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Lesson Plan Template

Below is a template you will fill in as your lesson plan. It is designed to include the actions of the 4 National Visual Arts Anchor Standards of
Creating, Connecting, Responding and Presenting. The left column you will populate with the lesson criteria. Be thorough and descriptive. The
right column you will share your rationale for the choices you are making. The rationale/reflection should be backed up by readings from the
class, and other content you’ve learned in other courses. Sharing your rationale is important as it asks you to think about why you are doing what
you are doing. Reflecting deeply is a significant aspect of teaching.

Lesson Title: _Paper Temples_________________

Targeted grade Level: ____9th - 12th Grade___ Anticipated Time Frame:____Two weeks_____

Lesson Plan Rationale

1. Conceptual Structure/Big Idea: Why is this a relevant concept for students to explore? How does it connect to
contemporary culture and context?

Exploration of Thailand’s architecture through Buddhist Exploring other cultures will always be relevant to the Art and ELA
Temples and Shrines. Comparing and contrasting the curriculum. A huge aspect of these subjects is taking the time to
similarities and differences between cultural architecture. As understand the perspective of the artist/writer through a cultural lens.
This can help the observer better understand the intent behind the media
well as how design influences individuals perception of a
or the process it took to create said media.
building and its possible symbolic meaning.

2. Key Concepts (What ideas, facts, and new knowledge will the students Why is it important for students to know these concepts?
acquire? List the key art concepts that will help students to understand the big idea
as an artist.) To help exercise empathy and prompt student s to consider varying perspective
through cultural lens.
1. Formatting an art book with an appearance of Shrines and Temples for
2. Constructing an interactive 3d art piece.
3. Visual storytelling and considering cultures impact on what is conveyed
4. Students will demonstrate experimentation/exploration of their given
5. Students will have a better understanding of how to translate two
dimensional designs into three dimensional.
6. Students will also have a better understanding of negative and positive space.
that is either a commentary on their own culture’s view of time or one that is
more intrinsic to humanity's experience with time.

3. Objectives (what students will DO): How do the objectives fully support learning and how do they connect to the
students’ lives? (What evidence can you provide that makes you say this?)
1. Express an understanding of symmetry or asymmetry
in the composition.
2. Students will be asked to analyze the architecture
chosen for the project. Interpret what the design was
attempting express.
3. Students will create a paper pop-up that exhibits
design elements from Thai culture. Students are
expected to document and reflect upon their work and
its process.

4. Essential Questions (BIG overarching questions): How are these questions meaningful to the student? How do you know?

1) These questions are to get students to stop and consider another

perspective from a foreign culture.

1. What influenced Thai Temples and Shrines?

2. How did the the Thais depict their beliefs and culture
through architecture?
3. Does the way you present yourself have any meaning?
4. What do others see you? Does their perception of you
5. Standards:
1. VA:Re.7.2.Ia - Analyze how one’s understanding of the
world is affected by experiencing visual imagery.
2. VA:Cr1.2.Ia - Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of
presentday life using a contemporary practice of art or
1. ART.VA.II.HS.2 - Create artwork using materials and
techniques with skill so that personal intentions are carried
2. ART.VA.III.HS.5 - Recognize and understand the relationships
between personal experiences and the development of
6. Connecting and Responding: Explain how the students will explore the concepts of the big idea through
artists and their artwork. What opportunities will the students have to
Teaching Resources: (art work, videos, books, etc) RESPOND to art? Choose artists whose work exemplifies an exploration of your
Art: (Artists and insert thumbnail photo of examples shared) big idea and include examples of the artist’s work in your presentation.

Thai Textiles
By. Kevin Trainor

Early Buddhist Architecture

By. Kakichi Suzuki
Classic Thai: Design, Interiors, Architecture
Foreword bt M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra
Photography by Luca Invernizzi Tettoni
Texts by Chami Jotsalikorn, Phuthorn Bhumadhon, and Virginia
Mckeen Di Crocco

Photography book that show cases all sorts of Thai architecture

designs, can be used as a guide to help students better understand
Thai approach to design.

Thai Textiles
By. Susan Conway

Showcases commonly seen textiles from Thailand. This can

help guide students better understand particular Design
elements in regards to Thai culture.

The Art of Southeast Asia

By. Louis Frederic

Exploration of multiple Southeast Asian countries,

including Thailand, this could be used as a reference to
compare and contrast the similarities between the cultures
and their architectures.
7. CREATING Share rationale for choices in teaching and learning strategies, here is where I
should see additional evidence of the readings. How will you scaffold the lesson
Lesson Plan Sequence (This will be lengthy and will be broken down into to maximize learning?
days if need be) How will the art teacher help students artistically and creatively
investigate and express the big idea? What is your hook? Explain how you will
facilitate the development of knowledge about CREATING/ARTMAKING that will
help students explore subject matter, media, and techniques in their own work.
How will you weave opportunities for formative assessment and reflecting into the
lesson? Bold content specific art vocabulary. Include leading questions that you will
ask to evoke student thinking during this process.(Focus on design thinking)

Day One - Introduce the Buddhist Architecture form My reasoning for setting up the lesson like this is to help the
Thailand and teacher exemplar. Discuss the idea of culture students begin thinking about their concept and offer
and its influence on design. Have students review the books enough time for exploration/research for this project.
at their designated stations. Hold class discussion on what
students observed. I also want to provide students with enough time to give each
other feedback during their work process so they can make
Day Two/Three - Students will be introduced to the adjustments and refine their work.
materials that are made available for the project. Students are
expected to ideate their designs for the paper architecture, there As well as making use of the time for them to reflect upon
will be a brief amount of time for a class walkthrough to their process.
examine/critique their concepts. Afterwards students will get
started on the construction of their piece.
Day Four - Students are expect to have the base of their project
started and ready to go. Students will continue to build off of
their base and decorate their piece.

Day Five/Six - Studio days used for students to work on their

projects, they are expected to continue documentation of their
process and thoughts.

Day Seven - Essentially have another studio day, but part way
through it, class will come together and view peers progress/
give feedback.

Day Eight - Final studio day, begin to wrap up and finish the
project. Once done students will write a brief description of
their work, and their process.

Day Nine - Students will present their work with their peers and
have a class discussion on what was taken away/ learned.

8. Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications (For Share rationale for each

differently abled on both ends of the spectrum)
- This can help minimize overstimulation regarding particular
materials. Students are free to work with what they are
- Students are offered a variety of materials they are comfortable with, or push themselves to experiment with a
free to utilize. new material.
- Timeline can be extended if needed for class.
9. Assessment Strategies: (Connecting and Responding) What evidence from Share rationale for formative and summative assessment, HOW will this reveal
performances and products demonstrate deep understanding and generalizable knowledge acquired and how they will use it?
new knowledge?) What evidence of pre-thinking, in process ideation and How will you know what your students have learned about:
development will be required? • the big idea that they investigated
• the artistic concepts and depth of knowledgebase
• art creating and production/process
There will be various assessment strategies throughout this • reflecting on their own work and connecting and responding to other
project. art work
•How will the students’ voices be represented in the assessment and
presentation of their work?
1. Sketches and concept work: Since this is the beginning
part of the assignment, this will demonstrate whether 1. Having the students do this at the beginning of the
or not the students feel confident with research and assignment helps with understanding where they are
ideation. with their confidence levels and what they’re able to
2. Demonstrating and showing examples: Within this part accomplish with the skillset.
of the assignment, it will help to see if the students are 2. This would be performed at the beginning of the
able to follow along from the video tutorials and project, and will help with seeing if they are engaged
demos to see if they can follow directions. in the project and if they are willing to reach out for
3. The final piece: This will be the final assessment on if help if needed.
they’re able to retain the information from the past 3. The final piece will demonstrate if the students were
demonstrations along with the beginning part of the able to adapt to the critiques, demos, and examples
lesson and apply it to their art pieces. for general information and individual
10 Insert photo of teacher created exemplar here: Rationale here should discuss the significance of what was created and address
prior knowledge (ideas, context etc) students will need to understand the
lesson content.
11. Materials/Tools/Art supplies needed What prior knowledge students will need to effectively use materials to express
their ideas? (you may complete this AFTER making your teacher exemplar)

Traditional materials: The only prior knowledge the students will need is their
opinions about time and a foundational understanding of
- Paper how to use the art materials. They will also need prior
- Pencils knowledge of applying the same techniques of searching
- Markers things on Google to Pinterest to create their mood boards.
- Colored Pencils
- Pens
- Acrylic Paint
- Brushes
- Pastels (oil and chalk)
- Scissors
- Glue
- Tape
- Rulers

12. Materials Distribution/Clean Up Describe possible systems and management strategies

Materials would be laid out in there own designated areas, The system that would be set in place would be designated
one area for paper, markers, pencils, and etc. areas for particular materials, most of it will be compiled
together at a countertop or table in its own container/bin.
Students are expected to return materials to their original
areas, and keep track of tidying their own areas.

13. PRESENTING How will your students’ work be PRESENTED and Who is the audience? What kind of feedback will the artists receive?
Depending on the competition they’re being entered into, for
The students’ work will be sprayed with fixative to prevent example Scholastics or something at the DIA, the
smudging onto the other pages of the zine. The work will be demographic would change. So the audience could be
entered into various competitions and submitted into their art parents, students, and teachers from around Michigan
portfolios for scholarships and/or school applications. coming to see the art at the competition or it could be
college students.
The students will receive direct written feedback through me
including a rubric, as well as halfway through the semester
check ins.

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