Sco 3 Procedure For Issue of Permitry
Sco 3 Procedure For Issue of Permitry
Sco 3 Procedure For Issue of Permitry
The purpose of the Permitry System
4.7 Inspection
6.1 Validity
6.5 Transferability
7.3 Faxing
Proxy Authorisation
Emergency Work
This Transco procedure, having been approved by the Engineering Policy Steering Group in September 1998, is
published under the authority of Transco for use on Compressor Stations and Terminals.
Comments and queries regarding the technical content of this Transco procedure should be directed to:-
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RH14 1HJ
Further copies of this procedure can be obtained from DATAFORM using the print requisition form C0004 quoting
the form number of this procedure and your cost code.
Transco specifications are revised, when necessary, by the issue of amendments or of revised editions. Users should
ascertain that they are in possession of the latest versions by referring to the Transco Register of Engineering
Documents available on the Transco Information Library or Transnet.
Compliance with this Transco Procedure does not confer immunity from compliance with any legal or statutory
Contractors and other users external to Transco should direct their requests for further copies of Transco specifications
to the department or group responsible for the initial issue of their contract documentation.
Supersedes SEDS23
Shall: Indicates a Transco requirement
This document supersedes SEDS23, the previous company guidance on Permitry, dated June 1993.
The purpose of this instruction is to inform all Transco staff of the procedural requirements and their
responsibilities under the Transco Permitry System. This document shall be applied throughout Transco on
compressor stations and terminals but does not apply to non operational sites.
The provision of systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practical, safe and without risks to health is a duty
on Transco from the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
to assist Transco personnel and contractors to determine when Permitry is necessary;
This procedure shall be applied with reference to SCO1 Procedure for Safe Control of Operations, SCO1 refers to
other authorisation procedures such as Non Routine Operations, Routine Operations, Field Procedures etc.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1992 requires that employers must undertake a risk
assessment of their work activity to ensure that risks to employees and others such as contractors or members of the
public are adequately controlled. Risk assessments for all Transco work activities shall be carried out according to the
Transco Risk Assessment procedure (PROC/HS&E/001).
The risk assessment will identify the hazards and risks arising out of the activity and the control measures or
safeguards required to control them. For certain types of work, which create a considerable risk either to personnel or
plant, the risk assessment should identify that a Permitry Document is required as one of the control measures. In
such circumstances the Authorising Engineer must issue a Permit to Work before work is allowed to commence.
Guidance on the situations where a Permit to Work is required is given in the relevant section. Where the risk is
deemed not sufficient to require a Permit form the Authorising Engineer shall consider the requirement to issue a
Form of Authority.
2.2.1 To provide safe systems of work for all personnel associated with Compressor installations and
Permitry is defined as the system used for the safe implementation of work under documentary control.
a) Provide an effective means for safe control of work
2.2.2 A Permitry System is an essential part of the management system which determines how work can be carried
out safely, and helps communicate this to those doing the work. It must not be regarded as an easy way of avoiding
the need to eliminate hazard or reduce risk. The issue of permitry does not, by itself, make work safe. The permitry
should be regarded as a tool to assist those preparing for the work, those supervising the work and those carrying it
out to minimise risk. In addition to the permitry system other precautions may need to be taken.
Permitry entails the planning and preparation of all work required on the plant by people appropriately qualified for
each task.
The consideration and application of necessary precautions is formalised by the provision of a co-ordinated system of
The choice of documentation used in each case depends upon the class of work involved. (See Appendix 1).
a) To ensure that there is only ONE person with the authority to give permission to isolate plant from the
process for work to be done.
b) To clearly define the particular part of the plant that is to be worked on.
e) To ensure that the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work named in the permit is fully aware of the
safety measures taken and the precautions to be observed.
g) To ensure that appropriate isolation and safety precautions have been applied.
i) To ensure that on completion of work, the plant or equipment is returned to a proper operational state.
Where controls are to be placed on work due to a Risk Assessment or other reason the work must be authorised using
one of the following documents:
General Permit to Work
Form of Authority
e) Permit to Test
a) The top copy will not be detachable, remaining in the book as a permanent record. If, for any reason, a
permit is declared cancelled, this top copy will be so marked, but it must not be torn from the book.
b) The middle copy will be perforated and will be displayed at the permit issuing point. This copy will be
clearly overprinted to indicate that it is not an authorising copy.
c) The bottom copy issued to the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work must be returned each day
via the Process Controller for extension or for clearance by the Authorising Engineer. This copy must be
surrendered by the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work at the end of each working period.
d) A copy of the permit must be displayed at the work location or at the permit issuing point located where
all visitors to site can view it.
e) When a Permit Book has been completed it shall be held on SITE for a period of three years.
The Permit to Work is intended to cover those types of work in which there is a potential hazard, either to personnel
or plant, and which call for special safe-guards. These should include but not be confined to:-
e) Demolition
f) Work on plant containing or that has contained toxic or flammable material
g) Work where isolation is required from high pressures e.g. gas, seal oil. Also see 3.3(b)
h) Work on or near machinery which may be a source of hazard e.g. gas generator, pumps, motors.
i) Work in potentially hazardous atmospheres
j) Other work at the discretion of the Authorising Engineer
For work on electrical equipment as defined in the Electrical Safety Rules (EL6) one of the electrical permitry
documents is appropriate. The function of the electrical Permits to Work are amplified in EL6. An additional sheet
shows the modifications to EL6 to cater for the different working practices within NTS.
The category of work defined above must be clearly indicated on section 2 “Details of Work to be Permitted” of the
The Form of Authority provides a simplified format for work authorisation without detailing isolation requirements.
The object of a Form of Authority is to ensure such work is being undertaken with adequate safety precautions.
The use of the Form of Authority together with the other permitry forms ensures that the Process Controller has full
knowledge of all work being undertaken on the plant and that no jobs conflict.
The Form of Authority is the minimum requirement for the following work:
a) Work on Compressor Stations and Terminals by site operating staff and contractors which does not
require a Permit to Work.
b) Routine maintenance work not requiring a Permit to Work or a Permit to Test. A routine procedure
may be involved which may include details of local isolations.
The Permit to Test is to be issued to cover work associated with examining or testing plant which is not isolated but
has been made as safe as is reasonably practicable.
A Permit to Test must be raised prior to re-commissioning plant equipment that has been isolated under the control of
a Permit to Work when there is a requirement for specific testing to be undertaken that will entail the removal of
certain safety precautions. The Permit to Test will detail the isolations that must be maintained and will come into
force immediately the Permit to Work is cancelled prior to the system being made live e.g.. pressurised or energised.
Where plant or equipment is not isolated hazards exist. The Permit to Test recognises that there are dangers
associated with the work and its purpose is to restrict access to the place of work to named personnel only. The plant
and equipment must be made as safe as practicable.
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Test is to be a named qualified specialist in the field of work involved.
The Permit to Test must be viewed as a high level document that should normally only be required for short periods of
A Permit to Test must not under any circumstances be issued as a substitute for a Permit to Work.
The suitably qualified engineer appointed to be responsible for the application of all or part of this procedure or a
suitably qualified, competent and experienced person acting under his or her supervision.
4.2 Authorising Engineer
The Authorising Engineer who signs the ‘Issue’ section of the permit implements the objective of work authorisation
defined in Section 8 and amplified in Section 10.
The control of established permitry conditions is the continuing responsibility of successive individuals performing
the duty of Authorising Engineer.
It is essential that only one Authorising Engineer at any time is responsible for the whole site.
The appropriate Responsible Engineer will authorise in writing those persons designated as ‘Authorising Engineer’
and will provide training and assess the candidates. This will include revalidation at specified intervals not exceeding
three years.
If the current Authorising Engineer needs to issue permitry for a job he is to carry out, another appointed Authorising
Engineer will sign the permit document to issue it.
The Process Controller is the person nominated by the Responsible Engineer to be responsible for the operation of the
plant. Only one person shall act as Process Controller at any given time. The control of established permitry
conditions is the continuing responsibility of successive individuals performing the duty of Process Controller.
The Process Controller must not give his permission to isolate a given item of plant if the proposed work will conflict
with either existing work in progress or process requirements. The Process Controller may refer to the Authorising
Engineer to resolve priorities.
A Competent Person (Plant) is defined as a person who has sufficient technical knowledge and experience to be
capable of performing those tasks associated with the setting up of specific safety precautions, or the making of
appropriate tests to verify the integrity of such precautions.
Appropriate isolations and tests must only be carried out by a Competent Person (Plant) who may also prepare
relevant sections of the permit document and will sign to confirm that the isolations and tests have been performed.
The designation “Competent Person (Plant)” will be given by the Responsible Engineer. The person will be given
written evidence of his authorisation which clearly states the restrictions to his authority as regards the tasks he may
perform and the tests he may undertake in permit preparation.
The following definitions of electrical personnel are contained within the Electrical Safety Rules (EL6).
Competent Person
Authorised Person
Senior Authorised Person
Authorising Engineer
Accompanying Person
High Voltage Operator
High Voltage Extension
Restricted Authorisation
The recipient of the Permit shall be in charge of and take full responsibility for supervising the work to be permitted
and shall be a competent person as defined in SCO1.
Separation of Individual Roles
The duties of Competent Person and Authorising Engineer shall be performed by separate persons.
It is essential that Authorising Engineers, Process Controllers, Competent Persons and others, only undertake tasks
which they have been trained and assessed and certified as competent to carry out.
The Responsible Engineer shall maintain a complete record of Authorising Engineers, Competent Persons and others
within their scope of responsibility, identifying the types of Permit to Work / Form of Authority etc. each is authorised
to issue and/or control.
6.1 Validity
It is the responsibility of the Authorising Engineer issuing the Permit or Form of Authority to ensure that the Permit or
Form of Authority is appropriate and covers all aspects of the work proceeding.
When Issuing several Permits to Work during the undertaking of complex operations, it is the responsibility of the
Authorising Engineer to ensure there are no conflicting operations being carried out on or off the site.
The Authorising Engineer should issue the Permit to Work on site at the location of the proposed works following a
personal inspection.
6.4 Person in Charge of or Supervising the Work
A Permit to Work or Form of Authority shall be issued to the Person in Charge of or Supervising the Work who shall
be in continuous attendance at the site and who is deemed responsible for the works being undertaken.
Procedures as in and for transfer or clearance and re-issue of permitry shall be applied if the Person in
Charge of or Supervising the Work changes.
An on-going appraisal of site operations and conditions should be made to verify the continued validity of the existing
6.5 Transferability
The Permit to Work or Form of Authority is not transferable, if the Person in Charge of or Supervising the Work is
unable to continue the work for any reason, the Authorising Engineer shall visit the site, brief and nominate a new
competent person and endorse the changes on the Permit. Alternatively a new permit may be issued.
The means for work authorisation in the following sections are to be used under exceptional circumstances only
where danger to property or gas supplies exists. It is essential that they do not become the norm.
When an Authorising Engineer is not present at the time the permit is being prepared, and the work is considered to
be of sufficient priority to require the minimum delay in issuing the permit, an Authorising Engineer must be
consulted by telephone. If it is agreed that the permit is required, one of the following procedures is to be followed.
Agree work with an Authorising Engineer by phone and apply proxy signature. See 7.4
7.3 Faxing
Before authorising the Permit via FAX the Authorising Engineer must be satisfied that:
a) it is operationally necessary,
b) there are no other Permits to Work issued which affect the proposed work,
d) the persons involved with preparation of permits are competent and authorised.
Only when satisfied with the description of the permit conditions will the Authorising Engineer give authorisation for
the work to proceed.
It may be considered necessary to carry out a Risk Assessment, a copy of which should be faxed along with the
Permit for signing.
Authorisation must be given via a returned FAX which is clearly signed by the Authorising Engineer. This
authorisation must be attached to the official permit which should then have a proxy signature (pp) indicated in the
Issue Section.
Permits authorised and issued in this manner must be presented by the Process Controller to an Authorising Engineer
as soon as possible for countersignature in retrospect.
Where a Permitry Document is prepared for urgent work and the Authorising Engineer is not present on site, the
Authorising Engineer has the discretion to allow a proxy to sign the ISSUE section on his behalf following a
telephone conversation with the proxy.
When satisfied with the isolations, tests and precautions, the Authorising Engineer will give authorisation for the work
to proceed.
It may be considered necessary to carry out a Risk Assessment, the details of which shall be confirmed with the
Authority Engineer
Permitry authorised and issued in this manner will be presented to an Authorising Engineer as soon as possible for
countersignature in retrospect.
Where emergency work needs to be carried out and it is impractical to delay until a permit is issued, site Emergency
Procedures must be referred to.
All details written on the Permitry Forms must be clear and legible and written in ink.
In order to meet all the objectives of the Permitry System it is essential that the forms are prepared with strict
observation of the following procedures:
8.1.1 First Step
The details of work to be permitted must be clear and be written so that the person in charge of the work can fully
understand and appreciate its content and limitations. Similarly the plant identification and location must be clearly
and specifically defined for all parties concerned.
a) That he understands the effects the work detailed on the permit may have on process operations.
A suitably authorised person will determine the isolations required. The person carrying out the isolations will sign on
the appropriate line of the “Isolated” column on the form to verify they have been correctly applied. The number of
the key box used shall be recorded on the permit.
The Authorising Engineer will define the necessary atmosphere testing and will make clear reference to any
specifically prepared procedure. Tests required shall be marked with a tick on the permit and those not required shall
be marked with a cross.
He will specify the purpose of the test(s) e.g. ‘FOR HOT WORK’ or ‘FOR BREATHABLE ATMOSPHERE’.
The Competent Person (Plant) who carries out the atmosphere tests shall complete the appropriate columns signing in
the “Test Report” sections.
The Authorising Engineer shall sign in the ‘Atmosphere Safe’ column if he judges the relevant test result to be
Provision for continuation tests is made on the reverse side of the top copy of all Permits to Work.
The “Precautions” section is to be completed by inserting ticks in the boxes where applicable and crosses where not
applicable. All boxes must contain ticks or crosses. The numbers of associated risk assessments must be entered.
The Authorising Engineer is to state whether inspection is required and if so by whom and the frequency. A record of
inspections is to be kept on the reverse of the permit form.
ISSUE - Section E
It is the duty of the Authorising Engineer to ensure that the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work named on
the Permit is made fully aware of the safety measures taken and the precautions he has to observe.
a) The work permitted is that described in the introductory section of the Permit.
b) The isolation/precautions have been specified and applied by persons certified competent to do so.
OO c)
Note: To cover occasions when the Authorising Engineer is absent see Section 7 URGENT WORK
The Person in Charge of and supervising the work shall sign this section of the permit making the following
b) I have read this permit and I understand the isolations and precautions.
c) I will observe the restrictions imposed upon me and persons under my control who will be fully
instructed by me and will be competent to carry out the work.
The Authorising Engineer must sign the permit in confirmation that he has explained the isolations and precautions to
the new Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work.
The Authorising Engineer or Process Controller must withdraw and cancel a permit immediately if any significant
change in conditions occurs. The Process Controller shall inform the Authorising Engineer.
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work shall be informed immediately that the permit will be withdrawn.
If the Permit Holder cannot be contacted, the work shall be stopped immediately and positive steps taken to ensure
that no further work can take place. This may entail posting a member of the operational staff at the site of the work.
When a permit is withdrawn all copies must be clearly marked with the word CANCELLED, preferably with the use
of a bold rubber stamp.
Once a permit has been cancelled and the job aborted, the Authorising Engineer shall assess the status of the affected
plant and raise such new permitry as is necessary.
The Process Controller may extend the validity of a permit, providing that conditions remain unchanged, by signing
the EXTENSIONS section on a daily basis.
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work shall sign the permit on completion in order to demonstrate that:
b) All personnel and materials have been removed and guards and access plates replaced.
8.1.7 Seventh Step
The permit is no longer valid and,
testing may be carried out under a Permit to Test which is now presented.
Note: To cover occasions when the Authorising Engineer is absent see Section 7 URGENT WORK
Each specialist shall sign the de-isolation boxes in Section A to indicate that their isolations and relevant precautions
set out in sections A and C have been removed.
The Process Controller/Competent Person (Plant) shall sign the de-isolation section to indicate all isolations and
precautions set out in sections A & C have been removed.
Where work is suspended but plant needs to be left in a locked-off condition, the permit should be retained in a
holding file rather than cancel the permit which controls the integrity of the safety precautions.
The reason for the “HOLD” must be detailed on the permit, signed by the Process Controller and countersigned by the
Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work.
When a permit is released from the “HOLD” condition it shall be signed by the two signatories signifying that the
work can proceed with specified safety measures still applying.
If the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work is not the signatory in section ‘F’ (Acceptance), a new permit is
8.1.10 Endorsement of finished Permit to Work
When a Permit has been cleared and isolations, where applicable, have been removed, the top copy shall be marked
CLEARED and DE-ISOLATED preferably with the use of a bold rubber stamp.
a) The identification and location of the plant to be worked on and normal operating voltage (1).
c) To whom the permit will be issued (3).
The details of work to be permitted must be clear and be written so that the person in charge of the work can fully
understand and appreciate its content and limitations.
Similarly the plant identification and location must be clearly and specifically defined for all parties concerned.
The introductory section will be signed by the Process Controller.
This section will be completed and signed by the Authorised or Senior Authorised Person.
That the isolations specified have been carried out and the equipment/cables are electrically ‘dead’ and safe to be
worked on.
The issue of the Certificate does not invalidate other electrical permitry.
He has explained the stated isolations and precautions to the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work.
It allows for the specification by the Process Controller of a limited number of non-electrical precautions to be
included on the certificate.
The Flammable Atmosphere testing sections should be completed in accordance with “Section B (General Permit to
Work) purging/atmosphere testing” above.
The Process Controller shall state whether inspection is required and if so by whom and the frequency. A record of
inspections shall be kept on the reverse of the certificate.
ISSUE - Section E
It is the duty of the Process Controller to ensure that the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work named on the
Certificate is made fully aware of the safety measures taken and the precautions he has to observe.
This section will be signed by the Process Controller after Section A (Isolations and Precautions) has been signed by
the Authorised or Senior Authorised Person.
The Process Controller shall be satisfied that all appropriate non-electrical safety precautions have been taken and are
The Process Controller shall sign the ISSUE section of the certificate in the presence of the Person in Charge of and
Supervising the Work.
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work shall sign this section of the certificate making the following
I accept responsibility for the work permitted.
I have read this certificate and I understand the isolations, precautions and conditional requirements.
c) I will observe the restrictions imposed upon me and persons under my control who will be fully
instructed by me and will be competent to carry out the work.
If for any reason there is a change of Person in Charge of and Supervising the work, the new person must be clearly
told of the permitry conditions as was his predecessor and must sign the certificate to signify his own understanding
and acceptance of responsibility for the work permitted. The previous signature then becomes invalid.
The Authorised or Senior Authorised Person must sign the certificate in confirmation that he has explained the
isolations and precautions to the new Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work.
The Process Controller must withdraw and cancel a certificate immediately if any significant change in conditions
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work must be informed immediately that the certificate will be
withdrawn. If the Certificate Holder cannot be contacted, the work must be stopped immediately and positive steps
taken to ensure that no further work can take place. This may entail posting a member of the operational staff at the
site of the work.
When a certificate is withdrawn all copies shall be clearly marked with the word CANCELLED, preferably with the
use of a bold rubber stamp.
Once a certificate has been cancelled and the job aborted, the Process Controller must assess the status of the affected
plant and raise such new permitry as is necessary.
The Process Controller may extend the validity of the certificate, providing permitry conditions remain unchanged, by
signing the EXTENSIONS section on a daily basis.
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work shall sign the certificate on completion in order to demonstrate
b) All personnel and materials have been removed and guards and access plates replaced.
In signing the CLEARANCE/CANCELLATION section, the Process Controller confirms that:
The certificate is no longer valid,
The requirements of associated plant permitry do not restrict electrical de-isolation and,
The Authorised or Senior Authorised Person will carry out de-isolation subject to site safety procedures, subsequently
signing section L confirming that all isolations and precautions set out in section A have been removed.
The reason for the “HOLD” must be detailed on the certificate, signed by the Authorised or Senior Authorised Person
and countersigned by the Process Controller and the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work.
When the certificate is released from the “HOLD” condition it shall be signed by the three signatories signifying that
the work can proceed with specified safety measures still applying.
If the Person in charge of and Supervising the Work is not the signatory in section ‘D’ (Acceptance), a new certificate
is required.
When a Certificate has been cleared and isolations, where applicable, have been removed, the top copy shall be
marked CLEARED and DE-ISOLATED preferably with the use of a bold rubber stamp.
8.3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT TO WORK (For Low Voltage and High Voltage)
a) The identification and location of the plant to be worked on and normal operating voltage (1).
c) To whom the permit will be issued (3).
The details of work to be permitted must be clear and be written so that the person in charge of the work can fully
understand and appreciate its content and limitations.
Similarly the plant identification and location must be clearly and specifically defined for all parties concerned.
The introductory section be signed by the Process Controller.
That the isolations specified have been carried out and the equipment/cables are electrically ‘dead’ and safe to be
worked on.
The issue of the Permit will not invalidate other electrical permits.
He has explained the stated isolations and precautions to the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work.
It allows for the specification by the Authorising Engineer of a limited number of non-electrical precautions to be
included on the permit.
The Flammable Atmosphere testing sections shall be completed in accordance with “Section B (General Permit to
Work) purging/atmosphere testing” above.
The Authorising Engineer shall state whether inspection is required and if so by whom and the frequency. A record of
inspections is to be kept on the reverse of the permit form.
ISSUE - Section E
It is the duty of the Authorising Engineer to ensure that the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work named on
the Permit is made fully aware of the safety measures taken and the precautions he has to observe.
This section shall be signed by the Authorising Engineer after Section A (Isolations and Precautions) has been signed
by the Senior Authorised Person.
The Authorising Engineer must be satisfied that all appropriate non-electrical safety precautions have been taken and
are applied.
The Authorising Engineer shall sign the ISSUE section of the permit in the presence of the Person in Charge of and
Supervising the Work.
Note: To cover occasions when the Authorising engineer is absent see Section 7 URGENT WORK
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work will sign this section of the permit making the following
b) I have read this permit and I understand the isolations, precautions and conditional requirements.
c) I will observe the restrictions imposed upon me and persons under my control who will be fully
instructed by me and will be competent to carry out the work.
If for any reason there is a change of Person in Charge of and Supervising the work, the new person must be clearly
told of the permit conditions as was his predecessor and must sign the permit to signify his own understanding and
acceptance of responsibility for the work permitted. The previous signature then becomes invalid.
The Senior Authorised Person must sign the permit in confirmation that he has explained the isolations and
precautions to the new Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work.
The Authorising Engineer must withdraw and cancel a permit immediately if any significant change in conditions
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work must be informed immediately that the permit will be withdrawn.
If the Permit Holder cannot be contacted, the work must be stopped immediately and positive steps taken to ensure
that no further work can take place. This may entail posting a member of the operational staff at the site of the work.
When a permit is withdrawn all copies shall be clearly marked with the word CANCELLED, preferably with the use
of a bold rubber stamp.
Once a permit has been cancelled and the job aborted, the Authorising Engineer must assess the status of the affected
plant and raise such new permitry as is necessary.
The Process Controller may extend the validity of the permit, providing permit conditions remain unchanged, by
signing the EXTENSIONS section on a daily basis.
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work will sign the permit on completion in order to demonstrate that:
b) All personnel and materials have been removed and guards and access plates replaced.
In signing the CLEARANCE/CANCELLATION section, the Authorising Engineer confirms that:
The permit is no longer valid,
The requirements of associated plant permits do not restrict electrical de-isolation and,
e) Electrical testing may be carried out subject to a Permit to Test which is now presented.
Note: To cover occasions when the Authorising engineer is absent see Section 7 URGENT WORK
The Authorised Person or Senior Authorised Person will carry out de-isolation subject to site safety procedures,
subsequently signing section J confirming that all isolations and precautions set out in section A have been removed.
8.3.9 Optional Step - HOLD - Section H
Where work is suspended but plant needs to be left in a locked-off condition, the permit should be retained in a
holding file rather than cancel the permit which controls the integrity of the safety precautions.
The reason for the “HOLD” must be detailed on the permit, signed by the Senior Authorised Person and
countersigned by the Authorising Engineer and the Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work.
When the permit is released from the “HOLD” condition it shall be signed by the three signatories signifying that the
work can proceed with specified safety measures still applying.
If the Person in charge of and Supervising the Work is not the signatory in section ‘D’ (Acceptance), a new permit is
When a Permit has been cleared and isolations, where applicable, have been removed, the top copy shall be marked
CLEARED and DE-ISOLATED preferably with the use of a bold rubber stamp.
When Issuing a Form of Authority the Process Controller shall observe the following procedure:
b) The details of the work to be permitted (2).
d) Details of any associated Risk Assessments and/or Routine and Non Routine Procedures.
The Precautions section shall be completed by inserting ticks in the boxes where applicable and crosses where not
applicable. All boxes must contain ticks or crosses.
Other Precautions - Any other site or task specific hazards must be identified.
Condideration shall be given to the inclusion of the following precautions in addition to those noted in the form.
a) Render sources of ignition safe within ..... metres (other than for authorised hot work).
b) Live gas areas to be fenced off to the satisfaction of the Process Controller or Authorising Engineer.
The Process Controller will define the necessary atmosphere testing and will make clear reference to any specifically
prepared procedure. Tests required shall be marked with a tick on the permit and those not required shall be marked
with a cross.
He will specify the purpose of the test(s) e.g. ‘FOR HOT WORK’ or ‘FOR BREATHABLE ATMOSPHERE’.
The Competent Person (Plant) who carries out the atmosphere tests shall complete the appropriate columns signing in
the “Test Report” sections.
The Process Controller shall sign in the ‘Atmosphere Safe’ column if he judges the relevant test result to be
Provision for continuation tests is made on the reverse side of the top copy of all permits.
The Process Controller shall sign the Issue section when satisfied that the work specified may be carried out subject to
the required precautions being observed.
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work shall sign the Form of Authority to indicate:
a) That the precautions to be taken have been fully understood.
b) That all other persons involved will be fully instructed by him and will be competent to carry out the
The process Controller may extend the validity of the Form by signing the Extension section on a daily basis provided
that the prescribed precautions remain valid.
Seventh Step - COMPLETION - Section F
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work must sign off the Form of Authority on completion to demonstrate
The work detailed on the Form of Authority has been completed.
d) All persons covered by the Form of Authority are clear of the plant.
The Process Controller shall sign the Clearance section of the Form when satisfied that:
a) The Form of Authority is no longer valid.
When a Form of Authority has been cleared the top copy shall be marked CLEARED preferably with the use of a
bold rubber stamp.
When issuing a Permit to Test, the Authorising Engineer shall ensure that the following procedure is followed:
8.5.1 First Step - PREPARATION - Introductory Section at the top of the permit
The introductory section at the top of the form indicates to whom the form will be issued and their employer.
The location of the test area and the limits within which the test is to be confined must to be stated.
Permission to test the plant item(s) shall be obtained from the Process Controller.
Details of the test to be carried out and associated hazards, details of possible isolation of plant and any other
precautions required must be entered into the appropriate sections by the Person in Charge of and Supervising the
Test prior to issue.
Fifth Step - ISSUE - Section F
The Authorising Engineer will have named the intended recipient of the permit in the introductory section of the
permit and shall now sign the ISSUE section, confirming that the testing specified may be carried out by him.
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Test, named above, shall sign the ACCEPTANCE section to confirm:
a) He has determined the tests required and carried out the isolations and precautions specified in
sections C, D and E.
b) He accepts sole responsibility for carrying out the work and will take the precautions necessary to
avoid danger.
c) No one other than persons under his direct control within the scope of the permit will be allowed
access to the test area.
8.5.7 Seventh Step - COMPLETION - Section H
The Person in Charge of and Supervising the Test shall confirm that:
The Authorised Person shall confirm that all isolations and precautions set out in D and E have been removed.
When a Permit to Test has been cleared and isolations, where applicable, have been removed, the top copy shall be
marked CLEARED and DE-ISOLATED preferably with the use of a bold rubber stamp.
The period of validity of the General Permit to work and Electrical Permit to work shall be determined by the
Authorising Engineer.
The period of validity of a Form of Authority and Electrical Isolation Certificate shall be determined by the Process
This period shall not exceed 12 days for General Permits to Work, 8 days for Electrical Permits to Work and 90 days
for a Form of Authority.
Permission to continue work beyond the initial period, stated on the Permit or Form of Authority, may be granted by
the Process Controller subject to continued compliance with the Permit or Form of Authority.
Should a Permit to Work be required beyond the stated limit, then the site SHALL be revisited by the Authorising
Engineer or their representative to assess and confirm that the permit conditions have NOT changed.
The format for the Permitry documents are shown in the appendices.
Before issuing a Permitry document the Authorising Engineer or Process Controller must satisfy themselves that there
are no conflicting Permits, Forms of Authority or Non Routine Operations already logged. The Authorising Engineer
or Process Controller should then log the Permit and issue it to the Competent Person.
11.1 The purpose of these audits is to review the arrangements for the issue of permitry forms to assess whether
the system is operating effectively, and to assist with any ongoing improvement or enhancement.
A formal audit of the permitry shall be carried out regularly in accordance with the Safety and Environment Auditing
Programme (see Safety and Environment Auditing Management systems TR/MS/03 and associated Technical Audit)
Authorising Engineers shall carry out and record routine spot checks on at least 10% of permitry or one of each per
month whichever is greater. This is in addition to the management system audit to ensure full compliance with all
The results of this monitoring shall be reported to the Responsible Engineer, together with any recommendations for
action such as to update training, system improvements, etc. Where the need for improvement is identified the
recommendations should include an increased level of auditing until the Responsible Engineer is satisfied that any
corrective action has been effective.
When practicable, consideration should be given to utilising an independent Authorising Engineer for monitoring.
11.4 Review
The Responsible Engineer shall review the findings of any audits carried out on their behalf. Any system
enhancements, training requirements or other issues identified shall be addressed as soon as practicable.
The Safe Control of Operations procedures shall be reviewed periodically by Transco. Any suggestions for
improvement or enhancement should be referred to the Lead Role Engineer for consideration as part of the ongoing
review process.
It is essential that all sites and other groups within Transco Compression and Terminals adhere to the agreed
objectives of Work Authorisation as defined by this document.
Should the need for change become apparent the Transco process set out in the Transco Deviation Manual shall be
applied. (Transco Engineering Requirements Manual Section 2 Engineering Documentation Procedure.)
2. If gas leakage is suspected on entering the site or at any time during your presence at the
site do not start (or continue with) the work, until the atmosphere has been confirmed as
safe by a suitably qualified person and the Authorising Engineer notified.
3. Do not take motor vehicles on to site, other than within approved areas, without the
permission of the Authorising Engineer.
4. For work carried out on installations monitored by System Control, contact them if required
by your Permit to Work, Form of Authority, or work instruction, and also contact them if you
suspect your activities may affect the telemetry or gas supply system. Observe all
requirements specified by System Control.
5. If on entering the site (other than for prearranged joint visits), you find others working there,
contact those people to ensure that both activities can proceed safely without any conflict.
Then, contact the Authorising Engineer, notify him/her of the presence of the others on site
and confirm that your work is to proceed.
6. In the instrument house and other buildings where gas is likely to be present, open all
doors and ventilators fully to secure maximum ventilation when work is in progress. Note
that atmosphere tests are not required unless you suspect a gas leakage.
7. Smoking and the use of naked lights is prohibited on sites. Leave all matches, lighters and
non-certified electrical equipment, including mobile phones, in your vehicle or in approved
site accommodation.
8. Ensure that fire extinguishers and first aid kits are readily available when operational work is
in progress.
9. Where applicable, relevant procedures for isolating, depressurising, venting and purging
shall be followed prior to opening or dismantling any live plant.
10. Observe all site notices, and use appropriate personal protective equipment as indicated
and when circumstances and the nature of your work warrant such use.
12. All Electrical tools & equipment for use in potentially hazardous areas shall conform to
B.S.5501, be suitable for zonal classification relevant to the area of work and be certified
for Gas Group 11A - Temperature Class 1 use. These details will be marked on the label
affixed to the tool/equipment.
13. Where a site log book is provided, enter appropriate details on commencement and
completion of work.
14. In the event of an emergency, leave the site, and contact the emergency telephone number
shown; on the Permit of Work, Form of Authority, site entrance, or phone 0800 111 999.
Employed By:
A Precautions All boxes to contain tick to confirm or cross to exempt ALL EQUIPMENT PROVIDED IS TO BE FIT FOR PURPOSE
B Atmosphere Testing
Result Time Initials Process Controller
Flammable Gas
or Vapour
C Issue D Acceptance
I am satisfied that the work specified may be carried out subject to I have read and understand the conditions of this Form. I will properly
the required precautions being observed. observe the restrictions imposed upon me during the conduct of work.
All other persons involved will be fully instructed by me and will be
Signature competent to carry out the work.
Process Controller
hrs., day, (date)
(Person in Charge of and Supervising the Work)
This permit is valid until hrs., then needs extension hrs., day, (date)
E Extensions
F Completion G Clearance
This form is no longer valid.
The work specified above has been completed. All personnel and
materials have been removed and guards and access plates replaced.
B629 (Rev.11/98)
(Process Controller)
hrs., day, (date)
(Person in charge of and Supervising the Work)
Limits within which the test area are to be confined: Signature hrs., day, (date)
(Authorising Engineer)
H Completion
Hazards associated with the testing: The tests specified above have been completed. All equipment and tools have been
removed. Guards and safeguards which had to be removed have been replaced. All
persons covered by this permit are clear of the plant.
D Isolation of Plant
Key Box No.: Signature (Person in Charge of and Supervising the Test)
Auth. No. (if applicable) hrs., day, (date)
J Clearance K De-Isolation
This permit is no longer valid. All isolations and precautions set out in ‘D’
De-isolation may proceed subject to and ‘E’ have been removed.
site safety procedures.
E Other Precautions
Signature Signature
(Authorising Engineer) Auth. No. (if applicable)
hrs., day, (date) hrs., day, (date)
August 1998
Appendix 6