E Nav L.14a - IBS INS
E Nav L.14a - IBS INS
E Nav L.14a - IBS INS
Integrated Bridge/Navigation
Development of Integrated Bridge Systems (IBS)
After sinking of Titanic in 1912, the increasing
use of electronics and satellites for navigation
and communication purposes is to bring about a
realization for the need to set up international
bodies with a view to the harmonization, and
the international recognition of standards for
ships involved in international trading.
Bodies set up during the 20th century to monitor
and influence these trends included the
following …
IMO (International Maritime Organization)
Originally set up as the Inter-Governmental
Maritime Consultative Committee (IMCO) in 1958,
the name was changed in 1982.
IMO has 158? member states and is based in
London, England.
Its first task was to adopt a new version of the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea (SOLAS) and this was completed in 1960.
The best known of the responsibilities of the IMO
is the adoption of maritime legislation.
• An integrated bridge system (IBS) is defined
as a combination of systems which are
interconnected in order to allow centralized
access to sensor information or
command/control from workstations, with
the aim of increasing safe and efficient ship's
management by suitably qualified
• Performance standards for integrated bridge
systems were adopted by IMO in 1996
(Resolution MSC.64(67))
IMO Web Pages: Safety Topics
SOLAS Chp. V Reg. 19: Carriage requirements for
shipborne navigational systems and equipment
WG9 responsible for the publication in April 1999 of IEC 61209 ‘Maritime
navigation and radio communication equipment and systems –
Integrated bridge systems (IBS) – operational and performance
requirements, methods of testing and required test results’.
The Rules for Nautical Safety are divided into 3 class notations;
Two class notations represent the minimum requirements
within bridge design, instrumentation and procedures
whereby NAUT-C covers bridge design and W1-OC, in
addition, includes instrumentation and bridge procedures.
The third class notation, W1, extends the basic
requirements for bridge design and instrumentation and
additionally requires information on the manoeuvring
characteristics of the ship and an operational safety manual
for safe watchkeeping and command of the ship.
environmental conditions
location and installation of equipment
electrical power supply, alarms, performance
confirmation and failure protection
computer-based systems and software quality.
Specific requirements for different types of
bridge equipment
Ships requesting class notation W1-OC shall comply with specific
requirements for the following systems:
• course information system (speed and latitude correction)
• steering systems (manual override control and rate of turn display)
• speed measuring system (if bottom track then up to 200 m depth)
• depth measuring system
• radar systems (two floating EBLs, interswitch, ship track monitoring)
• traffic surveillance systems (ARPA with two guard zones)
• position fixing systems (performance standards)
• watch monitoring and alarm transfer system
• internal communication systems
• nautical communication systems
• sound reception system.
Class notation W1 requires in addition :
VMS-VT main display screen showing own ship’s position, heading and
speed using an electronic chart 68
VMS-VT conning information display - CID
VMS-VT engineering information display screen
VMS-VT performance monitor window 71
VMS-VT position source window 72
A typical integrated bridge VMS-VT installation
Components of the Voyager IBS
Block diagram of the Voyager IBS
The main features of the ECDIS
presentation of an electronic version of a sea chart, based
on the latest ENC format using a 21- (or 29-) inch high
resolution colour display
multiple navaid interface for GPS/DGPS, gyrocompass,
speed log, echo-sounder etc.
capable of use with both ENC and ARCS
route planning and route monitoring
primary and secondary route planning facilities
grounding warnings
user generated navigational safety lines which are overlaid
on the radar screen
The main features of the ECDIS
user selectable chart layer presentation
navigational tools such as VRM, EBL, track-ball
display of ARPA targets
voyage recording to meet standards
user generated information note-books
display of alarms
MOB and event functions
dedicated function keys for scale up/down, standard
display, TM-reset and other functions which
are the most often used functions.
Block diagram of Voyager automatic
navigation and track-keeping system (ANTS)
Integrated system console
Integrated system console as it may appear
on a larger vessel
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Tümleşik Köprüüstü Sistemleri, seyir
esnasında toplanan verilerin elle
işlenmesini azaltarak zaman kazanmak ve
seyir zabitine, seyir resmini süratle
değerlendirme imkânını sağlamak
maksadıyla dizayn edilmişlerdir.
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Yapılan çalışmalar, TKS’nin kullanılmaya
başlanması ile vardiya zabitinin tüm görevleri
arasında seyire ayrılan sürenin büyük ölçüde
azaldığını göstermiştir. Bu durum vardiya
zabitinin toplamdaki iş yükünü azaltmamakta
ancak gemi idaresi ve çatışmanın önlenmesi
faaliyetlerine daha çok zaman ayırmasını
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Ayrıca son geliştirilen TKS’nde
kullanıcılara/gemi sahiplerine bir WEB
şifresi verilmekte ve bu şifre ile bir WEB
portalından gemideki tüm sistemlere
erişilebilmektedir. Gemi sahibi yapılan
bakımların geçmişini, plânlı bakım
programını ve bunların işletme
maliyetlerini görebilir.
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Bilgisayar teknolojisinin seyir maksatları ile
gemilere girmesi, seyir güvenliği açısından büyük
bir çığır aşmıştır.
• Artık yeni nesil gemilerde IMO tarafından
performans standartları belirlenen, OTS, ARPA
uydu muhabere sistemleri, cayro pusulalar,
parakete, iskandil ve benzeri gibi cihazlar bir veri
yolu vasıtasıyla bir merkezde (köprüüstünde)
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Bu merkezde bulunan gösterim ve kontrol
sistemlerinin üzerinde bulunduğu konsollar
vasıtasıyla izleme ve kontrol maksatları ile
kullanıcıya sunulmaktadır. Bu konsepte
Tümleşik Köprüüstü Sistemi denmekte ve
söz konusu konsept gemilerde istihdam
edilen personel sayısını oldukça