Nancy Pelosi Committee Assignments
Nancy Pelosi Committee Assignments
Nancy Pelosi Committee Assignments
南希· 佩洛西是众议院财政委员会的成员之一,该委员会负责制定国家预算和税收
南希· 佩洛西也是众议院能源和商务委员会的成员,该委员会负责监督能源政策和商
On Thursday, Pelosi named Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and seven Democrats to a new select
committee to investigate the violent January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. “The actions taken to date
by the president have seriously violated the Constitution,” Ms. Pelosi said in a brief speech invoking
the nation’s founding principles. Mr. Trump, she added, “must be held accountable — no one is
above the law.” Richie: (29:17) David Cameron and Antony Blinken Hold Joint Press Conference
For more than 25 years, I’ve served on the Intelligence Committee as a member, as the ranking
member, as part of the Gang of Four, even before I was in the leadership. I was there when we
created the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. That did not exist before 2004. I was
there even earlier than the ’90s when we wrote the whistle-blower laws and continue to write them
to ensure the security of our intelligence and the safety of our whistle-blowers. POLITICS Speaker
Nancy Pelosi: (21:06) Under her leadership, House Democrats voted on average with the majority of
their caucus 92 percent of the time in 2007 and 2008, setting a record for party cohesion. Pelosi
routinely challenged President Bush and congressional Republicans, particularly on issues related to
the war in Iraq. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to comment on impeachment, if her views have
changed, if she is endorsing impeachment proceedings or even a select committee. “I wanted to get
other countries – other countries should also pay because, frankly, it affects them more,” Trump said
during a bilateral meeting with embattled UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Rev › Blog ›
Transcripts › Nancy Pelosi Transcripts › Nancy Pelosi Introduces Jan. 6 Committee Members Press
Conference Transcript You’ve outlined the differences, some of the differences you’ve talked about,
how you believe you are on just different pages in terms of your values. What do you gain at this
point? Is there anything that you gained by waiting? And do you feel that even a half a loaf in this
situation, something to stem the crisis would be better than- Nancy Pelosi: (38:31) Speaker Nancy
Pelosi: (03:54) Published Sept. 24, 2019 When Obama was first elected in 2008, the Democrats
gained unified party control of the White House and both chambers of Congress. Pelosi had a new
challenge: building coalitions to pass the president’s ambitious agenda items – like health care and
financial regulatory reform – rather than the easier job of simply attacking a Republican president’s
proposals. Last question. Speaker 7: (34:24) Democratic leadership expects House members on
certain committees to leverage corporate interests to fundraise higher amounts, an internal document
from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee shows. Leadership also requires those
members to fundraise and donate specific amounts to the party. Yes, you had mentioned that
churches, you are Catholic, and the Archbishop of San Francisco recently wrote an op-ed in The
Washington Post, where he says that government is denying people the right to worship and it’s high
time San Francisco let people go back to church again with proper precautions. He’s saying that the
sacraments can’t be received through Zoom or Skype. Speaker Pelosi: (12:16) Nancy Pelosi: (33:42)
This is largely under the Trump administration. And again, Democratic or Republican president, we
have to lift the debt ceiling. So when Trump was president, he increased the debt by $7.8 trillion.
Now we take participation in the COVID expenses, but not the tax scam that added at least $2
trillion to the national debt. So again, we’ve done it before. We’ve worked in a bipartisan way. It’s
always been bipartisan and that’s how we want to keep it again. It could cost 6 million jobs, wipe out
$15 trillion in household wealth, nearly doubling the unemployment rate into 9%, and increase
borrowing cost for all Americans. It would be a catastrophe, and don’t take it from me, but let me
just quote Mitch McConnell when this came up during the Trump years. “Members of Congress who
pay their dues and hit their targets are rewarded with better committee assignments in the future, and
more favorable treatment of legislation they author, than members who shirk their dues. Members
who don’t pay, for instance, are less likely to have their bills or amendments get a floor or committee
vote,” the Intercept reported. Suite 310, Austin, Speaker Nancy Pelosi: (18:45) • 3 weeks ago
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: (09:03) McCarthy's threat was first reported by the political news organization
Punchbowl News. Testing and tracing. If we do not defeat the virus, we’re never going to be able to
open our economy and open our schools safely to send our children to school. $75 billion. They had
15, they went up … Oh we’ll go up to 16. 16 [inaudible 00:04:59]. Since the bill 90 days ago and the
fact that we were hopeful that if we could pass it then we could stop the spread of the virus, but
since we didn’t, the virus has taken its additional toll. It has made matters worse in terms of opening
the schools. So we’ve increased our number because the Association of School Superintendents say
we need at least $200 billion in order to safely open the schools and that does not include $4 billion,
they were very precise, for technologies for kids for virtual learning, remote learning. They have 105.
Sort by newest This is who we are as a nation, a democracy. We want to have the biggest vote
possible, and respect the outcome as soon as possible. But this is a fight for our country, for the oath
we take to protect and defend the Constitution and our democracy. And I’m so pleased that the
court has been a counter to what is happening at the Justice Department, comments by the Attorney
General, as well as the President of the United States. Much is being said, and this is about the lives
and the livelihood of the American people, the lives and the livelihood of the American people. It is
also about the life of our democracy. So I see much in the news about the Postal Service and what
they’re trying to do to the Postal Service, which is, they’ve always had an idea of privatizing it
because that’s who they are. But this coming at this time, Postal Service is the most popular agency
of government. It’s a quasi government agency. Nonetheless, the US Postal Service, memorialized in
the constitution of the United States. Perhaps you saw my letter to the members in the letter our
members sent to the Postmaster General. “Empowers Congress to establish post offices and post
roads.” So we have a role in this. In the HEROES act, we put $25 billion. That figure is the figure
that was recommended by the Board of Governors of the US Postal Service. Bipartisan board of
Governors of the US Postal Service. 100% appointed by Donald Trump. 100% appointed by Donald
Trump. $ 25 billion. They also asked for $25 billion for some infrastructure, trucks, and all that. We
didn’t put that in this bill. We put that in our Moving Forward Infrastructure Bill in the hopes the
President would come around to that. So what was immediately needed now was this money. You’re
always there to give certainty to the markets. Let’s give some certain teacher America’s working
families. So we can’t wait until September 30th. I know some have said … but people will die.
77,000 died since this bill. But we’ve said to them, we’re here come to 2 trillion, let’s sit down and
divide how we would spend that. And let’s have, based on science and evidence and data and truth
and fact, how we can make the biggest difference to send our children to school safely, to open our
economy based on science, as well as put money in the pockets of the American people, while we
honor our heroes by supporting state and local government. And they called yesterday, I said, “Do
you have more money? The needs of the American people are not changing. They’re only getting
more so, they’re not lessening.” Yes, Jake? Leader Schumer: (01:35) Stephanie Murphy: (18:47) Let’s
stay with this, and I’ll answer that afterward. But we have some of the best leaders in the Congress
on this subject, and I’m sure they would be happy to answer any questions you have. What do you
have today? Speaker Pelosi: (08:12) Associate Professor of Political Science, University of
Minnesota Speaker Nancy Pelosi: (22:48) No. No. We didn’t talk about that. This is not about price
tag. This is about what’s in the bill, what’s in the bill for children. What’s in the bill? Universal pre-
K, childcare, child tax credit, medical leave for their families, protecting the planet for them. It’s
about specific legislation. How much does that cost? How do we pay for it? Get our latest storiesin
the feed of your favorite networks Garcia, a former Texas senator who is a lawyer, also won a spot
on the House Financial Services Committee, another high-profile panel that oversees banking and
financial agencies. Speaker Nancy Pelosi: (31:39) Framework, mm-hmm (affirmative). Speaker
Pelosi: (03:58) Let me say that the staff of the Congress, personal staff, and I say individual member
of staff, the staffs of the committees, the staff of the leadership offices, worked relentlessly, really
24/7, on different shifts to make sure we can meet this deadline in a values-based, precise way,
because this is a very complicated bill and it took our best talent, all hands on deck. So I salute the
staff. I salute the members. I salute our Chairs. John Yarmuth: (21:42) I Have a Dream Transcript
1717 W 6th St. Now, I did say yesterday that there are more needs that have emerged since we
passed the bill four months ago, May 15 and three days … What’s today, the 17th? 'Equating the
United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban is as offensive as it is misguided,' said a group of
11 Jewish Democrats. Thank you for your patience while we verify access. Nancy Pelosi: (21:57)
John Yarmuth: (22:52) Pelosi has a strong history as a legislator. After she became the first female
speaker of the house (reaching a height in the presidential line of succession no other woman had
before) in 2007, she was instrumental in passing groundbreaking legislation like the Dodd-Frank Act
and the Affordable Care Act. But passing bills takes compromise, and compromise courts
controversy. The money Pelosi brings in speaks plainly for itself. And so to Pelosi victorious. She
brings three main strengths as the party’s leader: fundraising prowess, experience and skill in
legislative bargaining and coalition building, and the ability to effectively challenge Trump with
policy and procedural expertise. Pelosi showed her skill when confronting the president about the
government shutdown during a highly publicized meeting on Dec. 11. Indeed, it was praise from
Democrats for her strong performance that day that likely bolstered her bid for the speakership.
Kamala Harris speaks after meeting with Guatemalan President Pelosi is a tempting target for a
number of reasons. She is aesthetically a progressive who makes a habit of courting centrists within
her own party, and she is widely seen as a pragmatist and a dealmaker rather than an ideologue.
Speaker is recognized. David Cameron and Antony Blinken Hold Joint Press Conference … and
science creating, we will have a vaccine sometime soon, hopefully legitimately not skipping any steps
in terms of its safety and its efficacy. But right now we don’t have it. We do have testing, tracing,
and the rest. And I am optimistic that science has given us a path where we can do much more
testing, come closer to our goal, what we must have, should have had from the start, 300 tests a day,
300 tests a day, and the testing science has, the innovation has taken us so far down the road in this
period of time, but we need that Defense Production Act to be called into play and able to take us to
the number of tests that could be just you take the test here, and before this press conference is over,
15 minutes, you would have the results, making a tremendous, just a game changer all together, but
it would require the Defense Production Act because the firms that are excelling in this do not have
the production capacity to take us to 3 million a day. Mr. Neal: (17:04) Kamala Harris speaks after
meeting with Guatemalan President Cheney said in a statement that she’s “honored to have been
named to serve on the” committee and declared that “what happened on Jan. 6 can never happen
again.” Get our latest storiesin the feed of your favorite networks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is
planning to put a resolution on the House floor tomorrow to address the Ukraine issue amid growing
calls to start the impeachment process, sources said. Nancy Pelosi: (16:17) At the start of this
Congress there was a lot of discussion about possibly putting in place some kind of term limits for
this leadership team. I’m curious if you anticipate that this coming Congress would be your last as
Speaker. Speaker 5: (10:29) 2 Director Shawn Levy Says 'Deadpool & Wolverine' Movie Is Not
'Deadpool 3': "This Is A Two-Hander Character Adventure" How badly has the red faded from
Orange County? Not only did Democrats sweep all four of the county’s GOP-held House seats in
the midterm elections, but Gavin Newsom is on the verge of winning the county in the governor’s
race — something only one other Democrat has done dating back at least to World War II. But
having said that, I want to commend Chuck Schumer and the Democrats in the Senate for passing a
very fine bill, very much like ours, some tweaks, but nonetheless they did a great job in the Senate.
You may unsubscribe at any time. Maxine Waters: (31:25) © 2024 Vox Media, LLC. All Rights
Reserved Nancy Pelosi: (05:38) Nancy Pelosi: (03:11) Thank you. First, I would note before just
telling you exactly what happened, that Brooklyn is two thirds of this podium. Thank you very
much, Mr. Leader, Madam Speaker and my other distinguished colleagues. I don’t think that the
headline that we saw in the Washington Post this morning is appropriate, by any means. In this
article, it talks about what this legislation does for black farmers. And it went on to say, “This may be
the biggest help that black farmers have gotten since the Civil Rights Act.” Now, all we have to do is
take a hard look at the legislation and you will see exactly what they are talking about. If you are an
Hispanic child, you are eight times more likely to go to the hospital because of the Coronavirus than
other children. If you’re an African American child, you’re five times more likely to go to the
hospital for the Coronavirus than other children. That challenges the conscience of our country. It’s
indicative of the disparity in the communities at large, but the impact on our children. So we have to
do this and we have to do it a more significant way than going from 15 to 16. And I’m hopeful. I’m
hopeful that at long last they may pay attention to science and say, “If that is what is there for us,
then we have to act upon it and have the Defense Production act to produce the tests.” And with that
rate of return, that is to say, you can find out in a matter of minutes, that makes all the difference in
the world in terms of tracing, because you can get a test and you can get tested more frequently
because it’s much less expensive to do. Mr. Pallone: (22:41) “No other speaker of house in the
modern era, Republican or Democrat, has wielded the gavel with such authority or with such
consistent results,” Boehner said at the ceremony. “Let me just say: you are one tough cookie.” 7
Taylor Swift Approves Ryan Gosling & Emily Blunt's 'All Too Well' Cover On 'SNL': "This
Monologue Is Everything" Nancy Pelosi: (00:00) Thank you, Madam Speaker. We know that there
was intelligence collected prior to the attack, and we know that there was intelligence that was not
collected, that was available to help law enforcement identify in far greater depth and detail the
danger to the Capitol that day. Why that intelligence wasn’t gathered, whether the intelligence that
was gathered was appropriately shared, whether that intelligence was acted upon, these are just some
of the questions that we have been looking at in the intelligence committee, but frankly have not
been able to get sufficient answers. Get a weekly digest of the week’s most important transcripts in
your inbox. It’s the news, without the news. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and