Analysis of Phase-Locked Loop Influence On The Stability of Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter

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Analysis of Phase-Locked Loop Influence on the

Stability of Single-phase Grid-Connected Inverter

Chong Zhang1, Xiongfei Wang2, Frede Blaabjerg2
China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI), Beijing 100192, China
Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg 9220, Denmark

Abstract-- A controlled power inverter can cause instabil- shown in [3] that the harmonic content in the injected
ity at the point of common coupling (PCC) with its output current increased in the case of using a wide-bandwidth
filter and the grid. This paper analyzes the influence of the PLL in a weak grid, which may further lead to instability
Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) on the output admittance of
when grid impedance changes, as shown in [5]. It is
single-phase current-controlled inverters with different grid
stiffness. It shows that the PLL introduces a paralleled demonstrated in [4] that how this instability can be
admittance into the output admittance of the inverter, which avoided by actively shaping the output admittance of
may lead to unintentional low-order harmonic oscillation in inverter. However, the previous research works focused
a weak grid. Moreover, the Second Order Generalized Inte- on the stability influence of conventional Synchronous
grator PLL (SOGI-PLL) is also modeled. It is found that the Reference Frame-PLL (SRF-PLL), while the dynamic of
quadrature signal generator of SOGI plays a stabilizing role
the Quadrature Signal Generator (QSG) used in single-
in grid-inverter interactions, which thus provides a promis-
ing candidate for avoiding the PLL-induced instability in phase systems is overlooked, which is a critical
single-phase inverters. Simulation results are presented for component for grid-synchronization of single-phase grid-
verifying the theoretical analysis. The possible instability connected inverters.
due to different PLL bandwidth is also demonstrated. This paper thus addresses the influence of PLL on the
stability of a single-phase grid-connected, LCL-filtered
Index Terms--Phase-Locked Loop (PLL), small-signal inverter with a stationary frame current control, and a
model, single-phase inverter, stability.
particular attention is given to the effect of Second-Order
Generalized Integrator (SOGI) in using SOGI-PLL. First,
the impedance models of the single-phase inverter with
Most renewable energy sources have to be converted the basic T/4 delayed PLL and SOGI-PLL are developed.
from dc to ac in grid-connected applications. The phase Then, the influence of these PLLs on the stability of
angle and frequency of the injected current have to be inverter is analyzed by means of impedance-based
synchronized with the grid voltage in order to flexibly stability analysis method. It is shown in stiff grids the
control the active power and reactive power injected into inverter is stable when the PLL itself and current control
the power grid. This has typically been accomplished by loop are stable. In contrast, the system stability in a weak
using a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) [1]. grid is not only affected by the stability of PLL itself and
It has been reported the power quality of grid tends to current control, but affected also by the PLL bandwidth
be degraded as the increased penetration level of inverter- through the current reference generation, which may
interfaced renewable energy sources. For example, it is introduce a negative real-part in the output admittance of
shown in [1] that even though some commercial inverter. Moreover, with the use of SOGI and its low-
photovoltaic inverters fulfilled the requirements imposed pass filtering nature of generating quadrature signal, the
by the grid standards, their output currents still exceed the inverter can still be stabilized even with a wide-
harmonic limits in weak grids with high grid inductance. bandwidth SRF-PLL design. It thus provides a promising
In these cases, harmonic emissions of inverters are grid synchronization technique for avoiding the PLL-
likely induced by the interaction between the inverter induced instability.
control system, e.g. PLL and current control, and grid The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section
impedance [2]. A well-established technique to analyze II presents a small-signal model of the single-phase grid-
such interconnected systems is the impedance-based connected inverter with PLL. Section III shows how the
stability analysis with Nyquist stability criterion [6], [10], bandwidth of PLL influences on the stability of the
which predicts the system stability based on the ratio inverter under a weak grid, and the resulting resonance
between the grid impedance and inverter output frequency is predicted by means of the impedance-based
admittance. This method has widely been used to study stability analysis. Simulation results are presented in
the stability of a hybrid ac/dc system [7], and the stability Section IV, which validates the effectiveness of
of grid-connected and islanded micro-grids [8]. It is theoretical analysis. Section V concludes the paper.

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A. Inverter Model L1 L2 Zg

Fig. 1 shows a diagram of a single-phase grid- 

U in uinv Cf uPCC
connected inverter with an LCL-filter, where L1, Cf and L2 
constitute the LCL-filter; Zg is the grid impedance; Uin is 
the input dc voltage; uinv is the output voltage of the ig
inverter bridge; ug is the grid voltage; uPCC is the voltage
of PCC point. The reference current iref is obtained by cos T 0
using a phase-locked loop which will be synchronized 
 sTs Gi s
 iref Im
with the power grid voltage. Gi(s) is the grid current
Fig. 1. Basic diagram of a single-phase inverter with LCL-filter.
controller transfer function which adopts the proportional
resonant (PR) controller. In order to accurately reflect the
characteristics of the digital control, the zero order hold ug s
(ZOH) is adopted in the model and its transfer function is  
GPLL s Zg s
Gh s 1  e sT / s | Ts e0.5 sT .
s s

sin T 0
According to Fig. 1, a small signal model of the grid- u PCC s
connected inverter in s-domain can be obtained as shown  ig s
Im iref s
GX 1 s
 GX 2 s
in Fig. 2. Here 1/Ts is the sampling time, K PWM is the  
transfer function from modulation wave to uinv, GPLL(s) is
the phase locked loop transfer function. As shown in Fig.
2, the inverter model can be divided into two parts: the Fig. 3. Simplified block diagram of inverter in the s-domain.
first part is the phase-locked control loop, which is from
the grid reference current iref to the voltage of PCC uPCC B. The Small Signal Model of T/4 Delayed PLL
through phase-locked loop; the other part is the grid In order to analyze the influence of the PLL on the sta-
current control loop, which is from the grid current ig to bility of the grid-connected inverter, the mathematic
the grid reference current iref through the grid current model of the PLL should be established at first. This
closed loop. paper analyzes the influence of the PLL on the system
The control model of Fig. 2 can be simplified to Fig. 3, stability by adopting the T/4 delayed PLL as the synchro-
K PWM Gi GZ Z C nous method for simple, and the analysis method can be
GX 1 (1) extended into other PLLs. The block diagram of T/4 de-
Z L1  Z C
layed PLL is shown in Fig. 4.
Z L1  Z C From Fig.4, the small-signal model of the inverter can
GX 2 (2)
Z L1 Z L 2  Z L1 Z C  Z L 2 Z C be derived as (6) in the time-domain. In terms of notation,
GZ e sTs <Gh s | 1/ 1.5Ts s  1 (3) bold fonts are used to represent vector and matrix quanti-
ties. Where Z0 is the fundamental angular frequency,
K rcon s
where, Z L1 sL1 , Z L 2 sL2 , Z C 1 / sC f , Gi s K pcon  . T0 is the corresponding angle, iref is the reference grid
s2  Z 2
From Fig. 3 the grid current ig can be obtained as current, I m is the amplitude of the reference current.
Tig G ­ PDE TDE / dq Pdq e jZ0t Pdq  PD  j P E
ig iref  X 2 uPCC (4) °
1  Tig 1  Tig
°Z0 K p  ³ Ki Pq
° (6)
where Tig GX 1GX 2 is the gain of the current control loop. ®
However, the reference current iref is not an independent °T 0 ³ Z0 dt
variable, when considering the PLL. The grid current ig °̄iref I m cos T 0
can be rewritten as
Tig Since the PLL is a nonlinear system, linearization must
ig I m GPLL uPCC  X 2 uPCC (5) be made to allow transfer function to be derived. For this
1  Tig 1  Tig sake, Equation (6) can be rewritten by the sum of the
steady state variable and disturbance variable as

ug s
GPLL s Zg s
u PCC s
Im  Gh s  1  1 1 ig s
Gi s e-sTs K PWM
iref s  sL1
 sC f  sL2

Fig. 2. Block diagram of grid-connected inverter in s-domain.

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­ P dq U dq  Pˆ dq
®T T 0  Tˆ0 Z0 t  Tˆ0 (7) uPCC H v kH v uD vq
° k 1/ s
°̄iref I ref  iref
Z' dq
1/ s
where, Z0 is the fundamental angular frequency, Tˆ0 is uE T'
the disturbance angular, U dq and Pˆ dq are the
synchronous frame voltage and disturbance variable of Fig. 5. Phase Detector of SOGI-PLL
the PCC, respectively. After the Park transformation, the
voltage of PCC in stationary frame can be obtained as
PDE UDE  PˆDE e jZ0t T0 Pdq
(8) C. The Small Signal Model of SOGI-PLL
The relation can be linearized by approximating As discussed in the previous part, the transfer function
cosTˆ0 | 1ˈ sin Tˆ0 | Tˆ0 and by neglecting cross terms be- of PLL from the reference current to the voltage of the
tween the perturbation quantities, yields: PCC to can be obtained by neglecting the PD block dy-
namics, however, in the practice, there always exists a PD
Pdq U m  Pˆ dq  jU mTˆ0 (9)
in the advanced PLL, i.e. Enhanced PLL, SOGI-PLL and
The relation between the disturbance voltage of PCC in Inverse Park transformation PLL [13], which are com-
stationary frame PˆDE and the disturbance voltage of mon used in the single-phase inverter, because the infor-
PCC in synchronous frame Pˆ dq can be derived as mation of the single-phase system is less than three-phase
system. The characteristics of the QSG has not discussed
PˆDE | e jZ t ª¬ jU mTˆ0  Pˆ dq º¼
(10) in the published papers that concerned the PLL influence
on the impedance of the inverter. In this part, the dynam-
Then, substitute (7) and (9) to (6), and after the La-
ics of the QSG in an advanced PLL (SOGI-PLL) will be
place transformation, the result can be obtained as
considered when modeled the admittance of the inverter
Tˆ0 s TPLL s Im ^Pˆ dq ` (11) with PLL.
K p s  Ki An adaptive filtering based PLL solution is using sec-
where TPLL s . ond order generalized integrator (SOGI) to create the
s  U m K p s  Ki
QSG system, commonly known as SOGI-PLL [13]. The
For the stationary frame current control, the reference structure of SOGI-QSG is depicted in Fig. 5, in which
current can be obtained as Z c is the estimated frequency of the input signal, the
iref I ref  iˆref I m cos Z0 t  I m sin Z0 t Tˆ0 (12) proportionality factor k is the control parameter of the
adaptive filter.
where If two-weight adaptive filters are adopted in single-
iˆref I m sin Z0 t Tˆ0 (13) phase applications, it will present a better performance
Then, equation (13) can be transformed to s-domain by and it behaves like a “sinusoidal integrator” [13-15]. The
the Laplace transformation as transfer function of such kind of adaptive filter can be
Im ˆ expressed as,
iˆref s ªT s  jZ  Tˆ s  jZ º (14)
2j ¬ ¼ G AF
s  Z c2
Neglecting the PD dynamic characteristics of the PLL,
i.e. uˆPCC uˆD , and considering Pˆ E lagging PˆD 90q , Multiplied by Z c , it shares the transfer function of a
second order generalized integrator in common [14], [15].
Substitution of (10-11) in (13), the transfer function from Thus, referring to Fig. 5, the characteristic transfer
the reference current to the voltage of the PCC and PLL functions of the SOGI block can be derived as
transfer function can be obtained as (15) and (16).
­ uD kZ ' s
iˆref s Im K p s  jZ0  K i ° D(s) u (s) s 2  kZ ' s  Z '2
(15) ° PCC
Pˆ PCC s 2 s  jZ0 2  U m ª K p s  jZ0  Ki º ® (18)
¬ ¼ °Q(s) uE (s) k Z '2
1 °¯ uPCC s 2  k Z ' s  Z '2
GPLL s TPLL s  jZ0 (16)
2 When considering the QSG dynamics, equation (15)
cannot be used for the transfer function of PLL from the

uPCC uD vq Z0 T0 Im
K p  Ki / s 1/ s cos
uE dq

Fig. 4. Block diagram of synchronous reference frame PLL.

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reference current to the voltage of the PCC. It will be
only the transfer function of PLL from the reference
current iˆref s to one of the outputs of QSG ûD . How-
ever, the other output of the QSG ûE in the SOGI-PLL
also has the effect on the characteristics of the PLL. As
shown in equation (18), D(s) is a band-pass filter and Q(s)
is a low-pass filter, when analyze the influence of PLL on
the admittance of the inverter, both of the two character-
istics has to be considered.
From equation (10), the disturbance of the QSG output
can be obtained as (19) and (20), separately.
PˆD | U m sin T 0 Tˆ0  Im ^Pˆ dq ` sin T 0 Fig. 6. Equivalent circuit of grid-connected inverter with PLL.
 Re ^Pˆ dq ` cos T 0
Pˆ E | U m cos T 0 Tˆ0  Im ^Pˆ dq ` cos T 0
(20) The main focus in this section is to analyze how the
 Re ^Pˆ dq ` sin T 0 amplitude of the reference current, the PLL bandwidth
and SOGI-PLL effect on the stability of the single-phase
For the disturbance Re ^Pˆ dq ` in synchronization inverter system. Impedance-based stability criterion will
frame is not used in the PLL structure, so the third term be derived to verify the accuracy of the inverter model
in right side of equation (19) and (20) can be neglected. with PLL has established in section II.
Equation (19) and (20) can be simplified transformed to A. Impedance-Based Stability AnDlysis
s-domain by Laplace transformation as
A method to determine inverter-grid system stability
1 ª 1 1 º
PˆD s « Tˆ s  jZ  Tˆ s  jZ » (21) only using the inverter output admittance and the grid
2 j ¬« TPLL s  jZ TPLL s  jZ ¼» impedance is developed in [9]. It has been shown that a
1ª 1 1 º grid-connected inverter will remain stable, if the ratio of
Pˆ E s « Tˆ s  jZ  Tˆ s  jZ » (22) the inverter output admittance to the grid admittance and
2 «¬ TPLL s  jZ TPLL s  jZ »¼
satisfied the Nyquist stability criterion. But in [9] the
Substitute (21) and (22) in (14), the transfer function
inverter model does not consider the influence of the PLL
from the reference current to the output voltage of the
on the stability of the inverter. The impedance-based
SOGI-QSG can be obtained as (23).
stability criterion of considering the influence of the PLL
iˆref s ªTPLL s  jZ  TPLL s  jZ º¼ PˆD s on the inverter will be derived in this paper.
2 ¬ Equation (5) can be rewritten as
I ig  YPLL u PCC  Yinv u PCC (26)
 j m ª¬TPLL s  jZ  TPLL s  jZ º¼ Pˆ E s
2 I m GPLLTig GX 2
Considering the dynamics of the SOGI-QSG, the trans- where, YPLL  , Yinv , GPLL s can
1  Tig 1  Tig
fer function from the reference current iˆref s to the
be replaced by GSOGI  PLL s if the synchronization
voltage of PCC Pˆ PCC s and SOGI-PLL transfer func-
method is SOGI-PLL.
tion can be derived as (24) and (25). From equation (26), the equivalent circuit of the grid-
iˆref s Im connected inverter is shown in Fig. 6. As shown in Fig. 6,
ªTPLL s  jZ  TPLL s  jZ ¼º D s
uˆ PCC s 2 ¬ considering the PLL, the grid inverter admittance can be
(24) equivalent to a model of the current loop admittance Yinv
Im in parallel with the negative admittance YPLL. The output
 j ª¬TPLL s  jZ  TPLL s  jZ º¼ Q s
2 admittance of the grid-inverter can be obtained as:
1 ig
GSOGI  PLL s ªTPLL s  jZ  TPLL s  jZ º¼ D s Yo  YPLL  Yinv

(25) uPCC
 j ª¬TPLL s  jZ  TPLL s  jZ º¼ Q s According to Fig. 6, the following can be obtained,
2 ig 1 1
From equation (25), the current reference iˆref s is  Y0 (28)
ug 1 / Y0  1 / Yg 1  Yo / Yg
not only effected by ûD , but also influenced by the or- where Yg 1 / Lg s is the output admittance of the grid,
thogonal signal ûE , both of the two characteristics of D(s)
Lg is the grid inductance.
and Q(s) influenced the admittance of the inverter by
The following is to analyze how the grid admittance
effected the transfer function of PLL.
affected the stability criterion of the system when the grid
is changed from a strong grid to a weak grid.

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1) Strong grid. B. Influence of PLL on the Stability of Inverter
As shown in the Fig. 6, Y0 is equivalent to YPLL in par- From (26), it can be observed that the PLL introduced
allel with Yinv. a negative admittance YPLL to the output admittance Yo of
Y0 YPLL  Yinv (29) the grid-connected inverter, which will reduce the ampli-
From equation (29), the poles of Y0 are the poles of tude and phase angle of Yo, and reduces the stability mar-
YPLL add the poles of Yinv, therefore, in order to guarantee gin of the system. It may even cause system instability.
Y0 stable, YPLL and Yinv must be stable. However, in the factor of YPLL, Tig is determined by the
Form (26) and (5), the admittance of the inverter can grid current closed loop design, thus only Im and GPLL
be obtained as Yinv 1 / Z inv GX 2 / 1  Tig , and the affect ZPLL. The following is analyzes the effect of these
two variables on the admittance of the inverter with PLL
closed transfer function of the current control loop can be Yo.
written as ) inv Tig / 1  Tig , so both of them have the 1) Reference current amplitude I m .
same poles. As a consequence, to guarantee all poles of The larger Im leads the amplitude of YPLL larger, and
Yinv in the left half plane of s-domain, the parameters of Yo is in the form of YPLL in parallel with Yinv. And the
the closed loop must be designed reasonable to ensure the admittance of the inverter with PLL Yo mainly depends
current control loop is stable. on a larger parallel admittance. Therefore, the phase mar-
The paralleled admittance of PLL can be derived as gin and stability of the system can be decreased by a
YPLL  I m GPLLTig / 1  Tig from (26), and the closed larger amplitude of the reference current I m , which has a
loop transfer function of PLL is ) PLL I m GPLL . The large impact on the admittance of PLL YPLL.
2) GPLL.
poles of YPLL equal to the poles of ) PLL add the poles of The transfer function of PLL GPLL takes on the charac-
) inv . If the current control loop and PLL are stable, all teristics of the low pass filter above the fundamental
the poles of YPLL in the left half plan, which means YPLL is frequency f0 and assumes its bandwidth is fBW. Therefore,
stable. when f > fBW, the amplitude of GPLL decreases when the
Under a strong grid, the admittance of the grid can be frequency increases. At the same time when f > f0, the
neglected because its value is very small, i.e. Yg f . If phase frequency curve of GPLL has a 0q  90q phase shift.
The amplitude and phase angle of 1/GPLL is lower at the
the current control loop and PLL are stable, Yinv and YPLL
high frequency with a larger bandwidth of the GPLL, thus
can be guaranteed stable, which provides Y0 is stable.
result in the amplitude and phase angle of YPLL is smaller,
Therefore, in this situation, the stability of the system
which reduces the amplitude and phase of Yo, so the
depends on the stability of current control loop and PLL.
phase margin and the stability of the system is decreased.
The condition of guarantee the system stable is ensure the
As the amplitude of the reference current I m is the
current control loop and PLL is stable respectively.
2) Weak Grid given parameter in the system; thus, in order to get a
The admittance of the gird can’t be neglected in a weak stable system, the bandwidth of the PLL should be set at
grid. For system stability analysis, it can be assumed that a low frequency. As a consequence, a compromise exists
the admittance of the inverter with PLLY0 is stable. In this between PLL response speed and the stability of the sys-
situation, the stability of the current depends on the sta- tem.
bility of the second term on the right-hand side of (28), To apply the impedance-based stability criterion pre-
define H s as sented in the aforementioned section, the output admit-
tance of the inverter and the grid admittance were simu-
1 lated. System circuit diagram and control schemes used
H s (30)
1  Y0 / Yg as shown in Fig. 1, the system and inverter control pa-
The impedance-based stability criterion is based on the rameters are given in Table I. There are three cases will
be demonstrated in this part: 1) T/4 delayed PLL with
observation that H s resembles the close-loop transfer
different bandwidths as 100Hz and 200Hz are used in a
function of a negative feedback control system where the weak grid for demonstration how the stability of the sys-
forward gain is unity and the feedback gain is Yo / Yg ; tem is influenced by the PLL bandwidth. 2) The band-
that is, the ratio of the inverter output admittance to the width of T/4 delayed PLL is changed under the condition
grid output admittance. By linear control theory, H(s) is of half of the power rating, which will be demonstrated
stable if and only if Yo / Yg satisfies the Nyquist stability that the reference current smaller will be good at the
stability of the system with the same PLL bandwidth. 3)
criterion [8].
The T/4 transport delayed PLL is replaced by the SOGI-
From the analysis in these two situations, the conclu-
PLL with the same PLL bandwidth 200 Hz to demon-
sion can be obtained as: If the system is stable, two con-
strate how the SOGI-QSG impacts the stability of the
ditions must be satisfied: 1) the output admittance of the
grid-inverter Y0 is stable; 2) Yo / Yg satisfied the Nyquist
1) T/4 delayed PLL.
stability criterion. Fig. 7 shows the bode diagram of the grid-connected
inverter output admittance and the grid admittance for the
two PLL bandwidths in a weak grid as the inductance of

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Prameters/Compensator Symbol Value

Dc Bus Voltage Uin 400 V

Peak Grid Voltage Ug 325 V

Fundamental Frequency f 50 Hz

L1 0.36 mH

LCL Filter Cf 4.7 uF

L2 0.2 mH

Sampling Frequency fs 10 kHz

Grid Inductance Lg 7 mH

Kpcon 8
Current Controller Fig. 7. Bode diagram of grid inverter admmitance with PLL of
Krcon 800 different bandwidth in a weak grid as the inductance of the grid is
Peak of the rated Current Iref 40 A

fBW1 100 Hz
Different PLL
fBW2 200 Hz

k 1.414
fBW 200 Hz

the grid is 7 mH. With the bandwidths of PLL are 100 Hz

and 200 Hz, the grid admittance intersects with the grid-
connected inverter output admittance at two different
frequencies (180 Hz and 210 Hz) where the phase differ-
ence is 154 deg and 192 deg, respectively, indicating that
in the first case the design of the PLL bandwidth is 100
Hz has sufficient phase margin exists for the system sta-
bility and it is stable, but in the second case with the PLL
bandwidth is 200 Hz, the system is unstable.
2) Reducing the power rating. Fig. 8. Bode diagram of grid inverter admittance with PLL of
different bandwidth under half of the rated current in a weak grid
Fig. 8 shows the bode diagram of the grid-connected as the inductance of the grid is 7mH.
inverter output admittance and the grid admittance for
these two PLL bandwidths under half of the rated current
as 20 A in a weak grid. In this situation the two unstable
conditions with PLL bandwidth as 200 Hz becomes sta-
ble for their phase margin sufficient the impedance-based
stability criterion. This can be matched with the results
that the amplitude of the reference current decreased
could improve the stability of the system which has dis-
cussed in the theoretical analysis.
Fig. 9 shows the bode diagram of the grid-connected
inverter output admittance and the grid admittance with a
T/4 delay and SOGI-PLL with the same bandwidth as
200 Hz in a weak grid. In this situation the unstable con-
ditions with PLL bandwidth as 200 Hz becomes stable by
using the SOGI-PLL for their phase margin sufficient the
impedance-based stability criterion. This is owe to the
low pass filter and band pass filter characteristics of the Fig. 9. Bode diagram of grid inverter admittance with different
SOGI-QSG, which can improve the stability of the sys- PLL of same bandwidth as 200 Hz in a weak grid as the induct-
tem by suppressing harmonics pass from the voltage of ance of the grid is 7mH.
PCC to the current of the grid.

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The impeddance-based stability
s analyysis shown inn pre-
vious sectionns indicates that
t different amplitudes oof the
reference cuurrent and PL LL bandwidths will changee the
output admitttance of thee inverter. Th his paper alsoo ex-
plores that chhanging PLL bandwidth
b wiill cause instabbility
in the wholee system. Thee advanced PLL P as SOGI--PLL
will improvee the admittannce of the inv verter by usingg the
SOGI-QSG for its low pass p filter and d band pass filter
To verify the stability analysis
a in thee previous secction,
Fig. 10. Inverter terminal voltage and output curren
nt with PLL
a 6 kW single-phase griid-connected inverter has been bandwiddth 100 Hz in a weeak grid (Lg=7 mH).
studied, wheere the bandw width of PLL and power rrating
can be varied. The param meters are set to be the sam me as
given in Tabble. I. An addditional inducttor was inserte ted to
increase the ggrid admittancce and emulatted as a weak grid.
Fig. 10 deemonstrates thhe steady-statee voltage andd cur-
rent waveforrms with PLL L bandwidth is i 100 Hz undder a
weak powerr grid (Lg=7 mH). From Fig.10, It caan be
shown that tthe system is stable for it has the suffiicient
phase marginn from the anaalysis of previious section.
Fig. 11 and Fig. 14 pressent the steady y-state voltagee and
current waveeforms as well as the current spectrum with
PLL bandwiddth is 200 Hz under a weak k power grid ((Lg=7 Fig. 11. Inverter terminal voltage and output curren
nt with PLL
mH) and thee rated currentt 40 A. From Fig. 14, it is indi- bandwiddth 200 Hz in a weeak grid (Lg=7 mH).
cated that a ssignificant 3rdd and 5th harmonic existed iin the
current. The dominant harrmonic frequeencies are sepparat-
ed by 100 Hzz and their cennter frequency y is 200 Hz, wwhich
is approximaately the samee as the frequ uency at whichh the
admittance ooverlap exist in Fig. 7 (210 Hz), whenn the
PLL bandwiddth was set too 200 Hz and validates the ttheo-
ry. This leads to an under--damped reson nance and expplains
the observedd strong 3rd annd 5th harmonics. Thus, thee har-
monic frequeency in the system will bee predicted byy the
stability criteerion.
Fig. 12 shhows the volttage and currrent waveform ms of
Fig. 12. Inverter terminal voltage and output currennt with PLL
the inverter with PLL bandwidth 200 Hz under a w weak baandwidth as 200 HzH under half of tthe rated current in
i a weak grid
power grid w when the curreent decrease to t half of the rated (Lg=7 mH
20 A. As lonng as the ampplitude of refference currennt de-
crease, the phhase margin of o the system will be biggerr and
the system is more stablee. As a consequence, from m Fig.
12, it is showwn that when the current deecreased to haalf of
the rated valuue with the saame high band dwidth of PLL L, the
system becom mes stable.
Fig. 13 annd Fig. 14 dem monstrate thee steady-state volt-
age and currrent waveform ms as well ass the current sspec-
trum with SO OGI-PLL banndwidth is 200 0 Hz under a w weak
power grid (L Lg=7 mH). Frrom Fig.13, It can be shownn that
the system iss stable, theree is no signifiicant harmoniics in
the grid currrent which can c be match hed with the bode Fig.
F 13. Inverter te
erminal voltage an
and output currentt with SOGI-
diagram in Fig. 9. PLL bandwiidth as 200 Hz inn a weak grid (Lg=7
= mH)

This paper discusses thhe impact of a conventional PLL
on the outpuut admittance of a photovo oltaic single-pphase
inverter. Thee analysis dem monstrates thhat the PLL iintro-
duces a paraallel admittannce to the outtput admittancce of
the inverter. A wide banndwidth PLL will decreasee the Fig
g. 14. Inverter terrminal current speectrum with T/4 delay
d PLL and
S bandwwidth is 200 Hz inn a weak grid (Lg=7
= mH). The
stability marrgins at the grrid-inverter in
nterface whichh can light green is SOGI-PLL and the ddark green is T/4 delay PLL.
lead to instabbility of the inverter, whenn the grid is w

Authorized licensed use limited to: Nelson Mandela University. Downloaded on April 21,2024 at 09:23:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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This paper is supported by National High Technology
Research and Development Program 863 of China under
Grant 2011AA05A301.

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