General Construction - Roof Membrane Replacement

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Method Statement & Risk Assessment

Work Location: Various

Proposed Start Date:
Proposed Duration:
Person Completing The Work Method Statement:

Signature: Date 13-12-2023

Approvals DEL:
Maintenance Supervisor: Signature: Date:

Operations Supervisor: Signature: Date:

HSES Manager/ Officer: Signature: Date:

The table below provides a simplified representation of the methodology used and the processes involved in this Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis Procedure (Risk
Management) to be undertaken by DEL and all Subcontractors in order to initiate, act on, review and effectively manage project-related risks throughout the Construction Phase.

Do not take the risk

Practically Not likely to occur Possibility of isolated Possibility to occur Possibility of repeated incidents
impossible incidents sometimes
Never heard of this Has occurred within Has occurred Occasionally occurs Frequently occurs within our
occurring within our our industry. infrequently within within our company company or industry
industry our company

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Improbable Remote Occasional Probable Frequent
1 2 3 4 5
1 3 4 5

2 4 6 8 10

3 6 9 12 15

4 8 12 16 20

5 10 15 20 25

statement , Job safety analysis. Mitigation measure, Residual risk COMMUNICATION

Identify activities , Identify hazards Assess Impacts, Analyze Risk , Communication & Training Audit, Inspection & Updating of Log.
Establish Mitigation Measures.

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Tasks Hazards Identified (include Probability Severity Risk Control Measures to be Implemented Probability Severity Residual Residual Date
Risk Action
the exposed groups) 1-5 1-4 1 - 20 1-5 1-4 Risk 1 - 20
Transfer − Transfer device collide 4 3 12 − Chose a qualified driver before 1 2 2
equipment with other things. work
− Oil leakage − Check the calibration of all tools
− Make sure the transport device in
good condition
− Certification for equipment valid
− Spill kit and trained spill
Locate the crane − Hitting injury 4 3 12 − Solid the ground 1 2 2
Collision − Reinforce the pads beneath the
Broken bones outriggers
Equipment failure
− Check the around circumstance
before working
Only trained operators should be
operating machinery.
Warning signs
Appropriate PPE
Transport − Traffic risk 3 3 9 The trucks must respect: 2 3 6
− Collision with person − The limited speed in the site
− Collision device − The circulation signs
− The circulation plan (updated)

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Movement of 3 3 9 2 2 4
traffic − Slip/trip/fall − All hose/ropes/cables in use shall
− Collision be secured to the side of walkways
− Fatality and handrails
− All unnecessary materials and
equipment to be immediately
removed from site
− All exits and walkways to be kept
clear for use of personnel
− High standard of housekeeping to
be maintained at all times
− Designated pedestrian access and
warning signs

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Tasks Hazards Identified (include Probability Severity Risk Control Measures to be Implemented Probability Severity Residual Residual Date Action
Risk Completed
the exposed groups) 1-5 1-4 1 - 20 1-5 1-4 Risk 1 - 20
Lifting − Fall from height and 4 4 16 − Lifting crane, forklift wires should 2 3 6
hurt workers be regularly calibrated, safe
working loads are announced max
− Component fall down speed at site is respected for all
− Component collide − It is not allowed to work under
with other things loads
surrounded − Handling by qualified riggers worn
the related PPE and under
− collision with person supervision
− Qualified crane operator and
− collision between qualified rigger to operate lifting
frame and scaffolding work
− Crane in calibrated period
− collision between the − Barricade the lifting area
crane and equipments − Proper lifting tools
− Make sure lifting wok operated in
− falling materials good weather
− mark the area of operations of the
− Poor visibility for the crane
driver − officer commanding the ship
maneuver through regulatory
actions to avoid accidents
− Control of the safety catch hook
the slings
− Ensure the crane on his dashboard
that the load weight does not
exceed the maximum allowed
− Ban the person be under a
suspended load
− defining the radius of the rotary
− prohibit the movement of people
around the handling
− stop the lifting operation in strong
winds exceed the 50km /h

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Tasks Hazards Identified (include Probability Severity Risk Control Measures to be Implemented Probability Severity Residual Residual Date
Risk Action
the exposed groups) 1-5 1-4 1 - 20 1-5 1-4 Risk 1 - 20
Work at height 4 3 12 − the scaffolding should be based on 2 2 4
graded soil with good foundation
− falls from height
(Scaffolding and
Man basket) − falling objects − protect a guard with a height of
1.15 m

− Protection of− Persons with safety


− protect with an end-board 10 to 15

cm high

− prohibit work at height if the

weather affected the safety of
Appropriate PPE to be worn
Appropriate training and
sensitization to working at

Use tools − Hand injuries 3 3 9 − ensure protection adequate PPE 2 2 4

− crushed fingers (gloves, helmet, goggles, harness
− smooth head against the
Environmental 3 3 9 2 2 4
− Pollution the air: − Checking the condition of
Exhaust gas, The dust equipment before beginning the
− Leaking oil or diesel − ventilation Workstation
machines on soil - Spill prevention and control

Assessor Print : Sign: Date:

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