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CSF111–Exam II (12/07/23) 100 marks


ˆ The exam has 8 questions on three separate sheets (6 pages). Write your ID on all pages
and submit all sheets.
ˆ Answers written anywhere except in the designated space on the question paper will not
be graded. Use the given answer-books as rough sheets and turn them in.
ˆ Assume all the relevant variables are declared and all relevant header files are included.
Where not specified, assume the code is within main .
ˆ If a question has a typo, don’t bother the invigilators. Answer it with ‘This question has
a typo’ and get full marks.

Part A 2. Refute question. Consider this function:

/* *
1. Refute question. Assume the function * @brief Reports whether the given
int is_prime ( int k ) correctly determines array of length n has any
if k is prime. Now consider this function: duplicate elements .
/* * * Requires : n is the correct
* @brief Counts the pairs (p , p +2) length of the given array
where both p and p +2 are prime * Examples :
and 1 <= p < p + 2 <= n * 0 duplicate ([4 , 5] , 2)
* Requires : n > 0 * 1 duplicate ([4 , 4] , 2)
* Examples : */
* 1 prime_pairs (5) -> (3 ,5) int duplicate ( int arr [] , int n )
* 2 prime_pairs (8) -> (3 ,5) and {
(5 ,7) for ( int i = 0; i < n ; ++ i )
*/ {
int prime_pairs ( int n ) int flag = 0;
{ for ( int j = 0; j < n ; ++ j )
int ans = 0; if ( arr [ i ] == arr [ j ])
for ( int i = 2; i <= n ; ++ i ) flag ++;
if ( is_prime ( i ) ) if ( flag == 2)
if ( is_prime ( i + 2) ) return 1;
++ ans ; }

return ans ; return 0;

} }
[3M ] (a) This implementation of prime_pairs has [3M ] (a) This implementation of duplicate has
bugs, but it works correctly for some in- bugs, but it works correctly for some in-
puts, e.g., 13. Trace it for n = 13 and puts. Trace it for arr = {7 , 4 , 7} and
write the return value. write the return value.
3 1
[3M ] (b) Write a value of n for which this function [3M ] (b) Write a value of arr for which this func-
returns an incorrect result. (Hint: you can tion returns an incorrect result. (Hint: you
find a counter example under 20.) can find a counter example with n <5 .)
Any one value → any array with more than 2 copies of the same value
3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 17, or 18 e.g., 4, 4, 4
[2M ] (c) What is the expected (correct) return [2M ] (c) What is the expected (correct) return
value for the input you provided? value for the input you provided?
Corresponding values →
00112233 1
[2M ] (d) What is the actual (incorrect) return value [2M ] (d) What is the actual (incorrect) return value
for the input you provided? for the input you provided?
Corresponding values →

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CSF111–Exam II (12/07/23) BITSID:

3. What does the C code in each subquestion [3M ] (d) int n1 = 2 , n2 = 4;

print on the console?
int foo ( int * a1 , int * a2 ) {
[3M ] (a) int fun ( char *s , char c , int k ) int flag = 1;
{ int i = 0;
int ans = -1; while ( flag && i < n1 )
if (* s != ‘\0 ’) { {
if (* s == c ) int j ;
ans = k ; for ( j = 0; j < n2 ; ++ j )
else if ( a1 [ i ] == a2 [ j ])
ans = fun (++ s , c , ++ k ) ; break ;
return ans ; flag = j < n2 ;
} ++ i ;
int main () return flag ;
{ }
char s [] = " bits ";
char c = ‘t ’; int main () {
printf ( " % d \ n " , fun (s , c , 0) ) ; int a [] = {2 , 3};
return 0; int b [] = {4 , 3 , 2 , 5};
} printf ( " % d " , foo (a , b ) ) ;
return 0;
2 }

[6M ] (b) void test ( char * str )
[6M ] (e) void g ( int ** y )
printf ( " % c " , * str ) ;
* y = malloc ( sizeof ( int ) ) ;
if (* str == ‘C ’)
return ;
if (* str >= ‘A ’ && * str <= ‘Z ’)
void f ( int x , int *y , int ** z )
test ( str + 2) ;
g (& y ) ;
test (++ str ) ;
** z += 2;
printf ("% c " , * str ) ;
* z = malloc ( sizeof ( int ) ) ;
** z = 40;
* y = 30;
int main ()
** z += 4;
x += 10;
char str [] = " ProgRamInC ";
* y += 3;
test ( str ) ;
printf ( " %d , %d , % d \ n " ,
return 0; 2 marks PogRmIC x , *y , ** z ) ;
} 4 marks IIRRgP }

PogRmICIIRRgP int main ()

int x = 50;
[3M ] (c) (Assume the file alpha . txt has two lines:
int * y = & x ;
the first line contains all uppercase letters int ** z = & y ;
A-Z, and the second all lowercase letters f (x , y , z ) ;
a-z in that order without space.) printf ( " %d , %d , % d " ,
FILE * fp ; x , *y , ** z ) ;
fp = fopen ( " alpha . txt " , " r " ) ; return 0;
char line [80]; }
fgets ( line , 10 , fp ) ;
printf ( " % s " , line ) ;
60, 33, 44
52, 44, 44

1 mark each, but must have 6 values on two lines

Many will write upto J which is wrong
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CSF111–Exam II (12/07/23) BITSID:

Part B 5. Answer whether each statement is TRUE or

FALSE in the context of C programming.
4. What does the C code in each subquestion [1M ] (a) Enums can be used as fields of a structure.
print on the console?
[2M ] (a) char s1 [] = " exam " ; True
char s2 [] = { ‘ E ’ ,‘X ’ ,‘A ’ ,‘M ’ }; [1M ] (b) You can use pointers to receive multiple
printf ( " %d , % d \ n " ,
results from a function.
sizeof ( s1 ) ,
sizeof ( s2 ) ) ; True
1 mark each, but must have 2 values[1M ] (c) Accessing the k -th element in a k -length
5, 4
missing commas is fine array leads to a runtime error.
[6M ] (b) int main () -1 for any additional characters
True ; But we are also considering False
depending on the interpretation
int n1 = 3 , n2 = 1 , n3 = 4;
[1M ] (d) Structures let you create new types beyond
switch ( n1 ) the built in types like int , etc.
case 1: True
n2 = 2;
[1M ] (e) If you pass an array of 10 integers to a
break ;
function f from g , 10 integer values are
case 3: copied to the data area of g to that of f .
for ( int n3 = 1; False
n3 <= n1 ;
There’s a typo, it should be ‘copied from’.
n3 ++)
If they write ‘typo’, give full marks
if ( n2 == n3 ) 6. Code completion.
continue ;
[3M ] (a) Write the expression to replace e1 so that
n2 += 3; the function matches its description.
break ; /* *
} * @brief Computes and puts
} the reverse of string s
in ans .
case 2: *
n3 += 3; * Requires : sizeof ( s ) = sizeof
( ans ) > 0
default : *
while ( n3 >= 0) * Examples :
{ * s = " a " -> ans = " a "
int n1 = 2; * s = " ab " -> ans = " ba "
if ( n3 % 2) * s = " abc " -> ans = " cba "
{ */
n3 - -; void rev_str ( char *s , char * ans )
break ; {
} int n = strlen ( s ) ;
n3 - -; for ( int i = 0; i < e1 ; ++ i )
} {
} ans [ i ] = s [ n - i - 1];
ans [ n - i - 1] = s [ i ];
printf ( " %d , %d , % d " , }
n1 , n2 , n3 ) ; ans [ n ] = ‘\0 ’;
return 0; }

e1 n/2+1
3, 4, 6
2 marks for each, but must have 3 values n / 2 will not work for strings with odd lenght
missing commas is fine
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-1 for any additional characters
CSF111–Exam II (12/07/23) BITSID:

[6M ] (b) The following program represents a Rock- [2M ] (d) Write the expression to replace e5 so that
Paper-Scissors game: r defeats s , p defeats the program prints mickey when executed
r , and s defeats p . as
Write the expressions to replace e2 and e3 ./ cli mickey donald
so that the function matches its descrip- Assume the code is in a file cli . c that is
tion. compiled as:
typedef enum { r , p , s } move ; gcc cli . c -o cli
int main ( int argc , char ** argv )
struct rps { move p1 , p2 ; };
printf ( " % s \ n " , e5 ) ;
/* *
return 0;
* @brief Returns 1 if P1 wins ,
* 2 if P2 wins ,
* 0 if drawn .
*/ argv[1]
int win ( struct rps g ) {
int ans = 0;
if ( e2 ) e2-> g.p1 - g.p2 == 1 [6M ] (e) You are given the following struct s:
ans = 1; || g.p1 - g.p2 == -2
if ( e3 )
OR typedef struct point
ans = 2; (g.p1 == r && g.p2 == s) ||
return ans ; (g.p1 == p && g.p2 == r) || double x , y ;
} (g.p1 == s && g.p2 == p) } point ;
e3 -> g.p2 - g.p1 == 1 typedef struct circle
|| g.p2 - g.p1 == -2 {
e2 OR point ctr ;
(g.p2 == r && g.p1 == s) || double r ;
(g.p2 == p && g.p1 == r) || } circle ;
e3 (g.p2 == s && g.p1 == p) and a function
[3M ] (c) Write the expression to replace e4 so that double dist ( point * p , point * q )
the function matches its description. As- that computes the distance between the
sume it is initially called with z = 1 . two points p and q .
/* * Write the expressions to replace e6 and
* @brief Puts the lowest e7 so that the function below determines
common multiple of x and y whether the given circles interesect each
in z . other.
* Requires : x > 0 , y > 0
* int intersect ( circle * c1 ,
* Examples : circle * c2 )
* lcm (4 , 5 , z ) -> z = 20 {
* lcm (4 , 6 , z ) -> z = 12 double d = dist ( e6 ) ;
*/ return e7 ;
void lcm ( int x , int y , int * ans ) }
if ( e4 ) &c1→ctr, &c2→ctr
2 marks each = 4
* ans = * ans + 1; e6
lcm (x , y , ans ) ;
} d <= c1→r + c2→r
e7 < is also fine 2 marks
(*ans % x !=0) || (*ans % y != 0)
Or some variation of this
In both, (*p).x can be used in place of p→x
e4 Note- the above expression is correct
even without the parentheses

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CSF111–Exam II (12/07/23) BITSID:

Part C
[5M ] 7. (a) Implement this C function to match the purpose/contract. Do not create any helper functions.
/* *
* @brief Returns the number of words in the given file .
* Requires : The file contains one word per line and
each line has at most 80 characters
int word_count ( FILE * fp )

One possible solution: line (the buffer variable) must be more than 80,
any length is fine
int ans = 0;
char line[100]; fgets is the easiest way, some may write a loop
while (fgets(line, 81, fp)) with fgetc which will look like
return ans; int c;
while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) {
if (c == ‘\n’)

[8M ] (b) Implement this C function to match the purpose/contract. Do not create any helper functions.
/* *
* @brief Returns the first n words in the file as an array of strings .
* Requires : fp points to a file that has at least n words one per line and
each line has at most 80 characters
char ** words ( FILE * fp , int n )

char line[100];
char **ans = calloc(n, sizeof(char *));
int i = 0;
while (i < n)
fgets(line, 81, fp); Here again, they can use fgetc, in which case,
int k = strlen(line); they must add ‘\0’ manually
ans[i] = malloc((k+1) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(ans[i], line);
return ans;

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CSF111–Exam II (12/07/23) BITSID:

8. You are given the following code:

# define INF 100 E100

typedef struct point { double x , y ; } point ;

[5M ] (a) Implement this C function to match the purpose/contract. Do not create any helper functions.
/* *
* @brief Returns the slope of the line segment formed by the given points
* slope = INF , if the two points have the same x - coordinate
* = ( diff in y coordinates ) /( diff in x coordinates ) , otherwise
* Examples :
* 3 slope ({2 ,1} , {4 ,7})
* 0.5 slope ({8 ,6} , {2 ,3})
* INF slope ({0 ,0} , {0 ,1})
double slope ( point * p1 , point * p2 )

One possible solution: Rubric:

2 - correct use of →. Any p→x can be written as (*p).x
double ans = INF; 2 - correctly calculating slope, including assigning INF
double dx = p2→x - p1→x; 1 - correct return
if (dx != 0)
ans = (p2→y - p1→y) / dx; -1 one or more syntax errors
return ans; -1 wrong types

[8M ] (b) Implement this C function to match the purpose/contract. Do not create any helper functions. You
must call slope declared above.
/* *
* @brief Returns an (n -1) element array containing slopes of line segments
formed by consecutive points in the given array . The ( k ) th element in
the resulting array is the slope of the segment formed by the ( k ) th and
( k +1) th element in the input array .
* Requires : n is the length of the given array and n > 1
* Examples :
* [0.5] slopes ([{8 , 6} , {2 , 3}])
* [0.5 , 0.75] slopes ([{2 , 3} , {8 , 6} , {0 , 0}])
double * slopes ( point pts [] , int n )

One possible solution:

double *ans = calloc(n - 1, sizeof(double));

for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
ans[i] = slope(&pts[i + 1], &pts[i]);

return ans;

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