Biology Module Final 2
Biology Module Final 2
Biology Module Final 2
Compiled by:
Andualem Ts. (MSc) & Abdilahi D. (MSc)
January 2024
Jigjiga University
Jigjiga, Ethiopia
1. The Science of Biology ................................................................................................................. 6
1.1. Introduction to Biology ........................................................................................................... 6
1.2. The Scientific Method ............................................................................................................. 7
1.3. The relevance and promise of biological science ................................................................... 9
2. Biological Molecules ................................................................................................................... 14
2.1. Synthesis of Biological Molecules ........................................................................................ 15
2.2. Carbohydrates ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.3. Lipids .................................................................................................................................... 18
2.4. Proteins.................................................................................................................................. 19
2.5. Nucleic Acids ........................................................................................................................ 20
2.6. Vitamins ................................................................................................................................ 21
2.7. Water ..................................................................................................................................... 21
2.8. Minerals ................................................................................................................................ 22
3. Cell Biology ................................................................................................................................. 26
3.1. Cells ...................................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.1. Cell Theory .................................................................................................................... 27
3.1.2. Cell Diversity ................................................................................................................. 27
3.1.3. Types of cells ................................................................................................................. 29
3.1.4. Parts of the cell and their functions ............................................................................... 30
3.1.5. Structure and function of organelles .............................................................................. 34
3.2. The cell and its environment ................................................................................................. 37
3.3. Transport across the cell membranes .................................................................................... 37
4. Energy Transformation ................................................................................................................ 46
4.1. Energy ................................................................................................................................... 47
4.2. Enzymes ................................................................................................................................ 48
4.2.1. Enzymes and Their Role in Metabolism ....................................................................... 48
4.2.2. Chemical nature and classification of enzymes. ............................................................ 49
4.2.3. Mechanisms of Enzyme Action ..................................................................................... 49
4.2.4. Factors Affecting Enzymatic Activities......................................................................... 50
4.3. Respiration ............................................................................................................................ 52
4.3.1. Stages and site of cellular respiration ............................................................................ 54
4.3.2. Energy from non-carbohydrate sources ......................................................................... 59
4.3.3. Fermentation .................................................................................................................. 61
4.4. Photosynthesis ....................................................................................................................... 62
4.4.1. The site of photosynthesis ............................................................................................. 63
4.4.2. Photosynthetic pigments ................................................................................................ 64
4.4.3. Light-dependent and light-independent reactions ......................................................... 66
4.4.4. Photosystem I and photosystem II ................................................................................. 67
4.4.5. Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin cycle) ................................................................. 68
4.4.6. Contributions of photosynthesis for the continuity of life, for O 2, and CO2: balance and
global warming ............................................................................................................................ 71
5. Micro-Organisms ......................................................................................................................... 76
5.1. What are microorganisms?.................................................................................................... 76
5.1.1. Protozoa ......................................................................................................................... 77
5.1.2. Fungi .............................................................................................................................. 77
5.1.3. Algae .............................................................................................................................. 78
The Remedial Education Program is an urgent and vital initiative aimed at addressing the
challenges in the educational sector faced by high school students in the Somali Region State of
Ethiopia. The most recent Ethiopian Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination
(ESSLCE) results have revealed a disheartening nationwide pass rate of nearly 3.1%, with an
even lower pass rate for our region. There is a critical need for targeted intervention.
One of the ways to get out of this quagmire is to to equip carefully selected grade 12 students
with the competencies required to successfully pass the ESSLCE, paving the way for their
enrollment in universities and ensuring increased access to higher education opportunities from
the previous two years. It is with this intention and out of the need this module is compiled.
The different units of the module were organized from grade 9-11 old curriculum and grade 12
new curriculums. The module will certainly, serve our grade 12th students of the university as a
valid reference and /or textbook.
There are 8 chapters in this module. The first chapter deals with science of biology, methods of
science in biology, the relevance and promise of biological sciences, biology and HIV/AIDS.
The second chapter is about biochemical molecules, discusses the different types of inorganic
and organic molecules, which are useful for sustaining life. The third chapter is dealing with
cell biology it focuses on cell theory, types of cells, parts of the cell and their functions. The
fourth chapter is about energy transformation, it discusses photosynthesis and cellular
Respiration. It also discusses about the meaning and properties of enzymes, the biological
catalysts that speeds up biological chemical reactions. The fifth chapter discusses about the
microorganisms like eubacteria, archaea, fungi, protozoa and viruses.
Chapter six is about human body and health, it discusses the nervous system, sense organs, the
endocrine system, homeostasis in the human body, food and nutrition, the digestive system, the
respiratory system, cellular respiration and the circulatory system. The seventh chapter is about
genetics. It describes terms in genetics, cell division, and explains functions of DNA and RNA.
Moreover, there are summary and review questions for each chapter, besides the in-text
questions set at various places within many of the chapters.
We believe that this module will serve the purpose it was intended for and will be improved in
future editions based on comments that will be received from its end users.
Teacher’s Role
Develop personal readiness to support students, because you may face students with less
knowledge of lower grades.
Since teaching is both science and an art, advise students to be self-learners.
Employ your previous teaching experience to support students with especially focus.
Regularly and patiently supervise students in every activity.
Don’t rush, check whether students grasped the concepts of lessons in each topics.
Prepare weekly/monthly progress check list, monitor and evaluate students’ progress
and fill the gap.
Student’s Role
Develop personal readiness, have a goal and minimize unnecessary social media
addiction and peer pressure.
Have study plan and prioritize subjects depending on your previous background.
At first hand, try to cover and understand textbooks to your maximum effort.
It’s strongly advised that students should be able to understand core biological principles
of each chapter before trying to attempt the review questions. If you miss this, it is
something like trying to get into locked door without key.
Repeatedly practice examples, exercises and ESSLCE exam questions and see how
examquestions are prepared from each unit or topics.
Define Biology
Explain why Biology is studied?
Plan a biological investigation using the scientific
Explain the relevance and promise of biological
Biology uses the scientific methods to study the nature and functions of living things as well as
the interactions with each other and with the environment of which they are parts. It pays
attention and study on the things related to living organisms such as organization of life, their
functions, patterns and order of organisms, growth and development of living organisms and so
on. Living things have variety of shapes, forms and functions, and biologists study life in many
different ways from the cell at the smallest and ecosystems at large. Due to that, biology has
variety of branches and divisions such as evolutionary biology, cellular biology, genetics, growth
and developmental biology and so on.
Biology is one of the most interesting subjects. It is especially important subject for everyone,
since it will affect every one‘s future. Many Biologists are working on problems that critically
affect our lives, such as the world‘s rapidly expanding population and diseases like cancer,
COVID 19, and AIDS.
Biologists study the living world by posing questions about it and seeking science -based
responses. This approach is common to other sciences as well and is often referred to as the
scientific method. The scientific method involves a series of steps that guide scientists through
such scientific investigations. Biologists study the living world by posing questions about it. The
general steps of the Scientific methods are:
Observation: The scientific process typically starts with an observation (often a
problem to be solved) that leads to a question.. The observations can be made
either directly (e.g. using your sense organs) or indirectly using scientific tools
such as microscopes.
Asking Questions: The observation usually leads the scientist to ask question
To solve a problem, one can propose several hypotheses. For example, one
hypothesis might be, “The classroom is warm because no one turned on the air
conditioning.” However, there could be other responses to the question, and
therefore one may propose other hypotheses. A second hypothesis might be, “The
classroom is warm because there is a power failure, and so the air conditioning
doesn’t work.” Once one has selected a hypothesis, the student can make a
prediction. A prediction is similar to a hypothesis but it typically has the format “If
. . . then . . . .” For example, the prediction for the first hypothesis might be, “If the
student turns on the air conditioning, then the classroom will no longer be too
Unit Review
In this unit, you have learnt about:
Biology is the scientific study of living things.
Living organisms interact with themselves and the environment at all levels of
biological organizations.
Biological inquiry depends on a scientific method. Scientists follow a method while
performing scientific experiments and writing up the results.
By following the scientific method carefully, scientists make sure that their conclusions are
based on observations and that other scientists can repeat their experiments.
The steps for scientific method includes: observations, questions, hypothesis,
experiment, conclusion (result) and communication with other Scientists
2. Biological Molecules
All living organisms require several compounds to continue to live. We call these compounds
biomolecules. The smallest unit that make up a cell are called elements. Scientists have
identified about 13 elements are involved in producing & maintaining life on our planet. Of these
13, 6 make up the common building block, which chemically join together to give a cell its
unique structure & internal activity (chemical function). These 6 are the elements of carbon (C),
hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) & sulfur (S). All living things are composed these 6
elements. The 4 most common elements in living organism are, in order, H, C, O & N. The
biological importance of H, O, N & C is largely due to their having valences of 1,2,3 & 4
respectively & their ability to form more stable covalent bonds than any other elements with
these valences. C, H, and O & N chemically join or bond together to form 4 large units of
organization called organic compounds,
Biological molecules are often referred to as the molecules of life that are basically found in a
living cell and categorized as organic and inorganic molecules in general. Each member of the
groups is vital for every single organism on Earth. The organic bio-molecules are proteins,
carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. They are important either structurally or functionally for
cells and, in most cases, they are important in both ways. The most commonly known inorganic
molecules are water and minerals, which are still important for the normal functioning of the cell.
Fig. 2.1: Organisms are made up of chemical building blocks: All organisms are composed of a
variety of these biological macromolecules.
2.2. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are a large group of molecules that can be represented by the formula (CH2O)n,
where n is the number of carbons in the molecule. Therefore, the ratio of carbon to hydrogen to
oxygen is 1:2:1 in carbohydrate molecules. The origin of the term “carbohydrate” is based on its
components: carbon (“carbo”) and water (“hydrate”). When their molecular structures are
examined, the linked carbon atoms are seen to be bonded with hydrogen atoms (—H) and
hydroxyl groups (—OH), the components of water.
Monosaccharides (mono- = “one”; sacchar- = “sweet”) are simple sugars. In monosaccharides,
the number of carbons usually ranges from three to seven. If the sugar has an aldehyde group (the
functional group with the structure R-CHO), it is known as an aldose, and if it has a ketone group
(the functional group with the structure RC(=O)R’), it is known as a ketose. Depending on the
number of carbons in the sugar, they also may be known as trioses (three carbons), pentoses (five
carbons), and or hexoses (six carbons). Monosaccharides can exist as a linear chain or as ring-
shaped molecules; in aqueous solutions they are usually found in ring forms.
Galactose (a milk sugar) and fructose (found in fruit) are other common monosaccharides.
Although glucose, galactose, and fructose all have the same chemical formula (C6H12O6), they
differ structurally and stereo chemically. This makes them different molecules despite sharing the
same atoms in the same proportions, and they are all isomers of one another, or isomeric
monosaccharides. Glucose and galactose are aldoses, and fructose is a ketose.
Disaccharides (di- = “two”) form when two monosaccharides undergo a dehydration reaction
(also known as a condensation reaction or dehydration synthesis). During this process, the
hydroxyl group of one monosaccharide combines with the hydrogen of another monosaccharide,
releasing a molecule of water and forming a covalent bond. A covalent bond formed between a
carbohydrate molecule and another molecule (in this case, between two monosaccharides) is
known as a glycosidic bond (also called glycosidic linkages).
Common disaccharides include lactose, maltose, and sucrose. Lactose is a disaccharide consisting
of the monomers glucose and galactose. It is found naturally in milk. Maltose, or malt sugar, is a
disaccharide formed by a dehydration reaction between two glucose molecules. The most
common disaccharide is sucrose, or table sugar, which is composed of the monomers glucose and
Cellulose is the most abundant natural biopolymer. The cell wall of plants is mostly made of
cellulose and provides structural support to the cell. Cellulose is made up of glucose monomers
that are linked by β 1-4 glycosidic bonds. Every other glucose monomer in cellulose is flipped
over, and the monomers are packed tightly as extended long chains. This gives cellulose its
rigidity and high tensile strength—which is so important to plant cells.
2.3. Lipids
Lipids are highly diverse group of compounds that are largely non-polar in nature. This is
because they are hydrocarbons that include mostly non-polar carbon–carbon or carbon–hydrogen
bonds. Non-polar molecules are hydrophobic (“water fearing”), or insoluble in water. Lipids
perform many different functions in a cell. Cells store energy for long-term use in the form of
fats. Lipids also provide insulation from the environment for plants and animals. Lipids are also
the building blocks of many hormones and are an important constituent of all cellular membranes.
Waxes: Wax covers some aquatic birds' feathers and some plants' leaf surfaces. Because of
waxes' hydrophobic nature, they prevent water from sticking on the surface. Long fatty acid
chains esterified to long-chain alcohols comprise waxes.
Steroids: Unlike the phospholipids and fats that we discussed earlier, steroids have a fused ring
structure. Although they do not resemble the other lipids, scientists group them with them because
they are also hydrophobic and insoluble in water. All steroids have four linked carbon rings and
several of them, like cholesterol, have a short tail. Many steroids also have the –OH functional
group, which puts them in the alcohol classification (sterols)
2.4. Proteins
A protein is a compound made of small carbon compounds called amino acids. Amino acids are
small compounds that are made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and sometimes
sulfur. All amino acids share the same general structure.
Amino acids have a central carbon atom like the one shown in Fig. 1.1. Recall that carbon can
form four covalent bonds. One of those bonds is with hydrogen. The other three bonds are with
an amino group (–NH2), a carboxyl group (–COOH), and a variable group (–R). The
variable group makes each amino acid different. There are 20 different variable groups, and
proteins are made of different combinations of all 20 different amino acids. Several covalent
bonds called peptide bonds join amino acids together to form proteins, which are also shown in
Fig: 2.5. A peptide forms between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of
Proteins make up about 15 percent of your total body mass and are involved in nearly every
function of your body. For example, your muscles, skin, and hair all are made of proteins.
Your cells contain about 10,000 different proteins that provide structural support, transport
substances inside the cell and between cells, communicate signals within the cell and between
cells, speed up chemical reactions, and control cell growth.
There are two types of nucleic acids in living organisms: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
ribonucleic acid (RNA). In nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA, the sugar of one nucleotide
bonds to the phosphate of another nucleotide. There are five different bases found in nucleotide
subunits that make up DNA and RNA, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine and Uracil. Each of
these nitrogenous bases that stick out from the chain is available for hydrogen bonding with other
bases in other nucleic acids. A nucleotide with three phosphate groups is adenosine triphosphate
2.7. Water
Water molecules are formed by covalent bonds that link two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom.
It is one of the most plentiful and essential of compounds, existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid
states. Water has many properties that are critical to maintaining life. It is a polar molecule,
allowing for forming hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds allow ions and other polar molecules to
dissolve in water. Therefore, water is an excellent solvent. The hydrogen bonds between water
molecules cause the water to have a high heat capacity, meaning it takes considerable added heat
to raise its temperature. As the temperature rises, the hydrogen bonds between water continually
break and form anew. This allows for the overall temperature to remain stable, although energy is
added to the system. Water also exhibits a high heat of vaporization, which is key to how
organisms cool themselves by evaporating sweat. Water’s cohesive forces allow for the property
of surface tension; whereas, we see its adhesive properties as water rises inside capillary tubes.
The pH value is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration in a solution and is one of many
chemical characteristics that is highly regulated in living organisms through homeostasis. Acids
and bases can change pH values, but buffers tend to moderate the changes they cause. These
properties of water are intimately connected to the biochemical and physical processes performed
by living organisms, and life would be very different if these properties were altered, if it could
exist at all.
Water has several properties that are important to living things:
transparency allows light to penetrate, which allows water plants to photosynthesise
a high surface tension allows organisms to live on and just below the surface
a high specific heat capacity means that water does not heat up or cool down too quickly
a high latent heat of vaporisation means that water takes in a lot of energy when it is
turned to a vapour
2.8. Minerals
Minerals are inorganic compounds used by the body as building material, and they are
involved with metabolic functions. For example, the mineral iron is needed to make hemoglobin
in red blood cells and is delivered to body cells as blood circulates in the body. Calcium, and
other minerals, is an important component of bones and are involved with muscle and nerve
functions and they serve as cofactors for enzymes. Magnesium is an important component of
chlorophyll, involved in photosynthesis.
3. Cell Biology
3.1. Cells
The cell is a basic unit of structure and function in living organisms. Cell is the simplest structure
capable of existing as an individual living unit in unicellular organisms. There are certain
chemical reactions within a cell, required to maintain life. With time cellular organization has led
to cell-differentiation and that has given rise to organs and organ systems.
This is possible only by division of labor, an individual comprised of many organ systems
working in a co-coordinated manner.
Cell, though very small, is extremely complex. It acts as an autonomous unit i.e. able to carry out
its activities independently:
it can carry out all biological processes
it can oxidize the food molecules to produce energy & store this energy rich molecule
by using nutrient molecules, it can build new structures & can replace worn out cells
it can respire and exchange gases with its surroundings
it can replace its own self
it can maintain homeostasis
each cell has its own life span
Biology Module Page 26
3.1.1. Cell Theory
The formulation of cell theory and the present day knowledge of cell structure and function is the
chronological order of scientific works
In the mid-16th Antony Van Leeuwenhoek (using his own compound microscope) was the
first person to see micro-organisms.
In 1665 Robert Hook was the first to observe the tiny box-like structure in the tree cork &
called it 'cells'.
In 1838 a formal hypothesis that cells make up the part of living thing was advanced by
Mathias Schleiden & Theador Schwann.
In 1855 Virchow showed that all cells arise from pre-existing cells by cell division.
The cell theory, in its modern form, includes the following three principles:
1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells within which the life processes of
metabolism and heredity occur.
2. Cells are the smallest living things, the basic units of organizations of all
3. Cells arise only by division of a previously existing cell. Although life evolved
spontaneously in the hydrogen rich environment of the early earth, biologists has
concluded that additional cells are not originating spontaneously at present. Rather, life on
earth represents a continuous line of descent from those early cells.
Cell Shape
Cells have different shapes due to appropriate function. It is possible to find other cells which are
flat, most of these cells are body cells and their function is protecting and covering body surface.
Nerve cells have long extensions. Skin cells have a shape which is flat. Egg cells have shape
which is like sphere, and some bacteria are rod in shape. Some plant cells are rectangular
(See Fig 3.1).
Cell Size
Cell size varies greatly. The smallest cells are found in bacteria (diameter: 0.2 µ to 0.5 µ). Some
cell can be seen without using magnification instruments as they are enough to be seen by the
naked eye (egg of birds and reptiles). Neuron cell of giraffe is 2 meters in length.
Prokaryotic Cell
The word prokaryote comes from two Greece words, pro meaning before (primitive) and karyo
means nucleus. Therefore, prokaryotic cells are cells lacking a membrane-bound nucleus or
membrane-bound organelles, e.g. bacteria, blue-green algae, spirochetes, etc.
Prokaryotic cells were probably the first form of life on earth. Prokaryotic cells refer to a bacterial
cell where the hereditary material called DNA is not enclosed in a membrane and there is no
internal structure like nucleus. Also it lacks other intracellular cell organelles. Absence of
intracellular organelles indicates primitive nature of prokaryotic cell. Prokaryote is the term given
to organisms without true nucleus.
Eukaryotic Cell
Eukaryotic cells (Eu = good, true or well, karyo = nucleus) are cells characterized by membrane-
bound nucleus and other organelles, e.g. in plants from algae (some of them) to angiosperms and
in animals from protozoa to mammals. The cells of other multicultural organisms (like plants,
animals and fungi) have a membrane bound nucleus. The hereditary material (DNA) is present
within this nucleus. The cytoplasm contains a number of membrane bound organelles like
mitochondria, chloroplast etc. There are a number of non-membranous organelles also like
centriole and ribosomes. Each organelle performs a specific function
Cell Wall is :-
Non-living, semi-rigid, laminated, permeable and external covering of
plant cells.
Secreted by the cell itself & primarily contains a complex polysaccharide
(carbohydrate) called cellulose.
Found in plants, algae, fungi, and most bacteria.
Integral proteins (also known as intrinsic proteins and trans-membrane proteins) that span
the membrane. Some of these proteins play an important role in moving substances across the
membrane. There are three main types of these transport proteins:
Channel Proteins – these proteins have a channel through them along which a
specific ion can pass; there are different channel proteins for different ions
Carrier Proteins – these proteins act in a more sophisticated way to move larger
molecules through the membrane by facilitated diffusion or active transport; the ones
involved in active transport are often referred to as pumps
Peripheral Proteins (also known as extrinsic proteins) that span only one layer (or
sometimes less) of the membrane. They have a range of functions; some are enzymes,
others anchor integral proteins to the cytoskeleton
Glycoproteins and glycolipids – protein and lipid molecules that have carbohydrate chains
attached to them and often serve as signals to other cells. They also act as receptor sites for
hormones and drugs. The carbohydrate component of each can be cell-specific and so allow
identification of the cell by the immune system.
III. Nucleus
The nucleus typically occupies about 10% of the volume of a cell. It has several components:
The nuclear envelope is a double membrane that surrounds the nucleus. There are many
nuclear pores, which allow the passage of some molecules between the nucleus and the
The nucleolus is an organelle within the nucleus. It is not membrane-bound. Its function is
to synthesise the components of ribosomes, which then pass through the nuclear pores into
the cytoplasm.
Chromatin consists of DNA molecules bound with proteins called histones. For most of
the cell cycle, the chromatin fibres are loosely dispersed throughout the nucleus. Just
before a cell is about to divide, the chromatin condenses into distinct, recognisable
structures called chromosomes.
Chloroplasts are useful organelles among plastids as they highly participate in the process of
photosynthesis which is a process by which plants synthesize their own food. They are located in
outer surface of the cell to receive enough light. Chloroplasts are green colored due to the
chlorophyll pigments found in its internal parts.
Chloroplasts are surrounded by two membranes, like mitochondria, but, unlike mitochondria, the
inner membrane is not folded. There are two main regions in chloroplasts that are linked to the
stages of photosynthesis:
Membranous regions called grana (each of which is a stack of thylakoids) where the
light-dependent reactions occur, and
A fluid stroma – where the light-independent reactions occur.
Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis. They can be found free in the cytoplasm, but are also
bound to the membrane system of the endoplasmic reticulum, forming rough endoplasmic
reticulum. Each ribosome comprises two subunits that are made from RNA and protein. The
subunits are manufactured in the nucleolus. They leave the nucleus through nuclear pores and
combine in the cytoplasm.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membrane system found throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic
cells. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum:
Rough ER has ribosomes on its surface and is responsible for the manufacture and
transport of proteins. Protein molecules manufactured by the ribosomes pass through small
pores into the lumen (inner space) of the ER. They are then moved in a vesicle to the Golgi
body. Rough ER is extensive in cells that manufacture a lot of protein, such as cells that
manufacture enzymes to be secreted into the lumen of the intestine.
Smooth ER has no ribosomes on its surface. It is concerned with the synthesis of lipids. It
is also associated with carbohydrate metabolism and detoxification.
Lysosomes have no specialized internal structure and are surrounded by a single membrane. They
are formed in the Golgi apparatus and contain digestive enzymes that break down cellular waste
and debris. Lysosomes are particularly abundant in phagocytic white blood cells. Here, enzymes
from the lysosomes digest foreign cells that have been engulfed.
Peroxisome is membrane-enclosed sacs containing oxidative enzymes and catalase that detoxify
various wastes. Oxidative enzymes need oxygen to remove hydrogen from specific
substance/molecule; such reactions are important in detoxifying various waste products within the
cell or foreign compounds that have entered in, such as ethanol consumed in alcoholic drinks (in
liver and kidneys).
The vacuole in a plant cell is a fluid-filled sac that stores a range of solutes. It is also important in
maintaining the turgidity, or turgor, of a cell. When the vacuole is full of liquid (mainly water), it
exerts pressure on the cytoplasm and, in turn, on the cell wall. If the vacuole loses water by
osmosis, the pressure reduces and turgor is lost. The cell becomes flaccid
The cytoskeleton is a complex protein network that act as the ''bone and muscle'' of the
cell. This necessary intracellular scaffoldings supports and organizes cellular components
arrangements and to control their movements; this provides distinct shape, size to the
cell. This network has at least four distinct elements: Microtubules, Microfilaments,
Intermediate Filaments and Microtubular Lattice
The plasma membrane is selectively permeable. Not all particles can actually pass through a
plasma membrane unaided. This is because of the largely lipid nature of the membrane. To pass
through the plasma membrane by simple diffusion particles must be small, lipid soluble and non-
charged. This excludes particles such as ions (they are charged), sugars and amino acids (they are
not lipid soluble and are not small particles) and any of the really large particles, such as proteins.
We can group the processes by which substances cross plasma membranes into two main types:
Passive Processes – these processes rely only on the kinetic energy of the particles of the
substances and on concentration gradients; they need no extra energy from the cell’s
Active Processes – these require energy from the cell’s metabolism in the form of ATP to
drive the transport.
The greater the concentration difference, the greater the likelihood of collision. Such a difference
in concentration between two adjacent areas is chemical /concentration gradient. The net
movement of the molecule by diffusion will be from the higher area of concentration to the area
of lower concentration.
Facilitated Diffusion
Facilitated diffusion uses a carrier protein to facilitate the transfer of a particular substance across
the membrane ''downhill'' from higher to lower concentration. This process is passive and does
not require energy because movement occurs naturally down a concentration gradient.
3. Active Transport
Active transport is energy consuming transport of molecules or ions across a membrane
against its natural tendency to diffuse in the opposite direction. The movement of molecules in
active transport is in one direction only; unlike diffusion that is reversible the energy is supplied
by the broke down of ATP. Active transport requires protein carrier to transfer a specific
substance across the membrane, transporting against concentration gradient.
Vesicular Transport: The special cell membrane transport system selectively transports ions and
small polar molecules. But large polar molecules and even multi-molecular material may leave or
enter the cell, such as hormone secretion or ingestion of invading microbe by leukocytes.
These materials cannot cross the plasma membrane but are to be transferred between the
intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid not by usual crossing but by wrapped in membrane. This
process of transport into or out of the cell in a membrane-enclosed vesicle is - vesicular transport.
Transport into the cell is termed endocytosis, whereas transport out of the cell is called
4. Energy Transformation
Living cells are in constant activity. Macromolecules are assembled and broken down, substances
are transported across cell membranes, and genetic instructions are transmitted. All of these
cellular activities require energy. Living organisms are unique in that they can extract energy
from their environments and use it to carry out life activities such as movement, growth and
development, and reproduction. But the basic question is how living organisms or, their cells
extract energy from their environments. and how cells use this energy to synthesize
macromolecules? The answers to these questions lie in the enzyme-mediated chemical reactions
that take place in living matter (metabolism). In metabolism, series of chemical reactions are
taking place in the cells of organisms. These reactions may aid in the transformations of energy
from one form to another in cells.
Enzymes are protein catalysts that speed biochemical reactions by facilitating the molecular
rearrangements that support cell function. Enzymes speed up (catalyze) chemical reactions; in
some cases, enzymes can make a chemical reaction millions of times faster than it would have
been without it. Almost all metabolic processes in the cell need enzyme catalysis in order to occur
at rates fast enough to sustain life.
Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering activation energy. Many enzymes change shape when
substrates bind to their active site. This is termed "induced fit", meaning that the precise
orientation of the enzyme required for catalytic activity can be induced by the binding of the
Many enzymes require the presence of other compounds (cofactors) before their catalytic
activity can be exerted. This entire active complex is referred to as the holoenzyme; i.e.,
apoenzyme (protein portion) plus the cofactor (coenzyme, prosthetic group or metal-ion
Enzymes can be classified based on different criteria of which classification based on the
substrate they acted up on is the most common (Table 4.2).
1. Temperature
Temperature affects enzyme action in two ways:
A higher temperature gives the enzyme molecules (and their substrate molecules) more
kinetic energy; they move around faster and form more enzyme–substrate complexes.
A higher temperature affects the chemical bonds holding the tertiary structure of the
enzyme in place (particularly those in the active site); as more and more of these bonds
break, the shape of the active site changes and it can no longer bind with its substrate
pH affects the enzyme molecule in a similar way to high temperatures. A pH that is too low (too
acid) or too high (too alkaline) will cause charges on the active site to alter and cause the active
site to lose its conformation. The substrate cannot bind and so the reaction is no longer catalysed.
3. Substrate Concentration
Changing the concentration of a substance only affects the rate of reaction if it is the limiting
4. Enzyme Concentration
Increasing enzyme concentration will increase the rate of reaction, as more enzymes will be
colliding with substrate molecules. However, this too will only have an effect up to a certain
concentration, where the enzyme concentration is no longer the limiting factor.
5. Enzyme Inhibitors
Enzyme activity can be inhibited in various ways. Inhibition could be reversible or irreversible.
A. Reversible Inhibition
Competitive inhibition: occurs when molecules very similar to the substrate molecules bind to
the active site and prevent binding of the actual substrate. Penicillin, for example, is a
competitive inhibitor that blocks the active site of an enzyme that many bacteria use to
construct their cell walls.
Noncompetitive inhibition: occurs when an inhibitor binds to the enzyme at a location other than
the active site (allosteric site). The inhibitor is thought to bind to the enzyme in such a way as
to physically block the normal active site. In other instances, the binding of the inhibitor is
believed to change the shape of the enzyme molecule, thereby deforming its active site and
preventing it from reacting with its substrate. This latter type of noncompetitive inhibition is
called allosteric inhibition. This inhibition of an enzyme by a product of its pathway is a form of
negative feedback.
B. Irreversible inhibition
Irreversible inhibitors usually covalently modify an enzyme, and inhibition can therefore not be
reversed. Irreversible inhibitors often contain reactive functional groups. Irreversible inhibition
is different from reversible enzyme inactivation. Irreversible inhibitors are generally specific for
one class of enzyme and do not inactivate all proteins; they do not function by destroying protein
structure but by specifically altering the active site of their target
6. Enzyme Activators:
Allosteric control can involve stimulation of enzyme action as well as inhibition. An activator
molecule can be bound to an allosteric site and induce a reaction at the active site by changing its
4.3. Respiration
It is the process by which cells produce energy from glucose in the form of energy storing
compound called ATP (Adenosine Tri- Phosphate) for various cellular activities. The energy
released by cellular respiration is temporarily captured by the formation of Adenosine
Triphosphate (ATP) within the cell. It is often referred to as the energy. currency of the cell, and
this can be compared to depositing cash in a bank. ATP can be used to store energy for future
reactions or be withdrawn to pay for reactions when energy is required by the cell.
Animals store the energy obtained from the breakdown of food as ATP. Likewise, plants capture
and store the energy they derive from light during photosynthesis in ATP molecules. ATP is a
nucleotide consisting of an adenine base attached to a ribose sugar, which is attached to three
phosphate groups. These three phosphate groups are linked to one another by two high-energy
bonds called phosphoanhydride bonds. When one phosphate group is removed by breaking a
phosphoanhydride bond in a process called hydrolysis, energy is released, and ATP is converted
to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Similarly, energy is also released when a phosphate is removed
from ADP to form adenosine monophosphate (AMP). This free energy can be transferred to other
molecules to make unfavorable reactions in a cell favorable.
AMP can then be recycled into ADP or ATP by forming new phosphoanhydride bonds to store
energy once again. In the cell, AMP, ADP, and ATP are constantly interconverted as they involve
in biological reactions.
Cellular respiration consists of a sequence of many chemical reactions that vary during aerobic
(in the presence of O2) and anaerobic (in the absence of O2) conditions. Cellular respiration is
carried out by both. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In prokaryotic cells, it is carried out in the
cell cytoplasm, whereas in eukaryotic cells it begins in the cytosol then is carried out in the
In eukaryotes, Aerobic cellular respiration takes place in a series of four main stages. These are:
A. Glycolysis: Occurs in the Cytoplasm (cytosol) it doesn’t require O 2 (anaerobic)
B. Pyruvate Oxidation: Transition reaction or Formation of Acetyl CoA or Preparation for
Kreb's Cycle - Occurs in the Mitochondria
C. Kreb's Cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle)- Occurs in matrix of Mitochondria
D. Oxidative Phosphorylation through the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) - Occurs in
the inner membrane of the Mitochondria
Glycolysis (means “splitting of sugar”) occurs in the cytosol of the cell in anaerobic condition. It
is the common pathway of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration Glycolysis begins cellular
respiration by breaking glucose into two molecules of a three-carbon compound called pyruvate.
From one glucose molecule, two pyruvate molecules are formed so that two cycles will be formed
for the complete breakdown. So, the total yield will be 6NADH, 2FADH2, and 2 ATP
The NADH and FADH2, formed during glycolysis, the link reaction, and the TCA cycle, give up
their electrons to reduce molecular O2 to H2O. Electron transfer occurs through a series of protein
electron carriers, the final acceptor being O2 and the pathway is called the electron transport
chain (ETC). The function of ETC is to facilitate the controlled release of free energy that was
Biology Module Page 57
stored in reduced cofactors during catabolism. Energy is released when electrons are transported
from higher energy NADH/FADH2 to lower energy O2. This energy is used to phsophorylate
ADP. There are 3 sites of the chain that can give enough energy for ATP synthase.
The electrical potential difference is due to the accumulation of the positively charged hydrogen
ions outside the membrane, whereas the chemical potential difference is due to the difference in
pH when it is more acidic outside the membrane. This electrochemical potential difference drives
(forces) ATP synthase to generate ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.
Glycolysis can accept a wide range of carbohydrates for catabolism. In the digestive tract, starch
is hydrolyzed to glucose, which can then be broken down in the cells by glycolysis and the citric
acid cycle. Similarly, glycogen, the polysaccharide that humans and many other animals store in
their liver and musele cells, can be hydrolyzed to glucose between meals as fuel for respiration.
The digestion of disaccharides, including sucrose, provides glucose and other monosaccharides as
fuel for respiration.
Proteins can also be used for fuel, but first they must be digested to their constituent amino acids.
Many of the amino acids are used by the organism to build new proteins.
Amino acids present in excess are converted by enzymes to intermediates of glycolysis and the
citric acid cycle. Before amino acids can feed into glycolysis or the citric acid cycle, their amino
groups must be removed, a process called deamination. The nitrogenous refuse is excreted from
the animal in the form of ammonia (NH3), urea, or other waste products.
Most of the energy of a fat is stored in the fatty acids. A metabolic sequence called beta
oxidation breaks the fatty acids down to two-carbon fragments, which enter the citric acid cycle
as acetyl CoA NADH and FADH2 are also generated during beta oxidation; they can enter the
electron transport chain, leading to further ATP production. Fats make excellent fuels, in large
part due to their chemical structure and the high energy level of their electrons (equally shared
between carbon and hydrogen) compared to those of carbohydrates. A gram of fat oxidized by
respiration produces more than twice as much ATP as a gram of carbohydrate.
Unfortunately, this also means that a person trying to lose weight must work hard to use up fat
stored in the body because so many kilojoules are stockpiled in each gram of fat.
Anaerobic respiration doesn't produce enough ATP to power the entire organism, but can be used
to supplement the ATP levels in tissues (like muscle) where oxygen levels may drop quickly. The
products of bacterial lactic acid fermentation have been used by humans to produce food products
such as yogurt, sour cream, and buttermilk.
4.4. Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is a series of chemical reactions that use light energy to assemble CO 2 into glucose
(C6H12O6) and other carbohydrates. The plant uses water in the process and releases oxygen gas
(02) as a byproduct. The reactions of photosynthesis are summarized as follows
This process provides not only food for the plant but also the energy, raw materials, and O 2 that
are used to support most heterotrophs. Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis. Furthermore,
photosynthesis is important because it is the number one source of oxygen in the atmosphere; it
contributes to the carbon cycle among the earth, the oceans, plants and animals; it contributes to
the symbiotic relationship among plants, humans and animals; it directly or indirectly affects most
living things on earth; it serves as the primary energy process for plants. Plants, multicellular
algae. some protists. Cyanobacteria, and Purple sulfur bacteria are Photoautotrophs.
Epidermis is a continuous layer on the outside of the plant, one cell thick, that provides protection
In stems and leaves it is covered with a waxy cuticle which is waterproof and helps to protect the
organ from drying out and from infection. In leaves, it also has pores called stomata which allow
entry of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. The mesophyll is made up of specialised parenchyma
cells found between the lower and upper epidermis of the leaf. They are specialised for
photosynthesis and therefore contain chloroplasts. They are of two types, palisade mesophyll and
spongy mesophyll. Spongy mesophyll is so-called because in three dimensions it is spongy in
appearance, because it has many large air spaces between the cells. Palisade mesophyll cells are
near the upper surface of the leaf where they receive more sunlight. They therefore contain more
chloroplasts than spongy mesophyll cells
Within the stroma, another set of membranes form disk-shaped compartments known as
thylakoids. The interior of a thylakoid is called the thylakoid lumen. In most plant species, the
thylakoids are interconnected to form stacks called grana. The grana are stacks of up to 100 disc-
like structu res called thylakoids where the light-dependent stage of photosynthesis takes place.
Within the thylakoids is the photosynthetic pigment called chlorophyll. Some thylakoids have
tubular extensions that join up with thylakoids in adjacent grana. These are called imergranal
Because they interact with light to absorb only certain wavelengths, pigments are useful to plants
and other autotrophs. In plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, pigments are the means by which the
energy of sunlight is captured for photosynthesis. However, since each pigment reacts with only a
narrow range of the spectrum, there is usually a need to produce several kinds of pigments, each
of a different color, to capture more solar energy. There are three basic classes of pigments.
Chlorophylls are greenish pigments which contain a porphyrin ring. This ring has the potential to
gain or lose electrons easily and whereby providing energized electrons to other molecules. There
are several kinds of chlorophyll, which the most important one is chlorophyll "a".
It is a green pigment found in all plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. The second kind of
chlorophyll, chlorophyll "b" occurs only in "green algae" and in plants. The third form of
chlorophyll called chlorophyll "e", is found only in the photosynthetic members of the Chromista
and dinoflagellates.
Phycobilins are water-soluble pigments, and are, therefore, found in the cytoplasm, or in the
stroma of the chloroplast they occur only in Cyanobacteria and Rhodophyta.
Chlorophyll a absorbs violet- blue and reddish orange-red wavelengths.. Chlorophyll b absorbs
mostly blue and yellow light. Both Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b also absorb light of other
wavelengths with less intensity. However, none of them absorbs green, so that the leaf looks
green because light is reflected to our eyes instead of being absorbed by the leaf. Carotenoids are
ubiquitous and essential pigments in photosynthesis. They absorb in the blue-green region (Fig.
4.13) of the solar spectrum and transfer the absorbed energy to (bacterio) chlorophylls, and
thereby expanding the wavelength range of light that is able to drive photosynthesis. Only
absorbed light (largely blue and red) is useful in photosynthesis.
a. Non-cyclic photophosphorylation.
2H2O O2+4H+4e-
3. This light-dependent splitting of water is called photolysis. The electrons replace those
lost from the chlorophyll molecule.
C3 Plants are plants capable of fixing CO, into 3-Carbon sugar called Phosphoglycerate (PGA).
The energy from ATP and NADPH energy carriers generated by the photosystems is used to
phosphorylate the PGA. In this process, carbon dioxide enters a plant through its stomata, and the
enzyme Rubisco fixes carbon into sugar using the Calvin cycle. This fixation of carbon dioxide
by Rubisco is the first step of the Calvin eyele. The plants that use this mechanism of carbon
fixation are called C3 plants. Approximately 95% of plants on the earth are C3 plants. Some of
the C3 plant examples are wheat, rye, oats, and orchard grass.
The photosynthesis process can take place only when the stomata on leaves are open. C3 plants
exhibit the C3 pathway. It is a three-carbon compound (3-PGA). Here the first carbon compound
produced has three carbon atoms hence the name "C3 pathway"(Figure 3.7). The light-
independent reactions of the Calvin cycle can be organized into three basic stages: fixation,
reduction, and regeneration.
1. Carbon fixation: A molecule of carbon dioxide is combined with a carbon acceptor
molecule containing five atoms known as ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP). This step
gives rise to a compound having six carbon atoms that disintegrate into two molecules of a
compound containing three carbons called 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA). This reaction
is catalyzed by the enzyme RuBP carboxylase, or rubisco.
2. Reduction: In the second stage of the Calvin cycle, ATP and NADPH molecules are
utilized to change the 3-PGA molecules. into a sugar molecule containing three carbon
atoms called glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate (G3P). This stage has derived its name from the
fact that NADPH donates electrons to a three-carbon intermediate to form G3P.
3. Regeneration: Some G3P molecules form glucose, while others need to be recycled so
that they can regenerate the RuBP acceptor. Regeneration needs ATP and involves a
complex series of reactions called the "carbohydrate scramble."
In the dark reaction, CO2 is fixed to carbohydrates and the CO2 acceptor ribulose- diphosphate is
regenerated. In the Calvin cycle, 12NADPH and 18 ATPs are required to fix 6CO 2, molecules
into one hexose sugar molecule (fructose-6-phosphate).
C4 plants: In some plants like maize, sorghum, and sugarcane, the first product of carbondioxide
fixation is not the three carbon molecule phosphoglycerate but the four carbon compound
oxaloacetic acid. Plants that utlize this pathway are commonly called the C4 or four carbon plants.
The oxaloacetic acid is formed when carbondioxide is bound to compound known phophoenol
Biology Module Page 69
pyruvate (PEP) in the mesophyll cell. The oxaloacetic acid is reduced to malic acid or converted
to aspartic acid; and the malic acid(aspartic acid) is decarboxylated to yield CO 2 and pyruvic acid
in the bundle sheth cell (Figure 4.15). Then, CO2 enters to Calvin cycle.
At night, CO2 is captured by PEP carboxylase in the cytosol, and the malate that forms from the
oxaloacetate product is stored in the vacuole. During the day time, the stored malate is transported
to the chloroplast and decarboxylated by NADP-malic enzyme, the released CO 2, is fixed by the
Calvin cycle, and the NADPH is used for converting the decarboxylated triose phosphate product
to starch.
4.4.6. Contributions of photosynthesis for the continuity of life, for O 2, and CO2: balance and
global warming
The oxygen in the air comes from photosynthesis. Plants continue to replenish oxygen in the air.
All of our food comes directly or indirectly from photosynthesis. Human beings are also
dependent on ancient products of photosynthesis (fossil fuels, natural gas, coal & petroleum);
needed for modern industrial energy; complex mix of hydrocarbons; represent remains of
organisms that relied on photosynthesis millions of years ago; carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen
atoms are recycled in the environment where a constant input of solar energy is needed for energy
Unit Summary
Metabolism is the sum of chemical reactions that takes place within each cell of an organism. The
chemical reactions enable cells to produce energy for vital processes and also synthesize new
organic materials. Broadly, these reactions can be divided into catabolic reactions that convert
nutrients to energy and anabolic reactions that lead to the synthesis of larger biomolecules.
Cellular respiration is the process by which cells produce energy from glucose in the form of
energy storing compound called ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) for various cellular activities.
Cellular respiration can take place in the presence as well as in the absence of oxygen. When it
utilizes oxygen, it referred to as aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration takes place in the
mitochondria. It is more efficient as it yields about 36-38 ATP per mole gilucose consumed.
During glycolysis, glucose molecules (six-carbon molecules) are split into two pyruvates (three-
carbon molecules) during a sequence of enzyme-controlled reactions. Glycolysis takes place in
the cytosol or cytoplasm.
Anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen. Without oxygen, pyruvate is converted to
lactic acid in animals or ethanol in plants and yeast. It produces only about 10% of the energy
released in the complete oxidation of glucose.
Anaerobic respiration in humans takes place when musele undergoes extreme contraction as in
vigorous exercise. When oxygen is limited the oxidation of NADH to NAD by the electron
transport chain is insufficient to maintain glycolysis. Under these conditions NAD is regenerated
by the reduction of pyruvate to lactate.
Photosynthesis is the process by which photosynthetic organisms convert the energy of sunlight
into chemical energy stored in sugars. Inside a chloroplast, photosynthesis occurs in two stages:
the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent (or Calvin Cycle) reactions.
The light dependent reactions, a light- dependent series of reactions which occur in the grana, and
require the direct energy of light to make energy-carrier molecules (NADPH and ATP) that are
used in the light independent phase.
The light-independent reactions, a light- independent series of reactions which occur in the stroma
of the chloroplasts, when the products of the light reaction, ATP and NADPH, are used to make
Review Questions
1. What do we call the substance upon which and enzyme acts?
A. Product C. Activation energy
B. Substrate D. Enzyme – substrate complex
2. Which factor has a more negative effect on the functions of enzymes than the others?
A. Neutral pH. C. Optimal amount of salt concentration.
B. Very high temperature. D. optimal amount of substrate concentration
3. In which one of the following points does the induced – fit model of enzyme action differ from
the lock – and – key model?
A. Enzymes lower the energy of activation.
B. Substrate bind at the active site of the enzyme.
C. During the reaction, and enzyme – substrate complex is formed.
D. The shapes of the substrate and active site are complementary.
4. Which of the following mechanisms do cells use to regulate enzyme catalyzed reactions in
metabolic pathways?
A. Enzyme denaturation. C. End product inhibition.
B. Irreversible inhibition. D. Competitive inhibition.
5. When an enzyme is denatured by heat or extreme pH, which one of the following does it lose?
A. The peptide bond. C. Secondary structure
B. Primary structure. D. Tertiary structure.
6. In competitive inhibition, which one of the following factors determines the rate of the
A. The reaction temperature. C. The substrate concentration.
B. The enzyme concentration D. The ratio of inhibitor to enzyme concentration.
7. Suppose 25% of the molecules of an enzyme are inhibited by a non – competitive inhibitor,
which one of the following would happen if the amount of the substrate is increased by 50%?
A. The reaction rate would double .
B. More enzyme molecules would get inhibited.
C. The rate of the reaction would decrease by 50%
D. The rate of the reaction would remain unchanged.
Unit Learning Outcomes: After the successful completion of this unit, the learner will be able
State the characteristics of microorganisms
Explain different groups of microorganisms
Discuss the importance of microorganisms in industry and the environment
Explain diseases caused by microorganisms and viruses
Describe prevention and treatment mechanisms of diseases caused by microorganisms
5. Micro-Organisms
5.1.1. Protozoa
Protozoa are eukaryotes and unicellular organisms that lack a cell wall. Most of them are motile
(able to move), and include organisms such as Amoeba, Euglena, Plasmodium and Paramecium.
Yeasts are single-celled organisms. Each yeast cell has a nucleus, cytoplasm and a membrane
surrounded by a cell wall. The main way in which yeasts reproduce is by asexual budding –
splitting to form new yeast cells. These include brewer’s yeast and baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces)
5.1.3. Algae
Algae are an important group of organisms. Many are large (the sea weeds are all algae), but
some algae are unicellular. They obtain their nutrition using photosynthesis. The unicellular algae
are part of the plankton, providing food for fish and other larger organisms. Some unicellular
algae are motile–they can move. For example, an alga called Chlamydomonas has two flagella.
5.1.4. Bacteria
Bacteria are single-celled organisms and prokaryotes. They have no true nucleus. They are much
smaller than the smallest animal and plant cells. All bacteria do have a cell wall made from a
substance called peptidoglycan, which makes it rigid, a cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes
and the genetic information (DNA) but this is not contained in a nucleus. Some bacteria have
additional features like flagella to help them move, protective slime capsules, etc.
Bacteria also come in a variety of different shapes, arrangements and sizes. Bacterial cells are
usually between 1 and 10 µm long, whereas eukaryotic cells are between 10 and 100 µm long.
Bacterial cells are sometimes found singly; sometimes two cells are stuck together; and
sometimes the cells exist in chain. Bacterial cells come in three main shapes:
i. Cocci (singular, coccus) – spherical bacteria
ii. bacilli (singular, bacillus) – rod-shaped bacteria
iii. spirochaetes– spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria
This test gives two categories. The bacteria that are easily decolourised and so stain red are
known as Gram-negative bacteria. The bacteria that keep the primary stain and so stain purple
are called Gram- positive bacteria. The difference is due to the structure of the cell wall of the
different bacteria. Gram positive bacteria have thick peptidoglycan in their cell walls. However,
Gram-negative bacteria have much less peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Peptidoglycan is a
complex molecule made from sugars and amino acids. It has a mesh-like structure and is found in
bacterial cell walls. This is the part of the wall that absorbs the stain. Gram-negative bacteria also
have an outer membrane outside the peptidoglycan cell wall, which Gram-positive bacteria do
not have. This outer membrane secretes endotoxins (a type of toxin that is a structural component
of these bacteria) and is also quite resistant to many antibiotics. This makes diseases caused by
Gram-negative bacteria more difficult to treat. Gram-negative bacteria cause more serious
diseases, although there are exceptions – the bacterium that causes tuberculosis is a Gram-positive
They constitute the major part of the soil micro-flora and intestine of animals. Viz. E.coli in the
intestine of human beings. Some species have been found in extreme hot spring as well as
extreme cold condition, these are referred to as thermophilic (survive>40 OC) and psychrophilic
(on-190°C) respectively. They can tolerate and remain alive at a pH lower than1at one end and 13
at another end. Generally, 1gm. Soil contains about 1000-10million bacteria. A bacterium also
occurs in a variety of foods and food products such as fruit, vegetables, milk, butter, and cheese
and milk beverages.
The theory that disease can be caused by micro-organisms is called the germ theory. Organisms
that cause disease are called pathogens. Infectious disease is caused by a living organism
entering or infecting another living organism. They are sometimes called communicable diseases
because they can be transmitted or communicated from one person to another.
Reservoir of infection is any person, animal, plant, soil or substance in which an infectious agent
normally lives and multiplies. The reservoir typically harbors the infectious agent without
showing symptoms of the disease and serves as a source from which other individuals can be
infected. People acting as the reservoir of infection are sometimes called carriers of the disease.
A. Production of vinegar: Vinegar is a dilute solution of ethanoic acid (acetic acid) in water. It
also contains other substances that give the vinegar its flavour. Vinegar is produced by
fermenting beer, wine or cider for a second time. A culture of a special bacterium called
Acetobacteris used. Vinegar is used in two main ways: to flavour foods and to preserve foods.
B. Producing antibiotics: Antibiotic is a drug that kills bacteria. The first antibiotics came from
fungi. Today, they are increasingly being made using genetically modified bacteria in huge
Genetically modified or transgenic bacteria can produce insulin, human growth hormone,
antibiotics, enzymes for washing powders, human vaccines, such as the vaccine against hepatitis
B, etc.
5.1.5. Viruses
Viruses are even smaller than bacteria. The basic virus is not even a cell – it has no nucleus and
no cytoplasm but it does have genetic material surrounded by a protein coat. They usually have
regular geometric shapes. Viruses cannot independently carryout any of the processes common to
all living organisms. They can only reproduce by taking over another living cell. So they are all
parasites. As far as we know, all naturally occurring viruses cause disease.
The particle of a virus is called a virion. All virions contain at least two components: a protein
shell or capsid and DNA or RNA as the genetic material. Some also have: a membrane made
from lipids and proteins outside the capsid and other proteins and enzymes inside the capsid.
Viruses are much smaller than even the smallest bacterium. Most are between 0.01and 0.1 µm in
length or diameter. Nucleus and other cell organelles are absent. Because they do not have the
major organelles that are present in living cells, virus particles can’t carry out any of the normal
metabolic processes of cells, such as: respiration, protein synthesis, DNA replication,
photosynthesis, active transport, facilitated diffusion, and any other process requiring control by
enzymes or the presence of proteins.
As a result, all viruses are parasites. The only way they can reproduce is to invade cells, ‘hijack’
the normal metabolic processes of those cells, and make the cells produce more virus.
DNA is quite a stable molecule, is not very reactive with other molecules, and replicates very
accurately. In contrast, RNA is quite unstable and makes frequent mistakes during copying. The
unstable nature of RNA allows RNA viruses to evolve far more rapidly than DNA viruses,
frequently changing their surface structure.
Viruses can also be classified by the type of organism they infect:
o Animal-infecting viruses
o Plant-infecting viruses
o Bacteria-infecting viruses – these are called bacteriophages
Virus multiplication
There are three different life cycles in viruses:
Lytic life cycle causes the rupture (lysis) of the host cell. It causes the cell to burst and
release the viruses all at once.
Lysogenic life cycle infection causes the virus to enter a latent state where its DNA is
reproduced with the host DNA. Each time the cell divides, the DNA is replicated, and
each daughter cell gets a copy of the cell’s DNA, which now includes the virus DNA. No
new viruses are formed.
Chronic release life cycle infection causes viruses to be released without killing the host
cell. A few at a time are released by exocytosis through the plasma membrane.
Lymph is fluid containing white blood cell (WBC) which flows through the lymphatic system.
Lymphocytes are WBCs forming antibodies against microbes. There are two main types of white
blood cells in the immune system. T-cells bind to the antigens on the invading micro-organism
and destroy it. B-cells make antibodies which bind to the antigen and destroy it.
HIV has spikes on its surface, the heads of which are made from the glycoprotein known as
gp120. This binds with CD4, a protein that protrudes from various types of human cell. Once the
virus has attached to a cell, it can go on to the next stage and merge with the host cell.
Besides the T-helper cells, there are other types of cell that carry CD4 on their surface – such as
macrophages and some natural killer cells.
Structure of HIV
Because of the drastic reduction in the number of T-helper cells, the immune function is severely
reduced and many opportunistic infections may occur. The period when the body keeps replacing
the CD4 lymphocytes as fast as they are destroyed is called the latency period. This can last for
many years. AIDS is a disease that causes its victim’s immune system to degenerate leaving them
vulnerable to infectious diseases and some types of tumour.
Stigma and discrimination: It is important to care for and support people who are living with
HIV/AIDS. If the stigma of having the disease is removed, people will be more willing to have an
HIV test. This means they can look after their health and reduce the risk of spreading the disease
Care and support: If people living with HIV/AIDS can receive plenty of care and support within
their own communities, this will help them to live longer and more healthily. It will also
encourage others to be tested for the virus.
Voluntary counseling and testing services (VCTs) are very important in educating and in
forming people about HIV/AIDS and supporting them both before and after an HIV test.
Acquired immunity
Naturally acquired active immunity: Occurs in response to the exposure of antigens during the
course of daily life.
Naturally acquired passive immunity: The natural transfer of antibodies from mother to her
unborn baby (fetus) via the placenta or infant when mother breastfeeds her baby.
Whereas many diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi, some of the most damaging
diseases worldwide are caused by a range of quite different organisms – protoctista and
tapeworms. Parasites are organisms that live on or in another and take their nourishment from it.
Tapeworm (Cestoda): They are flatworms. They do not feed off their host, but rather rob them of
their digested food. They do not have a digestive system so they have to absorb nutrients directly
across their skin (cuticle). They are parasites with at least two hosts, which can include human
beings. They often enter the human system when a bladder worm is ingested in under-cooked
meat. They have ahead with fearsome- looking hooks and/or suckers and the worm uses these to
attach firmly to the gut wall. The rest of the body is made up of about 1000 very thin segments,
which contain the reproductive organs. Tapeworms can be treated with anti-worm medicines that
kill them and they are then passed out in the faeces. Good sanitary conditions are recommended in
preventing their spread.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial disease usually affecting the lungs, it is known as pulmonary
TB. Other parts of your body can be affected–TB can infect your kidneys, lymphnodes, joints or
bones. The causative agent is the bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is transmitted
through the air. It can be asymptomatic. It may present with a low-grade fever, night sweats,
fatigue, weight loss and a persistent cough. TB can be cured by a long course of antibiotics and
prevented by vaccination. The most important way to stop the spread of tuberculosis is for TB
patients to cover the mouth and nose when coughing.
Cholera is a bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract causing severe diarrhoea, vomiting
and dehydration. It is caused by bacteria called Vibrio cholerae. The cholera germ is passed in the
stool. It is spread by entering or drinking contaminated food or water. Infected people may
experience mild to severe diarrhoea. It can kill very quickly if it is severe. It is a particular risk in
areas of overcrowding with no proper sewage disposal.
Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection of the intestinal tract and sometimes the bloodstream. The
bacterium that causes typhoid is a unique human strain of salmonella called Salmonella typhi. The
germs are spread by eating or drinking contaminated water or foods. Symptoms may be mild or
severe. Antibiotic treatment is recommended. Strict attention to food and water precautions is
important. A vaccine is available.
Review Questions
1. Which group of micro – organisms causes the disease known as athlete’s foot?
A. Bacteria B. Fungi C. Protozoa D. Viruses
2. Under which of the following groups can the fungi be more conveniently placed?
A. Autotrophs B. Heterotophs C. Prokaryotes D. plants
3. What is the advantage of using HAART (hightly active anti – retroviral theraphy) for the
treatment of HIV?
A. It gives a lasting immunity to HIV C. It prevents re – infection by HIV
B. It prevents mutation of HIV D. It helps to break the life cycle of HIV
24. On which one of the following principles is most of the anti–HIV drugs currently in use
A. Inhibition of enzyme action C. Digesting of viral particles
B. Degradation of viral RNA D. Phagocytosis of the virus
Some types of food are needed in large amounts – these are known as the macronutrients. There
are six main classes of food needed by the body. The main macronutrients are carbohydrates,
proteins and fats. Other substances are equally important in your diet, but only in tiny amounts.
They are known as the micronutrients and they include minerals and vitamins. Water is another
crucial required for living organisms. Most foods are composed of a number of usable chemical
compounds called nutrients. (SEE UNIT TWO, BIOLOGICL MOLECULES)
Minerals and vitamins yield no energy but are important constituents of certain tissues, besides
playing a major role in the regulation of metabolic activities. However, if some of them are
entirely missing from the diet, certain defect occurs in the body and produce diseases called
deficiency diseases.
Mineral Foods contain them Use in the body Deficiency diseases
Sodium (Na) Table salt, beef, spinach Nerve conduction, Muscle strain
pH value
Potassium Banana, potato, spinach, Nerve conduction,
(K) orange, beans muscle contraction
Calcium (Ca) Milk, cheese, fish, leafy Strong bones and Weakness of bones
vegetables teeth and teeth
Phosphorus Meat, dairy products, whole Strong bones and Rickets
(P) praikns milk teeth with calcium
Chlorine (Cl) Cabbage, table salt ,cheese, HCl formation in the
eggs stomach, water
Iron (Fe) Liver, eggs, legume, teff, Hemoglobin Anemia, low RBC
beef synthesis
Iodine (I) Iodinated table salt, sea Thyroxine hormone Goiter enlarged
foods, onions synthesis thyroid gland
Sulphur (S) Meat, fish, egg, legumes Synthesis of amino
acids and proteins
Table 6.2: Major vitamins, their source and the deficiency diseases due to their limitations
What is nutrition?
Nutrition is the sum total of processes by which living organisms receive and utilize the materials
necessary for survival, growth and repair of worn out tissues. Nutrition is obtaining food in order
to carry out life processes. All living organism must take in some raw materials from which they
can obtain energy and synthesis the various organic molecules needs to stay alive.
There are two main kinds of modes of nutrition. Autotrophic Nutrition (Capable of synthesizing
their own food via photosynthesis) and Heterotrophic Nutrition (Animals and non-green plants
which cannot make their own foods).
If you eat too little food, your body becomes weak and thin. As a result, the growth and repair
processes slow down and the body loses the ability to fight against infection. Too much food
consumption results in a condition called obesity. Therefore, obesity is clearly caused by excess
of food or energy input over energy output. This condition may damage the cardiovascular
system, i.e., the heart and the blood vessels.
Teeth have evolved to be very strong – in fact the enamel that covers them is the strongest
substance made by the human body. Enamel is the hardest structure in the body that resists trauma
and decay. Teeth are needed for a variety of different jobs – gripping food, tearing food and
chewing food, for example. The shape of different teeth means they are ideally suited to their
different functions. Because humans have a very varied diet (we are omnivores so we eat animals
and plants). We also have a variety of different types of teeth. The incisors and canines are used
for biting while the premolars and molars are used for chewing and crushing food.
The top surface is covered by a layer of non-living enamel, and under this is the living dentine. It
looks like a bone but softer than enamel. It contains living tissues. In the center (middle) of the
tooth is the pulp cavity, which contains nerves and blood vessels. It is sensitive to heat, cold and
pain. Your teeth are set into your jaw bone, and they are held in place by a layer of fibrous
cement. This cement keeps your teeth firmly in place but at the same time allows a certain
amount of flexibility as you are chewing.
Your adult teeth should last you all through your life. This doesn’t always happen, because your
teeth can be affected by the bacteria that cause dentalcaries. These bacteria, combined with food
The same bacteria can affect your gums, causing periodontal disease. The symptoms include
tender gums, bleeding when you clean your teeth and eventually the possible loss of all your
teeth, not from tooth decay but from gum disease. Taking in lots of acidic food and drink, such as
fruits and cola, can also weaken the enamel on your teeth. Both problems are avoided, especially
if you have good dental care available. Ways to avoid tooth decay include:
Regular brushing of your teeth and gums twice a day. This removes the plaque from
the teeth, preventing the build-up of a sticky, acidic film over the enamel.
Avoiding sweet, sugary foods – if the bacteria in your teeth are deprived of sugar, they
cannot make acidic waste and your teeth are safe.
If they are available: Have regular dental check-ups. A dentist can clean your teeth more
thoroughly than you can, and any early signs of decay can be treated. Your teeth won’t heal
themselves, but any tooth decay can be removed and replaced by a filling.
Moving foods in
Food enters the alimentary canal at the mouth or oral cavity. Food is mixed with saliva in the
mouth. There are three major pairs of salivary glands under the tongue and behind the jaws that
send their juices by way of ducts to the mouth. Your food is also coated in saliva from the
salivary glands. Saliva contains a carbohdrase enzyme called amylase. Carbohydrases break
down carbohydrates. The amylase in your saliva begins the digestion of the starch in complex
carbohydrates such as bread or potatoes, turning it into simpler sugars. The saliva coated chunk of
food (known as abolus) moves to the back of your throat to be swallowed. Swallowing is a reflex
action that takes place when food reaches the back of your throat. As you swallow, your epiglottis
closes over the trachea, preventing food going down into your lungs; you can’t swallow and
breathe in at the same time. When your food is swallowed it travels down the oesophagus or
gullet, squeezed along by muscular contractions known as peristalsis. It is responsible for the
movement of the food along the entire digestive tract. Peristalsis is not confined to your
oesophagus–it is important all the way through your gut to move the food through as it is
digested, to mix the food with the digestive enzymes produced in the various parts of the gut and
to continue the physical break-up of the food. The walls of your gut have a layer of circular
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muscles forming rings around it and a layer of longitudinal muscles that run the length of the gut.
Waves of alternate contraction and relaxation of the different muscles move food through from
one end of the gut to the other.
Bile is a greenish-yellow alkaline liquid that is produced in the liver (a large reddish-brown organ
that carries out lots of important jobs in the body). It is made by the liver cells and then stored in
the gall bladder until it is needed. As food comes into the duodenum from the stomach, bile is
squirted onto the stomach contents. The bile does two important jobs:
It neutralizes the acid from the stomach and makes the semi-digested food alkaline.
This is ideal for the enzymes in the small intestine, which work most effectively in an
alkaline environment.
Bile also emulsifies the fats in your food – it breaks down large drops of fat into
smaller droplets. This provides a much bigger surface area of fats for the lipase
enzymes to work on to break down the fats completely into fatty acids and glycerol.
As soon as the food leaves the stomach it enters the duodenum, the upper portion of the small
intestine. The first part of the small intestine (the duodenum) cannot make its own enzymes. In
the duodenum the food is acted upon by bile and digestive juices from the pancreas called
pancreatic juice. The rest of the pancreas makes and stores enzymes that digest carbohydrates,
proteins and fats. As food enters the small intestine from the stomach these enzymes are released
to be mixed with the food paste by muscle action. The pancreatic juice contains three important
enzymes, trypsin, lipase and pancreatic amylase which act upon proteins, fats and starch
The glucose molecules and amino acids go directly into the blood. The fatty acids and glycerol
move initially into the lacteals (dense network of blood capillaries in the villi), which are part of
the lymph system. The lymphatic fluid with its load of fatty acids and glycerol then eventually
drains into the blood as well. Once the digested food molecules have all been taken into the blood
they are taken in the hepatic portal vein to the liver, which processes some of the food. The
remaining products of digestion are carried around the body to the cells where they are needed.
They are built up into the molecules required by the cells. This is known as assimilation.
On the other hand, if an infection causes the gut to contract more strongly or more rapidly than
usual, the faeces that are produced may be very loose and watery. This is known as diarrhea.
Often this condition clears up within 24 hours, but in the very young and the very old – and
anyone if it persists–diarrhea can be fatal as it causes dehydration of the tissues. It can be treated
very simply by giving the sufferer frequent drinks of water with rehydration salts (mainly salt and
sugar). These replace the fluids that are being lost and keep the body tissues hydrated until the
immune system overcomes the infection. Millions of people around the world, particularly
children and old people, die from untreated diarrhea every year.
Food hygiene
It is not only the balance of food in your diet that can affect your health. There are a number of
food-borne diseases. Bacteria growing on food that you eat can make you very ill and even kill
you. For example, raw meat and raw eggs can contain bacteria such as salmonella that cause
diarrhea and sickness (vomiting). In most people food-borne diseases are not too serious, but
young children, the elderly and anyone who has other health problems can be very seriously
affected. You need to maintain very strict food hygiene when you are preparing food to avoid
these diseases. Store raw meat and eggs separately from salad vegetables and fruit; wash the
knives used to cut meat and the work surfaces on which it is prepared before preparing salads or
cutting cheese. Disinfect work surfaces regularly. And most important of all, anyone preparing
food must wash their hands between handling different types of food and when they have been to
the toilet. Gut bacteria from the faeces can be transferred from the hands to the food very easily
and cause stomach upsets to spread around a family or a community.
Air leaving the nasal cavity goes into the pharynx, the space behind the nasal cavity and the
mouth. From here air goes into the trachea or wind pipe. As the air leaves the pharynx, it enters
the trachea or wind pipe. The wall of the trachea contains rings of cartilage that keep the tube
open for the passage of air, air can – and does – make its way down into your gut, this doesn’t
matter as you can simply bring it back up in the form of a burp. However, it is very important that
food does not get into your lungs. It can block the airways or cause a fatal infection and so the
epiglottis closes off your trachea every time you swallow in a reflex action. Since pharynx is the
common passage for both food and air, epiglottis closes the opening of trachea during
At the top of your trachea sits your larynx or voice box which contains the vocal cords. By
directing air leaving the lungs over the vocal cords (flaps of muscle) in the larynx, the vibration of
this cords produce the sounds that you use in speech. The trachea itself has a series of incomplete
rings of cartilage (shaped like the letter C) that support it and hold it open. They are incomplete so
that you can swallow your food. The cells that line the trachea are also covered in hair-like cilia
that beat to move the mucus with any trapped micro-organisms and dirt away from your lungs and
towards your mouth. This mucus is then either swallowed and digested or coughed up.
The trachea splits into two tubes; the left and right bronchi (singular bronchus), one leading to
each lung. The bronchi are also supported by rings of cartilage. Inside your lungs, the bronchi
divide into smaller tubes known as the bronchioles. The bronchioles are much smaller than the
bronchi, dividing into ever smaller tubes until they reach the main structures of the lungs – the
alveoli (singular alveolus). There are millions of these tiny air sacs, giving a massive surface area
The exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood occurs at alveoli. For your respiratory
system to work you need to move air into your lungs and then move it out again. This is brought
about by movements of the ribcage. Breathing is the movement of air into and out of the lungs. It
is caused by the action of muscles between the ribs known as inter-coastal muscles and the
diaphragm. The movement of oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide out of the blood takes
place at exactly the same time – there is a swap or exchange between the two and so this process
is known as gaseous exchange.
There are two types of breathing movements. These are inspiration (the act of inhaling or taking
in air into the lungs) and expiration (the act of exhaling or expelling air from the lungs). If we
analyze the gases in inhaled and exhaled air, we can compare their composition and show the
levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide change.
Atmospheric gas Air breathed in Air breathed out
Nitrogen About 80% About 80%
Oxygen 21% 16%
Carbon dioxide 0.04% 4%
Water vapor Less More
A double circulation
We have a double circulation, one carrying blood from the heart to the lungs and back again to
exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the air, the other carrying blood all around the rest of
the body and back again. This gives us a very effective way of getting oxygen into the blood and
then supplying it to all the body cells. In the pulmonary circulation, blood flows from the heart
to the lungs and back again. In the systemic circulation blood is pumped from the heart all
around the body and back to the heart again.
A double circulation like this is very important in warm-blooded, active animals like us because it
is very efficient. It lets our blood get fully oxygenated in the lungs before it is sent off to the
different parts of the body. In animals like fish that have a single circulation, as soon as the blood
has picked up oxygen it starts to lose it again to the tissues, so very few parts of the body receive
fully oxygenated blood.
Capillaries are blood vessels that connect the smallest arteries with the smallest veins. Between
the arteries, that bring blood from the heart, and the veins, that take it back to the heart, are very
narrow, thin-walled blood vessels called capillaries. The capillaries link the other two types of
blood vessels. These take the blood into all the organs and tissues of the body. The capillaries are
the site of the exchange of substances within the body, blood from the arteries passes into the
capillaries, which have very thin walls and a massive surface area.
The human heart
The contraction of the powerful muscles of the heart provides most of the force required to keep
blood in circulation. The human heart is a bag of reddish-brown muscle that beats right from the
early days of our development in the uterus until the end of our life, sending blood around the
body. The heart is made up of two pumps that beat at the same time so that bloods can be
delivered to the body about 70 times each minute. The heart is made up of a unique type of
muscle known as cardiac muscle, which can contract and relax more or less continuously without
fatiguing. The contraction is stimulated in heart itself by specialized tissue called the pacemaker.
The walls of the heart are almost entirely muscle. These muscular walls are supplied with blood
by the coronary arteries, so that they have a constant supply of glucose and oxygen and the
carbon dioxide produced is not allowed to build up in the tissue. The deoxygenated blood is
carried away in the coronary veins, which feed back into the right atrium.
The walls of the atria are relatively thin, so they can stretch to contain a lot of blood. The walls of
the ventricles are much thicker, as they have to pump the blood out through the major blood
vessels. The muscle walls of the left-hand side of the heart are thicker than on the right. This is
because the left hand side of the heart has to pump blood around the whole body whilst the right-
hand side pumps only to the lungs.
The plasma is a pale yellow liquid that transports all the blood cells that contain about 90%
water. The remaining10% consists of dissolved and suspended substances such as digestive end
products, vitamins, mineral salts, antibodies, hormones nitrogenous wastes (urea) and plasma
protein. Carbon dioxide produced in the organs of the body is carried in the plasma back to the
lungs. Similarly, urea, a waste product from the breakdown of excess proteins formed in the liver,
is carried in the plasma to the kidneys where it is removed from the blood to form urine.
One of the main components of your blood is the red blood cell = RBC (erythrocytes). There are
more red blood cells than any other type of blood cell. They are superbly adapted to their role in
carrying oxygen around your body and supplying it to the cells where it is needed. They are disk-
shaped structure and their shape increases their surface area. They are formed in the bone
marrow ribs and vertebrae and they lose their nucleus. This means that there is more room to
carry extra haemoglobin – another adaptation to their all-important function. Each RBC contains
a pigmented molecule called hemoglobin, which picks up oxygen. RBCs are small, about 7.5
microns in diameter.
Hemoglobin is a very special red pigment; a large protein molecule folded around four iron
atoms. In a high concentration of oxygen, such as in the lungs, the hemoglobin reacts with oxygen
to form oxyhemoglobin. This is bright scarlet, which is why most arterial blood is bright red. In
areas where the concentration of oxygen is lower, such as the cells and organs of the body, the
reaction reverses. The oxyhemoglobin splits to give purple-red haemoglobin (the colour of venous
blood) and oxygen. The oxygen then passes into the cells where it is needed by diffusion. This
reversible reaction makes active life as we know it possible by carrying oxygen to all the places
where it is really needed.
There are about 5 million RBCs per cubic millimeter of human blood. The life span of RBCs is
120 days in males’ and110 days in females after which they are destroyed and removed in the
liver and the spleen. Because the haemoglobin in your red blood cells is based on iron, it is
important to eat enough iron in your diet. Without it, the body cannot make enough red blood
cells and you suffer from anemia. People who are anemic are pale and lack energy, because they
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cannot carry enough oxygen around the body for their needs.
Another important component of your blood is the white blood cells = WBCs (leukocytes). They
are much bigger than the red cells and there are fewer of them. WBCs are irregularly shaped
colorless cells that have nuclei. They produced in bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen. There
are only 8000 WBCs per cubic millimeter (mm 3) of human blood. Their number increased when
the body is infected and form part of the body’s defense system against microbes. Some white
blood cells – the lymphocytes form antibodies against microbes whilst others – the phagocytes
and lymphocytes engulf (eat) invading bacteria.
Blood Platelets (thrombocytes) are another component of your blood. They are small fragments
of cells and they are very important in helping your blood to clot at the site of a wound. They are
non-nucleated and colorless bodies produced in the red bone marrow. When platelets arrive at a
wound site they are involved in the formation of a network of protein threads. Then as more
platelets and red blood cells pour out of the wound they become entangled in the mesh of threads
forming a jelly-like clot. This soon dries and hardens to form as cab. The clotting of the blood is a
very important process activated by thromboplastin in the presence of calcium. It prevents you
from bleeding to death from a simple cut. It also protects your body from the entry of bacteria and
other pathogens (disease-causing micro-organisms) through an open wound, and protects the new
skin from damage as it grows.
A number of different antigens are found specifically on the surface of the red blood cells. This
gives us the different human blood groups. In this system there are two possible antigens on the
red blood cells – antigen A and antigen B. There are also two possible antibodies in the plasma,
known as antibody A and antibody B. Unlike most other antibodies, these antibodies are present
in your body all the time. They are not made in response to a particular antigen.
Treatment of hypertension
For many people hypertensions can be managed through lifestyle adjustments. Losing weight,
lowering the salt levels in the diet becoming more active will lower the blood pressure back
within normal level for some people. Some common medication ones include diuretics, which
increase the frequency of urination. These remove water from the body, which reduces the blood
volume and so lowers the blood pressure. There are other drugs that block the nerves which
narrow the arteries. These are known as beta blockers, while there are other drugs which act
directly on the brain. Once people start using medication for hypertension, they will usually need
it for many years or life. Because of the long timescale for treating hypertension, cost is an
important consideration in the choice of drugs.
The nervous system has a number of receptors designed to accumulate information about the
environment. Examples of these receptors include: taste buds, rods and cones on the retina,
pressure sensors in the skin. The nervous system transmits signals from one part of the body to
another (taste to brain) by using neurons. The brain acts as the main filter for information coming
from all over the body. The brain then has to prioritize information that is more important than
others. The brain has to then decide upon a set of actions to respond the environment. The brain
can cause a multitude of reactions to respond to the environment such as: the movement of a
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muscle to avoid a moving object the increase of heart rate to escape from a bear the increase in
pupil sight to see in the dark. Electrochemical impulses transmit signals to other parts of the
nervous system. There is an all or none response to stimulus (either the nerve cell decides to send
a message, or it remains inactive). There is no difference in the strength of the impulse. Once it
decides to send a message, the message cannot be recalled.
The nervous system in man and in other higher animals is composed of 2 major components:
Central nervous system (CNS)
o Central nervous system consists of brain and spinal cord. CNS = brain + spinal
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
o Peripheral nervous system consists of nerves that arise from brain and spinal cord
(CNS) and spread in different parts of body. PNS = nerves.
All these components are made of neurons, it means CNS (brain & spinal cord) and PNS (nerves)
all are made of neurons. A neuron is the smallest unit of the nervous system. Every part of the
nervous system is composed of specialized neurons. There are different parts of the neuron.
Neuron or nerve cell and it is the unit of nervous system. The human nervous system consists of
billions of neurons plus supporting cells called neuroglial cells. Human nervous system =
neurons + neuroglial cells. Neurons are cells, just like other cells of the body, but they are
specialized cells because they transmit information from one part of the body to the other in the
form of electrical impulses. In this way they communicate with each other and with other types of
body cells. This means that neuron communicates with other neurons in nervous system and
neuron also communicates with other cells of body such as heart cells, muscle cells etc. This
communication occurs through junctions called synapses.
Types of neurons
There are three basic types of neurons. These are:
o Sensory Neurons = they conduct sensory information from receptors towards CNS. They
have one dendrite and one axon.
o Interneurons = Form brain and spinal cord. They receive information, interpret them and
stimulate motor neurons. They have many dendrites and axons.
o Motor Neurons = Carry information to muscles or glands (effectors). They have many
dendrites but only one axon.
Nerve is a union of several axons that are enveloped by a covering made of lipid. Based on the
property of axons, nerves are classified into 3 types.
Sensory nerves: contains the axons of sensory neurons only.
Motor nerves: contain the axons of motor neurons only.
Mixed nerves; contain the axons of both sensory and motor neurons.
A nerve is an enclosed, cable-like bundle of nerve fibers called axons, in the peripheral nervous
system. A nerve transmits electrical impulses and is the basic unit of the peripheral nervous
Peripheral nervous system is composed of nerves and ganglia. A ganglion is a group of neuron
cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system. In certain parts of body, the cell bodies of many
neurons form a group enveloped by a membrane, this is called ganglion. Ganglia are ovoid
structures containing cell bodies of neurons and glial cells supported by connective tissue.
Ganglia function like relay stations - one nerve enters and another exit. A ganglion (pl. ganglia) is
a mass of nerve cell bodies found outside of the central nervous system (CNS) along with some
glial cells and connective tissue.
Nerves arise or lead to brain and spinal cord, so they are named as cranial and spinal nerves.
There are12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Some cranial nerves are sensory,
some are motor and some are mixed. All spinal nerves are mixed nerves.
The Eye
The eye is a slightly asymmetrical globe, about an inch in diameter. The front part of the eye
o Iris (the pigmented part) - The iris regulates the size of the pupil.
o Cornea (a clear dome over the iris).transparent covering of the front of the eye. Allows
for the passage of light into the eye and functions as a fixed lens.
o Pupil (the black circular opening in the iris that lets light in)
o Sclera (the white part) - a tough white layer of connective tissue that covers the entire
eyeball except the cornea.
o Conjunctiva (an invisible, clear layer of tissue covering the front of the eye, except the
cornea). External cover of the sclera — keeps the eye moist
o Choroid: thin, pigmented layer lining the interior surface of the sclera. – Prevents light
rays from scattering and distorting the image. Anteriorly it forms the iris.
o Retina: lines the interior surface of the choroid. – Contains photoreceptors. Except at the
optic disk (where the optic nerve attaches).
Embedded in the retina are millions of light sensitive cells, which come in two main varieties:
rods and cones. Rods are good for monochrome vision in poor light, while cones are used for
color and for the detection of fine detail. Cones are packed into a part of the retina directly behind
the retina called the fovea. When light strikes either the rods or the cones of the retina, it's
converted into an electric signal that is relayed to the brain via the optic nerve. The brain then
translates the electrical signals into the images we see.
Focusing Light
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The lens and ciliary body divide the eye into two cavities. The anterior cavity is filled with
aqueous humor produced by the ciliary body. The posterior cavity is filled with vitreous humor.
The lens, the aqueous humor, and the vitreous humor all play a role in focusing light onto the
retina. Accommodation is the focusing of light in the retina. Mammals focus by changing the
shape of the lens. The lens is flattened for distant objects. The lens is rounded for near objects.
Vision -Rhodopsin (retinal + opsin) is the visual pigment of rods. The absorption of light
by rhodopsin initiates a signal-transduction pathway Receptor potential is hyper-
Color reception is more complex than the rhodopsin mechanism.
Three types of cone cells each with unique photopsin (green cones, red cones, blue cones).
Brain’s analysis of color depends on relative responses of each type of cone. Colorblindness is
due to a deficiency, or absence, of one or more photopsins.
The Ear
The ear consists of three basic parts - the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Each part of
the ear serves a specific purpose in the task of detecting and interpreting sound. The outer ear
serves to collect and channel sound to the middle ear. The middle ear serves to transform the
energy of a sound wave into the internal vibrations of the bone structure of the middle ear and
ultimately transform these vibrations into a compressional wave in the inner ear. The inner ear
serves to transform the energy of a compressional wave within the inner ear fluid into nerve
impulses that can be transmitted to the brain.
The Tongue
The receptors for taste, called taste buds, are situated chiefly in the tongue, but they are also
located in the roof of the mouth and near the pharynx. They are able to detect four basic tastes:
salty, sweet, bitter, and sour. The tongue also can detect a sensation called "umami" from taste
receptors sensitive to amino acids. Generally, the taste buds close to the tip of the tongue are
sensitive to sweet tastes, whereas those in the back of the tongue are sensitive to bitter tastes. The
taste buds on top and on the side of the tongue are sensitive to salty and sour tastes.
At the base of each taste bud there is a nerve that sends the sensations to the brain. The sense of
The Nose
The nose is the organ responsible for the sense of smell. The cavity of the nose is lined with
mucous membranes that have smell receptors connected to the olfactory nerve. The smells
themselves consist of vapors of various substances. The smell receptors interact with the
molecules of these vapors and transmit the sensations to the brain. The nose also has a structure
called the vomeronasal organ whose function has not been determined, but which is suspected of
being sensitive to pheromones that influence the reproductive cycle. The smell receptors are
sensitive to seven types of sensations that can be characterized as camphor, musk, flower, mint,
ether, acrid, orputrid. The sense of smell is sometimes temporarily lost when a person has a cold.
Dogs have a sense of smell that is many times more sensitive than man's.
Like the sense of taste, it's a chemical sense. They are called chemical senses because they detect
chemicals in the environment, with the difference being that smell works at dramatically larger
distances than that of taste. The process of smelling goes more or less like this:
Vaporized odor molecules (chemicals) floating in the air reach the nostrils and dissolve
in the mucus (which is on the roof of each nostril).
Underneath the mucus, in the olfactory epithelium, specialized receptor cells called
olfactory receptor neurons detect the odor. These neurons are capable of detecting
thousands of different odors.
The olfactory receptor neurons transmit the information to the olfactory bulbs, which
are located at the back of the nose.
The olfactory bulbs have sensory receptors that are actually part of the brain which
send messages directly to: The most primitive brain centers where they influence
emotions and memories (limbic system structures), and "Higher" centers where they
modify conscious thought (neo-cortex).
These brain centers perceive odors and access memories to remind us about people,
places, or events associated with these olfactory sensations.
Hair: functions include protection & sensing light touch. Hair is composed of columns of
dead, keratinized cells bound together by extracellular proteins. Hair has two main
sections: The shaft- superficial portion that extends out of the skin and the root-portion
that penetrates into the dermis. Surrounding the root of the hair is the hair follicle. At the
base of the hair follicle is an onion- shaped structure called the bulb Papilla of the hair and
the matrix within the bulb produce new hair.
Nails: participate in the grasp & handling of small things. Nails are plates of tightly
packed, hard, keratinized epidermal cells. The nail consists of: nail root: -the portion of the
nail under the skin, nail body:-the visible pink portion of the nail, the white crescent at the
base of the nail is the lunula, the hyponychium secures the nail to the finger, the cuticle
oreponychiumisa narrow band around the proximal edge of the nail and free edge:-the
white end that may extend past the finger.
Glands participate in regulating body temperature. There are three main types of glands
associated with the integument:
Sebaceous - Oil glands. Located in the dermis, and secrete sebum.
Sudoriferous - Sweat glands. Divided into two main types: – Eccrine - Most common,
main function is regulation of body temperature by evaporation, and–Apocrine-
Responsible for “cold sweat” associated with stress.
Ceruminous – Lie in subcutaneous tissue below the dermis, secrete cerumen (ear wax)
into ear canal or sebaceous glands.
Sensory Receptors = the skin contains numerous sensory receptors which receive information
from the outside environment. The sensory receptors of the skin are concerned with at least five
different senses: pain, heat, cold, touch, and pressure. The five are usually grouped together as
the single sense of touch in the classification of the five senses of the whole human body. The
sensory receptors vary greatly in terms of structure. For example, while pain receptors are simply
unmyelinated terminal branches of neurons, touch receptors form neuronal fiber nets around the
base of hairs and deep pressure receptors consist of nerve endings encapsulated by specialized
connective tissues.
Receptors also vary in terms of abundance relative to each other. For example, there are far more
pain receptors than cold receptors in the body. Finally, receptors vary in terms of the
concentration of their distribution over the surface of the body, the fingertips having far more
touch receptors than the skin of the back. Nerve fibers that are attached to different types of skin
receptors either continues to discharge during a stimulus "slowly-adapting" or respond only when
the stimulus starts and sometimes when a stimulus ends "rapidly-adapting". In other words,
slowly-adapting nerve fibers send information about ongoing stimulation; rapidly- adapting nerve
fibers send information related to changing stimuli. The Pacinian corpuscle receptor is a classic
example of a rapidly- adapting type receptor. The Ruffini nerve ending is a slowly- adapting type
The hypothalamus is a portion of the brain that contains a number of small nuclei with a variety
of functions. One of the most important functions of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous
system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus is responsible for
certain metabolic processes and other activities of the autonomic nervous system. It synthesizes
and secretes certain neuro-hormones, often called releasing hormones or hypothalamic
hormones, and these in turn stimulate or inhibit the secretion of pituitary hormones. The
hypothalamus controls body temperature, hunger, fatigue, sleep, etc.
The pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing
0.5 grams in humans. It is composed of three lobes: anterior, intermediate, and posterior. It
involves in the growth, blood pressure in some aspects of pregnancy and childbirth including
stimulation of uterine contractions during childbirth, breast milk production, sex organ functions
in both males and females, thyroid gland function, the conversion of food into energy
(metabolism), water and osmolarity regulation in the body, water balance via the control of
reabsorption of water by the kidneys, temperature regulation and pain relief.
The thyroid gland or just thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands and consists of two
connected lobes. Each lobe is about 5 cm long, 3 cm wide and 2 cm thick. The thyroid gland is a
butterfly-shaped organ. The thyroid gland is found in the neck, below the thyroid cartilage (which
forms “Adam’s apple”). It secretes throxine hormone also called T4. The thyroid also produces
calcitonin, which plays a role in calcium homeostasis. The thyroid gland controls how quickly the
body uses energy, makes proteins, and control show sensitive the body is to other hormones.
These hormones regulate the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body.
Thyroid hormones act throughout the body, influencing metabolism, growth and development,
and body temperature. During infancy and childhood, adequate thyroid hormone is crucial for
brain development.
There are four parathyroid glands, and they are each about the size of a grain of rice. Though
they’re located near each other, the parathyroid glands are not related to the thyroid gland.
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) has a very powerful influence on the cells of your bones by causing
them to release their calcium into the bloodstream. Parathyroid hormone regulates the body’s
calcium levels. The parathyroid essentially helps the nervous and muscular systems function
Biology Module Page 124
properly. Calcium is the primary element that causes muscles to contract, and calcium levels are
very important to the normal conduction of electrical currents along nerves. The most common
disease of parathyroid glands is hyperparathyroidism, which is characterized by excess PTH
The thymus is a specialized organ of the immune system. The thymus is composed of two
identical lobes and is located anatomically in the anterior superior mediastinum, in front of the
heart and behind the sternum. Each lobe of the thymus can be divided into a central medulla and a
peripheral cortex which is surrounded by an outer capsule. The thymus is largest and most active
during the neonatal and pre-adolescent periods. The thymus produces and secretes thymosin.
Helping the body protect itself against autoimmunity, this occurs when the immune system turns
against itself. The thymus plays a vital role in the lymphatic system (your body’s defense
network) and endocrine system. Protects the body from certain threats, including viruses and
The adrenal glands are two glands that sit on top of your kidneys that are made-up of two
distinct parts - The adrenal cortex and The adrenal medulla. They are also known as suprarenal
glands. The adrenal glands are two, triangular-shaped organs that measure about 1.5 inches in
height and 3 inches in length. The adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla have very different
functions. One of the main distinctions between them is that the hormones released by the adrenal
cortex are necessary for life; those secreted by the adrenal medulla are not.
The pancreas is unique in that it’s both an endocrine and exocrine gland. In other words, the
pancreas has the dual function of secreting hormones into blood (endocrine) and secreting
enzymes through ducts (exocrine). The pancreas is a 6-inch-long flattened gland that lies deep
within the abdomen, between the stomach and the spine. It is connected to the duodenum, which
is part of the small intestine. It secretes insulin. The pancreas maintains the body’s blood glucose
(sugar) balance. Primary hormones of the pancreas include insulin and glucagon, and both
regulate blood glucose. Diabetes is the most common disorder associated with the pancreas.
The testes (or testicles) are a pair of sperm-producing organs that maintain the health of the male
reproductive system. The testes are twin oval-shaped organs about the size of a large grape. They
are located within the scrotum, which is the loose pouch of skin that hangs outside the body
behind the penis. The testes secrete testosterone, which is necessary for proper physical
development in boys. In adulthood, testosterone maintains libido, muscle strength, and bone
density. Disorders of the testes are caused by too little testosterone production.
Structure Function
Testes • Produce sperm cells
• Produce the hormone testosterone
Seminiferous tubules • Produce immature sperm cells
Epididymis • Matures and stores sperm cells in coiled tubules
Vas deferens • Carries sperm from the epididymis to its junction with the urethra
Seminal vesicle • Secretes fructose into the semen, which provides energy for the
Prostate gland • Secretes an alkaline buffer into the semen to protect the sperm
from the acidic environment of the vagina
Cowper’s gland • Secretes mucus rich fluids into the semen that may protect the
sperm from acids in the urethra
Urethra • Carries semen during ejaculation
• Carries urine from the bladder to the exterior of the body
Penis • Deposits sperm into the vagina during ejaculation
• Contains the urethra
Review Questions
1. Which part of the human alimentary canal contains digestive enzymes that function at acidic pH?
A. Stomach B. Mouth
C. Esophagus D. Small intestine
2. Which one of the following functions best at higher optimum pH than all the rest?
A. Pepsin B. Salivary amylase C. Trypsin D. Enzymes in stomach
3. Which of the following industries can reduce more CO 2 emission by shifting to the use of enzymes
in the manufacturing process?
A.Bread making B. Cheese making C. Leather making D. Manufacturing cosmetics
4. Which of the following is made of globular proteins ?
A. Enzyme B. Keratin C.Collagen D. Glycogen
5. Which of the following human diseases can be prevented by taking proper diets?
A. Degenerative diseases C. Genetic diseases
B. Social diseases. D. Deficiency diseases
6. Vitamin A is also known as:
A Tocopherol B. Retinol C. Ascorbic acid D. calciferol
7. Which of the following will NOT cause obesity, even if you eat very large amounts of it in
your diet?
A Fat B. Fibre C. Carbohydrate D. Protein
8. Which part of a tooth contains the living nerves?
A Enamel B. Dentine C. Cement D. Pulp Cavity
9. The finger-like projections in the small intestine are known as:
A Bilirubin B. Microvilli C. Sphincters D Villi
10. The organ of your body where gas exchange takes place is the:
A. Liver B. Lungs C. Trachea D. Heart
7. Genetics
Genetics is the study of heredity, or the passing of traits from parents to offspring. Whenever an
infant is born in a family, the relatives begin to wonder about the resemblance of the infant’s eyes,
facial features, complexion, colour of hair with those of the parents, siblings and grandparents.
The source of such resemblances and differences are in the “genes” that are passed down form
parents to children and so on generation after generation. This inheritance of genes is termed
‘heredity’ the study of reasons of heredity is ‘Genetics’. New individuals develop features
according to the genes inherited by them from their parents. It is further observed that siblings
from same parents are unique and differ from each other except the identical twins. Such
differences are termed variations.
Variation in a population is very important. It has survival value for the population. This is
because if the environment changes, some individuals (variants) may be able to adapt to new
situations and save the population from dying out. Variation arises due to mutation or sudden
change in the genes. Variation also arises because genes get shifted and exchanged during meiosis
at the time of formation of gametes, giving rise to new gene combinations.
Mendel selected a simple biological system, garden peas (Pisum sativum), for his plant breeding
experiments. He selected garden peas because of three reasons:
1. Easy to cultivate.
2. Naturally self-pollinating plant but it is easy for artificial cross-pollination.
3. Having characters which show pair of contrasting traits (no intermediates).
Mendel carefully focus on 7 characters (14 varieties or contrasting traits) (Fig. 7.1), and for each
contrasting traits he conducted his experiment as follow. (Ex. Steam length: Tall and Short)
Mendel designed his experiments in such a way that a pure tall variety of pea plants could be
crossed to a pure dwarf variety. The anthers from flowers of tall plants were removed and their
stigmas dusted with pollen from flowers of dwarf (short) plants. The reverse experiment was also
carried out.
In the following spring, seeds from the new plants were collected and sown. Mendel found that all
the plants of this generation called first filial generation (filius is Latin for “son”) or F1 grew to be
tall plants. He allowed them to self-pollinate. Again he collected the seeds. The following year,
after the seeds had been sown, he found that three quarters of these plants were tall and the rest
dwarf. He repeated the experiment several times and found that the ratio of tall to dwarf plants
(second filial generation or F2) was 3:1 (Fig. 7.1).
In this way he tried to cross pea plants differing in seven such contrasting characters or traits and
he found the same pattern and ratio of F1 and F2. Crosses involving plants differing in the
inheritance of one contrasting feature only are called mono-hybrid crosses. Mendel also tried
crosses involving two contrasting features, such as tall and red flowered plants crossed with dwarf
and white flowered plants. Such crosses are termed di-hybrid crosses.
7.2.1. Co-dominance
Co-dominance is a condition in which both alleles are expressed equally rather than a dominant
allele taking complete control over a recessive allele. This means that when an organism has two
different alleles (heterozygote), it will express both alleles at the same time.
Coat color is an example of codominance in short-horned cattle. The following example shows
the cross between red and white cattle that produce ratio 1 red: 2 roans: 1 white coat colour
because of codominance. Heterozygous individuals (RW) show roan coat colour as both the
alleles express themselves equally.
ABO blood group system is the classification of human blood based on the presence or absence of
the antigens A and B on the surface of the red blood cells. As a result, people may have type A, B,
O, or AB blood. This blood type classification refers to which of the certain proteins called
antigens are found on the red blood cells. As shown in the table below, there are six possible
ABO genotypes because the three alleles, which are taken two at a time, result in six possible
Hemophilia is an example of a sex-linked genetic disease in humans. This gene is carried on the
X chromosome and can only be passed on to males through their mother. The crosses and
offspring of sex-linked trait hemophilia can be shown as follows.
In this case, the mother is a carrier of the sex-linked trait. She does not have the diseases because
her normal X chromosome masks them. But her son gets the disease because there is no
corresponding X chromosome on Y that masks it.
Most of the time phenocopies can result from exposure to radiation, chemicals poisons,
temperature shocks etc. An example of phenocopy due to temperature variation is observed in
Himalayan rabbits. Himalayan rabbits have a white colored coat along with a black tail, nose, and
ears when raised in moderate temperatures. However, they also show black coloration of their
coats when raised in cold temperatures, resembling the genetically black rabbits.
Biology Module Page 139
Fig. 7.2 a: Effect of Temperature in Himalayan rabbits
The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance was consistent with Mendel’s laws, which the following
observations supported:
During meiosis, homologous chromosome pairs migrate as discrete structures that are
independent of other chromosome pairs.
Chromosome sorting from each homologous pair into pre-gametes appears to be random.
Each parent synthesizes gametes that contain only half their chromosomal complement.
Sections of the DNA structure that contain the set of instructions that determine the characteristics
of an organism are called genes. Genes are the basic structural and functional units of inheritance
in nature. Genes pass from parents to offspring during both sexual and asexual reproduction
through cell division.
Genes are located on chromosomes. Chromosomes are threadlike structures made of a protein
called histone and DNA molecule. Each chromosome may contain hundreds to thousands of
genes that are arranged linearly along the length of each chromosome (like beads on a string),
with each gene having its own unique position on to chromosomes called locus / loci (plural).
Chromosomes exist in pair in diploid organisms in which one chromosome is always inherited
from the mother and the other from the father. For example a human cell contains 46
chromosomes which exist in 23 pairs of chromosomes.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the hereditary material in humans and other organisms. It exists
in a double helix formed by base pairs attached to a sugar-phosphate backbone. RNA
(ribonucleic acid) serves as the genetic codes in some viruses. It is involved in protein synthesis in
Each nucleotide is composed of a sugar, phosphate group and a nitrogenous base. There are four
types of nitrogenous bases. These are: Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Guanine (G)
and Cytosine (C). The nitrogen bases belong to the two large chemical families called purine and
pyramidine. The A and G are purines and the C and T are pyrimidines. A pairs with T and C pairs
with G to form units called base pairs. Each base is also attached to a sugar molecule and a
phosphate molecule to form a nucleotide, the building blocks of the DNA called nucleotide.
DNA replication is a semi-conservative, which means that each strand in the DNA double helix
acts as a template for the synthesis of a new, complementary strand. In other words, the two
original DNA strands separate during replication; each strand then serves as a template for a new
DNA strand. Each newly synthesized double helix is a combination of one old and one new DNA
Meiosis results in four haploid daughter cells by undergoing one round of DNA replication
followed by two divisions. Homologous chromosomes are separated in the first division, and
sister chromatids are separated in the second division. Both of these cell division cycles are used
in the process of sexual reproduction at some point in their life cycle. Both are believed to be
present in the last eukaryotic common ancestor.
Prokaryotes (bacteria) undergo a vegetative cell division known as binary fission, where their
genetic material is segregated equally into two daughter cells. While binary fission may be the
means of division by most prokaryotes, there are alternative manners of division, such as budding,
that have been observed. All cell divisions, regardless of organism, are preceded by a single round
of DNA replication. For simple unicellular microorganisms such as amoeba, one cell division is
equivalent to reproduction; an entire new organism is created. On a larger scale, mitotic cell
division can create progeny from multicellular organisms, such as plants that grow from cuttings.
Mitotic cell division enables sexually reproducing organisms to develop from the one-celled
zygote, which itself was produced by meiotic cell division from gametes. After growth, cell
division by mitosis allows for continual construction and repair of the organism.
The human body experiences about 10 quadrillion cell divisions in a lifetime. The primary
concern of cell division is the maintenance of the original cell's genome. Before division can
occur, the genomic information that is stored in chromosomes must be replicated, and the
duplicated genome must be separated cleanly between cells. A great deal of cellular infrastructure
is involved in keeping genomic information consistent between generations.
The process of protein synthesis involves the conversation of instructions in DNA into a
functional product (proteins) through transcription and translation. Reverse transcription is
a process in which a DNA molecule is synthesized from an RNA template. These all process
of biological information flow is called central dogma. This can be shown diagrammatically
as follows.
Out of the 64 codons, three are stop codons, which stop the process of protein synthesis (UAG,
UAA, and UGA) and one of the codons is an initiator codon or start codons that initiates protein
synthesis (AUG). Use the following figure to identify the triplets for all amino acids.
Translation is the synthesis of protein from the building blocks of protein /amino acids/ based on
the genetic information instructed on mRNA with the help of rRNA, tRNA and enzymes.
Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries a specific amino acid from cytoplasm. This tRNA contains an
anticodon which is three nucleotides long that is complementary to the three nucleotides long
genetic codon on the mRNA.
Biology Module Page 147
The anticodon on tRNA enables to recognize the codon of mRNA through complementary base
pairing. For example, the genetic codon GUG (guanine-uracine- guanine) specifies particular
amino acid valine. By binding its anticodon (CAC) that is complementary with mRNA codon
/GUG/, the tRNA acts as an adapter, bringing the specific amino acid based on base
The complementary bases on the codon and anticodon held together by hydrogen bonds to from
peptides bond in growing protein chain. The ribosome guides the tRNA to bind to the mRNA if it
is carrying an amino acid.
During Translation:
mRNA carries the information from DNA align on the ribosome in the cytoplasm
The ribosomes attach on to mRNA and let the tRNA loaded with specific amino acid to
tRNA with anti-codon brings amino acids from the cytoplasm to the ribosomes
The anti-codon of tRNA pairs with the codon of mRNA on the ribosome
The information in messenger RNA (mRNA) translated into protein with the help of
A polypeptide chain of amino acids will then form a protein
15. Which one of the following is referred to as the first law of Mendel?
A. The occurrence of alleles in pairs
B. The equal contribution of alleles by both parents
C. The dominance of one allele over the other
D. The separation of alleles during gamete formation
16. Which of the following is the best way to check whether an individual having a dominant
phenotype is homozygous or heterozygous for the trait?
A. To self the individual
B. To cross it to homozygous recessive individual
C. To cross it to a heterozygous individual
D. To cross it to a homozygous dominant individual
18. What would most likely result is mitosis fails to be accompanied by cytoplasmic division?
A. Two cells without nuclei
B. Two cells each with one nucleus
C. One cell without a nucleus
D. One cell with two identical nuclei
19. Among the following couples whose ABO blood genotypes are shown, which one can produce
children of A,B,AB and O blood types?
A. OO and AB
B. B. BO and AA
C. BO and AO
D. BB and AO
20. Which parts of the angiosperm flower are both essential for the success of hybridization
A. Sepal and petal C. Pollen and filament
B. Stamen and petal D. Gynoecium and andoecium
8.1. Ecosystems
o all the animals and plants that live in an area along with the things that affect them
What is more, they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen in the process, maintaining the
balance of gases in the atmosphere and providing us all with the oxygen which we need to live.
Plants are the main source of food for many thousands of different species of animals, from the
aphids which feed on houseplants to the great herds of wildebeest, zebras and elephants of Africa.
Animals that eat plants are known as herbivores. Not all animals eat plants. Many of them feed on
other animals and they are known as carnivores. And some types of animals, we included, eat a
diet that contains both plants and animals. These animals are known as omnivores. All animals
and fungi are heterotrophs – they rely on eating other living organisms.
There are a small number of organisms that can get energy from the breakdown of sulphur-
containing chemicals. They are known as chemotrophs. It is not only human beings that are
dependent on plants and the process of photosynthesis. Almost all living organisms depend on
plants as the producers of food from the raw materials of carbon dioxide and water. The way in
which living things are linked to each other and to plants can be described by looking at food
Food chains
A food chain is a simplified model of the feeding relationships between different organisms in an
ecosystem. It shows how energy and nutrients pass from one organism to another through a series
of steps. The first stage of the chain involves converting light energy from the sun into stored
chemical energy in plants by photosynthesis. This is always done by plants which are known as
producers. Then all of the animals that eat plants or other animals are known as consumers.
Each level in a food chain is called a trophic level. The different levels within a food chain – the
producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, etc. are known as the trophic levels. The
producers are at the first trophic level, the herbivores are at the second trophic level, the carnivores
are at the third trophic level, and so on. The herbivore (or omnivore) is known as a primary
consumer, because it eats plants. Some of the energy within the herbivore is, in turn, passed on to
the animal which eats it. Again, this will usually be a carnivore but could be an omnivore. The
carnivore (or omnivore) is known as a secondary consumer because it eats the plant eater. This
naming continues along the chain. At the end of every food chain are the decomposers – the
bacteria and fungi which break down the remains of animals and plants and return the mineral
nutrients to the soil. They are often not shown in food chains.
Energy flow:
Energy flows through a food chain from the producers to the top predators. At each trophic level,
some energy is lost as heat or is not used by the organism. This means that there is less energy
available at each higher trophic level.
Examples of food chains:
Grass grasshopper frog snake hawk
Phytoplankton zooplankton small fish large fish seal
Communities: A community is a group of populations of different species that live in the same
area at the same time. Communities are shaped by the interactions between different species, such
as competition, predation, and mutualism. Grass is eaten by insects, by rodents and by many
large herbivores. Antelope may be prey for lions, leopards or hyenas. The many interactions
between living organisms cannot be shown in simple food chains
Fig 8.2: This food web of organisms on the savannah only includes a small number of the
organisms that are involved – but already you can see how complicated it is.
Understanding food webs is essential for ecological studies, conservation efforts, and
managing environmental impacts.
They reveal the delicate balance of ecosystems and highlight the interconnectedness of all
living things.
This biomass is then passed on through a food chain or web into the animals which eat the plants
and then on into the animals which eat other animals. However long the food chain, the original
source of all the energy and hence the biomass involved is the sun.
To represent what is happening in food chains more accurately we can use biomass. Biomass is the
mass of living material in an animal or plant and ultimately all biomass is built up using energy
from the sun. The total amount of biomass in the living organisms at each stage of the food chain
can be drawn to scale and shown as a pyramid of biomass.
Fig 8.3: No matter what the numbers of organisms involved in a food chain, when the biomass of
the different feeding levels is considered, a pyramid of biomass always results.
The biomass, and so the energy available at each trophic level of a food chain is less than it was at
the previous stage. This is because:
Not the whole organism at one stage is eaten by the stage above.
When an herbivore eats a plant, it turns some of the plant material into new herbivore. But
much of the biomass from the plant is used by the herbivore to release energy for living
and so does not get passed on to the carnivore when the herbivore is eaten.
Pyramid of biomass: Measures the total dry mass of all living organisms at each trophic
level. This includes the weight of all individuals at a given level, not just their numbers.
Pyramid of numbers: Tracks the number of individual organisms at each trophic level. It
doesn't consider the size or mass of those organisms.
Pyramid of Energy Focuses on Amount of energy at each trophic level, always upright due to
energy loss.
Part of the biomass which is eaten by an animal is used for cellular respiration. This supplies all
the energy needs for the living processes taking place within the body, including movement which
uses a great deal of energy. The muscles use energy to contract, and the more an animal moves
about, the more energy (and biomass) it uses from its food.
Much of the energy produced in cellular respiration is eventually lost as heat to the surroundings.
These losses are particularly large in mammals and birds, because they are warm-blooded. This
means their bodies are kept at a constant temperature regardless of the temperature of the
surroundings. They use up energy all the time to keep warm when it’s cold or to cool down when
it’s hot. Because of this warm-blooded animals need to eat far more food than coldblooded animals
like fish and reptiles to get the same increase in Biomass.
Fig 8.4: Only between 2 and 10% of the biomass eaten by an animal such as this dog will get
turned into new dog biomass, the rest will be used or lost in other ways.
If we represent the energy held in each trophic level we get the best possible representation of what
is happening in a food chain. A pyramid of energy represents the energy in the producers and how
Fig 8.5: This diagram shows you how pyramids of numbers, biomass and energy compare for two
different food chains.
The nutrients held in the bodies of dead animals and plants, and in animal droppings, are released
back into the soil by the action of a group of organisms known as the decomposers. These are
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. They feed on waste droppings and dead organisms.
They digest them and use some of the nutrients. They also release waste products, and these are
nutrients broken down into a form which plants can use.
The chemical reactions which take place in micro-organisms, like those in most other living things,
work faster in warm conditions. But as in other organisms, these reactions are controlled by
enzymes, and if the temperature gets too hot, the reactions stop altogether as the enzymes denature.
They also stop if conditions are too cold.
Most micro-organisms also grow better in moist conditions which make it easier to dissolve their
food and also prevent them from drying out. So the decay of dead plants and animals – and dung –
takes place far more rapidly in warm, moist conditions than it does in cold, dry ones.
The majority of decomposers respire like any other organism to release energy to feed and
reproduce as rapidly as possible. This means that decay takes place more rapidly when there is
plenty of oxygen available.
Biology Module Page 160
Benefits of Nature's Recycling:
1. Sustainability:
2. Increased Biodiversity:
3. Enhanced Resilience:
4. Reduced Pollution:
5. Increased Efficiency:
The nitrogen cycle
The nitrogen cycle is a fascinating biogeochemical process that transforms this abundant but inert
atmospheric gas into a usable form for life. Green plants absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrates
dissolved in the soil water. They use these nitrates to make proteins, and then this protein is passed
along the food chain as herbivores eat plants and are then eaten themselves by carnivores. In this
way the nitrogen taken from the soil becomes incorporated into the bodies of all types of living
organisms. But almost 80% of the air we breathe is made up of nitrogen – so why don’t plants use
that? Although it is vital to the formation of proteins and healthy growth, plants cannot use the
nitrogen which is in the air around them. It is an inert gas and in that form it is so unreactive that it
is no use to them at all.
There is one group of plants which plays a particularly important role in the nitrogen cycle. The
legumes – that is plants such as peas, beans and clover – have nodules on their roots which are full
of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This is an example of mutualism, where two organisms live together
and both benefit. The bacteria get protection and a supply of organic food from the plant, whereas
the plant gets ammonia that it can use to form amino acids. The bacteria produce far more ammonia
than their host plant needs – and the excess passes into the soil to be used and turned into nitrates
by the nitrifying bacteria. Not all the bacteria in the soil are helpful in the nitrogen cycle. One
group, known as the denitrifying bacteria, actually uses nitrates as an energy source and breaks
them down again into nitrogen gas. Denitrifying bacteria reduce the amount of nitrates in the soil
Carbon dioxide is removed from the air by green plants in the process of photosynthesis. It is used
to make the carbohydrates, proteins and fats which make up the body of the plant. Then when the
plants are eaten by animals, and those animals are eaten by predators, the carbon is passed on and
becomes part of the animal bodies. This is how carbon is taken out of the environment.
When green plants themselves respire, some carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere. Similarly
when animals respire they release carbon dioxide as a waste product into the air. Finally when both
plants and animals die, their bodies are broken down by the action of decomposers and when these
microbes respire, they release carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, ready to be taken up
again by plants in photosynthesis.
o Sunlight: The ultimate source of energy for most life on Earth, powering
photosynthesis and driving our weather patterns.
o Wind: A dynamic force, harnessed for clean energy generation and powering
sailing vessels.
o Water: Essential for all living things, used for drinking, sanitation, irrigation, and
o Forests: Renewable sources of timber, food, medicine, and vital ecosystem
services like carbon sequestration and water purification.
o Soil: Fertile ground for agriculture, teeming with microorganisms and nutrients
that support plant growth.
B. Non-Renewable Resources: These resources exist in finite quantities and when they are used
they cannot be replaced or cannot be replaced within a human lifetime. Some crucial examples
Fossil fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas, formed over millions of years from
decomposed organic matter, used for energy generation and various industrial
Minerals: Metals like iron, copper, and gold, formed through geological
processes, used for construction, manufacturing, and electronics.
Groundwater: Stored deep underground, often a non-renewable resource on a
human timescale, used for drinking water and irrigation.
The wildlife of Ethiopia is some of the richest in the world. We have 242 listed mammalian
species, which range from huge elephants to tiny elephant shrews. There are around 862 species of
birds as well. Insects are another important aspect of Ethiopian wildlife too. This variety of
wildlife is useful to people in a number of ways. A rich diversity of animal life is important to
maintain our many ecosystems. The wildlife acts as pollinators for our flowering plants and helps
to disperse the seeds.
Our bees provide the honey for a thriving export business and for the production of tej. The
balance of wildlife in different regions helps to maintain the natural balance of the plants as well,
with predators keeping down the numbers of herbivores so that they do not destroy all the
vegetation. one of the most important uses of wildlife in Ethiopia is to generate income from
tourism. People from all over the world want to see our amazing wildlife
Endemic species
We have a high number of endemic species of different types of wildlife. For example, there are 28
species of mammals, which include the Gelada Baboon, the Walia ibex, Menelik’s Bushbuck, the
Mountain Nyala, Swayne’s Hartebeest and the Ethiopian wolf.
Endemic bird species; include the heavy-headed, thick-billed raven, the wattled ibis, the
blackwinged lovebird, the white-collared pigeon and the Prince Ruspolis Turaco. We also have six
Setting the national parks and sanctuaries is the best means of conserving biodiversity of
vegetation and wild life
A. National Park: is a relatively large area of land which is owned by the Government and is set
aside for the protection of vegetation and wildlife and for their appreciation by human beings.
A National Park should contain several ecosystems which are not affected by human activities.
It is protected legally and there should be staff (rangers) who manage and protect the
environment. Visitors can enter the National Parks under carefully controlled conditions for
educational, cultural and leisure reasons.
Any natural resources within a National Park should not be exploited. By careful management
in National Parks, many animals and plants are conserved in Ethiopia and the work is
continuing, with local populations becoming more and more involved in protecting our great
wildlife diversity. There are some problems – it is not always easy for people to live within a
National Park, and some people continue to poach and kill animals even when they are
protected. But on the whole, we are making good progress.
B. Sanctuary: The word "Sanctuary" can have several different meanings depending on the
context. But in general term it is Place of Refuge and Protection and It refers to any place that
provides safety and security from danger or harm. Examples include: A wildlife
sanctuary where animals are protected from hunting and habitat destruction. A domestic
violence shelter where victims can find safety from their abuser.
Below are listed many of the main National Parks of Ethiopia along with some of the wildlife
sanctuaries that have been set up to protect specific species.
a) Abijatta-Shalla Lakes National Park is 200 km south of Addis Ababa and it is 887 km2 in
size. More than half of the area is under water in Lake Abijatta and Lake Shalla, but it also
includes peaks like Mount Fike, which is 2075 m above sea level. Animals which are found in
this beautiful park include flamingos, Great White Pelicans, Grant’s Gazelle, Oribi Warthog
and Golden Jackals.
b) Awash National Park is found about 225 km east of Addis Ababa and its southern boundary
is formed by the Awash river. Much of it is at an altitude of around 900 m, but it contains a
dormant volcano called Fantale which is over 2000 m high. The park is relatively dry, with lots
of grassland and acacia woodland. The wildlife supported by this terrain is very varied. There
are Beisa oryx, Soemmerrings Gazelle and of course wild pigs. Zebra, dik-dik, Anubis and
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Hamadryas Baboons, cheetahs, serval and leopards can all be found in this area. The birdlife is
also extravagant and varied, including ostriches, Secretary Birds, Carmine Bee-eaters and the
Abyssinian Roller
c) Bale Mountain National Park is not always easy to get to but it contains a mixture of forest
and moorland, and some very rare animals such as the Gelada Baboon, Mountain Nyala and
Ethiopian wolves. Other species found there include the Giant Mole Rat, Klipspringer,
Menelik’s Bushbuck and warthogs.
d) Gambela National Park is one of our newest National Parks. It is big – over 5000 km2 – with
massive grassland plains and it includes the Baro river. The wildlife that can be seen in this
park includes enormous Nile perch, crocodiles and hippos as well as waterbuck, Roan
Antelope, hyena, lions, elephants, buffalo, zebra, Vervet Monkeys and black-and-white
colobus monkeys.
e) Rift Valley Lakes National Park is in a chain of seven lakes which run from Debre Zeit
towards Kenya. This National Park does have some mammals, including Grant’s Gazelle and
warthogs, but the wildlife for which it is famous is the birdlife, which includes Greater and
Lesser Flamingos, a huge colony of Great White Pelicans, fish eagles, spoonbills, Abdim’s
Storks and ibises.
f) Mago National Park has an area of over 2000 km2. Almost 800 km south-west of Addis
Ababa on the east bank of the Omo river, this National Park is largely grassland with some
forest around the rivers. It is home to 56 species of our famous plains animals, including
giraffe, elephants, lions, buffalo, cheetah, zebra, leopard and oryx.
This is one of the remaining places where rare Black Rhinos may be found. Vultures are one of
the well-known bird species in this area.
g) Omo National Park is very big indeed, covering over 4000 km2. Over 300 species of birds
alone are found here. Animal life includes kudu, hartebeest, oryx, Anubis Baboons, lions,
cheetahs, buffalo, giraffes and elephants.
h) Nechisar National Park is between two lakes, Abaya and Chamo. The habitats include dry
bush, savannah and a groundwater forest and, although it is only about 500 km2, almost 200
species of birds have been recorded here, including Red-billed Hornbills, fish eagles, the
Abyssinian Ground-hornbill and the Kori Bustard! Animals which can be seen include
crocodiles, Burchell’s Zebra, bushbucks, Grey Duiker, Grant’s Gazelle and the Greater Kudu.
This National Park is very important for the conservation of the rare, endemic Swayne’s
Global warming: So as a result of human activities the amount of carbon dioxide (and methane) in
the air is continuing to increase. This build-up acts like a blanket and traps heat close to the surface
of our Earth. This causes the temperature at the surface of the Earth to rise. This in turn may have
many effects on our climate and health – and it is also thought to contribute to the increased
hurricane activity which has affected some areas of the world in recent times.
Another air pollutant is carbon monoxide, also produced by the burning of fossil fuels. It is
produced by cars as well as by home water heaters, paraffin lamps and fires if they are not
functioning properly. Carbon monoxide is very dangerous because it combines irreversibly with
haemoglobin in your blood, reducing the oxygen carrying capacity. There is carbon monoxide in
cigarette smoke, which is why it is so dangerous to smoke if you are pregnant because you can
deprive your unborn baby of oxygen
Acid rain
Acid rain is the result of another form of air pollution. When fossil fuels are burned carbon dioxide
is released into the atmosphere as a waste product. However, carbon dioxide is not the only waste
gas produced. Fossil fuels often contain sulphur impurities. When these burn they react with oxygen
to form sulphur dioxide gas. At high temperatures, for example, in car engines, nitrogen oxides are
also released into the atmosphere.
Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides pollute the air and can cause serious breathing problems for
people if the concentration gets too high. They form a haze of pollution known as smog, which can
be a real problem in big cities where there are millions of motor vehicles. They are also involved in
the formation of acid rain. This pollutes land and water over a wide area.
Fig 8.8: Air pollution in one place can cause acid rain – and serious pollution problems – somewhere
else entirely. Depending on the prevailing winds, it can even be in another country!
Global phenomena of climate transformation characterized by the change in the changes in the
usual climate of the planet (temperature, precipitation, and wind) that are caused by human
activities. Climate change is long term change in Earth’s climate. Especially a change due to an
increase in average atmospheric temperature.
Cause of Climate Change: The Earth's climate has always changed throughout history,
influenced by natural factors like volcanic eruptions, solar activity, and variations in Earth's orbit.
Earth quakes; shifting of tectonic plate under the Earth’s crust causes earth quakes, which are
responsible for mass destruction. When faced with an earth quake, you should
Stand in open ground until shaking stops
Stay away from buildings, utility wires and street light if you are out doors.
Tsunamis: a series of enormous ocean waves caused by earth quakes, under water landslides,
volcanic eruption
Review Questions.
1. Which of the following organisms are NOT directly involved in nitrogen fixation?
a) Rhizobia bacteria (living in legume root nodules)
b) Cyanobacteria (photosynthetic bacteria in soil and water)
c) Fungi (decomposers in soil) d) Lightning strikes
2. What form of nitrogen is readily available for most plants to absorb?
a) Atmospheric nitrogen (N2) c) Nitrates (NO3-)
b) Ammonia (NH3) d) Nitrites (NO2-)
3. Which stage of the nitrogen cycle releases ammonia back into the soil?
a) Nitrogen fixation b) Nitrification c) Ammonification d) Denitrification
4. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?
A. timber B. gold C. coffee D. khat
5. Which of the following is a renewable resource?
A. oil B. coal C. gas D. wood