Discharge of Conditions Documentation 9
Discharge of Conditions Documentation 9
Discharge of Conditions Documentation 9
Prepared By:
7th Floor
145 St. Vincent Street
G2 5JF
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 The Site........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Report Purpose and Structure........................................................................ 1
1.1 Background
This Construction Method Statement (CMS) has been prepared by Arcus Consultancy
Services (Arcus) at the request of Lancashire County Council. It is intended provide the
information requested in the Planning Conditions for the erection of a single wind turbine
by Fleetwood Wind Turbine LLP, and represent good construction practice given the
location and environment of the site.
The purpose of this CMS is to ensure that safeguards are put in place to minimise any
risks in the construction of the wind turbine.
This CMS provides a summary and explanation of the construction activities and
methodologies that will be employed on site, with design drawings attached as
appendices. The sequencing of contractors on site, and the approaches that will be
taken to minimise the impact of the project’s construction on the surrounding area, are
also included within this report.
The work will be let as 5 separate construction contracts as follows: -
x The main turbine contract will be let to EWT. This covers supply, erection and
commissioning of the wind turbine.
x The foundation work above the ‘competent bearing surface’. This contract excludes
disposal of surplus excavated material, landscaping of the immediate area, and
reinstatement of any affected crane hardstanding which would fall into the civil
engineering Balance of Plant (BOP) contract.
x The civil engineering BOP work will be undertaken by a contractor appointed
following a tender process. The civil engineering work associated within the
development includes the construction of access tracks, crane hard standing,
drainage, cable trenching, substation ground preparation and substation foundation.
x The electrical engineering BOP work for the provision of on-site cabling and other
electrical equipment will appointed following a tender process.
x The grid connection contract has been awarded to Electricity North West.
The construction methods and sequencing defined in this CMS are based on principles of
construction gathered from experience of similar types and scale of projects with which
the design team have been involved.
The CMS will form part of the BOP construction contracts. The Contractors will be
required to advise the Client if they intend to vary from the proposed methods.
The Client's Engineer will determine whether the variation represents a material change
to the CMS, and will either instruct the Contractors to comply with the CMS, or notify
Lancashire County Council of a change.
For an overview of the project sequencing, reference should be made to the current
programme, shown in Appendix B.
Stuart Hartley - Construction Manager
United Utilities Renewable Energy Ltd
1st Floor Haweswater House
Lingley Mere Business Park, Lingley Green Avenue, Warrington, WA5 3LP.
Tel: 01925 237236 Mobile :- 0782 7277052
e-mail: [email protected]
Arcus Consultancy Services, Contact: Tomos Ap Tomos
7th Floor, 145 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5JF.
Tel 0141 8470340 Mob: 07770 884293 Fax: 0141 221 5610
e-mail: [email protected]
Arcus Consultancy Services, Contact: Simon Shillington
7th Floor, 145 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5JF.
Tel 0141 8470340 Mob: 07894 451 311 Fax: 0141 221 5610
e-mail: [email protected]
Emergya Wind Technologies UK Limited, Contact: Mr Mark Peebles
83 Princes Street
United Kingdom
Tel: 0131 247 6720
e-mail: [email protected]
Electricity North West
Contact: Bill Halliwell
Hartington Road
Tel: 01772 848610
e-mail: [email protected]
3.2 Communications
At all times there must be good communications between the parties. On site the
Principal Contractor will be responsible for all contractors and any issues/conflicts should
be brought to their attention in the first instance. The overall project programme is the
responsibility of the Project Manager, in consultation with the Principal Contractor and the
Client. Any wider technical and programme issues will be managed by the Project
4.2 Environmental
A detailed list of all the environmental issues that will be managed on site, including:
x Ensuring everyone on site is aware of their responsibilities and liabilities.
x A system of site induction making sure that everyone is aware of project
environmental issues and environmental standards.
x Site personnel being made aware of spill or other contamination response procedures
and storage requirements.
x Adequately protecting the site against vandalism, theft and breakage.
x Identifying nearby rivers, streams or ground water etc, and ensuring they are
inspected regularly.
x Drains are appropriately marked to distinguish them.
x Fuel bunds and/or internally bunded tanks are provided.
x There is a defined waste storage area.
x Displaying environmental induction.
x Displaying warning signs on site prominently.
A good environmental practice on site has many benefits; environmental, social and
economic. These measures will include noise reduction, careful sighting of on-site
facilities and waste management.
The key areas of responsibilities during work on site are as detailed in the following
5.4 Materials
The Site Management Team will be responsible for the following tasks:
x Ordering the correct quantity of materials to arrive when they are needed to reduce
the required storage time and risk of damage and theft;
x Establishing in what form materials will be delivered, so that the appropriate
unloading plant can be arranged and space set aside;
x Ensuring deliveries are received by a member of site personnel who is able to carry
out a quality inspection, and ensure that the materials are unloaded to an appropriate
place and take action if an accident occurs; and
x Selecting packaging materials for deliveries that can assist effective/secure storage
and movement of materials on site.
It should be noted that COSSH regulations will be observed by staff on site at all times.
During the construction, small quantities of fuel oil will be stored on site. This will be
stored in a bunded bowser which can only be sucked out with a pump these will be
located on an area of hard-standing adjacent to the site office. Oil spill soak up pads will
be stored in the site office, should there be any minor spillages.
Any waste topsoil will be disposed of appropriately. Excess top soil (excluding peaty
topsoil) not stockpiled for later reinstatement is to be spread over adjacent land. The
topsoil shall consist of friable surface soil reasonably free of grass, roots, weeds, sticks,
rocks or other unsuitable materials.
Spreading shall not be performed when the ground or topsoil is frozen, excessively wet or
otherwise in a condition detrimental to uniform spreading operations. Surfaces
designated to receive a topsoil application will be lightly scarified prior to the spreading
operation. Where compacted earth fills are designated to be topsoiled, the topsoil shall
be placed concurrent with the earth fill and shall be bonded to the compacted fill with
compacting equipment.
Following the spreading operation, the topsoil surface shall be left without ruts or surface
irregularities that could contribute to concentrated water flow down slope.
Any non-hazardous waste produced, primarily relating to packaging and off cuts, would
be stored in a covered skip and disposed of to an appropriate landfill. Re-vegetation of
working areas will occur as soon as possible after construction.
All soil and materials stockpiles will be removed within three months of the project
becoming operational. Geology maps and previous site investigation for the area and
waste water treatment works suggest that the turbine location is likely to be underlain by
Made Ground consisting of sandy gravel and limestone hardcore to a maximum depth of
3 mbgl. Previous site investigations in the area have demonstrated that the Made Ground
consists of various materials including PFA, construction spoil, domestic refuse and
demolition rubble.
5.5 Plant
All contractors’ plant will be well maintained, have up-to-date test certificates and where
appropriate plant will be insured.
5.7 Training/Qualifications
All contractors on site will carry current construction industry tickets and at all times at
least one person on site will have an up-to-date construction supervision ticket. During
the main element of the turbine erection there will be a trained first aider on site.
5.9 Ecological
General best practice in regard to ecological elements of the Development will be
implemented as outlined in Section 7 of the Extended Phase 1 Report within Appendix C
of the Environmental Report (November 2013). Checking surveys will be undertaken for
active nests if site works are to commence during the bird breeding period (March –
August inclusive) and for badger setts; should a sett be identified within 30 m of the
works area a license will be obtained from Natural England prior to the start of any
Any records of protected species within or adjacent to the works area will be noted in the
site diary. Should evidence indicating the presence of such species be recorded within or
in close proximity to the works area, works will cease in that area immediately and the
project ecologist will be contacted for advice as to how to proceed.
In addition, an experienced ecologist will provide a pre-commencement briefing to all on
site contractors.
An Environmental Management Plan detailing landscaping works will be submitted prior
to the start of any works.
Physical changes to overland drainage (including The new track is short and traverses a relatively
flow). flat section of land.
Introduction of particulates into watercourses. Best practice procedures will be used to minimise
this risk.
Contamination of surface waters from fuels/oils Best practice procedures will be used to minimise
used by plant. this risk.
Groundwater inflows to the excavated foundation On-site investigation will provide initial indications
during turbine construction. as to the likelihood for this. Suitable mitigation
should minimise this risk further.
Any consequent drawdown of groundwater table BGS maps and on-site investigative studies will
and its possible effect on surrounding indicate the potential for this. Suitable mitigation
watercourses or private water supplies should minimise this risk further.
Contamination of groundwater by fuels/oils used Best practice procedures will be used to minimise
by plant. this risk.
A drainage plan has been produced to manage all surface water in line with the CIRIA
C697 ‘The SUDS Manual’. This drainage plan is attached in Appendix A. The drainage
scheme has been designed to minimise the risk of pollution to the area from the site.
The drainage scheme will be implemented as soon as practicable.
6.3.1 General
COSHH regulations will be observed at all times on site.
6.3.2 Diesel
Diesel will be stored in a bunded bowser which can only be sucked out by a pump
(cannot be emptied by gravity). Operatives must wear gloves in addition to their normal
PPE when refuelling machines. This bowser will be stored in the designated area adjacent
to the site office, this will be the only area where refuelling is permitted. Spillage soak up
pads will be in the site office should there be any minor spillages.
6.8 Training/Qualifications
All contractors on site will carry current construction industry tickets and at all times at
least one person on site will have an up-to-date construction supervision ticket. During
the main element of the turbine erection there will be a trained first aider on site. All
contractors will undergo a site induction before being allowed to access the site. The
above pollution control measures will be included in the induction training.
The construction methods and sequencing outlined in this section are based on carefully
considered principles of construction gathered from experience of similar types and scale
of project. It should be borne in mind that construction methodology could vary from
that described depending on the particular contractors’ resources, plant ownership and
preferred method of working. The appointed contractor will be required to provide
specific Method Statements for works for inclusion in the Construction Phase Plan.
Risk Mitigation
Drilling Rig Drilling Rig Operator are fully trained and experienced with the
appropriate CPCS tickets.
Operator must wear full PPE at all times.
Boreholes will be delayed in event of heavy rainfall.
Site Traffic Any reversing lorries / abnormal vehicles will have a reversing horn and a
Hazardous Chemicals COSHH regulations will be observed at all times on site. The only
hazardous chemical on site will be gas oil and it will be stored in a bunded
bowser which can only be sucked out by a pump (cannot be emptied by
gravity). Operatives must wear gloves in addition to their normal PPE
when refueling machines. Oil spillage soak up pads should be used if there
are any minor spillages.
Sequence of Work
x Drilling Rig unloaded from the delivery vehicle and maneuvered to proposed turbine
x Drill positioned over proposed turbine location;
x Boreholes sunk by rotary drilling methods at turbine location;
x Store borehole samples; and then
x Reload onto delivery vehicle.
The depths of the boreholes, the descriptions of the strata encountered and comments
on the ground water conditions were recorded in borehole and trial pit records.
Disturbed samples were taken and dispatched, together with the rock cores, to the
laboratory for examination and testing. Each sample was uniquely identified and a
transmittal note system used throughout sample transfer. A nominal standpipe was
installed in the borehole with ground water levels recorded.
7.2.3 Documentation
Site Layout, Appendix A.
EWT Specification, Appendix C.
Contractor's design and method statements for each aspect of the operation produced by
the design and build contractor.
Risks Assessment
Risk Mitigation
Excavator Excavator’s operators are fully trained and experienced with the
appropriate CPCS tickets.
No personnel allowed within swing area.
Hazardous Chemicals COSHH regulations will be observed at all times on site. The only
hazardous chemical on site will be gas oil and it will be stored in a
bunded bowser which can only be sucked out by a pump (cannot
be emptied by gravity). Operatives must wear gloves in addition to
their normal PPE when refueling machines. Oil spillage soak up
pads should be used if there are any minor spillages.
Working near overhead lines Where construction work is within 6m of an overhead line,
‘goalposts’ will need to be erected and specially restricted vehicles
may need to be used or a line shut down may need to be arranged.
Sequence of Work
x Top soil to be stripped, some to be stockpiled along route of road and hardstanding
for later partial reinstatement, the remainder to be spread out over adjacent field;
x TX160 geogrid reinforcing or similar to be laid over area of crane hardstanding and
lengths of road where the sub-soil shows a bearing strength California Bearing Ratio
(CBR) of less than 5;
x Drainage to be dug as indicated in Appendix A and as agreed on site with contractor;
7.3.3 Documentation
x Track and drainage layout and sections are provided in Appendix A.
x Cabling layout and sections are provided in Appendix A.
x EWT specification is provided in Appendix D.
Contractors design and method statements for each aspect of the operation produced by
the design and build contractor.
Risks Assessment
Risk Mitigation
Excavator Excavator’s operators are fully trained and experienced with the
appropriate CPCS tickets.
No personnel allowed within swing area.
Deep excavation Trenches will be opened immediately prior to cable installation and
backfilled as soon as possible. Drainage trenches will be similarly
completed as quickly as possible. Any unattended excavations to be
clearly marked with hazard warning tape.
Manual handling Any persons required to carry out manual handling will be trained in
manual lifting and wear the correct PPE.
Risk Mitigation
Hazardous Chemicals COSHH regulations will be observed at all times on site. The only
hazardous chemical on site will be gas oil and it will be stored in a
bunded bowser which can only be sucked out by a pump (cannot be
emptied by gravity). Operatives must wear gloves in addition to their
normal PPE when refuelling machines. Oil spillage soak up pads should
be used if there are any minor spillages.
7.4.3 Documentation
Outline Technical Drawing, Appendix E.
Contractors design and method statements for each aspect of the operation produced by
the design and build contractor.
Risks Assessment
Risk Mitigation
Excavator Excavator’s operators are fully trained and experienced with the
appropriate CPCS tickets.
No personnel allowed within swing area.
Risk Mitigation
Deep excavation Trenches will be opened immediately prior to cable installation and
backfilled as soon as possible. Any unattended excavations to be clearly
marked with hazard warning tape.
Manual handling Any persons required to carry out manual handling will be trained in
manual lifting and wear the correct PPE.
Hazardous Chemicals COSHH regulations will be observed at all times on site. The only
hazardous chemical on site will be gas oil and it will be stored in a bunded
bowser which can only be sucked out by a pump (cannot be emptied by
gravity). Operatives must wear gloves in addition to their normal PPE
when refueling machines. Oil spillage soak up pads should be used if there
are any minor spillages.
7.5.3 Documentation
Foundation Technical Drawings will be produced by the Design and Build Balance of Plant
Contractors design and method statements for each aspect of the operation produced by
the design and build contractor.
Risks Assessment
Risk Mitigation
Risk Mitigation
Excavator Excavator’s operators are fully trained and experienced with the
appropriate CPCS tickets.
No personnel allowed within swing area.
Deep excavation Sides will be at a safe gradient to allow people to walk in and out.
Ground Water Ground water is anticipated on this site. In the case of groundwater being
present, SUDS including settlement lagoons will be implemented.
Lifting (Manual) for Any persons required to carry out manual handling will be trained in
Steel Fixing manual lifting and wear the correct PPE.
Lifting (Mechanical) All heavy components including the (shuttering and reinforcements) will
be delivered to site on a flat-bed lorry and either craned direct into
position with a lorry mounted Hiab or craned into position using an
Any machinery used for lifting will carry an appropriate test certificate. All
lifting will be undertaken using appropriate ties for lifting.
Hazardous Chemicals COSHH regulations will be observed at all times on site. The only
hazardous chemical on site will be gas oil and it will be stored in a bunded
bowser which can only be sucked out by a pump (cannot be emptied by
gravity). Operatives must wear gloves in addition to their normal PPE
when refuelling machines. Oil spillage soak up pads should be used if
there are any minor spillages.
7.6.3 Documentation
EWT Turbine Weights and Dimensions data sheet, Appendix F.
EWT method statements for each aspect of the operation.
Risks Assessment
Risk Mitigation
Lorry / Delivery Drivers Lorry / delivery driver must be fully trained and have suitable qualifications
and experience.
Driver must wear full PPE at all times.
Crane Crane’s operators are fully trained and experienced with the appropriate
CPCS tickets.
No unauthorised personnel allowed within swing area.
Lifting (Manual) Any persons required to carry out manual handling will be trained in
manual lifting and wear the correct PPE.
Ground Water Ground water is anticipated on this site. In the case of groundwater being
present, SUDS including settlement lagoons will be implemented.
Lifting (Manual) for Any persons required to carry out manual handling will be trained in
Steel Fixing manual lifting and wear the correct PPE.
Lifting (Mechanical) All heavy components including the blades will be delivered to site on a
flat-bed lorry and craned direct into position.
The Crane used for lifting will carry an appropriate test certificate.
Each lift shall be covered by a lift plan and controlled by an authorised
All lifting will be undertaken using appropriate ties for lifting.
Working at height All commissioning personnel to be trained and have knowledge of EWT’s
working procedures.
Risk Mitigation
Working with Electricity All electrical technicians should be suitably qualified and have the correct
training and knowledge of EWT’s working procedures.
Any portable electrical equipment to be PAT tested and operated in
accordance to current standards.
Hazardous Chemicals COSHH regulations will be observed at all times on site. The only
hazardous chemical on site will be gas oil and it will be stored in a bunded
bowser which can only be sucked out by a pump (cannot be emptied by
gravity). Operatives must wear gloves in addition to their normal PPE
when refuelling machines. Oil spillage soak up pads should be used if
there are any minor spillages.
Working near overhead Where delivery vehicles pass under overhead lines ‘goalposts’ will be
lines erected.
Risk Mitigation
Excavator Excavator’s operators are fully trained and experienced with the
appropriate CPCS tickets.
No personnel allowed within swing area.
Hazardous Chemicals COSHH regulations will be observed at all times on site. The only
hazardous chemical on site will be gas oil and it will be stored in a bunded
bowser which can only be sucked out by a pump (cannot be emptied by
gravity). Operatives must wear gloves in addition to their normal PPE
when refuelling machines. Oil spillage soak up pads will be in the site
office should there be any minor spillages.
7.8 Decommissioning
Decommissioning will be carried out in accordance with the planning conditions.
8.2 Layout
In order to allow the turbine delivery vehicles safe access into the site a new stone
access track will be constructed to a width of 4.0m, with an increased maximum width of
5.7m and an external radius of minimum 20m at the corners. The existing waste water
treatment works roads will be used as far as practicable. Some bend widening will be
required. Adjacent to the base of the turbine, a crane hard-standing area will be
constructed to facilitate the erection of the turbine in accordance with the specification
included in Appendix C.
It is proposed to provide a new drainage system for the new hard standing area and
access track, with the runoff from each section discharged into the drainage system. The
design is based upon the basic principle of capturing surface runoff in a SuDS drainage
scheme. This will slow the water velocity to a level where sediments can settle out, and
then allow the water to soak into the water table.
8.3.1 Introduction
Well-designed drainage ditches or shallow filter drains are generally effective ways of
managing water drainage at a low capital and maintenance cost. The study of the
topographical context of the site confirmed that these techniques are an appropriate
solution to manage water quality in the development area.
ditch will be covered with vegetation and left to grow wild in order to produce a
roughened surface to better interrupt the flow of any runoff from the track. This reduces
water flow and therefore increases the time available for water to infiltrate into the soil.
The slow movement of water along the trench encourages potential pollutants contents
to be removed and thus a clean water to infiltrate the soil. These trenches can also act as
conveyance channels feeding a soakaway, if required.
There may be a need to hold water at points in the system, preventing it flowing quickly
to a ‘low point’ and the resultant potential for flooding issues. Appropriately positioned
‘check dams’ should cater for this need. The resultant slow movement of water along the
trench further encourages potential pollutants to be removed and thus a clean water to
infiltrate the soil. The frequency of check dams will increase with the gradient of the
access tracks. Where the track crosses the natural drainage path of the site culverts will
be installed under the track to allow the natural drainage to be interrupted as little as
CIRIA specifies a minimum groundwater depth of 1m for both ditches and filter drains
(CIRIA C698 9.2 and 10.2). An intrusive ground investigation has been carried out, the
results of which will be used to determine existing groundwater conditions at the site. If
pumping operations are required, care should be taken to ensure that material is
not removed from the surrounding ground as this movement could potentially cause
8.3.3 Maintenance
The drainage system will be regularly inspected and the appropriate maintenance will be
carried out to keep the system under effective operation at all times.
The vegetation will be left to grow wildly which will enhance pre-treatment and resistance
to erosion.
The trenches are designed to run alongside the road which will enable easy access for
inspection and maintenance operation.
9.1 Summary
United Utilities has planning permission for a wind turbine development at its Fleetwood
waste water treatment works. The turbine will be accessed via approximately 70m of
new access track that runs from the turbine location to the existing operating macadam
site access tracks and site entrance from Jameson Road.
The work on the Fleetwood wind turbine will likely be let as 3 separate contracts, as
x Supply, erection and commissioning of the wind turbine;
x Construction of foundation above the ‘competent bearing surface’;
x Provision of roads, crane hard standings, drainage and any off-site works;
x Electrical works and equipment; and
x Electric grid connection.
There is potential for the civil and electrical engineering works to be let together as a
‘Balance of Plant’ contract.
The Fleetwood wind turbine development is a notifiable project under the CDM (2007)
regulations and as such a Health and Safety Plan is required. A full controlled copy of the
Construction Phase Plan will be kept on site at all times.
Arcus will co-ordinate health, safety and welfare for the project, with the Principal
Contractor taking responsibility for health and safety on site. All reasonably practicable
steps will be undertaken to avoid health and safety risks to everyone working on the
This CMS outlines the key aspects of the work on site that Arcus will have responsibility
for. These key aspects include:
x The control of access / egress onto site;
x Ensuring that all personnel on site are suitably qualified;
x Ensuring that site working hours are adhered to;
x Ensuring that welfare facilities on site are maintained;
x Ensuring that materials are stored properly on site; and
x Ensuring that all planning conditions relating to the working conditions are adhered
This Method Statement also includes an overarching risk assessment for each main
element of work. These main elements of work include:
x Site investigation;
x Road construction;
x Crane hard standing construction;
x Cable trench excavation and back-filling;
x Sub-station building construction;
x Foundation construction; and
x Turbine delivery and erection.
This CMS also outlines the proposed drainage system which is made up of an infiltration
trench running alongside the access track and hard standing area to capture any excess
run off. The proposed drainage system has been designed to capture the surface water
runoff, based on a worst case 30 year return storm, with minimal risk of flooding from
the drainage system as the run-off soaks into the water table.
In addition, a pollution plan is included within the CMS which identifies and outlines plans
to minimise the risk of pollution on site during the development. The plan contains a
pollution risk assessment, identifies what chemicals, products and waste may be on site
during the development and outlines the emergency procedures.
9.2 Conclusion
This CMS provides a summary and explanation of the construction activities, methods and
sequencing that will be undertaken to construct the Development and highlights the
proposed safeguards that will be put in place to minimise any risks during the
construction process.
Revision Details Date Rev
Revision Details Date Rev
15 Wayleave (TBC)
Task Summary Inactive Milestone Duration-only Start-only External Milestone Manual Progress
Project: Fleetwood August 2014
Split Project Summary Inactive Summary Manual Summary Rollup Finish-only Deadline
Date: 23 Jan
Milestone Inactive Task Manual Task Manual Summary External Tasks Progress
Page 1
Construction Method Statement
Fleetwood Wind Turbine
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification 08-07-09
1 Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 3
2 Tower ________________________________________________________________ 4
3 Nacelle _______________________________________________________________ 6
4 Hub __________________________________________________________________ 6
5 Generator _____________________________________________________________ 7
6 Blades ________________________________________________________________ 7
7 Miscellaneous components ________________________________________________ 8
8 Site lay-out requirements _________________________________________________ 8
8.1 Roads and crane hard stand ________________________________________________________ 8
8.2 Example of road construction _______________________________________________________ 9
8.3 Minimum bend radius ____________________________________________________________ 10
8.4 Example of site construction lay-out ________________________________________________ 11
9 Cranes ______________________________________________________________ 13
9.1 Example of Site layout / Crane plan _________________________________________________ 18
10 Overview of transport vehicles examples ____________________________________ 20
11 Overview handling examples _____________________________________________ 24
11.1 Tower handling _________________________________________________________________ 24
11.2 Blade handling _________________________________________________________________ 25
11.3 Generator handling _____________________________________________________________ 26
11.4 Nacelle and hub handling _________________________________________________________ 28
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification 08-07-09
1 Introduction
The information contained in this guideline is for the purpose of determining the requirements needed for
transport, handling, storage and lifting of the DIRECTWIND 52 and 54 wind turbine building blocks.
In each of the following chapters the dimensions and weight of the building blocks is listed.
For some of the building blocks special equipment/tools are available for transport and lifting purposes.
Depending on the means of transport agreed, the requirements for the access and service roads to and on the
site can be determined. If the requirements mentioned in this document cannot be adhered to, EWT should be
consulted in advance of the proceeding.
The information contained in this guideline does not intend to be complete and in case of any doubt or
questions EWT should be contacted.
When using special transport vehicles, cranes and lifting equipment, these should be certified as required by
the authorities in the country of use.
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification 08-07-09
2 Tower
The tower sections should be lifted using special lifting tools (such as swivels).
Lifting In case no swivels, but slings are used, precautions are to be taken to avoid
damage to the tower surface (conservation).
Tower sections need to be covered with tarpaulins at both ends during transport
and storage, to eliminate dust and dirt getting inside the tower.
For transport standard truck and trailer combinations can be used. Tower sections
Transport need to be covered with tarpaulins at both ends during transport and storage, to
eliminate dust and dirt getting inside the tower.
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification 08-07-09
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification 08-07-09
3 Nacelle
Weight [ton]
Length [m] Width [m] Height [m]
Nacelle, assembled incl.
5.2 2.60 2.25 10.0
transport/support frame
When storing the nacelle, this should be in a dry place. The nacelle should be
Storage covered with tarpaulins or cling-foil during storage, to eliminate dust and dirt
getting inside the nacelle.
Typically the nacelle is placed on a flat-rack. In case transport is over sea, the
Transport packing needs to be seaworthy, including dehumidifying materials.
All openings are to be sealed to prevent dust and dirt entering the nacelle.
4 Hub
Weight [ton]
Length [m] Width [m] Height [m]
Hub 2.95 2.53 2.35 9.2
Lifting The hub should be lifted using the eye bolts provided.
When storing the hub, this should be in a dry place. In case of high humidity,
dehumidifying materials should be included. All openings are to be sealed to
prevent dust and dirt entering the hub. The hub should be stored on wood to
avoid damage to the flange.
Typically the hub is placed on a flat-rack. In case transport is over sea, the
Transport packing is to be seaworthy, including dehumidifying materials.
All openings are to be sealed to prevent dust and dirt entering the hub.
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
5 Generator
Weight [ton]
Diameter [m] Height [m]
Generator 5.7 2.8 32.0
The generator should be lifted using special lifting frame supplied by EWT.
For loading and offloading the two lifting points on the man bearing are used.
When storing the generator, this should be in a dry place. In case of high
humidity, dehumidifying materials should be included.
6 Blades
Single blade: using a small crane and sling of at least 200mm wide.
Lifting Set of 3 blades: set is packed in a frame (used for overseas transportation).
Lifting only by the frames. Single blades to be lifted using slings.
In case transport is overseas, the blades are fitted with transport frames and
grouped in sets of 3 blades. In case transport is overseas, the packing is
seaworthy. For road transport blades can be supported by special supports at
root end and 5-7m from tip end.
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
7 Miscellaneous components
The converter should be lifted using a forklift or when lifted by a crane the
slings should be fed through the pallet
When storing the converter, this should be in a dry place. In case of high
humidity, dehumidifying materials should be included.
In addition to the converter, other small parts and components (such as bolts, nuts, washers, ladder-steps and
lifting equipment as well as a tool container) will have to be packaged and transported to the site, typically in a
20ft container with a total weight of about 7 ton. Packaging and logistics of these components will be project
Access roads, as well as the roads on site, including bridges have to be able to withstand the movement of
heavy equipment and trucks with heavy exceptional cargo up to a maximum axle load of 16.75T and a
maximum overall weight of 120T. Access has to be kept clear at all times. The EWT Project Manager has to be
informed in case problems are expected.
The access road should be made of broken stone (diameter 0-60mm; layer thickness 0.40m) on compacted
sand (appr. 0.30m). Instead of broken stone, the top layer may be made of breakage material (diameter 0-
60mm) free of all demolition waste, such as glass, ceramics, steel or wood. If breakage material is used, the
thickness has to be increased. All layers must be properly compacted by adequate machinery to avoid later
access problems with heavy loads.
The access road should normally have a turning-head for empty trucks once they are unloaded. For safety
reasons this should not be done at the crane hard stand and it should be avoided that trucks reverse onto the
main road.
The turning head should apply to the following specifications:
x The turning head should be located between the site entrance and the crane hard stand.
x The turning head should be located at a maximum distance of 400m from the crane hard stand or at
the first bend.
x The turning head should have a length of 15m, a width of 3.5m and have a suitable bell mouth.
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
The employer is obliged to have the permanent crane hard stand with ground bearing capacity of at least
200kN/m2. Dimensions for the permanent crane hard stand are minimum 15 x 35m and connected to the
turbine foundation and the access road. The hard stand may have a level difference of 300mm over a 15m
horizontal difference in one direction (i.e. from left to right OR front to back, not both).
* Deviations to the acceptance of the Transport Company and Crane Hire Company
** With vertical generator transport
The construction illustrated above is an example, constructed on solid soil. Other circumstances might require
other constructions to meet the minimum requirements, for example use more crushed rock or similar, install a
geogrid or other solutions. EWT has always to be informed prior to access road construction and in case of
changes to the existing situation.
The important part of access road construction is drainage and water discharge. Always prevent water to be
near the access roads and construction area.
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
In the picture above a typical site layout is drawn. In the table below you find a table with the requirements of
the specific area needed at a site location. For proper site preparation the lifting plan has to be issued 2 weeks
before start of the turbine erection.
Direct access path from crane hard stand to foundation tube. 2m width
The rotor need to be supported outside the crane stand on a firm base of 4m x 4m under the hub casting.
Additional each blade needs a tip support on a firm base. Preferably at a radius of approximately 19m.
The dedicated rotor area outside the crane stand should be able to carry the load of the rotor, safely accessible
by shortest route and without any obstructions. Walking routes to the different working areas should be able
to carry the load of a service engineer including equipment without change of composition. The level of the
path between crane stand and rotor area should be within 30 cm height difference. See for a typical site lay-out
the picture below.
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
9 Cranes
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
The information above is an indication of requirements. It is the crane contractor’s responsibility to perform an
appropriate site survey before the works commences.
The site survey will determine exact location where the main crane and the tail crane will be placed in relation
to the base of the WTG tower, the access route for the building blocks, and the construction area at the place of
For each WTG a different crane plan will need to be made, as for each WTG position the soil conditions, the
access route, site conditions (other obstacles), and therefore the position of cranes can be different in relation
to the WTG.
It is the crane contractor’s responsibility to make, on the basis of the site survey, a crane plan for each WTG
location. Any calculations which are required to ensure safe installation and operation of the crane will be part
of the scope of the crane contractor. The type of crane to be used is to be selected by the crane company and
dependent on the make and the technical data.
The site survey will also determine if any civil works need to be undertaken. These civil works are not limited to
flattening any (rough) surface for easy access, but may also include that the soil conditions will need to be
investigated to determine the need for any additional work to be carried out (e.g. soil improvement, civil
ground works, steel tracks) so that the underground can carry the loads from crane outriggers, the building
blocks and the transport equipment that carry these to the place of installation and the equipment (cranes)
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
used to do this job. The crane plan will be submitted to EWT for review. The final lay-out remains the
responsibility of the crane contractor.
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
Tube anchor
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Category: Specification 08-07-09
Vertical transportation of the generator is only possible over short distances. For vertical transport, the
generator needs to be reloaded from horizontal position using two cranes, an extra truck and transport
equipment. Additional costs for this operation have to be taken into account.
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Construction Method Statement
Fleetwood Wind Turbine
01 17-06-11 MB MB
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Category: Specification Revision: 05
1 Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 3
2 General Overview _______________________________________________________ 3
3 Event Operation ________________________________________________________ 3
3.1 Normal Mains Healthy ____________________________________________________________ 3
3.2 Loss of Mains ___________________________________________________________________ 4
3.3 Return of Mains _________________________________________________________________ 4
4 Electrical Specifications __________________________________________________ 5
4.1 General Connection Data __________________________________________________________ 5
4.2 Operational Data ________________________________________________________________ 5
4.3 Generator ______________________________________________________________________ 6
4.3.1 Winding Protection _______________________________________________________________ 6
4.4 Power Converter_________________________________________________________________ 6
4.4.1 Converter Protection _____________________________________________________________ 6
4.5 Power and Power Quality __________________________________________________________ 7
4.5.1 Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) ___________________________________________________ 7
4.5.2 Automatic Voltage Control (AVC) ____________________________________________________ 7
4.6 LV Grid Connection _______________________________________________________________ 8
4.7 Grid-connection Transformer _______________________________________________________ 8
4.8 Short Circuit Current Contribution of Turbine ___________________________________________ 9
4.9 Earth Termination System _________________________________________________________ 9
4.10 Power Consumption from Grid ______________________________________________________ 9
Appendix A: Reactive power control _______________________________________________ 10
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Category: Specification Revision: 05
1 Introduction
This document summarizes the electrical specifications for the EWT DIRECTWIND 52/54 500 kW Wind Turbine.
In different countries, and even different organisations, different terms are used to describe the same electrical
characteristic. In this document, common engineering synonyms for items are included to help readers
understand what is meant.
The document is to be read in conjunction with S-1000926, DIRECTWIND 52/54*500 Technical Specification.
2 General Overview
The EWT 500kW wind turbine generator generates a three phase output which is rectified and then fed into
inverter units.
These inverters output power at low voltage (typically 690V). A site-specific transformer steps the voltage up to
the medium voltage of the DNO metered connection point. The grid connection to the wind turbine is on the
medium voltage side of the transformer via a lockable isolating Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) between
the energy meter and the point of common connection.
The inverter controller and a G59/2-compliant relay continuously monitor grid voltage conditions, and operate
redundantly with the more restrictive setting operating the LV main circuit breaker inside the turbine tower.
Due to the fact that the generator is only connected to the power grid through the series-connected
converter/inverter, and therefore effectively isolated from the grid by the DC link, generator model data and
associated electrical characteristics are not relevant to the grid connection.
3 Event Operation
Under a healthy mains situation the voltage, frequency and phase displacement are independently monitored
by both the inverter controller and the G59/2 relay. If the mains are within the limits defined for the site, then
the LV circuit breaker is allowed to close. The G59/2 relay operates the LV main circuit breaker independently
to isolate the wind turbine generator should mains fall outside the G59/2 voltage limits.
The settings of the G59/2 relay are set up per site according to Engineering Recommendation G59/2.
Refer to the LV Grid Connection section of this document for voltage limits in the inverter controller.
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Category: Specification Revision: 05
Should the mains voltage fall outside the pre-set LOM limits, this is independently detected by the inverter
controller and the G59/2 relay, causing the LV circuit breaker to open, isolating the wind turbine generator.
Complete loss of mains immediately causes the LV breaker to open.
On return of mains within the limits, the inverter controller and G59/2 relay will allow the LV circuit breaker to
re-close after a pre-set time delay. The turbine will then automatically restart if no alarms or faults are present,
and the previous operation state was “active”.
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Category: Specification Revision: 05
4 Electrical Specifications
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Category: Specification Revision: 05
4.3 Generator
Thermistors 6 x PTC
RTDs 4 x PT–100
Surge arrestors 20 kA
Flash trap (lightning) 1.5 kV, 40 kA
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Category: Specification Revision: 05
Power factor control range at PN 0.93 lagging to 0.95 leading, measured at LV terminals
(Grid voltage within UN +/- 5%) (see Appendix A: Reactive power control)
Voltage fluctuations and Flicker Compliant with IEC 61000-3-5 and IEC 61400-21
Optional, compliant with IEC 61400-21 and 2009 US FERC order 661 post transition specifications.
Optional, the converter manipulates grid voltage towards a set-point by controlling reactive power as illustrated
below. The slope (0-10%) and deadband (0-5%) are adjustable by the operator in real time.
+ Voltage
from nominal
- inductive + capacitive
0 Reactive Power
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Category: Specification Revision: 05
Fault infeed from each set (plus an Peak asymmetrical short circuit current at 10ms (ip) for a 3φ
estimate of fault infeed from other plant short circuit fault at the generation set terminals:
on site).
1.87 kA
0.66 kA
0 kA
Calculated fault in-feed from this source Initial symmetrical short circuit power (Sk”) – a product of
the initial symmetrical short circuit current Ik’’, the plant
terminal voltage Un, and the factor ξ͵
0.79 MVA
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Category: Specification Revision: 05
The graph below shows the reactive power capabilities of the wind turbine through the range of power output.
The reactive power limits are constant above 20% of rated power. Below 20% rated power the limits decrease
with constant slope to 0 kVAr at 0 kW.
The reactive power output can be accurately controlled inside the blue area, to satisfy any grid requirements of
maximum reactive power supply limits.
The reactive power range can be optionally extended. Option 1 allows the limits to remain constant down to
zero active power production. Option 2 extends the limits as shown (requires option 1).
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Construction Method Statement
Fleetwood Wind Turbine
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Category: Specification Revision: 02
1 Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 3
2 Technical Description ____________________________________________________ 4
2.1 Operation and safety system _______________________________________________________ 4
2.2 Generator ______________________________________________________________________ 4
2.3 Power Converter_________________________________________________________________ 5
2.4 Rotor _________________________________________________________________________ 5
2.5 Rotor blade set __________________________________________________________________ 5
2.6 Main bearing ___________________________________________________________________ 5
2.7 Nacelle ________________________________________________________________________ 6
2.8 Yaw system ____________________________________________________________________ 6
2.9 Tower _________________________________________________________________________ 6
2.10 Anchor ________________________________________________________________________ 6
2.11 Control System__________________________________________________________________ 6
2.11.1 Bachmann PLC __________________________________________________________________ 6
2.11.2 DMS __________________________________________________________________________ 6
2.12 Earthing and lightning protection ____________________________________________________ 7
2.13 Options ________________________________________________________________________ 7
3 Technical Data _________________________________________________________ 8
3.1 Wind and Site Data ______________________________________________________________ 8
3.2 Operating Temperature ___________________________________________________________ 8
3.3 Cooling ________________________________________________________________________ 8
3.4 Operational Data ________________________________________________________________ 8
3.5 Rotor _________________________________________________________________________ 8
3.6 Blade Set ______________________________________________________________________ 9
3.7 Transmission System _____________________________________________________________ 9
3.8 Controller ______________________________________________________________________ 9
3.9 Pitch Control and Safety System ____________________________________________________ 9
3.10 Yaw System ____________________________________________________________________ 9
3.11 Tower _________________________________________________________________________ 9
3.12 Mass Data ____________________________________________________________________ 10
3.13 Service Brake __________________________________________________________________ 10
APPENDIX 1: 3D image of main turbine components ___________________________________ 11
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Category: Specification Revision: 02
1 Introduction
This document provides a technical overview of the DIRECTWIND 52/54*500 Wind Turbine designed for the IEC
class II/III application. It is to be read in conjunction with document S-1000927 “Directwind 52/54*500
Electrical Specification”.
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Category: Specification Revision: 02
2 Technical Description
The DIRECTWIND 52/54*500 is a direct-drive, variable speed, pitch regulated, horizontal axis, three-bladed
upwind rotor wind turbine.
The gearless direct-driven synchronous generator operates at variable speed. This is made possible by an
actively controlled AC-DC-AC IGBT power converter connected to the grid. Benefits of this design are low
maintenance, constant power output at wind speed above rated, and relatively low structural loads compared to
constant-speed stall-controlled or constant-speed pitch-controlled wind turbines.
The generator is fully integrated into the structural design of the turbine, which allows for a very compact
nacelle design. The drive-train makes use of only one main bearing, whereas classic designs have separately
supported main shaft, gearbox and generator. All dynamically loaded interfaces from the blades to the
foundation are sturdy flange connections with machined surfaces, and high tensile steel pre-stressed bolt
connections are used.
The turbine operates automatically under all wind conditions and is controlled by an industrial PLC
(Programmable Logic Controller). The cut-in wind speed is approximately 3m/s. When the rotational speed
reaches the cut-in threshold, the power converter begins to deliver power to the grid.
The power converter controls the generator power output and is programmed with a power set-point versus
rotor speed curve. Below rated wind speed the power output is controlled to optimise rotor speed versus
aerodynamic performance (optimum λ-control). Above rated wind speed the power output is kept constant at
rated value by PD-controlled active blade pitching.
The dynamic responses of the drive train and power controller are optimised for high yield and negligible
electrical power fluctuations. The variable speed rotor acts as a flywheel, absorbing fluctuating aerodynamic
power input. The turbine controllers are located in the rotor hub and the tower base (with remote IO in the
nacelle) and carry out all control functions and safety condition monitoring. In the case of a fault, or extreme
weather conditions, the turbine is stopped by feathering of the blades to vane position (blades swivelled to 90ͼ
with respect to rotor’s rotational plane). In case of power loss, an independent battery backup system in each
blade ensures the blades are feathered.
In the case of less serious faults which have been resolved, or when extreme weather conditions have passed,
the turbine restarts automatically to minimise downtime.
2.2 Generator
The multiple-pole, direct-drive generator is directly mounted to the hub. The stator is located in the non-
moving outer ring and the wound pole, separately excited rotor rotates on the inner ring.
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Category: Specification Revision: 02
The generator is designed such that all aerodynamic forces are directly transferred to the nacelle construction
without interfering with the generator-induced loads.
The power converter is an AC-DC-AC IGBT active switching converter. It controls the generator to operate in its
optimum range, and maintains power quality to the grid. The inverter can produce unity power factor (cosΦ=1)
to the grid under all load conditions. Power factor is also controllable within limits.
2.4 Rotor
The rotor is a three bladed construction, mounted up-wind of the tower. Rotational speed is regulated by active
blade adjustment towards vane position. Blade pitch is adjusted using an electric servomotor on each of the
Each blade has a complete, fully independent pitch system that is designed to be fail-safe. This construction
negates the need for a mechanical rotor brake. The pitch system is the primary method of controlling the
aerodynamic power input to the turbine.
At below rated wind speed the blade pitch setting is constant at optimum aerodynamic efficiency. At above
rated wind speed the fast-acting control system keeps the average aerodynamic power at the rated level by
keeping the rotor speed close to nominal, even in gusty winds.
The rigid rotor hub is a nodular cast iron structure mounted on the main bearing. Each rotor blade is connected
to the hub using a pre-stressed ball bearing. It is sufficiently large to provide a comfortable working
environment for two service technicians during maintenance of the pitch system, the three pitch bearings and
the blade root from inside the structure.
The rotor blades are made of fibreglass-reinforced epoxy. The aerodynamic design represents state-of-the-art
technology and is based on a pitch-regulated concept. No extenders are used and the aerodynamic design is
optimal for this rotor diameter.
The large-diameter main bearing is a specially designed three row cylindrical roller bearing. The inner non-
rotating ring is mounted to the generator stator. The outer rotating ring is mounted between the hub and
generator rotor. The bearing takes axial and radial loads as well as bending moments. Entrance to the hub is
through the inner-bearing ring. The bearing is greased by a fully automatic lubrication system controlled by the
turbine PLC.
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Category: Specification Revision: 02
2.7 Nacelle
The nacelle is a compact welded construction which houses the yaw mechanism, a service hoist and a control
cabinet. Both the generator and the tower are flanged to the nacelle. The geometry of the construction assures
an ideal transfer of loads to the tower and, with the absence of a shaft and gearbox, results in a simple design
ensuring easy personnel access.
The yaw bearing is an internally geared ring with a pre-stressed four point contact ball bearing. Electric
planetary gear motors yaw the nacelle. The yaw brake is passive and is based on the friction of brake pads
sitting directly on the bearing ring, keeping the yaw system rigid under most loading conditions.
2.9 Tower
The nacelle assembly is supported on a tubular steel tower, fully protected against corrosion. The tower allows
access to the nacelle via a secure hinged access door at its base. The tower is fitted with an internal ladder with
safety wire and optional climb assistance, rest platforms and lighting. Standard hub heights are 35, 40, 50 and
75 metres.
2.10 Anchor
The turbine is supported by a concrete foundation. The connection to this foundation is provided by means of a
cast-in tube or rod anchor.
The M1 controller perfectly combines the openness of a PC-based controller with the reliability of industrial
hardware platforms. Designed to withstand the toughest ambient conditions it guarantees error-free use over
long periods of time.
A modern system architecture designed for consistent network-capability permits the easy integration of the M1
into the environment of the controller and system peripherals. Real-time ethernet permits the real-time
networking of the controllers, and the support of all standard Fieldbus systems permits the connection of
standard external components.
2.11.2 DMS
DIRECTWIND Monitoring System – EWT’s proprietary HMI featuring local monitoring and control at the turbine,
integrated into a remote-access SCADA. DMS offers individual turbine control and total park monitoring and
data logging from your Wind Turbine, Wind Park or internet access point.
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification Revision: 02
1. Protective earthing:
A PE connection ensures that all exposed conductive surfaces are at the same electrical potential as
the surface of the Earth, to avoid the risk of electrical shock if a person touches a device in which an
insulation fault has occurred. It ensures that in the case of an insulation fault (a "short circuit"), a very
high current flows, which will trigger an over-current protection device (fuse, circuit breaker) that
disconnects the power supply.
2. Functional earthing:
Earthing system to minimize and/or remove the source of electrical interference that can adversely
affect operation of sensitive electrical and control equipment.
A functional earth connection serves a purpose other than providing protection against electrical shock.
In contrast to a protective earth connection, the functional earth connection may carry electric current
during the normal operation of the turbine.
3. Lightning protection:
To provide predictable conductive path for the over-currents in case of a lightning strike and
electromagnetic induction caused by lightning strike and to minimize and/or remove dangerous
situations for humans and sensitive electrical equipment.
Since the mechanical construction is made of metal (steel), all earthing systems are combined.
2.13 Options
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification Revision: 02
3 Technical Data
Where data are separated by “/” this refers to the respective rotor diameter (52 / 54 m).
3.3 Cooling
3.5 Rotor
Diameter 52 / 54 m
Type 3-Bladed, horizontal axis
Position Up-wind
Swept area 2,083 / 2,290 m²
Power regulation Pitch control; Rotor field excitation
Rotor tilt angle 5°
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification Revision: 02
3.8 Controller
Type Active
Yaw bearing 4 point ball bearing
Yaw drive 3 x constant speed electric geared motors
Yaw brake Passive friction brake
3.11 Tower
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification Revision: 02
Hub 9,303 kg
Blade – each 1,919 / 1,931 kg
Rotor assembly 15,060 / 15,096 kg
Generator 30,000 kg
Nacelle assembly 10,000 kg
Tower HH35 28,300 kg
Tower HH40 34,000 kg
Tower HH50 46,000 kg
Tower HH75 86,500 kg
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.
Category: Specification Revision: 02
© Copyright Emergya Wind Technologies bv, The Netherlands. Reproduction and/or disclosure to third parties of this document
or any part thereof, or use of any information contained therein for purposes other than provided for by this document, is not
permitted, except with the prior and express permission of Emergya Wind Technologies BV, The Netherlands.