Ecotourism Case Study
Ecotourism Case Study
Ecotourism Case Study
Ecotourism is a form of sustainable travel that focuses on preserving natural environments and
promoting the well-being of local communities. It offers travelers a unique and authentic experience
while also supporting conservation efforts and providing economic benefits to the local community.
One successful example of ecotourism can be found in Costa Rica. With its rich biodiversity and
commitment to sustainability, Costa Rica has become a top destination for ecotourism. The country
has implemented various initiatives to protect its natural resources, such as creating national parks
and promoting responsible tourism practices.
Through ecotourism, travelers can immerse themselves in the country's stunning rainforests, observe
diverse wildlife, and engage in activities like hiking, birdwatching, and zip-lining. They can also
learn about the local culture and support small businesses by staying in eco-friendly accommodations
and purchasing locally-made products.
If you are interested in experiencing ecotourism for yourself, we highly recommend booking your
next trip through This website offers a wide range of ecotourism options in Costa
Rica and other destinations around the world.
Not only will you have an unforgettable and meaningful travel experience, but you will also be
making a positive impact on the environment and local communities. So why wait? Start planning
your ecotourism adventure today!
Ecotourism. Material: Eugene Moll. FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES. Rich Knight,
Biodiversity & Conservation Biology UWC[at] WHAT IS ECOTOURISM.
Term ecotourism is comparatively new The ecotourism society define it as Ecotourism. What is
ecotourism. Term ecotourism is comparatively new The ecotourism society define it as concern over
these impacts, little has been done, especially by governments, to Download presentation by click
this link. While downloading, if for some reason you are not able to download a presentation, the
publisher may have deleted the file from their server. Ecotourism. Definitions & Concepts.
Definition. The term ‘ ecotour ’ was first used by Parks Canada in the 1960s . heavily quoted by
Ceballos-Lascurain in 1992 Buckley (1994) analysed various definitions of ‘ecotourism’ and found
that it was always related to: Nature based products South Dakota Ecotourism • Great Faces, Great
Places Ecotourism is the fastest growing sector, with an esti- in, and around, the environments which
ecotourists frequent. From a development perspective, ecotourism ventures should only be The
concept of ecotourism is widely misunderstood and it is often used as a marketing instrument in
order to promote tourism businesses related to nature. It is well-known that from all sub-sectors of
the tourism industry the ecotourism has experienced the fastest growth in the recent years, but we
have to see beyond the appealing and fashionable “eco” label and “green-washing” of the travel ...
[Show full abstract] economic and resource management benefits that have accrued to the
community are then discussed. Save Some of these studies show that the foundation for
sustainability in tourism, as well as in other industry sectors, is provided by the regulatory
instruments, success of which is often limited by poor implementation. This situation can happen in
both developed and developing nations on a global scale
[29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44]. What is Ecotourism? • Environmentally
responsible travel to natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and accompanying
cultural features, that promote conservation, have a low visitor impact and provide for local peoples.
• Travel Channel In many villages located at the buffer zone of the conservation areas, forest
resources in the park must provide direct or indirect economic benefits. Ecotourism can be one of
the choices beside other local economic opportunities, such as non-timber forest products, water
sources, and micro hydro, or even their values as spiritual sites. There is a wide-open window since
27.14 million hectares of conservation area in Indonesia is surrounded by 6747 villages. The
development of a socio-economic buffer can be a significant opportunity and Tangkahan can be seen
as an inspiration and evidence that we have to work with the local community as the key partners in
park management. Ecotourism – pros * • Economically • Infusion of foreign revenue • Employment,
actual money • Provides other economic opportunities – purchase power, ability to sell wares, other
financial opportunities, entrepreneurship • Environmentally • Protects habitat, ecosystems,
BIODIVERSITY • Slows down deforestation, fragmentation • Alternative to ecologically
consumptive activities • Raises conservation awareness in local community, tourists • Altruism
Additionally, tourism with its communal conservancies, private reserves, and contributions to public
PAs can support conservation. However, this can be achieved under specific circumstances and with
associated environmental costs [59,68,69,70]. In a number of countries, over half of park funding is
now derived by income generated from visitors, although it is more typically around 10%, or in the
case for many countries, 0%. Ecotourism. Virginia State Parks. What is Ecotourism. Your Name
Francisco A. Serrano-Bernardo, Luigi Bruzzi, Marianna Marcucci, Alessandra Bonoli and José Luis
Rosúa-Campos (Department of Civil Engineering. ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, University of
Granada, Granada, Spain, and others) The lack of participatory monitoring and evaluation conducted
by the park authorities led to a growing misunderstanding or distrust among the members of LPT. As
a consequence, there was a growing inconsistency for patroling the park, with or without elephants,
that was normally conducted every Friday. Choose an option valorised to its full potential through
ecotourism. In order to do so, the existence of green Figure 3. Profile of visitors by number to
Tangkahan (2004–2019). Source: Tangkahan Community Tour Operator, 2020. If you are the owner
of this work and don’t want it to be published on NerdySeal, request its removal. 33% found this
document not useful, Mark this document as not useful Over the past few decades, concerns for the
environment have significantly increased and at the Given the growth in interest internationally in
special interest tourism, notably While some writers emphasise the potential for
ElewanaTarangire Treetops, Tanzania is located in Randilen Wildlife Management Area with rich
wildlife and stunning landscape. By staying at ElewanaTarangire Treetops, tourists contribute to the
preservation of natural areas and promote the benefits of responsible tourism. behaviours and beliefs.
The findings show that tourists have positive environmental behaviours Pages 42-59 | Received 14
Oct 2016, Accepted 31 Aug 2017, Published online: 29 Sep 2017 Over a five-year period
(2014–2019), local tourists contributed USD 1,863,103 and foreign tourists contributed USD
5,944,227, totaling to USD 7,807,330 According to government regulation No.12, total revenue
accepted by the park authority from foreign and local tourists (2015–2020) was only USD 89,013 or
IDR 1,246,187,500 (1 USD = IDR 14,000). Revision cards Department of Biology, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences Natural Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang 45363,
Indonesia Tourism is already well established in the Bohorok and Berastagi/Sibayak areas of the
park. The Berastagi area, which is only 30 km from Medan, the third largest city in Indonesia, with a
population of more than 4 million people, is one of the most visited areas on the weekends in North
Sumatra. Similarly, thousands of people, mostly Indonesian but also many foreign tourists visit
Bohorok, which is approximately 96 km to the south of Medan, to see orangutans and other wildlife
and to bathe in the beautiful clear water of the river. A few hundred kilometers to the south of the
park, there is Lake Toba, which is also an important tourist destination. This lake is in the largest
caldera in the world. Formed by a super-volcano, the lake is more than 100 km wide and
approximately 700 m deep. Ecotourism – cons • Are indigenous cultures being taken advantage of in
ecotourism scenarios? • Is the demise of cultural identity inevitable or the fault of ecotourism or is it
inevitable? © 2008-2024 ResearchGate GmbH. All
rights reserved. perceived attraction of the destination. An assumed similarity between eco-
ECOTOURISM. WHAT IS ECOTOURISM? . Ecotourism is the travel to natural areas that conserve
the environment and improve the well being of the local people This means that those that implement
and participate in ecotourism activities should follow the following principles:. Minimise impact
Open Library One form of tourist-generated income, leasing tourism operating rights on communal
land tenures, may contribute to the well-being of the community as well as the biodiversity
conservation, depending on the legal details of land and wildlife ownership and the structure,
cohesion, and internal governance of community organizations [70,71,72,73,74,75]. Similar
conditions occur when tour operators lease rights from private landowners or land trusts [70,76] or
from public national parks [49,70,77,78]. that the challenges of sustainable development are the
greatest. Increasing the Ecotourism. TARGETS: Define ecotourism. Explain its aims. Evaluate its
successes through a case study. Ecotourism?. “An economic process by which rare and beautiful
ecosystems and cultural attractions are marketed internationally to attract tourists”. How does this
contradict the model?. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Tes
Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building
3, St Paul’s Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE (Thomlinson & Getz, 1996) such forms of
tourism are The first case study looks at diving, Bohol’s main tourism product. It examines conflicts
between Hauppauge, NY, 11788 USA Ecotourism. Material: Eugene Moll. BCB 341: Principles of
Conservation Biology. What is ecotourism. Term ecotourism is comparatively new The ecotourism
society define it as Wiratno, W.; Withaningsih, S.; Gunawan, B.; Iskandar, J. Ecotourism as a
Resource Sharing Strategy: Case Study of Community-Based Ecotourism at the Tangkahan Buffer
Zone of Leuser National Park, Langkat District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Sustainability 2022, 14,
3399. May 2006Journal of Sustainable Tourism 14(3) NHBS Ltd
is registered in England and Wales: 1875194 In parks and biodiversity, conservation ecotourism is
gaining significance for sustainability and influence of the tourism sector. Mass tourism has been
variously attributed as bad, ugly and abominable. Numerous studies have found that it is responsible
for destroying bio-diversity and consume places and cultures. Unbridled tourism development defies
checks and controls and eventually leads to self-destruction. Examples of good tourism practices are
few and far between; of bad there are many that are responsible for the ... [Show full abstract]
Ecotourism is the fastest growing sector, with an esti-
Ecotourism. Virginia State Parks. What is Ecotourism. industries in the world: tourism (Panos, 1997).
Ecotour- Tel: 1-631-231-7269 Internet Archive ACM sustainability in Tangkahan was investigated
using an analysis of the sustainability criteria and indicators [22]. The scores of a number of
indicators were averaged to become the criterion scores. The average value of a number of criteria
was the value of a principle and the average value of a number of the principles was the value of a
category. The categories are divided into three: Social Process Category, Adaptive Natural Resource
Management Category, and Impact/Condition Category. A complete analysis of ACM’s
sustainability can be seen in Table 1 and Table 2 below. 1. get the truth. then go Where to go, what to
do and where to stay for an eco-friendly vacation With more than 15 million reviews and opinions,
TripAdvisor makes travel planning a snap for the 25 million travelers visiting our site each month.
Think before you print. And if you do print, print double-sided. panacea, and the ecotourist as some
magic breed, Ecotourism examples • Example of successful implementation of an ecotourism
scenario - Next lecture… En l’espace de trente ans, la petite île de Saint-Barthélemy (25 km²) est
sortie de son isolement séculaire pour s’imposer parmi les grandes destinations du tourisme de luxe
dans le monde. Dans le cadre de cette étude, l’idée est d’identifier les éléments structurels et les
différents facteurs conjoncturels qui permettent de comprendre la situation touristique de Saint-
Barthélemy. L’exiguïté du territoire en lui-même peut être perçue comme un handicap fondamental
ou, inversement, comme un atout considérable. Tout dépend du projet de développement. Il faut
savoir tirer profit des spécificités du territoire considéré. Dans le cas de Saint-Barthélemy, l’exiguïté
favorise la rareté et cette rareté convoitée n’est accessible qu’aux personnes les plus argentées. La
rareté convoitée conduit au luxe. L’isolement est relatif : cette destination n’est pas accessible aux
avions gros porteurs, l’essentiel du marché aérien est contrôlé par deux petites compagnies locales et
l’espace aérien est ouvert aux petits avions privés. Le luxe ne se décrète pas, il ne se planifie pas. Le
tourisme de luxe, c’est l’élection d’un territoire par des élites qui s’y retrouvent pour jouir de leur
fortune à l’écart du monde. The Isle of Saint-Barthelemy (the Lesser Antilles): a Luxury Tourism
Destination Within thirty years, the small island of Saint-Barthelemy (25 km²) is out of its secular
isolation to be among major luxury tourism destinations in the world. In this study, the idea is to
identify structural element and different cyclical factors that help to understand Saint-Barthelemy
tourism situation. The small size of the territory itself can be seen as a fundamental handicap or,
conversely, as a considerable asset. Everything depends on development project. It is necessary to
know how to take advantage of specific characteristics of this type of territory. In Saint-Barthelemy
case, scarcity is coveted; this coveted rarity is accessible only for rich people. The coveted rarity
leads to luxury. Isolation is relative: this destination is not accessible to the jumbo jets. The airline
market is controlled essentially by two small local companies and the airspace is open to charter flies
and private aircrafts. Some other companies provide more or less regular flights from nearby airports
of San Juan (Puerto Rico), Sint-Maarten and Guadeloupe. Luxury cannot be decreed, it is not
planned. Luxury tourism is the election of a territory by elites who gather there to enjoy away from
the rest of the world. Case Studies From Bohol, Philippines 4. ECO-TOURISM CASE STUDY
AT ULAGALLA RESORT, Srilanka A view from the front side A bedroom arranged with elegant
features The Chalets • Chalet is of 80 m2. • Energy efficient material used. • Walls have been
constructed with straw bonded solid panels called “Dura”. • Reduce the air conditioning load due to
lower heat transmittance. • Dura straw panels reduce the transmission of sound. • Supported on a
timber framework. • 100% recyclable fitted with LED bulbs that reduce the carbon footprint of the
resort by 80%. • Work as a strong load bearing wall. Ecotourism. Badema Dizdar. References: Peter
Sjøholt: Eco-tourism and local development. Conceptual and theoretical framework and problems in
implementation. Empirical evidence from Costa Rica and Ecuador. What is tourism?. ZENITH
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research _______________ISSN 2231-5780 since a
nationwide ban on whale hunting. It looks at the impact of a WWF funded project designed to
G156.5.E26B83 2003, G156.5.E26 B83 2003 1 Transilvania University of Braşov,
[email protected] current uncertainty in the travel market associated with global political
events. This research note considers ways in which we may better understand how ecotourism
ventures impact on the lives of people living Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Ecotourism. Definitions &
Concepts. Definition. The term ‘ ecotour ’ was first used by Parks Canada in the 1960s . heavily
quoted by Ceballos-Lascurain in 1992 Buckley (1994) analysed various definitions of ‘ecotourism’
and found that it was always related to: Nature based products Quizsearches Ecotourism is not just a
marketing gimmick. It is increasingly recognized as a tool for sustainable development. Achieving
genuine ecotourism is a challenge, as high standards have to be met. But when it is achieved,
communities and natural environments are the immediate beneficiaries. What is Ecotourism?
Ecotourism- Characterized by travel to natural areas to enjoy native environments, natural scenery,
wildlife and partake in outdoor oriented activities concern is the fact that it is precisely these more
remote, An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Ecotourism. Definitions
& Concepts. Definition. The term ‘ ecotour ’ was first used by Parks Canada in the 1960s . heavily
quoted by Ceballos-Lascurain in 1992 Buckley (1994) analysed various definitions of ‘ecotourism’
and found that it was always related to: Nature based products 0% found this document useful (0
votes) The local community is an essential and key partner in managing protected areas, especially for
national parks in Indonesia. Therefore, there is a need to establish adaptive collaborative
management (ACM) between the park authorities and the local community. In 2000, several local
leaders established a new organization to develop an ecotourism package called the Tangkahan
Ecotourism Organization or Lembaga Pariwisata Tangkahan (LPT) and set up the Community Tour
Operator to manage the ecotourism activities. Our study used a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats (SWOT) analysis through focus group discussions (FGDs), interviews with related
stakeholders and key informants, and carried out a literature review. It was found that ensuring local
community could generate alternative income from ecotourism was an effective way to protect the
park from any illegal activities. Additionally, the results about sustainability from the FGDs show
that all three categories: Social Process, Adaptive Natural Resource Management, and Impact
/Condition are interrelated, meaning that the collaboration and adaptive management in Tangkahan
have resulted in high levels of humanistic well-being and the maintenance of ecological values,
supporting collaboration processes and adaptive levels. Finally, our study can be used as a basis for a
model of national parks focusing on ACM.
Showing map of the study area METHODOLOGY DATA COLLECTION In order to investigate
tourists" environmental behaviour, perceptions and beliefs, quantitative data were collected by
author-administering questionnaires to tourists met at the ecotourism sites in the Mysore district,
Karnataka. The survey for this study was conducted from May 2011-May 2012, and included
tourists who stayed more than three days and were 18 years and older. A total of 250 questionnaires
were distributed and there were 235 usable questionnaires (94.0%). Biodiversity and ecotourism * •
Ecotourism begins to holistically address the primary causes of biodiversity loss… • Poverty,
irresponsible resource consumption, ecological accountability • Remember the components of
ecotourism… • People (operators, local community, tourists) • Environment (preservation,
sustainability, management) • Economics (profitable, shared, local investment) • Educational (instill
conservation ethic in stakeholders) Canada ECOTOURISM: A CASE STUDY OF
ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE and Natural Resources, funded by the USAID. estuary. The
case studies highlight a variety of issues and some successes encountered with The practice of
collaborative national park management (under different terms: collaboration, co-management, and
partnership) has received the attention of many researchers in its development [10]. Research
examples include reviewing the co-management concept of Karimunjawa National Park [11], raising
the issue of the co-management development concept to preserve Lore Lindu National Park”, and
[12] observing the local knowledge of Sialang Tree management in Orang Rimba and the
management of Bukit Duabelas National Park. These researchers observed and examined how a
collaborative approach inevitably involved people surrounding the forests in the national park areas
as the main stakeholders. In the collaborative management process, several key words emerge,
including participation, negotiation, consensus, mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual benefits
[13]. NICHOLA ANASTASIA RAMCHURJEE AND SURESHA S concern is the fact that it is
precisely these more remote, Content may be subject to copyright. ... Consequently, although
ecotourism can economically benefit the host communities by creating a demand for local
accommodation and businesses, and for local traditional and cultural products, its improper
management can result in the commodification of the local culture, or conversely, can accelerate the
extent of cultural change within the communities (Okech, 2004). Scheyvens (1999) suggests that the
loss or commodification of culture is because the areas that are sought out for ecotourism (i.e. the
pristine, untouched areas), are those that tend to be most vulnerable to disruption, especially in cases
where the sector is greenwashed, and where ethical principles are not applied. ... This paper
examines the potential of coastal ecotourism and its role in community-based Coastal Resource
Management Programs in Bohol, Philippines. It focuses on case studies of tourism products operating
in three different coastal ecosystems: a coral reef sanctuary, deep-sea waters and a river estuary. The
case studies highlight a variety of issues and some successes encountered with community-based
tourism initiatives in Bohol's coastal communities. The first case study looks at diving, Bohol's main
tourism product. It examines conflicts between village residents and dive operators over a
community-managed coral reef marine sanctuary on Cabilao Island, Loon. The second case study is
on dolphin and whale watching, an emerging tourism product. It looks at Pamilacan Island, Baclayon
where a traditional whaling community now run and manages community-based marine mammal
tours. This case study examines the changes in the last five years since a nationwide ban on whale
hunting. It looks at the impact of a WWF funded project designed to assist the residents of
Pamilacan and create a local whale and dolphin watching industry. The third case study focuses on a
community-run river cruise in the village of Cambuhat, Buenavista. This case study focuses on the
changes in the community since the tour was introduced. The economic and resource management
benefits that have accrued to the community are then discussed. Broad lessons learned from the
three case studies are described and recommendations are made on how to strengthen ecotourism
development as a strategy for community-based coastal resource management. Ecotourism is not just
a marketing gimmick. It is increasingly recognized as a tool for sustainable development. Achieving
genuine ecotourism is a challenge, as high standards have to be met. But when it is achieved,
communities and natural environments are the immediate beneficiaries. nities as well as the
protection of the natural environment. Analyses of these March 2010 · Journal of Sustainable
Tourism Lilian Vieira Miranda Garcia, Jasmine Cardozo Moreira and Robert C. Burns (Universidade
Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil, and others) Research Ecotourism in Developing Countries Series:
Tourism and Hospitality Development and Management Developing ecotourism destinations in
Romania. developing these ecotourism destinations in Romania. Several initiatives and projects are
ECOTOURISM. Dr. Arvind S. Dhabe. Department of Botany Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University, Aurangabad 431004, India. [email protected] For
the sake of our convenience, we divide this topic into three parts Tourism Ecotourism Study tour.
2010 The concept of ecotourism is widely misunderstood and it is often used as a marketing
instrument in order to promote tourism businesses related to nature. It is well-known that from all
sub-sectors of the tourism industry the ecotourism has experienced the fastest growth in the recent
years, but we have to see beyond the appealing and fashionable “eco” label and “green-washing” of
the travel ... [Show full abstract] In many parts of the Third World the number of local communities
seeking involvement in ecotourism ventures has soared in the past decade. A cogent concern, from a
development perspective, is that many such ventures have progressed with scant regard for the
changes they may provoke in gender roles, gender relations and access to resources. As with other
development initiatives which profess to be ... [Show full abstract] Adina Nicoleta CANDREA1,
Andreea HERŢANU2 The researcher also checked the validity of the data by confirming the data
obtained from interviews with data obtained from observation techniques or with data obtained from
secondary sources (the triangulation method). Australia developed the model for ecotourism that is
used widely around the world today. Since the introduction of ecotourism, the field has exploded
with popularity. In this film, Phillip Island Nature Park is highlighted in a case study to show viewers
the ins and outs of the ecotourism industry. The National Ecotourism Accreditation Program (NEAP)
in Australia has three different levels of accreditation that include nature tourism, ecotourism, and
advanced ecotourism. Phillip Island Nature Park offers tours and activities for participants that span
all three NEAP accreditation levels, making it an exemplary case study. The film takes viewers
around the park to see different attractions and meet many different levels of employees throughout
the park. Choose an option Clear January 2016 · Global Ecology and Conservation
An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation 0261-5177/99/$ —see front
matter 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Sri Lanka is one of the developing countries
in south Asia practicing ecotourism since the 1980s for ameliorating the socio-economic and
environmental ills as well as for achieving socio-cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability
of the country. According to ecotourism principles, it basically concerns the environmental, socio-
cultural, economic, and tourism sustainability through ... [Show full abstract] This is not helpful
casestudiesecoto00buck_478 Ecotourism. What is ecotourism. Term ecotourism is comparatively new
The ecotourism society define it as There have been limited efforts to evaluate the efficacy of
environmental management programs, in part because environmental legislation often lacks objective,
quantifiable criteria to use in such assessments. Here we evaluate the ecological outcomes of an
important element of one well-known environmental statute, the US Marine Mammal Protection Act
(MMPA), using take reduction planning as a case ... [Show full abstract] DEPARTMENT OF
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, valorised to its full potential through ecotourism. In order to do so,
the existence of green economic benefits, changes in socio-cultural attributes of residents and
commu- Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page
numbers. See further details here. 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not
useful Thus, our study can be used as a basis for replication to other similar situations in many
villages in the buffer zone of national parks in Indonesia, with an adaptation of strategies considering
the dynamics and diversity in the form of biophysics, socio-culture aspects, and political situations.
Save Case Studies in Ecotourism For Later Tourists' Environmental Perceptions Ecotourism and the
empowerment of local communities Ecotourism & Biodiversity in the News • Four Questions on
Ecotourism (CNN 2006) • Are the destinations you’re patronizing doing their part to “protect the
environment, aid the local community and educate travelers” • As of 2006 – nearly 100 groups offer
various "eco" certifications and memberships – ISSUE? • Author encourages vacationers looking to
spend time and money in an environmentally conscious manner should ask: • How do you conserve
resources? • How do you protect plants and animals? • What do you do to help the community? •
What ecotourism activities do you offer? the potential for ecotourism to open up new destinations
for subsequent mass No comments yet! Add one to start the conversation. conservation of their
specific ecological assets is needed, although these very Biohotel Colombia is powered by solar
energy, engineered with water-saving systems and built with organic kitchen gardens and vertical
agriculture. The hotel offers environmentally responsible luxury and comfort to its customers.
Previews available in: Undetermined This resource hasn't been reviewed yet The Shanghai Natural
History Museum is a spiral shape shell building representing the plant and animal cells.Through its
integration with nature, the building represents the harmony of humans and the ecosystem. Content
uploaded by Nichola Ramchurjee All The degree to which the internal environment of the
organization matches with the external environment is expressed by the concept of strategy. SWOT
is important because it can inform the later steps in planning to achieve an objective. Learning from
the SWOTs, decision makers should consider whether the objective is attainable. If it is not, they
must select a different objective and repeat the process. Education is a large aspect of Ecotourism •
Visitors want to learn: • Guided tours • Informational Signs and Placards located on trails •
Brochures • Outdoor classes • Agriculture