2 Bromo 2 Nitropropane 1,3 ..

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2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE-1,3-DIOL || Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safe...


home > ingredient: 2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE-1,3-DIOL

116,254,710 searches since 2004

Preservative This ingredient: Cancer Developmental/reproductive toxicity Violations, restrictions & warnings Allergies/immunotoxicity Contamination concerns - FORMALDEHYDE, NITROSAMINES Other strong concerns for this ingredient: Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Occupational hazards Other moderate concerns for this ingredient: Neurotoxicity Lesser or emerging concerns for this ingredient: Endocrine disruption, Ecotoxicology See products containing 2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE1,3-DIOL
Abo ut 2-BROMO-2-NIT ROP ROP ANE-1,3-DIOL: 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane1,3-Diol is a substituted aliphatic diol. 2-BROMO-2-NIT ROP ROP ANE-1,3-DIOL has reported used in the following product types: conditioner (20); baby wipes (16); facial moisturizer/treatment (13); moisturizer (12); facial cleanser (8); body wash/cleanser (8); makeup remover (4); exfoliant/scrub (4); hand cream (3); personal cleansing (3)


10 49%

high hazard data gap

(why scores have changed)


type of concern product conditions reference

Known human immune system toxicant

National Library of Medicine HazMap

Human skin toxicant - strong evidence


type of concern product conditions reference

Restricted in cosmetics (recommendations or requirements) - use, concentration, or manufacturing restrictions - Use is restricted in Canadian cosmetics Determined safe for use in cosmetics, subject to concentration or use limitations - Safe for use in cosmetics with some qualifications

Canada - Prohibited and Restricted Cosmetics Ingredients Cosmetic Ingredient Review Assessments

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2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE-1,3-DIOL || Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safe...



type of concern product conditions reference

Known human lung and skin toxicant

products that may be aerosolized (airborne); products for use on skin

European Union Classification & Labelling

One or more animal studies show gastrointestinal effects at very low doses

RTECS- "Vrednie chemichescie veshestva, galogen I kislorod sodergashie organicheskie soedinenia" 1994 RTECS- KhimikoFarmatsevticheskii Zhurnal 1977 show more

One or more animal studies show broad systemic effects at very low doses

type of concern product conditions reference

One or more animal studies show brain and nervous system effects at low doses

RTECS- Kiso to Rinsho 1974

type of concern product conditions reference

Allowed workplace exposures restricted to low doses

European Union Classification & Labelling


type of concern product conditions reference

Classified as lung and skin irritant

products that may be aerosolized (airborne); products for use on skin

European Union Classification & Labelling

show more

type of concern product conditions reference

One or more animal studies show endocrine system disruption at high doses

RTECS- Federal Register 2002

type of concern product conditions reference

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2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE-1,3-DIOL || Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safe...


One or more animal studies show reproductive effects at high doses

RTECS- Federal Register 2002

type of concern product conditions reference

Wildlife and environmental toxicity

European Union Classification & Labelling show more


type of concern product conditions reference

Not known to bioaccumulative in wildlife or humans

Environmental Canada Domestic Substance List show more

type of concern product conditions reference

56 studies on toxicity in PubMed see search results ->



government/industry list/academic study appears on list as classification(s)

European Union - Classification & Labelling


Harmful Irritating to respiratory system and skin Very toxic to aquatic organisms Restricted

Canada - Prohibited and Restricted Cosmetics Ingredients Cosmetic Ingredient Review Assessments



Safe for use in cosmetics with some qualifications Determined safe for use in cosmetics up to a specified concentration limit Nitrosating agent: forms carcinogenic nitrosamine compounds if mixed with amines ;N-Persistant;N-Bioaccumulative;YAquaticTox;;;; Skin Sensitizer - An agent that can induce an allergic reaction in the skin or lungs:

Environmental Canada Domestic Substance List National Library of Medicine HazMap


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2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE-1,3-DIOL || Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safe...


Yes; EPA Toxic Release Inventory PBTs US EPA, 1788 2BROMO2NITRO1,3PROPANEDIOL Toxic under the EPA's Toxics Release Inventory Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicity Hazards: suspected Skin or Sense Organ Toxicity Hazards: suspected


A Relational Database of Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational Diseases RTECS- "Pesticide Index," Frear, E 1976 RTECS- "Vrednie chemichescie veshestva, galogen I kislorod sodergashie organicheskie soedinenia" 1994 RTECS- "Vrednie chemichescie veshestva, galogen I kislorod sodergashie organicheskie soedinenia" 1994 RTECS- Federal Register 2002


broad systemic - Broad systemic toxicity (rat LD50) gastrointestinal - Gastritis (rabbit LD50) respiratory - Other changes (rabbit LD50) gastrointestinal - Peritonitis (rat LD50)


respiratory - Dyspnea (rat TDLo) gastrointestinal - Other changes (rat TDLo) skin - Primary skin irritant (rat ) gastrointestinal - Changes in structure or function of salivary glands (rat TDLo) endocrine system - Death in the "U" data type field (rat TDLo) reproductive - Other effects (rabbit TDLo) metabolic - Weight loss or decreased weight gain (rat TDLo) kidney or renal system - Changes primarily in glomeruli (rat TDLo) kidney or renal system - Hematuria (rat TDLo) gastrointestinal - Other changes (rat TDLo) respiratory - Respiratory depression (rat TDLo) gastrointestinal - Ulceration or bleeding from stomach (rat TDLo) broad systemic - Broad systemic toxicity (rat LD50) skin - Primary skin irritant (rabbit )


RTECS- Iyakuhin Kenkyu 1977


RTECS- Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology 1980 RTECS- Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists 1978


broad systemic - Broad systemic toxicity (rat LD50) sense organ - Primary eye irritant (rabbit ) skin - Primary skin irritant ( human ) broad systemic - Broad systemic toxicity (mouse LD50)

RTECS- KhimikoFarmatsevticheskii Zhurnal 1977


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2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE-1,3-DIOL || Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safe...


RTECS- Kiso to Rinsho 1974


skin - Hair (rat LD50) brain and nervous system - Somnolence (general depressed activity) (rat LD50) broad systemic - Broad systemic toxicity (mouse LD50)

RTECS- Pesticide Manual 1991


government/industry list/academic study reference

European Union - Classification & Labelling

CPS&Q (Consumer Products Safety & Quality) formely known as ECB (European Chemicals Bureau). 2008. Classification and Labelling: Chemicals: Annex I of Directive 67/548/EEC through the 31st ATP. Health Canada. 2007. List of Prohibited and Restricted Cosmetic Ingredients. Canada's Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist. March 2007.

Canada - Prohibited and Restricted Cosmetics Ingredients Cosmetic Ingredient Review Assessments

CIR (Cosmetic Ingredient Review). 2006. CIR Compendium, containing abstracts, discussions, and conclusions of CIR cosmetic ingredient safety assessments. Washington DC. EC (Environment Canada). 2008. Domestic Substances List Categorization. Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) Environmental Registry. NLM (National Library of Medicine). 2006. HazMap Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Agents. EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 1999. Toxics Release Inventory Program. PBT Chemical Rule. US EPA. Addition of Certain Chemicals; Toxic Chemical Release Reporting; Community Right to Know. Proposed and Final Rules. 59 Federal Register 1788 (Jan 12, 1994); 59 Federal Register 61432 (November 30, 1994). Summarized in Hazard Information on Toxic Chemicals Added to EPCRA Section 313 Under Chemical Expansion. http://www.epa.gov/tri/chemical/hazard_cx.htm A Relational Database of Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational Diseases. Browse Haz-Map by Adverse Effects http://hazmap.nlm.nih.gov /hazmapadv.html - testing a change RTECS- "Pesticide Index," Frear, E.H., ed., State College, PA, College Science Pub., 1969 5,30,1976 RTECS- "Vrednie chemichescie veshestva, galogen I kislorod sodergashie organicheskie soedinenia". (Hazardous substances. Galogen and oxygen containing substances), Bandman A.L. et al., Chimia, 1994 -,193,1994

Environmental Canada Domestic Substance List National Library of Medicine HazMap EPA Toxic Release Inventory PBTs Scorecard.org Toxicity Information

Scorecard.org Toxicity Information

RTECS- "Pesticide Index," Frear, E 1976 RTECS- "Vrednie chemichescie veshestva, galogen I kislorod sodergashie organicheskie soedinenia" 1994 RTECS- "Vrednie chemichescie veshestva, galogen I kislorod sodergashie organicheskie soedinenia" 1994 RTECS- Federal Register 2002

RTECS- "Vrednie chemichescie veshestva, galogen I kislorod sodergashie organicheskie soedinenia". (Hazardous substances. Galogen and oxygen containing substances), Bandman A.L. et al., Chimia, 1994 -,194,1994

RTECS- Federal Register. (U.S. Government Printing Office, Supt. of Documents, Washington, DC 20402) V.1- 1936- 67,78459,2002

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2-BROMO-2-NITROPROPANE-1,3-DIOL || Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safe...


RTECS- Iyakuhin Kenkyu 1977

RTECS- Iyakuhin Kenkyu. Study of Medical Supplies. (Nippon Koteisho Kyokai, 12-15, 2-chome, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan) V.1- 19708,680,1977 RTECS- Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology. (Park Forest South, IL) V.1-5(3), 1977-81(?). For publisher information, see JEPOEC. 4(4),47,1980 RTECS- Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists. (Soc. of Cosmetic Chemists, 1995 Broadway, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10023) V.1- 194729,3,1978 RTECS- Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal. Chemical Pharmaceutical Journal. For English translation, see PCJOAU. (V/O Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, 113095 Moscow, USSR) V.1- 1967- 11(1),73,1977 RTECS- Kiso to Rinsho. Clinical Report. (Yubunsha Co., Ltd., 1-5, Kanda Suda-Cho, Chiyoda-ku, KS Bldg., Tokyo 101, Japan) V.1- 1960- 8,1029,1974 RTECS- Pesticide Manual. (The British Crop Protection Council, 20 Bridport Rd., Thornton Heath CR4 7QG, UK) V.1- 1968- 9,103,1991

RTECS- Journal of Environmental Pathology and Toxicology 1980 RTECS- Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists 1978

RTECS- KhimikoFarmatsevticheskii Zhurnal 1977 RTECS- Kiso to Rinsho 1974

RTECS- Pesticide Manual 1991

"RTECS" is a United States trademark owned and licensed under authority of the U.S. Government, by and through MDL Information Systems, Inc.

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