the Arahat-Path, the Arahat reviews this path,
by giving it preponderance [s. § 2 (3)]. As co-nascent: the
predominant wholesome phenomenon is to corporeality
(neutral) produced by mind, a condition by way of
predominance.” Etc., etc.
Seven answers (quoted): 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17.
(1) “A wholesome phenomenon may be to a wholesome
phenomenon, a condition by way of proximity, namely each
preceding wholesome group is to each succeeding wholesome
group, a condition by way of proximity. Thus is the moment
of ‘adaptation’ (anuloma) to that of ‘maturity’ (gotrabhū),
that of ‘adaptation’ to that of ‘purification’ (vodāna), that of
‘maturity’ to that of the ‘Path’, that of ‘purification’ to that of
the ‘Path.”
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Chapters (2)–(6)
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Nine answers (quoted), e.g.:
(1) “A root phenomenon is to a root phenomenon, a
condition by way of presence; e.g., non-greed to non-hatred
and Non-delusion; greed to delusion, etc.
(2) A root phenomenon may be to a not-root phenomenon,
a condition by way of presence, i.e. either as co-nascent, or
post-nascent; e.g., the co-nascent roots (e.g., greed and
delusion), to the associated groups, and to the corporeal
phenomenon (not-root) produced by mind; ... the post-nascent
roots, to this pre-nascent body.” Etc., etc.
(b) Negative Method
Nine answers (quoted).
“A root phenomenon may be to a root phenomenon, a
condition by way of not-object ... not-conascence not-decisive
‘By way of not-root’ is, of course, impossible for a root,
which, as root condition, must be co-nascent with the
conditioned phenomenon.
“A root phenomenon may be to a not-root phenomenon, a
condition by way of not-object ... not-conascence ... not-
decisive support ... not-prenascence ... not-postnascence.”
Etc., etc.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
B. Negative method
All the themes of A. are here put into a negative form.
1. The Triad ‘Not Wholesome, Not-Unwholesome, and Not-
Neutral’ (Na-kusala-ttika)
Not-wholesome is either unwholesome or neutral; not-
unwholesome, either wholesome or neutral; not-neutral, either
wholesome or unwholesome.
(1) Chapter on being ‘Dependent’ (paṭicca-vāra)
(a) Positive Method
§1 (ROOT)
“Dependent on a not-wholesome phenomenon, there may
arise a not-wholesome phenomenon, conditioned by way of
root.” Etc., etc.
C. Positive-negative Method
1. The Triad ‘Wholesome, Etc.,’ and the Triad, Not-
Unwholesome, Etc.’ (Kusalattike na-kusalattika)
The first Triad is: wholesome, unwholesome, neutral, the
second one is: not-wholesome, not-unwholesome, not-neutral.
The chapter begins thus:
“Dependent on a wholesome phenomenon, there may arise
a not-wholesome phenomenon, conditioned by way of root; e.g.,
dependent on wholesome groups (being accompanied by roots),
there arises corporeality (being neutral, hence not wholesome)
produced by mind etc.” Etc., etc.
2. The Triad of Feelings, and the Triad of Not-Feelings
(Vedanāttike na-vedanāttika)
The first Triad is: pleasant, painful, neutral feeling; the
second one: not-pleasant (i.e. painful, or neutral), not-painful
(i.e. pleasant, or neutral), not-neutral (i.e. pleasant, or painful).
Etc., etc.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
(Hetuduke na-hetuduka)
“Dependent on a root-phenomenon, there arises a not-
root phenomenon (corporeality produced by mind),
conditioned by way of root.
“Dependent on a root phenomenon, there arises a not-
root phenomenon, and a phenomenon which is not a not-root
(i.e., a root), conditioned by way of root.” Etc., etc.
1. The Triad ‘Not Wholesome, Etc.,’ and the Triad
‘Wholesome, Etc.’ (Na-kusalattike kusalattika)
“Dependent on a not-wholesome phenomenon, there may
arise an unwholesome phenomenon, conditioned by way of
root.” Etc., etc.
of time all conscious and physical life has evolved. That all in
spite of the Buddha’s repeated express declaration that an
absolute first beginning of existence is something unthinkable
(Anamatagga-Saṃyutta; SN 15), and that all such-like
speculations may lead to insanity (AN 4:77); and that one never
could imagine a time when there was no ignorance, and no
craving for existence (AN 10:61; quoted in Visuddhimagga Ch.
XVII, and similarly in Milinda-Pañha, 2nd chapter).
In the Prajñāpāramitā, according to Burnouf, Introduction
ā L’histoire du Bouddhisme Indien, p. 473, we find for example,
the following words: “Et comme elles (les conditions) n’existent
pas (sic!), a cause de cel on les appelle Avidyā, c’est a dire ce
qui n’existe pas (!), ou l’ignorance.” And in Kern, Indian
Buddhism, we read: “Avijjā, ignorance, is the state of not
knowing, of sleep. Man at first awaking enters into a state of
half-consciousness; his mind is affected by vague impressions
(saṅkhāra) before he has reached the state of clear
consciousness. Then the phenomena appear to him, and the
activity of his organs of sense commences, etc.” And, again, in
Burnouf, Le Lotus de la Bonne Loi: “De l’ignorance procéda la
faculté de la réflexion (saṅkhāra!); de la faculté de la réflexion
procéda la connaissance (viññāṇa); de la connaissance procéda
l’union de l’esprit et de la matiére (nāma-rūpa) etc.”
In more recent times, again, quite a number of authors,
chiefly Germans, led by Dr. Dahlke, call the paṭicca-samuppāda
a “simultaneous” dependent origination and even go so far as to
assert that “the whole chain of the (12) conditions of origination
represents one single karmical (?)1 moment of personal
experience (karmisches erlebnismoment)”!! Now does this not
really amount to the senseless assertion that cause and effect, i.e.
the karmic process of becoming (X = 11)2 and rebirth (XI = III),
1. The wrong use of the terms ‘kamma’ and ‘karmical’ originated with
the Theosophists. What these terms signify, can be learnt from I–III,
and IX-XI.
2. The Roman numerals refer to p. 236 f.
Guide through the Abhidhamma Piṭaka
I–II. “Through ignorance (avijjā) conditioned are
the kamma-formations (saṅkhārā).
II–III. “Through the kamma-formations (saṅkhārā)
conditioned is consciousness (viññāṇa; in a
new birth).
III–IV. “Through consciousness (viññāṇa) conditioned
are mentality and corporeality (nāma-rūpa).
IV–V. “Through mentality and corporeality (nāma-
conditioned are the 6 bases (sa¿āyatana).
V–VI. “Through the 6 bases (sa¿yatana) conditioned
is impression (phassa).
VI–VII. “Through impression (phassa) conditioned is
feeling (vedanā).
VII–VIII. “Through feeling (vedanā) conditioned is
craving (taṇhā).
VIII–IX. “Through craving (taṇhā) conditioned is
clinging (upādāna).
IX–X. “Through clinging (upādāna) conditioned is
the (karmic and kamma-resultant) process of
becoming (bhava).
X–XI. “Through the (karmic) process of becoming
(bhava) conditioned is rebirth (jāti).
XI–XII. “Through rebirth (jāti) conditioned are decay
and death (jarā-maraṇa), sorrow, lamentation,
pain, grief and despair. Thus arises this whole
mass of suffering.
“Through the entire fading away and extinction of this
ignorance, however, the kamma-formations become
extinguished. Through extinction of the kamma-formations,
consciousness becomes extinguished. Through extinction of
consciousness, mentality and corporeality become
extinguished. Through extinction of mentality and
corporeality, the 6 bases become extinguished. Through
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Guide Through the Abhidhmma Piṭaka
Consciousness (Citta)
(1) Joyful, with knowledge, unprepared. (Imp.)
(2) Joyful, with knowledge, prepared. (Imp.)
(3) Joyful, without knowledge, unprepared. (Imp.)
(4) Joyful, without knowledge, prepared. (Imp.)
Sensuous Sphere
(5) Indifferent, with knowledge, unprepared. (Imp.)
(6) Indifferent, with knowledge, prepared. (Imp.)
(7) Indifferent, without knowledge, unprepared. (Imp.)
(8) Indifferent, without knowledge, prepared. (Imp.)
(9) 1st Jhāna (Imp.)
Fine-material (10) 2nd Jhāna (Imp.)
Sphere (11) 3rd Jhāna (Imp.)
(Absorptions) (12) 4th Jhāna (Imp.)
(13) 5th Jhāna (Imp.)
(14) “Boundless Space” (Imp.)
Immaterial Sphere (15) “Boundless Consciousness” (Imp.)
(Absorptions) (16) “Nothingness” (Imp.)
(17) “Neither-perception-nor-non-perception” (Imp.)
(18) Path (-moment) of “stream-entry” (Imp.)
Super-mundane (19) Path (-moment) of “once-returning” (Imp.)
(20) Path (-moment) of “nonreturning” (Imp.)
(21) Path (-moment) of “arahatship” (Imp.)
Rooted in Greed (lobha)
(22) Joyful, with evil view, unprepared. (Imp.)
(23) Joyful, with evil view, prepared. (Imp.)
(24) Joyful, without evil view, unprepared. (Imp.)
(25) Joyful, without evil view, prepared. (Imp.)
(26) Indifferent, with evil view, unprepared. (Imp.)
(27) Indifferent, with evil view, prepared. (Imp.)
Sensuous Sphere
(28) Indifferent, without evil view, unprepared. (Imp.)
(29) Indifferent, without evil view, prepared. (Imp.)
Rooted in Hate (dosa)
(30) Sad, angry, unprepared. (Imp.)
(31) Sad, angry, prepared. (Imp.)
Rooted in Delusion (moha)
(32) Indifferent and sceptical. (Imp.)
(33) Indifferent and restless. (Imp.)
Appendix II
Sphere ---------
Immaterial Sphere
Supermundane ---------
(a) karma results (vipāka)
Result of wholesome Karma (with desirable objects):
1. Without Root-cause
(34–38) Eye-, ear-, nose-, tongue-, (agreeable) body
consciousness. (Adv.)
(39) Mind-element (mano-dhātu) (Rec.)
(40) Joyful mind-consciousness-element (mano-viññāṇa
dhātu). (Inv. Reg.)
(41) Indifferent mind-consciousness-element (mano-
viññāṇa dhātu). (Inv. Reg.)
Sensuous Sphere 2. With Root-cause
(42–49) = (1–8) (Reg. R. S. D.)
Result of unwholesome Karma (with undesirable
Without Root-cause only
(50–54) Eye-, ear-, nose-, tongue-, (painful) body-
(55) Mind-element (mano-dhātu) (Rec.)
(56) Mind-consciousness-element (mano-viññāṇa dhātu).
(Inv. Reg. R. S. D.)
Sphere = (9–13) (R.S.D.)
Immaterial Sphere (63) = (14–17) (R.S.D.)
(Absorptions) (64)
(66) Fruit (-moment) of “stream-entry” (Imp.)
(67) Fruit (-moment) of “once-returning” (Imp.)
(68) Fruit (-moment) of “nonreturning” (Imp.)
(69) Fruit (-moment) of “arahatship” (Imp.)
Guide Through the Abhidhmma Piṭaka
Sensuous Sphere (72) Joyful mind-consciousness-
element (Imp.)
2. With Root-cause
(73–80) = (1–8) (Imp.)
Only in the
Fine-material Sphere
(81–85) = (9–13) (Imp.) Arahat
Immaterial Sphere
(86–89) = (14–17) (Imp.)
Supermundane --------
Appendix II
1 The moral quality of these 13 concomitants depends upon whether they are associated with a
karmically wholesome, unwholesome, or neutral state of consciousness.
2 The 3 abstinences, and 2 boundless states, as well as envy, stinginess worry, conceit, torpor, and
languour, are called 'unfixed' (aniyata), as they are only occassionally associated with the states of con-
sciousness in question, and also then only one at a time.
Guide Through the Abhidhmma Piṭaka
Appendix II
(b) Hateful
(30) = (No. 22) - Interest - greed - Evil View + 4 Hateful = 20
(31) = (No. 30) + Torpor † & Languor † = 22
(c) Delusive
(32) 8 General (missing Interest, Determination, Intention) = 15
+ 4 primary Unwholesome + Scepsis
(33) = (No. 32) but Determination instead of Scepsis = 15
(a) Karma resultant
(34) to (38) 7 Primary General (concentration weak)
(50) to (54) 7 Primary General (concentration weak)
(39) & (55) = preceding 7 + Thought Conception =8
(41) & (56) Preceding 8 + Discursive Thinking + Determination = 10
(40) 11 General (missing: Energy and Intention; Concentration weak)
(42) to (49) = (1) to (8), but - 2 Boundless states - 3 Abstinences
(57) to (69) = (9) to (21)
(b) Functional (kiriyā)
(70) = (39)
(71) 9 General (missing: Interest & Intention = 11 =9
(72) 12 General (missing Intention) =10
(73) to (80) = (1) to (8) - 3 Abstinences
(81) to (89) = (9) to (17)
Appendix II
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