6th Semester Syllabus
6th Semester Syllabus
6th Semester Syllabus
Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
Reference Books-
70 20 10 30 20 10 150 3 - 2 4
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts of business intelligence, probability and
statistics. To impart the knowledge of BI tools. To familiarize students with the Data Warehousing. The course
will help student to understand the problems of current scenario and design of the business solutions.
Course Outcomes:
May be
Guest Lectures (if any) arranged
Total Hours 35
List of Experiments
• Case Study 1
• Case Study 2
• Case Study 3
• Case Study 4
• Case Study 5
Text Book-
• P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory, Universal Book Stall.
• D. C. Montgomery and G. C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Wiley
• David Loshin, Business Intelligence - The Savy Manager's Guide Getting Onboard with
Emerging IT, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009.
• Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, “Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems”,
9th Edition, Pearson 2013.
Reference Books-
• Larissa T. Moss, S. Atre, “Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle of Decision
Making”, Addison Wesley, 2003.
• Carlo Vercellis, “Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making”, Wiley
Publications, 2009.
• David Loshin Morgan, Kaufman, “Business Intelligence: The Savvy Manager‟s Guide”, Second
Edition, 2012.
• Cindi Howson, “Successful Business Intelligence: Secrets to Making BI a Killer App”, McGraw-Hill,
• Ralph Kimball , Margy Ross , Warren Thornthwaite, Joy Mundy, Bob Becker, “The Data Warehouse
Lifecycle Toolkit”, Wiley Publication Inc.,2007.
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term
work, end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.
Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 Natural language processing deals with written text.
2 Learn how to process written text from basic of fundamental knowledge.
3 Regular expression and probabilistic model with n-grams.
4 Recognizing Speech and parsing with grammar
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO1: Understand comprehend the key concepts of NLP and identify the NLP
challenges and issues.
CO2: Develop Language Modeling for various text corpora across the different
CO3: Illustrate computational methods to understand language phenomena of
word sense disambiguation.
CO4 : Design and develop applications for text or information
CO5: Apply different Machine translation techniques for translating a source
to target language(s).
UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s
Introduction to NLP: History of NLP, Advantages of NLP,
Disadvantages of NLP, Components of NLP, Applications of
I 8 1
NLP, build an NLP pipeline , Phases of NLP, NLP APIs, NLP
Unigram Language Model, Bigram, Trigram, N-gram, Advanced
smoothing for language modeling, Empirical Comparison of
II Smoothing Techniques, Applications of Language Modeling, 8 2
Natural Language Generation, Parts of Speech Tagging,
Morphology, Named Entity Recognition
Words and Word Forms: Bag of words, skip-gram, Continuous Bag-Of-
Words, Embedding representations for words Lexical Semantics, Word Sense
III Disambiguation, Knowledge Based and Supervised Word Sense
8 3
Text Analysis, Summarization and Extraction: Sentiment Mining, Text
Classification, Text Summarization, Information Extraction, Named Entity
IV Recognition, Relation Extraction, Question Answering in Multilingual Setting;
8 4
NLP in Information Retrieval, Cross-Lingual IR
Need of MT, Problems of Machine Translation, MT Approaches, Direct
Machine Translations, Rule-Based Machine Translation, Knowledge Based
V MT System, Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), Parameter learning in 8 5
SMT (IBM models) using EM), Encoder-decoder architecture, Neural
Machine Translation.
Reference Books-
Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 Understand the RPA and the ability to differentiate it from other types of automation.
2. Model the sequences and the nesting of activities.
3. Experiment with workflow in a manner to get the optimized output from a Bot
1. https://www.uipath.com/rpa/robotic-process-automation
2. https://www.academy.uipath.com
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term work,
end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.
Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
CO1: Identify basic concepts, terminology, theories, models and methods of computer vision.
CO2: Describe basic methods of computer vision related to multi-scale representation.
CO3: Understanding edge detection of primitives, stereo, motion and object recognition.
CO4: Developed the practical skills necessary to build computer vision applications.
CO5:To have gained exposure to object and scene recognition..
Reference Books-
2. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski.
3. Deep Learning, by Goodfellow, Bengio, and Courville.
4. Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing, by Fisher et al.
5. Three-Dimensional Computer Vision, by Olivier Faugeras, The MIT Press
Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to
Text Book-
7. The Data Compression Book – Mark Nelson.
Reference Books-
8. Data Compression: The Complete Reference – David Salomon.
9. Data Compression : The Complete Reference”, David Saloman, Springer
List and Links of e-learning resources:
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term work,
end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.
Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 To facilitate students to understand android SDK
2. To help students to gain a basic understanding of Android application development
3. To inculcate working knowledge of Android Studio development tool
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO-1: Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building
intelligent machines.
CO-2: Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve various
engineering problems.
CO-3: Apply genetic algorithms to combinatorial optimization problems.
CO-4: Evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given
Reference Books-
2. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation (2nd Edition), Simon Haykin, Prentice
3. Elements of artificial neural networks by Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan and
Sanjay Ranka.
4. Neural networks and fuzzy systems by Bart Kosko, Prentice Hall of India.
5.S. Fundam tats of artificial neural networks by Mohammad H. I-lassoun, Prentice Hall of
Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 To facilitate students to understand android SDK
2. To help students to gain a basic understanding of Android application development
3. To inculcate working knowledge of Android Studio development tool
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO-1: Identify and design the various components of an Information Retrieval system.
CO-2: Apply machine learning techniques to text classification and clustering which is used for
efficient Information Retrieval.
CO-3: Analyze the Web content structure.
CO-4: Design an efficient search engine.
CO-5: Build an Information Retrieval system using the available tools.
UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s
Introduction - Goals and history of IR - The impact of the
web on IR - The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in IR –
Basic IR Models Boolean and vector space retrieval models
I 8 1
– Ranked Retrieval – Text similarity metrics –TF IDF (term
frequency/inverse document frequency) weighting - Cosine
Basic Tokenizing - Indexing and Implementation of Vector
Space Retrieval - Simple tokenizing – stop word removal
II and stemming – Inverted Indices –Efficient processing with 8 2
sparse vectors – Query Operations and Languages -
Relevance feedback – Query expansion – Query languages.
Experimental Evaluation of IR Performance metrics Recall,
Precision and F measure – Evaluations on benchmark text
collections - Text Representation - Word statistics – Zipf's
III law – Porter stemmer - Morphology – Index term Selection 8 3
using thesauri -Metadata and markup languages- Web
Search engines – spidering – metacrawlers – Directed
spidering – Link analysis shopping agents.
Text Categorization and Clustering - Categorization
algorithms - Naive Bayes – Decision trees and nearest
IV neighbor- Clustering algorithms - Agglomerative 8 4
clustering – k Means – Expectation Maximization (EM)
- Applications to information filtering – Organization
and relevance feedback.
Reference Books-
2. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation (2nd Edition), Simon Haykin,
Prentice Hall.
3. Elements of artificial neural networks by Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan
and Sanjay Ranka.
4. Neural networks and fuzzy systems by Bart Kosko, Prentice Hall of India.
5. S. Fundam tats of artificial neural networks by Mohammad H. I-lassoun,
Prentice Hall of India.
Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 To facilitate students to understand android SDK
2. To help students to gain a basic understanding of Android application development
3. To inculcate working knowledge of Android Studio development tool
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO-1: Identify and design the various components of an Information Retrieval system.
CO-2: Apply machine learning techniques to text classification and clustering which is used for
efficient Information Retrieval.
CO-3: Analyze the Web content structure.
CO-4: Design an efficient search engine.
CO-5: Build an Information Retrieval system using the available tools.
UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s
Introduction - Goals and history of IR - The impact of the web
on IR - The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in IR – Basic IR
Models Boolean and vector space retrieval models – Ranked
I 8 1
Retrieval – Text similarity metrics –TF IDF (term
frequency/inverse document frequency) weighting - Cosine
Basic Tokenizing - Indexing and Implementation of Vector
Space Retrieval - Simple tokenizing – stop word removal and
II stemming – Inverted Indices –Efficient processing with sparse 8 2
vectors – Query Operations and Languages - Relevance
feedback – Query expansion – Query languages.
Experimental Evaluation of IR Performance metrics Recall,
Precision and F measure – Evaluations on benchmark text
collections - Text Representation - Word statistics – Zipf's law –
III Porter stemmer - Morphology – Index term Selection using 8 3
thesauri -Metadata and markup languages- Web Search engines
– spidering – metacrawlers – Directed spidering – Link analysis
shopping agents.
Text Categorization and Clustering - Categorization
algorithms - Naive Bayes – Decision trees and nearest
IV neighbor- Clustering algorithms - Agglomerative clustering 8 4
– k Means – Expectation Maximization (EM) - Applications
to information filtering – Organization and relevance