Prediction of Casing Wear in Extended-Reach Drilling
Prediction of Casing Wear in Extended-Reach Drilling
Prediction of Casing Wear in Extended-Reach Drilling
DOI 10.1007/s12182-001-0098-6
Abstract: Intermediate casings in the build sections are subject to severe wear in extended-reach
drilling. This paper presents a new method for predicting the depth of a wear groove on the intermediate
casing. According to energy principle and dynamic accumulation of casing wear by tool joints, a model is
established to calculate the wear area on the inner wall of the casing. The relationship functions between
the wear groove depth and area are obtained based on the geometry relationship between the drillstring
and the wear section and the assumption that the casing wear groove is crescent-shaped. The change of
casing wear groove depth versus drilling footage under different-sized drillstrings is also discussed. A
mechanical model is proposed for predicting casing wear location, which is based on the well trajectory
and drillstring movement. The casing wear groove depth of a planned well is predicted with inversion of
the casing wear factor from the drilled well and necessarily revised to improve the prediction accuracy
for differences between the drilled well and the planned well. The method for predicting casing wear in
extended-reach drilling is verified through actual case study. The effect of drillstring size on casing wear
should be taken into account in casing wear prediction.
Key words: Extended-reach drilling, casing wear, casing wear location, inversion calculation
at the average value of revolutions per minute (RPM), rate of used in casing wear prediction currently can be developed
penetration (ROP), weight on drill bit (WOB), and a given as a modified version of Archard’s model. Casing wear is
drilling footage. A dynamic cumulative approach is used to mainly due to the rotation of tool joints and the effect of pipe
describe these factors more accurately in this paper. reciprocation can be neglected in the tripping process (Bradley
The simulation of casing wear in the laboratory and the and Fontenot, 1975). The volume of casing worn away can
caliper recording in oil fields show that there are at least two be expressed as follows (White and Dawson, 1987; Tan et al,
stages: transient wear and steady-state wear of the casing 2006):
(Schoenmakers, 1987; Hall and Malloy, 2005). Due to the K
shorter transient casing wear time but higher wear factor, V
Hb ³ P NL d l f W ³ P NL d l (1)
the casing wear factor (CWF) value obtained from the total
volume loss and sliding distance covered would be greatly where V is the volume of metal removed by wear, m3; Hb is
in the error if the casing test time is not long enough (Yang, the casing Brinell hardness, N/m2; η is the wear efficiency,
2005). In addition, the calculation accuracy of the contact dimensionless; fw is the casing wear factor, 1/Pa; N is the
force between the drillstring and the casing still needs contract force between the drillstring and casing, N/m;
further research and improvement, and the calculation error L is the distance slid, m; μ is the circumferential friction
of contact force will make the casing wear prediction error coefficient, dimensionless.
larger. However, inversion of CWF in a drilled well can The casing wear area is:
overcome the above shortcomings and accord with the actual dV
drilling situations of friction and casing wear. S f W P NL f W P NʌN R Dtj
Schoenmakers (1987) found that working with two (2)
different-sized drillstrings results in double running-in 60ʌf W P nDtj N
wear, which aggravates the casing wear. He attributed this ROP
phenomenon to running-in wear and did not investigate other where S is the casing wear area, m2; NR is the number of
potential reasons. Williamson (1981) believed that the higher revolutions, dimensionless; Dtj is the outer diameter of the
contact pressure and thus the wear rate for a given load tool joint, m; n is the revolution rate of the rotary table, r/min;
would result in the faster casing wear if the diameters of tool ROP is the rate of penetration, m/h; LM is the drilling footage,
joints passing the casing wear point varied during drilling. m.
The authors hold that the size changes of tool joints would At a given drilling footage, the casing wear area due to
affect the worn casing geometry and thus the casing wear all of the tool joints through the same casing position can be
groove depth (CWGD). Therefore, it is necessary to study the estimated:
effect of sizes of drillstring on casing wear, which has great m q D n
S 60ʌf W P Ls sin D ¦
i tji i
significance on casing wear prediction in ERD. (3)
i 1 ROP i
As the drilling footage extends, the contact point between
the drillstring and the casing changes and it is likely that the In a 3D hole, the calculation method for contact force
wear location is not unique for the casing cross-section at a between the drillstring and the casing can be found in the
given depth. Therefore, this issue involves how to estimate literature (Gao, 2006).
the casing wear volume effectively. In accordance with three- In a two-dimensional (2D) crooked hole and a one-
dimensional (3D) trajectory and movement of drillstring, a dimensional (1D) inclined hole, the analytical solutions to
model of casing wear location is established. Through the contact force can be obtained, thus the analytical solutions
quantitative calculation of the wear location angle and the to casing wear area can be obtained with the dynamic
dynamic estimation of the casing wear area in the same wear cumulative approach. We define that the sign of the radius
location, the casing wear prediction can be achieved at any curvature is positive in the build sections and negative in the
measured depth. drop sections, the axial load of drillstring is positive under
Based on the above research, CWF and other important compression and negative under tension, and the contact force
parameters are obtained through inversion of the actual between the drillstring and the wellbore is positive when the
drilling data and the caliper recording for the adjacent drilled drillstring contacts the low side of the wellbore otherwise
extended reach well (ERW), and then calculation can be done it is negative. The wear at the high side or low side of the
satisfactorily for the casing wear prediction of the planned wellbore should be calculated respectively once the direction
ERW in which the casing program is similar to the drilled of contact force reverses.
well in the same zone. In a straight inclined wellbore, the contact force is related
to the gravity component, and then the casing wear area is
2 Prediction model of casing wear expressed as follows:
m qi Dtji ni
The wear of materials in sliding contacts can be explained S 60ʌf W P Ls sin D ¦ (4)
by the dissipated energy due to friction between both i 1 ROPi
contacting parts (White and Dawson, 1987; Huq and Celis, where LS is the drill pipe span, m; m is the number of spans,
2002), and different wear mechanisms agree with Archard’s m=L M/L S, rounded to an integer; α is the tangent section
model only with different meanings of the wear factor angle, degrees; qi is the effective weight per unit length of the
(Archard, 1980). Therefore, the wear-efficiency model widely ith pipe through to the end of build curve (EOB) or end of
496 Pet.Sci.(2010)7:494-501
drop curve (EOD), N/m; ROPi is the rate of penetration at the 3.1 Single crescent-shaped casing wear
footage from (i–1)LS to iLS, m/h; ni is the revolution rate of
From graphics relations (see Fig. 1), the maximum
the rotary table corresponding to ROPi, r/min.
CWGD can be expressed as follows:
When drilling at a constant RPM and with the same type
of drill pipes, the casing wear area in the 1D wellbore is: DW a Rci Rtj (8)
S 60ʌf W P q sin D Dtj n M (5)
ROP ( Rci2 a 2 Rtj2 )2
d Rci2 (9)
Drag & torque models of drillstring (Gao, 2006) indicate 4a 2
that under a given WOB the axial load applied to the tool
where DW is the maximum casing wear groove depth, m; a is
joint at a specified distance from the drill bit in the crooked
the eccentricity of the tool joint, m; Rci is the inner radius of
wellbore is related to the drillstring length, inclination angle,
the casing, m.
effective pipe weight, and wellbore curvature. Since the
The wear area of the casing is derived by integration over
axial force and contact force vary regularly with the distance
its crescent-shaped wear groove. The expression is expressed
between joints and the drill bit, the casing wear area also
as follows:
varies regularly. When the direction of contact force remains
unchanged, the casing wear area can be expressed as follows: d
S 2³ (a Rtj2 x 2 Rci2 x 2 ) d x
Sj 60ʌf W P LS u d d
Rtj2 arcsin Rci2 arcsin da
Rtj Rci
m Dtji ni ª§ Fj · i 1
qk º
¦ ROP «¨ R q sin D ¸ ¦ R L (cos D P c sin D )»
i i S If the inner diameter (ID) of the casing and the OD of the
i 1 i ¬© ¹ k 1 ¼ tool joint are available, a quadratic polynomial fitting function
(6) S c0 c1a c2 a 2 is used to calculate CWGD approximately
and the calculation error Δ may be eliminated or reduced by
When the same type of drill pipes is used to drill the wellbore
the iteration method. According to the actual situation, there
under the virtually unchanged RPM, ROP and WOB, the
is only one reasonable solution. The maximum CWGD can
casing wear in crooked wellbores can be presented as:
be expressed as:
60ʌDtj nf W P LS c1 c12 4c2 (c0 S )
Sj u DW Rci Rtj ' (11)
ROP 2c2
ª m(m 1) q º where Δ is the calculation error of casing wear groove depth,
« mN j LS (cos D P c sin D ) » m.
¬ 2 R ¼
where Sj is the wear area of the jth casing span above EOB
or EOD, m2; Fj is the axial force, N; R is the curvature radius
of the wellbore, m; Nj is the initial contact force of the jth Casing
drillstring span above the EOB or EOD at the beginning
of penetration, N/m; u′ is the axial friction coefficient,
Tool joint
3 CWGD calculation O
The casing wear surface can be seen as an intersection Rci O1
of the casing inner wall with the tool joint, which takes two
forms; a single wear groove or a composite wear groove. The
composite wear groove may be sharp crescent-shaped and Dw
blunt crescent-shaped, the former is caused by a smaller tool
joint than the previous one and the later formed by a greater
one than the previous. Therefore, three cases of the casing
wear were analyzed respectively in this paper, which include Fig. 1 Worn casing geometry
the single, the sharp and the blunt crescent-shaped groove.
Supposed that Rtj and rtj stand for the outer radius of two 3.2 Sharp crescent-shaped casing wear
adjacent tool joints and Rtj is greater than rtj in the following This case involves the issue of a critical width of casing
analysis. wear groove that is the width of a groove caused by the
More complicated worn casing geometries would be previous tool joint.
formed by more OD changes of tool joints, but CWGD While the critical width is less than the width of the
analysis is the same as the above three cases. newly formed wear groove on the casing, the total area of the
Pet.Sci.(2010)7:494-501 497
groove can be calculated by the crescent-shaped intersection 3.4 Effect of drillstring size on casing wear
between the tool joint with a radius of rtj and the inner wall of
In order to analyze the change of CWGD with drilling
the casing, and CWGD calculation is the same as that for the
footage under different-sized drillstring, the ø244.5 mm
single crescent-shaped casing wear.
casing wear (ID of 220.5 mm) in the horizontal section was
The following discussion will focus on CWGD
predicted using the data of drill pipes as shown in Table 1. Let
calculations when the width of the newly formed wear groove
ROP=10 m/h, RPM=120 rpm, and CWF= 4.0×10-12 Pa-1. The
does not exceed the critical width of the casing wear groove.
analytical results are shown in Fig. 2.
The maximum depth of the original casing wear groove
caused by the first tool joint is:
Table 1 Drill pipes for analyzing casing wear
where a1 is the eccentricity of the first tool joint with a radius Drill pipe 2 139.7 177.8 121.4 318.3
of Rtj and a2 is the eccentricity of the second tool joint with a
radius of rtj.
The half width of the newly formed casing wear groove is There are two stages including the running-in wear and
expressed as follows: steady-state wear on the curve of CWGD versus drilling
footage, without considering non-linear changes of the casing
2 wear volume for a single size of drill pipes. Another running-
§ rtj2 Rtj2 (a2 a1 ) 2 ·
d2 R ¨ 2
¸¸ (14) in wear pattern arises when sizes of drill pipe changes at a
¨ tj
2(a1 a2 ) footage of 3,000 m in the sharp crescent-shaped wear, which
© ¹
makes the casing wear aggravated within a certain footage.
and the newly formed wear area S 2 equals the area of a The new running-in wear is largely due to the shape changes
crescent-shaped intersection by two tool joints with different of the casing wear groove, in other words, it will not vanish
sizes, which can be expressed as follows: if the conditions of friction & wear are unchanged. And there
is a stage that CWGD does not increase with the footage in
S2 2 ³ ( rtj2 x 2 Rtj2 x 2 a2 a1 ) d x blunt crescent-shaped casing wear, which alleviates the casing
(15) wear within a certain footage.
d2 d
rtj2 arcsin Rtj2 arcsin 2 (a2 a1 )d 2 5
rtj Rtj
There is only one unknown parameter a2 and then the ultimate
Casing wear groove depth, mm
wear to decide whether the CWGD increases or not. When Drill pipe 1 + Drill pipe 2
the total wear area is less than the critical area, the CWGD Drill pipe 1
1 Drill pipe 2
will not increase but the width of casing wear groove will Drill pipe 2 + Drill pipe 1
increase. If the total wear area is more than the critical area,
the CWGD can be calculated just like that for the single 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
crescent-shaped wear. The critical casing wear area Sc can be
Drilling footage, m
expressed as follows:
ac DW1 Rci Rtj Fig. 2 Effect of drillstring size on CWGD
us to find the calculation method for the principal normal and in the dogleg plane and in the direction perpendicular to
binormal of wellbore trajectory in the related references (Gao the dogleg plane so that the contact direction between the
and Xu, 1991; Juvkam-Wold and Wu, 1992). drillstring and casing can be determined by the sizes and
The high side direction is described by the following unit directions of these two forces, and the angle between the
vector h: binormal unit-vector and the contact direction becomes the
following expression:
h hij ª¬ sin T1 sin I1 sin T 2 sin I2 i ʌ
(17) When J mh t
sin T1 cos I1 sin T 2 cos I2 j º¼ sin T k 2
N dp
°J pm arcsin , N dp 0
where hij cos T 2 1 cos E cos T1 cos T 2
, which ° N
® (19)
is positive in conventional wells and negative in those wells °J N dp
° pm arcsin , N dp ! 0
in which the true vertical depth decreases as the measured ¯ N
depth increases; θ is the inclination angle, degrees; T is the ʌ
average inclination angle, degrees; Φ is the azimuth angle, when J mh
degrees; the subscripts 1 and 2 denote the upper end and the
lower end; β is the total angle change, degrees. N dp
The angle between the high side unit-vector and the °J pm ʌ arcsin , N dp 0
° N
binormal unit-vector is defined as J mh that is positive as the ® (20)
high side unit-vector rotates clockwise to the binormal unit- ° N dp
vector. °J pm ʌ arcsin
, N dp ! 0
J mh ¯
sin T1 sin T 2 sin(I1 I2 ) ª¬ hij (cos T1 cos T 2 ) sin T º¼ where J mh is the angle between the high side unit-vector and
arccos the binormal unit-vector, degrees; J pm is the angle between
sin E the binormal unit-vector and the contact direction, degrees.
(18) The wear location angle becomes J h J mh J pm , which
Ndp and Np are the total lateral loads (N/m) respectively can be used to determine the casing wear location.
5 Case study HZ25-4-5 was done to obtain key parameters of the casing
wear prediction and then the casing wear of the planned
In order to evaluate the casing wear in well HZ25-4- well HZ25-4-6 was predicted without the drill pipe casing
5 and predict the casing wear of other planned wells so as protectors.
to decide whether the reducers and protectors are needed or The cumulative length of ø215.9 mm sections was 3,899.8
not in the HZ25-4 Oilfield, the South China Sea, no casing m, and the density of oil-based mud (OBM) was 1.1 g/cm3.
protection measures were taken when the ø215.9 mm hole The OD of the tool joint was 177.8 mm and the ID of ø244.5
section (five wellbores formed successively in well HZ25- mm casing was 220.5 mm (casing wall thick of 11.99 mm).
4-5) was drilled and caliper logging was made for the upper The friction factor was taken as 0.1 according to the field
part of ø244.5 mm N80 casing after cementing ø177.8 mm data. For the inversion calculation of CWF, the drillstring
liner for well HZ25-4-5. Based on the models mentioned in was divided into 1-m-long elements and the calculation was
the paper, a wear analysis of ø244.5 mm casing used in well repeated with a changed CWF until the calculated groove
Pet.Sci.(2010)7:494-501 499
depths of worn casing matched the survey values (Reiber et 10 m/h and the average RPM is 120 rpm in both sections.
al, 1999). The inverted value of CWF was 4.0×10-12 Pa-1 for Thus, the maximum CWGD is 2.73 mm and the maximum
well HZ25-4-5 (see Fig. 4). correction depth is 4.26 mm. From the results of casing wear
prediction, size changes of the tool joint should be taken into
account, or the predicted casing wear depth may be smaller in
1600 Survey depth of the casing wear groove
Predicted by inversion wear factor 4.0E-12 the deep hole section (see Fig. 6).
Measured depth, m
Measured depth, m
2000 2000
2300 Effect of drillstring size
5000 not considered
1 2 3 4 5
Casing wear groove depth, mm
Fig. 4 Inversion of casing wear factor 0 1 2 3
Casing wear groove depth, mm
Actual measurements while drilling and well survey Fig. 6 ø244.5 mm casing wear prediction in well HZ25-4-6
data of the final hole were used to analyze CWGD in the
drilled well. Average values of actual drilling parameters There is another way to solve the problem in which the
and the designed trajectory data were used for the casing predicted depths of casing wear groove are always less than
wear analysis in the planned well. The ratio of the maximum those obtained from the actual survey due to hole anomaly
CWGD in the drilled well to that in the planned well is 1.56 in an actual well. To better represent the drag & torque
as shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, The ratio 1.56 may be taken as in an actual well, the artificial tortuosity can be added to
the correction factor for the maximum CWGD in the planned the planned well. Four tortuosity models are commonly
well. used, including sine wave, helical, random inclination &
azimuth, and random inclination dependent on azimuth
(Rezmer-Cooper et al, 1999; Samuel et al, 2005). In this
Drilled well (final hole)
Planned well (average drilling parameters) paper, the azimuth simulation used the sine wave method
and inclinations were calculated by the random method.
1000 Further adjustment to inclination was repeated to keep dogleg
severity within a certain range to avoid human-induced
anomalies. The results show that the simulated contact forces
Measured depth, m
match closely with those calculated from the actual well path
surveys when tortuosity is applied to the planned well for
well HZ25-4-5 (see Fig. 7). With the same method to simulate
4000 0
Measured depth, m
0 1 2 3 4
Casing wear groove depth, mm
Fig. 5 CWGD comparison diagram for well HZ25-4-5
of the drilled well HZ25-4-5. The ø244.5 mm casing wear is Measured wellbore
mainly caused during drilling of ø215.9 mm and ø152.4 mm Simulated wellbore
hole sections. The maximum wellbore length is 1,720 m and 8000
0 200 400 600 800 1000
average WOB is 44.45 kN in the ø215.9 mm section, and the
Contact force, kN/m
maximum wellbore length is 397.79 m and the average WOB
is 22.23 kN in the ø152.4 mm section. The average ROP is Fig. 7 Contact force simulations for well HZ25-4-5
500 Pet.Sci.(2010)7:494-501
the well trajectory data and to predict the casing wear for if the conditions of friction & wear are unchanged. Therefore,
well HZ25-4-6, the maximum CWGD ranges from 3.6 mm the effect of drillstring size on the casing wear should be
to 4.3 mm with different simulated well trajectory data. Fig. taken into account in the casing wear prediction because they
9 illustrates the CWGD calculated by the simulated curve are unavoidable in drilling & completion operations.
shown in Fig. 8. 4) When simulating the casing wear in a planned well, it
is necessary to make a reasonable correction to the predicted
depth of the casing wear groove using scientific inversion
Azimuth, Degrees of casing wear factor from the drilled well because there are
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0 0 differences between the actual drilled well and the planned
well .
Planned azimuth
Planned inclination
2000 Acknowledgements
Measured Depth, m
Measured depth, m
Simulated azimuth
Simulated inclination The authors are grateful for the financial support from
4000 4000 the national projects (Grant No.: 2009ZX05009-005 and
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