Combating The Silent Threat of Livestock Anthrax in Uganda Issues and Challenges
Combating The Silent Threat of Livestock Anthrax in Uganda Issues and Challenges
Combating The Silent Threat of Livestock Anthrax in Uganda Issues and Challenges
IAA Journal of Applied Sciences 11(2):90-99, 2024.
©IAAJOURNALS ISSN: 2636-7246 IAAJAS: 112.90.99
Anthrax is regarded as a zoonotic animal disease that tends to pose a threat not only to livestock but also to the
global environment, economy, health and well-being of the general public. However, it suffices to state that
Uganda has also had its fair share as it concerns the anthrax disease outbreak. Although the Anthrax disease
seems to be silent, it is considered a dangerous livestock disease that could gradually creep persistently and have a
significant impact on the Uganda livestock, environment, and the general well-being of the people of Uganda. It is
in this regard, that this study tends to examine the legal framework concerning combating anthrax disease in
Uganda. Furthermore, the study also aims to examine the danger, root cause, issues, and challenges in combating
anthrax disease in Uganda. In this regard, the study adopts a doctrinal method of study to examine previous
literature and other relevant sources concerning anthrax disease in Uganda. The results obtained from these
sources were analyzed through an analytical and descriptive method. The study therefore found that there is an
incidence of anthrax disease in Uganda. Furthermore, the study also found that lack of awareness, non-vaccination
of livestock against anthrax disease, and poor surveillance against the anthrax disease could result in the
widespread of the anthrax disease, which may pose a significant threat to livestock, the environment, and the
public health well-being of Uganda. It is therefore concluded and recommended that to curtail the silent threat of
the anthrax disease, there is a need to strengthen and intensify the legal regulation, surveillance, and control of the
anthrax disease. Furthermore, it is also required government and various stakeholders ensure an effective
engagement and collaboration with the local agricultural community in curtailing the outbreak of anthrax disease.
Keywords: Legal, Livestock, Anthrax, Agriculture, Uganda
Agriculture involves the breeding of livestock, livestock that could also be dangerous for human to
plants, and cash crops for commercial and consume. It suffices to state that Anthrax is one of
subsistence within the global environment [1, 2] the notable diseases that is consider a livestock
Agriculture is considered a mainstream of income infectious and contagious disease that is also a threat
generation and occupation globally, which humans to humans when consuming the products from
survive on for a living. However, it suffices to state livestock infected with the disease. Anthrax is
that livestock (which includes sheep, goats, cattle, regarded as a disease caused by bacterium bacillus
pigs, and poultry) is one of the most reliable anthracis that often results in infected livestock
agricultural products that the global community suffering from critical respiratory disease, and skin
depends on for meat, milk, hide and skin, and other irritation and could lead to the death of the livestock
agricultural products [3]. These products aid in [5]. Goats, cattle, and sheep are the major livestock
enhancing food production and the economic well- that are mostly affected, it could be transferred from
being of the global environment. However, despite animal to human through direct contact or
the benefits of agricultural products it suffices to consumption of livestock products.
state that several challenges could negatively impact It must be noted that anthrax is considered a
livestock production and human consumption or zoonotic disease that affects the global environment
reliance on this product. One of such challenges and it is a concern in various parts of the world. This
involve infectious and contagious diseases on is concerning the fact that it remains a danger in
livestock [4]. For decades there have reported cases regions where the disease is endemic or during
of severe contagious disease that often infect outbreaks. In this regard, Uganda rich in livestock
Aidonojie et al
production has also had it fair share of the anthrax Concerning the above, it suffices to state that
disease [4]. The outbreak of anthrax in Uganda is anthrax does not only pose a threat to livestock but
said to have occurred in western Uganda in the have a considerably negative impact on the Uganda
1950s which resulted in the loss of livestock. In economy and public health [6]. In this regard, in
2010, 2011, and 2022, the anthrax disease was ensuring livestock economic stability and protection
recorded to have occurred in Sheema, Kabira sub- public health, requires adequate measures from legal,
county, and Kyotera districts respectively. The medical and socioeconomic safeguarding. This is
outbreak of this disease led to the death of several concerning the fact that these measures will
livestock and a severe impact on humans [6]. continue to inform the general public to be alert on
Although, the timely intervention of the Uganda the silent threat and disaster anthrax disease could
government tends to further curtail the spread of the cause to the human population, animal and economic
anthrax disease. However, given the fact that wellbeing [10].
anthrax disease could exist in moist soil and spike It is concerning the above that this study tends to
more during drops in temperature, rain season, and embark on a cursory examination on the issues and
flooding areas, could pose a silent threat to the challenges that could the combating of the anthrax
Uganda community that is characterized- by this disease in Uganda. Furthermore, the study also
kind of climatic condition [7, 8] sought to propose possible solutions to these issues
and challenges.
To achieve the aim of this study, a doctrinal method spread of the disease in 2011 leading to the closure
of study was adopted. The essence of adopting the of local markets and the deaths of two persons and
doctrinal method of study is aimed at theorizing and several animals. Further outbreaks were reported in
conceptualizing the anthrax disease and its silent 2022 and in Kabira sub-county, Kyotera District in
threat to the Uganda environment. Furthermore, to 2023 [12], although the impact was less severe as a
also ascertain the appropriate legal and possible result of the early detection preparedness and
socio-economic method in combating the threat of response initiatives implemented by the government
anthrax disease. In this regard, primary and of Uganda. The significant impact of these measures
secondary sources of material such as laws and in curbing the spread of the disease in recent times
scholarly literature were relied on. In this regard, cannot be overemphasized [6]. Anthrax tends to
the data obtained through this medium were analyse reach its peak during January and February
and examined through a descriptive and analytical following a drop in temperature. However,
method. according to the public health institutions in
Understanding Anthrax, it Outbreak and Uganda, they raise and establish early warning
Transmission Pathways in Uganda systems for disease outbreaks across Uganda. By
Anthrax is a severe infectious disease caused by using data on rainfall patterns, floods, temperature
Bacillus anthracis, Anthrax is a dangerous bacterial patterns, soil conditions as well as animal illness
disease. The Centre for Disease Control and cases together with patterns of infectious disease
Prevention (CDC) lists it among the zoonotic outbreaks, the institutions have made impressive
diseases in the Bacillaceae bacterium family [3]. progress in the control of the disease [2]. Through
These are infections like zoonoses according to the their implementation of an early warning approach,
World Health Organisation because they can be the public health institution has reported a reduction
spread between man and animals which have in time for detecting anthrax outbreaks in the Mbale
backbones. For instance, fungal organisms, bacteria, region from sixty-four days to two days between
viruses, or parasites can lead to these infections. 2022 and 2023 [13, 14]. It is expected that with
Human beings can also contract these animal- sustained efforts from all stakeholders, the time can
transmitted diseases easily hence it is a serious be shortened, leading to greater success in the fight
public health issue. Consequently, epidemics and against the disease.
pandemics may follow such transmissions of diseases Anthrax has several pathways for transmission and
[10, 9, 8] there are high risk factors of the transmission that
From the 1950s to present day there have been makes it more harmful. Consequently, there are five
several cases of anthrax outbreaks in the area transmission pathways and risk factors that enable
surrounding Queen Elizabeth Protected Area in the transmission of anthrax and they include animal
western Uganda. Meanwhile, sporadic outbreaks and direct contact, inhalation, ingestion,
were also reported for this same location between environmental exposure, and use of anthrax as a bio-
2004 and 2005 and then sometime around 2010 weapon or in a bio-terrorist attack [4]. Due to its
when over five hundred wild animals and four status as a zoonotic disease, anthrax can be
hundred domestic animals died [11]. Sheema, contracted from human interaction with infected
another district in Uganda was affected by the animals or their derivatives. As a zoonotic disease,
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anthrax can be contracted by humans through direct anthrax are relatively rare in developed countries
contact with infected animals or their products. This today, it continues to pose danger within regions
can take place at different stages of animals lives, where it is endemic or during outbreaks. Thus,
such as during their harvest or processing. Among governments and healthcare providers worry about
the domestic livestock groups, like cattle, sheep, and malevolent use of anthrax spores as a weapon for
goats, such diseases as anthrax become especially bioterrorism which equally raises global awareness
prominent. In contrast, in the case of inhalation for the disease. As a consequence, understanding the
anthrax, when these particles are inhaled, the spores nature of anthrax is imperative for the
are more likely to find their way inside the lungs implementation of effective surveillance, prevention
[5]. On a professional level, it usually takes place in and control measures necessary to prevent risks
agricultural zones, workplaces with infected associated with the disease [17, 15, 18].
laboratory animals, or in industrial sites where there Symptoms and Impact of Anthrax on Animals
is trade in animal products. However, when it comes and Rural Communities
to inhalation, anthrax can be the most serious Laboratory samples from infected animals or people
because of the higher infection rates it causes. and particular symptoms they exhibit can also
Eaten undercooked or contaminated meat of healthy indicate anthrax. Some clinical signs that point to
animals during outbreaks may lead to anthrax in animals include rapid illness with
gastrointestinal anthrax, especially in areas, where weakness, fever, and difficulty breathing. Animals
anthrax is endemic, and food safety is of low suffering from the parachute form of anthrax
standard. Having that in mind, it is crucial to note manifest severe tissue swelling, particularly in the
that this mode of transmission is especially throat and neck [19]. The condition is characterized
problematic because communities that fall sick will by rapid death, even before the manifestation of
also experience food shortages [2, 14, 15]. clinical signs. Livestock - cattle, sheep, and goat - are
Therefore, starvation is likely to become the greatest mostly at risk for anthrax. By and large, anthrax in
challenge for many of them and it is likely to deter animals leads to a fatal outcome, with outbreaks
their eating habits, especially for the poor. In known sometimes registering 90% mortality. This
cases of anthrax outbreaks, the spores have been translates to significant financial loss for livestock
found to exist and remain active in the environment owners and communities involved in agriculture.
for extended periods. The presence of anthrax spores The presence of anthrax in animals presents a risk of
in soil, water, and in objects that had contact with disease transmission to humans who come into
contaminated materials (especially in areas where contact with the animals or their products [20].
anthrax has previously occurred), is the primary Cutaneous anthrax is the most common form of
cause of disease outbreaks [16]. They can spread anthrax among humans. It manifests with the
contamination onto food products, and eventually to appearance of skin lesions, mainly on the site where
people. Above all, there is the chance of Anthrax the spores entered the skin, similarly to being in
spores being used as a bioterrorism weapon which contact with animal products contaminated with
could lead to exposure to risk via contact or anthrax, such as hides and wool. Inhalation form
inhalation of contaminated objects. manifests in the first few days with flu and cold-like
Humans contract anthrax through direct or indirect symptoms with fever, fatigue, cough, and mild chest
contact with infected animals or their products. In pains [21]. However, these symptoms often
humans, there are three main forms of anthrax progress rapidly and deteriorate within 2-6 days, so
namely: cutaneous, inhalational, and gastrointestinal the patient falls into acute respiratory distress and
which have different modes of transmission [17]. shock. During outbreaks, it is vital to avoid the
Cutaneous anthrax is the most common type in consumption of undercooked meat from infected
humans and occurs when people come into contact animals, as this cause develops into gastrointestinal
with infected animals or their products especially anthrax. Gastrointestinal anthrax manifests with
when they handle contaminated hides, wool, or meat. nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and damage due
Inhalational anthrax happens as a result of inhaling to severe diarrhea. In the most severe and rare cases,
spores of Bacillus anthracis that are encountered in it can lead to meningitis and septicemia, with the
settings such as agriculture or laboratories when associated neurological symptoms of confusion and
there is industrial exposure to infected animals or shock. These can become fatal without timely
their products. On the other hand, gastrointestinal medical intervention [22]. Anthrax outbreaks or
anthrax arises from ingesting raw or undercooked incidents of bioterrorism have a profound effect on
meat from infected animals causing a the psychological and social well-being of those
gastrointestinal infection [9]. involved; consequently, it gives rise to fear, worry
Anthrax bears historical significance as a zoonotic and public health apprehensions. Knowing animal
disease that still remains a concern in various parts and human anthrax signs and consequences is vital
of the world over time. While cases of human for early diagnosis, proper medical intervention, as
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well as prevention strategies that would mitigate Aside the above, there are other negative
infections and transmissions [23]. ramifications of anthrax outbreaks for rural
There is a lot of complexity and a very important communities [27]. Considering the zoonotic nature
impact from anthrax on livestock farming and rural of the disease, the public health risk posed by it often
communities, which affects the economy as well as strains healthcare systems in affected rural areas,
social aspects of communal life. Some of the main thereby requiring resources for diagnoses, treatment
economic impacts arise from animal death that and surveillance for both animals and potential
results in heavy financial losses for farmers due to human cases. Moreover, the dread of anthrax
loss of valuable animals. Even in situations where outbreaks create apprehension, stress, public health
animals survive, they may exhibit reduced concerns and disruptions of economic activities
productivity including low milk yields, weight loss within rural communities leading to imbalance in the
and decreased fertility thereby causing low farm psycho-social well-being of members of affected
earnings. Moreover, anthrax outbreaks can elicit communities.
trade bans by local or international authorities Legal Regulation in Curtailing the Outbreak of
leading to interruptions to livestock movements and Anthrax Disease in Uganda
movement of animal products hence affecting market Anthrax is one of the global endemic diseases
access and farmers’ income streams [23]. common to mammals especially herbivores animals
Additionally, farmers incur extra costs for disease in some parts of South- Europe, North and South
control activities like veterinary services, America, Africa, Australia, and Asia countries [28].
disinfection measures, dumping infected carcasses The effect of this disease is not only felt by animals
into caustic pits, vaccination campaigns, as well as alone, it also affects humans and it has reportedly led
other measures. to the death of many. This disease has been projected
The farming of livestock is a primary source of to be a worldwide distribution and is transmissible
revenue and livelihood for farmers in many rural from vertebrate animals to humans [29]. Anthrax
communities. Consequently, outbreaks of anthrax disease is caused by the soil-borne spore-forming
pose a great danger not only to farming activities bacteria called Bacillus anthracis and more than 95%
but also to the existence of farming families [24]. It of anthrax cases in humans are a result of poor
is a known fact that in communities where anthrax is handling of or contact with infected animals or their
reported, such outbreaks negatively impact food products such as hide, bones, hair, meat, and also the
security and results in reduced livestock carcass by human. Anthrax disease has a very strong
productions. Furthermore, these outbreaks cause resistance to heat either from sunlight or man-made,
disruptions in entrenched cultural and traditional delayed period, and to many disinfectants, this makes
practices associated with livestock rearing, with the it very difficult to cure whenever the outbreak is
consequent emotional distress amongst affected experienced by humans.
communities. Public health concerns at such times The relationship between humans and their
equally contribute to fear and anxiety amongst these environment and the need for survival which
communities more so when there is a likelihood of includes dependence on animals and livestock has
risk of transmission to humans or other animals compounded the risk and management of anthrax
[25]. disease over time. Anthrax diseases are rampant in
As is evident from previous occurrences that the both the hot and humid periods of soil because, after
effect of anthrax on livestock farming and on successful sporulation of the bacteria they are very
agricultural communities after an outbreak can be resistant to harsh environments, and most times, the
devastating. The consequences which may transcend pathogen can survive without a host over some time
economic and social factors equally pose public [30]. As a result of human interaction with soil due
health implications. Anthrax outbreaks often times to cultivation and other essential activities of man,
result in economic losses such as livestock mortality this pathogen can be contacted and makes the body
and loss to trade restrictions as well as limited access of humans a host. This usually happens when there
to local and international markets, eventually is an interaction between humans and infected
leading to reduced income and earnings [26]. Above animals or their carcasses on the soil cultivated by
all, the costs around the management of the disease, humans because the disease is highly contagious and
for instance, the implementation of control measures, fatal. This disease is characterized by a reduction in
exacerbate the burdens already faced by farmers, human and economic resources due to low
ultimately affecting their revenue. Worse still, productivity as a result of the death of humans and
failure to effectively manage the outbreak may result animals [31].
to decline in livestock production and the The effect of anthrax disease is so severe that it can
consequent decrease of animal products both for kill an animal within the space of 48-72 hours due to
consumption and sales. a bleeding reaction from the nose, mouth, and anus
without clotting. Reports showed that in the first
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half of the 20th century, the World Health a duty to takes necessary steps to ascertain the
Organization reported 20,000-100,000 cases existence of the outbreak and immediately report to
concerning human and livestock. The major hosts of the commissioner of livestock and entomology. The
this anthrax disease are sheep and cattle. This is commissioner is a representative of the government
because they can easily contact anthrax while and as such, it would be easier to bring the notice of
grazing or during consumption of leaves infected such to the Ugandan government for immediate
with anthrax spores [32]. When these animals are action. In an effort to prevent the spread of anthrax
infected, anthrax spores will spread through their or other form of disease amongst animals, the Act
body and as a result, their urine, faces, other waste, provided that the administrative officers in charge of
vegetation, and the surrounding soil will be districts have to duty to notify farmers in their area
contaminated and dangerous to other animals and of any outbreak of any diseases for the purpose
humans. Anthrax disease can infect human beings taking measures to prevent the outbreak, this is as
through four major ways which are; inhalation, stipulated in section 4 of the act. It is also important
cutaneous, intravenous, and gastrointestinal. Animal to state that the Ugandan government is concerned
products such as meat, milk, skin, and so on with the protection of her citizens from diseased
consumed by humans daily can also be a source of animal. In an effort to achieve this, the section 5 of
contracting anthrax disease from animals and the Act provided that the administrative or
humans can also spread anthrax when having veterinary officer in charge can direct that animal
contact with one another and more especially affected, infected or exposed to diseased be
through insect bites such as bugs [33]. Other means slaughtered to prevent an outbreak of such a disease
of being infected can be associated with human to other animals and humans.
attributes, in the sense that anthrax can be used as a In order for the administrative and veterinary
bioterrorism weapon. A good example of this was officers in charge of animals especially the diseased
experienced in the year 2001 in the United States ones to carry out their duties effectively and
where over 30,000 people were exposed to anthrax efficiently, section 7 of the Act gave them some
spores which were distributed through the mall and power. One of these powers is to direct that any
resulted in death and other infectious diseases [31]. animal died of disease should be safely disposed
Some countries are subjected to a high risk of through burial, burning or other means of
anthrax diseases which affect the standard of living, destruction including their cases, wool, skin, hides
health, and economic power of their citizens. Report and other animal products that could be obtained
shows that anthrax diseases is more prevalent is from them. In addition to this, the officers have the
Asia and Africa. One of the major ways to prevent power to inoculate and use disinfectant in the areas
the spread of anthrax is to impose standard laws, suspected to be affected by infected animals to
rules and regulation from a competent authority. prevent outbreak, reoccurrence and spread of all
Ugandan is of the few African countries that has animal diseases anthrax inclusive. However, section
been able to put some laws in place to guide against 9 stipulate that where some animals are suspected to
anthrax disease and for the protection of the citizens. be infected or affected, the officers have the power to
Part of the laws enacted by the Ugandan carry out various tests including blood test and
government to protect the citizens are; Animal diagnose such animals for the purpose of safety for
Diseases Act Chapter 38, 2006; Cattle Grazing Act, other animals and humans. Further to this powers,
Chapter 42, 2000; Animals (Straying) Act, Chapter section 10 of the act allows the Commissioner of
40, 1922; Animal Breeding Act 2001; Agricultural livestock and entomology to prohibit the slaughter
and Livestock Development Fund Act. It is essential of cattle for sale, consumption of its products
to discuss few of the sections in the laws aimed and including its carcass from any place for the purpose
protecting people from Anthrax disease of preventing the spread of the diseases for the
Animal Diseases Act is one of the major provisions protection and prevention against animal diseases
enacted for the control and protection of citizens such as anthrax. A thorough inspection is require for
against anthrax disease. Section 2 of the Act the purpose of sanitization and prevention of
provides that diseases animals should be separated, outbreak of disease, hence, the officers has the power
tied up or put in a kaal and the owner should to enter and land or premises, carriage or container
immediately make a report to veterinary officer or carrying or containing animals, its products and
any other administrative officers set up for such a carcass for the purpose of ascertaining whether such
purpose by the government. With this provision, the animals or their products are infected or capable of
Ugandan government would be able to control and transmitting any infection or diseases with the aim
impose a duty on anyone in possession of diseased of cleansing and disinfecting such land, premises,
animals to separate them from others and make a container or carriage as stipulated in section 12 of
report. Section 3 stipulate that the veterinary officer the act.
who has been informed about the affected animal has
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Since consumption of animal products is one of the the Act. No citizen shall be allowed to rely on an
ways of spreading anthrax disease, section 11 of the excuse that an infected animal escape from such an
act aimed at preventing such by empowering the infected area and as such, the owner of such escaped
Commissioner of livestock and entomology to animal shall be held responsible for negligence. Part
restrict people from slaughtering any infected five of the Act comprised of sections 20 and 21 made
animal for sale or consumption including the carcass provisions for rules and when such rules would be
to prevent the spread of animal diseases. Further to applicable. The rules are applicable to wit; the
this, owners of animals and animal products have the control, removal, isolation; disinfection; slaughtering
duty to bring their products for inspection before a of an infected animals; burial or disposal of remains
veterinary officer or inspecting officer who are of animal, importation and exportation of animals;
empowered by section 13 of the act to perform such its products and carcass; prohibition of movement of
duty. In order to perverse the economic rights of the animals and its products with Uganda; quarantine of
owners of animals and animal products, the imported or diseased animal to be under a close
Ugandan government made provision for support monitoring; cleansing and is infection of areas for
especially where animals are slaughtered due to sale of animals such as markets and auction places,
contagious disease. Thus, section 15 of the act prohibition of movement into the areas infected or
provides for payment of compensation by the with existence of tsetse flies and prescription of
Ugandan government to any person whose animal charged and fees for the purpose of inoculation,
has been slaughtered due to infectious diseases and disinfection, examination, slaughtering of animals
such payment will be at the current market value and recovery of payment expended or inquired by
after being assessed by the veterinary officer. the Uganda government under section 21 of the act.
However, a person may be denied compensation if It worthies of note that legal issues that may arise as
such a person has violated or breached any of the a result of the provisions of this Act are provided for
Laws, rules, or regulations provided in section 16 of in the Part seven of the Act. This part put some legal
the Animal Diseases Act and other related measures in place to enforce compliance among the
legislations. This serves as a control measure to citizens of Uganda. For instance, section 23 of the
avoid abuse from the animal owners concerning act makes it an offence for anyone to directly or
compensation. constructively obstruct any officer from carrying out
Poor environment, soil, and vegetation their official duties as provided for in Part three of
contamination are part of how anthrax diseases are this Act and any attempt to do such can lead to an
transmitted and as a result, there is a need for the arrest without warrant. Section 25 stipulate that any
Ugandan government to look into it. To create and person who fails to abide or obey the provision of
protect humans and animals from a volatile this Act without any satisfactory reasonable would
environment, section 17 of the Animal Disease Act be held liable to be committed to prison for a period
allows the Minister responsible for livestock to not exceeding 12 months or pay a fine not exceeding
declare any area within Uganda as an infected area. six thousand shillings or both depending on the
This protects the humans and animals around us gravity of the offence committed. In addition to this,
from being infected with diseases. In other to achieve administrative officer, veterinary, investigation or
this declaration, some rules are put in place to police officers are allowed and permitted to stop and
regulate the conduct of individuals in connection detain a person who has violated the provisions of
with animals. Some of the rules are; no one is the Act, and where such a person detained could not
allowed to move any animal carcass from such adduce satisfactory evidence such a person can be
infected areas without the written permission of the arrested without a warrant. Section 27 of the act
Commissioner of Livestock and entomology; no stipulate that in a situation where some animals
animal is allowed to be moved from such an area escaped from the infected areas, such animals can be
without being previously disinfected; all animals in seized for examination of their body or carcass and
such area must be kept far from the public road; where such seizure is made, it must be reported as
owners of animals may be directed by the soon as practicable to the magistrate having
Commissioner of livestock and entomology or the jurisdiction within the area where such an animal is
veterinary or investigative officers to move their seized. The provisions of the Animal Disease Act in
animals from the infected area to another saver Ugandan have been able to curtail the outbreak or
place; owner of animals in the area declared as spread of infectious diseases such as anthrax against
infected may be required to mark their animals or its humans and animals in Uganda.
carcass for the purpose of identification, safety and It must be noted that the Cattle Grazing Act
prevention of spreading the diseases and the Chapter 42, 2000, is a legislation made by the
carcasses of all animals that died of diseases to be Ugandan government is aimed at preventing an
buried not less than four feet below the earth surface outbreak of Anthrax and other types of disease.
or be completely burnt, as stipulated in section 18 of Grazing is one of the ways to contact anthrax.
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Where a particular area and its vegetation are sustainability of production of animals in the society.
infected, animals grazing thereafter would also be Animal Breeding Act 2001, is one of the laws meant
infected. The Act is to regulate the conduct of the to protect human and animals and also prevent the
animal owners concerning grazing. Thus, section 2 spread of disease at different levels. Section 4 of the
of the Act prohibits anyone from allowing his or her act established the office of the Director of animal
cattle including the ones under his or her control to resources and saddled the person in charge with
graze in prohibited areas signified by the veterinary some duties part of which are to: maintain efficient
officer for the prohibition is in force. By section 2(2) implementation of sustainable increase in farm
of the act, the veterinary officer can prescribe for animal production; prioritize animal breeding and
safety the number of cattle that can graze in a research with policies; improve the national base
particular area and the number of cattle an food and security through an increase in production
individual may be allowed to graze, this is to prevent of animals; optimize the animal genetic resources in
an outburst of infection and easier control measures line with Uganda’s environmental protection;
to limit the risk of infected animals. Furthermore, improve farm animal product for exportation;
the veterinary officer has the power to impound any formulate, implement and enforce regulations and
cattle on a restricted land in contravention to the guidelines concerning breeding, semen processing
provision of section 2 of this Act, and where such and storage; genetic material and marketing for both
cattle are not claimed by the owner within six days, importation and exportation. In order to have
the veterinary officer or the district administration adequate record keeping for proper monitoring of
officer may sell such cattle and the proceed would be animals, section 11(1) of the act mandates the
disposed by the direction of the Minister. However, Commissioner, Animal Production and Marketing to
section 3(2) of the act stipulates that where such set up a record keeping mechanism for breeds and
cattle are claimed before the expiration periods, the adequate passing of information concerning payment
owner of the person in charge of such cattle may be on: inseminator; semen collection; inoculators;
required to pay a fine and where such a person fails hatcheries; breeders and other ways of improving
to do so, the cattle impounded may be used as a animal production. In addition, section 12(1) of the
security for the payment of the cost incurred as a Act gave additional responsibilities to the
result of the impounding. Section 6 of the act Commissioner, Animal Production and Marketing
stipulate that where anyone fails to comply with the part of which are to: oversee policies on animal
provisions of this Act, such a person shall be liable production; training of farmers; monitoring animal
upon conviction to the payment of fine not exceeding production with good prospective animal marketing
one thousand shillings or be imprisoned for a period strategies. The commissioner in charge of livestock,
not exceeding six months or both as court may health and entomology is also expected to: prevent
direct. and control an outburst of diseases; create and
Straying animals can cause havoc in an area maintain areas free of diseases; monitor the
especially where such animals are dangerous or performance of the veterinary officers; gives permits
infected with diseases such as anthrax. In this on importation and exportation of animal breeds and
regard, the Animals (Straying) Act Chapter 40, this genetics etc. Furthermore, the office of the
Act serves a control measure for grazing, hence the Commissioner for Fisheries Resources is expected
administrative, veterinary, inspecting and police to: provide policies to guide fish production; train
officers are allowed by this Act to seize straying fish farmers, monitor the activities of fish production
animals or such animals believed to have been and its products for marketing, issue permits to both
abandoned by their owners and where such seizure is exporter and importer of fish breeds and genetic
carried out such must be reported to the magistrate materials. This law is aim at preventing production
having jurisdiction over where such animal is seized, of harmful animals for consumptions and dumping of
as stipulated in section of the act. In addition to this, infected breeds of animals through importation
where a straying animal is seized and the Magistrate thereby serve as a means of diseases control in
is satisfied with the evidence on oath that the owner Uganda.
cannot be found, the magistrate can make Agricultural and Livestock Development Fund
appropriate order as he or she dim fit in such a Act Chapter 233 2002
situation. Section 1 of the act stipulate that in the The Ugandan government is committed to support
alternative where the owner is found, the magistrate the livestock farmers in order to have better and
can make an order of release of such an animal to the healthy productions through various loan schemes.
owner upon the payment of all expenses incurred on In this regard, Agricultural and Livestock
the animal from seizure to release. Development Fund Act Chapter 233 2002 was
Animal breeding and production are part of the enacted by the Uganda government. Section 2 of the
sources of economic power in most African countries act established Agricultural and Livestock
and as a result, it is import to regulate the Development Fund as a corporate body with a seal
Aidonojie et al
created for the purpose of buying, managing, and preventive measures [4]. This situation poses a
disposing and holding properties as may be deem clear challenge in the fight against anthrax in that
necessary. The functions of the fund is clearly delayed detection, prevention, as well as swift
expressed by the Act among which are to: advance response to outbreaks impact effective monitoring
loans to the farmers in Uganda for the purpose of and intervention.
improving agricultural and livestock industries; One other challenge, which is equally common in
ensure adequate repayment of the loan when it is most African rural communities, is the shortage of
due; ascertain that the loan obtained are used for the programmes related to public health in Uganda
purpose of collection; assist the agricultural and [11]. This is most prevalent in the Arua district of
livestock farmers meet up with best standard in the country. Inadequacy of basic and effective public
terms of their produce, ensure and assist the farmer health programmes impede the implementation of
is keeping good record of the inflow of their efficient measures to address anthrax outbreaks.
productions; assist in creating various schemes to Consequently, needed responses such as sensitisation
improve the production of seeds for crops and efforts, surveillance mechanisms and appropriate
breeding of livestock for maximum output and so on. interventions are not sufficient. Most significant also
Section 11 of the act directs Agricultural and is the role played by cultural beliefs and practices in
Livestock Development Fund to advance loans to finding adequate solutions to the malaise in Uganda.
the agricultural and livestock farmers to improve Issues related to communal herding, consumption of
their production with friendly terms with respect to dead animals, interactions between wildlife, livestock
the interest, repayment and security on cost as may and humans, as well as traditional rituals related to
be considered appropriate by the Agricultural and burials have also been identified as major
Livestock Development Fund. This Act with the contributors to the risk of outbreaks. All these
help of Ugandan government has been able to give factors bring to the fore the multifaceted
many farmers a breakthrough with adequate increase sociocultural dimension of the challenge.
in production of healthy animals for breeding and Other factors which may be classified as secondary
consumption. The Act is equally helpful in such as limited access to vaccination and treatment,
eradicating the production, management, unsafe practices and occupational hazards and
distribution and consumption of diseases animals or inadequacy in disease surveillance and reporting,
their product which can lead to diseases such as equally pose peculiar challenges in combating
anthrax. In Uganda. anthrax outbreaks. For instance, there is limited
Issues and Challenges in Combating Anthrax information and knowledge about the availability or
Disease in Uganda accessibility of anthrax vaccines and treatments
Effectively combating anthrax outbreaks is essential amongst residents in affected rural communities.
in preventing the damaging impact described above. This information gap hampers the ability of dwellers
Unfortunately, diverse issues and concerns in to constructively protect their livestock and prevent
Uganda have hindered such efforts. One of the human infections thereby perpetuating the
primary challenges in Uganda relates to limited prevalence of outbreaks of anthrax.
community awareness, ineffective public health Another factor worthy of mention is unsafe practices
programs, and deeply ingrained cultural beliefs and and other occupational hazards which are evident in
practices. the business of butchers, slaughter-men and
There is also sufficient evidence to show that herdsmen, as well as the consumption of meat from
unavailability of information and knowledge infected animals raise challenges in the fight against
regarding the disease is widespread among affected anthrax. These age-old practices often contribute to
communities in Uganda, most especially as it relates the transmission of the disease and also impede its
to its clinical manifestations, modes of transmission, effective control.
Concerning the above, the study has been able to institutions had taken preemptive measure in
address the issues of anthrax has been a global curtailing the incidence of this zoonotic disease, but
disease that is serious threat to livestock and human. it a major livestock disease that tend to pose a silent
The study has been able to address the conceptual threat to human and livestock. This is in regard to
issues as it concern anthrax that is consider a the fact that is a livestock disease that tend to be
zoonotic disease that is cause by bacterium bacillus contagious and have a high transmission pathway
anthracis that often result to infected livestock that are may not be ascertain or very common.
suffering from critical respiratory disease, skin Furthermore, the study also identify that the
irritation and could lead to the death of the livestock. Uganda have several legal framework concerning
Furthermore, the study also observe that Uganda the regulation, protection and curtailing of livestock
had also had it fair share of the livestock disease. disease. However, given the nature of the anthrax
Though, the government and other relevant had
Aidonojie et al
disease, it seems to pose a silent threat to livestock improved public health programmes, advocacy in
and health of the entire population of Uganda. health-efficient cultural practices, increased access to
Recommendation vaccination and treatment, implementation of
In this regard, it suffices to state that, a holistic occupational safety measures as well as adequate
effort towards addressing these complex challenges disease surveillance are critical in order to mitigate
is required in decisively combating anthrax disease the impact of anthrax outbreaks and protect human
in Uganda. Engaging in community sensitization, and animal populations in Uganda.
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CITE AS: Paul Atagamen Aidonojie, Adesoji Kolawole Adebayo, Kelechi Jude Onwubiko, Adeyuma
Gabriel, Natukunda Mastulah, and Esther Chetachukwu Aidonojie (2024). Combating the Silent
Threat of Livestock Anthrax in Uganda: Issues and Challenges. IAA Journal of Applied Sciences