Threshold by THEM - Vol 2

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Black Magic and shattered Geometry
By Ryan Anschauung / Temple of THEM

Text Copyright © 2011 Ryan Anschauung

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the

Illustrations by Namtaru Creations and Ryan Anschauung.

Layout & Design by Fall of Man

Published by Fall of Man
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You will find a Glossary with some common terms used across the different
booklets at the end of the fourth booklet MALEFICIA.
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Insynsian 07
How Will Shapes Reality 15
Form and Manipulation: The Cold Facts 20
Part I 20
Part II 22
Part III 27
Baphomet and A Man’s role for Sinister Women: The Greatest Heresy 32
Ad Accumulum Infinitum 40
The Mind War 42
Petals from a Black Rose 46
I – The Bare Root 46
II – The Continuity of Bloom 48
III – Red or White 49
IV – The Black Spot 50
V – Cross and Cutting 51
VI – Hybrid Perpetual 53

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A scientific or “factual basis” is ideal for the foundation of a form. Such a

foundation is a conventionally reliable measure by which others can solidify
and share their understanding and relatedness to the world around them in
an ‘objective’ and systematic fashion of certainty, which is secured by an ex-
tant authority such as the scientific community. However, there are a number
of reasons for not backing down, retracting a statement or changing a form
that has been put forth by the Temple either to suit or meet the criticism lev-
elled at it by any particular individual who cares to attack the form for its sup-
positions: The most obvious being that the Temple of THEM is an occult
Establishment and not a Scientific one.

The essays that are written are written by magicians with a high level of
self reliance, self honesty and self-discovery. Such magicians are Sinister and
more often than not alone in their journey; separated from the current or tem-
poral manifestations occurring in the relative time and space of the Matrix by
which others judge their efforts or compare the validity of their journey
against. For example, when it was accepted by Science that atoms were no
longer the cornerstone of existence, many attempted to place their theories
related to existence inside the prevailing trends of quantum physics or theory
of relativity in order to make their theories more readily accepted and thus
credibility be attained, so that the new idea didn’t undermine previous facts
stated by highly esteemed colleagues. This may be fine for Theoretical Science
– But not for the occult.

The occult is not, and never will be, an acceptable, provable, fact-based sys-
tem of analysis and practice. It is a private madness grounded in the rational,
the irrational and the Abyss and is experienced in a unique manner by each
magician. no originality ever came from following the expected protocols and
trends of the masses or from taking the established ’facts’ of science so seri-
ously that they were held to be impregnable and remain unchallenged. Science
may be a better way of researching the world by breaking it into manageable

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constituent chunks using mathematical/symbolic abstracts than the earlier

practice of communing with God through a church to understand the myster-
ies – but it is no less immune to corruption, bureaucracy and the painful crawl
of time that it takes for an idea to be accepted (usually long after the ‘idealer’
has been ridiculed, disbarred, humiliated and/or sent to the stake) than the
Church was.

If I may borrow some classic scientific terminology, the ‘fact’ is that, owing
to the complexity of life, science and religion deal with facets of it in a way
no different to that of the isolated sorcerer, i.e. by sorting out for oneself which
aspects of life are important, and thus apprehending the world in a specific
manner that idolizes some parts of it by building a world-view based upon
those shining principles, and shunning or ignoring the rest. What is written
by our members illustrates part of a private path and personal breaking
through. It is not expected to mean anything to an outsider. Indeed, many out-
siders are so entrenched in the Matrix that they are unable to be interesting
enough to have their own path. They attach themselves to other’s paths as
sycophants or vampires to fawn over them, ridicule them, tear them down or
to criticize and make foetid pronouncements and denouncements as a vulgar
occult parasite or parrot with no understanding of their own and no original-
ity: characterized by a lack of magical maturity and the need to destroy.

no scientific or religious or psychological edict held to be true is necessarily

true to Us. Perhaps in the Matrix it is true and evident but outside of that tem-
poral box the only truth is our own sense of validity as magicians moving
through the world encountering obstacles, decisions, beliefs, tests, “truths“ for
ourselves; often without recourse to the convenient labels of the Matrix. Al-
though sometimes we resort to meeting the Magian halfway by attempting to
ride the waves of logic or reason in a manner that suits our critics or speak the
language that is expected by our critics, it is only a temporary alight on their
own terms. The subsequent mindset we arrive at based on our self-discovery is
more highly esteemed as proof/fact/or truth than any of the writings, opinions
(and even experiences) of others – for the wanderings of a magician cannot
help but ‘prove’ that there is no objectivity, that there are no facts, that the
written word differs greatly from esoteric experience, and that while many are

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crucified by their own forms, there exists an ever-present quality of chaos that
supersedes what is known and practiced in magic by those still trapped in the
Matrix of form, which is generally only the noisy exhalations of the Ego.

It has been said before that there is communication below the Abyss and
communication above the Abyss and never the twain shall meet. We have spo-
ken of the Black Clay and the art of stripping away the fixation on names, la-
bels and ideas that are mere projections upon the texture of the world around
us to reveal the essence – but we have not yet spoken of the mass ethos of hu-
manity’s failure to deal with the death of God.

The actions of many exhibit the meme/ethos of failure to deal with the
death of the monotheistic arch-emperor whose priests interpreted the world
for the masses and provided a kit-set belief system that made it easy for hu-
manity to be lazy in their decision making, and lax in their own independent
magical journey. The power of Christianity consisted of a fervent faith in a
singular, all-powerful entity: a one. one, meant that there was an unmistakable
difference in following the one Way of God and in straying from it. Either
you did it 100% right or 100% wrong. It was a way that had no loopholes, no
deviations from the established route, no alternate route or short-cuts and no
thinking for oneself lest one think oneself higher than the Will of the
Almighty Creator. Moreover, one began with the disadvantage of original Sin.
In short; the way of God meant humility. Humility before the gold-gilded altars
laden with ecclesiastical paraphernalia, heavily encrusted with gems and pre-
cious metals, held by priests dressed in the finest silk vestments, housed in
mighty ornate edifices of mahogany, teak, marble and stone (incensed with
the finest imported spices) that modern architecture stands irrevocably in the
shadow of. These tremendous idols to the glory of God are a testament to the
power of a form that is singular in nature.

To strive toward one point, one goal, one God, is to lay all efforts and aspi-
rations, all riches bodily and monetary, all prayers, all hopes and fears, all ques-
tions and answers, in a perfectly straight road toward one immutable apex.
When this apex began to crumble, when science began to erode the perfect
word with its heresies and discoveries, God did not die as nietzsche believed.

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God and the idea of a single perfect form had been ingrained into a large ma-
jority of the world’s influential people (and remembering that the global pop-
ulation was significantly smaller in ancient times), the fanatical trend of the
singular spread far and wide for thousands of years killing and persecuting
those who would not accept it. To live, many did.

A singular way survived over pantheistic religions because of: a) the bru-
tality with which the singular way was promulgated, b) there was less uncer-
tainty about things with the Alpha to the omega covered and a far greater
concealment of the haunting memory of the original chaos with everything
from life to afterlife taken out of people’s hands and conveniently dealt with
by external authorities. And c) pantheistic religions had no real impetus to at-
tempt to annihilate other religions in a holocaust of thought, whilst the drive
behind a monotheistic deity was to aggressively pursue all who would not see
or hear the singular truth.

But I digress; God did not die. He was, and still is, simply transferred. He,
God, is nothing more than the recent belief by humanity in one perfect way;
and the search, the certainty, the arrogance which encompasses the world-view
of each and every individual still unconsciously pining for God in his old form,
continues unabated today with the individual projecting the notion of God
onto/into other facets of the Matrix. Individuals put their faith in science, in
the wisdom of others, in the idea of ‘progress’, ‘truth’, or ‘facts’, ‘democracy’,
‘peace’ or ‘the future’, and strive to arrange the world just so in a unique and
individual schemata that is collectively united by humanities mass desire for
a replica of the singular perfection of the God that was.

Because of this reasoning that humanity is unconsciously mourning the loss

of the reign of God as a totalitarian dictator that told them exactly what to
do, when to do it and why, and that it is trying to replace that apex by pro-
jecting that same singular will (and it is irrelevant whether the new form is so-
called “adversarial” or “rebellious” against God. This means nothing) onto
things – the criticisms/‘corrections’ levelled at any form THEM create are
treated in this greater context as the trivial concerns by another human being
to arrange the world according to their unconscious ethos of the singular psy-

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chosis. Even if those concerns are valid in terms of being scientifically/psy-

chologically “correct” – few magicians have the insight and the wisdom to un-
derstand that what is being dealt with is not the little details that are entirely
dependent on the artificiality of the Matrix, but the greater and encompassing
currents that drive humanity to do what it does, when it does, and why. It is
the intent behind the ‘pentagram’ that is of import, not the temporal form of
the ‘pentagram’ itself.

So what insights can be provided into form? once a form has been arranged
in the Matrix it takes on a set of attributes balanced between two extremes
and a sliding scale of indefinite degrees. Eroding the foundation on which any
form stands is as simple as recognizing the geometry of the form and analysing
the structure it is built upon; viz. identifying the key stones that must first be
supposed valid for the form to be slotted neatly into the Matrix with its
brethren. Science depends upon observable repeatable facts, for instance, yet
for all the weight behind science it remains theoretical: it cannot be said that
science knows or has proved what existence is, for it too is a search for a sin-
gular perfection that can’t find the kernel at the core of its foundation. More-
over, for me and for many others, particular scientific assertions remain

Science’s major downfall, like religion before it, is in its singular-orientated

drive to be objective. Philosophy grounds itself in being subjective, but nev-
ertheless suffers from the same weakness of being a form: philosophy is mere
speculation that is there to be believed or not believed as one sees fit. If we
combine aspects of the two, although it is scientifically true enough that if
one steps out in front of a fast moving car one will get badly damaged, why,
how, and what are dependent on philosophical suppositions held self-evident.
Self-evidence is a great thing, a philosopher’s stone; right up until one enters
the Abyss. When one cannot even hold one’s self evident, then all other sup-
positions lose their grounding and begin to float unsecured and disorganized
in a chaos that can only be understood if it is organized. But the nature of the
chaos before it is organized remains a mystery because so many fear it.A form
may be weakened/altered to appease its critics and silence them to entice their
support or favour, or the form may be strengthened to discredit or drop out

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of the argument altogether; but even if some interest is taken in its survival,
only a few people realize how incredibly manipulative form can be. For exam-
ple; it is important, even when it is ‘wrong‘, that a form be made as solid as
possible to elicit a dense and strong reaction to give rise to an equally solid
counter-form. But, whatever; we don’t expect our methods to be understood.
We do expect, over time, that Satanists will come to implement a greater ma-
turity in their satanic practice, be at the forefront of a Satanic “renaissance“
and cease to indulge in the farce the Magian is attempting to pull.

Manipulating these greater currents does not happen overnight with the
publication of a few manuscripts. Taking into account the length of time for
previous attempts by the Sinister Tradition to manipulate esoteric currents
and our awareness of the excruciating slowness of the growth of genuine
black magical insight – it requires at least thirty years and the prime plateau
of many powerful combined wills fulfilling their Wyrd to employ significant
changes. Hence there is a division between what is important to our esoteric
order and what is important to our exoteric order. our esoteric order cares
nothing for approval of our essays by the majority, and anticipates with good
humour the temporary nature of criticism of the contents to issue forth as
some individual seizes upon the forms and finds ’fault’ with them. We natu-
rally expect others to attempt to assert their personal will, their way, their
truth, over our exoteric structures. It is not a contest of ego for us; we have
no doubt that any quibbles over the location/definition in the Matrix of names,
labels and forms singled out by a magician to use as ‘separated’ examples of
‘thing’ from the insoluble Black Clay that are laid down in a formulaic hypoth-
esis with the tools of the Matrix so a few can approach an understanding (if
those forms last the distance), would continue to cause bickering long after
each of the founding members of this Temple are dead. What is important is
to earth and stay the course to present original ideas.

original ideas come from combining the ideas of others from working
knowledge and practice of these ideas; i.e. Synchronicity, the Acausal Voice,
Remote Solidarity, the Mind War, our Ritual Magic, etc. Few magical systems
can claim to be original with a straight face; even less their followers, and it is
vastly harder to build something than it is to tear it down – especially some-

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thing new. Anyone can tear something down; after all a form’s greatest weak-
ness is that it is a form. our War, our form, our Temple to the dark Gods is not
built with the precious fragile building blocks inspired by the Matrix and the
ideas that bind the world to the magic of the Magian, but the Sinister Solidar-
ity of real black magicians tempered in the Abyss and united in a singular
supra-personal goal to presence THEM.

We have no doubt that there are holes and problems in our suppositions;
that is the nature of form, and it is the nature of humanity to see those weak-
nesses and pounce on them. But what of it? The world and its Matrix will
change and we will be out of date, of out touch, living in the past as ‘di-
nosaurs’ sooner or later. That we are exploring it with the knowledge that it
changes makes a big difference to what is sought after, compared with those
who explore the world thinking it can be made static. our essays are not the
point: they are ‘a’ point. They are exoteric scriptures that represent the sum
total of a magicians understanding in a particular frame of reference at that
particular time, no less and no more absurd than the rambling scriptures of
any other human being. The necessity of humans to bicker and tear each other
down owes much to the Magian influence and the level of rudimentary teach-
ing available to school a person on form and its role in black magic.

What we see as important is the demonstration of many essays with original

ideas making the key notions of Magian magic; i.e. “form”, apparent and trans-
parent and thus changing the perspective of some by giving an insightful con-
text to the now long stale (and largely mediocre) art of magic, whilst sharing
the joke of the egos of its practitioners.

Ultimately, all things come to be replaced or crumble and succumb to the

weakness their own particular form casts as a shadow. nothing is immune to
entropy; one hundred years from now the Matrix, its inhabitants, its forms
and its currents will probably look vastly different than they do now. Fashions
will change, ideas will change, notions will be proven wrong and amended,
space travel may revolutionize transport and trade and our manuscripts will
be long, long forgotten. What difference does it make then – if someone dis-
agrees with what we say now, if a minor point of contention from another in-

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dividual seeking to realize his singular will arises – need we defend it? need
we argue the validity of our form? We do not, because we know we need not.
The world is enthralled to its desire to re-sculpt the perfection, the hole an all-
powerful singular God left behind. This ethos will remain intact for a very
long time and changing it will be an extremely slow task. So it is not the little
things that THEM are concerned with, but with the art of change itself. While
most spend their time arguing over petty semantics we, the Syndicate THEM,
see the nature and the vagaries of form. We saw how Communism rose in Rus-
sia, national Socialism in Germany and we will see Mvimaedivm rise in Aus-
tralia – but it takes time, effort and above all demonic persistence.

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note: E = Environment / e = ego

`E’ – representing environment – is that factor referred to as matter, although

current understanding of this material or `black clay’ from which everything
physical is moulded is yet to be understood in its greater relation to the other
elements of the acausal and its type of time.

`E’ can be seen when walking down the road – it is the essence of the shapes
and the geometry of the world. If, for instance, a road is laid, that road is there
because of ‘e’, because of ego, that is, because of someone (some Will) willing
that thing to be there and that shape to have taken form from the elements of `E’.

The grass, the trees and plants represent the wild, untamed expression of
E – of `Environment/nature’. Left alone these forces would quickly claim back
the carefully manicured lawns, garden rows, and neat hedge lines. They would
crack the carefully willed concrete driveways and smother the property lines
defined by the humble fence. They would grow over the windows, through
the floorboards and carpet the walls in mould. our cars, left unwashed and
cleaned would become dirty lumps of mud covered in bird shit and rotten
leaves. Their engines would atrophy from disuse; the parts seize and rust with-
out oil or weather protection. We, too, would die if we did not eat, drink, or
practice sanitary living.

A tree is a dynamic counterpart inherently and implicitly expressive of the

essence of `E’ – a tree is part of the natural expression of the E engine – it is
the substance of `E’ itself given unique form by `E’ and not `e’. It is when the
`E’ meets resistance from the Will or driving force of `e’, i.e. the human will
to change `E’ to suits its needs or desire, that `E’ is defined to some extent by
`e’. But until that resistance occurs, the `E’ is a raw, primal and alien expression

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of the cosmic being. It is from observations of this natural expression, i.e. na-
ture, unsullied by the intrusion of man’s `e’, that nature can divulge the nat-
ural pattern of things, i.e. the sacred geometry of the Universe.

Even when `E’ has been `tamed’ to suit the `e’ of Man, its retains its essen-
tially primal chthonic quality – there must be continued pressure or resistance
against the expression of ‘E’ by man’s `e’ to keep it serviceable as such; i.e. in
one mundane example, we mow the lawns and trim the tree branches when
they show signs of interfering with power lines on our streets, lest the grass
become ‘overgrown’ or the tree branches `disruptive’ to our Will to power,
`e’. This constant struggle to `mould the black clay’, to mould the primal matter
of `E’ and the contents generated by its engine, by the contents of `e’ – is a
struggle to maintain a stasis of artificial forms over natural ones.

It is a process that can not favour one engine over the other; the E and the
e are not divisive when we look at the greater process, but joined in a cyclic
dance. However, when the Will of `e’ tries to force `E’ to conform to its Will,
there can be dire consequences. Consider the Atomic and Hydrogen bomb.
Man’s Will to harness the elements of `E’ amplify the opposing Will of `E’
and the detonation that results when that `E/e’ is released is incredible.

If we see a road sign as we drive by it – we can, with developed powers of

empathy and psychic/occult skills come to sense the Will that binds that sign
to be there. We know a worker probably placed the sign there by order of the
Council for which they work. In turn the transport authority issued orders to
the Council. Someone in the transport authority decided to Will that sign to
be there, whether it was a political decision to placate or bribe voters, or a de-
cision based on common-sense to reduce speed – whatever the motive, it is the
Will of `e’ that conceived of its implementation. The road sign is thus held
there by many combined forces of Will, by the worker who wants to have
done a good job by doing what he was asked to do and completing the task of
setting up the sign, the Council who have ensured the sign was placed there
in order to answer to their responsibilities and obligations as part of a bureau-
cratic transport administration, and the individual in the transport authority
who decided that it would be a good idea to erect a road sign in the first place

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– owing to pressure from other wills or ‘e’s and external/internal forces.

It is due to these wills, that you are seeing a road sign where it is and why
the rest of the power lines, roads, houses, letterboxes, etc. appear the way they
are and have been placed in such a way, to give rise to your spatial and visual
interpretation of the `black clay’ or matter of the `E’ that defines your per-
ception of the clay within a specifically shaped geometry. But, if another Will
wishes to smash the sign or remove it – it may do so, altering and disrupting
the will of all those other wills for that sign to be there. In much the same way
on a grander scale, the US Government can smash the Iraqi way of living, al-
tering and disrupting the will of all those other wills for that way of life to
exist. Why is it so easy for one will to break/disrupt a form created by many
wills? The answer lies in the subtle illusion of form and the subsequent pro-
jection upon these types of mental/physical phantasm by man’s `e’ that mis-
takenly adheres to a belief in a permanent state of things called reality. The
‘Black Clay’ of ‘E’ cannot be permanently fixed in place – even with the
strongest Will – for example the willpower that intended the Pyramids to be
built with such precision and mastery that they should stand for ever, or at
least the five thousand years or more that they have stood – will still be subject
to the law of Iron Will. That law states that a form can only remain solid or
iron, so long as sufficient Will from `e’ is maintained -and even then the erod-
ing powers of nature, time, and other `e’ wills will affect any form that is
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willed into being because the nature of resistance of the two engines takes
place in the connexion between the two engines, the ‘mirror-zone`.The mir-
ror-zone is the place where content from E and e meet together in an ineffable
dynamic. This zone is at this time perceived through a third-dimensional prism
– but occult faculties or entheogenic drug use can awaken the necessary sight
to perceive the zone by other types of prism, or beyond the zone without a
prism. But regardless of the shape of the prism – all possible knowledge is
limited to and constituted by the singular point of resistance where the two
types of content from each engine meet and touch. Everything outside of this
contact is unknowable and constitutes the Abyss.

When the sign is being placed, the will directed at putting it up can be quite
tremendous – with many wills answering to the Will of another, a sort of com-
bined effort to will that sign in place is achieved. However, once the sign is
placed – the Will of the one who conceived of it has been achieved by resist-
ance against the `E` (i.e. chopping down trees to make roads, making sand into
pouring concrete to hold the sign, etc.). In such a case, once the sign is up, the
Will of the `e’ that placed it there will no longer be focused upon the act of
resisting the particular elements of ‘E’ in that region specific. The ‘e’ may even
forget all about it and move on to performing some other act of Will. The sign
will thus have the power of will withdrawn from it – it will no longer be
strongly powered by ‘e’ – instead it will revert to its original inertness in the
service of Man’s Will and be left to be claimed by ‘E’. divested of its protec-
tion, the sign will easily succumb to the Will of another, whose single will to
re-shape the sign’s `E’ may prove stronger than the power of the original com-
bined wills, now that the power from those combined wills has been with-
drawn and the sign, left for `dead’. The contra can be demonstrated as an active
force in Military installations – in which tremendous `e’ Will, and sustained
Will at that, keeps the `E’ of these types of installations, firmly in the service
of Man’s `e’. That is to say, someone wants the installations there and makes
sure they stay there, makes sure they are carefully guarded, secure and private.
Unlike the sign, `e’ is not withdrawn from this type of `E’. If the sign in the
first example had guards posted all about it to ensure it stayed upright – a sim-
ilar sustained Will would be likely to keep the ‘E’ of the sign firmly in Man’s
service. But the Will of any man cannot go on forever, and it is severely limited

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by its lifespan. And so traditions, customs, religions, and other inventions of

obligation and homage to another Will are required to keep the sustained force
of someone’s Will present on a particular `e’ even after causal death.

But all is illusion. The ‘e’ of the Military installation may be strong (the
Great Wall of China for instance) but it is at all times being resisted by the ‘E’
and other beings expressive of ‘e’ – and these two engines generate infinite
content without pause – only a trickle of which can be known to Us – causing
change, entropy and disruption of all forms, endlessly. Sooner or later, the re-
sistance of ‘e’ to ‘E’ will fail and the form or shape made from willing the Black
Clay/E, will be left for dead and thus subject to another’s Will.

one must wonder what that means with regard to the death of God. With
God’s great Will removed from Earth – Earth is left for dead. The Earth is thus
at the mercy of the subjugation of human will.

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1. In 2007 it is estimated that those who sustain a roof over their head, are able
to feed and clothe themselves and have the luxury of spare change in their
wallet or purse make up the luckiest, richest 8% of the global population.

1.1 Basic amenities such as clean drinking water, hot water, a flushing toilet,
for instance, or an infrastructure in place that ensures timely removal of rub-
bish, accurate charge for electricity, water or gas bills, or a competent police
force that serve and protect – largely free of corruption, are almost unheard
of in some 60% of the world’s countries.

1.2 In Psychology/Criminology it is held that for the serial killer to have the
time to commit murder they must have first satisfied the basic needs of food,
water and shelter. only after satisfying these important primary drives can ex-
traneous luxuries of habit such as time to hunt for victims, stalking, etc. be
made and other activities explored or pursued.

1.3 The ability to sit down and write is only afforded from a secure envi-
ronment that satisfies these important primary drives. Adolf Hitler was able
to write ‘Mein Kampf ’ whilst imprisoned because he was regularly fed, given
water, and sheltered from the elements. His basic survival drives were taken
care of allowing him to free up time to think and write that might otherwise
have been taken up thinking about how hungry he was, trying to stay alive
by eating whatever he could find, extract or somehow filter water and trying
to find somewhere safe and warm to shelter or hide. Likewise, Anne Frank,

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was able to write her diary because her basic needs for food, water and shelter
were met – ensuring her survival and the security to write.

2. Thus, because the average writer must first satisfy these drives, and satis-
fying these three drives is only achieved on a consistent basis by perhaps the
top ten percent of the world’s population bracket – writing is a luxury. owning
a computer, a typewriter, paper, pen, or other material possessions used to
write places the writer even higher in the bracket; that of being wealthy
enough to be able to afford them or live in a country where these materials are
legal and accessible.

2.1 This does not apply in all cases however; the Marquis de Sade for in-
stance, was denied any writing implements whatsoever after reports of his lit-
erature being smuggled out of prison were received. And although all his
furniture and possessions were removed from his cell he devised novel ways
to continue to write – including using his own blood for ink and his finger for
pen, and even used his own excrement. nevertheless – without being fed, wa-
tered, (at least intermittently) or sheltered he would not have had the luxury
of time to think about or pursue his writing.

2.2 Writers are thus, in comparison to the majority of the world’s inhabi-
tants, a creature afforded rare luxury. The fact that a writer has the time to sit
down and write a text indicates that an environment is available to them that
allows them to satisfy the three basic drives so they may write.

2.3 Anton LaVey was clearly able to satisfy the three basic urges and pen
the Satanic Bible. Anton Long was also clearly able to satisfy the three same
urges in order to write the voluminous material belonging to the onA. And I,
also required these three urges satisfied to afford me the security to write out
these points.

3. If writing is not a decadence, then at the very least it is a luxury restricted

to the very few able to afford it. The Internet, the access to which is grossly
taken for granted, is populated solely by the verse of a decadent upper echelon
comprising the lucky 8% of the world’s inhabitants.

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3.1 of that verse, most is written by fed, watered, clothed and sheltered in-
dividuals able to have a hot shower, drink clean water, and dribble out the gar-
bled nonsense and noise that such security affords them.

3.2 There are some individuals who do not waste the potential of the Inter-
net to reach others or emit the written word – however the majority of useful
thoughtful content hosted on the Internet is dominated by classical literature
written well before the rise of the computer and the technological age.

3.3 Some writers are consciously aware of and grateful for their fortunate
circumstances, realising that writing is a luxury that comes to less than 75%
of the world’s population. As a result they take great care with the emission
of their words; resisting the modern decadent preoccupation of dribbling shit
like an unchanged baby.

4. These writers are extremely rare.


1. The majority of human beings are ruled by fear and laziness.

1.2 Laziness is enshrined in the least necessary force required to achieve an

aim or intent.

1.3 Fear is enshrined in the lack of strength to do more than the bare min-
imum. To resist the instinctual impetus to rise above the pathetic standard set
by one’s society for oneself or recognise one’s inherent choice to obey that
standard stems from one’s cowardice, ignorance, or fear.

1.4 If the Magi of the East ever possessed the power to psychologically/mag-
ically enslave people, neither of these two terms would have been understood
as being the name of the ‘mechanism’ or coercing force behind this enslave-
ment. What occurred of necessity to enslave a race or populace was the
human-tradition of force by physical submission whether by massive wars or

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individual or group violence, thus was the world sorted into leaders and

2. Aside from physical enforcement however, there no doubt grew an aware-

ness and development of the early science of persuasion/manipulation that
involved appealing to one mass in order to assemble a form large or powerful
enough in mind, spirit and body to achieve the enslavement of another mass
of people.

2.1 The Magi, if they ever existed, would not have known what psychology
was, or perhaps even used the term magic. There is, despite the frantic and in-
tellectual wishful thinking of scholars, almost no connexion to these people,
their world, or their consciousness that relates to modern day people, their
world, and their consciousness. The only connexion that exists is that these
beings although termed ‘human’ were termed something else well before Latin
terms became popular through science – shared a roughly similar biological
shape to modern day human-beings and perhaps, similar biological drives.

2.2 The original Magi are long dead. It is their ideas that have lived on. And
the very same special effects that they are remembered for via the Bible are
carried out today with almost no-one the wiser. It is still, for instance, common
to enshrine some individual with a perceived aura of power and prestige by
the mere bringing together of already influential people who are then seen
taking said individual under their wing. And it is still common for a similar
enshrinement to happen in an invisible, underground manner. This leads to
an instant elevation of status by proxy. Thus did the Wise Men or three ’Magi’
help make of Jesus a holy man and emperor. Thus did the Roman army help
make of Caesar a powerful leader of Rome. Thus did The Thule-Gelleschaft
make of Adolf Hitler the Führer of nazi Germany.

2.3 The fixation on the personal (and thus aeonically irrelevant except as
examples of a type of energetic manifestation) names, achievements, influences
of an energetic manifestation in physical persons, physical lodges, deliberate
movements, such as ‘the Magi’ or ‘White Lodge’ is to apprehend the appear-
ance and not the essence.

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2.4 The appearance/form/myth of a “Magi” is sealed with the Western ethos

– remembered because of their role in the Bible – a form that has now existed
for thousands of years. Hence, by a combination of chance and deliberate en-
forcement, has their myth, by proxy of being associated with the Bible, re-
mained intact and living and, invested with far more importance than is right
or deserved. The ‘Magi’ are in essence, just one mostly irrelevant example of
the means to effect deliberate change in a society. This is nothing new, and
nothing magical, but it is and always has been an extremely effective method
of controlling the Matrix. It is a practice that has been enshrined today no dif-
ferently than it was thousands of years ago in the predecessors of the practice
of which the Magi was one example in the neo-conservative methodology of
the American new World order.

3. All mutinies, coups, revolutions, dissents, wars, peace marches, demonstra-

tions, rallies, groups, rely on coercing others over to one’s side. If one has the
benefit of already having those on their side who lead and influence large num-
bers of important or tactically important persons, so much the better.

3.1 Modern “celebritism” is based on exactly these basic principles. Power-

ful media persons take some talentless hopeful and turn them into a ’star’
overnight via the co-operation of the music industry, the marketing machines,
tabloid and magazine moguls, and the merchandising industry in a joint col-
laboration that appeals to each of their interests to grow their influence and
make money off a cashed-up susceptible populace. This collaboration has been
recently termed ‘Croneyism’ and means the behavioural habit of looking out
for or showing preferential treatment of one’s close colleagues at the expense
of all outsiders. There is nothing mystical or magical about this: it is as old as
the first demonstration of greed (and how many have you seen in the last few
days let alone the last 100,000 years?) and appeals to the base human desire,
to ’own stuff ’.

3.2 This energetic meme of greed, of appealing to others to form a group to

fulfil some aim or intent; whether it be a mutiny of the bounty, or the ultra-
violence of the droogs, is the only essence of the Magi. An elaborate deception
by thousands of persons over time slowly fostered this meme into a human

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body; the rumours and rampant speculation of which led to such notions as
the ‘Illuminati’, ’White Lodge’, etc. What is rarely understood by aspirants is
that it is the artistic/romantic seed of these ideas at the level of rumours that
influences some person or other to take it upon themselves to manifest such
notions. Thus, in mere suggestion, lies the seed of manifestation. Whilst the
energetic meme used by the ‘Magi’ is essentially a neutral magical force: those
strong enough to be leaders (all leaders) have used it and still use it, (“it” being
‘narrative Magic’) to formidable effect. Effect that is interpreted differently
pending one’s spiritual division.

3.3 Satanic Mimesis of this meme involves using the meme to create a Sinis-
terion/Syndicate that eschews laziness and fear. Because the Magian have been
so lax in the formulation of other magical applications owing to the astounding
success of their prime agent – all structures built and maintained by the Magian
are founded on this basic principle illustrated by the Magi and thus conform
to an identical geometry at their essence. This has enabled, with the emergence
of several black magical weapons previously veiled, the blueprint of the meme
to be studied and a solution found to counter the meme involved.

3.4 Just as the Satanist ventures so very far before being tempted sorely to
abandon their Quest to be like Satan to go over to the other side, to God, to
the secret Samahdi and must reject divinity to return to Earth as a dark God
– using the meme of the Magi to launch an Abyssal/aeonic defensive – a struc-
ture that mimics those of the Magi must be constructed using intrinsically
similar principles but within which writhe conscious tendrils; a twist that re-
directs the causal forms created by the meme into Sinister crystallisations.

4. Unless the meme being used to effect a re-orientation/“de-stortion” of Ma-

gian control is consciously understood and the “de-storters” self-protected/in-
sulated against the Wyrd/Ethos of the aeon, the meme will be forced to grow
in accordance with that Wyrd/Ethos and take the shape/form of a Magian

4.1 Awareness of the vagaries of a meme and its inherent ability, effects and
awareness of aeonics, human vagaries and its historical/memetic record of be-

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haviours, is still not enough to insulate a form from Ethos distortion. There
must be a supra-personal goal pursued above all individual concerns, the im-
plementation of which is designed to strike at the very heart of the essence
of the ’Magi’ and not the appearance; this involves the collaboration of the
extraordinary efforts by “undividuals” or ’first humans’ to solidify as a cohe-
sive force to combat the meme without being seduced by the meme. There
must (at this stage in history) be an aggressive, time-based momentum that ap-
peals to the counter-meme characterized by Satan.

4.2 Seduction by an eventuation of power would mean that the counter-

meme has failed to overcome the distortion and become a distortion itself –
and as a representative of opposition that would require being headed by
adepts – an incredibly powerful one capable of undermining a great many at-
tempts by the syndicate to reverse the damage owing to their extensive knowl-
edge of the techniques and modalities of the Black Arts. In this event, those
“undividuals” would become extremely dangerous enemies to the satanic syn-
dicate, to the Sinister, and to change, and should be sought out and promptly

4.3 overcoming seduction cannot be achieved by a being possessed and

driven by a human-centred geometry; geometry that is generally of the per-
sonal sphere. only a life-centred geometrical possession enables the cold de-
tachment necessary to chain the ego to the undividualized will of the satanic

4.4 The majority of great leaders have been seduced by power, inevitably
leading to hubris and their decline.

5. The majority of great leaders fell into hubris either by ignoring the warnings
of imminent seduction and excess of power – or did not have the undividuated
support of five other satanic adepts.

5.1 The enshrinement of fear and laziness is the real essence of the way that
has come to be seen as a personalized ‘White Lodge’ or ‘Magian’ distortion,
comprised of a group of white magical masters acting in conspiracy. Most per-

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sons living that way are, aeonically, as meaningless as those persons who live
the meme of the sinister tradition which is equated to wisdom and striving –
for both are superseded by the power of the memes that influence them.

5.2 Part of being an adept is understanding and accepting these facts as a

means to move forward.


1. The form of the Magi below the Abyss is diametrically opposed to the form
of the Sinister.

1.1 The form of the Magi after the Abyss is seen to utilize identical energetic
leys/currents/memes as the Sinister. The two forms now swim interchangeable.

1.2 What then is the inherent difference between the Magi and the Sinister?

1.3 When apprehended in the context of ‘form’ the inherent differences are
different pending the time and culture and individual terminology.

1.4 When apprehended in the context of ’dialectic’, the inherent differences

are unified and expressed below the Abyss via the ‘narrative’ appeal of leaders.

2. narrative is racially, spiritually, intellectually, magically, historically, etc. de-

fined by pre-time events. Pre-time events are events that have their roots in
the past, well before the birth of an Individual and are generally never created
from original inspiration.

2.1 Pre-time events are taken/drawn from tradition, culture, heritage, leg-
end, story-telling, and myth. Such events are featured and referred to in holy
books and guides with the express intention to help offer guidance to an in-
dividual/group/culture/civilization and function as a Weltanschauung or
world view of order amid what is invariably referred to as an approximate of
the chaos and confusion of the world.

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2.2 Pre-time events are always based on a pre-nirvana or pre-paradise (i.e.

Atlantis) that is enshrined in a “Golden Age” from which humanity as a whole
has fallen from and must attempt to return to by living a certain way and up-
holding certain values.

2.3 Some of these events prefigure a race of Gods that existed before Men.
As a man of ‘modern’ consciousness I do not doubt that Men interpreted Gods
from what they saw. As a magician I do not doubt that there were Gods. A
large majority of these Gods were atavistic/animalistic/monster type entities.
only when proto-humanity became more aware of its own humanoid form did
such Gods begin to take on an appearance more like men.

2.4 It is inevitably a previous form that is lived by an individual, and pre-

vious forms on which they base their way of living. Partly due to the commu-
nal system of peers, parents, authorities or state, for instance, the individual
builds a strong relationship with forms tied to and rooted in the past – espe-
cially, pre-time events. Although at the time these forms are learnt, they may
seem to be rooted in the present from the individuals point of view.

3. The origin of narrative appears to have arisen of its own accord – yet we
may deduce that it occurred between the inception of original chaos – and the
faculties of interpretation that led to the rudiments of the early Matrix that
led to symbols/idols and group worship of a form.

3.1 The current personal embodiment of the Magian wishes the ability for
these kind of observations to be forgotten so they may maintain their Status
quo in stasis.

3.2 The Sinister wish these observations to be considered with the full grav-
ity they deserve as they speak of the undercurrents of what is really there be-
fore our eyes, viz. Geometry, and reduces the overwhelming diversity and
glamour of the world into the context of forms. This reduction divests the Ma-
gian of the protection of an impossibly complex network of things to be con-
sidered in any contemplation, and places them in a simple context of
biological/cerebral evolution, effectively stripping semantics down to the bone

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and removing the labyrinth of magical mystique that hides their own origin
in much the same way a magic trick is revealed to the magician’s audience.

3.3 From the evidence of the manner in which we can observe today; that
the foetus forms in the womb, the synapses knit together, the bones solidify
and the teeth, nails and hair begin to sprout, and the passage of an infant from
a helpless baby into a wobbly toddler with stilted speech into a relatively ar-
ticulate adult human being, THEM believe that there is strong evidence for
man’s foundation in a system of biological evolution, yet makes no assump-
tions as to the state of life or existence of non-human entities prior to the orig-
inal act of staring into the Abyss.

3.4 The behaviour of certain men is what has come to be defined as the Ma-
gian, from all the evidence of biology/anthropology afforded to us today, arose,
after, the original chaos. It is unlikely that the concept of ‘Magi’, on which
many modern day practitioners gleefully project their shadow, was born with
a malevolent streak to control. The Magian utility of form to control could not
have eventuated at least until physical violence was discovered; chance let a
being perform some unique display that engendered the awe/fear of others,
or some means of communication was devised and made more sophisticated
over time to share Interpretation, and enjoyment was derived from the abuse
of these. The early Sinisterion logically evolved side by side with what would
become the Magian and probably differed from them only in their opinion as
regarded the direction of the narrative gleaned from this abuse.

4. THEM sustain that the essence of the condition understood as “the Sinister”
existed before men.

4.1 THEM sustain that the essence of what is understood as “Satan” / that
current of original chaos of which “Satan” is only a recent extension, existed
before form and prior to Men as an antediluvian sacred Geometry.

4.2 The Abyss came first. Second, the Sinister. Third, the Magian (i.e. shock
and awe and the staring into the Abyss). The development of a human being
and its interaction with the world. The interpretation of the world.

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4.3 The rudimentary forms of the Magian and the Sinister co-evolved late
in the interpretations of humanity in a continuous struggle to express. What
is expressed changed then and changes endlessly as it does today, for Man is
not conscious of what he is trying to express and relies on the convenience of
the Matrix and its catalogue of pre-time events to define that expression. And
helplessly, in all efforts, to re-define the expression, ad infinitum.

4.4 Without knowing why, Man expresses. These expressions are bound up
in available forms, in politics, in religion, in pre-time events and traditions that
pre-ceded that person. Any source of the origin of the need that incites the
need for expression remains an esoteric enigma – buried under hundreds of
thousands of years of forgetting the original chaos via the constraints of that
chaos in an artificial Matrix of interpretations.

5. ‘Satanism’, as practised by the onA, hosts a deliberate system of erosion

of fundamental ’dogmas’ that thrive in the Matrix and hold together many of
its structures. THEM believe that this species of Satanism in particular is key
to remembering. The Sinister tradition records adversarial memes that do not
seek to act within and with the permission of the Matrix, but from outside
looking in on the Matrix. Their systematic study of the formation of the forms
in the Matrix and the acausal as a means of placing thousands of these forms
into one simple time-based context of an aeon, triggers a ghostly remembrance
of the original chaos beneath the illusion.

5.1 The atavistic/primal memory of the original chaos, and thus the condi-
tion of Man and the questions that should be asked to get closer to it, separate
the Sinister from the Magian. The Sinister/Satan could be better understood
if a thorough curiosity were extended into the development of man using the
existing evidence and working backwards, without going so far as to contem-
plate any unobservable events such as the Big Bang Theory or the magical,
mystical point-blank of Creationism but to contemplate the proper event in
time that logically suggests Us.

5.2 The Magian does not seek to reduce the clutter of the Matrix but to add
to it – they are a species characteristically ruled by fear. They strive to forget.

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5.3 The Sinisterion strives to remember. To understand what is being ex-

pressed, both by and beneath the illusions in which they find themselves

5.4 The Magian are “The Closers” – the Sinisterion are “The openers”.

6. What is culturally/aeonically/cosmically, etc. ‘correct’ is at its essence a mat-

ter of personal contemplation and a will to re-power pre-time events. What is
culturally/aeonically/cosmically ‘correct’, etc. is at its appearance a matter of
pre-time events.

6.1 The truths revealed in the Abyss are impossible to reconcile with the
truths adhered to below it.

6.2 It is both right and madness to Remember.

6.3 Remember.

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I was asked a question recently to the effect of: “What do you think is the
greater heresy, nS or Islam; Hitler or Bin Laden; and which one should I aid
to bring chaos?” And I wonder: so, Satanists want chaos?

Let me iterate what I think chaos involves; and buckle up because this
touches on a disturbing truth conditioned to be forgotten by men. A truth
hideously feared.

First some points:

1. I believe undoubtedly that there is a distinct and unchangeable difference
between the biological, physical, and spiritual essence of men and women.
Men, to whom the Logos is centred, understand via their intellect.Women,
to whom Eros is centred, feel via their emotions.
2. The onA have in the past referred to their order’s tradition as run/
orchestrated by women.
3. Baphomet, as depicted by the onA, is a beautiful woman.
4. If Satanists want chaos, then thus far they are looking in the wrong

Almost all of my wisdom in life has come from that invisible force that pro-
vides all men with a dialectic more alien than any notion of the acausal, of
which, perhaps noticeably, I have written very little: women.

The fact that I have neglected from issuing my insights regarding women
in a similar written form to all the other varied topics to which I have turned

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my attention is not because their involvement has been minimal in my transi-

tions – but entirely the contrary.

The way women have helped me understand myself, them and the world is
so far removed from being able to be understood via records and doctrines of
interest to the egoic Logos – that I have, since I began writing, deliberately
avoided insulting these forces by trying. But, it would appear that now is the
time to pen some comments; pointedly, and unreservedly toward those whom
are asking for, working toward, chaos.

I should now like to make a few comments that concern “Satanism” to its
very core.


The onA’s recently concentrated efforts (viz. MSS from Mythos/Wordpress)

to supply women with an occult archetype, “the Sinister Feminine”, in order
for women to escape what may be inevitably viewed as a man’s concept of
women, is noble – but it is not enough. To try to supersede the mistakes of
feminism is also noble – but it too is not enough.

Baphomet – for all her unearthly countenance and glory, is still the supply
of an archetype for women, by men. That there are mistresses/priestesses in
magic – is testament to a fundamental problem with the way men see women
– namely, from the point of view of men. Women in magic are only provided
a secondary rank and position that cannot help but be controlled and chan-
nelled through male charity (however good-willed and intended) – because to
place women in this role is to ask them to act as we do, to perform an act of
ego, of control, of openly visible acts and prowess, strength and showy dis-
plays of force and energy. Though women innately possess the passion, vio-
lence and strength when necessary to act in the realm of men as men do –
these are not the characteristics of women; these characteristics are the realm
of men. And where, in rare cases – those characteristics are not performed by
male agents – they are the result of women trying to copy him.

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When not given/living/fitting a pre-designed feminine role, whether priest-

ess, waitress, or goddess by men – what, really, is the natural predisposition
of women? When they are not occupying a male expectation of what they
should be that is forced upon them, socially, psychologically, spiritually, phys-
ically, legally, mentally, financially, visually, what and who, are they?

Something extremely important pointed out to me by one of THEM is as

follows: “The kicker is this, when men do understand the role and restrictions
placed on women – they still miss the point by trying to fix it. All women
want is for men to understand the lot of women, because through understand-
ing the lot of women this would be enough for men to change the world subtly
and inevitably through their empathy with us.”

The recent fascination with emulating, for example, some aspects of the ex-
tremist factions of the Islamic religious community by becoming involved in
terrorism to hasten the end of the Magian power-structure – is when all is said
and done; a male concept driven by Ego – and, here’s the thing, a concept im-
prisoned within a masculine (restricted) mindset. Blowing people to pieces, ei-
ther with guns or bombs, is not only needlessly destructive, it is a far more
serious symptom of collectively increasing self-hate, inverted and projected
outwards. Whereas, one simple, but extremely uncomfortable, indeed terrify-
ingly adept move – in line with causing chaos, with increasing Satanas and the
dark Gods, with imbuing personal and collective adeptship, acausal foresight
and a practical initiative resulting in moving hard and fast against time is an
understanding of the power-structure of the Magian and its male-oriented
dominance and the depth and variety of one’s (Both men and women) own
unconscious projections onto women, leading to empathy, sympathy and a
genuinely open dialogue.

This does not imply a duty as men to try to change women’s lot either with
feminism or even with further enmeshment via such noble, but in my view,
similarly blinded notions of yet another archetype for women to fulfil (for
men) viz. Baphomet, whose archetype is a parody of the crux of the problem
in the first place. All this questing I’ve witnessed by others for aliens, dark
Gods, demons, Satan, extra-terrestrials, and, laughably, “intelligent life-forms”

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has been performed by people completely unaware that their very own un-
conscious projections onto this mysterious other half of our species are hiding
the very thing they seek for.

Women, very rarely get recognition – not because they don’t deserve it, an
estimate is beyond the ken of any living being – but because they don’t want
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it. The writing in Mvimaedivm IV by the Sorceress Sor Terrosa, as she shared
her wisdom on the LHP is an extremely rare case in point – most women do not
express themselves through the written word. Women are more connected to
the Earth than any token lord of the Earth could ever be. It is they who carry
life, who have life ripped from them, and who secretly, subtly control the move-
ments and decisions of their men, whom in isolation, are as soft, insecure and
afraid as any of the women they publicly claim to protect (or exploit).

of the creation of life, men penetrate and withdraw – and biologically, can
only observe and watch life force. It is not their lot to have wombs or to bear
children. I will return to this in future commentaries but it is one of the things
that truly divides men and women – to pretend there is no difference is as ig-
norant/arrogant to believe we are completely different. Men, for all their wis-
dom, simply cannot understand why women do not write to express
themselves like men, since logic, reason and intelligence is the language of
man. Men do not understand why women don’t wish to be willing priestesses
or fulfil the roles those men believe can empower (“their”) women – including
the archetype of Baphomet. They do not understand why women do not seek
to wear the crowns of authority, or fight the wars for all those self-important
abstracts man convinces himself of, or comprehend women’s complacency not
to strive to be seen, recognized, forcefully visible or openly intellectual tour
de forces engaging in ‘constructive’ debate and logical rational with men or
with other women.

Some men have lost consciousness of women, and many others are in in-
creasing danger of doing so in the future. The Magian power-structure has all
but exhausted women and distorted their inherent attributes into virtual non-
existence – men no longer see women as they are but in the roles that women
must play if the world is to keep going – albeit without the recognition of
their role in this. Man is mostly blind to women as they are, just as they are
blind to the dark Gods, or acausal, as it is. It is no wonder there is so much
confusion and angst in the occult when the mysteries stand before man, only
to be overlooked and dismissed, if seen at all. A shame then, that more have
not had the education I have, by the women I have shared my life with.

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If we are to be honest and perceptive before our time – magicians must un-
derstand this: if we are to withdraw everything we project upon women, we
will have to recognize that everything we withdraw is everything that man
has placed upon them.

For instance, if we withdraw their sexuality, their arts of making themselves

beautiful, their role as housewives, girlfriends, business partners, mothers, sis-
ters, – if we withdraw all of man’s projections upon women to reshape her as
he sees fit – then we are to understand (if we are strong enough to stomach
this Abyss) suddenly, sadly and horribly, that we know next to nothing about
the pure emanations that are the force that is women because everything they
are, and that we are told they are, that they are told they are, is modelled after
man’s expectations, man’s tools, man’s glass ceiling.

In one aspect concerning the “Sinister Feminine”, the onA is, in my opin-
ion, misguided. And that aspect is that they have made Baphomet beautiful –
and that her beauty, alone, makes her sinister, desirable, powerful. This is a
fundamental flaw that any serious magician should be warned to take more
discerning note of – for it is in a restoration of dialogue and appreciation of
women as they are, that a similar serious quest for destroying the Magian
power-structure is ignited. For at this time in our mortal coil – difference, di-
vides, and appearance, conquers.

In my depiction of Baphomet – unlike that of onA, the Goddess is not a

skinny blonde woman but a full-hipped, curvaceous faceless beauty. In her
hand, she holds a kitchen knife. This is not an arbitrary depiction or a pro-
feminist symbology – it addresses the very serious endemic that men have no
concept of more than half the population – and, it is an oversight, instituted
by the Magian patriarchy, that will kill them if they do not realize this aspect
of their deep sleep.

nor do they – though they can be seen to struggle against every visible
“man-made” prison of words, flesh or time in order to “transform”, or “break-
through”, or “mutate”, or “become” – seek to extract themselves from the
essence that is their own doing. That is not self-honesty it is self-deception.

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More concerning is how few occultists, satanists and men have ever noticed
this particularly silence-inducing problem And tried to fix it. Most of those
that have been vocal – have been silenced by force. Were women, for instance,
to be paid for their unpaid ‘duty’ of domestic housework, the payment owed
would bring down the entire economy of the western world. Without the com-
pliance of women to perform the free labour system of domestic ‘duty’, child-
rearing, etc. on which the western world depends – the illusion of strength
and power exhibited by man and their flashy displays of ego within the Ma-
trix, AS the Matrix, would come to naught.

The Baphomet I have seen is a force of the faceless self-projection of man’s

insecurities and neurotic inadequacies, who represents the silent tolerance of
billions of women with whom no genuine dialogue has taken place regarding
their own essence as a separate people. The face of women has faded from
man’s perception – and only the superficial myth of beauty is in danger of re-
maining. on such I refer the reader to ‘The Beauty Myth’ by naomi Wolf.

Behind Baphomet stand imperfect women of all shapes and sizes, a countless
army of faceless, knife-wielding dark goddesses, rising up – representing a
tremendous actual, magical and figurative torrent of one sinister and sickening
blood payment. Unbound contains a nile of frustration and silence exploding
forth in a voice that modern and deaf man can understand – a visually explicit
and intellectually cognizant cry of violence and exasperation at the grotesque
distortion imparted daily by the injustices characteristic of male arrogance.But
all this injustice… all the slavery, low-paid work, unpaid domesticity, child-
rearing, horseshit farce about equality and meritocracy, glass ceilings, the le-
galized cruelty and torture of women and their place in society is, it must be
said, to some extent tolerated by women. not because they enjoy it or because
they cannot rise above it, but because of their subtle and stronger connection
to the Earth, to the Moon, to life incarnate; and because they let man have his
way on the surface, have his toys and his fun, while women run the under-

For a man to learn how to “feel in the world” as a woman does, rather than
“think of the world” as a man is accustomed to do – is arguably an unattainable

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goal. And yet, it is the greatest Satanic and thus the most heavily buried and
forcibly forgotten magical exchange there is – an exchange that would rip the
Magian structures down irrevocably and irreversibly.

To re-learn such exchanges – to understand how to listen and hear again

(without intellect – that is, to surpass our biological intellectual limitation and
be a super-man) and comprehend what lies beneath the shells on which we
project our self-image as men, thus imprisoning and encapsulating women
within our own illusion – is without doubt the greatest heresy, the most for-
bidden taboo – not of the western world – but of the eastern too, and for that
matter, largely for all time.

The temporal fascination with, once again, the affairs of men in typically
male ways/matrixes of warfare and ego to overcome the self-hate we feel by
rushing toward oblivion in nihilistic defeat by emulating the symbology of
annihilation with bombs, guns and pissing contests, is representative only of
our blindness, our ignorance, and our lack of courage to understand who WE
are, not, just who MEn are.

The undeniable empirical evidence for these assertions is in the fact that so
few women involve themselves with the occult in an open, flashy, visible way.
Rather, it is with endless understanding behind the scenes that they support,
nurture, guide, instruct, admonish, and advise the men who ‘run’ it.

To be an effective agent of chaos – one need only open a genuine dialogue

with our mysterious other half.

:Agios o Feminata:

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The accumulation of experience is an on-going experience that can only be

appreciated with the passing of time and the opportunity for retrospection.
Mvimaedivm was supposed to convey three separate archetypes (co-existing
beyond linear time) that embodied various stages of development that for con-
venience were grouped into separate stages of causal age, 12-19, 19-21, 21-28.
The book itself means more to its writer than to its “audience” – acting as a
catalogue for the various notions held dear at various times throughout life.
The result of reading one’s past follies may elicit a chuckle and if one is lucky,
help evolve an understanding of life as a river of shifting miasma that carried
the organism along in its current whereby the hapless being snatched in vain
at the various twigs and logs from the Tree of Life floating by as they drifted
toward oblivion.

If you are twenty now, you can expect to change your mind about what is
what for the rest of your life. Think of your experience as a life so far. As a
child you grew and grew mentally stage by stage, assessing, discarding, adding,
etc. until you were a teen. You continued to do that until now – and in your
young age you will no doubt exhibit the tendency to rationalise, look for ab-
solutes, and entrench yourself in your own self-importance. And, it is natural
to do so. Remember what you have written today, and remember to look back
on it when you are 21, 25, 30, etc. and it will reveal to you something that you,
by virtue of being in time with yourself, cannot hope to see until maturity,
age and change have taken you far from where you stand in your castle of
ideas, to other lands wild and fanciful – that in many ways bear no resemblance
to the self ideal you treasured at the age of twenty. There is a danger at your
age especially, of the ego trying to solidify itself and fix the world just so.
Something that you may only notice when you, like me, can look back on the
overall geometry of your words and writing, for therein lies a secret arcane
language that despite itself and what it wants to communicate, cannot help

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but communicate something altogether different beneath the words to the ini-
tiated. People forget easily that they grew as a child, adding, subtracting but
always changing, renewing ideas re-evaluating, etc. I urge aspirants: don’t for-
get that link with your past. In your travels that are yet to come, don’t let your
ego solidify itself at the age of twenty and walk you around possessed with a
static view of the world. I guarantee you will change your mind on your views
again and again as you get older. nothing is permanent. And will one day, look
back on your palaces of bricks and mortar as the foundation of your pyramid
of skulls.

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This manuscript is one of many that deal with the Temple of THEM’s belief
in an ongoing Mind War – and methods of the ways in which the mind could
be orientated to escape it.

We espouse that the sight of the Abyss for the first man was so frightening,
that to conquer its fear it was necessary for the development of “things” and
“understanding” in order to control this titanic force that confronted what
would become “man” on that beings arrival to this place; therefore we place
our theory in a biological, evolutionary, type system. In covering up the hor-
rors, man was able to become man, but in doing so what actually was, was seen
through artifice. This divided the world into two magical forces; one that
wished to remain “natural” and accept the Abyss and a world beyond morality;
the other that desired form and substance and control and invented all manner
of fables to enslave the mysteries of the world into manageable chunks. This
in itself was not the beginning of the Mind War but set the foundations for a
system of FoRM that would come to be abused by various cunning elements
of mankind who quickly realised the bonus in interpreting the world for oth-
ers. of this element I infer the Christians, but well before the Christians, the
tyranny of control has likely been an endless temptation for others to rule oth-
ers throughout recorded and pre-recorded time. We think the ego, which arose
as a reaction to the Abyss, is responsible for this tyranny, for making a religion
of form, and for interpretation. Some of this is psychological, i.e. grouping
qualities which are quite separate but are generalised under one umbrella into
a singular entity, a fairly standard practice for the brain and our perceptive
faculties. But these kinds of faculties have been abused, enslaved, controlled,
so that when someone refers to “America” or “Russia” we actually believe that
the billions of individual citizens, each as complicated as you or I (who have
yet to figure ourselves out) are somehow represented by this illusory statement
commonly used to lump virtually infinite views and information from each
citizen, into one little box. As if whoever wrote the statement truly knew what
“Americans” wanted, as if they could know the minds and wishes of billions

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of people. And many go along with this charade thinking and judging the
“Americans” as this or that based on such statements, often without the com-
mon-sense to question how anyone could know sentiments of that scale of
such a diverse and astronomical number of ways in which those brains func-
tion. Such a statement is mere “politics” or statistics – and is a small example
of what constitute to us, the MATRIX, the taking of form and interpretation
and hearsay as gospel over what is common-sense, observable, rational, rea-
sonable, possible. It is a common sloppy madness that has strongly gripped the
world by the long-standing traditional use of abuse of such things as language,
logic, form, by a concentrated group of persons who exhibit a similar and ma-
terialistic weltanschauung.

In my time has the Magian been able to be said to be represented by the

capitalist or materialist; before my time, the Magian current was something
else, represented by something else.
Another example is in referring to the plans or motivations of billions of
brains by lumping them all under one umbrella such as ‘The Russians’, or ‘Com-
munists’ or some other such grouping. The same can be said of the Magian or
Mundanes by the Sinister, or any other “us” and “them” scenario. While THEM
are aware of doing this, i.e. of creating an enemy that is ubiquitous and that
we are projecting our shadow, our prejudice, our ego; it is necessary to take on
this guise and take shapes and use generalized terms and reach others on the
same level as the Matrix does, therein, others can put up their theories and be-
liefs and we will break them down so that they can be free. It seems people can
only understand when this language form is employed – despite the heavy toll
the translational process from esoteric truth, thought or insight takes as it is
carried through the messenger of the written or spoken word.

our own writings are theory, they work for us and we ascribe a weltan-
schauung of our own around our work, around ourselves; they are driven by
the convictions made possible by our ego, by our sense of relatedness; however
these theories sound in words to others, it is not going to affect how these prin-
ciples affect our ability to believe in and practice magic based on these princi-
ples that we experience as working sorcery. Some of that sorcery that is taught
under our banner of CHAnGE may be understood by the astute or wise, but

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I doubt very much of it is; most people fix their gaze upon the appearance of
things, upon the nuts and bolts, the terms and the words, the idea that someone
is trying to state something unchangeable, or directly contradict their own
view which is taken as a challenge…

The fact is, we teach change. Much of what you say about what you under-
stand requires no comment from me or anyone else, you will figure out what
you figure out in your own time and in your own way. our methods are not
about controlling others or obscuring magic or pretending we are invincible
or infallible (much as our external authoritarian writings may convince some
that we are saying just that); they are there for a purpose, written like that for
a purpose, a purpose driven by the ego – only when that first purpose has
been achieved, when there is a FoRM created for the purpose of communi-
cating something very particular to a reader, and that connexion is made by
the reader, can the next stage of the process begin… but the processes too are
not in the end, important – what is important is the overall work of changing,
of confronting the status quo (particularly in thought), of thinking things
through, and eventually, with any luck, of seeing one’s own power.

I continue to learn every day in some way or another. While I may say more
than others on a subject, I know better than to believe ‘myself ’ knowing just
how deceitful and deceptive are those blinding moments when we feel we’ve
it all figured out. And I know far better than to stop questioning myself or to
cease keeping a suspicious eye on my own assertions. I only realise how much
I do know/don’t know when I am asked a question – up until that point, know-
ing as much as I do is almost useless because it’s a holistic apprehension that
powers my feeling of contentment and, dare I say it, ‘happiness’.In summary,
what I believe, I’m happy to share and have challenged and put to the test –
on the merits that it withstands such tests is such knowledge useful to oth-
ers… if it doesn’t then I am happy to have it pointed out, I take criticism well,
and will happily re-think my ‘convictions’. I’m able to change, to make change,
to back down, or throw aside my ego to listen to common-sense, or a better
idea. But if I have found something, seen something, felt something, observed
something that I think should be shared - could be valuable in the Mind War,
– I will employ the full force of my ego in its traditional function to give me

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the right mixture of arrogance and confidence to put my view forth forcefully
and as completely as I can – even though that seems to be often at odds with
the accepted methods. The majority of people don’t attack the tools they in-
herit and learn to use because it is seen as intellectual suicide. But I have al-
ready dis-covered many things that were extremely difficult to translate from
experience into shared essay – and slowly the direction that points toward
new tools is coming forth in my efforts to make myself intelligible, despite the
obstacles, and despite the intense resistance to change or to see things anew
from those steeped in the comfort of traditional knowledge.

It is through the direct control of their ego that my companions help me to

grow and I help them because of our ability to listen, to teach and learn from
one another, to warn each other of pig-headedness or of any absolute think-
ing… yet we each possess a strong ego that has the conviction to pursue its
own way forward requiring/accepting no interference from others, no external
judgement or control and does not need to suck the energy of others to feel
its way forward by reward or punishment. This delicate nuance of when to
deploy the strength of the ego to overcome obstacles and challenges with its
solidity and when to bring it to heel in order to see reason or through another
window other than our present rose-tinted view is difficult to balance, but it
serves me well.

It is good that you question our forms, as well as not require your ego to be
‘right’. It is healthy to admit you are in an awkward position – so are we, so
are all of us. What you settle on as your own weltanschauung is entirely yours
to know and believe – I am at least thankful that we can help you really solidify
that weltanschauung with our provision of many walls to bounce your ideas
off, and likewise we are thankful, for your provision of walls for ours. The
overly masculine aspect of the onA, of ToB, of IoT or many groups/individ-
uals exhibits the same inability to back down from their egoic certainty and
arrogant assertions. That is an aspect that has been hidden. THEM, despite
our own arrogant certainty, possess the strength to back down or accept new
information, or acknowledge others know better or have a better way – if not,
we would never learn and would keep treading the dry dusty circles of the
ego. Fuck that. Evolution is possible – but it will be S.L.o.W.

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Understanding magick can help us to understand life and our surroundings.

In many ways it has. Learning about the manner in which the human mind set
about or was set in its ways of thinking about things can help explain how re-
ligion or science or many of the other things that we have to deal with on a
day to day basis in society came about. Add to this sort of learning some of
the other schools of thought that have added to or taken from the realm of
magick such as philosophy, sociology, in fact virtually anything from medicine
to space travel, and it starts to seem like magick has played a part in everything.
And this is probably the case. Magick may seem a lost art that requires its en-
ergies to be revived, but they are still very much a part of the world – they
have simply changed form as people have controlled their fear. Superstition is
still a very powerful force with many of its remnants still playing an important
role today despite that face that many of us no longer believe in demons,
ghosts or vengeful gods who will wither our crops or make us sick if we do
not appease them.

Even today’s superstition is rife within people and culture – and with the
Catholic Church no longer burning people at the stake for believing in the su-
pernatural or divining the future, the occult arts in particular have become an
accepted and tolerated past-time, hobby, serious endeavour or even an occu-
pation. But even these overt pagan practices or beliefs aside – the remnants of
magic are heavily meshed within our society and day-to-day lives – though
the meaning for many of them is forgotten.

The act of saying ‘God bless you’ in case the soul flies away when a sneeze
occurs is still an ingrained habit of cramming it back in. Children not stepping
on side walk cracks for fear of breaking some taboo or their mother’s backs,

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harks back to the idea of sympathetic magic. Fear of walking under ladders
has an uncertain origin – but some say the shape of the leaning ladder forms
a triangle, the Symbol of the Holy Trinity and therefore by walking through
it, you are violating and desecrating God. There is further evidence for this in
the Christian practice of hanging crosses in the corners of rooms (where a tri-
angle formed) near the roof – where the devil’s energy/presence was supposed
to gather. Many houses built in the Victorian era only a hundred years ago
have a pointy spike on the eaves which was originally put there in the belief
it would stop witches from landing on the roof. People still go to great lengths
to avoid accidentally generating the number 13; 13 guests, living at number
13, or other numbers – many Chinese residencies and even hotels go out of
their way to omit the number 4, some hotels refuse to number the fourth floor,
or call the room adjacent to room 3, room 3a. And of course who can forget
Halloween? A time to put on masks to scare away the devils and demons when
they walked the Earth by passing through the threshold between their world
and ours, when the gateway was at its thinnest during the Solstice. Many of
the world’s business brands are named after esoteric or magical themes and
their associated gods, such as Mazda - again harking back to Sympathetic
Magic and the belief that imitating something can allow some of its energy to
be stolen or rub off onto the imitator (the very reason for taking so much care
with a company logo). others include Amazon, Ajax, Atlas, nike, orion, olym-
pus, Pegasus and those are just a few Greek Mythology examples. These and
thousands more forms and associations come from the realm of magick…

But most people or books can tell you this if indeed you don’t know it al-
ready. And clearly, on its own, knowing a great deal about these links won’t
really help you to understand yourself or the environment in which you live
your life – So what good is this information? I’ll tell you. If you look back
through books and records on superstition or Etymology (study of the origin
of words) you may discover the origin of an act. For example, the –ring-a-
ring-a-rosy song sung by schoolchildren all around the world is actually a ref-
erence to the effects of the bubonic plague that decimated all of Europe. Again,
more information… and all the books in the world will offer you more infor-
mation than you could ever hope to remember or use – so how does this know-
ing the origin of things help you?

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There is a secret language here. Few people know it. It is not obvious unless
you know what you’re looking for, and few people do. What is useful about
the two interesting but seemingly useless pieces of information above is that
they show you a deeply ingrained pattern. The ring-a-rosy tune is still sung,
but few children understand what it means – yet they sing it. They have had
it passed down to them, and their parents probably sung it. And so on. And
so on. Right back to where it first started. In any case, the song has been pre-
served somewhere because children still sing it. This is important because it
shows two very interesting things that remain the same despite all the differ-
ences in who does what. 1) that people often mimic each other from generation
to generation. 2) People will carry on doing what they’ve always done even if
they don’t know what it used to mean just because they’ve always done it.
People are like sheep. not necessarily in a very fine order where they all do
the same thing… but over generations and hundreds of years there tend to be
patterns that stay with people and these PATTERnS can be played with.
Meanings change over time and the heart of many meanings are lost through
History – but people show a remarkable tendency to repeat themselves, and
that sort of behaviour in itself is just as telling of the human race as the story
behind why people avoid black cats. So try to find the original meaning of
something, and the current one, especially where superstition is concerned.

Why is this important? Because unlike the TV show Charmed, there are no
fireballs, no genies, no time travel involved in magic (in theory) – there is in-
stead willpower and making happen what you want to happen. And if you
hold superstitions yourself such as breaking mirrors or crossing black cats
equals bad luck – magic is controlling you rather than you controlling it. Be-
cause somewhere down the line someone has put in motion the idea that walk-
ing under ladders is bad luck (rather than simply a risk of being unsafe), there
are now thousands of people who refuse to walk under a ladder. Yet, I’ve
walked under ladders many times and nothing has happened to me. The same
goes for the mystical idea of magic coming back ‘three-fold’. And I’ve been
practising magic for years.

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What you’re actually dealing with when you talk about magic is really the
power of belief. In most people the power of belief is very strong and they
will do or not do anything that might affect their power of belief. Yet at the
same time they are totally in thrall to what they believe and THIS can be played
with too. I suggest trying the following exercise to give you a practical hands-
on experience of the power of belief:

-Find someone who is superstitious, and try and get them to break their su-
perstition by walking under a ladder, or breaking a mirror, or opening an um-
brella inside or whatever it is they are superstitious about. Chances are high
they won’t be willing or able to defy their superstition.

-Whether you succeed or not in getting them to break it, break the same su-
perstition yourself. Can you do it? If so, why? If not, why?

Magick takes many forms. But before you can start with the outside you
have to begin with the inside. Therefore you have to know what’s inside you.


In my opinion, the existence of either form of “luck” is entirely up to our own

discretion. We choose to let it exist, either for us or for other people. Luck
could be considered the opposing force of fate. In a world ruled by fate, there
is destiny, a set outcome for each of us from birth. In a world with the possi-
bility of chance, i.e. “Luck” there is the view that we are free to make our own
destinies and that these are subject to shifts and changes from outside forces.
But in a world ruled by luck there is always a chance to redeem one’s life if
it’s going down the tubes since there is a belief that circumstances can always
be changed. Therefore, good luck, and bad luck – are the same thing, they are
“luck” – and believing in luck, represents the desire to choose a world where
we make our own destinies, our own luck. The belief in luck is therefore an
indicator of something bigger - it tells us the kind of force which a person be-
lieves or would like to believe dominates the world and thus something fun-
damental about them.

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There are two kinds of view, according to nietzsche: dionysian, and Apol-
lonian. dionysian basically means a view of the world where the world is con-
stantly changed by creation and destruction – each force as beneficial as the
other. Apollonian basically means a view of the world where the world is set,
is perfect and stays the same. In the Apollonian world there is no luck, things
change according to plan - there is fate and destiny, it is already planned and
nothing can alter this plan. This Apollonian and dionysian view is also indi-
cated by a person’s belief in superstition. once you know whether you possess
the Apollonian or dionysian view, you may begin to see how powerful these
two kinds of perspective are or can be, and how useful they can be to deter-
mine someone’s personality.


naturally I expect you to test this for yourself if you have any doubts. The
efficacy, or ‘truth’ of something lies in whether using information or methods
you are given enables you to work magic. But magic requires extensive labour
even before you attempt to use it. It is important that you start off with a con-
fident belief in your own abilities and keep in the back of your mind the sim-
ple maxim that nobody can give you magickal prowess. no-one can elevate
you to a status of witch or magician using some mystical mumbo jumbo cere-
mony overnight. And no one can help you better than you can help yourself.
For this reason, I urge you to test the theories you are given. Being told some-
thing does not lead to wisdom of that thing. Being told something is only hav-
ing knowledge. Hands-on experience and experiment MUST be combined with
this knowledge if you are to gain anything from it.

Most importantly – knowledge does not have an identical effect when com-
bined with experience with anybody. only you can discover whether you are
right or wrong – by gathering as much experience and knowledge as you can
in order to combine them into wisdom. others should not make such judge-
ments as to your rightness or wrongness in things, but be assured they will
try. My view is that only you can do that – self-judgement is the sign of a great
magician – and obviously my view is just a view. If you seek someone who

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will give you spurious grades and degrees of magickal adepthood and offer
you instant enlightenment - there are plenty of groups who can offer you this
kind of ‘training’ in the occult who will make you feel part of the family and
carry you along in their arms to whatever titles you wish upon yourself. How-
ever – herein lies the first test. ora et Labora. do you have what it takes to
raise yourself above the rabble by blood sweat and tears, by working toward
it on your own steam – or do you seek easy answers and a master who will
offer you a quick path to enlightenment? once you answer this you will know
what to do next.


As an example, I can offer you my own experience with anger and depression
as useful tools regarding the occult. For many years I tried to use Satanism as
an outlet for my anger and depression – but rather than try to understand
where my anger or depression came from or what part it played within me ei-
ther as a defence mechanism or a survival mechanism – I used BLAME to direct
my anger and depression onto other things away from myself. I ran in a circle
with my feelings. First, feeling angry or depressed, I would find what had ap-
parently caused my anger or depression and make it responsible for blame. By
blaming others, in fact by using the excuse of BLAME at all, I would conse-
quently justify having anger or depression as being caused by this THInG I
chose to blame. By doing this over and over, I sustained the idea that outside
things were responsible for my anger etc.; a REALITY. Therefore, I clouded
WHAT and WHERE my anger and depression genuinely came from. I believe
the source of anger and depression usually forms in the formative years of
your life when you are most vulnerable to the effects of your environment but
consequently unconscious of them. I could not see that it was my PERSPEC-
TIVE that caused both anger and depression.

So rather than look back into the painful past for clues, I covered the present
with scapegoats for my pain. Some years later, when I learned the wisdom of
‘There is no Blame’ – I felt free to tackle my deep pains and realised the cause
of my depression was caused by none other than a lack of UndERSTAndInG

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– the very thing I had gotten into magic for and to gain. I had blamed people
for a long time for what I had deemed ‘faults with myself ’ and this had made
me feel all sorts of guilt and self-pity… But I discovered it was healthy to ex-
ercise hate with things that caused me anger or depression (dangerous not to),
but also healthy to exercise compassion that the very things that had made me
confused (i.e. angry and depressed because I felt I was not allowed to face them
because it would involve tearing down walls of love and family, etc.) had ALSo
been under the same influence of this confusion. I had no way of knowing
what or how my parents went through life, for instance, but I did know that
they too were subjected to things that caused misunderstanding, and appar-
ently these were passed down to me in the natural cycle of parent / child re-
lationships… As, in theory, I too will pass to my child in turn.

I think anger and depression are symptomatic. They represent that some-
thing has occurred within us that has created these two states – states that are
indicators of what has occurred within us. I suggest it is similar to feeling pain
when you are injured, to warn you that your organism is not well. But, like an
injury, if one does not heed the warning of pain that indicates one is injured,
and ignores it, the warning is practically useless. The same goes for anger or
depression. They indicate something, not necessarily negative, has occurred
within you that has resulted in the presence of either or both of these two
states, like warnings that something may be wrong or imbalanced. I found and
confronted (and continue to do so) the root cause of my pain and anger which
I have done extensively through writing for many years, as a way of letting
go of what hurt me without hurting the people who were involved – because
of love, compassion and the wisdom that they too are/were subject to the same
process I AM. I confronted my dark side, my deep shady dungeon – and fought
the monsters that dwelt there. It was painful and very hard – it hurt my ego
very much. But after slaying many of these monsters I saw something very
powerful in the act. no longer in fear of my past and then understanding it,
the monsters became part of me – united with me because they no longer have
control over me. They are part of me. And I am part of them. And all of us
are part of IT. Where there is terrible hurt and suffering – the hardest thing
not to do – is repeat the cycle.

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Anger and depression will go together, and you can easily perform magic
and such things being angry or/and depressed. I did. –but the point, the quest,
the crux, of magic – is to find ourselves, to make ourselves better, to explore
ourselves both in light and darkness and fight both, blend both, overcome
both – to polish ourselves until we shine like stars. But alone, anger and de-
pression left to fester as old remnants of what has made you, left as is with
control over you and the power to order your actions because you do not have
control or knowledge over your anger or depression – are traps. You will not
get far on your journey with these forces driving you. You must drive them.


Perhaps we should move on to another exercise and introduce a few means to

achieve them in traditional magical methodology. Think about something you
want. Something you desire. It can be a small thing or a big thing. A job. Money.
Love. Etc. Feel free to use one or all of the following methods to achieve it:

Sigil magic: write down what you want, then tangle the letters into a symbol.
How? The idea is make the desire unconscious so that your waking mind does
not sabotage you in getting it. Remove the vowels, so the phrase “I want to
make a million dollars” would look like “wnt t mk mlln
dllrs”. Jumble the letter spaces: wn tmk mlnd llrs. And
again, removing a few random letters, capitalizing others:
nw kMt dlm lrS. now stylize each letter and draw your-
self a picture with the letters by combining them to-
gether, overlapping them, turning them back-to-front
until they no longer resemble the sentence at all. It must
become intelligible to the conscious mind.

Concentrate on this symbol for a few minutes before you go to sleep and
think hard about your desire coming true.

Sympathetic Magic: this is the art of creating a bond in one object with an-
other, i.e. a clay doll with a living person. In any case however, you must con-

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struct some sort of model that represents your desire. If you envision getting
a good job then construct an office using a cardboard box and make it look
lavish. Place it somewhere you will pass often and stop for a few moments to
envision yourself sitting in such an office, taking fat pay checks, and com-
manding the business. If you wish love, acquire an article if possible of the
one you love, and attach it to a clay or wax doll that you design to resemble
the person you want. The more of their personal possessions, or hair, nail clip-
pings, clothing you can add to the doll, the better. Create another doll of you
– symbolically join the two dolls by tying them together or marrying them via
ceremony. Visualise your desire coming true, as vividly detailed as you can.

Visualisation: An easy, silent, but powerful magical method. Simply imagine

as strongly as you can your desire coming true. The more detail you can manage
the better. Before you go to bed or in the morning take a few moments to pic-
ture the desire in your head. Believe you have the power to manifest it. Be-
cause, you do.

How long a method takes to work your will depends on you. It may takes
years, months, weeks, or days – depending on how strong your will is and how
often you visualise the desire coming true for you. Give it a try.

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