General Construction - Roof Membrane Replacement
General Construction - Roof Membrane Replacement
General Construction - Roof Membrane Replacement
Approvals DEL:
Maintenance Supervisor: Signature: Date:
The table below provides a simplified representation of the methodology used and the processes involved in this Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis Procedure (Risk
Management) to be undertaken by DEL and all Subcontractors in order to initiate, act on, review and effectively manage project-related risks throughout the Construction Phase.
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Improbable Remote Occasional Probable Frequent
1 2 3 4 5
1 3 4 5
2 4 6 8 10
3 6 9 12 15
4 8 12 16 20
5 10 15 20 25
statement , Job safety analysis. Mitigation measure, Residual risk COMMUNICATION
Identify activities , Identify hazards Assess Impacts, Analyze Risk , Communication & Training Audit, Inspection & Updating of Log.
Establish Mitigation Measures.
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Tasks Hazards Identified (include Probability Severity Risk Control Measures to be Implemented Probability Severity Residual Residual Date
Risk Action
the exposed groups) 1-5 1-4 1 - 20 1-5 1-4 Risk 1 - 20
Transfer − Transfer device collide 4 3 12 − Chose a qualified driver before 1 2 2
equipment with other things. work
− Oil leakage − Check the calibration of all tools
− Make sure the transport device in
good condition
− Certification for equipment valid
− Spill kit and trained spill
Locate the crane − Hitting injury 4 3 12 − Solid the ground 1 2 2
Collision − Reinforce the pads beneath the
Broken bones outriggers
Equipment failure
− Check the around circumstance
before working
Only trained operators should be
operating machinery.
Warning signs
Appropriate PPE
Transport − Traffic risk 3 3 9 The trucks must respect: 2 3 6
− Collision with person − The limited speed in the site
− Collision device − The circulation signs
− The circulation plan (updated)
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Movement of 3 3 9 2 2 4
traffic − Slip/trip/fall − All hose/ropes/cables in use shall
− Collision be secured to the side of walkways
− Fatality and handrails
− All unnecessary materials and
equipment to be immediately
removed from site
− All exits and walkways to be kept
clear for use of personnel
− High standard of housekeeping to
be maintained at all times
− Designated pedestrian access and
warning signs
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Tasks Hazards Identified (include Probability Severity Risk Control Measures to be Implemented Probability Severity Residual Residual Date Action
Risk Completed
the exposed groups) 1-5 1-4 1 - 20 1-5 1-4 Risk 1 - 20
Lifting − Fall from height and 4 4 16 − Lifting crane, forklift wires should 2 3 6
hurt workers be regularly calibrated, safe
working loads are announced max
− Component fall down speed at site is respected for all
− Component collide − It is not allowed to work under
with other things loads
surrounded − Handling by qualified riggers worn
the related PPE and under
− collision with person supervision
− Qualified crane operator and
− collision between qualified rigger to operate lifting
frame and scaffolding work
− Crane in calibrated period
− collision between the − Barricade the lifting area
crane and equipments − Proper lifting tools
− Make sure lifting wok operated in
− falling materials good weather
− mark the area of operations of the
− Poor visibility for the crane
driver − officer commanding the ship
maneuver through regulatory
actions to avoid accidents
− Control of the safety catch hook
the slings
− Ensure the crane on his dashboard
that the load weight does not
exceed the maximum allowed
− Ban the person be under a
suspended load
− defining the radius of the rotary
− prohibit the movement of people
around the handling
− stop the lifting operation in strong
winds exceed the 50km /h
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Tasks Hazards Identified (include Probability Severity Risk Control Measures to be Implemented Probability Severity Residual Residual Date
Risk Action
the exposed groups) 1-5 1-4 1 - 20 1-5 1-4 Risk 1 - 20
Work at height 4 3 12 − the scaffolding should be based on 2 2 4
graded soil with good foundation
− falls from height
(Scaffolding and
Man basket) − falling objects − protect a guard with a height of
1.15 m
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