Optilume FDA Approval
Optilume FDA Approval
Optilume FDA Approval
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
The Optilume BPH Catheter System is provided as a convenience kit, containing one pre-
dilation balloon catheter, one DCB catheter, and the accessories needed to complete a
procedure. Catalogue numbers for the different kit configurations are provided in Table 1.
Katsanos K, Spiliopoulos S, Kitrou P, Krokidis M, Karnabatidis D. Risk of death following application of paclitaxel-coated
balloons and stents in the femoropopliteal artery of the leg: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized
controlled trials. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018;7(24):e011245.
Nordanstig J, James S, Andersson M, Andersson M, Danielsson P, Gillgren P, et al. Mortality with paclitaxel-coated
devices in peripheral artery disease. N Engl J Med. 2020;383(26):2538-46.
3. Fill the inflation device half-way with sterile saline and attach it to the stopcock. Turn the
stopcock so fluid can flow between the inflation device and the balloon catheter.
4. With the inflation device pointing downwards, draw back plunger to full volume of syringe
(this creates maximum negative pressure and allows air to evacuate above the fluid
level) and hold until no air bubbles can be seen coming out of the saline in the syringe.
Repeat as needed to purge the air from the catheter.
5. With catheter preparation complete, disconnect the Tuohy-Borst valve from the catheter
6. Fill the inflation device with 50cc normal saline and purge air from the line.
11.4 Pre-dilation
Pre-dilation of the prostatic urethra should be completed with the Optilume BPH Pre-dilation
Catheter to initiate an anterior commissurotomy prior to treatment with the Optilume BPH DCB
1. Prepare the Optilume BPH Pre-dilation Catheter for use per Section 11.3.
2. Assemble and advance the rigid cystoscope (minimum sheath size 19.5Fr) through the
urethra and into the bladder. Remove the optics and bridge (if applicable) leaving an
open pathway through the rigid sheath into the bladder.
3. Remove the balloon protector sheath from the Optilume BPH Pre-dilation Balloon.
4. Insert the balloon catheter through the rigid cystoscope sheath and into the bladder.
5. Slide the outer rigid cystoscope sheath out of the patient and over the balloon catheter
shaft while maintaining the balloon catheter in position.
6. Reassemble the rigid cystoscope sheath with the bridge and optics.
Note: A smaller cystoscope sheath (e.g., 18F) may be used to visualize the balloon
during placement.
7. Attach the Tuohy-Borst adapter with inflation device to the proximal catheter shaft.
8. Insert the reassembled cystoscope transurethrally up to the external sphincter. The
Optilume BPH Catheter is used side-by-side with a cystoscope.
9. Locate the external sphincter with the cystoscope and position the tip of the cystoscope
so visualization of the external sphincter can be maintained throughout the procedure.
10. Adjust the position of the balloon by pushing/pulling the catheter shaft until the blue
11. With the balloon properly positioned, inflate slowly while maintaining traction to seat the
balloon at the bladder neck and prevent proximal migration into the bladder. During
inflation, monitor the location of the blue positioning marker with the cystoscope. If the
marker migrates proximally into the external sphincter (e.g., is no longer visible) or the
treatment balloon has slipped into the bladder, deflate, and reposition the balloon as
above and repeat the dilation process.
Warning: If migration of the balloon distally into the external sphincter (toward the user)
is observed during inflation, immediately stop, and reposition.
12. Continue slow inflation until the anterior prostatic commissure is separated. Achievement
of an anterior commissurotomy is typically accompanied by a sudden drop in pressure
on the inflation device pressure gauge as resistance from the tissue is overcome.
Note: Once the balloon is inflated, check for migration into the bladder by pressing the
catheter shaft gently towards the bladder. If the catheter shaft moves freely, the balloon
has likely migrated into the bladder. If migration is observed, deflate the balloon,
reposition the catheter as above, and repeat the dilation process. Do not repeat this
procedure more than 3 times.
Warning: The balloon catheters should not be inflated to pressures above the rated
burst pressure (RBP). Inflation in excess of RBP may cause the balloon to rupture.
13. After complete dilation, deflate the balloon and visually confirm the anterior
commissurotomy by advancing the cystoscope into the prostatic urethra.
Note: If difficulty is encountered visualizing commissurotomy, increase fluid
flow/pressure to improve visibility.
14. Do not exceed 3 inflation cycles to rated burst pressure. If a commissurotomy is not
achieved after 3 inflation cycles, deflate, and withdraw the Optilume BPH Pre-dilation
Balloon per the steps below and proceed to dilation with the DCB.
15. After initiation of the commissurotomy is confirmed, remove the cystoscope.
16. Deflate the balloon by applying negative pressure with the inflation device to aspirate
A post-hoc analysis was performed comparing the improvement in IPSS at 12 months for the
Optilume BPH group to the improvement of a historical sham control at 3 months based on a
systematic review of the literature of sham endoscopic procedures in randomized trials for BPH.
A total of 8 studies were included in the analysis and used to generate the pooled sham effect
(weighted average) across studies. 3-10 Four studies reported a paired change in IPSS from
baseline to 3 months. 5,6,8,9 Comparing the improvement in IPSS against the pooled sham effect
from the literature as a performance goal shows a benefit for Optilume BPH both with and
without a 25% super-superiority margin (Table 8). A similar outcome is seen when utilizing only
Albala DM, Fulmer BR, Turk TM, Koleski F, Andriole G, Davis BE, et al. J Endourol. 2002;16(1):57-61.
Barbalias GA, Liatsikos EN. Int J Urol. 1998;5(2):157-62.
Blute ML, Patterson DE, Segura JW, Tomera KM, Hellerstein DK. J Endourol. 1996;10(6):565-73.
Chughtai B, Elterman D, Shore N, Gittleman M, Motola J, Pike S, et al. Urology. 2021;153:270-6.
Larson TR, Blute ML, Bruskewitz RC, Mayer RD, Ugarte RR, Utz WJ. Urology. 1998;51(5):731-42.
McVary KT, Gange SN, Gittelman MC, Goldberg KA, Patel K, Shore ND, et al. J Urol. 2016;195(5):1529-38.
Roehrborn CG, Gange SN, Shore ND, Giddens JL, Bolton DM, Cowan BE, et al. J Urol. 2013;190(6):2161-7.
Roehrborn CG, Preminger G, Newhall P, Denstedt J, Razvi H, Chin LJ, et al. Urology. 1998;51(1):19-28.
Table 10. Responder Rate Based on IPSS Improvement of 35%, 40% and 50%
Improvement of percentage in IPSS (%)
Optilume Optilume Optilume
BPH Sham BPH Sham BPH Sham
30 Day
% (n/N) 63.9% (62/97) 54.2% (26/48) 59.8% (58/97) 52.1% (25/48) 43.3% (42/97) 37.5% (18/48)
95% CI1 53.5%, 73.4% 39.2%, 68.6% 49.3%, 69.6% 37.2%, 66.7% 33.3%, 53.7% 24.0%, 52.6%
3 Month
% (n/N) 66.7% (64/96) 50.0% (24/48) 61.5% (59/96) 45.8% (22/48) 47.9% (46/96) 39.6% (19/48)
95% CI1 56.3%, 76.0% 35.2%, 64.8% 51.0%, 71.2% 31.4%, 60.8% 37.6%, 58.4% 25.8%, 54.7%
6 Month
% (n/N) 68.1% (64/94) 36.2% (17/47) 60.6% (57/94) 31.9% (15/47) 45.7% (43/94) 25.5% (12/47)
95% CI1 57.7%, 77.3% 22.7%, 51.5% 50.0%, 70.6% 19.1%, 47.1% 35.4%, 56.3% 13.9%, 40.3%
12 Month
% (n/N) 71.3% (67/94) 31.3% (15/48) 69.1% (65/94) 27.1% (13/48) 59.6% (56/94) 22.9% (11/48)
95% CI1 61.0%, 80.1% 18.7%, 46.3% 58.8%, 78.3% 15.3%, 41.8% 49.0%, 69.6% 12.0%, 37.3%
Note: Timepoints after study exit due to treatment failure or crossover to treatment are imputed as failures
1Confidence intervals (CI) are estimated using the Clopper-Pearson (exact) approach.
Ancillary Endpoints 2 and 8 – Change in Post-void Residual (PVR) Urine Volume and
Peak Flow Rate (Qmax)
Table 11. Change in Qmax and PVR Over Time (Retreatments Imputed)
Measure Group Baseline 30 Day 3 Month 6 Month 12 Month
QMax Optilume BPH
(mL/sec) (N=100)
n 98 79 81 86 87
Mean ± SD 8.9 ± 2.2 17.6 ± 9.0 18.6 ± 9.7 16.9 ± 8.9 18.5 ± 10.2
Median 8.9 16.8 17.2 14.7 17.0
Min, Max 5, 12 4, 49 4, 66 5, 59 5, 60
Sham (N=48)
n 48 43 43 43 48
Mean ± SD 8.9 ± 1.8 13.2 ± 6.3 14.5 ± 7.8 13.2 ± 6.8 12.1 ± 6.5
Median 9.0 11.5 13.0 10.9 10.0
Min, Max 6, 12 5, 32 5, 42 6, 38 6, 38
Adverse event summaries are based on the As-Treated cohort which included 98 subjects in the
Optilume BPH arm treated with the device (Table 19). A summary of events adjudicated by the
CEC as related to the study device or procedure is shown in Table 20.
Treatment-related serious adverse events were reported in 6 (6.1%) subjects, most commonly
post-procedure hematuria (4 events) which resolved without sequelae. The most frequently
reported treatment-related adverse events included hematuria (39.8%), urinary tract infection
(11.2%), dysuria (8.2%), and mild stress urinary incontinence (7.1%). Treatment-related
adverse events were mostly mild or moderate in severity (138/143, 97%). There were no life
threatening (Grade 4) or fatal (Grade 5) events related to either the study device or procedure.
A total of 41 hematuria and post-procedural hematuria events occurred in 39 subjects (39.8%)
with most events being mild or moderate in severity (37/41, 90.2%) with a median time to
resolution of 34 days. The rate and severity of hematuria events was decreased after
implementation of post-operative care guidelines as described in section 11.6.
The primary safety endpoint was a composite of device and procedure related serious
complications at 3 months including new onset severe urinary retention lasting >14 consecutive
days post-healing, unresolved new onset stress urinary incontinence by 90 days, and bleeding
requiring transfusion. Two subjects experienced stress urinary incontinence meeting the
Urotronic, Inc.
2495 Xenium Lane North
Minneapolis, MN 55441 USA
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician
Catalogue number
Lot number
Date of manufacture
Do not resterilize
Do not re-use
Use-by date
Keep dry
Medical device