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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education SPM Polytechnic, Kumathe, Solapur Micro Project

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Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s


Academic year: 2022-2023

“Study and report 10 commonly used work piece
materials and best grades of cutting tools that used to cut
them efficiently”

Program: Mechanical Engineering Department.

Course:- Advanced Manufacturing Process.
Course code:- 22563

This is to certify that Mr. Dhotre Siddharam Ambadas. Roll No: - 1048 of Fifth
Semester of Diploma in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING of Institute, SPM
POLYTECHNIC, SOLAPUR (Code: 0523) has completed the Micro Project
satisfactorily of Subject- AMP (22563) academic year 2022- 2023 as prescribed in the

Date: /12/2022 Exam. Seat No: 174676

Place: Solapur Enrollment No: 2005230172

(Prof. Bayas V.V.) (Prof. Birajdar S.S ) (Prof. Rohini Chavan )
Course Coordinator Head of the Program Principal


This is to certify that Mr. Joge Shankar Chandrakant. Roll No: - 1045 of Fifth
Semester of Diploma in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING of Institute, SPM
POLYTECHNIC, SOLAPUR (Code: 0523) has completed the Micro Project
satisfactorily of Subject- AMP (22563) academic year 2022- 2023 as prescribed in the

Date: /12/2022 Exam. Seat No: 174673

Place: Solapur Enrollment No: 2005230167

(Prof. Bayas V.V .) (Prof. Birajdar S.S ) (Prof. RohiniChavan)
Course Coordinator Head of the Program Principal


This is to certify that Mr.Bomma Abhishekh Pentesh Roll No: - 1040 of Fifth
Semester of Diploma in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING of Institute, SPM
POLYTECHNIC, SOLAPUR (Code: 0523) has completed the Micro Project
satisfactorily of Subject- EMD (22564) academic year 2022- 2023 as prescribed in the

Date: /12/2022 Exam. Seat No: 174674

Place: Solapur Enrollment No: 2005230170

(Prof. Bayas V.V.) (Prof. Birajdar S.S ) (Prof. Rohini Chavan)

Course Coordinator Head of the Program Principal


This is to certify that Mr.Shaikh Aman Javed. Roll No: - 1047 of Fifth Semester of
SOLAPUR (Code: 0523) has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily of Subject-
EMD (22564) academic year 2022- 2023 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Date: /12/2022 Exam. Seat No: 174675

Place: Solapur Enrollment No: 2005230171

(Prof. Bayas V.V .) (Prof. Birajdar S.S ) (Prof. Rohini Chavan)

Course Coordinator Head of the Program Principal
Annexure - IA

Format for Micro-Project Proposal

Semester: -Fifth Course: Advanced Manufacturing Process.

Title of Micro – Project:- Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and best
grades of cutting tools that used to cut them efficiently.

1.0 Brief instruction-(Importance of the project)

There are many types of cutting process done in different conditions. In such conditions along with
the general requirements of the cutting tool, they need some unique properties. To achieve this
properties the cutting tools are made up of different material. The material chosen for a particular
application depends on the material to be machined, type of machining, quantity and quality of

2.0 Aim of the Micro – Project

This Micro – Project aims at: The main aim of the project is to Study and report 10 commonly used
work piece materials and best grades of cutting tools that used to cut them efficiently.

3.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activities for 8 Weeks)

Name of
S. Planned Planned
Details of Activity Responsible
No. Start date Finish date
Team Member
1 Discussion and finalization of topic All members
2 Collection of data and material All members
3 Discussion and outline of content All members
4 Formulation of data All members
5 Editing and proof reading of content All members
6 Preparation of chart and model All members
7 Report writing and oral All members
8 Final submission of microproject All members
4.0 Resources required (major resources such as raw material, some machining facility,
software etc.)

Name of Source Specification Qty Remark
_ _
1. www.google.com Wikipedia.com

2. Reference book Advanced Manufacturing 1. -

Processes – Anup Goel, Dr
Subhashl L. Gadhave, Palaskar
Ravikiran D.

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2022-2023 Name of the Faculty: Prof. Bayas V.V.
Course: Advanced Manufacturing Process Course code: 22563 Semester: Fifth
Title of the project: Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and best
grades of cutting tools that used to cut them efficiently.
COs addressed by Micro Project:
a. Maintain the non conventional machining process to produce complex and hard to machine
b. Maintain CNC machine to produce components effectively.
c. Prepare CNC part programs for simple components.
Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project
(a) Practical outcome:
1.Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and bes grades of cutting tools that
used to cut them efficiently

(b) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:

1.State the functions of thegiven element(s) of the CNC Machine.
2. Explain the given work and tool holding and changing device(s) used on a CNC turning
( c) Outcomes in Affective domain:
1) Function as team member
2) Follow Ethics
Comments/suggestions about team work /leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4for

for performance performance in
Roll No Student Name in group activity oral/ presentation Total out of 10
(D5 Col.8) (D5 Col.9)
1048 Dhotre S.A.
(Prof.Bayas V.V.)
Course Coordinator

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2022-2023 Name of the Faculty: Prof. Bayas V.V.
Course: Advanced Manufacturing Process Course code: 22563 Semester: Fifth
Title of the project: Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and best
grades of cutting tools that used to cut them efficiently.
COs addressed by Micro Project:

a.Maintain the non conventional machining process to produce complex and hard to machine
b.Maintain CNC machine to produce components effectively.
c. Prepare CNC part programs for simple components.
Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project
(a) Practical outcome:
1.Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and bes grades of cutting tools that
used to cut them efficiently

(b) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:

1.State the functions of thegiven element(s) of the CNC Machine.
2. Explain the given work and tool holding and changing device(s) used on a CNC turning
( c) Outcomes in Affective domain:
3) Function as team member
4) Follow Ethics
Comments/suggestions about team work /leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4for

for performance performance in
Roll No Student Name in group activity oral/ presentation Total out of 10
(D5 Col.8) (D5 Col.9)
1047 Shaikh A.J.

(Prof.Bayas V.V.)
Course Coordinator
Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2022-2023 Name of the Faculty: Prof. Bayas V.V.
Course: Advanced Manufacturing Process Course code: 22563 Semester: Fifth
Title of the project: Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and best
grades of cutting tools that used to cut them efficiently.
COs addressed by Micro Project:
(a) Maintain the non conventional machining process to produce complex and hard to machine
(b) Maintain CNC machine to produce components effectively.
(c). Prepare CNC part programs for simple components.
Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project
(a)Practical outcome:
1.Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and bes grades of cutting tools that
used to cut them efficiently

(b) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:

1.State the functions of thegiven element(s) of the CNC Machine.
2. Explain the given work and tool holding and changing device(s) used on a CNC turning
( c) Outcomes in Affective domain:
5) Function as team member
6) Follow Ethics
Comments/suggestions about team work /leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4for

for performance performance in
Roll No Student Name in group activity oral/ presentation Total out of 10
(D5 Col.8) (D5 Col.9)
1046 Bomma A.P.

(Prof.Bayas V.V.)
Course Coordinator

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2022-2023 Name of the Faculty: Prof. Bayas V.V.
Course: Advanced Manufacturing Process Course code: 22563 Semester: Fifth
Title of the project: Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and best
grades of cutting tools that used to cut them efficiently.
COs addressed by Micro Project:
(a) Maintain the non conventional machining process to produce complex and hard to machine
(b) Maintain CNC machine to produce components effectively.
(c) e. Prepare CNC part programs for simple components.
Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project
(a) Practical outcome:
1.Study and report 10 commonly used work piece materials and bes grades of cutting tools that
used to cut them efficiently

(b) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:

1.State the functions of thegiven element(s) of the CNC Machine.
2. Explain the given work and tool holding and changing device(s) used on a CNC turning
( c) Outcomes in Affective domain:
7) Function as team member
8) Follow Ethics
Comments/suggestions about team work /leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4for

for performance performance in
Roll No Student Name in group activity oral/ presentation Total out of 10
(D5 Col.8) (D5 Col.9)
1045 Joge S.C.

(Prof.Bayas V.V.)
Course Coordinator

Cutting tool materials are materials that are used to make cutting tools which are used
in machining (drill bits, tool bits, milling cutters, etc.) but not other cutting tools like knives or punches.
Cutting tool materials must be harder than the material of the workpiece, even at high temperatures
during the process.
The following properties are required for cutting tool

 hardness, hot hardness and pressure resistance

 bending strength and toughness

 inner bonding strength

 wear resistance

o oxidation resistance

o small propensity for diffusion and adhesion

o abrasion resistance

o edge strength

There is no material that shows all of these properties at the same time. Very hard materials, have
lower toughness and break more easily. The following cutting tool materials are used:

 Tool steels. They are relatively cheap and tough. Their hardness is sufficient to machine other
o Carbon tool steels. They lose their hardness at 200 °C

o High speed steels. They lose their hardness at 600 °C, and are widely used in machining.
Due to their ability to retain hardness at higher temperature, higher cutting speeds are

 cemented carbides. Harder than tool steels, but less tough. Can be used up to 900 °C. There are
many sort of cemented carbides like ones made of tungsten carbide and cobalt or cermets.

 cutting ceramic. They are even harder than cemented carbides but have lower
toughness. Aluminium oxide and silicon nitride are used. The latter has higher toughness, but
can't be used for machining Steel, due to very high wear.
 "super hard materials":

o cubic boron nitride. It is nearly as hard as diamond.

o diamond. The hardest known material, but can only be used up to 600 °C and can't be
used to machine steel.

2. Description:

For mechanical machining the quality of cutting-tool materials is one of the most significant issues that
need to be addressed. Enhancement of cutting tool performance may be achieved through the use of
modern composition ceramic cutting tools This may be enabled through surface treatment, and also hot
pressing and spark plasma sintering – the two main processes used for manufacturing such tools. In this
article the advantages and disadvantages of the technologies and processes involved are analyzed and
compared to identify the most appropriate methods for creating ceramic cutting-tools. In parallel the
latest improvements in ceramic cutting-tool materials are reviewed. The paper shows that the choice of
ceramic cutting tools is a quite complex process with a number of important factors to be taken into

3. Advantages:
Cutting tool users can’t afford to ignore the constant changes and advancements that are being made in
the field of tool material technology. When a tool change is needed or anticipated, a performance
comparison should be made before selecting the tool for the job.

4. Application:

Commonly used workpiece material Ferrous and nonferrous metals are the most common workpiece
materials, and each metal has different properties and cutting tool compatibility. Non-metallic materials,
such as carbides, ceramics, plastics, and composites, may require machining processes.applications of
cutting tools are Permits high feeds and speeds. Available in large varity of shapes and sizes in insert
form. Use to turn bore, face, groove and mill difficult to machine materials.

5. Conclusion:

6. Reference:
 www.google.com
 Reference book:-
Advanced Manufacturing Processes – Anup Goel, Dr Subhashl L. Gadhave, Palaskar Ravikiran D.
Sr.No Name of Group Members Roll Enrollment No Exam
No Seat No

1 Joge S.C. 1045 2005230167 174673

2 Bomma A.P. 1046 2005230170 174674

3 Shaikh A.J. 1047 174675
4 Dhotre.S.A 1048 174676
Group Details
Name of Guide Name of H.O.D.

(Prof.Bayas V.V.) (Prof. Birajdar S.S.)

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