POGOrubin 1966

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F-219 (July 1964); also International Aerospace Abstracts Rept. Texas, TR 3, Contract NAS8-11045 (May 1964).
A64-17157. Abramson, H. H., "Nonlinear vibration/ 7 Shock and Vibra-
Breslavskii, V. E., "Oscillations of cylindrical shells filled tion Handbook (McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, 1961),
with liquid," Proc. IVth Ail-Union Sci. Tech. Conf., Theory Chap. 4.
Shells Plates (October 24-31, 1962); also International Aerospace Stoker, J. J., Nonlinear Vibrations (Interscieiice Publishers
Abstracts Rept. A65-11222. Inc., New York, 1950).
11 15
Rabinovich, B. I., "The equations of the transverse vibra- Abramson, H. N., Chu, W. II., and Garza, L. R., "Liquid
tions of liquid-filled shells/' NASA Tech. Transl. F-216 (July sloshing in 45° sector compartmented cylindrical tanks/' South-
1964); also Scientific and Technical Aerospace Rept. N64-25179 west Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, TR 3, Contract
(1964). NAS8-1555 (November 1962).
12 16
Kana, D. D., "A resistive wheatstone bridge liquid wave Yarymovych, M. I., "Forced large amplitude surface waves/'
height transducer," Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, D. Sc. Thesis, Columbia Univ. (December 1959).


Longitudinal Instability of Liquid Rockets Due to Propulsion

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Feedback (POGO)
Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Calif.

POGO oscillations result from a closed-loop interaction between a longitudinal structural

mode of vibration and the liquid propulsion system. A linear mathematical model is used to
establish transfer functions for a stability analysis. The propulsion system is shown to ex-
hibit resonance at frequencies determined by pump cavitation and suction line wave propa-
gation characteristics. The system is examined from both a closed-loop and an open-loop
standpoint. The degree of stability is expressed explicitly in terms of dimensionless groups
of parameters. The proximity of the suction line first resonance to the natural frequency of
a structural mode is shown to be a significant stability factor. The results presented can be
used to estimate the degree of stability, investigate critical or limiting conditions, and guide
more refined computer analyses.

Nomenclature Z = hydraulic impedance (pressure/weight flow)

ZPG = zero-phase gain
a = acoustical velocity in suction line Q = wave number, co/a
As = suction line area 7, 7 = dimensionless parameter [Eq. (22)], 7 = 7(con)
At = chamber throat area = fraction-of-critical damping of structure
B = propulsion parameter [Eq. (21)] = damping parameter for suction line resonance
Cf = thrust coefficient
C* = characteristic velocity ?7, fj, 77* = nondimensional parameter. 77 = Ld<*/R
D, E = dimensionless parameters [Eq. (22)] ;? = Ldun/R >n* = Ldo*/R
g = acceleration of gravity 6 = phase angle
G(s) = forward-loop transfer function v, v — nondimensional combustion lag. v = rcco
Gp = structural gain [Eq. (2)] V = TcCOn
h = fluid line length £ = position along suction line
H(s) = feedback transfer function £, £ = dimensionless parameter [Eq. (22)], £ = £(&>„)
i — imaginary unit, ( — I) 172 P = propellant weight density
K = volumetric spring rate of bubble rc = combustion time lag [Eq. (11)]
Ls,Ld = inertance of suction and discharge lines (pp, <pt, <PT = mode shape: pump, tank, thrust point
m + 1 = pump dynamic gain [Eq. (9)] co = angular frequency
M = generalized mass co*, CO&, co0 = first characteristic, bubble, organ-pipe frequency
OLG — open-loop gain con = modal natural frequency
p, P, P = oscillatory, mean, total pressure
q — generalized displacement Subscripts on propulsion parameters
R = total resistance [Eq. (17)] c = combustion chamber
RP, Rd — pump, discharge line resistance = discharge
s = iu (Laplace variable) = pump
T, T* = thrust, effective thrust = suction
w,W,W = oscillatory, mean, total weight flow of propellant = tank
relative to vehicle center of gravity
x = oscillatory velocity in longitudinal direction rela-
tive to the vehicle center of gravity Introduction
Presented at the AIAA Symposium on Structural Dynamics
and Aeroelasticity, Boston, Mass., August 30-September 1,
1965 (not preprinted); revision received February 28, 1966. This
S ELF-EXCITED, longitudinal, structural vibrations in
liquid rocket vehicles have been observed to appear
spontaneously, grow, and then disappear during the boost
work evolved from support of the Gemini Program under Air
Force Contract AF 04(695)-269. phase of multistage vehicle flight. The name POGO was
* Senior Staff Engineer, Applied Mechanics Division. Mem- derived from the similarity observed in the out-of-phase
ber AIAA. motion of the ends of the vehicles to the action of a Pogo

stick. The vibrations result from an interaction between the

rocket structure and the rocket propulsion system. Insta-
bility results when the longitudinal vibration of the structure
disturbs the propulsion system in such a manner as to create
a thrust oscillation which intensifies the original vibration.
Cases of such propulsion feedback leading to instability have CENTER OF GRAVITY
occurred in the first longitudinal mode in two presently opera-
tional vehicles, Titan II and Thor/Agena. The frequencies
in Titan II ranged from 10 to 13 cps, and in Thor/Agena Fig. 2 Schematic represen-
from 17 to 21 cps. tation of hydraulic circuit.
The POGO phenomenon has been studied extensively1-9;
Ref. 10 establishes a general analytical tool for computer
investigation of future vehicles and provides an extensive
bibliography. The present paper develops an analytical
model that was used successfully for Titan II and relation-
ships that can be utilized for the analysis of potential insta-
bilities in liquid rockets.
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Form ulation of Model

will only be considered in the treatment of the suction lines.
We will consider a linear, time-invariant, mathematical All pressure and flows are oscillatory perturbations unless
model for POGO. Although many of the parameters are noted otherwise.
functions of time, their rate of change is sufficiently slow that
existence of an instability at a given time can be ascertained
Propellant in lank
by assuming that the parameters are constants. When
instability initiates, the process evolves into a nonlinear It is assumed that the oscillatory pressure pt at the bottom
limit cycle. Because these nonlinearities and the time vari- of the tank (and top of suction line) is simply that caused
ations are riot considered, the model cannot predict the by the propellant accelerating as an incompressible liquid
magnitude of the unstable vibrations. within a flexible tank, because the dimensions of the pro-
The phenomenon is viewed as an instability of a closed-loop pellant volume are small compared to the acoustic wave-
system containing positive feedback (Fig. 1). The feed- length at the frequencies of interest. The effect on pt of
back transfer function H(s) embodies the propulsion dynamics oscillatory flow into the suction line is neglected on the basis
to relate an effective thrust T' to a sinusoidal acceleration that the impedance (i.e., the ratio of pressure to weight flow)
x in a longitudinal mode of the vehicle. The forward-loop looking into the top of the suction line is much greater than
transfer functions G(s) embodies the response of the structure the impedance looking up the tank from the suction line.
to relate the structural response to the sinusoidal effective This is true primarily because of the large diameter of the
thrust. Stability criteria will be derived by considering the tank relative to that of the suction line. Consequently, the
closed-loop damping as well as the open-loop gain of the pressure at the top of the suction line is
system at zero loop phase based on the Nyquist criterion for
stability. = (pht/g)xt. (3)
The vehicle is represented structurally by a spring-mass
model. The motion in any mode is written where p is the propellant weight density, and ht is the height
of propellant in the tank. (We neglect pressure perturba-
q (1) tions in the gas above the propellant because acoustic modes
of the gas will be of consequence only over a very narrow
where q is the generalized displacement; w n , f, and M are
band of frequencies, and thus have only a momentary
the natural frequency, fraction-of-critical damping, and
effect.10-11) Tank bottom pressures measured on Titan II
generalized mass; and $T is the modal displacement at the
indicate that Eq. (3) is a good representation of actual
point of thrust application. The displacement of a point a,
conditions on that vehicle.
whose modal displacement is <^ a , is xa = ^paq- We shall use
the motion of a pump as our reference motion on the vehicle;
its acceleration under sinusoidal conditions is Suction line

xp = G(s)T' = (2) As shown in Fig. 2, let x be the liquid displacement in the

suction line relative to the vehicle center of gravity and £
where s = tco is the Laplace variable acting as a derivative the distance along the line. Let a be the acoustical velocity
operator, and Gp = <pp<pT/M is termed the structural gain. in the line, which is a function of liquid compressibility and
density, and the radial elasticity of the pipe as given by
Propulsion Elements standard waterhammer theory.12 Resistance in the suction
line is neglected because the large downstream resistances
Figure 2 is a schematic representation of the tank, suction
predominate. The line can be treated as a distributed trans-
line, pump, discharge line, and the thrust chamber system
mission line by relating the sinusoidal pressure p(£) and
for a single propellant. Compressibility of the propellant
weight flow w(£) = pAsx at a distance £ from the pump
with those at the pump end (pS) ws)lz:


Fig. 1 Closed-loop represeri-

tation of POGO phenomenon. where /3 = co/a is the wave number, £ and As are the length
and area of the line, and L = £/Asg is the inertance of the
fluid in the line, i.e., the ratio of pressure drop across a uni-
form column of incompressible liquid to the time deriva-
FEEDBACK) T tive of the weight flow of the liquid.

Pump performance for Titan II was established experi-

mentally as follows. The propellant flow was sinusoidally
perturbed by mechanical pulsers. The mean flow and
pump speed were held constant at the flight nominal values,
and a corresponding value of Rp was obtained from the static
characteristics. The mean suction pressure, P8 was varied
in discrete steps to cover the range of flight conditions.
The numerical value of the gain m + 1 as a function of Ps
a) b) was obtained from the experimental observation of fluctuat-
Fig. 3 Typical pump static characteristics. ing pressures. Because oscillatory flow was not measured,
the derived gain was dependent on the value of Rp employed.
With the tank bottom pressure denoted by pt, Eq. (4) The dynamic gain was observed to be quite different from
with £ = //,,. yields that given by the slope of the static characteristics.! How-
ever, the results appeared reasonable since the gain ap-
proached unity (m -** 0) at high inlet pressure (Fig. 3).
where L, = hK/A*g is the inertance of the entire suction The cavitation compliance was determined from observed
line. The impedance looking up the suction line is the resonant behavior of pressures per unit flow perturbations
after accounting for the influence of wave propagation in the
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coefficient of —wy in the foregoing equation. Note that as

a —>• °°, f3 —> 0, and p., -*• pt — sLNw.^ which is the expected suction line.t
result for an incompressible fluid.
With p, — 0, the pressure distribution along the line can be Discharge line
determined using Eq. (4) to be
The fluid in the discharge line is considered to be incom-
p(£) = (cos/3£ - sin/3£ coifihjp, (6)
pressible since the line length is short relative to acoustic
When jS -* 0, then p(£) -+ (1 — £A*)p*> which is the expected wavelengths. Flow in the discharge line lies primarily in a
linear distribution in an incompressible line. When /3hs -> lateral plane, so that longitudinal motion of the line does not
mr/2, then p(^)/p, -> (cosn7r/2)£A* and there are n quarter influence significantly the flow. The performance of the
standing waves in the line. When n = 1 we have a one- discharge line is
quarter standing wave yielding the first open-closed organ-
pipe mode. At an open end, the pressure vanishes; at a Rd)wa (10)
closed end, the flow vanishes and the pressure is a maximum.
where pr. is the chamber pressure, and Ld and Rd are the inert-
ance and resistance of the discharge line. The resistance of
the injector is included in Rd.
Because of cavitation, bubbles occur in the propellant at
the pump inlet and for some distance upstream. The col-
Thrust chamber
lection of bubbles acts as a volumetric spring that is localized
at the pump inlet. This representation has been borne out The performance of the thrust chamber is expressed as
by experimental observations of pressure distribution in the follows:
suction line and by acoustical velocity measurements. The
suction pressure is related linearly to the unit volume change (TCS + 1)PC = (C*/Atg)(Wdo + Wdf) (11)
v by the spring constant of the bubble collection K; i.e.,
p, = —Kv. The quantity \./K can be called the cavitation where Pc is the total (mean plus oscillatory) chamber pres-
compliance, in practice, K is determined indirectly from sure, W^ and Wdf are the total oxidizer and fuel flows into
the experimental observations of suction line resonant fre- the chamber, rc is the chamber lag time (accounts approxi-
quency. Expressing continuity across the bubble, the mately for the transport of the propellants from the injector
weight flow discharged by the pump Wd is to the combustion zone, for combustion delay, and for pressure
wave traversal of the combustion chamber§), C* is the char-
wd = w* — (ps/K)p, + pAsxp (7) acteristic velocity as a function of mixture ratio (MR —
where xp is the longitudinal velocity of the pump itself. Wdo/Wdf), and At is the nozzle throat area. Suppose that
Two fundamental pump static characteristics (Fig. 3) are C*, in the immediate vicinity of the operating point A, has
employed to obtain the form for the dynamic performance of the following behavior:
the pump itself. One is head rise vs suction pressure at con-
stant flow; the other is head rise vs flow at constant suction C* = CA (12)
pressure. Actually, each characteristic is represented by a where MRA is the mixture ratio at A, CA* is the character-
family of curves. Head rise is also a function of pump shaft istic velocity at MRA, and CA*' is the slope at MRA. (We
speed, but flight observations indicated that pump speed assume that rr is independent of MR] since rcs « 1, this
oscillations could be neglected for Titan II POGO analysis; assumption is reasonable.) Substituting Eq. (12) into (11),
their significance should be reviewed for each new application. and retaining only first-order terms to obtain a relation
Given the operating point A on the two curves, we imagine among small oscillatory components of the variables, we
small displacements while treating the curves as being linear obtain
locally. The slopes of the two characteristics are
m = 5 (P. - P,)/5P,, -RP = 5 (Pd - (8) (rcs + l)pc = (C0*/Atg)wdtl + (Cs*/Atg)wdf (13)

Writing the pressures and flow as sums of mean and oscilla- t Contrary to the statement made in lief. 8.
tory components, the oscillatory performance of the pump % The presence of a fuel resonance in the frequency range of
becomes interest was hypothesized by the author from study of suction
pressure oscillations during a static firing with no external
pd = (m + l)p, - Rpwd (9) perturbation. The pulsing tests carried out later confirmed this
supposition: the resonant frequencies obtained were in quanti-
where (m + 1) is called the pump gain and Rp is called the tative agreement with the nonpulsing results.
pump resistance. § This representation is satisfactory at very low frequencies.

C/ = C,i* + CA*'(l + MRA)
Cf* = CA* - CA*'MRA(l + URA)
and (70* and Cf* can be regarded as characteristic velocities
associated with small oxidizer and fuel perturbations, respec-
tively. The oscillatory thrust produced by a chamber is
related to the oscillatory chamber pressure by Fig. 5 An example of the
amplitude and phase of
T = AtC,pe (14) the transfer function T/xp.
where C/ is the thrust coefficient.

Propulsion Transfer Functions (Single-Propellaril)

First, let us consider which transfer functions are needed.

Two types of forces act on the vehicle which are not already
O.I 1.0 10
accounted for in the structural modal analysis. These are
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the upward thrust acting at a gimbal point and the downward FREQUENCY, w / w ,
suction force p»As acting on a pump. Considering only a
single propellant, the effective thrust in Eq. (1) is shift. The characteristic frequency equation is
1 (20)
T = T - (<pP/<pT)p*A (15)
The hydraulic feedback function H(s) is We also can write /3hs = 7rco/2o;o where co0 = 7ra/24, is the
first open-closed organ-pipe mode of the suction line. With-
= r = T_ / _ A, out distributed compliance (i.e., no organ-pipe effect) we
x x \ 4. /("* ~ have coo -^ oo and ft —> 0, so that the only characteristic fre-
quency equals the bubble frequency, i.e., on = coh. Without
By combination of Eqs. (3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, and 14), lumped compliance (that is, no bubble), the characteristic
frequencies equal the open-closed organ-pipe modes, i.e.,
x C* f A T &h* / coi = coo, 3coo, 5 o>o, • • • Any combination of the two compli-
^ (w -f 1) — pAsLs -h ——— ^
A$ L g <p ances can be treated conveniently by graphical solution of
Eq. (20).4 Figure 4 contains plots of a>i/w ft and coft/w0,
which enable one to determine any of the three frequencies
from the other two.
For co < coi, the relative size of bubble and organ-pipe
where R = Rp -f- Rt/ -f (C*/Atg) is the total resistance. The compliance in the suction line has no appreciable effect on
frequency co& is called the bubble frequency and is given by T/xp. Three combinations of compliance, all organ pipe
(coi = coo), all bubble (coi = 0)5), and a mixture (coft = coo,
= K/pL, (18) yielding coi = 0.73coo), are employed in Fig. 5 for a repre-
where K is the bubble spring constant denned previously. sentative set of propulsion parameters. The insensitivity of
Combination of Eqs. (9-11) provides the plots to the combination of compliances for co < 1 .5coi
is clearly evident. A curve of T/xp without suction line
(R + Lds)(l compliance (incompressible liquid, no bubble) is shown also.
l)(C*/Atg) Since combination of compliance is a weak factor in T/x.,> at
low frequencies, we can simplify further analysis at low fre-
In Eq. (17), T/xp exhibits resonances near the character- quencies by assuming the compliance to be lumped at the
istic frequencies co; denned as the frequencies of 90° phase pump inlet. For this equivalent-bubble case, Eq. (17) can
be cast into the nondimensional form,
2.0 I

where 0* = c o c o the first characteristic frequency,

1.6 - and

>-* _ (m _j_ i)7 VsW */2/£

T7* = Ld&*/R V = T C CO
Fig. 4 Interrelation of 3~
the first characteristic, 0~ where f*, 77*, ^ are dimensionless. At the ('haracteristic
organ-pipe, and bubble ^ frequency (0* = 1), the absolute value is £/co* and the phase
frequencies. ^ 0.8 is — 7T/2; the value at zero frequency is 2f* #/co*. If ry*
and i/ = 0, Eq. (21) represents a familiar second-order
resonant characteristic with fraction-of-critical damping f*.
A family of amplitude and phase curves of (Tr/xp)co*/2f*/3
0.4 —
for two values of f* and with 77* and v = 0 is displayed in
Fig. 6 by the solid curves; the dotted curves are for r/* =
1.0 and v — 0. In the case of Titan II, the long oxidizer
suction line (L. large) leads to a relatively large f * and a
heavily damped characteristic; the short fuel line (L. small)
leads to a relatively small f * and a lightly damped character-

- Hv)
2:(l + iv) +
is the effective characteristic- velocity for propellant 1 in-
corporating the effect of backflow into the discharge line of
propellant 2. From Eqs.. (9) and (11) we find that

2 — Ry& ~T~ Rd

Fig. 6 Transfer function
T/Xp in dimensionless Observe that Z2 ->• °° at the frequency coincidence co =
form for f * = 0.1 and 0.5, oo2* (i.e., when 72 = 0). Neglecting v^y vE%, and EiE% com-
77* = 0 and 1, and v = 0 pared to one, we obtain the following approximate relations:
[see Eq. (21)].
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Rle/Rl ^

where Rie is the equivalent value for R\ obtained when Ci*

is replaced by Cie*.
As a further consequence of backflow, there will occur a
suction pressure of propellant 2 which will produce another
suction force. Therefore, the hydraulic feedback function
for propellant 1 becomes
2.0 _ ^ fI ,1
/2l(s) — .. —
.A! ** ?fL-i A'L
. ^
f*? P^1 (29)
ajpi \ AtLf <PT PC,I AtLf <PT pc,i

instead of that given by Eq. (16), where the comma-one

10 Jc. ^ Small values of v have an insignificant effect on the subscript denotes that the origin of the quantity is the struc-
amplitude curve and provide an additional phase lag of v tural excitation of propellant 1. TI/XP\ and pa\,\/pCt\ are
radians. obtained by employing Eq. (28) to modify B and E in Eqs.
For convenience in further analysis, let us now introduce (24) and (23); pS2,i/pc,i is obtained by employing wd2 =
the following dimensionless parameters: —pc,i/Z2 and Eqs. (9) and (10). From these, the feedback
transfer function for propellant 1, including the contribution
of backflow into propellant 2, is given by

£ = 1 + 777 = (C*/Atg)/R (22)

i I +
D = (A,/At
Equations (19) and (21) now become
P./PC = 1(1 + iij)(l + iv) - ivE\/(m + l)E (23)
^2 = [72(1
T/x, = (B/u)/(l + w}(j + iQ (24)
This result reduces to that of Eq. (25) when there is no inter-
Inserting the previous two relations into Eq. (16), we obtain action with propellant 2. This is demonstrated easily by
for the feedback transfer function, letting E<2 -+ 0 [see Eq. (28)]. Term #2(tco) is found from
the foregoing by permutation of the subscripts 1 and 2.
*co (25)
Stability Analysis

Propulsion Transfer Functions (Two-Propellant) Having obtained expressions for G(s) and PI(s) in Fig. 2,
we are now in a position to evaluate the stability of the
If the flow of one propellant is perturbed by vehicle motion, system. Consider the closed-loop system (positive feed-
the resulting chamber pressure will be influenced by flow back) shown in Fig. 1. The acceleration response to external
perturbations of the second propellant induced by the effective thrust oscillations is given by
chamber pressure fluctuations. This flow effect is termed
backflow. If Z2 is the impedance of the second propellant x/T' = <?(«)/[! - G(s)H(s)} (31)
as seen from the thrust chamber, then wai = — pc/Z2. Sub- where G(s) is given by Eq. (2). In practice, instability will
stituting into Eq. (11) and regrouping, we find that the occur at a frequency near the structural resonant iiequency
chamber pressure caused by the structural excitation of
propellant 1, pe,i is related to the discharge flow of propellant
1 by
(rcs (26)
Fig. T Stability
Representative numerical values for Titan II: v — 0.16 and time..
Oxidizer 0.26 0.18 0.22 0.43 ———y\
Fuel 0.07 094 0,18 0.24 TIME

co«. For stability :analysis, we may therefore approximate ZPG 8

H(s) by a complex frequency-independent number H equal
to the value of H'(s) .at o^,
jr / • \ __ TT- /QO^
Fig. 8 Nyquist stability
Substituting Eqs. (2) .and (32) into (31), we obtain the
closed-loop roots at values of s = X where
- HG,P - r 2 ) 1/2 ]/(l - HGp) (33)
Consider now the -size of the real and imaginary parts of
HGP. At s = iun the open-loop gain is G(iun)H(iun) =
HGp/i2£. Assuming that the magnitude of this open-loop tion ZPG = 1. These simple relations would not have been
gain is not overly large 'Compared to unity, the real and obtained if the loop had been opened at other than T' or x.
imaginary parts of HGP will not exceed the order of magni- With the proviso that H(s) is slowly varying relative to
tude of f, and f « 1.. Consequently, the real part of X can G(s) in the neighborhood of con, we find that the maximum
be approximated by radius of the Nyquist plot will occur essentially at co = con.
Consequently, 6G ^ ir/2, and from Eq. (38) this maximum
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radius is
where HI is the imaginary part of H. With no feedback,
H = 0; and we see from Eq. (2) that Xr = — fco n . Com- jOLGU ~ Gr\B\/2t (41)
paring this result with Eq- (34),, we find that the least closed- It can be shown that the phase margin dm is given by
loop damping ratio f c becomes
_J_ (/PC < 1
The plus sign was chosen since_/f/ will be negative in cases
of practical concern, and f N = HjGp/2 is the structural damp- where the sin 1 produces an angle in either the first or second
ing ratio required to produce a neutrally stable system (f c = quadrant, whichever minimizes the absolute value of Om.
0). The stability for a given set of time-varying parameters In the interest of brevity, no further consideration will be
could be presented by a plot of £N vs time, e.g., the plot A in given to the question of gain or phase stabilization.
Fig. 7. Oscillation begins when {& exceeds f (which may
vary with time). A time-varying limit cycle would then be Stability of Siiiglc-Propellaiit System
established until f,v fell below f with subsequent vanishing
As we have already seen, transfer functions are greatly
of the oscillations. If the system is just barely stable, as
complicated by the interaction of the two propellants because
it is near the peak of curve B in Fig. 7, narrow-band random
of backflow. It is instructive to consider first the stability
oscillations will result as a consequence of noise excitation of
of a hypothetical single-propellant system. Taking the
the extremely lightly damped closed-loop system.
imaginary part of //(ico) from Eq. (25) and substituting into
The Nyquist criterion for stability is based on the open-
Eq. (35), we find
loop gain (OLG) of the system. From Fig. 1 we have
r*pt>z? £f — D7"i -\-i
OLG = G(s)H(s) (36) (v* « 1) (43)
A plot of OLG on polar coordinates with frequency as a param-
eter is termed a Nyquist plot (Fig. 8). For a positive feed- where the overbars on the frequency-dependent quantities
back system we are concerned with the zero-phase gain £, 7, v denote values at the frequency con. With the com-
(ZPG), that is, the value of OLG at <p = 0. The maximum bustion lag v set to zero, we obtain the following result:
radius of the plot is denoted by |OLG|m. If \OLG\m < 1,
the system is said to be gain stabilized (no amount of pure (44)
phase shift will cause a ZPG > 1). If |OLG|™ > 1, but ZPG GPB ~ (1
< 1, the system is said to be phase stabilized (pure phase
where | has been re])laced by 1 -f ^77 from Eq. (22). In
shift can cause instability). The phase margin <pm for a phase-
Fig. 9, the function 2<jon£N/GpB from Eq. (44) is plotted vs 7
stabilized system is the amount of phase shift that will pro-
for D = 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 77 = 0, 1.0.
duce a ZPG of unity.
From Eq. (25), we find that
To find ZPG, we can write G(s) as an approximate function
of its phase angle OG at co near u>n. Thus, - (1 + + D
(v = 0) (45)
G(ico) ~ (G p /2f) sin6Gei6G (f/tan0<? « 1) (37) Drj(l + 777)
where tan BG = -2ffi n /(l - On'2). Writing// = \H\ exp(i6ji) As |tan0ff(co n )| decreases, the frequency of the instability
and employing Eq. (37), we find OLG in the neighborhood moves away from the structural frequency oon. An increase
of con to be in the separation of these two frequencies deteriorates the
accuracy of the approximations employed in deriving f A -.
OLG - (38) The curves in Fig. 9 are cross-hatched for values of
|tan0#(con)| < J to suggest a range of validity for £N.
At the frequency of zero loop phase, QG + On vanishes and Each of the curves displays a maximum at the value of 7
OLG is proportional to the imaginary part of //. With the given by
assumption in Eq. (32), ZPG becomes
- - ^^ Tl
ZPG ~ Htfp/2? (39) ~ j L
A comparison of Eq. (39) with Eq. (35) shows that
fc =* r(l - ZPG) {> =* fZPG (40) where the sign is selected so that ym > — (1 — D)/rj. The
value ym is plotted versus rj for several values of /) on Fig.
As required, f c —> 0 and f # -> f for the neutrally stable situa- 10. Values of ym for which |tan0//(con)| < -^ are cross-

Fig. 10 Location of maxi-

mum instability on Fig. 9
vs rj for v = 0 [see Eq. (46)].

number of cases has shown that its accuracy relative to pre-

cise determinations of zero-phase gain is better than 10% in
most cases. The accuracy tends to be best when the degree
Fig. 9 Stability parameter 2con^N/GpB vs the frequency
of instability is the greatest.
parameter 7 for zero-com bus lion lag (v = 0) [see Eq. (44)].
When on* = u>n (i.e., 71 = 0 and £ t = 1), Eq. (51) simplifies
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hatched. We observe that stability estimates will be accurate
at the peaks of the instability curves as plotted in Fig. 10 f jvi - G P i£i(l - Ca2 - Di)/2co n (wi* = con) (52)
as long as the combination D > 0.5, 77 > 0.8 is not employed. which is comparable to Eq. (49). An estimate of the greatest
Corresponding to ym is the frequency ratio o>TO*/ojn leading
possible instability f N may be achieved by considering the
to the maximum instability,
coincidence on*, o?2*, and co n :

obtained from Eq. (22).

For small v, the maxima of 2un£N/GpB occur at
where = co2* = con, 7i = 72 = 0, and |i = £2 =

¥)) \
J_Y l (48)
where c = (1 — D)/[rj + v(l — DE)] and the sign is selected The mathematical model presented for the analysis of
so that ym > — c. Approximate maximum values of f N can POGO oscillations encompasses the following considerations
be found by substituting ym determined from Eq. (48) into and influences: a) one longitudinal structural mode, b) single
Eq. (43). ^ engine, c) wave propagation in suction line, d) cavitation
At the frequency coincidence GO = con (i.e., 7 = 0), compliance at pump inlet, e) dynamic gain of pump, f) in-
compressible flow in discharge line, and g) combustion cham-
(49) ber lag and effect of mixture ratio perturbations on chamber
pressure. The thrust produced per unit acceleration of the
showing that v is not of first-order importance. It can be vehicle structure has been shown to have a resonant behavior
shown that £"# at frequency coincidence is a fair approxima- which is caused by (c) and (d). Feedback transfer functions
tion to the value at the peak of a £N versus 7 curve for v2 « 1. have been derived for both the single-and two-propellant
Stability of Two-Propellant System
The model is based on the one formulated in Ref. 2 with
the following extensions introduced by the author: 1) the
The structural damping required for neutral stability in use of the transmission line representation of wave propagation
the two-propellant case is found by the superposition in the suction line and the formulation of the equivalent-
bubble representation, 2) the recognition of the presence of
Pi - \llnG & (50) a fuel suction line resonance in the frequency range of con-
where Gp\ = <pPnp(l/'M and GpZ = (pP<npg/M. We derive an cern, and 3) the introduction of the mixture ratio influence
expression for Hn from Eq. (30) and obtain, after considerable on the combustion response.
algebraic, manipulation, In the past, the complexity of the POGO problem has led
to the use of computers to obtain numerical solutions. In
GPiBi £](! - e«2) - Di + yi[p(l - DtEi) - 652] this paper we derive an approximate expression for closed-
loop damping [see Eq. (51)] which is formulated explicitly
in terms of dimensionless parameter groups. This formula-
(P2 « 1) (51) tion is made possible by : 1) avoiding complexity in the model
where introduced by second-order influences, 2) employing the
equivalent-bubble representation for the suction line reso-
nances, 3) assuming the feedback transfer function to be
^ [72(72 - ^2) slowly varying in the neighborhood of the structural reso-
nance, and 4) neglecting second-order terms in the interaction
of the two propellants. The zero-phase gain in terms of
[-(D 2 - 72(^72 effective thrust or vehicle acceleration is shown to be simply
related to the closed-loop damping [see Eq. (40)].
Several terms of order z722 have been retained in the expres- Test computations have shown that the stability results
sions for €02 and €52 to maintain symmetry of form. The are sufficiently accurate for engineering use. In addition to
overbars denote values at the frequency w n . Note that the direct estimation of stability, the results presented can be
Eq. (51) reduces to Eq. (43) when eai and ebi go to zero. The employed as a guide to more refined computer analyses, as
expression for f ^ is obtained from Eq. (51) by permutation well as to assess the significance of numerical uncertainties
of the subscripts 1 and 2. The application of Eq. (51) to a in model parameters.
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