E Nav L.14a - IBS INS

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Integrated Bridge/Navigation
Development of Integrated Bridge Systems (IBS)
 After sinking of Titanic in 1912, the increasing
use of electronics and satellites for navigation
and communication purposes is to bring about a
realization for the need to set up international
bodies with a view to the harmonization, and
the international recognition of standards for
ships involved in international trading.
 Bodies set up during the 20th century to monitor
and influence these trends included the
following …
IMO (International Maritime Organization)
 Originally set up as the Inter-Governmental
Maritime Consultative Committee (IMCO) in 1958,
the name was changed in 1982.
 IMO has 158? member states and is based in
London, England.
 Its first task was to adopt a new version of the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea (SOLAS) and this was completed in 1960.
 The best known of the responsibilities of the IMO
is the adoption of maritime legislation.
• An integrated bridge system (IBS) is defined
as a combination of systems which are
interconnected in order to allow centralized
access to sensor information or
command/control from workstations, with
the aim of increasing safe and efficient ship's
management by suitably qualified
• Performance standards for integrated bridge
systems were adopted by IMO in 1996
(Resolution MSC.64(67))
IMO Web Pages: Safety Topics
SOLAS Chp. V Reg. 19: Carriage requirements for
shipborne navigational systems and equipment

• Paragraph 6: IBSs shall be so arranged that

failure of one sub-system is brought to
immediate attention of the officer in charge
of the navigational watch by audible and
visual alarms, and does not cause failure to
any other sub-system. In case of failure in
one part of an integrated navigational
system, it shall be possible to operate each
other individual item of equipment or part of
the system separately.
IMO Model Course 1.32:
Operational Use of Integrated Bridge Systems
including Integrated Navigation Systems
ISO (International Standards Organization)

 This is a non-governmental organization established in

1947 with a view to promoting the development of
standardization in the world, facilitating the
international exchange of goods and services, and
developing co-operation in the areas of intellectual,
scientific, technological and economic activity.
 There are more than 130? countries represented within
the organization which is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
 The work of the organization results in international
agreements, which are published as International
IEC (International Electrotechnical
• Established in 1906, the organization has more than 50
member countries covering 85% of the world’s population.
• Standards established are used in more than 100 countries
and there are approximately 200 Technical Committees
(TCs) of which TC80 is an important part.
• The IEC is based in Geneva, Switzerland.
• The IEC collaborates with the ISO in matters of mutual
interest and both organizations co-operate on a joint basis
with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
• Like the ISO, the IEC is a nongovernmental body while the
ITU is part of the United Nations organization with
governments as its members.
 IMO is responsible for defining the requirements for
marine equipment but it does not provide sufficient
specification detail for manufacturers to design specified
equipment or for national maritime authorities to provide
test and approval facilities for the equipment.
 Thus, the IEC and ISO standards are designed to allow the
necessary specification requirements for design, testing
and approval.
 The IEC Technical Committee 80 (IEC TC80) covers the
area of ‘Marine Navigation and Radio communication
Equipment and Systems’ and was formed in 1980.
 IEC TC80 responsibility is to concern itself with the
development of international technical standards for the
navigation and radio communication equipment
designated by the IMO for mandatory carriage on vessels
covered by the SOLAS
IEC Working Groups
IEC TC80 has 10 working groups:
 WG1 Radar and ARPA
 WG1A Track control
 WG4 Terrestrial position-fixing aids
 WG4A Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
 WG5 General requirements
 WG6 Digital interfaces
 WG8 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
 WG8A Automatic shipborne Identification Systems (AIS)
 WG9 Integrated bridge systems for ships
 WG10 Integrated navigation systems
 WG11 Voyage data recorders.

WG9 responsible for the publication in April 1999 of IEC 61209 ‘Maritime
navigation and radio communication equipment and systems –
Integrated bridge systems (IBS) – operational and performance
requirements, methods of testing and required test results’.

This document covers features such as:

 data exchange,
 displayed information,
 system configuration,
 human factors,
 alarms,
 training facilities,
 power supplies and failure analysis.
Design Criteria and Role of Classification
Design Criteria;
 In the 1960s Planned Ships Bridges,
 Integrated Navigation Systems (INS) and Integrated Bridge Systems
Role of classification societies;
 Certain classification societies have initiated terms of carriage
requirements if particular notations are specified for a vessel. A
leading influence has been Det Norske Veritas (DNV) of Norway, a
member of the International Association of Classification Societies
 The various classification societies have adopted different standards
although discussions on establishing international performance
standards for integrated bridge systems have progressed under the
direction of the IEC’s Technical Committee 80 (TC80).
Integrated Navigation Systems (INS)
• IMO no longer recognizes the term IBS in the current standards ?
 INS aims to ‘. . . enhance safe and expeditious navigation and to
complement the mariner’s capabilities. . .’.
• INS supports mode and situation awareness
• INS aims to ensure that, by taking human factors into consideration,
the workload is kept within the capacity of the operator in order to
enhance safe and expeditious navigation and to complement the
mariner’s capabilities, while at the same time compensating for their
? IMO e-navigation Strategy Implementation Plan (SIP) (2018)
? Adopted amendments to the Revised Performance standards for INS
(res. MSC.252(83)) relating to the harmonization of bridge design and
display of information
IMO Resolution MSC 252(83)
Performance Standards for INS
• INS comprises navigational tasks such as
‘Route planning’, ‘Route monitoring’,
‘Collision avoidance’, ‘Navigation control
data’, ‘Navigation status and data display’
and ‘Alert management’, including the
respective sources, data and displays which
are integrated into one navigation system.
IMO standard contains 4 modules

• Module A for the requirements for the

integration of navigational information;
• Module B for the operational/functional
requirements for INS based on a task-
related structure;
• Module C for the requirements of the Alert
management; and
• Module D for the Documentation
IMO Standard - Definations

• Consistent common reference system (CCRS)

– A sub-system or function of an INS for
acquisition, processing, storage, surveillance
and distribution of data and information
providing identical and obligatory reference to
sub-systems and subsequent functions within
an INS and to other connected equipment, if
• Consistent common reference point
– The Consistent Common Reference Point
(CCRP) is a location on own ship, to which all
horizontal measurements such as target
range, bearing, relative course, relative
speed, closest point of approach (CPA) or
time to closest point of approach (TCPA) are
referenced, typically the conning position of
the bridge.
• Integrated navigation system
• An INS is a composite navigation system
which performs at least the following tasks:
– collision avoidance, route monitoring thus
providing “added value” for the operator to
plan, monitor and safely navigate the progress
of the ship.
– The INS allows meeting the respective parts of
SOLAS reg. V/19 and supports the proper
application of reg. V/15.
• INS is a combination of navigational data
and systems interconnected to enhance safe
navigation of the vessel. IBS interconnects
various other systems along with the INS to
increase overall management efficiency. It
can be said that the INS is specific while the
IBS is general in approach.

• An IBS is a combination of equipment and

software which uses interconnected
controls and displays to present a
comprehensive suite of navigational
information to the mariner.
IBS Components
• Computer Processor and Network
• Chart Data Base
• System Display
• Planning Station
• Control System
• Radar
• Other Nav. Equip.
• Tümleşik Köprüüstü Sistemleri, “uygun olarak
eğitilmiş personel tarafından emniyetli ve
etkin gemi idaresi sağlamak için; gemi
sensörlerinin bilgilerine, merkezileştirilmiş
erişim imkanı sağlamak için birbiriyle
irtibatlandırılmış sistemlerin bir
kombinasyonu” olarak tanımlanır.
• IMO’ya göre TKS’leri öyle düzenleneceklerdir ki; bir
alt sistemin arızası/hatası derhal sesli ve görsel
alarmlarla seyir vardiyasında olan zabitin dikkatine
sunulacak ve diğer alt sistemlerde başka bir
arıza/hataya sebebiyet vermeyecektir.
• Classification society rules address the total
bridge system in four parts;
1. Technical system
2. Human operator
3. Man machine interface (MMI)
4. Operational procedures
• DNV classifies IBS with 3 certification;
– NAUT-C (covers bridge design)
– W1-OC (bridge design+instrumentation+bridge
– W1-One man Watch (certain portions of W1-OC)
• An IBS consists of at least;
– Dual ECDIS installation
– Dual Radar/ARPA installation
– Conning display with the master ECDIS
– DGPS positioning
– Ship’s speed measuring sytem
– Auto-pilot and gyrocompass system
– Full GMDSS functionality
• An IBS is designed to centralize the
functions of monitoring collision and
grounding risks, and to automate
navigation and ship control.
Entegre Köprüüstü sistemlerindeki
temel fonksiyonlar
• (ARPA) Seyir radarı
• Otopilot
• Dinamik Mevkilendirme Sistemi
• Gemi Kontrol (Conning)
• Kapalı Devre TV Sistemi
• Seyir sistemleri Sensor ve İndikatörleri:
– Dümen sistemi, Miyar pusla, Cayro, İskandil,
Parakete, Meteoroloji/Rüzgar Sensörleri, (D)GPS
• İstenildiği taktirde Entegre Köprüüstü Sistemi
aşağıdaki sistemlerle arayüz sağlayabilir
– Gemi Veri Dağıtım Sistemi
– Savaş Yönetim Sistemi
– Entegre Platform Kontrol ve İzleme Sistemi
– Entegre Muhabere Sistemi
– Gemi Bilgi Sistemi
Basic functions of IBS
 The integrated bridge system should be designed and
installed as a physical combination of equipment or
systems using interconnected controls and displays.
 Workstations should provide centralized access to all
nautical information.
 The type of operational function carried out from the
bridge would include navigation, communications,
automation and general ship operation.
 Manufacturers can provide shipbuilders and potential
ship-owners with computer-generated drawings of how a
particular bridge layout would look when installed.
 In the absence of any internationally-
agreed operating standards, from either
the IMO or national authorities, reliance
must be placed on industry guidelines and
standards which do exist for bridge layout
and equipment.
 These include the ISO standard for «bridge
layout and associated equipment».
Litton Marine Systems – Line Drawings of IBS
An IEC definition of an IBS states that such a system must be
capable of carrying out at least two of the following
 Navigation planning
 Passage execution and manoeuvring
 Collision and stranding avoidance
 Communications
 Machinery control and monitoring
 Loading and discharge of cargo
 Safety and security
 Management
The DNV rules specify design criteria for
particular workstations namely:
 Traffic surveillance/manoeuvring
 Navigation
 Route planning
 Manual steering
 Safety operations
 Docking operations
 Conning operations
In each case the tasks that have to be performed are
specified and the siting of relevant
instruments/equipment required for those tasks is
the workstation for navigation is specified to enable
the following tasks to be performed:
 determine and plot the ship’s position, course,
track and speed;
 effect internal and external communications
related to navigation;
 monitor time, course, speed and track, propeller
revolutions, pitch indicator and rudder angle.
The following instruments and equipment should be
installed within reach:

 navigation radar display and controls

 chart table
 relevant position fixing systems (GPS and Loran-C)
 VHF unit
 whistle control.
Instruments, indicators and displays providing information
considered essential for the safe and efficient performance
of tasks at the navigation workstation should be easily
readable from the workstation.
These instruments, indicators and displays should include:
 gyro repeater
 rudder angle indicator
 depth indicator
 clock
 propeller RPM indicator
 pitch indicator (where fitted)
 speed and distance indicator.
Means to be used at intervals for securing safe course
and speed in relation to other ships and safety of bridge
operation should also be easily accessible from the
navigation workstation.
Such means include:
 instruments and equipment installed at the
workstation for traffic surveillance/manoeuvring
 internal communications equipment
 central navigation alarm panel (if provided)
 wipers and wash controls for the windows within the
required field of vision.
DNV specification for one-man bridge systems in an unbounded
voyage area, known as DNV-W1, requires an Automatic
Navigation and Track-keeping System known as ANTS.
The specification requires integration of the following:
 ECDIS, differential GPS (2), gyrocompass (2)
 Automatic steering system (including software for
calculation/execution of adjustments for the maintenance of
pre-planned routes)
 speed over ground (SOG) and speed through water (STW),
course alteration warnings and acknowledgement, automatic
safety contour checking and alarming during voyage planning
and execution
 capacity to create own electronic charts from paper charts
for areas not covered by ENCs issued or certified by official
sea chart authorities.
The requirements for ANTS place additional demands on
certain aspects of the system.
 The accuracy of the ship’s heading should be a value that
has been corrected for any errors typical of the source of
the heading input, and at least one of the gyrocompasses
should be provided with an automatic system for the
correction of errors caused by speed and latitude.
 The steering system should also keep automatic track-
keeping of the ship within the limits set on both sides of
the pre-planned track and should provide the capability
to steer the ship along a route consisting of straight and
curved lines by both automatic and manual input of turn
The requirements for ANTS place additional demands on
certain aspects of the system.

 The speed input should have sufficient accuracy to

safeguard the quality of position fixing by dead
 The system should be provided with a filtered position
from the GPS receiver and when performing turns, the
system should be provided with the most accurate real-
time position.
 The quality of the integrated position fixing system
should be monitored and a warning should appear if the
quality is below an acceptable limit.
 The use of standard modules and interfaces, not only
for navigation but also for other bridge functions,
such as communications, engine monitoring and
control, power supply etc., is likely to produce cost
savings and reduce the amount of equipment
 Factors such as the reduced number of consoles,
reduced installation and interfacing costs, more cost-
effective design, installation and testing
requirements have to be taken into account.
Safety Philosophy for IBS
To achieve optimum safety and efficiency in bridge
operation the rules address the total bridge system, which is
considered to consist of four essential parts;
 The technical system which deduces and presents information
as well as enabling the proper setting of course and speed.
 The human operator who is to evaluate available information,
decide on the actions to be taken and execute the decisions.
 The man/machine interface which safeguards that the
technical system is designed with due regard to human
 The procedures which shall ensure that the total bridge system
performs satisfactorily under different operating conditions.
Scope of rule requirements
 Design of workplace, based on the analysis of functions to
be performed under various operating conditions and the
technical aids to be installed.
 Bridge working environment, based on factors affecting
the performance of human operators.
 Range of instrumentation, based on information needs
and efficient performance of navigational tasks.
 Equipment reliability applicable to all types of bridge
equipment, based on common requirements to ensure
their suitability under various environmental conditions.
Scope of rule requirements
 Specific requirements to different types of bridge
equipment, based on the facilities required for the
performance of their specific functions.
 Man/machine interface, based on the analysis of human
limitations and compliance with ergonomic principles.
 Qualifications, based on the competence required for
mastering rational navigational methods and relevant
technical systems installed on board the ship.
 Operating procedures, based on the work organization
needed to make the bridge system function under
different operational situations.
Scope of rule requirements
 Information on the ship’s manoeuvring characteristics,
based on the manoeuvres commonly used in various
operational situations.
 Tests and trials for new ships, based on the need to ensure
that technical systems perform in accordance with their
specifications before being relied upon and used in
practical operation.
 Reporting system, from ships in service, on bridge
instrument failures, based on the information needed to
detect their factual reliability level.
 Survey schemes for ships in service, based on the follow-
up and testing required to safeguard that bridge systems
maintain their reliability.
Class Notations

The Rules for Nautical Safety are divided into 3 class notations;
 Two class notations represent the minimum requirements
within bridge design, instrumentation and procedures
whereby NAUT-C covers bridge design and W1-OC, in
addition, includes instrumentation and bridge procedures.
 The third class notation, W1, extends the basic
requirements for bridge design and instrumentation and
additionally requires information on the manoeuvring
characteristics of the ship and an operational safety manual
for safe watchkeeping and command of the ship.

NAUT-C (Nautical safety-Coastal areas) covers

bridge design, comprising the following main
 mandatory and additional workstations
 field of vision from workstations
 location of instruments and equipment.
• Nautical Safety
• O: Oceal areas
• C: Coastal waters
• W1: One-man
• W1-OC: One-Man Bridge Operation in
Oceal areas and Coastal waters
DNV class notation NAUT with following qualifiers: NAV, OC, AW, OSV, ICS
W1-OC covers bridge design, instrumentation and
bridge procedures comprising:
 range of instrumentation
 instrument and system performance,
functionality and reliability
 equipment installation
 monitoring and alarm transfer system
 procedures for single-man watchkeeping.
W1 covers W1-OC and extensions within the
following areas of W1-OC:
 design of one-man workstation
 field of vision astern
 range of instrumentation
 instrument performance
 automation level
 qualifications.
Also covered is information on the manoeuvring
characteristics of the ship comprising the following
main items:

 speed at different settings

 steering ability
 turning ability
 stopping ability.
There is also a requirement for an operational
safety manual comprising the following main

 bridge organization and responsibilities

 watchkeeping procedures
 system fall-back procedures
 accident and emergency procedures.
Equipment carriage requirements
Ships requesting class notation W1-OC are equipped with the
following systems:
 course information systems (two gyrocompasses or one gyro +
one TMC)
 steering systems (manual and automatic steering)
 speed measuring system (water speed > 40 000 tons gross, dual
 depth measuring system (over 250 m length, two transducers)
 radar systems (two radars, at least one X-band)
 traffic surveillance systems (ARPA)
 position fixing systems (Loran-C, GPS)
 watch monitoring and alarm transfer system
 internal communication systems
 nautical safety radio communication systems
 sound reception system (technical device to receive signals).
Additional equipment required for class notation W1

 Steering system with rate of turn indicator course

information system, which should have two independent
 speed measuring system, through the water, which
should provide information for traffic surveillance system
 Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
 Automatic Navigation and Track-keeping System (ANTS)
 conning information display
 central alarm panel
 wind measuring system.
General bridge equipment requirements

The rules specify the following:

 environmental conditions
 location and installation of equipment
 electrical power supply, alarms, performance
confirmation and failure protection
 computer-based systems and software quality.
Specific requirements for different types of
bridge equipment
Ships requesting class notation W1-OC shall comply with specific
requirements for the following systems:
• course information system (speed and latitude correction)
• steering systems (manual override control and rate of turn display)
• speed measuring system (if bottom track then up to 200 m depth)
• depth measuring system
• radar systems (two floating EBLs, interswitch, ship track monitoring)
• traffic surveillance systems (ARPA with two guard zones)
• position fixing systems (performance standards)
• watch monitoring and alarm transfer system
• internal communication systems
• nautical communication systems
• sound reception system.
Class notation W1 requires in addition :

 Electronic Chart Display and Information

System (ECDIS)
 Automatic Navigation and Track-keeping
System (ANTS)
 conning information display
 central alarm panel.
Man machine interface - MMI
Workstation location and design should give consideration to the physical
capabilities of the human operator and comply with accepted ergonomic
The amount of information to be presented for conducting the various
tasks, as well as the methods of displaying the information needed,
should give consideration to the capabilities of the human operator to
understand and process the information made available.
The rules specify the following:
 instrument location and design
 illumination and individual lighting of instruments
 requirements for the man/machine dialogue of computer-based
Ship manoeuvring information - class notation W1

The provision of manoeuvring information should include:

 speed ability
 stopping ability
 turning ability
 course change ability
 low-speed steering abilities
 course stability
 auxiliary manoeuvring device trial
 man-overboard rescue manoeuvre.
The presentation of manoeuvring
information should include:
• pilot card
• wheelhouse poster
• manoeuvring booklet.
Voyager by Furuno Electric Co. Ltd
 one-man bridge operation and the new
ECDIS standards is the Voyager IBS
 The system was designed to meet the class
notation W1-OC of DNV.
 There are three main functions of the system;
– electronic chart display and user interface
– position calculation and track steering
– automatic steering of the vessel.
NINAS 9000 by Kelvin Hughes
 Nucleus Integrated Navigation System (NINAS)
 The wheelhouse layout consists of a centre-
line steering console, two mid-position
(manoeuvring and pilot) and two enclosed
bridge wing consoles.
 The manoeuvring and pilot stations consist of
a dedicated radar and a dedicated
ECDIS/conning display, both being type
approved CRT equipment. 63
 The centre-line station has two
multifunctional LCD displays, which
connect to any of three radar processors, for
use as a remote operating station for either
of the two ECDIS displays or as a remote
operating station for any other function as
 The two stations at each wing bridge
perform a similar function to that of the
centre-line station.
Components of NINAS
 Display systems
– Radar displays
– ECDIS displays
– Centre line console multi-function displays
– Bridge wing multi-function displays
– Route planning terminal
 Radar transmission system
 Gyrocompass system
 Magnetic compass
 Dual axis Doppler log
 Echo sounder
 Loran-C
 Bridge alarm system
Sperry Marine Voyage Management
System – Vision Technology (VMS-VT)

VMS-VT main display screen showing own ship’s position, heading and
speed using an electronic chart 68
VMS-VT conning information display - CID
VMS-VT engineering information display screen
VMS-VT performance monitor window 71
VMS-VT position source window 72
A typical integrated bridge VMS-VT installation
Components of the Voyager IBS

Block diagram of the Voyager IBS

The main features of the ECDIS
 presentation of an electronic version of a sea chart, based
on the latest ENC format using a 21- (or 29-) inch high
resolution colour display
 multiple navaid interface for GPS/DGPS, gyrocompass,
speed log, echo-sounder etc.
 capable of use with both ENC and ARCS
 route planning and route monitoring
 primary and secondary route planning facilities
 grounding warnings
 user generated navigational safety lines which are overlaid
on the radar screen
The main features of the ECDIS
 user selectable chart layer presentation
 navigational tools such as VRM, EBL, track-ball
 display of ARPA targets
 voyage recording to meet standards
 user generated information note-books
 display of alarms
 MOB and event functions
 dedicated function keys for scale up/down, standard
display, TM-reset and other functions which
 are the most often used functions.
Block diagram of Voyager automatic
navigation and track-keeping system (ANTS)

Integrated system console

Integrated system console as it may appear
on a larger vessel

TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Tümleşik Köprüüstü Sistemleri, seyir
esnasında toplanan verilerin elle
işlenmesini azaltarak zaman kazanmak ve
seyir zabitine, seyir resmini süratle
değerlendirme imkânını sağlamak
maksadıyla dizayn edilmişlerdir.
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Yapılan çalışmalar, TKS’nin kullanılmaya
başlanması ile vardiya zabitinin tüm görevleri
arasında seyire ayrılan sürenin büyük ölçüde
azaldığını göstermiştir. Bu durum vardiya
zabitinin toplamdaki iş yükünü azaltmamakta
ancak gemi idaresi ve çatışmanın önlenmesi
faaliyetlerine daha çok zaman ayırmasını
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Ayrıca son geliştirilen TKS’nde
kullanıcılara/gemi sahiplerine bir WEB
şifresi verilmekte ve bu şifre ile bir WEB
portalından gemideki tüm sistemlere
erişilebilmektedir. Gemi sahibi yapılan
bakımların geçmişini, plânlı bakım
programını ve bunların işletme
maliyetlerini görebilir.
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Bilgisayar teknolojisinin seyir maksatları ile
gemilere girmesi, seyir güvenliği açısından büyük
bir çığır aşmıştır.
• Artık yeni nesil gemilerde IMO tarafından
performans standartları belirlenen, OTS, ARPA
uydu muhabere sistemleri, cayro pusulalar,
parakete, iskandil ve benzeri gibi cihazlar bir veri
yolu vasıtasıyla bir merkezde (köprüüstünde)
TKS ile Gemi İdaresi
• Bu merkezde bulunan gösterim ve kontrol
sistemlerinin üzerinde bulunduğu konsollar
vasıtasıyla izleme ve kontrol maksatları ile
kullanıcıya sunulmaktadır. Bu konsepte
Tümleşik Köprüüstü Sistemi denmekte ve
söz konusu konsept gemilerde istihdam
edilen personel sayısını oldukça

[email protected]


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