Grade 6 Global Citizens
Grade 6 Global Citizens
Grade 6 Global Citizens
Subject: Interdisciplinary Study: Social Studies, English, Religion, Arts, Health (see also individual subject short-term
What Curriculum Will Be Addressed? How Are You Monitoring Student Progress?
Big Idea
Summative OF learning (communicates standards-based achievement)
stand How will students demonstrate their understanding of the Big Idea (e.g., performance task, project,
Social Studies: portfolio, test, etc.)? What evidence will we look for?
• Systems of government vary in their respect for
human rights & freedoms • class, small group, pair-share discussions
• Complex global problems require international • personal responses and reflections on learning (journal, critical responses)
cooperation to make difficult choices for the • guided responses, open-ended activities, comprehension responses
future • illustrations, drama
• Economic self-interest can be a significant cause • poetry
of conflict among peoples & governments • work with peers to develop criteria to assess (when possible)
• Media sources can both positively & negatively
• gather and correctly organize data (ie: charts, graphic organizers)
affect our understanding of important events &
• accurately interpret texts/learning experiences using detailed examples, evidence
from texts
• predictions and conclusions based on research, discussions, class experiences
English LA:
• vocabulary use in oral and written work
• Language & text can be a source of creativity &
joy • applied understanding to choices made in daily life
• Exploring stories & other texts helps us • self- and peer-assessment
understand ourselves & make connections to • performance assessment
others & to world • collection of work into portfolios
• Exploring & sharing multiple perspectives • teacher observation, checklists
extends our thinking • teacher designed tasks, projects, and tests
• Questioning what we hear, read, & view
contributes to our ability to be educated &
engaged citizens
• Engaging in creative expression & experiences
expands people's sense of identity & community
• Drama & visual arts are each unique languages
for creating & communicating
• Experiencing art is a means to develop empathy
for others' perspectives & experiences
• We experience many changes in our lives that
influence how we see ourselves & others
Learning about similarities & differences in
individuals & groups influences community health
Do Curricular learning Students are expected to be Formative Learning Engagements: Formative Assessment FOR learning
able to DO the following: What are some learning experiences to be (standards-based; informs instruction)
standards included in this unit? How will information be gathered about
Social Studies: Global what students already know (i.e., pre-
citizenship/ personal • Brainstorm and activate prior knowledge on assessment/accessing prior knowledge)?
First Nations Principles group. community what is a global citizen? Global community? What strategies will be used to evaluate
of Learning building • Create a visual and word title page on 4 student learning and adjust teaching? Where
- Use Social Studies themes to be examined over the year: will students have the opportunity to share
Learning involves inquiry processes and culture, environment, economics, and
generational roles and their understanding in order to receive
skills to ask questions; government
responsibilities. feedback, revise and improve?
gather, interpret, and • Inquiry discussion on teacher generated
questions (see below)
Learning involves patience analyze ideas; and • Investigate one GNO and present to class: • oral discussions
and time. communicate findings
mini inquiry project using 5Ws and How? • writing reflections and responses
and decisions
- Make ethical judgments • Learn about Faith-based NGOs: Door is • graphic organizers
Learning involves
recognizing the about events, decisions, or
Open, Men's Hostel, Sancta Maria House, • assignment tasks
Chalice, etc…
consequences of one’s actions that
• collection of items for Sancta Maria House
actions. consider the conditions of Reflective Assessment AS learning (meta-
• link to St. Francis (Peace prayer/ song,
Learning is embedded in a particular time and “Preach the Gospel, and if needed, use cognitive; immediate feedback to learner)
memory, history and story. place, and assess words”) and to St. Teresa of Calcutta and What opportunities will there be for students
appropriate ways to her support/ ministry of the poor to reflect on their thinking and feelings as
Learning is holistic, respond (ethical • St. Teresa Song: Christ has no body now but part of their learning? (e.g., self/peer
reflexive, reflective, yours evaluations, partner talk, goal setting,
experiential, and
-Ask questions, • Matthew 25: “Truly I tell you, whatever you journaling, etc.)
relational. did for one of the least of these brothers and
corroborate inferences,
sisters of mine, you did for me”
Learning ultimately and draw conclusions • Use of text book, using titles and subtitles to • reflections, personal responses
supports the well-being of about take notes (teacher guided) • Core Competency self-evaluation
the self, the family, the the content and origins of • Map skills: know and locate the 7 continents • whole group, small group, partner
community, the land, the a variety of sources, • Oral and written responses to critical discussions
spirits, and the ancestors. including mass thinking questions, group discussions
media (evidence) • School (individual and/or partner work) and
English LA: home research opportunities on computers in
Learning Commons ex: issues of poverty
-Access information and inequality in the world, especially in
and ideas for diverse relation to children and indigenous peoples
purposes and from a (in the lens of the CWV)
variety of sources and • Teacher read aloud of Bitter Chocolate
evaluate their • Generating questions of interest: share
relevance, accuracy, within a small circle group, then bring one
and reliability or two questions to whole group to discuss
(student initiated)
-Apply appropriate • Making connections to self and world
strategies to comprehend community
written, oral, and visual • Bringing in and sharing current events
texts, guide inquiry, and • Connecting theme of “Care for EVERYONE
extend thinking in Our Common Home” to being a Global
-Recognize how language citizen: visual to integrate these two ideas in
constructs personal, a poster form (with a partner)
social, and cultural • T-chart on 'Think Globally, Act Locally'
identity • Active participation in 3R’s, understanding
-Construct meaningful resources and managing of these
personal connections • Discuss importance of respecting everyone
as part as an integral member of our class
between self, text, and
community and working outward, especially
world as a Catholic Faith community
-Respond to text in • Gospel readings of Christ helping and
personal, creative, and connecting with the marginalized and most
critical ways vulnerable
-Exchange ideas and • personal reflections and assessments
viewpoints to build shared
understanding and extend • Quiz/ test on vocabulary
thinking Link to second term…Celebrate Culture and
-Use an increasing Diversity
repertoire of conventions
of Canadian spelling,
grammar, and punctuation
- Christ-Centered in
the core of all that is
taught, learned, and
respecting, and
appreciating one's gifts
and talents (inherent
dignity of every human
being) and those of
others to build a
Christian community
(link to our role as
Global citizens)
-Volunteer to contribute
time, talent, & treasure
English LA:
Strategies & Processes
(ongoing) SEE LT
• reading strategies
• oral lang. strategies
• metacognitive
• writing processes
Core Comp. C T PS
How do I contribute to my community? (different levels of community) under the lens of the Christ-Centered Principle