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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 166 (2021) 120620

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Torn between digitized future and context dependent past – How

implementing ‘Industry 4.0’ production technologies could transform the
German textile industry
Martina Fromhold-Eisebith a, *, Philip Marschall a, Robert Peters b, Paul Thomes b
Department of Economic Geography, RWTH Aachen University; Templergraben 55, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Department of Economic, Social and Technology History, RWTH Aachen University, Germany


Keywords: Digitized production technologies in terms of ‘Industry 4.0’ appear to herald the future of industrial development
Digitization especially in mature economies, such as Germany. It is expected that this new paradigm, which employs digital
Production technologies tools for coordinating all value chain interactions, will significantly improve product quality, process efficiency
Industry 4.0
and international competitiveness. While Industry 4.0 options raise high hopes among policymakers, it is often
Textile industry
Context dependency
overlooked how ambivalently upcoming changes are viewed by industry actors themselves. This paper shows
Future scenarios how the historical roots and context conditions of an industry shape and at times significantly hamper future
prospects of technology driven progress. In our case, context refers to industry specific development trajectories,
market challenges, actor constellations, and value chain characteristics, as well as local conditions prevailing in
industry clusters. We explore the case of technical textile production in Germany, where Industry 4.0 elements
are just starting to transform the industry’s internal and external operations. Based on empirical mixed methods
research in three textile clusters including a stakeholder workshop, we identify major factors that shape the
implementation of novel digital production technologies and draft three narrative future scenarios. Finally, some
policy recommendations are derived.

1. Introduction countries will be capable to fully digitize all their business routines, and
whether Industry 4.0 is ‘hit or hype’ (Drath and Horch, 2014). Re­
Industry 4.0, conceived as the technical integration of Cyber- quirements for introducing Industry 4.0, such as Industry 3.0 expertise
Physical Systems (CPS) in production and logistics as well as the in operating CNC machines in line with qualified human capital, may
application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in industrial processes, often be missing (Piccarozzi et al., 2018). Especially Small and Medium
including consequences for value addition and business models (Müller Sized Enterprises (SMEs) face difficulties to implement the required
et al., 2018), might soon change industries in revolutionary ways. digitized routines, Industry 4.0 roadmaps and maturity models, as
Moving on from the Industry 3.0 era of flexible automation through shown for German and other examples (Müller et al., 2018; Rafael et al.,
Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machines, Industry 4.0 includes 2020). Labor issues raise the opposition of employees against intro­
Big Data analytics and smart algorithms, Cloud computing, new network ducing Industry 4.0 to their firm, as human labor could be substituted
technologies (5G), wireless sensor networks and Additive with robots or cobots, i.e. collaborative robots that demand augmented
Manufacturing (Chen et al., 2017, Piccarozzi et al., 2018). It can sub­ skills of man-machine cooperation (Tamas and Murar, 2019).
stantially transform the organization of industries, increase product This paper proposes that the future implementation of Industry 4.0
quality and process efficiency. Routines within firms (e.g. automation, technologies and impacts on firms’ production systems are significantly
work organization, labor) and between partners in value chains or shaped by industry and place specific, historically rooted context con­
academia-industry collaborations are affected, entailing paradigmatic ditions and previous developments in terms of path dependency (Hen­
changes of entire landscapes of production. Scholars still ambiguously ning et al., 2013; Brekke, 2015). Conceptually, we draw on foundations
debate, though, whether many companies even in highly developed of economic geography (Malecki, 1991; Bathelt and Glückler, 2003;

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Fromhold-Eisebith).
Received 9 January 2020; Received in revised form 28 December 2020; Accepted 17 January 2021
Available online 3 February 2021
0040-1625/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M. Fromhold-Eisebith et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 166 (2021) 120620

Boschma and Martin, 2010), enriched by perspectives of other scientific 2. Conceptual frame: History, contexts and future technology
disciplines. The notion of context refers to industry specific actor con­ application
stellations, value chain characteristics and evolutionary trajectories, as
well as to national and regional institutional settings embedded in global Technological change is conceived as a cumulative and evolutionary
competition. We explore through empirical research how the context process based on past experiences and continuous learning (Nelson and
dependent past of technical textile production probably influences the Winter, 1982; Rosenberg, 1982). Especially the techno-economic para­
future of Industry 4.0 implementation in Germany, looking at selected digms approach puts into terms how innovation trajectories are shaped
textile clusters. Implications of technological progress for global textile by forces that have been driving progress in regarded technical fields for
production have been studied for a long time, in line with the industry’s a long time (Cimoli and Dosi, 1995). How these forces influence ongoing
internationalization (Pack, 1987). Recently, however, academic in­ dynamics in industry and place specific ways nurtures debates on path
terests mainly focus on internationally integrated textile production and dependency (Henning et al., 2013). In particular incumbent knowledge
clusters in newly emerging economies (Yang, 2010; Dicken, 2015; Zhu repositories, economic requirements, actor and power constellations, as
and Pickles, 2016; Ikram et al., 2018; Jeong et al., 2019; Wang et al., well as social conditions continuously mark technological trajectories
2019). Scholars rarely revisit mature industry locations in European (Noteboom, 2000). From an evolutionary perspective, path dependency
countries (Froud et al., 2018; Giannini et al., 2019). While there is ample denotes the persistence of long established practices over time
research on engineering and other technical issues of modern textile (Boschma and Martin, 2010; Brekke, 2015). Bolstering the importance
production (published, for instance, in the Textile Research Journal, of a historical view, research has especially highlighted the preserving
Textile Science Engineering Journal, Journal of Textile Science, Cotton forces of traditional routines in innovation processes (Petruzzelli and
Textile Technology), regional socio-economic corollaries of technolog­ Albino, 2012). In some respects, path dependency seems to characterize
ical progress are much less considered. Especially international publi­ especially textile regions, even in newly emerging economies (Zhu and
cations on current development trends of the German textile economy Pickles, 2016; Vyskocil, 2017; Froud et al., 2018).
are missing (overviews in German by Krippendorf et al., 2009; Hassler, While the evolutionary emergence of present innovation and tech­
2010; Weidenhausen, 2010; Schneider, 2003). nology developments from past settings is widely acknowledged, in­
The German textile industry suffered from substantial ration­ sights to be gained for forecasting future technology implementation
alization, deindustrialization and global relocation for decades (Schar­ have rarely been addressed (Coates, 1997; Breukers et al., 2014). We
rer, 1972; Steinau, 1981; Neudörfer, 1998; Hassink, 2007; Schneider, advocate that not only technology generation follows historically routed
2003). And now digital Industry 4.0 tools start transforming the indus­ trajectories (which reflects the supply side bias of research hitherto), but
try’s operations (Giebeler et al., 2016; Löhrer et al., 2018). While Ger­ also the application of technology innovations in industrial firms,
many is still a major textile producing nation in the EU, the surviving focusing on demand and user perspectives. Furthermore, constellations
actors continue to be challenged by heavy global competition, which and patterns of past developments are not only regarded as factors
forces them to keep innovating and introducing new technologies (Ernst shaping recent technology adoption, but also as starting points for
& Young, 2016). The insights presented in this paper were gained in an forecasting how the future implementation of upcoming innovations
interdisciplinary research project running from 2017 to 2019 (see Ac­ may look like, remodeling entire production systems.
knowledgements). A mixed methods approach that focuses on qualita­ Connected to our conceptual focus, also the systemic nature of
tive empirical research (in sum 63 interviews with industry technology development is taken up for shedding light on potential fu­
stakeholders; interactive scenario workshop) has been employed to tures. This proposition acknowledges that various actor types, such as
learn about past and potential future developments in the three tradi­ firms, their value chain partners, R&D organizations and industrial
tional German textile clusters of Aachen/Lower Rhine, Münsterland and support agencies, need to productively interact in the course of inno­
Southwest Saxony. Guiding questions are: vation processes (Malecki, 1991; Cooke et al., 2011). Interfering with
these systems of relationships, place-specific context conditions play a
• In which respects do economic history and related context conditions role with respect to national or subnational regional labor markets,
shape future perspectives of an industry sector in the course of infrastructure, public support and other institutional qualities. Espe­
technology transformation? cially regional settings matter, as industries have often formed local
• How can empirical methods help exploring past development fea­ clusters of interacting value chain, innovation system and other
tures that matter for forecasting future technology adoption trends? collaboration partners that profit from spatial proximity and emergent
• Looking at the case of the German textile sector and regional clusters, place identities (Cooke, 2001; Cooke et al., 2011). Various works
how will their specific development histories and other context already confirm the importance of cluster settings especially for the
conditions probably influence the future application of novel In­ competitiveness of textile firms (Sohn et al., 2016; Zhu and Pickles,
dustry 4.0 production technologies? 2016; Ikram et al., 2018; Zizka et al., 2018). Altogether, context con­
ditions shape path dependent or evolutionary development trajectories
We first sketch our conceptual view on the importance of historical in ways that vary both for different spatial settings and actor constel­
trajectories and path dependent context conditions for forecasting lations (Boschma and Martin, 2010; Brekke, 2015).
industry-specific technology application (Section 2), before explaining Our study draws on this conceptual base in various respects. We
our empirical methods (Section 3). Then we depict overarching qualities propose, first, that the future implementation of novel digital production
and challenges that mark historical developments and value chain technologies can only adequately be assessed when taking historically
constellations of the textile industry in Germany (Section 4). Subse­ rooted context factors into account. Second, we assume that these fac­
quently, we present our research findings on how industry actors tors shape future technology implementation in industry- and place-
perceive the relevance of context conditions for applying new digital specific ways, which can be illustrated by studying developments of a
technologies in the future (Section 5). Describing the results of our specific industry sector at various cluster locations. Third, influential
interactive ‘Textiles 2030’ stakeholder workshop (Section 6), we sum­ national and regional institutional context conditions need to be iden­
marize actors’ opinions on major drivers (6.1) and draft three future tified, in line with features of global competition, in order to predict how
scenarios for the industry’s development in the digital age (6.2). The they potentially shape future trends. Fourth, the systemic nature of
conclusions discuss policy implications of our forecasts. technology adoption requires also focusing on pre-existing systems of
actor interaction of the regarded industry for forecasting upcoming
changes. And fifth, the nexus of various interacting factors that shape
past and future developments calls for mixed methods research.

M. Fromhold-Eisebith et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 166 (2021) 120620

3. Empirical mixed methods approach qualitative social science scenario analysis, applying the explorative
forecasting scenario method (Kosow and Gaßner, 2008; Mietzner 2009).
To explore how historical and other context conditions shape future According to the preset scenario field (textile production and innovation
trends of industrial technology application, evidence based develop­ system, time frame 2030), our workshop identified major system actors
ment analysis and forecasting approaches need to be combined. We use and elements, development interdependencies and key factors that
a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, emphasizing the latter currently drive industry-specific changes and probably determine future
due to their advantages for tracing systemic, multifaceted, and trends. Based on this robust input, the project team then used the in­
economically, socially and politically embedded developments (Teddlie sights to draft plausible narrative scenarios on how Industry 4.0 tech­
and Tashakkori, 2009). On the one hand, our topic requires some nologies might affect and transform textile industry production and
quantitative statistical analyses (e.g. data on turnover and employment innovation systems in Germany over the next decade.
in the studied industry). On the other hand, the qualitative methods of
literature and document interpretation, personal interviews, factory 4. Overarching historical and other conditions for Germany’s
visits and a participative workshop linked to scenario building allow for textile industry
learning about interacting development factors, place-specific chal­
lenges and actors’ experiences, as elaborated below. Altogether, our The German textile sector has experienced substantial competition
research has covered over 70 years of German textile industry devel­ and crisis induced restructuring since the 1970s (Neudörfer, 1998;
opment. At the heart were in sum 63 personal interviews and five Hassink, 2007; Hassler, 2010), which keep influencing technology
in-depths company case studies (conducted in 2017–18). We concen­ application. The production of apparel and other ready made goods for
trate on three study regions, all of them marked by a rich textile industry end customers has gradually been replaced by that of sophisticated
heritage: Aachen/Lower Rhine and Münsterland in the German state of technical textiles for business customers, who demand advanced func­
North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Eastern German Southwest Sax­ tional product qualities (such as heat insulation, conductivity or sensor
ony/Upper Franconia cluster. integration). Recently, about 60 percent of the value added of the
Our study includes exploring some historical roots of the German German textile industry relates to technical textiles (Ernst & Young,
textile industry, using reports on industry development since 1950. 2016, p. 5). Production is firmly embedded in the value chains of other
Personal guided interviews served to capture place-specific conditions, sectors, supplying intermediate goods mostly to the automotive, medical
actor settings and trends, involving senior, often R&D related executives technology, and aircraft & aerospace industries (Czajka, 2005; Shishoo,
of companies that belong to the textile production system and locate in 2008; Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft, 2019). This business model
the study regions. Altogether 38 company interviews were conducted shift, accompanied by automation and internationalization of labor
(11 in Aachen/Lower Rhine, 13 in the Münsterland region and 14 in intensive tasks (Schneider, 2003), has helped the industry survive. With
Southwest Saxony/Upper Franconia), mostly on site at the firm location. an annual turnover of around 13 billion Euros, Germany’s textile sector
According to sample selection rules, we included various companies that ranks second in the EU, only surpassed by the 21 billion turnover of
represent the diversity of textile value chain elements, supporting rigor Italy’s firms (Eurostat data for 2017; Euratex, 2019). Yet, while textiles
and broader validity of our study. Besides manufacturers of technical once stood for 8.97% of all manufacturing employees in Germany and
textiles also engineering firms producing machinery were involved, 7.32% of national GDP in 1957 (Statistisches Bundesamt, 1959), the
which strongly influence digital technology application in textile pro­ industry covers just 0.8% of employment and 0.38% of GDP in 2017
duction. Our compiled database of over 500 relevant firms operating in (Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft, 2019).
Germany – about half of them locating in one of the study regions - German textile firms continue operating under considerable cost and
provided a solid base for sample selection. The company interviews innovation pressure to stay profitable and internationally competitive.
addressed various development and context parameters, including the New high quality rivals come up elsewhere, and business customers
role of corporate history and traditions for adapting to upcoming tech­ become more and more demanding. A closer look at the historic evo­
nology changes. The interview guideline also covered corporate inno­ lution of this sector further clarifies its specific context of operation and
vation routines with a focus on Industry 4.0 applications, earlier reveals path dependent trajectories that matter also for future trends.
technology shifts, business model changes, labor qualification, and dy­ The way how previous technology challenges had been mastered can to
namic collaboration requirements with respect to value chain, innova­ some extent show how the industry will be able to cope with upcoming
tion system and industrial (cluster) support partners. Further, we shifts towards Industry 4.0. While, in principle, the qualities of digital
conducted 25 interviews with regional actors from development transformation differ from those of earlier disruptive changes in textile
agencies, chambers or textile industry associations, and with experts of technologies, we can still identify institutional factors that essentially
digitization and textile technologies at academic R&D institutes, matter for handling change in the industry.
employing adapted guidelines. The transcripts of all interviews were Once driving the industrial revolution in the 18th to 19th century,
analyzed using MaxQDA, detecting major issues and insights by aggre­ the German textile industry lost pace already before its drastic downturn
gation (following Gioia et al., 2013). since the mid-20th century: From 1850 to 1913 its average annual
The five in-depth company case studies (two in the Aachen/Lower growth rate of production scored below that of all industries (Scharrer,
Rhine region, two in Western Saxony/Upper Franconia and one in 1972), leading to shrinking shares of the textile sector in Germany’s
Münsterland) allowed for directly observing technology change pro­ manufacturing activities. Even after World War II this sector missed the
cesses and related bottlenecks in the course of whole-day factory visits. recovery boom: its annual growth rate of 5.8% stayed way behind the
In each of the firms several functions were covered, including staff in­ German industrial average of 8.7% (Neudörfer, 1998, p. 34). A main
terviews (R&D, technology development or quality management de­ reason for lagging behind was the decoupling of domestic textile de­
partments, technical trainees, engineering personnel, distribution mand from surging private household incomes. While the average
experts). family income doubled between 1950 and 1963, and almost tripled
Pulling all strings together, a participative workshop held in Aachen 1964 to 1977 (according to German Statistical Office data), private
(November 2018) assembled around 40 textile industry stakeholders. demand for textiles and apparel did not grow so much. Textile producers
The purpose was, first, to receive feedback on study results obtained therefore profited less and less from rising living standards in the
hitherto. Second, our ‘Textiles 2030’ workshop participants interac­ country (Steinau, 1981).
tively developed building blocks for future scenario building - a proven Additional challenges came up in terms of growing market compe­
method for drafting plausible visions of technology application (Karaca tition by producers locating in other countries, especially in Southern
and Öner, 2015). Our approach follows standard procedures of Europe, Asia and North Africa, who managed to drain market shares

M. Fromhold-Eisebith et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 166 (2021) 120620

away from mature industrial countries (Weidenhausen, 2010; Dicken, suppliers and investors, as well as for qualified people looking for a
2015). Main drivers were not only labor cost differences, but also fairly rewarding job (Ernst & Young, 2016). The image problem entails de­
high environmental and emission standards applied in Germany, besides mographic problems of textile employment: 52 percent of the employees
a lack of domestically grown natural resources (such as cotton). This in this sector are at least 50 years old, compared to only 37 percent in all
competitive situation, which made firms in less developed countries industries (data for 2017; Statistisches Bundesamt, 2019). Hence, all
profit from lax regulation, low labor and social security costs, caused a firms risk losing lots of people-bound know how in the next decade. This
dilemma for German producers. On the one hand, they were disfavored will significantly hurt an industry where around 70 percent of the
by high wages compared to global competitors and had to suppress wage workforce are technical specialists, who form the base of internationally
rises; on the other hand, they also suffered from paying relatively low competitive technical textiles production in Germany (Ernst & Young,
wages according to German standards. Textile firms could hardly offer 2016, p. 8–10).
attractive, well-paid jobs to highly qualified people, which triggered General characteristics of textile value chains and production sys­
aggravating workforce shortages (Neudörfer, 1998) and hampered tems underscore described trends towards multi-layered system inte­
productivity rises. During the 1960s, German textile producers virtually gration and complex power constellations. Textile firms are not only
suffocated from the combined pressure of foreign import competition integrated in material value chain linkages (Fig. 2, central part), but also
and low wage levels. The textile industry of Eastern Germany (former connected to various technology providers (right part) and business
GDR) had hard times, too. From 1955 to 1989 (when the communist customer industries (left part). Concerning power relations, the provi­
regime collapsed) the sector already lost over 180,000 jobs in the region sion of polymer fibres, which dominates technical textile production in
of Saxony alone; and full exposure to global competition then destroyed Germany, is highly concentrated in just a few large global players of the
over 90% of all remaining textile jobs within a few years (Karlsch and chemical industry (e.g. Du Pont, BASF, Akzo). In turn, also powerful
Schäfer, 2006, p. 273–276). customers rule demand – large automotive, aerospace, health or con­
The German textile industry was forced to react and invest into a struction corporations. This setting creates a two-sided ‘value chain
better future. While apparel producers could reduce their costs by squeeze‘, which puts especially smaller textile firms under hard pressure
shifting labor intensive processes abroad (Hassler, 2010), fabric and and adds to their cost-conservative business behaviour. Producers
technical textile producers rationalized by substituting labor with cap­ attempt at circumventing expensive technology investments and keep
ital (Schneider, 2003). Since the 1970s they concentrated on process sensitive information widely for themselves, for instance relating to firm
optimization for improving productivity (Weidenhausen, 2010). This specific engineering routines.
proved successful to some extent, reducing the demand for labor and Altogether, recent trends towards high process and system efficiency,
raising turnover (Neudörfer, 1998). Employment kept shrinking, high product quality, rationalization and sophisticated jobs could sup­
though: from the mid-1960s to the 1980s, the number of textile jobs in port a ‘digital turn’ of German technical textile producers towards In­
Germany was cut by half to then 304,000 (Schneider, 2003, p. 114). The dustry 4.0 technologies in coming years. Labor saving innovations, such
strategic turn towards high quality technical textiles and product as robotics, may also help the industry respond to problematic de­
diversification reaped some business consolidation in the 1980s (Krip­ mographic trends of an ageing workforce. Assumingly, institutional
pendorf et al., 2009), but could not prevent another domestic market context qualities that support this kind of technical progress, like input
slump after 1990 (Neudörfer, 1998). This crisis triggered further mea­ from R&D and higher education organizations, are gaining importance
sures, such as the expansion of technical textile development and ini­ in this situation. Conversely, the increased embedding of textile firms in
tiatives to further raise productivity and gain international market the production systems of other sectors and the urge to stay cost
shares (Schneider, 2003). Volatility still characterizes the German competitive could obstruct costly technology shifts and innovation ori­
textile sector, but business has stabilized since 2005 (Krippendorf et al., ented collaboration with partners in the future.
2009), just as the industry’s turnover (Figure 1).
Some challenges for the German textile industry prevail, caused by 5. Perspectives of textile companies on regional context
the earlier drastic job losses and the bias towards technical textiles. conditions for Industry 4.0 implementation
Decades of public discourse on the dusk of German textiles have created
severe image problems. The wider public is neither aware of the suc­ After depicting broader contexts that shape the evolution of the
cessful restructuring of the industry, nor rising innovative capacities German textile industry, we now explore how the 38 studied firms
towards high quality products or the special role in value chains of perceive their conditions for implementing Industry 4.0. Our research
various other sectors (Krippendorf et al., 2009). Only insiders interviews reveal that most textile executives still hardly notice or
acknowledge the good future prospects of this industry, which has foresee the potential, yet also the challenges associated with upcoming
turned into an attractive business partner for different customers, technology shifts. While a majority uses selected Industry 3.0 tools, such

Fig. 1. Turnover of the German Textile Industry in billion Euros (Depiction by the authors, based on data by the German Statistical Office).

M. Fromhold-Eisebith et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 166 (2021) 120620

Fig. 2. The Value Chain, Production System and Value Network of Technical Textiles (Depiction by the authors).

as CNC machines for flexibly automated production, just a few firms also better coordinate inter-firm collaboration across the entire textile
operate at a maturity level that fulfils major Industry 4.0 preconditions, production system.
including the system integration skills to install, run and maintain a CPS Most textile firms neglect investing into the digital upgrading of their
and IoT coordination of value chain processes (Piccarozzi et al., 2018). operations or trying out new business models because they must
Executives lack capacities to even define the next steps and resources concentrate on high quality product deliveries to their demanding
required for Industry 4.0, and they can hardly assess the possible im­ business customers. Only exceptionally, firms pursue Industry 4.0
pacts of in-house technical changes on modified product and process related strategies of mass customization and on-demand production
qualities or external business connections. The introduction of innova­ tailored to end customers’ needs. Our interviews confirm that the tight
tive digital systems is also obstructed by insufficient information ex­ integration of technical textile producers into value chain links with
change and knowledge sharing along value chains. Executives rarely other business partners restricts their scope to independently introduce
acknowledge the relevance of comprehensive digitization for their op­ process innovations. Just in the rare cases where business customers
erations (an attitude that has generally hampered willingness to explicitly demand top quality procedures (e.g. technical textile supplies
participate in our study), but rely mainly on the know-how traditionally to aircraft production), textile firms are obliged to install digitally
embodied in their long-term experienced employees. controlled systems.
Knowledge is lacking, for instance, on the key issue to create a Digital Our study also identifies local cluster specific development and
Twin (DT) of production procedures, defined as “a virtual representation context characteristics (Cooke et al., 2011). Both commonalities and
of a physical asset enabled through data and simulators for real-time distinctions characterize the textile agglomerations of Aachen/Lower
prediction, optimization, monitoring, controlling, and improved deci­ Rhine, Münsterland and Southwest Saxony, including the influence of
sion making” (Rasheed et al., 2020, p. 21980). DT technology forms an historical trajectories on region-specific settings. All three study regions
important component of smart manufacturing, as it shows the physical boast a long tradition of textile industry development around an urban
status of a production system in virtual form, based on sensors and data core area (Aachen, Münster, Chemnitz), marked by higher education
networks interrelated with CPS and IoT. This way the DT of a and research capacities, industry associations and other institutions that
manufacturing process allows to simulate real-time working conditions, specifically cater to textile related needs. The industry clusters comprise
to perform intelligent decision-making on cost-effective solutions, to SMEs of different value chain stages and knowledge intensive service
integrate design and production, to monitor, technically optimize or providers (systemic cluster qualities characterize especially the region
digitalize production processes, and to individualize production (Lim Western Saxony/ Upper Franconia). Most of the central value chain
et al., 2020). As a virtual model of all machine and production line processes of the textile production system (as shown in Fig. 2) are rep­
processes, a DT can substantially reduce functional failures (Löhrer resented in these localities, except for the provision of chemical fibres,
et al., 2018). which are mainly sourced from global players locating elsewhere, and
Asked about expected benefits of Industry 4.0, the interviewees spinning activities, which are outsourced to low-wage countries.
mostly consider improved in-house processes, such as optimized work Interesting distinctions between the studied textile clusters, which
organization, material flows or logistics. They also foresee efficiency also matter for forecasting future developments, concern their differing
gains and cost reductions in internal production lines, for instance, by focus on technology fields and business customer sectors. These differ­
saving energy or material inputs through intelligent process coordina­ ences probably also influence opportunities to implement Industry 4.0,
tion. Not even a handful of the studied firms, however, have actually since some clients are more demanding than others with regard to the
started implementing advanced digital tools. Overall, company execu­ digitally controlled production of input materials (e.g. aircraft, auto­
tives show by their selective and mainly inward looking view on In­ motive or medical industries juxtaposed to construction). The compre­
dustry 4.0 options that they just feebly recognize the potential of CPS to hensive textile company database compiled for our study has helped

M. Fromhold-Eisebith et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 166 (2021) 120620

derive insights into locally characteristic cross-sector business ties of word of mouth or by practice.“ Also other works suggest that industrial
firms. While automotive production stands out as a crucial customer heritage strongly shapes textile regions (Vyskocil, 2017). Our interviews
sector for technical textile producers in all three study regions, the tell that company traditions especially matter for marketing, technology
Münsterland cluster shows relative strengths in textiles for construction management, qualified workforce, and corporate culture. Accordingly,
and architecture purposes, and Western Saxony/Upper Franconia in traditions considerably support marketing activities and trustful re­
textiles for medical technologies. The textile region Aachen/Lower lationships in B2B settings. They also stand for accumulated, hence
Rhine displays no significant customer focus, but concentrates textile reliable technology management expertise, which offers a good seedbed
machinery and engineering firms with high competences especially in for creating viable innovations for the future, based on tested and
weaving technologies. In each study region, the technology focus of approved customer relationships. Concerning labor issues, tradition
local textile R&D and higher education institutes reflects, hence further bears ambivalent effects. On the one hand, it keeps valuable employees
promotes the place-specific strengths of the textile economy. attached to the firm, supports their identification with corporate ob­
The interviews with company executives also captured their regional jectives, and signals long-lasting employer dependability. But on the
institutional support requirements for implementing new digital tech­ other hand, tradition also impedes the recruitment of new qualified staff
nologies (32 respondents rated the relevance of different partners on a due to the problematic sector image, even stigma of detrimental
scale from 1 to 4; see Fig. 3). restructuring processes (which prevails especially in Western Saxony,
Local providers of software and other IT services are, unsurprisingly, which underwent drastic transformation after German reunification).
considered most important by the textile firms for introducing Industry Corporate culture and mentalities are per se strongly connected with
4.0 technologies, and interviewees emphasize the importance of spatial company traditions and history, although most interviewees perceive
proximity to these partners. Also universities, technical schools and them as barriers that hamper the firm’s effective adaptation to tech­
R&D institutes are highly rated, but require much less proximity, as the nology and economic context changes. Yet, several respondents inter­
right technical expertise matters more than the location. Dedicated pret tradition also as perseverance, survival experiences, business inertia
funding programs (like the ‘futuretex’ scheme jointly launched by the and resistance in the many historical crises of the textile industry. They
German federal government and the East German state of Saxony) expect that tradition can help constructively manage also newly
specifically support the participation of SMEs in academia-industry emerging technology challenges, as usual.
collaborations, and R&D centres are mandatory testing and certifica­ The five in-depths textile company case studies conducted in our
tion bodies for textile firms. The importance of some value chain part­ project corroborate and refine the acquired picture on factors that shape
ners (related industries, machinery & tools) shows from our data, too. the sector’s digital transformation towards Industry 4.0. Observations
Other institutions, even textile related industry associations or chambers and staff interviews confirm that full order books and the urge to deliver
of commerce, are much less relevant. This finding is surprising, as top quality products to business customers in time prevent the firms
several interviewed experts from these institutions tell about launching from entering major technology shifts. The – rarely encountered – cur­
initiatives to regionally tackle image and qualification issues of the in­ rent implementation of new digital systems (e.g. IT based warehouse
dustry. The importance of local industry associations significantly dif­ management system) already occupies so much time and human ca­
fers between the three study regions, though, and probably strongly pacities that no other digitization endeavors can be taken up for some
depends on past collaboration experiences and personal links. time. Further, firms lack knowledge about production system in­
Getting to the role of (regional) history, our study explicitly ad­ terdependencies beyond their own direct backward-forward in­
dresses the influence of tradition on the digital innovation behaviour of teractions in the value chain, both in-house and with external suppliers.
textile firms, referring to (Petruzzelli and Alino, 2012, p. 20): „tradition Major preconditions for effectively installing and running a compre­
may be described as the handing down of statement, beliefs, legends, hensive system of Industry 4.0 technologies are therefore missing.
customs and information, from generation to generation, especially by According to our expert interviews, it needs technical consulting by

Fig. 3. Relevance of Regional Partners for Implementing Industry 4.0 in the Textile Industry (depiction by the authors based on company interviews in 2017-18).

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textile engineering R&D institutes to help firms build up a more systemic Löhrer et al., 2018). Major opportunities refer to reshoring once
understanding of efficient process organization towards high quality internationalized textile production back to German locations
textiles production and quality management. Digital solutions must based on flexible automation, to solving qualified labor shortage
individually be tailored to each company’s production tasks, system problems through continued rationalization, and to better
settings and looming technical failures to be operational (in line with combining the interests of employers and employees. Modern
Giebeler et al., 2016). And the active inclusion of employees’ feedback trends could substantially improve the working conditions in
or suggestions in interaction with external consultants and IT suppliers modern textile factories. The digitized textile firm offers more
is key to creating viable, acceptable and practicable solutions for a sophisticated tasks to its workforce, creative interaction with
textile firm. Most of the visited companies also express their need for other value chain partners, options to contribute to technological
more experiential knowledge or corporate knowledge management, advancements, and permeable career paths for many employees.
which calls for the implementation of corporate assistance systems Jobs in the industry could generally become more attractive, and
based on academic support. the physical support by digital assistance systems enables older,
Textile producers therefore require close links with qualified R&D knowledgeable staff to stay longer in the firm.
and consulting partners for moving towards the Industry 4.0 driven
‘Smart Textile Factory’, as explicitly addressed in the five in-depths Conversely, major risks relate to the ongoing loss of jobs and
company studies. The ambitious Smart Factory concept comprises aggravating work pressure due to intensified national and international
intelligent production control, continuous self-optimization through competition. The know-how for operating a modern Industry 4.0 textile
real-time production data processing (Big Data analytics, Artificial In­ firm is increasingly available globally, often at lower costs than in
telligence), the Industrial IoT, and interconnected machine-to-machine Germany, which could propel the industry’s internationalization.
communication within a CPS coordinated production space (Chen Rationalization through smart systems or robots may eradicate espe­
et al., 2017: Osterrieder et al., 2020). Robotics play a role in terms of cially sophisticated jobs, leaving behind less attractive ones. A deterio­
modular, (self-)reconfigurable robotic islands and the integration of rating image then drives qualified people away from the textile sector,
cognitive robots (as outlined in Chen et al., 2017). Augmented reality which negatively affects labor shortages and technology progress.
tools that assist workers on the shop floor pave the way towards cobots. Growing challenges of personal data protection are discussed in
The Smart Factory thus allows for easy machine reprogramming and connection with digitally enhanced production, too.
realizing fully flexible production systems that drive economically
feasible mass customization. In the following we explore to which exent (2) The discussion on new business models focuses on the issue
this ideal type vision of the Industry 4.0 enhanced factory can be ach­ which novel manufacturing and service opportunities emerge
ieved by German textile firms and which sector-specific barriers hamper from digitalization, adding to incumbent technical textile pro­
progress. duction. Driven by rising environmental concerns, companies
could venture towards ecologically more sustainable formats,
6. ’Textiles 2030’: futures of digitally supported textile such as regionalized systems producing ‘Made locally’ products,
production resource saving processes, or optimized product tracking. The
fields of Additive Manufacturing (3-D printing), Big Data analysis
We use the results of our workshop with around 40 stakeholders to and predictive maintenance offer further business options in the
more thoroughly explore the future of Industry 4.0 application in the digital textile economy. Overall, manufacturing may increasingly
German textile industry. The workshop has captured feedback by ex­ be replaced by sophisticated services (e.g. not the textile machine
perts from industry, R&D institutes and development agencies on the is sold, but the service of efficient production). Another issue is
empirical findings of our study. And we conducted steps of a collective the expanding range of products catering to specific demands
scenario development process (methodology outlined in Section 3). The (Customer Centricity), in line with novel trends towards Smart
objective was to identify drivers and development interdependencies Textiles, Smart Wearables, and mass customized, intelligent
that will significantly shape the future of implementing Industry 4.0 apparel for private consumers.
technologies in Germany’s textile firms (Section 6.1). Drawing on these
insights into system elements and key factors, we then develop narra­ Problems of data security are critically discussed also with respect to
tives for three different future scenarios that tell how a digitalized, business models in the digital age. Novel firms depend on extensive data
institutionally supported technical textile production in Germany could sharing and exchanges, but need to be protected from fraud and theft of
look around 2030 (Section 6.2). sensitive information (e.g. by Chinese competitors). The large in­
vestments required to realize innovative business opportunities raise
6.1. Major drivers of future industry development and technology concern, too; they can hardly be borne by small companies. The suffo­
application cating ‘value chain squeeze’ described above (Section 4) does not only
limit the internal capacities of textile firms to install new digital infra­
The workshop approach took up major issues of concern already structure for production, but also restricts their financial scope to source
idenfitied in the research interviews to structure activities along certain needed external technical expertise and consulting services. Overall,
key themes. The participants held group discussions on the four themes there are doubts whether more sustainably produced, smart, but
(1) world of textile labor, (2) new business models, (3) Smart Factory, expensive new textile products are broadly accepted on mass markets
and (4) standards and legislation. Each group had to identify major that prefer cheap prices to good ecological footprints.
drivers and developments, as well as opportunities and risks or chal­
lenges that will potentially shape the industry’s future. The following (3) The Smart Factory topic is debated mainly with respect to firm-
presentation concentrates on workshop results that are most relevant internal coordination and networking requirements. Chances
and stimulating for future scenario development. are seen to improve process efficiency and reduce failure rates in
textile firms through digitally enhanced machine communica­
(1) Concerning labor issues, the local labor market implications of tion, remote services and predictive maintenance. Artificial In­
digitized textile production dominate the debate. It is still unclear telligence can contribute to processes optimization by regulating
whether Industry 4.0 makes tasks and qualification requirements the quality levels of products and coordinating interaction with
in textile firms more complex or simpel, and if repetitious oper­ suppliers and clients. Further, interesting social advantages of
ational jobs will mainly be replaced by machines (as suggested by smart production systems are raised: they may improve

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collaboration of younger and older employees, people and tools could transform textile production in Germany until around 2030. While
(alluding to cobots), and promote deeper understanding of our scenario storylines, especially the best versus worst case juxtaposi­
interdependent process and product qualities. Textile jobs could tion, may appear a bit constructed to some readers, we still forecast
become more attractive for qualified people, and especially more credible futures that possibly emerge from actually captured develop­
data science expertise needs to be acquired. Established company ment contexts and trends of the industry. The scenarios indicate major
networks, engineering competences and smart machinery appear needs for action in order to promote positive and prevent negative
to provide a good base for a digital future already today. tendencies.

Smart Factory risks concern, above all, dangers that human compe­ (1) Starting with the trend or baseline scenario for 2030, the
tences gradually disappear when decisions are increasingly left to digital following ambivalent developments will carry on. Employment in
systems. Textile employees may ‘unlearn’ how to operate or regulate the German textile industry is slightly declining. Since companies
machine processes themselves. And they start feeling unnecessary, are still facing difficulties to make young people interested in
develop reluctant attitudes towards their workplace. These fears starting a career in this industry, they can only manage to over­
obstruct the effective implementation of digital process elements on the come the demographic shortage of skilled workers by selectively
shop floor. Another challenge is the lack of multidisciplinary expertise in investing in further automation. But these investments put a
firms, required to link competences of digitalization and textile pro­ heavy burden on corporate performance, because sales have just
duction. Problems of firms to bear the high necessary investments and to moderately grown in the sector recently. And the reshoring of
cut out time for realizing major digital transformation are mentioned textile production (especially clothing) back to Germany is only
here, too. Additionally, crucial context conditions (digital infrastruc­ successful in the small market segments of top quality and sus­
ture, data protection) for implementing Smart Factory concepts are not tainable products. Overall, the market demand for Smart Textiles
yet sufficiently provided at some German locations. has not grown as strongly as expected and stagnates in a narrow,
albeit important niche. Although some German companies, as
(4) The workshop group on standards and legislation considers innovation leaders, continue developing Smart Textile novelties,
technical requirements for establishing effective vertical and market success lags behind. A main reason is that in many client
horizontal linkages in smart textile production. Normed inter­ sectors which use technical textiles (construction, automotive,
section and communication standards are particularly important aerospace), competitive cost pressure is still so high that textile
for warranting process security, efficiency, reliability and trans­ suppliers cannot gain larger market shares by offering function­
parency in complex, multi-layered textile systems that incorpo­ ally advanced and superior, yet fairly expensive products.
rate various industries (as shown in Fig. 2). Shared standards Ambivalent developments also mark the area of open innovation
must be agreed for all parameters of digitally coordinated pro­ and collective Industry 4.0 trends. Some highly innovative hubs
duction, whose identification requires profound research. And to stand out, where textile companies and R&D institutes have early
implement functional Industry 4.0 systems, standardized data opted for close collaboration towards realizing Smart Factory
need to be collected over the entire value chain. When data as­ ideals. But in regions where companies operate in a less cooper­
sembly, integration and assessment are provided, this supports ative context, no open innovation or systemic Industry 4.0 po­
not only process and product qualities in firms, but also tential can be tapped. As a result, the German textile industry
constructive collaboration with specialized R&D institutes. Con­ does not fully exploit its innovation capacities and is further
cerning the issue of adequate legal frameworks, protective pushed into highly specialised niches by international competi­
Blockchain and encryption technologies as well as digital certif­ tion. Suppliers from China and other (former) emerging econo­
icates must guarantee secure data exchange. Higher data security mies increasingly dominate the market, also occupying the field
enables more integration and data sharing between different of digitized high-quality production.
players of textile and other industries, as deemed necessary for (2) The optimistic scenario predicts that the digital transformation of
bolstering the international competitiveness of German firms. the textile industry has proliferated globally until 2030. Many
German players are well established in the international arena,
The main reason why standards and legislation are highly relevant and deviating from earlier doomsday prophecies, the industry has
for textile firms lies in multiple fears of corporate actors to lose jobs, greatly recovered in terms of employment and turnover. A major
know-how, data sovereignty, and international competitiveness. reason for the positive turnaround is that companies have early
Without more legal security, firms will continue evading data sharing entered comprehensive digitalization. They emphasize devel­
with others and preferring island solutions. The necessary foundations oping both innovative products and services and continuously
for standardized data exchanges and related production collaborations improve production processes through Industry 4.0. Firms keep
are still not sufficiently provided, though. Furthermore, caveats against on reshoring textile production back to Germany from foreign
potentially unprofitable or soon outdated investments in IT hardware or locations. This is supported by increasingly individualized con­
software add to fairly slow dynamics of implementing digital systems. sumer demand and a focus on Smart Textiles, based on highly
Another impediment are the long training times needed to enable efficient, flexibly specialized local production systems. People
company staff to professionally handle standardized production pa­ buy customized apparel online, prefer ‘Made in Germany’ fashion
rameters and real data processing. and do not mind paying a bit more for sustainably manufactured
goods. The German apparel sector has managed to reinvent itself,
6.2. Three ’Textiles 2030’ scenarios using the market craze for textiles that integrate sensors and
other gadgets as new recipe of business success. Illuminated
The insights into system elements and key factors, historical trajec­ clothes for bicycle riders or sports shirts that constantly measure
tories and context conditions gained through our empirical research and body functions are high in demand, and producers apply all IT
in particular the final workshop are now used to draft future visions on options possible. German companies have become world market
how the application of Industry 4.0 technologies might change the leaders in the fields of Smart Wearables and fashion for urban
development of German textile firms over the next decade. As standard professionals. Thanks to data based business models that cater to
scenario methodology suggests (Kosow and Gaßner, 2008; Mietzner, the needs of both business and private customers, profit options
2009), we compile (1) a trend scenario, (2) a particularly optimistic and have greatly amplified due to fair high prices and economies of
(3) a pessimistic one. We sketch plausible narratives of how Industry 4.0 scope rather than scale.

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Internationally, Germany has successfully expanded its market transfer textile know-how, process technologies and IT coordi­
share for the design and manufacture of innovative technical nated production stages to other countries. And automation
textiles. Competing global players from China or India are left makes the local recruitment of highly qualified staff widely
behind because effective rationalization, process optimization redundant.
and consistent quality management have upgraded the entire
German textile production system. Digital solutions play key roles (3) Many German textile companies still hesitate to implement In­
everywhere, coordinating information and material flows be­ dustry 4.0 systems. Financial restrictions prevent especially SMEs
tween all firms and their machinery. This includes the harmoni­ from investing into digital infrastructure. And deeply rooted
zation of quality and testing standards in line with standardized distrust between textile firms, also including machinery pro­
machine-to-machine communication and data transmission pro­ ducers, obstructs constructive inter-firm collaboration. More­
tocols. Consequently, transaction and administration costs have over, the build-up of crucial digital know-how in the textile
dropped drastically, and product tracking systems permit to industry is hampered by losing IT experts and qualified staff to
reduce production failure rates towards the targeted ‘Vision 0’ other more attractive German key industries, such as the e-
objective of failure-free production by 2030. The industry has mobility sectors. Labor conditions in textile companies have not
accomplished to revalue the ‘Made in Germany’ label, strength­ improved over time, as digitally controlled, automated assistance
ening its status as internationally esteemed, innovative and top systems have taken over the more demanding tasks and leave
performing supplier to other German key sectors, such as auto­ rather simple, boring jobs to the remaining employees. No
motives and medical technologies. wonder that the in-house working climate suffers and staff hardly
welcomes the introduction of new digital tools. The industry’s
(2) Cultures of open information exchange and trustful innovation digital transformation is hampered by insufficient political sup­
collaboration, integrating regional textile R&D institutes and IT port, too, which affects especially rural textile locations that keep
providers, have largely contributed to Germany’s textile success on waiting for broadband or 5G internet connectivity. Problems
up to 2030. The real time collection and transfer of big anony­ of inadequate legal protection and insecure data transmission
mized data packages supports smooth production flows. It also environments have not been solved either, which inhibits pro­
enables the R&D partners to jointly advance Big Data analysis, duction related data exchanges especially between SMEs. Alto­
machine learning and Artificial Intelligence tools that help build gether, the German technical textile industry continues losing
large numbers of Smart Factories. Leapfrogging progress in track of foreign competitors and has fallen back several years of
textile production has also solved image problems and de­ technology development by 2030.
mographic challenges. Supported by image campaigns launched
by national and regional industry associations and by the public 7. Conclusions
propagation of more participative and transparent labor re­
lations, the textile sector has substantially improved its reputa­ Exploring the case of the German textile industry, this study advo­
tion. Now young, qualified textile engineers and technical staff cates that industry and place specific historical trajectories in terms of
revere being hired by a textile firm, because here they can path dependent context conditions significantly influence the future of
directly contribute to product and process optimization. Modern Industry 4.0 technology implementation, corroborating other research
workplaces that integrate digital assistance systems offer attrac­ on the importance of pre-existing regional settings for industrial renewal
tive, versatile and physically less demanding tasks and make it in this sector (Froud et al., 2018). Our mixed methods research reveals
easy to positively combine personal with corporate objectives. that Germany’s textile economy, despite of a shift towards efficient
Everyone engages in systematically enriching company internal technical textile production, shows limited capacities towards investing
databases, compiling a sophisticated information storage and into new digital technologies in the near future. Just as other scholars
management system as far as the employees’ knowledge can have shown for German SMEs in other industry sectors (Müller et al.,
actually be codified. This way the dangers of losing know-how in 2018), the shift towards high-grade process digitization, smart
the course of retirements can to some extent be remedied. manufacturing and inter-company connectivity required for entering the
age of Industry 4.0 can hardly be achieved. As typical for textile firms
(3) Finally a pessimistic vision of the German textile industry of 2030 also in other EU countries (Giannini et al., 2019), there is low corporate
is drafted. While the transformation of textile production towards investment in R&D, little autonomous innovation, and strong depen­
Industry 4.0 has rapidly progressed on the international scale, dence on impulses by value chain partners that belong to other industry
most German players neglect to follow suit. This bears devas­ sectors. This study adds that persistent image problems of the once
tating consequences for their business prospects and localities. economically deteriorating textile sector inhibits firms’ recruitment of
While restructuring away from household textiles and towards young qualified staff. This asset, however, would be strongly needed to
sophisticated technical items was mastered before, global tech­ promote the implementation of modern Industry 4.0 or even foregoing
nology shifts now depreciate this former competitive edge. Hopes Industry 3.0 technologies in textile production, in line with related
to reap new business benefits from pursuing sustainability or roadmaps and maturity models (Rafael et al., 2020), to sustain inter­
Smart Textile trends have been crushed, as most customers stick national competitiveness.
to cheap traditional goods. Very few German firms have imple­ Our empirical approach, which combines document and statistical
mented IT systems that capture and store the sector relevant analyses, research interviews with company executives and other ex­
know-how of the ageing workforce on how to handle machinery, perts, factory visits, a participative stakeholder workshop and scenario
materials and products, mainly for coping with severe labor techniques, has proven useful for exploring past development features
shortages. Digital knowledge management to some extent facili­ that matter for forecasting trends of technology application in the
tates the integration of new technical employees into corporate German textile industry. Direct interaction with industry actors has
activities, and the use of digital assistance systems, cobots and significantly deepened our understanding of important system dynamics
automated material flows gives some companies a modern face­ and context requirements. Findings confirm, above all, the need for local
lift. However, costly rationalization further drives the textile cluster support (Sohn et al., 2016; Zhu and Pickles, 2016; Zizka
outsourcing of technical textile production to cheaper foreign et al., 2018). Just as generally proposed by Götz and Jankowska (2017),
locations, instead of nurturing the reshoring of tasks back to the institutional settings of clusters can specifically encourage the future
Germany. Global systemic digitalization has just made too easy to introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies also in German textile firms.

M. Fromhold-Eisebith et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 166 (2021) 120620

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