Apec Architects
Apec Architects
Apec Architects
APEC Architect
and ASEAN Architect
Its purpose is “to sustain the growth and development of the region The APEC Architect Register is managed by the APEC Central Council
for the common good of its peoples”. through the respective local Monitoring Committees in the APEC
APEC builds on the World Trade Organization (WTO) General
Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) principles for the progressive Member economies of the APEC Architect Central Council 2005 are:
liberalization of trade in services through the reduction of regulatory o Australia
restrictions, leading to reciprocal agreement between member o Canada
economies where appropriate. o People’s Republic of China
o It is a strategic priority of facilitating the mobility of qualified o Hongkong China
persons by developing means for the mutual recognition of o Japan
skills and qualifications. o Korea
o Malaysia
The APEC Architect project is an initiative of the APEC Human o Republic of Mexico
Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG), one of a number o New Zealand
of sectoral groups established to implement APEC programs. o Republic of the Philippines
o Singapore
The project was endorsed by the HRDWG at its year 2000 meeting in o Chinese Taipei
Brunei as a direct response to the Groups’ strategic priority of o Thailand
facilitating mobility of qualified persons by developing a means for o United States of America.
the mutual recognition of skills and qualifications
The APEC economies participating in the project have developed a The aim of the APEC Architect framework is to establish a mechanism
mechanism by which current restrictions on the professional to facilitate the mobility of architects for the provision of architectural
recognition of architects from other economies would be reduced or services throughout the APEC region by reducing current barriers to the
removed. export of professional services.
o A set of principles and operational framework for the creation
Its central function is to maintain a Register of APEC Architects who
of an APEC Architect Register has been agreed upon.
have fulfilled common elements of the education and training
Registration as an APEC Architect provides evidence of the
requirements for professional recognition in participating economies
achievement of professional standards that satisfy the
and are currently registered/licensed as architects, and who have a
requirements for the recognition of architects by host APEC
proven record of professional experience as registered practitioners.
Through the identification of these common aspects of professional Host economies may choose to impose special requirements for
recognition, reinforced by a period of professional experience, the recognition of APEC Architects for practice in their
registration as an APEC Architect defines a level of competence that economies, but any such requirements must be fully transparent.
will satisfy designated registration criteria in other participating
Central Council
economies without further assessment.
o A host economy may additionally adopt special The Central Council has ultimate responsibility for all matters relating
requirements for the recognition of APEC Architects to to the APEC Architect framework. The Council comprises of representatives
address aspects of professional practice specific to that appointed by the Monitoring Committee of each economy authorized to
economy, such requirements however must be fully operate a section of the Register.
The Central Council’s primary duty is to decide the standards and
APEC Architects criteria required for registration as an APEC Architect and to establish
operational procedures for management of the APEC Architect
An APEC Architect is a person who is registered, licensed or otherwise
professionally recognized as an architect in a participating economy, and
o These are reviewed periodically by the Council to ensure their
whose name is enrolled on the APEC Architect Register maintained by that
continued relevance to the practice of architecture within
the APEC region and the effectiveness of the systems
The criteria adopted by the Central Council for admission to the employed to assess them.
APEC Architect Register, and use of the title “APEC Architect”, are
based on identification of common criteria among the The Council is responsible for the authorization of Monitoring
participating economies which consist of: Committees to maintain a section of the Register and for subsequent
review of their continued conformance with APEC Architect
a) An accreditation or recognition procedure for education registration criteria.
programs in architecture;
b) A minimum period of post-baccalaureate practical Effective communication with relevant authorities in participating
experience, with specified requisites; economies, architects and consumers alike, is essential for successful
c) Fulfillment of registration, licensing or other requirements for operation of the APEC Architect Register.
full professional recognition; o The provision of information on its objectives and
d) A minimum period of professional practice as a registered or achievements and promotion of the role it plays in facilitating
licensed architect, with specified requisites. the mobility of architects within the region are also important
functions of the Central Council.
Architects deemed by the Central Council to fulfill these
Registration as an APEC Architect
requirements are eligible for registration as an APEC Architect. To
retain their registration, APEC Architects must comply with A candidate for registration as an APEC Architect must be currently
obligations imposed by their home economies for observing registered / licensed or otherwise professionally recognized as an architect
codes of professional conduct and for maintaining professional in the economy that maintains the section of the APEC Architect Register to
competence and currency of practice through continuing which application for admission is made.
professional development.
Architects must submit documents to the appropriate Monitoring An APEC Architect must be competent to translate a design concept into
Committee that show that they have completed an accredited built form and be able to:
program of architectural education, fulfilled pre-registration
a) investigate and interpret design objectives and relevant issues and
experience requirements, have practiced for at least seven years as
prepare the brief for a design project;
registered/licensed architects and satisfied any additional
b) advise on project evaluation, feasibility studies and programs;
requirements, all in accordance with criteria determined by the
c) evaluate and determine structural, constructional and engineering
Central Council.
elements of a building design and integrate the advice and design
o Architects may only be enrolled in the section of the APEC
of specialist disciplines into a building project;
Architect Register in their home economy.
d) assess the physical influence on buildings and the technologies
associated with providing internal conditions of comfort and
In the Philippine Section, candidates for registration are required to
protection against the climate, and coordinate and integrate
have achieved the prescribed number of continuing professional
services systems to control them;
development units; and must be active members of the Integrated
e) meet building users’ requirements within the constraints imposed by
and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects (IAPOA).
cost factors and building regulations;
APEC Architect Registration applies only to individual persons, not to
f) provide advice on issues of construction, procurement and contract
architectural practices or firms.
The Competence of an APEC Architect g) generate the documentation and information needed to translate a
design concept into a building;
The skills and knowledge required for admission to the APEC Architect
h) manage the procurement of buildings, administer contractual
Register are defined as follows:
arrangements and monitor their construction.
An APEC Architect must be competent to create architectural
An APEC Architect must be competent in the practice of architecture and:
designs that:
a) observe legal and regulatory obligations related to the planning and
a) satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements;
construction of buildings;
b) are informed by the history and theories of architecture and the
b) have adequate knowledge of the industries, organization and
related arts, technologies and human sciences;
procedures involved in the management and realization of a design
c) demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between people
project as a building;
and buildings, and between buildings and their environment, and the
c) observe the standards of conduct expected of a professional by the
need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human
needs and scale;
d) maintain competence in relevant aspects of the practice of
d) respond to environment concerns and address sustainability issues;
e) show skill in land-use planning and the planning process;
f) take account of cultural and social factors and demonstrate an
understanding of the responsibility of an architect to society.
APEC Architect Registration Criteria 3. Fulfillment of Registration/Licensing Requirements for Registration as an
Architect in a Home Economy
The following set of princip.0les satisfies Central Council criteria for
admission to the APEC Architect Register and the right to use the title “APEC The purpose of this criterion is, in the first instance, to establish eligibility
Architect”. for registration as an APEC Architect, not for registration in another economy.