UNIT V Tools
UNIT V Tools
UNIT V Tools
i. Rapid Miner
It is one of the best predictive analysis systems. Also, it was developed by the company with the
same name as the Rapid Miner. It is written in JAVA programming language. It provides an
integrated environment for deep learning. The tool can be used for over a vast range of applications.
As it includes for business applications, commercial applications, training, education, etc. Rapid
Miner offers the server as both on-premise & in public/private cloud infrastructures. It has a
client/server model as its base. Rapid Miner comes with template based frameworks. Also, it
enables speedy delivery with a reduced number of errors. Rapid Miner constitutes of three
modules, namely
R.M Studio- This module is for workflow design, prototyping, validation etc.
Rapid Miner Server- To operate predictive data models created in studio
R.M Radoop- Executes processes directly in Hadoop cluster to simplify predictive analysis.
ii. Orange
iii. Weka
Availability: Licensed
Sisense is extremely useful and best suited BI software. That it comes to reporting purposes within
the organization. It is developed by the company of same name ‘Sisense’. It has a brilliant
capability to handle. Also, process data for the small-scale/large scale organizations. It allows
combining data from various sources to build a common repository. Further, refines data to generate
rich reports. That gets shared across departments for reporting. Sisense got awarded as best BI
software is 2016 and still, holds a good position. Sisense generates reports which are highly visual.
It is specially designed for users that are non-technical. It allows drag & drop facility as well as
Availability: Licensed
SSDT is a universal, declarative model. We use this model to expands all the phases of database
development in the Visual Studio IDE. And developed to do data analysis and provide business
intelligence solutions. Developers use SSDT transact- a design capability of SQL and refactor
databases. A user can work directly with a database. It can work with a connected database, thus,
providing on or off-premise facility. Users can use visual studio tools for development of databases.
Like IntelliSense, visual basic. SSDT provides Table Designer to create new tables. Also, edit tables
in direct databases as well as connected databases. Deriving its base from BIDS, which was not
compatible with Visual Studio2010. Also, the SSDT BI came into existence and it replaced BIDS.
ix. Rattle
x. DataMelt
Availability: Licensed
Teradata is often called Teradata database. It is an enterprise data warehouse. Also, it contains data
management tools along with data mining software. We can use it for business analytics. We use
Teradata as an insight of company data. Such as sales, product placement, customer preferences. It
can also differentiate between ‘hot’ & ‘cold’ data. Hence, it means that it puts less frequently used
data in a slow storage section. Teradata works on ‘share nothing’ architecture. As it has its server
nodes have their own memory & processing ability.
xv. Board
xvi. Dundas BI
Availability: Licensed
Dundas is another excellent dashboard, reporting & data analytics tool. Dundas is quite reliable with
its rapid integrations & quick insights. It provides unlimited data transformation patterns with
attractive tables, charts & graphs. Dundas BI provides a fantastic feature of data accessibility. That
is from across many devices with a gap-free protection of documents. Dundas BI puts data in
well-defined structures. Also, in a specific manner to ease the processing for the user.
It constitutes of relational methods that facilitate multi-dimensional analysis. And focuses on
business-critical matters.
xvii. Python
As a free and open source language, Python is most often compared to R for ease of use. Many
users find that they can start building data sets. And doing complex affinity analysis in minutes. The
most common business-use case-data visualizations are straightforward.
xviii. Spark
The attraction of Spark is plowing through vast oceans of data center traffic with ease. park jobs
run by Python. If you’re moving into a big data, you’ll need to know Spark. As it is one of the best
open source data mining tools to deal with massive amounts of data.
xix. H20
If you want to get out on the cutting edge, start learning H2O. Also, it’s been installed thousands of
times, with applications for fraud detection. Like R, it has a very active and enthusiastic user
community that’s propelling its growth.