Pacheco 2002
Pacheco 2002
Pacheco 2002
Steven K. Showalter
Thermal storage improves the dispatchability and marketability of parabolic trough
William J. Kolb power plants allowing them to produce electricity on demand independent of solar col-
lection. One such thermal storage system, a thermocline, uses a single tank containing a
Sandia National Laboratories,1
fluid with a thermal gradient running vertically through the tank, where hotter fluid (lower
Solar Thermal Technology Department,
density) is at the top of the tank and colder fluid is at the base of the tank. The thermal
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0703
gradient separates the two temperature potentials. A low-cost filler material provides the
bulk of the thermal capacitance of the thermal storage, prevents convective mixing, and
reduces the amount of fluid required. In this paper, development of a thermocline system
that uses molten-nitrate salt as the heat transfer fluid is described and compared to a
two-tank molten salt system. Results of isothermal and thermal cycling tests on candidate
materials and salt safety tests are presented as well as results from a small pilot-scale (2.3
MWh) thermocline. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1464123兴
Introduction low-pressure steam, and returned to the bottom of the tank. The
low-pressure steam was fed to the turbine to make electricity or
Thermal storage for parabolic-trough power plants offers the
potential to dispatch electricity without fossil fuel backup. The was used as an auxiliary steam supply. Since the thermal storage
value of the electricity is often higher during peak periods. A plant system used Caloria® , its operating temperature was between
that can meet the peak demand independent of the solar resource 218°C and 302°C. The tank was designed for a thermal capacity
has the potential to generate more revenue. of 182 MWht . It used 6170 tonnes (1 tonne⫽1000 kg) of rock
The Solar Electric Generating Station 共SEGS兲 I plant had a and sand and 906 m3 of Caloria® . Physically, the storage tank
two-tank thermal storage system that used Caloria® heat transfer stood 13.3-m tall and 18.2-m diameter 关1兴. Because of the limited
fluid. This fluid was pumped through the collector field. The stor- upper temperature capability of the thermal storage system, the
age tanks were conventional atmospheric tanks. Caloria® is a liq- Rankine-cycle conversion efficiency was only about 21% 关2兴. De-
uid at atmospheric pressures when its temperature is below about spite the limitations of Caloria® , the thermocline storage concept
315°C. The SEGS I thermal storage system operated at tempera- worked well. It was able to establish a thermal gradient and main-
tures between about 175°C and 295°C. The hot Caloria® oil was tain the gradient until it was used. Heat loss through the tank walls
pumped through a steam generator to make saturated steam. Fossil was acceptable. Because of its upper temperature limitations,
fuel was used to superheat the steam to generate electricity. Caloria® is not practical for the current technology troughs.
The Solar One central receiver pilot plant also used Caloria® , The current baseline design for a SEGS plant uses Therminol
but in a thermocline tank. A thermocline tank is one that uses a VP-1® heat transfer fluid in the collector field. Therminol VP-1®
single tank to store thermal energy. A thermal gradient separates has been used successfully for 10 years in the SEGS II to
the hot from the cold fluid. A low-cost filler material is used to IX plants located in the Mojave Desert of California. Therminol
displace the higher-cost liquid. The filler material as well as buoy- VP-1® has a low freezing point (12°C) and is stable up to 400°C
ant forces help to maintain the thermal gradient. When the system 关3兴. The higher temperature capability of Therminol VP-1® 共rela-
is charged, cold fluid is drawn from the bottom, heated as it passes tive to Caloria® 兲 allows these plants to use higher pressure, higher
through a heat exchanger 共heated with the receiver heat transfer temperature, and more efficient Rankine turbines. It is difficult to
fluid兲 and returns to the top of the tank. When the tank is dis-
use Therminol VP-1® as a thermal storage media because its va-
charged, hot fluid is drawn from the top, cooled as it passes
por pressure is too high 共⬎1 MPa at 400°C兲 to practically store it
through a heat exchanger 共to transfer heat for steam generation兲,
in any significant quantity at its upper temperature. Multiple thick-
and returns to the bottom of the tank. In the Solar One ther-
mocline storage system, steam from the receiver passed through a walled pressure-vessels would have to be used to store the hot oil,
which would be too costly to be practical. Dispatching power in
heat exchanger, which heated the Caloria® oil drawn from the
these plants is done with natural gas-fired boilers.
bottom of the tank. The heated Caloria® returned to the top of the
Nexant—a subsidiary of Bechtel—and Pilkington performed
tank where it transferred heat to the rock and sand 共the filler
analyses of potential near-term thermal storage options for para-
material兲. During a discharge cycle, hot Caloria® was pumped
bolic troughs 关4,5兴. For a near-term solution of thermal storage for
from the top of the tank, through a steam generator that made
parabolic troughs, Nexant wanted to find a storage system that
could work with the current state-of-technology trough. Several
Sandia ia a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed
Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE- indirect thermal storage options were considered where heat from
AC04-94AL85000. the collector field was transferred from the Therminol® oil to an-
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ME- other thermal storage media, such as molten salt, which could be
ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the ASME Solar Energy Division, Nov. stored at atmospheric pressure.
2000; final revision, May 2001. Associate Editor: T. Mancini. Because of the favorable experience of the two-tank molten-salt
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering Copyright © 2002 by ASME MAY 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 153
To understand the parameters that affect the performance and
economics of a thermal storage system, a model was developed.
The thermal behavior of the tank is simulated by the Schumann Fig. 3 Salt temperature going into „upper line… and coming out
equations, which describe the heat transfer between the fluid and a „lower line… of a 688 MWht thermocline tank during a charge
packed bed 关Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲兴 cycle „same tank as in Fig. 2…
Thermocline Test
Fig. 5 Schematic and photograph of thermal cycling system To evaluate the molten-salt thermocline concept on a larger
to test selected candidate materials scale, a small, 2.3 MWh, thermocline system was designed and
built. The goal of this test was to verify the operation and perfor-
mance of a molten-salt thermocline system on a larger-than-
laboratory scale. A mixture of quartzite and silica filter sand was
dangerous. The design of the thermal storage system should ad- chosen as the filler media because of the positive results from the
dress the unlikely event of having hot oil vapors released into the previous tests. Since the economics of a thermocline system are a
ullage space of a nitrate salt tank where oxygen could be present. strong function of the void fraction, tests were done to determine
the highest packing density of quartzite and silica filter sand. We
were able to achieve void fractions of 0.25 in half drum quantities
Thermal Cycling Tests by using a 2:1 ratio of quartzite to sand. The final void fraction
The purpose of these tests was to evaluate how well the mate- measurement of the rock/sand mixture in the tank based on actual
rials selected in the isothermal tests held up to thermal cycling quantities of salt used was 0.22.
conditions typical of a thermocline system. We focused on taco- 1 Description of the Thermocline Tank. A carbon steel
nite, NM limestone, marble, and quartzite for the thermal cycling tank, 6.1 m tall by 3.0 m diameter, was fabricated to American
experiments. We added filter sand to the test matrix because this Petroleum Institute 共API兲 Code 650 Appendix J–Shop Assembled
material is similar to quartzite and drastically reduces the void Storage Tank. A thermocouple tree was placed in the middle of the
fraction in a thermocline tank. tank with thermocouples every 15 cm, vertically. In addition, ther-
A small 10 cm diameter chamber 30 cm tall containing the filler mocouples were placed on three radial arms each at 0.36 m, 3.05
material was placed between two vessels, each 15 cm in diameter m, and 4.88 m from the bottom. The tank had a radial flow dis-
by about 2 m tall as shown in Fig. 5. One vessel contained hot salt tribution manifold at 10 cm from the bottom, which was con-
at 400°C and the other cold salt at 290°C. Hitec XL® salt was nected to a standpipe, housing the cold pump. The hot pump was
used in these tests. To cycle the temperature of the filler material, supported from below to pump salt from the top of the tank.
the vessel containing hot salt was pressurized with air to about 27 Seven electric mineral-insulated heat-trace cables, each rated at
kPa, forcing the hot salt through the rock bed, which heated it up 4.8 kWe, were wrapped on the exterior surface of the tank to
and increased the salt level in the cold vessel. After about a one provide heat input during the initial heating process and make up
half-hour soak, the pressure was bled off the hot vessel, which for heat loss. The tank was insulated with 23 cm of fiberglass
allowed cold salt to flow back through the filler material, cooling insulation on the sides and with 20 cm of calcium silicate ridged
it off. The cold salt was allowed to soak for approximately 21 hour block insulation on the top of the tank.
as well. This process continued 24 hours a day. Typically 15 to 19 The tank was filled with a mixture of quartzite and silica filter
cycles were actually completed per day. After a specified number sand. First, a 3-cm layer of sand was laid on the bottom of the
of cycles 共typically 350兲 the experiment was stopped and the tank, followed by a 20-cm layer of quartzite rock. A fine mesh
samples were inspected. stainless-steel screen was laid down to prevent the sand from
The NM limestone, a sedimentary rock consisting of hydrated working down to the manifold. Next, 5-cm layers of a 2:1 mixture
calcium carbonate, should be insoluble to nitrate salt. It fell apart of quartzite rock and sand was added and compacted in place with
after 365 cycles, becoming soft and looking like mud. This mate- pneumatic tampers until the filler level reached 5.2 m. In total, we
rial fared the worst and is unacceptable as a filler material. used 49.9 tonnes of quartzite and 21.9 tonnes of silica filter sand.
Marble is a metamorphic rock, which is calcium carbonate that All manifolds had a stainless steel screen installed on them to
has been exposed to tremendous heat and pressures. The marble prevent filler material from entering the piping system.
held together after cycling, but softened. The individual grains in The tank and inventory of rock and sand were initially heated
the samples appeared to grow in size and prominence during the by energizing the exterior heat trace and forcing hot air from a
test. At these temperatures, it is possible that the grains were re- small propane heater using a venturi into the lower manifold at the
crystallizing into larger crystals. Another explanation is that the bottom of the tank. Once the entire volume was above about
surface was being preferentially eroded by an unknown process 260°C, the salt melting process began. Because of time con-
during the test, making the surface features higher in contrast. The straints related to receiving technical grade calcium nitrate, we
marble also became discolored, most likely due to oxidation of chose to use a nearly eutectic mixture of sodium nitrate and po-
entrapped iron. This material fared poorly and is unacceptable as a tassium nitrate without any calcium nitrate. Equal numbers of
filler material. 23-kg bags of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate were loaded
The taconite pellets held together fairly well. Because the pel- into a propane-fired salt melter, placed on the top of the tank. The
lets are porous, salt wicked into the pellets, but this did not seem salt was melted and heated to about 290°C, and then a valve was
to affect them. There were some fines 共small particles of material兲 opened to dump the salt into the tank. Once enough salt was
Fig. 6 Schematic of the 2.3 MWh thermocline flow loop off the top of the tank had a slight downward trend that became
more pronounced when the gradient reached the top of the tank.
Figure 8 shows the temperature gradient through the bed at 2 -hour
increments while discharging. During this discharge cycle, the
melted so the cold pump could be started, the propane heater was energy extracted was approximately 2.44 MWht , which is about
brought online and solid salt was added directly to the top of the equal to the amount of energy added to the salt during the charg-
tank to be melted by the hot salt returning from the heater. ing cycle, within experimental error. The final hot salt temperature
exiting the thermocline was 361°C.
2 Description of the Flow Loop. A schematic of the flow
Over a 41-hour period, average heat loss was measured to be
system is shown in Fig. 6. The system incorporated a propane
approximately 20 kW, which is much higher than the predicted
heater to simulate the heat input from the oil-to-salt heat ex-
value of 12 kW. It should be noted that there is a large uncertainly
changer. To charge the system, cold salt was drawn off the bottom
associated with heat loss measurement because it is based on the
of the tank through a manifold using a multistage turbine pump.
change in internal energy of the tank, which cannot be measured
The cold salt was heated with a propane heater and returned to the
very accurately with the instrumentation installed. Also, in this
top of the tank. Both the flow rate of the salt and the heat input
small tank there are heat sinks such as pump penetrations, which
from the propane heater could be controlled. In general, the flow
were not accounted for in the heat loss model. The penetrations in
rate was fixed, then the propane flow valve was adjusted to get the
a larger system will have less affect on the overall heat loss.
desired salt-outlet temperature. As the hot salt made its way
The shape of the thermocline profile is illustrated over this 41-
through the sand and rock, it heated the filler materials and estab-
hour period in Fig. 9. Since no heat was added during this test, the
lished a thermal gradient.
thermocline profile went from a fairly flat profile 共0.0 hours in
To discharge the system, hot salt was drawn off the top of the
Fig. 9兲 to a more tapered profile after 41 hours. Because this tank
tank through a manifold and pumped through a forced-air salt
had a high volume-to-surface-area ratio, edge effects are more
cooler to reject the heat from the salt. The cold salt exiting the
pronounced than would be the case in larger tanks. Despite this
cooler returned to the bottom of the tank. At the end of a test, both
fact, after nearly two days, the thermocline profile was still well
the heater and cooler were drained into a sump. The sump’s in-
pronounced and could yield useful energy extracted at a reason-
ventory could then be pumped back into the tank.
able temperature potential.
3 Test Plan. The main purposes of this test were to: 1兲
5 Economic Analysis of a Thermocline System. Since the
verify the heat capacity of a thermocline system, 2兲 evaluate the
goal of this development effort was to reduce the costs of an
size and shape of the thermal gradient, 3兲 evaluate the change in
indirect thermal storage system, we wanted to compare the costs
shape of the thermal gradient over time, and 4兲 evaluate the heat
loss of the thermocline.
The following tests were planned to gather the data necessary to
meet the objectives above: 1兲 initial charging test, 2兲 full dis-
charge test, 3兲 full charge test, 4兲 partial charging test, 5兲 partial
discharging test, and 6兲 heat loss test.
4 Test Results. Figure 7 shows the temperatures of the cold
salt pumped from the bottom of the tank and of the hot salt re-
turning to the top of the tank after being heated by the propane
heater. The propane heater slightly overshot the set point during
start up. Also, towards the end of the charging cycle, the salt
temperature pumped from the bottom of the tank started to climb
as the gradient reached the bottom of the tank. During this charg-
ing cycle, the amount of energy added to the salt was approxi-
mately 2.6 MWht . This is slightly higher than the system rating of
2.3 MWht because the salt in the space above the rocks and sand
was at a temperature of about 330°C instead of 390°C as assumed
in the model. Fig. 8 Measured temperatures of the thermocline profiles dur-
During the discharge cycle, the temperature of the salt coming ing a discharge cycle