Merritt Morning Market 3951 - Apr 22
Merritt Morning Market 3951 - Apr 22
Merritt Morning Market 3951 - Apr 22
shop •puzzles
Largest supply in Merritt
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC 250-378-2155
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC
EARTH DAY EDITION - APRIL 22, 2024 #3951
bout our
News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Ask us a motions
April pr
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected]
On special this week Yvette Baxter wins Community Dr. Mark Godley
100% Canadian
PRICES & council seat in Conservative Party of BC town hall
The BC Conservative Party wants to
Skin Expert Anastaszia Cash
TOWN by-election hear from you! Bring your ideas to the
table on April 26 when Fraser-Nicola
Botox, Fillers, PDO Threads, PRP
Laser hair removal • Age Spots
Congratulations to Yvette Baxter, who Teeth Whitening • Luxury Custom Facials
Come check us out! received 229 votes in Saturday's by-elec- candidate, Tony Luck, hosts a citizen's
Non-Surgical Facelift • Spider Veins
tion. Peter Coghill received 75, Norma assembly from 6-9pm at the Merritt
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Jean Littleton received 30, and MJ Phil- Music Hall of Honour. "We all need to
Mole & Skin Tag Removal
lips received 26. contribute. We all need to be engaged in
With just 360 votes cast, out of the the practical reality of investing in our
5514 estimated eligible voters (from the province. Participate in a free and lively
last municipal election), this by-election exchange of ideas regarding the changes
had a voter turn-out of just over 6%. that need to take place in healthcare (hos-
Book at 250-936-9200
lion planted by First Nations. with the timeless beauty of Vancouver Is-
land’s old-growth forests, explores com-
tree loss in BC. Michael Christie will read at the Merritt Library on Friday, May 3,
Watch 20
Bryan Bielanski live at the Grand Upbeat and energetic nomad North Carolina
folk-rock singer-songwriter Bryan Bielanski is coming to Merritt May 11 at Grand
Pub & Grill. He is on tour promoting his album Bryan's Super Happy Fun Time 3.
94 DAKOTA Check out:
supercab pick-up, v8,
canopy, new tires/ Home Routes: Burnstick Nadia & Jason Burnstick will perform on Saturday May
battery, extra winter 11, 6:30pm at Kekuli Cafe, 2051 Voght St. Advance tickets only $20 contact Sandy by with Artist Linda Suzuki
tires Airworks. $2500 phone (250-315-7263) or email at: [email protected], doors open at 6pm. Burnstick
pushes the boundaries of contemporary folk music. "I want to express
FOR SALE o.b.o. 378-6421
this beauty
I’m sorry and I apologize mean the same thing, except at a funeral I see around me."
MERRITT PICKLEBALL CLUB I went into the bookshop and asked the woman for a book about turtles. She asked: "Hard-
For court times & dates back?" and I replied "Yeah, and little heads."
call Dave 250-280-9985 or When you have two choices and you take one away, you have zero choices.
Stephen 778-709-0363 What's the difference between deer nuts and beer nuts? Beer nuts are a $1.75, but deer nut
[email protected] are under a buck.
Shout out to the people asking what the opposite of in is.
Winter Art
his week’s horoscope
Show & isan Taurus Gemini SaCancer
March 21 April 20 - May 21 -
June 21 -
- April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22 April 4 - 27, 2024 Meet & Greet Friday, April 12, 4-7pm
You've had a lot to deal with. All Something is irritating you. There are issues to face, and Life is about to get easier. the C O M E V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
things considered you've done You're dealing with a situation problems to sort out, but you worst is over. Yes, there are HOURS: 2051 VOGHT ST.,
amazingly. This week brings im- that feels unfair, which you don't don't need to worry so much. challenges to deal with, but you Wed to Sat 10am-5pm ENTER BESIDE KEKULI CAFE
provement, residual difficulties know how to fix. But you can If you can request the help you start to see what they're in aid Sunday 12-4pm
will soon transform. There will trust that whatever happens, the need, you'll be delighted by how of. This week, a change in your
be recognition for your efforts. outcome will be pleasing. well things go. emotional weather forecast.
MONDAY EDITION — APRIL 22, 2024 #3951
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
8-FT Arrow canopy $1500obo 936-9001 AIR WALKING boot, nw $50 315-1626 Specialists INC.
Winter Art
250-320-1603 cage for large dog. 318-7412 25" SAMSUNG computer monitor,
CARPENTER/HANDYMAN Repairs, 3 KITTENS looking for good homes. flat scrn, wrks grt $40. 25" Toshiba flat
new construction, lots of experience 705-
Show isan
Black and white 8 weeks old email screen tv, wrks grt $10. HP all-in-1 prn-
tr/scanner $40 Joanne 778-389-9365
& Sae
679-3054 [email protected]
RUDY WORKS - Home & Office Main- for sale - miscellaneous FENDER DELUXE 112 PLUS amplifi-
tenance & Repair - home & office tech, er, vry gd cond $125 firm 378-5165
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete. BRND NW pair Sun Rayban polarized ASSORTMENT oldr-style speakers, of-
315-6689 or [email protected] sunglasses $125 378-2353 fers 378-2136
SCRAP FOR CASH. I'll come to you. ABOVE GROUND garden or flower bed NINTENDO PS2 console, no cords/ac- April 4 - 27, 2024 Meet & Greet Friday, April 12, 4-7pm
Batteries, brass copper, aluminum, stain- frames, 3 ft x 4 ft x 8 in. hinged, stack- cessories 378-2136 C O M E V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
less, wire. Call or msg 604-618-8710, or able, portable, can be made larger $10 ea HOURS:
378-4619 for sale - recreational Wed to Sat 10am-5pm
2051 VOGHT ST.,
the [email protected] Fast service, Sunday 12-4pm
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight MOBILITY scooter, brand new battery DAYMAK E-BIKE (motorcycle style)
loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn- $1000 378-2370 Fast 72 volt, 3 speeds, w/charger, rear
ings. FMI Iris (250)378-8182 BUCKSKIN wrap-around, approx. sz view mirrors, low kms $1200 ($2800
Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
WOODY'S tree service & more: lnd- 7-8, made by Shannon Kilroy $150. Baby new). Lrge Can-Tire 2 wheel trailer for
scaping, fncng, handyman wrk, etc. christening gowns $15 ea. 378-9645 bike to carry groceries, pets etc. $150 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515
supercab pick-up, v8, 378-5100 for 1 cup. 378-4947 F250, standard transmission. 378-6475 Ave. 378-7412 Great cook. REFS REQ'D 315-9803
canopy, new tires/
battery, extra winter
POST YOUR CLASSIFIEDS… VOICE MAIL (250) 378-5717 , EMAIL [email protected]
tires Airworks. $2500