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Conference Paper · May 2019

DOI: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-TUPMP011


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2 authors:

Marco Cautero Taha Nurettin Gücin

Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.


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10th Int. Partile Accelerator Conf. IPAC2019, Melbourne, Australia JACoW Publishing
ISBN: 978-3-95450-208-0 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-TUPMP011
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the CC BY 3.0 licence (© 2019). Any distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s), title of the work, publisher, and DOI
M. Cautero, T. N. Gucin, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Trieste, Italy

Abstract Basic Operation Principle

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, a specialized research centre The operation principle of the converter will be ex-
generating high quality synchrotron radiation, has been in plained over the simplest case, where resonance inductors
operation since 1993 and was revised in 2009. Recently, have the same value, Lr1 = Lr2, switching frequency is equal
Elettra has been funded for a complete renewal of the stor- to the resonance frequency, fr, and the duty cycle, D, is
age ring. For the new machine, it is planned to employ state equal to 50%. Here D is defined as
of the art converters, mostly of which will be designed in-
D T1 . f r (1)
For this purpose, it has been decided to evaluate the per- Where T1 is the time interval where the switches Q1 and
formance of a storage-less resonant converter, proposed by Q3 are conducting.
Dr. Slobodan Ćuk, which is a step down DC/DC converter As it can be seen in Fig. 1.a and Fig. 1.b, there are two
consisting of four switches, one resonant capacitor and two main operational states of the converter. In the first state,
resonant inductors. For this purpose, the voltage conver- the resonant capacitor, Cr, is charged through the switches
sion ratio of the converter has been derived. The topology Q1 & Q3 and Lr1. In this state, the current is supplied by the
was confirmed with simulation and a PCB layout has been input voltage source and Cr is being charged.
designed, which is still to be tested. In the second state, the switches Q1 & Q3 are turned off,
while the switches Q2 and Q4 are turned on. In this state,
ELETTRA SINCROTRONE TRIESTE the power for the load is provided by the resonant capaci-
Low current magnets have been designed for the new tor, which is being discharged. As seen above, the switch
6BA design of the storage ring, so that each one will be pairs Q1,3 and Q2,4 are operated complementary to each
independently energized. With a larger number of power other.
supplies, the main goal is to get high efficiency to keep the
facility environmentally friendly and rise the MTBF by
lowering the thermal stresses on active devices. The fol-
lowing converter is fulfilling our two requirements.

The examined storage-less resonant converter proposed
by Dr. Slobodan Ćuk [1], illustrated in Fig. 1.a, mainly re-
lies on the energy transfer by resonance, instead of storing (a)
energy in inductors such as in buck converters.
As it can be seen in Fig. 1, the converter is composed of
four switches (Q1 to Q4), two resonance inductors (Lr1 and
Lr2), one resonant capacitor (Cr) and one output filter ca-
pacitor (Co).
The basic operation principle of this converter is to
charge the resonant capacitor (Cr) by means of a resonance
circuit formed with one of the inductors and to discharge
the same capacitor through the other resonant inductor. (b)
This way, the transferred energy does not need to be stored
in an inductive element, such as the case of a buck con-
Although the structure is similar to switched capacitor
converters [2], the addition of resonant inductances
changes the operation of the converter and requires two of
the switches, namely Q3 and Q4, to operate like diodes.
This also in return, enables the converter to operate at
higher efficiencies for a wider range. (c)
Figure 1: (a) Storage-less Resonant Converter and opera-
tion intervals of the converter; while (a) resonant capacitor
is charging and (b) is discharging.

TUPMP011 MC7: Accelerator Technology

1248 T11 Power Supplies
10th Int. Partile Accelerator Conf. IPAC2019, Melbourne, Australia JACoW Publishing
ISBN: 978-3-95450-208-0 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-TUPMP011

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the CC BY 3.0 licence (© 2019). Any distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s), title of the work, publisher, and DOI
For mentioned states, the following voltage equations Constant Off-Time Variable On-Time Control
can be written, which are basically second order ordinary
The operation of the converter can be extended to duty
differential equations:
cycles that are different than 50%, which in return governs
1 diLr 1 the output voltage.
V g  Vo  Vcr  V Lr 1 
Cr i Lr 1 dt  Lr 1
However, it is obvious that if the switches are turned
on/off with a period different than the resonant frequency,
1 diLr 1 the ZCS feature will not be achieved anymore. Thus, the
Vo  Vcr  V Lr 2 
Cr i Lr 2 dt  Lr 2
efficiency will decrease.
For maintaining the ZCS feature as much as possible, it
The solutions for these equations are sinusoidal wave- is better to use a constant off-time and variable on-time
forms, which are as follows: control strategy, where the on time of the switches Q2 and
Q4 are fixed to be equal to the half of the second resonance
(V g  Vo )
iLr 1 (t )  .sin(1t ) (4) period T2 and the on-time of switches Q1 and Q3 are varied.
Lr 1
Cr T2  2.  2 (10)

Vo This way, the switches Q2 and Q4 always operate at ZCS

iLr 2 (t )  .sin( 2 t ) (5) turn-on and ZCS turn-off. Moreover, it is also obvious that
Lr 2
Cr for preventing any abrupt change of current on Lr1, the Q3
has to behave like a diode. Thus, it has been connected in
a reverse way, so that the body diode will always ensure
Where, diode operation. The current waveforms for this operation
are shown in Fig. 3.
1  1 (6) Utilizing the constant-off time strategy, switches Q1 and
Lr 1 .C r Q3 still maintain the ZCS turn-on operation, whereas the
switch Q1 has to turn off while it is conducting a high
2  1 (7) amount of current.
Lr 2 .C r

The current waveforms on the resonant inductors are il-

lustrated in Fig. 2. As it can be seen, the current waveforms
are sinusoidal and the magnitudes of the currents at switch-
ing instances are equal to zero, which enables soft switch-
ing Zero Current Switching (ZCS) for all four switches.

Figure 3: Resonant inductor current waveforms at D = 0.5.

The analysis of the converter under constant off-time
Figure 2: Resonant inductor current waveforms at D = 0.5. control results in the following polynomial equation as the
expression of output voltage:
The voltage conversion ratio at this case can be calcu-
lated considering the fact that the total change of the capac-    
itor charge during one cycle at steady state should be zero.  4. A.C T   2. A.C r .Vg 
Vo 2  4.K  r
 sw   Vo   4.Vg .K   V g2 .K
If the Equations (4) and (5) are integrated and equated, it  A
1   R   1   A 
    
will be seen that:   2  2 
Vo  V g  Vo (8) (11)
Where Tsw=T1+T2/2 is the switching period,
Vo  (9) 2
2  sin(1T1 )  C r .Lr 2
K    . (12)
Where, Vg is input voltage and Vo is output voltage. This  1  A 2   2.Lr 1
is the maximum achievable output voltage for this con-
verter. A  1  cos(1T1 )  (13)

MC7: Accelerator Technology TUPMP011

T11 Power Supplies 1249
10th Int. Partile Accelerator Conf. IPAC2019, Melbourne, Australia JACoW Publishing
ISBN: 978-3-95450-208-0 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-TUPMP011
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the CC BY 3.0 licence (© 2019). Any distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s), title of the work, publisher, and DOI
The solution of the quadratic polynomial function for the on the drains of the transistors. The overall size of this con-
case of Lr1=Lr2 (meaning f1=f2=fr), at various loads are il- verter is 165 x 75 mm (including the 30 mm gap for current
lustrated in Fig. 4. As given previously, here the duty cycle probe) for a 1400 W device. Two of the GaNFETs are con-
is D=T1.fr, and normalized output voltage is Von = Vo/Vg. trolled with synchronous rectifier controllers so that they
work like diodes. Thermal losses are predicted to be maxi-
mum 30 W.
The PCB has been employed with multi-layer ceramic
capacitors only for size shrinking. The used inductors are
quite small, since they are only 200 nH.

Figure 4: Resonant inductor current waveforms at D = 0.5.

According to the parameters in Table 1, a simulation
model, shown in Fig. 5, has been built via PSIM 11, for
checking the behaviour of the converter.
To ensure low current ripple at the input and output, it
has been decided to employ an LC filter at the input and Pi
filter at the output.

Figure 5: Simulation model in PSIM 11.

Figure 6: Designed PCB layout.

Table 1: Designed Circuit Parameters
Parameter Value
Input Voltage, Vg 48 Volts At the present time the PCB has been designed and man-
ufactured and needs mounting the GaNFETs. Results from
Max. Output Voltage, Vout 24 Volts
the field will be made available.
Max. Output Current, Iout 60 Amperes The clear advantage of the examined topology is the us-
Resonance Frequency, fres 159 kHz age of very small inductances without the need for increas-
Resonant Capacitor, Cr 5 µF ing the switching frequency to MHz levels. This is due to
Resonant Inductor 1, Lr1 200 nH the fact that the energy transfer relies on resonance. More-
Resonant Inductor 2, Lr1 200 nH over, three of the GaNFETs are operated in soft switching
mode, whereas only one is operating at hard turn-on.
Gate Driver Si8274 REFERENCES
Synch. Rect. Controller UCC24612-1 [1] S. Ćuk, “Four-Switch Step-down Storageless Converter”,
United States Patent US 8, 134, 351 B2, Mar. 13, 2012.
PCB DESIGN [2] A. Cervera et al., “A High-Efficiency Resonant Switched Ca-
The chosen GaNFET is particularly small and adds some pacitor Converter With Continuous Conversion Ratio”, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1373-
manufacturing issues for the width of the pads (270 µm)
1382, Mar. 2015.
which are replicated on all 8 layers of 35 µm thickness
PCB, shown in Fig. 6. Vias with the hole of 100 µm are
needed on the pads to split the current (60 Amps) flowing
TUPMP011 MC7: Accelerator Technology
1250 T11 Power Supplies
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