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Volume 1 ISSUE 2 (2022)



Anita Sitanggang1, Anne Silvia Panjaitan2, Ita Christine Sinaga3, Ruth Junisa A. Siburian4
University of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar
E-mail: 1) [email protected], 2) gmail.com, 3) gmail.com

This research aims to improve listening ability students of English subjects using the dictation
method and find the effectiveness of the dictation method in an effort to improve ability listening to
students on descriptive text of class X IA 1 students of SMK HKBP PEMATANGSIANTAR. This
research is a classroom action research conducted in the first semester of the year 2021/2022
teaching. The subjects of this research were students of class X IA 1 SMK HKBP
PEMATANGSIANTAR. The object of this research is the improvement of listening ability English
lessons on descriptive text with the dictation method. Classroom action research it covers 2 cycles.
Each cycle consists of four stages, namely: (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4)
reflection. The findings from classroom action research are (1) Students' listening ability increase
with the use of the dictation method, (2) The average score of students in the pre-cycle action is
56.84% including the "less" category, the average student score in cycle 1 is 70.47% including the
"enough" category, the average student score in cycle 2 is 78.43% including the "good" category.
(3) Attainment of listening competence skill is measured by the dictation method which shows an
increase in the results of research from pre-cycle to cycle II.

Keywords: Dictation Method, Listening Ability, Descriptive Text

Language has an important role in intellectual, social and emotional development people
who study. English is good communication tool through conversation or writing. English at
the vocational level school has a purpose on the development of communication competence
students and students' understanding of relationship between language and culture. A
competency that must be conveyed to students includes listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Listening or listening ability are the first of all students get.
According to Tarigan (2008), competence consists of four linguistic abilities: (1)
listening capacity, (2) speaking ability, (3) reading ability, and (4) writing ability.
Every skill close very related to other ability. In acquiring language ability, starting from
learning to listen to the language, then speaking, and then learning to read and write. The
four abilities are basically a unified competency that must be mastered by students in
language learning.
Competence in this research refers to listening ability for students in monologue texts.
Basic competence in listening comprehension is taken from Curriculum (Content Standard),
BSNP. BSNP has given consideration to three basic abilities that must be achieved by
students. They include students who can understand and respond to interpersonal,
transactional conversational texts and respond to short functional texts, as well as understand


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Anita Sitanggang, Anne Silvia Panjaitan, Ita Christine Sinaga, Ruth Junisa A. Siburian

and respond to monologues in long functional texts. To achieve the above competencies
required a long learning process and carried out in earnest. After the learning process takes
place automatically we have to assess the success of the learning process by measuring
students' abilities through tests. It turns out that the ability of students' listening ability in
responding to monologue texts of English subjects, especially descriptive texts in class X IA
1 SMK HKBP PEMATANGSIANTAR is relatively low. This can be seen from the research
findings data obtained when not using the right method. Listening learning is 56.84% while
the listening competency value that reaches a minimum mastery value is only 9.45%. With
such conditions, we must find solutions to improve the quality of learning outcomes and we
begin with the ability to understand listening ability and indeed require a serious learning
process. With the condition that the achievement results are relatively low, then a solution
must be found to improve the ability of ability listening with dictation method. With
dictation, some students have difficulty understanding some words that have almost the same
pronunciation but have different meanings. They ask the teacher to repeat difficult words
that can be trained to students; they have more opportunities for practice/practice, so they
are forced to write, read and finally are able to respond to some monologue readings dictated
by the teacher or readers on tape.
Based on the identification of the problem above then the limitation of the problem in
this research is the ability to improve students' listening ability, the factors that affect the
ability to increase students' listening ability includes: internal and external factors. Internal
factors from students include the ability of students to improve listening ability while
external factors include teacher guidance in improving listening ability in the form of
guidance using dictation.
The purpose of this classroom action research can be formulated as follows (1) to
describe the improvement of students' listening skills in descriptive texts in class X IA 1
SMK HKBP PEMATANGSIANTAR by using the dictation method. (2) Describe the
effectiveness of using the dictation method in improving students' listening skills in
descriptive texts for class X IA 1 students of SMK HKBP PEMATANGSIANTAR. This
research is intended to provide several advantages or benefits both in theory and practice.
Theoretically there are two, namely the use of dictation theory can be used to improve
students' ability in listening skills and as a basis of reference for carrying out research with
different monologue texts. In practice, it is broken down into students, teachers, schools and
the Education Office. For students, there are three, namely increasing student achievement
in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, increasing student creativity in the teaching and
learning process using the dictation method and increasing student competence in listening
skills. For teachers, there are two types, namely research motivating teachers to increase the
use of dictation methods in the teaching and learning process for other types of texts and
research motivating teachers to find new methods or other methods in the teaching and
learning process. For schools, there are two ways, namely improving the quality of school
administration and making a better contribution to improving the learning process. For the
Department of Education, there are two, namely providing the basis and arguments for
policies to be taken to improve the quality of education and as study material to develop
other research and improvement of learning in order to improve the quality of teaching and
learning outcomes for the world of education.


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Volume 1 ISSUE 2 (2022)

Learning that takes place in today's life is required to provide innovative and creative
learning that is also fun so that children are not bored or monotonous but the main material
must be conveyed. With the above value situation, the action taken to improve listening
learning outcomes is through the method of dictation. From the explanation above, dictation
will be applied in the teaching and learning process in the classroom by reading a monologue
between 50 to 100 words. Students are asked to listen carefully to be able to receive the
message in the reading when the teacher reads the monologue it means the teacher do
dictations or language cool dictations. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
the meaning or understanding of the word dictation and according to linguists and from other
sources of information the meaning of the word.
Spoken or read aloud for someone else to write; then we give dictation exercises to learn
to write properly. After that, they held a dictation test with the aim of knowing the students'
skills in writing the words they had learned to spell. So, dictating means telling people to
write what is read or said. In dictation or dictation, taking a listening skill test, a short
monologue text between 50 to 100 words is chosen and the pronunciation is repeated 3 times,
why this is done because junior high school students if the monologue text is too long
students are still very difficult to catch the message content or speech dictated by the teacher.
Teachers to do dictation through several stages: First the usual speed; length of word groups,
length of pauses, speed of text read and complexity of writing, grammar and vocabulary used
in sentences Then dictation is applied by choosing a descriptive monologue text in simple
word groups, the speed of the text is read normally and sometimes slowly, the important
thing is that students understand the message conveyed in the text. While the complexity of
writing is sought that is simple in addition to the selection of grammar and vocabulary that
are often used in everyday life. Another element of dictation is judgment. The scoring criteria
for several types of possible errors in dictation are as follows; (a) Spelling error, but the word
that appears has been heard correctly. (b) Spelled or misrepresented the previous word,
unreadable word. (c) Grammatical errors. (d) Words or phrases that jump. (e) Changes in
word order. (f) Placement of words with synonyms that suitable.
In implementing dictation for the learning process in the way described above, to
improve listening skills. According to Brown (Brown, 2004) listening is a receiving skill
which includes several processes of abilities that are not visible but have meanings that are
analyzed in depth from hearing because they are transmitted to the ears and brain.
Meanwhile, according to H. G. Tarigan & Tarigan1987) Listening or listening is an event of
listening with full understanding, attention, and appreciation, to get information, including
ideas or ideas message and understand the meaning of the communication conveyed by the
speaker from the pronunciation through spoken language. In this case reminds us that to
understand the meaning of the communication conveyed by the speaker, we must listen
carefully and attentively.
Listening events always begin with listening to the sound of the language either directly
or through recordings. The sound of language that is caught by the ear is defined as its sound.
From the explanation above, we can conclude that listening is a process of understanding
information starting with the listening device so that we are able to remember, identify,
interpret, assess with full concentration in listening skills from hearing to hearing.


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Anita Sitanggang, Anne Silvia Panjaitan, Ita Christine Sinaga, Ruth Junisa A. Siburian

This is often implied as a component of speaking. We cannot speak a language without

also listening. Listening is as a major component in learning and teaching languages. It is
not simply a process of receiving unified in inaudible symbols. Therefore, it is clear that
listening is an interactive process. Listening often also plays a secondary role for his
speaking partner. Good speakers are often unwise in judging more highly than good listeners.
Listening as a model of appearance should be designed in the assessment.
In this research, an overview of the framework of thinking carried out is provided. To
improve listening skills in descriptive texts for class X IA 1 SMK HKBP
PEMATANGSIANTAR by applying the dictation method. This research aims to determine
the improvement of listening skills through dictation which is read by the teacher in the form
of descriptive text. English is spoken as the first language by the majority of the population
in many countries, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand and a number of Caribbean countries and is the official language of nearly 60
sovereign countries. English is the third most widely spoken mother tongue worldwide.
(http://en.m wikipedia. org, wiki, English). In addition, English is also used in
communicating at an international level in all areas of life in the world, including in the field
of education. Because of the importance of the role of English in the international world, the
Indonesian government has established English as a compulsory subject for junior high
schools, it is also stated in curriculum 13, based on curriculum 13 there are five types of texts
that must be conveyed to junior high school students, namely text descriptive text, procedure
text, recount text, narrative text and report text. Therefore, the text is taken according to the
class, namely descriptive text. Below is a brief explanation of descriptive text. According to
Pardiyono (2006), descriptive text is a text or reading that contains information in a visible
form from a visible object, quality or quantity. It can be concluded that descriptive text is a
text that is used to describe or describe a particular place, person, or thing or about a real
object, which can be a person, object or animal in detail or detail, whether its body, quality
or quantity.
According to Pardiyono (2006), text descriptive consists of: social function, writing
focus, grammatical patterns, and generics structures. (A) social function / social function, to
describe the characteristics or condition of the object by using the word characteristic (B)
Grammatical patterns there are three grammar in descriptive text, i.e. using sentences with
simple present tense or past tense if the object is extinct, using the predicate with the verb
be or has/have or the verb linking verbs, for example: look, seem, sound, taste, get, and use
adjective to describe quality or object condition. (C) generic structures/ There are two
generic structures, namely identification: introduce who, where, or what described or
identified something from a special aspect, people, animals, public places, plants and so on
to be described, and description: describe the parts, quality and its properties or describe
something to be discussed details, parts, habits, quality, and so on. Language Features or
language features in descriptive text there are eight, namely introducing the object
specifically, using simple present tense; examples come, visit, get, and rarely use past tense
only if extinct objects, using noun phrases; example white house, global warning, nice girl,
greenhouse , using adjectives; example hot, blue, lazy, beautiful, etc, prepositions; example
in, on, at, under, beside, adverbs (adverb); examples quickly, happily, now, lazily, linking
verbs liaison; example is, am, are, become, and use the verb have: have, has, had to describe
in detail. In carrying out the approach research (research approach) for improve listening


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Volume 1 ISSUE 2 (2022)

skill in text descriptive for grade X IA 1 students SMK HKBP PEMATANGSIANTAR by

applying dictation method which has the aim of know the improvement of listening skill
through dictation read by the teacher in the form of descriptive text.
Based on the material in the 13 curriculum and syllabus from BSNP for class material
of VII class, this research refers to descriptive text. Approach implementation research with
a deep frame of mind in order to improve listening skills in descriptive text through dictation
illustrated on Figure 1.
First condition
Without the right method

Listening skill

Cycle I

Cycle II

Figure 1 Listening Skills in Descriptive Text

Based on theoretical and framework studies thinking above, the hypothesis is taken:
with using teacher dictation can improve students' ability in students' listening skills and
descriptive text for class X IA 1 students SMK HKBP PEMATANGSIANTAR.

This research is carried out in Vocational High Schools (SMK) HKBP
PEMATANGSIANTAR. This research approach is implemented for four months (from
January to February 2022). Research implementation (planning, action, assessment, and
reflection), research report writing, and research seminars are all part of the action
preparation timetable. The subjects of this research were students at SMK HKBP
PEMATANGSIANTAR. Students who become the subjects in this research were class
students X IA 1 consists of 32 students. The research approach used is classroom action
research according to Mulyadi (2010) classroom action research is an action research
conducted in in the classroom when learning takes place, consists of two cycles, to optimize
learning methods. Each stage of the cycle includes (1) Planning, (2) Action, (3) Observation,
and (4) Reflection. This research approach with reference to research procedures carried out


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Anita Sitanggang, Anne Silvia Panjaitan, Ita Christine Sinaga, Ruth Junisa A. Siburian

through four stages (Wardani, 2014) namely planning, action, observation and reflection.
Figure 2 depicts the transparent steps taken.

Figure 2 The steps of classroom action research

The object of this research is to improve listening skills in language subjects English in
descriptive text type with using the dictation method. There are two types techniques in data
collection, namely test and non-test. The test technique is used to know students' competence
in listening skills. The non-test technique was used to knowing student responses in listening
by using the teacher's dictation. The data used in research approach these are (1) placement
and change which refers to the activities of the learning process teach. (2) teacher
information providers and student. (3) documents include curriculum, lesson plans, and
assessment books. Indicators showing improvement in student achievement in the approach
classroom action research can be measured from student achievement in listening skills. This
matter shows the average value based on minimum completeness criteria 72 and more than
75% of the total number of class X IA 1 students reached the minimum completeness score
is 72. Quantitative techniques in data analysis taken from dictation which is summed with
using (a) Sum the total value of dictation results. (b) Summing up the average achievement/
student achievement in dictation. (c) Sum up percentage. Formula for Percentage of Value,
NP: (NK × 100%) : R. NP: Percentage Score, NK: Total Value , R:Number of Respondents
Qualitative techniques are used to analyze qualitative data taken from non-test. The
results of the analysis are used to measure the difficulties faced by students in understanding
words through dictation. The scoring rubric or criteria used to describe the results of the
achievement / achievements in research as follows.(a) Value 86 – 100 means Very Good, (b)
Value 71 – 85 means Good, (c) Value 56 – 70 means Enough, (d) Value 41 – 55 means Less,
(d) Value Less than 40 means Very Less.



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The application of dictation by children really needs a lot of concentration high if you
lose concentration then they will miss the read text teachers so that they find it difficult to
receive messages next delivered in text the monologue. Dictation learning process as
expressed by Mostofa (2013) in imla or dictation skills three basic skills that are developed
as for the three things that include accuracy observing, listening and flexibility in write
(Norhidayah et al., 2021). In the beginning, imla/dictation aims at develop students' skills in
observing words or sentences or text written to be moved or copied into their book. After
that, students are trained to move or copy results their hearing. Move practice or copying
done by repeatedly brings flexibility student's hand in writing. It becomes capital in skills
development write English correctly and well. So Imla 'is very important among the branches
of linguistics, it is proof that if we practice copying our hearing results can automatically
develop over and over again writing skills (writing skills). Student must be trained as often
as possible in order to improve the results of listening competence, children who are full of
concentration and want to know how tall they are enthusiastic about following dictation
sometimes students ask to repeat one or two words which they find difficult to understand.
There are types listening performance as statement Brown (2004) as follows (a) intensive
listener. (b) Assessment tasks that we can provide such as, minimal recognition of phonemic
pairs, and introduction of paraphrases. (c) Listener responsive. (d) Assessment of tasks that
we can give like, correct response to open questions and responses to questions. (e) Selective
hearing. (f) Assessment of the tasks that can be assigned such as closed hearing and transfer
information. (g) Extensive listenership. (h) Assessment of tasks that we can apply is
dictation. (i) Active hearing. (j) Assessment of the tasks we can give such as individual
exercise and stimulation. (k) Mutual active listening. (l) Assessment of the tasks that can be
given such as discussion, debate, conversation, play roles, partner or group work.
Moreover, some principles of listening assessment comprehension, according to Brown
(Brown, 2004) there are two main basic aspects in access listening comprehension like
aspects of language and context understanding. Thing it's in the form of micro skills and
macro skills: (1) micro skills include nine things (a) distinguish between English sounds
special one. (b) Mastering pieces of language of different lengths or in short. (c) Introduce
shapes emphasis in English, the word pressed or un pressed position, structure, rhythmic,
intonation in its role in information tagging. (d) Introduce reduction of word forms. (e)
Distinguish foreign words, introduce core words. (f) Average speaking process on different
delivery. (g) Process speaking contains pauses, errors, correction of the delivery variable
that other. (h) Introduce groups of words grammatically (noun, verb, and so on) system
(tenses, approvals, and plural) rules of pattern and form elliptical. (i) introduce the sentence
cohesive in speaking discourse. (2) macro skills/ macro skills include six thing; (a) introduce
the communication function in the expression, according to the situation, the actor and
destination. (b) Estimating the situation, participants, and purpose of using word knowledge
real. (c) Of ideas and others, describe, predict connecting and relationship between events,
and effects, and observe relationships as the subject matter, support ideas, new information,
giving information. (d) introduce between the meanings of figurative and implicit meaning.
(e) using decoration, kinetic, stylistic and non instructions other verbal means to interpret
meaning. (f) build and use a series listening strategies such as detecting words key, estimate
the meaning of words from the text, request for help, and sign of understanding or lack. After
we peel, discuss and analyze the findings in research this, then the results are interpreted in


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accordance with the research objectives, namely interpret competency improvement

students' listening skills in descriptive text after using the dictation method and interpret the
effectiveness of use dictation method in improving listening skills. It looks that there is an
interpretation in stripping, discussion and analysis of the results of the research findings
indicate that there is an increase that is from cycle I was found that the average value of
listening competence skill increased 70.47% from the initial cycle only 56.84% and in cycle
II it was also found there is an interpretation of the increase in the findings, namely 78.43%.
Stripping, discussion and the analysis doesn't just end there, either found that there is an
element of effectiveness the use of dictation we can see that the minimum completeness
value experienced improvement in the initial cycle, students who completed only 9.45% of
32 students, in the cycle I completeness reaches 60.00%, in cycles II completeness reached
80.00%. Hence, based on stripping, discussion and analysis of research findings has
interpretation increases.
Based on the results of implementation and observation in the learning process with
dictation, the research findings are obtained what is exciting is the dictation that can really
improve listening results skills. With the dictation process the teacher can train children's
hearing to be more sensitive to English pronunciation or speech get used to it. Students have
the opportunity develop listening skills maximum and they get hands-on experience that can
they remember for a long time. Implementation of learning process activities dictation cannot
be separated from the form of participant interaction learn with the teacher as a facilitator.
They need teacher guidance in understanding the appropriate speech / speech with the
meaning they mean so the teacher must patiently repeat the pronunciation is finally the
students able to write correctly. Therefore, students must follow the steps good dictation.
Students attentively follow dictation learning stages that train students to listen to foreign
words so they try to find the meaning. They can also write the dictated words so that listening
skills improve and also improve writing skills. The stages of the dictation process will be
successful if done with care like expressed by Brown (Buck, 2001) Dictation seems to
provide a method valid for associating skills listening and writing and tapping in cohesive
elements in a language that implied to a short reading. Practice by administration in dictation
as follows (a) level of trustworthiness in the system good value creation, (b) relationship
strong to other language skills, and (c) broad interpretation in listening comprehensions.
Research findings in this cycle are a form of student writing that is dictated by the teacher
and non-test consists of observations, and documents. Dictation activity in progress learning
has gone through four phases, namely: (1) provide feedback to students by giving oral
pressure that has completed their task. (2) Provide confirmation to the results students
through other book sources. (3) Facilitate students to reflect their learning experience. (4)
motivate students who lack mastery of vocabulary related to monologue "Descriptive" text.
From the research, it can be described as the first three things there are some improvements
research findings in listening skills in each cycle, the average initial cycle student
achievement 56.84%. There is an increase 15.63% from the initial cycle to the first cycle.
Increased student achievement from cycle I to cycle II is 6.87%, both achievements students'
listening skills can be measured through teacher dictation. It shows from the description the
average value of students who completed from the initial cycle to the first cycle to the second
cycle in each cycle has improved both from the results observation findings in the student
dictation process or learning outcomes in improving students' listening skills through teacher


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Volume 1 ISSUE 2 (2022)

dictation. Therefore, it supports the research hypothesis that done, the results are visible in
the cycle initial 9.45% increased to cycle I to by 60.00% and increasing again to the second
cycle to 80.00%, and the third the use of the dictation method used by the teacher can
improve the ability students in listening skills, especially text monologue "Descriptive" an
important role in practicing listening skills because it is a direct contribution to improve
skills or abilities 21st century, including skills communication, which in this case we train
verbal communication and they can put in writing. About the form of writing and the truth
in writing can be trained continuously, well in classroom learning or activities outside of the
classroom. Related Vocabulary with descriptive monologue text already delivered when
students discuss examples of descriptive text in progress classroom learning.

Based on the results of research findings this conclusion can be drawn as follows:
(1) The use of the dictation method is able improve students' listening skills in
"Descriptive" text for class X IA 1 semester students SMK HKBP PEMATANGSIANTAR
Academic Year 2021/2022. From the average value of listening skill by using dictation
56.84% in the cycle the initial increase in the first cycle to 70.47% then increased again
towards cycle II to be 78.43%. (2) Usage effective dictation method improves results learns
students' listening skills in text "descriptive" class X students. From condition the beginning
of the average value of the learning outcomes that have been appreciated on listening
competence skills with 9.45% completeness increase to 60.00% and increased to condition
at the end of the second cycle the average value of learning outcomes which reached a
completeness of 80.00%. Based on the findings of this research, there are three things to
consider are for teachers, for students, and for English teachers. For teachers it is useful to
take advantage of this learning model as an alternative to improve student achievement, the
need for other learning that can improve student learning abilities, and with an increase in
ability students' listening skills in language lessons English using the dictation method, then
asked another teacher to give description of the implementation of language learning English
through teacher motivation and as an inspiration to hold classroom action research by
applying the use of learning models by teachers in other subjects. (2) For Students, by
learning the application of the dictation method students should be able to use it well so that
listening skills student skills can increase, and in using the dictation method, students should
more active alone and trying to find concepts obtained. Recommended suggestions based on
the findings of this research are (1) if students have difficulties in understand dictation tasks
easily manipulated by group length words, pause length, fast text speed readability and
complexity of writing, grammar and vocabulary used in sentences then we have to help with
gesture/ cue. (2) English teacher proposed to use the cooperative method to improve students'
language skills. (3) Assessment, assessment criteria for some types of possible errors in
dictation as follows; (a) error spell, but the word that appears has been heard properly. (b)
Spell or miss represent the previous word, the unread word. (c) Grammatical errors. (d) Word
or phrases that jump. (e) Change word order. (f) Placement of words with suitable synonym,
therefore teachers must avoid errors in judgment and carefully trying not to make errors to
the detriment of students. (4) The teacher uses this model in improve student achievement.
(5) With improved communication students in English lessons, then for other teachers can
give an idea implementation of English learning through the provision of motivation by the


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Anita Sitanggang, Anne Silvia Panjaitan, Ita Christine Sinaga, Ruth Junisa A. Siburian

teacher and as an inspiration (6) students should more active on their own and trying to apply
knowledge gained with more listening skills practice. (7) Assistance and communication
between students and teachers at the time of delivery of learning materials especially
descriptive text should be done intensively so that students really understand the purpose of
descriptive text, structure the text and the characteristics of the descriptive text in detail with
the expectations of participants teach if you find the type of descriptive text. In any book
you can tell the difference with other types of text. (8) For the Department of Education is
expected to provide basis and argument for policy that will be taken for quality improvement
education and as study material for develop other research and improvement of learning to
improve the quality of the results of the teaching and learning process for education World.


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