Music - S Effects On Memory
Music - S Effects On Memory
Music - S Effects On Memory
Recommended Citation
Carroll, Madyson (2017) "Music’s Effects on Memory," Psychology Research Methods Journal: Vol. 1 : Iss.
20 , Article 6.
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Carroll: Music’s Effects on Memory
thought to complete a task. It is therefore of great importance for one’s brain to have the ability
to receive, process, store, and organize this information (Kirkweg, 2009). This ability can be
used on a day to day basis within humanity. Previous research has suggested that music can
influence listeners’ physiological, cognitive, and emotional states (Radocy & Boyle, 1997).
reminiscence. Durnham and Whittemore (1993) conducted a study involving 12 older adults,
who were also women, listening to The Golden Age radio programs. During this process, the
women were also being asked multiple trivia questions. These stimuli created a common reaction
among all the participants, indicating that music can evoke memories and encourage
Madyson L. Carroll, Department of Psychology, Lindenwood University. Correspondence concerning
this article should be addressed to Madyson Carroll, Department of Psychology, Lindenwood University,
St. Charles, MO 63301. Contact: [email protected]
Similarly, El Haj, Antoine, Nandrino, Gély-Nargeot, and Raffard (2015) wanted to see if
experiment was conducted using 22 mild-stage Alzheimer’s Disease patients who were asked to
their own-chosen music. Also, there were 24 healthier patients, which were used as a control
group. Results showed that the patients suffering from the disease showed better
autobiographical recall when listening to their own-chosen music than the other two conditions.
However, other studies have had varying results. Nguyen and Grahn (2017), wanted to see
how background music that varied in mood, arousal, and context affected verbal
memory performance. Three experiments were conducted involving a recall task, a recognition
task, and an associative memory task. In all three tasks, the background music was presented in
three different contexts, consisting of music played during studying only, music played during
testing only, and music played during both studying and testing. Their results concluded that
background music had either no effect or significantly hindered memory performance compared
with silence.
These prior studies have been conducted to determine whether the presence of
background music can influence a person’s memory. However, based on the results of the
previously discussed research, it is hard to tell if this influence is positive, negative, or if there is
one at all. The results are not consistent, clearly proving that this topic should be investigated 2
Carroll: Music’s Effects on Memory
Young adults (ten women, two men, age range: 18-32 years) were recruited through the
Lindenwood Participant Pool (LPP) on Lindenwood University’s main campus in St. Charles,
Missouri. Participants were compensated two LPP points, a form of credit to be exchanged for
grade points, for participation in this study. The students who were recruited as participants for
this research project were enrolled in select sections of general education or introductory-level
courses in Anthropology, Athletic Training, Criminal Justice, Exercise Science, Psychology, and
Sociology. There were three freshmen, three sophomores, four juniors, and two seniors among
the participating. There were seven participants recruited as described above. The participants
accessed the information regarding my study and the sign-up process through
the website Sona Systems. Only one participant had never completed a memory card
The experiment took place in a small room consisting of four chairs, two desks, and two
computers. Each participant sat across from the researcher when attempting to
complete each task. Before beginning, each participant signed in and was given a research study
consent form (see Appendix A). This form provided the participants with the information needed
to understand the nature of the study. The research study consent form had to be read and signed
by all the participants, in order to continue their participation. Along with this form, the
participant was given a demographic questionnaire (see Appendix B). This questionnaire
consisted of six questions regarding gender, age, year in school, any hearing or vision
impairments, and whether they had completed a memory card game before.
The memory card game depicted in my study, consisted of 10 various fast food
illustrations that were adapted from a random graphic design website. Each illustration was used
on 2 playing cards for a total of 20 cards (see Appendix C). Each card was 2 x 2 in. The cards
were placed face down in front of the participant. The participant was asked to turn over two
cards to reveal the two illustrations, trying to find matching cards. If the cards did not match, the
participant turned the cards back over and repeated the process until a match was made. All the
During one of the two games, background music was provided from a personal laptop at
the volume of 70. The song that was played was the instrumental version of Havana by Camila
Cabello, which was the number one song on the Billboard Hot 100 list, at the time the study was
conducted, thus, being popular and possibly being more common to the participant. I used a
stopwatch to time each trial, which was then recorded in a personal notebook.
At the end of both trials, all participants were given a feedback letter (see Appendix D).
This letter thanked them for their participation in the study and provided all the information
needed for any further questions. Overall, the experiment took approximately 12 min.
Before starting the experiment, the participant was given a research study consent form to
read and sign. Along with this form, the participant was given a demographic questionnaire to
Each game began with the cards being shuffled and presented faced down in front of the
participant. Participants turned over two cards to reveal the 2 images, while trying to
find matching images. If the cards did not match, the participant had to turn the cards back over
and try again until a match was made. This process was repeated until all 10
images were matched to their pair. This process was completed once with background music and 4
Carroll: Music’s Effects on Memory
once without background music, and I measured the time it took the participant to complete each
task. These conditions were counterbalanced. Participants were instructed to complete the task as
quickly as possible. The time of both trials were recorded and later compared.
After completing both trials, all the participants were given a feedback letter. Once given
their feedback letter, the researcher answered and clarified any questions asked by
During the analyses of the data, a related samples t-test was conducted to see if there was
a significant difference between all of the participant’s time, in seconds, to complete the memory
card game with and without background music. This related samples t-test established that there
was not a significant difference between all participants completion time with background
music (M = 87.17, SD = 28) and without background music (M =82.33, SD = 22.97), t(11) =
1.11, p = .29.
As outlined previously, there were two possible outcomes for the participant’s
performance in the experiment: The participant’s speed could have increased when completing
the task with background music rather than without background music or the participant’s speed
could have decreased when completing the task with background music rather than without
background music. The results lent more support towards the second outcome, similar to the
Although the results are opposite of my hypothesis, it can be due to many variables.
The most influential variable that could have contributed to the study being statistically non-
significant, can be the very small sample size. A small sample size makes it hard to calculate a
difference between the results. However, some of the participants’ speeds did vary, meaning
further work is required to gain a more complete understanding of the influence of music on
one’s memory.
Additional limitations can be only having two conditions, the song choice, bad shuffling
of the playing cards, or even fatigue within the participants. In the future, to better the study, I
would like to do a few things differently. Firstly, I would include another condition involving
lyrical music. Secondly, I would like to ask the participants what their preferred music genre is,
before performing the task, so I can then choose music based off of this. Thirdly, I would want to
ask the participants which condition they prefer, before and after performing the task. Fourthly, I
would want to consider making this an online study. This would allow more people to
have access to it, as well as, the possibility of creating an algorithm to better the shuffling of the
playing cards. In conclusion, I would want to see how these changes would affect the results.
Durham, P. R., & Whittemore, M. P. (1993). Memory recall and participation levels in the
El Haj, M., Antoine, P., Nandrino, J. L., Gély-Nargeot, M., & Raffard, S. (2015). Self-defining
Kirkweg, S.B. (2009). The effects of music on memory. Unpublished manuscript, Department of
from 6
Carroll: Music’s Effects on Memory
Nguyen, T., & Grahn, J. A. (2017). Mind your music: The effects of music-induced mood and
Radocy, R. E., & Boyle, J. D. (1997). Psychological foundations of musical behavior (3rd ed.).
Appendix A
Research Study Consent Form
After reading this consent form, I hope that you will know: 8
Carroll: Music’s Effects on Memory
You are asked to participate in a research study being conducted by Madyson Carroll under the
guidance of Dr. Michiko Nohara-LeClair at Lindenwood University. Being in a research study is
voluntary, and you are free to stop at any time without being penalized. Before you choose to
participate, you are free to discuss this research study with family, friends, or a physician. Do
not feel like you must join this study until all of your questions or concerns are answered. If you
decide to participate, you will be asked to sign this form.
Why is this research being conducted?
I am doing this study to observe whether a person’s performance during a memory card game is
impacted by listening to music while completing the task or by not listening to music. I will be
asking about 75-100 other people to answer these questions.
What am I being asked to do?
When beginning the experiment, you will be provided with a consent form that you must sign to
participate. Some demographic questions will then be asked, but your identity will be kept
confidential. After these questions, you will begin the first trial with the memory card game with
or without music and then a second trial with the memory game with or without music, differing
the condition from the one experienced during the first trial.
How long will I be in this study?
In total, the experiment will take approximately 10-12 minutes.
Who is supporting this study?
No grant or funding agency is funding this study.
What are the risks of this study?
• Privacy and Confidentiality:
I will not be collecting any information that will identify you, such as your name.
What are the benefits of this study?
A potential benefit could be the feeling of accomplishment when completing the task at hand.
Will I receive any compensation?
Participants recruited from the LPP will be granted two bonus points for participation in the
research study.
What if I do not choose to participate in this research?
It is always your choice to participate in this study. You may withdraw at any time. You may
choose not to answer any questions or perform tasks that make you uncomfortable. If you
decide to withdraw, you will not receive any penalty or loss of benefits.
What if new information becomes available about the study?
During this study, I may find information that could be important to you and your decision to
participate in this research. I will notify you as soon as possible if such information becomes
How will you keep my information private?
I will do everything I can to protect your privacy. I do not intend to include information that could
identify you in any publication or presentation, like your name. Any information I collect will be
stored by the researcher in a secure location. The only people who will be able to see your data
are: members of the research team, qualified staff of Lindenwood University, representatives of
state or federal agencies.
How can I withdraw from this study?
Notify the researcher immediately if you would like to withdraw from this research study.
Who can I contact with questions or concerns?
If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this research or concerns about
the study, or if you feel under any pressure to enroll or to continue to participate in this study,
you may contact the Lindenwood University Institutional Review Board Director, Michael Leary,
at (636) 949-4730 or [email protected]. You can contact the researcher, Madyson
Carroll directly at 618-920-5745 or [email protected]. You may also
contact Michiko Nohara-LeClair at [email protected].
I have read this consent form and have been given the opportunity to ask questions. I will also
be given a copy of this consent form for my records. I verify that I am at least 18 years of age or
have a parental consent form filed with the LPP Office. I consent to my participation in the
research described above.
__________________________________ _________________
Participant's Signature Date
Participant’s Printed Name
________________________________________ __________________
Signature of Principal Investigator or Designee Date
Investigator or Designee Printed Name 10
Carroll: Music’s Effects on Memory
Appendix B
Demographic Questionnaire
4. Have you ever completed a memory card game prior to today?
Yes No
Appendix C
Memory Card Game 12
Carroll: Music’s Effects on Memory
Appendix D
Feedback Letter
Feedback Letter
Thank you for participating in my study. The present study was conducted to determine whether a
person’s ability to complete a memory card game can be impacted by listening to music during the task
or not listening to music during the task. I hypothesized that a person’s speed will increase when
listening to music compared to no music. I believe that the music will help them stay focused on the task
and will be eager to finish it.
Please note that I am not interested in your individual results; rather, I am only interested in the overall
findings based on aggregate data. No identifying information about you will be associated with any of
the findings, nor will it be possible for me to trace your responses on an individual basis.
If you are interested in obtaining the final results of this study based on aggregate data, or if you have
any questions or concerns regarding any portion of this study, please do not hesitate to let me know
now or in the future. Our contact information is found at the bottom of this letter.
Principal Investigator:
Madyson Carroll 618-920-5745 ([email protected])
Dr. Michiko Nohara-LeClair 636-949-4371 ([email protected])