ENG - 5th Forum - Programme
ENG - 5th Forum - Programme
ENG - 5th Forum - Programme
Hosted by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
Provisional Agenda
In 2021, UNESCO will, for the 5th time, bring together education stakeholders from across the world to expand the
community of practice to promote transformative education through education for sustainable development and global
citizenship education as well as education for health & well-being. In view of underlining the complementarity and
synergy among diverse education programmes and approaches that have been furthering increased quality and
relevance of education and learning, UNESCO is moving towards an integrated approach to SDG Target 4.7 that brings
together under the term of “transformative education” these fields, to open the way for innovation in education today.
In recent years, many global, regional and national efforts have been made to monitor progress towards Target 4.7, or
transformative education. Against the background of these efforts, which all have their respective strengths and
weaknesses, and in light of the many efforts underway to implement transformative education, Member States and
other stakeholders have increasingly voiced the need to understand better what concrete progress in transformative
education looks like and how it can best be captured. The 5th Forum responds to this need.
Specific objectives
To share and analyze good practices, including those that show progress towards achieving transformative
education (in policy, curriculum, teacher development, assessment, learning environments, pedagogy, etc.).
To review recent global, regional and national level data collected and analyzed in relation to Target 4.7.
To discuss possible benchmarks and success indicators for progress towards transformative education.
5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education
12:00-13:30 (Paris) Strand 1 – What does progress in transformative education look like – a look
20:00-21:30 (Seoul) at practices at the country level
Plenary session 1
In this first plenary, countries will share their vision, practice and progress underpinning
their understanding of “transformative education”. The impact of current practices related
to learners’ behavior and the educational system will be discussed, highlighting success
Moderator: Ms Krista Pikkat, Director, UNESCO Almaty Office
Mr Shadreck Majwabe, Director of the Department of Curriculum Development
and Evaluation, Ministry of Basic Education, Botswana
Mr Thomas Greiner, Head of Subdivision,Lifelong Learning, Federal Ministry of
Education and Research, Germany
Ms Taka Horio, Assistant Secretary-General, the Japanese National Commission
for UNESCO & ASP National Coordinator, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology, Japan
Ms Niveen Jouhar, Member of Directorate of Curricula, Ministry of Education,
5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education
8:00-9:30 (Paris time) Strand 2 – What does progress in transformative education look like – a look
16:00-17:30 (Seoul) at recent global and regional data
Plenary session 2
5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education
4:00-5:30 (Santiago) Building upon Strand 1, this session will examine transformative education through the lens
of regional and global comparative data in relation to SDG Target 4.7. The discussion will
identify the progress made, and remaining gaps in existing monitoring and assessment
Moderator: Mr Sobhi Tawil, Director, Future of Learning and Innovation, UNESCO
Ms Miho Taguma, Senior Policy Analyst on OECD Learning Compass 2030 and
SDG 4.7
Ms Leanne Riley, Unit Head, Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting, Department
of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs), World Health Organization
Ms Valeria Damiani, Associate Professor, La Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta
(LUMSA) University, Italy
Mr Carlos Henríquez Calderon, Coordinator of the Latin American Laboratory for
Assessment of the Quality Education (LLECE), Regional Bureau for Education in
Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC), UNESCO Santiago Office
Ms Nandini Chatterjee, Senior National Project Officer, UNESCO Mahatma
Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP)
Ms Valerie Shapiro, Associate Professor, University of California Berkeley, USA
Mr Pablo Pincheira, Training Director, Forja Chile, Chile
Session 2.2 – Making adult learning and education visible within lifelong learning:
strengthening non-formal education for individual, social and system level
This session will present local initiatives that have embedded ESD and GCED into lifelong
learning systems through policy/strategy development and project implementation, as well
as progress made in building learning cities.
Moderator: Mr Jose Roberto Guevara, President, International Council for Adult Education
Mr Nicolas Jonas, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education
Ms Mo Winnie Wang, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong
Learning (UIL)
Mr Denis Barrett, Coordinator of Cork Learning City, Ireland
Moderator: Dr Marcia McKenzie, Director, MEECE Project and SEPN, and Professor, the
University of Melbourne, Australia
Mr Doug McCall, Executive Director, International School Health Network
Mr Antoine Marivin, Project Manager, UNICEF-East Asia and Pacific Regional
Office (EAPRO)
Dr Julia Kim, Programme Director, the Gross National Happiness Centre, Bhutan
11:10-11:55 (Paris) Special Session by the Host Country (Plenary) – Experiences from the
19:10-19:55 (Seoul) Republic of Korea and Beyond: Progress, Challenges and New Visions
The Special Session will discuss the Korean experience on SDG Target 4.7, at the domestic
and international level. Good practices, emerging trends and lessons learnt will be shared,
suggesting key agendas, challenges, and visions towards 2030 and transformative
Moderator: Mr Soon-yong Pak, Professor, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
12:10-13:40 (Paris) Strand 3– What does progress in transformative education look like – the
20:10-21:40 (Seoul) crucial role of teachers
Plenary session 3
5th UNESCO Forum on Transformative Education
Based on the findings of two global studies conducted by UNESCO and its partners, this
session will discuss what can be done to support teachers to feel more confident in their
role and to effectively facilitate transformative education.
Ms Antonia Wulff, Director of Policy, Advocacy and Research, Education
Mr Christophe Cornu, Senior Project Officer, Section of Education for Health and
Well-being, UNESCO
Mr William Gaudelli, Dean, College of Education & Vice Provost for innovation in
education, Lehigh University, USA
Mr Carmel Cefai, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Malta, Malta
Ms Anh Duong Phuong, Teacher and youth activist for gender equality and girls’
rights, Viet Nam
8:00-9:30 (Paris) Strand 4 – What does progress in transformative education look like –
16:00-17:30 (Seoul) conclusions and next steps
4:00-5:30 (Santiago) Plenary session 4
The Strand will assess how to best capture progress including possible benchmarks and
success indicators in addressing different aspects of transformative education and discuss
the way forward.
Moderator: Ms Vibeke Jensen, Director, Division of Peace and Sustainable Development,
Presentation of the key ideas for recommendation:
Mr Alexander Leicht, Chief of Section of Education for Sustainable Development,
Mr Nilantha Gunasekara, Deputy Director, School Health and Nutrition Branch,
Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka
Ms Chandrika Bahadur, Director, SDG Academy
17:50-19:00 (Seoul) education and creating enabling conditions will be formulated by policymakers,
practitioners and monitoring experts.
Reorienting education and training systems to improve the lives of indigenous youth
Mr Charles Hopkins, Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Reorientating Education
towards Sustainability, York University
Ms Katrin Kohl, Executive Chair Coordinator, UNESCO Chair in Reorientating
Education towards Sustainability, York University
Ms Pigga Keskitalo, University Researcher, University of Lapland, Finland
Ms Sheila Santharamohana, Designer of Curriculum and Instructional Design,
LeadEd Services, Malaysia
Online Exhibition space will remain open throughout the duration of the Forum.