Mga Tala NG Aking Buhay

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"Mga Tala ng Aking Buhay"

Autobiography of Gregoria de Jesus wife of Andres Bonifacio

(This is a translation of the "Mga Tala ng Aking Buhay", an autobiography by Gregoria de Jesus, the wife of
Andres Bonifacio. This translation was done by Leandro H. Fernandez, a University of the Philippines History
Profesor, and published in the June 1930 issue of the Philippine Magazine, Volume XXVII, No 1. The original
copy of the document was furnished to Hernandez by Jose P. Santos.)

Autobiography of Gregoria de Jesus

I am Gregoria de Jesus, native of the town of Caloocan in Rizal province. I was born on Tuesday,
May 9, 1875, at number 13, Zamora Street, then Baltazar, a place where thousands of arms used in the
revolution were buried, and where the Katipunan leaders met to make the final arrangement for the outbreak.
My father was Nicolas de Jesus, also a native of this town, a master mason and carpenter by occupation, and an
office holder during the Spanish regime, having been second lieutenant, chief lieutenant, and gobernadorcillo.
My mother was Baltazara Alvarez Francisco of the town of Noveleta in Cavite province, a niece of General
Mariano Alvarez of (the Katipunan center of) Magdiwang in Cavite, the first to raise the standard of revolt in
that province.

I attended the public schools and finished the first grades of instruction, equivalent to the intermediate
grades of today. I still remember that I was once a winner in an examination given by the governor-general and
the town curate and was the recipient of a silver medal with blue ribbon, a prize bestowed in recognition of my
little learning. To enable two brothers of mine to continue their studies in Manila, I decided to stop studying and
to join my sister in looking after our family interests. Often, I had to go out in the country to supervise the
planting and the harvesting of our rice, to see our tenants and laborers, or to pay them their wages on Sundays.
Also, now and then I did some sewing or weaving, and always assisted my mother in her house work.

When I was about eighteen years old, young men began to visit our house, and among them was
Andres Bonifacio, who came in company with Ladislao Diwa and my cousin Teodoro Plata, then an escribano,
but none of them talked to me of love, since parents in those days were extremely careful, and girls did not want
people to know that they already had admirers. The truth, however, was that my parents had for about one year
already been informed of Bonifacio's courtship although I knew nothing about it. Three months thereafter, just
as I was beginning to like him, I learned that my father was against Bonifacio's suit because he was a freemason,
and freemasons then were considered bad men, thanks to the teachings of the friars. Six months later I had
earnestly fallen in love with him, and my father, though opposed at first, in the end gave his consent because of
his love for me and because I told him the whole truth.

In deference to my parents, we were married in the Catholic church of Binondo in March, 1893, with
Restituto Javier and his wife as sponsors. But the week following, we were remarried in the house of our
sponsor in what was then Calle Oroquieta before the katipuneros at their request, since they gave no importance
to the Catholic ceremony. I remember that there was a little feast, attended, among others, by Pio Valenzuela,
Santiago Turiano, Roman Basa, Mariano Dizon, Josefa and Trining Rizal, and nearly all the dignitaries of the
Katipunan. That very night I was initiated as a member of the Katipunan3 and assumed the symbolic name
"Lakambini" in order to obey and practice its sacred principles and rules.

After staying about one week in Mr. Javier's house, we decided to look for a residence of our own and
we found one on Calle Anyahan in front of the San Ignacio chapel, and after that I began to do all I could for the
propagation and growth of the K. K. K. (Kataastaasan Kagalanggalang Katipunan) of the A. N. B. (Anak ng
Bayan). For this reason, certain belongings of the Katipunan, such as the revolver and other weapons, the seal,
and all the papers, were in my custody, since in those days Emilio Jacinto, the Secretary of the Katipunan, lived
at our house.

He (Emilio Jacinto) was in charge also of the printing press used by the Katipunan and was the first to
print the Kartilla and the "ten commandments" that were drawn up by Andres and himself, who were like two
brothers, so much so that they worked together in all the balangay. Andres was the author of the first regulations
or ten commandments, Emilio Jacinto of a later one (i. e. the Kartilla), so that it could be truthfully said that
Andres was the author of the idea; but because of his affection for and in deference to Emilio Jacinto, the
Kartilla written by the latter was made to prevail and put into effect by the katipuneros. Bonifacio's decalogue
was never published and I am told that the same now is in the collection of Mr. Pepe Santos, son of the late Don
Panyong Santos.

Those days were extremely full of danger for us since the sons of the nation, already chafing under
bondage, rose to a man and quickly swelled the ranks of the K.K.K., and every night our house was nearly filled
with men who came to listen to the voice of the fatherland, among whom were Enrique Pacheco with his two
sons, Cipriano and Alfonso, Tomas Remigio, and Francisco Carreon, members of the Supreme Council of the
Katipunan, and others who later joined in the "cry of Balintawak". Often these people remained till dawn busy
administering the Katipunan oath. Once or twice a month, those in charge of the propaganda met, and
consequently the printing press, managed by Emilio Jacinto, was busier than ever and he was obliged to devote
his whole day to this work, and I nearly clothed myself with the katipunan documents that were so danger ous to
keep in those days. It is useless to conjecture what would have been my fate had those papers been discovered
on my person and the fate of those liberty-loving sons of the Philippines whose names were inscribed on them,
for it sometimes happened that a mere denunciation would cause many deaths. Many times on receiving some
warning that the house would be searched by the police (veterana), irrespective of the hour, I would immediately
gather all the papers, the arms, and the seal, and order a quiles and in it without eating-for this often happened at
noon or at eight o'clock at night —I would go driving till midnight along the bay front of Tondo and the streets
of Binondo in order to save our countrymen from danger. The thing that grieved me, however, was the fact that
there were among our friends some who instead of protecting me refused to give me help and even kept away
from me upon finding that I was carrying dangerous things. News was then transmitted not by telephone but
verbally from one man to another, and in this way, I knew whenever the danger was over and I could go back
home for some rest and peace.

The time passed and after more than a year I was about to become a mother. Andres Bonifacio
temporarily moved me to my parents' house where I had been born, and there, too, our eldest child saw the first
light of day, a boy, whom we christened also Andres Bonifacio and whose godfather was Pio Valenzuela. After
two months, I returned to Manila, and before the end of the year we were victims of a fire in Dulong Bayan,
which occurred on Holy Thursday, and caused no little trouble. We were forced to move from one house to
another until one day our child died in the house of Pio Valenzuela, on Calle Lavezares, Binondo. In this house
we lived together for a while; then we moved to Calle Magdalena, Trozo. By this time, a close watch on the
Katipunan was already being kept by the Spanish government.

Having extended (the association's activities) to all parts of the Archipelago so that some of its secrets
had already been divulged, we returned to Caloocan. But because we were closely watched, most of the men,
including Andres Bonifacio, after a few days left town, and then the outbreak began with the cry for liberty on
August 25, 1896. I was then with my parents, but when I learned that I was about to be apprehended I decided to
leave and did so at once at eleven o'clock at night, with the intention of returning to Manila under cover, through
the rice fields to Loma. I was treated like an apparition, for, sad to say, I was driven away from every house I
tried to enter to get a little rest. But I learned later that the occupants of the houses I visited were seized and
severely punished and some even exiled-one of them was an uncle of mine whom I visited that night to kiss his
hand, and he died in exile. My father and two brothers were also arrested at this time.

My wandering continued and by four o'clock in the morning I reached Lico Street, now Soler, and went
to the house of an uncle of mine, Simplicio de Jesus, sculptor, but near a police station, and after five hours I left
there in a carromata to look for a safer place to live. I found a refuge in Calle Clavel and there, with my sister-
inlaw, Esperidiona Bonifacio, I stayed quietly for a month under the name of Manuela Gonzaga. Being a
member of the Katipunan, however, and hearing the country's call, I decided to come out of hiding and left for
the mountains on November 1, 1896. My husband met me at San Francisco del Monte, and we proceeded to the
historic mountain of Balara where the sons of the country had their headquarters, between the towns of
Caloocan and Mariquina, from which place we entered Cavite province.

My second husband is Julio Nacpil. He was secretary to Andres Bonifacio and the one given command
of all the troops in the north, which put an end to the fighting in Montalban and San Mateo. We met again as he
retired to Pasig, fell in love with each other, and were later married in the Catholic Church of Quiapo, December
10, 1898. The Philippine revolution at an end and peace restored, we made our home with the well-known
philanthropist Dr. Ariston Bautista and his wife, Petrona Nacpil. With us also lived my mother-in-law, and
brothers and sisters-in-law. Together we lived like true brothers and sisters, born of the same mother. By my
second husband I have eight children, two of whom, Juana and Lucia, are now dead, and six, Juan F., Julia,
Francisca, Josefina, Mercedes, and Caridad, are living. They were all sent to school by Dr. Ariston Bautista,
who also made it possible for my son (Juan F.) to complete his studies, and who treated me like a daughter and
sister while he lived.

With respect to the controversy between Bonifacio and Aguinaldo which originated from the troubled
elections held in Tejeros, and the persecution of and the cruelty committed against our family by the Aguinaldo
faction, which culminated in the execution of Bonifacio, I will say nothing here, since (an account of) the same
can be read in a letter of mine to Emilio Jacinto, which, according to General Pacheco, is now in the collection
of Jose P. Santos.

Further, with respect to what I know regarding the Katipunan, I will say, so that all may know, that I
was the first to translate or decipher the (Katipunan) acts in code which Emilio Jacinto sent to me in Pasig with a
piece of bone extracted from his thigh when he was hit by a bullet at an engagement in Nagcarlan, Laguna. I
was then in Pasig, now a part of Rizal province, and it was there that I deciphered the Katipunan acts already
referred to.

The first printing press, the revolver and other weapons, the seal, and other articles were all bought by
the supreme council, although gifts were also received from Messrs. Francisco and Valeriano Castillo, men of
the right spirit, patriotic, and of high ideals, who, when informed of the aims of the Katipunan, immediately
purchased a bigger printing press in order to rush the printing of the Kartilla, the newspaper, and the rules (of
the society). So Emilio Jacinto, Aguedo del Rosario, and Alejandro, Cipriano, and Marciano Santiago from
Polo, Bulacan, worked together (in the printing office) while Macario Sakay and other leaders took charge of the
distribution and attended to errands. Some people consider him (Sakay) a bad man, who in the end became a
bandit, but I know (literally "saw") that he helped the Katipunan a great deal. Macario Sakay was a true patriot
and I can hardly believe that he ended his life on the gallows.

I went through a number of adventurous experiences during the revolution. I had no fear of facing
danger, not even death itself, whenever I accompanied the soldiers in battle, impelled as I was then by no other
desire than to see unfurled the flag of an independent Philippines, and, as I was present in and witnessed many
encounters, I was considered a soldier, and to be a true one I learned how to ride, to shoot a rifle, and to
manipulate other weapons which I had occasions actually to use. I have known what it is to sleep on the ground
without tasting food the whole day, to drink dirty water from mud holes or the sap of vines which, though bitter,
tasted delicious because of my thirst. When I come to think of my life in those days, considering my youth then,
I am surprised how I stood it all, and how I was spared.

As I remember it, the punishment given those who failed to obey the precepts of the Katipunan, for
example those who committed adultery, was to summon them immediately their guilt became known, and to
admonish them to respect women as they respected themselves. The admonition was read to them in these
words: "If you do not want your mother, wife, or sister abused, you should likewise refrain from abusing those
of others, for such an offense is fully worth three lives. Bear in mind always that you should never do to others
what you do not want done to you, and in this way (i. e. observing this rule of conduct) you may count yourself
an honorable son of the country."

With respect to gambling, he who was found guilty upon investigation by the balangay prosecutor, was
dropped from the society (and was not reinstated) till he changed his conduct. Every one thus admonished or
punished, then, changed his behavior.

the request of Mr. Jose P. Santos to whom this account of my life is dedicated, I conclude by giving
our youths of whom he is one, the following counsel or advice in the form of decalogue:
1. Respect and love your parents because they are next to God on earth.

2. Remember always the sacred teachings of our heroes who sacrificed their lives for love of country.

3. Do not squander time so that you can show good example to others.

4. Acquire some knowledge in the line or field of work for which you are best fitted so that you can be
useful to your country.

5. Remember that goodness is wealth.

6. Respect your teachers who help you to see and understand, for you owe them your education as you
owe your parents your life.

7. Protect the weak from danger.

8. Fear history, for it respects no secrets.

9. Greatness begins where baseness ends.

10. Promote union and the country's progress in order not to retard its independence.

Here ends this short account of my life written in my leisure moments when alone and free to
commune with the past so that all its contents are true to the facts.

Caloocan, Rizal,
November 5, 1928.

Autobiography of Gregoria de Jesus, Philippine Magazine, Volume XXVII, No 1, June 1930 (from the
collection of the University of Michigan Digital Library, 2005)

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