IBM SPSS Catalog
IBM SPSS Catalog
IBM SPSS Catalog
outcomes through
predictive analytics
IBM SPSS Statistics
Improve productivity significantly, achieving superior results for business goals
The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) is shaping To make smart decisions about the correct treatment and
better outcomes for young people. Powerful analytics solutions rehabilitation path for each young person, it is important for DJJ
from IBM—part of the IBM Watson™ Foundations family—are to build an accurate profile of a child’s individual level of risk by
helping the agency dig deeper into big data on young offenders, reviewing key predictors, such as past offense history, homelife
predict the likely outcomes of different rehabilitation methods, environment, gang affiliation and peer associations. Accurate
and work more effectively with social services to get children risk assessment represents just one step on the pathway to
on the right track and out of the justice system. This helps DJJ reducing juvenile delinquency. An even more important task is to
make better decisions about how to deliver social services, ensure that the right intervention and rehabilitation methods are
address problems sooner and help children turn their lives applied at the right time to improve outcomes for young people
around. The results speak for themselves: arrests have fallen by and lower their likelihood of committing an offense.
23 percent since 2010–2011, putting the juvenile arrest rate at its
lowest level since 1994. The DJJ and the state of Florida believe that if youth are
rehabilitated with effective prevention, intervention and
“With tools like IBM SPSS Modeler and IBM SPSS Statistics treatment services early in life, they will not enter the adult
Base, we can extract relevant data and run complex analyses, corrections system. Former Secretary Wansley Walters of DJJ
which play a crucial role in helping us to design and assess the concludes: “With IBM software and services, we believe we are
success of different programs and to demonstrate these results building a smarter technology infrastructure that sharpens our
to stakeholders,” says Mark Greenwald, the director of research experience as subject matter experts. The result is that young
and planning at DJJ. people become—and stay—law-abiding citizens.”
Use conditional formatting to highlight cell View interactive SPSS Statistics reports via your web browser from
background and text within tables based on smartphones and tablets, including Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod;
the cell value. Microsoft Windows; and Google Android devices.
Even if you use one or more of the other modules in the IBM
SPSS Statistics family for specific kinds of analysis, IBM SPSS
Statistics Base software will continue to form the basis of
The data editor makes it easier to manage data from IBM many deployments because it contains statistical tests and
SPSS Statistics files as well as text files and data from other procedures that are fundamental to many analyses.
applications and databases.
Descriptive statistics • Apply splitters in the data editor for easier viewing of • Density charts
• Cross-tabulations wide or long data files – Population pyramids: Mirrored axis to compare
• Frequencies, descriptives, explore, descriptive • Create your own dictionary information for variables distributions, with or without normal curve
ratio statistics by using custom attributes – Dot charts: Stacked dots show distribution;
• Customize the viewing of extremely wide files with symmetric, stacked and linear
Bivariate statistics variable sets – Histograms: With or without normal curve; custom
• Means, t tests, ANOVA, correlation (bivariate, partial, • Use syntax to change string length and basic binning options
distances) and nonparametric tests data type • Quality control charts
• Set a permanent default working directory – Pareto, X-bar, range, Sigma, individual chart or
Prediction for numerical outcomes and moving range chart
identifying groups Transformations – Rule-checking performed on primary and
• Factor analysis • More easily find and replace text strings in your data secondary charts
• K-means cluster analysis using the find and replace function – Automatic flagging of points that violate Shewhart
• Hierarchical cluster analysis • Recode string or numeric value rules, the ability to turn off rules and the ability to
• Two-step cluster analysis • Recode values into consecutive integers suppress charts
• Discriminant • Create conditional transformations using DO IF, ELSE • Diagnostic and exploratory charts
• Linear regression IF, ELSE and END IF statements – Case plots and time-series plots
• Ordinal regression—PLUM • Use programming structures, such as do repeat-end – Probability plots
• Multithreaded algorithms: SORT, correlation, partial repeat, loop-end loop and vectors – Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation
correlation, linear regression, factor analysis • Compute variables using arithmetic, cross-case, date function plots
• Nearest neighbor analysis, which can be used for and time, logical, missing-value, random-number, – Cross-correlation function plots
prediction or for classification statistical, or string functions – Receiver-operating characteristics
• Nonparametric tests provide multiple comparisons • Create variables that contain the values of existing • Multiple use charts
and perform efficiently on large data sets variables from preceding or subsequent cases – 2-D line charts (with two-scale axes)
• Monte Carlo simulation • Count occurrences of values across variables – Charts for multiple response sets
• Data editor • Make transformations permanent or temporary • Custom charts
– Configure attributes so that some can be hidden • Execute transformations immediately, batched or – Graphics Production Language (GPL), a custom
– Spell check value labels and variable labels on demand chart creation language, enables advanced
– Sort by variable name, type, format and more users to attain a broader range of chart and
– Use find and replace functionality Reporting option possibilities than the interface supports to
• Easily eliminate duplicate records with the Identify • Reports create mixed charts and more
Duplicate Cases tool – Online analytical processing (OLAP) cubes • Layout options
• Make sense and keep track of your data files by – Case summaries – Paneled charts: Create a table of subcharts,
adding notes to them with the Data File Comments – Report summaries one panel per level or condition; multiple row
command and columns
• Create read-only data sets Graphs – 3-D effects: Rotate, modify depth and
• More accurately describe your data using longer • Categorical charts display backplanes
variable names (up to 64 bytes) – 3-D bar: Simple, cluster and stacked • Chart templates
• Create value labels up to 120 characters – Bar: Simple, cluster, stacked, dropped shadow – Save selected characteristics of a chart and apply
• Clone or duplicate data sets and 3-D them to others automatically
• Apply an extended Variable Properties command to – Line: Simple, multiple and drop-line – Apply the following attributes at creation or edit
customize properties for individual users – Area: Simple and stacked time: Layout, titles, footnotes and annotations;
• Longer text strings (up to 32,000 bytes) – Pie: Simple, exploding and 3-D effect chart element styles; data element styles; axis
• Define Variables Properties tool – High-low: High-low-close, difference area and scale range; axis scale settings; fit and reference
• Right-click on the variable to choose its descriptive range bar lines; and scatterplot point binning
statistics – Box plot: Simple and clustered – Tree-view layout and finer control of
• Copy Data Properties tool – Error bar: Simple and clustered template bundles
• Data Restructure wizard – Error bars: Add to bar, line and area charts;
• Aggregate data to external or to the active data file confidence level; S.D.; or S.E. System requirements
• Automatically convert string variables to numeric – Dual-Y axes and overlay subgroups, display • Please see p. 8 for complete system requirements
with autorecode spikes to line
– Spell-checking of long text strings • Scatterplots
• Date and Time wizard: – Simple, grouped, scatterplot matrix and 3-D
– Easily work with data containing time and dates in – Fit lines: Linear, quadratic or cubic
IBM SPSS Statistics software regression; Lowess smoother; confidence interval
– Create a time or date variable from a string control for total or bivariate statistics
containing a date variable – Bin points by color or marker size to
– Create a time or date variable from variables that prevent overlap
include individual date units, such as month
or year
– Calculate times and dates
– Separate a date unit from a time or date variable