Vocabulary List

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Vocabulary List
Satiated adj. satisfied (usu. in hunger) I felt satiated after eating a snack.
adj. having practical My brother is not very savvy when it comes to
intelligence or knowledge using public transportation.
adj. morally offensive, often
The scandalous politician decided it was best
Scandalous causing damage to one’s
to resign from office.
v. to look down on with It’s difficult for me not to scorn those who use
disdain improper grammar.
adj. paying great attention to I am a scrupulous proofreader and never
detail miss an error.
v. to examine carefully and
Scrutinize The teacher scrutinized her students’ essays.
v. to produce or release (a
Secrete Trees secrete a sticky substance called sap.
I am of the sentiment that you should never
n. opinion give out your passwords to anyone.
n. a tender or moving gesture Even though I’m not a big fan of porcelain
dolls, I appreciated the sentiment.
The curtains on the window were
adj. so thin that light can
Sheer so sheer you could clearly see inside the
shine through
This math problem is so simple even a first
adj. easy; not complex grader can solve it.
adj. undecorated The simple beauty of the ocean is what
makes it memorable.
Medieval peasants believed sinister demons
Sinister adj. ominous, evil
could harm humans.
n. the joining of I stood in solidarity with other female
Solidarity commonalities or common students by refusing to wear the school’s
purposes among a group sexist uniform.
adv. insufficiently, meagerly,
Sparingly Due to my condition, I must eat salt sparingly.
or in a restricted manner
Frogs typically spawn in ponds.
v. to release eggs
Spawn The topic spawned an ongoing debate among
v. to call forth or generate
his family members.
Spur v. to stimulate or incite Her bravery spurred others to act.
adj. run-down, sordid, or The squalid cabin needed a new roof and an
sleazy exterminator.
adj. very plain; devoid of any Looking out at the stark landscape, I felt a
details or features keen sense of isolation.
The ball is static.
adj. motionless
Static Her life has been static for the past three
adj. changeless
Subordinate adj. lower in rank The subordinate officers work every day.
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My subordinate will check you in.

n. someone lower in rank
You aren’t my boss—you
v. to make dependent on or
can’t subordinate me to the role of
put at a lower rank
adv. happening later or after
Subsequently I subsequently went home.
adj. very large in amount or I was shocked to find a substantial amount of
degree money beneath the park bench.
It is important for scientists
v. to strengthen with new
Substantiate to substantiate their theories whenever
evidence or facts
I detected in her expression a subtle hint of
Subtle adj. hard to detect or analyze
adj. enough; just meeting a These boxes should be sufficient for our
requirement move.
adj. unfriendly; inclined to The bartender was a surly fellow who wasn’t
anger afraid to start a fight.
v. to get on top of or They managed to surmount the language
overcome barrier by using a translation app.
adj. to be vulnerable (to Children are more susceptible to certain
something) illnesses than adults are.
adj. skilled at dealing with Her tactful attitude toward our class made her
people one of my favorite teachers.
The rubberband was taut and ready to be
Taut adj. pulled tight
adj. abundantly filled (usu. Doorknobs are not as clean as they look and
with living organisms) are often teeming with germs.
Temperamen She had a hostile temperament, making her
n. usual mood or feelings
t intimidating to most people.
We haven’t made any official arrangements
Tentative adj. not yet finalized yet, but the tentative location for our wedding
is Hawaii.
adj. see-through; so thin that Stained window glass isn’t as transparent as
light can shine through regular window glass is.
adj. truthful or easy to She was transparent about her plans to end
perceive her marriage.
The journey was becoming treacherous, but
Treacherous adj. dangerous and unstable
they continued on regardless.
adj. very large, good, or bad Tremendous news! You don’t have to repay
in degree or size your loans!

 Enjoyable
 Pleasurable
 Courteous
 Lovely
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 Likable
 Pleasing
 Gracious
 Congenial
 Cordial
 Admirable
 Considerate
 Amiable
 Charming
 Kind
 Neat
 Delightful
 Pleasant
 Astonishing
 Astounding
 Awesome
 Fabulous
 Fantastic
 Incredible
 Stupendous
 Unbelievable
 Wonderful
 Unimaginable
 Tremendous
 Unexpected
 Phenomenal
 Spectacular
 Stunning
 Overwhelming
 Remarkable
 Breathtaking
 Significant
 Staggering
 Brilliant
 Extraordinary
 Marvelous
 Prodigious
 Excellent
 Amazing
 Wonderful
 Pleasant
 Marvelous
 Exceptional
 Fantastic
 Super
 Outstanding
 Terrific
 Splendid
 Stupendous
 Amused
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 Blissful
 Bright
 Charmed
 Cheerful
 Contented
 Delighted
 Eager
 Ecstatic
 Elated
 Enthusiastic
 Excited
 Exultant
 Glad
 Gleeful
 Hopeful
 Joyful
 Lively
 Loving
 Marvelous
 Merry
 Optimistic
 Over the moon (informal)
 Overjoyed
 Pleased
 Positive
 Satisfied
 Thrilled

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