Working With Children Who Have Been Traumatized

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Working with Children Who Have Been Traumatized

s caregivers, we often care for kids They may recreate the traumatic event or
who may have experienced the experience some of the following symptoms:
trauma of physical and sexual abuse,  Anxiety
neglect, and domestic violence.  Sleep disturbances
 Aggression
While experiencing or witnessing physical or
 Withdrawal
sexual abuse is a common source of trauma
for children, the emotional turmoil of being  Hyperactivity
removed from their parental  Persistent levels of fear
home is additionally You should contact a
traumatic and stressful. mental health professional
When we as caregivers, if your children experience
therapists, and school staff the following symptoms:
have an understanding of
the trauma and its effect on  Flashbacks
learning and processing,  Episodes of being easily
children in our care have a startled
better chance to overcome  Emotional numbness
their past.  Episodes of a racing heart
and sweating (unrelated to
Recognizing Symptoms
Emotional, behavioral, and
 Depression
physical delays may be
 Suicidal thoughts or
noted in traumatized
children. The brain
development is altered, Finding a therapist that you
resulting in children having and your children trust is
difficulty controlling emotions and behavior. imperative when working with kids who
have PTSD and other trauma—as much for
In reaction to chronic abuse, a hyper-arousal
your own sake as for the sake of your
response in the brain may cause persistent
children. As a caregiver, you should be
stress. Abused and neglected children may
comfortable in sharing your own
become wired to experience the world as an
observations of your child, as well as
uncaring place.
accepting insight and support from a

Continued on page 2
6682 West Greenfield, Suite 310
Milwaukee, WI 53214 In
800-762-8063 © 2008, partnership
[email protected] 2012 with
Working with Children Who Have Been Traumatized, continued Page 2

therapist.  Nurture and

comfort through
Often it takes a lot of time to help kids
touch and
overcome the trauma of their pasts, and it’s
conversation. Pay
often hard to see the very real progress we’re
attention to how
making by letting the child live in a safe and
the children
consistent home.
respond to physi-
Interventions for Caregivers, Teachers, cal touch and ad-
and Others just your
The response you have on traumatized response and
children has a definite impact on them. Being boundary setting accordingly.
calm, organized, and in control reassures Meeting the Needs of Children
children that they are in a safe place. Children who have been traumatized often
 Develop a daily routine and prepare function at varying levels behaviorally,
children for events of the day. Unexpected emotionally, and physically. At what level of
changes can often set children with development are the children in your care
traumatic backgrounds into a tailspin. displaying?
 Set gentle but firm limits for behavior by Acknowledge this functioning level and
setting consistent, clear rules and parent them accordingly in order to meet
consequences. (“You may ride your bike to their special needs.
the store and be home at 4:00 p.m.”)
Often children who have been exposed to
 Develop non punitive consequences for
abuse, neglect or violence are emotionally and
their behavior. (“There will be no bike
behaviorally immature, express strong
riding this afternoon since you were late
emotions and may have physical delays.
yesterday coming home from the store.”)
Some effective ways to meet the exceptional
 Take time to listen to your children.
needs of traumatized children include the
 Give children choices and a sense of following:
control by allowing them to make as many
 Let children know that having powerful
choices as possible. (“You may choose
emotions like fear, sadness, anger, pain, and
either the red shorts or the jean shorts to
rage is okay.
wear today.”)
 Follow the children’s lead and let them
 Make only promises that can be kept.
talk, draw and write about the trauma.
(“Tonight we will roast some hotdogs on
Share this information with the children’s
the fire.”) Follow through helps develop
treatment team.
trusting relationships.

Continued on page 3
6682 West Greenfield, Suite 310
Milwaukee, WI 53214 In
800-762-8063 © 2008, partnership
[email protected] 2012 with
Working with Children Who Have Been Traumatized, continued Page 3

 If children seem to be upset or show

Resources from Our Library
increased symptoms during certain
activities, end the activities. Often a smell,  The Jonathon Letters: One Family’s
Use of Support as They Took in, and
a place, a food or a sound can trigger a Fell in Love with, a Troubled Child,
reminder of the past trauma and by Michael Trout and Lori Thomas
symptoms can resurface.  Positive Parenting, by Rick Delaney
(3 DVDs)
 Keeping a log or journal of behaviors can  Sexualized Behavior: Training for
be useful in further assessment and Adoptive, Kinship and Foster
Parents, by Richard Delaney (DVD)
treatment when shared with the children’s  Understanding Traumatized and
treatment team. Maltreated Children: The Core
Concepts, by Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD
 Be a role model and teach appropriate (DVD)
 The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog, by
social behaviors and physical boundaries.
Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz
 Minimize long physical separations from
Coalition Tip Sheets
your children. Take time to prepare
children for separations and of your Navigate to
Click on Resources, then Tip Sheets to find the
return. (“I will be going to a meeting following:
tonight at 6 pm. Mary will take care of  Helping Children in Care Build Trusting
you at the house. I will be home by 8 Relationships
 What’s Behind These Behaviors?
o’clock and see you before bedtime.”)  The Journey of Forgiveness: How to Teach
Your Children
 Be patient. Remember that the impact of
trauma on children can have long term Resources from the National Child
effects, some of which may last for years. Traumatic Stress Network (

 Continue to educate yourself about the  Effective Treatments for Youth Trauma
 How to Implement Trauma-Focused
issues of trauma and their effect. You are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
an important part of the treatment team.  Identifying Trauma-informed Providers
(pages 36-37) from Child Welfare Trauma
 Provide insight into the day-to-day care of Training Toolkit Comprehensive Guide
your children by communicating often
Other Child Trauma Agencies
with the child’s social worker, teacher,
therapist, psychiatrist, and other treatment  ChildTrauma Academy
 National Native Children’s Trauma Center
team members.  The National Institute for Trauma and Loss
in Children
 The Trauma Center

6682 West Greenfield, Suite 310

Milwaukee, WI 53214 In
800-762-8063 © 2008, partnership
[email protected] 2012 with

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