6th Semester Syllabus

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(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering & IT
Name of the course: B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Semester and Year of study B. Tech 3rd Year 6thSemester
Subject Category Engineering Science Course (PCC)
SubjectCode:AI-2061 Subject Name: Data Visualization and Handling
Maximum Marks Allotted
Contact Hours
Theory Practical Total
End Lab- Credits
End Sem Mid-Sem Quiz Marks L T P
Sem Work
70 20 10 30 20 100 3 -- 2 4

Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to

CO1. Describe a flow process for data science problems (Remembering)

CO2. Classify data science problems into standard typology (Comprehension)

CO3. Develop R codes for data science solutions (Application)

CO4. Correlate results to the solution approach followed (Analysis)

CO5. Assess the solution approach (Evaluation).

UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s
Introduction to data visualization and why it is important Basic
principles of good data visualization design Common types of
I 8 1
charts and graphs and when to use them Gathering and cleaning
Exploratory data analysis and visualization Advanced data
visualization techniques and tools, such as interactive charts and
II 8 2
maps Creating effective dashboards and visual storytelling with
data Data visualization ethics and avoiding common pitfalls.
Introduction to data handling techniques, such as filtering and
sorting data, merging, and reshaping data sets, and working with
III missing data Introduction to programming concepts for data 8 3
handling, such as loops and functions, and using tools such as
Python or R for data analysis and visualization
Introduction to ELK and the Elastic Stack Installing and setting
up ELK Gathering and parsing log data with Logstash Storing
IV 8 4
and indexing data in Elastic search Visualizing data with Kibana.

Creating and sharing dashboards in Kibana Advanced Kibana

features, such as saved searches and visualizations, and the time
V lion visualization tool Integrating ELK with other tools and 8 5
platforms Scaling and managing an ELK deployment Tips and
best practices for using ELK effectively.

Guest Lectures (if any) Nil

Total Hours 40
Suggestive list of experiments:
NO Lab
Text Book-
1. Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction" by Kieran Healy

Reference Books-

1. Mastering Kibana 6.x" by Pranav Shukla and Sharath Kumar M N

2. Elastic Stack 7.x: Up and Running" by Grant S. Sayer and Robert E. Beatty
3. Kibana Essentials" by Pranav Shukla
4. Data Wrangling with Python" by Jacqueline Kazil and David Beazley
List and Links of e-learning resources:
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/
Assignments, term work, end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled and designed by Rashi Kumar

(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)

Computer Science & Information Technology

Semester/Year Program B.Tech. AIADS

Subject Subject Subject

DC AI-2062 Business Intelligence Analytics
Category Code: Name:

Maximum Marks Allotted

Contact Hours
Theory Practical Total
Total Credits
End Sem Mid- End Lab- Marks
Assignment/Quiz Quiz L T P
Sem Sem Work

70 20 10 30 20 10 150 3 - 2 4


Basic understanding of database systems and software engineering.

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to understand the basic concepts of business intelligence, probability and
statistics. To impart the knowledge of BI tools. To familiarize students with the Data Warehousing. The course
will help student to understand the problems of current scenario and design of the business solutions.

Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

• CO1: Familiarize the importance of business intelligence for organizations.

• CO2: Understand and apply basic concepts of Probability.
• CO3: Understand and analyse bayes theorem and its applications
• CO4: Develop data warehouse for a domain using Data warehouse tools. Operate data warehouse to
meet business objectives.
• CO5: Understand the concept of designing data warehouse models using appropriate schemas.

UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s

Business Intelligence Introduction - Effective and timely decisions – CO1

I Data, information and knowledge – Role of mathematical models – 7
Business intelligence architectures: Cycle of a business intelligence
analysis – Enabling factors in business intelligence projects –
Development of a business intelligence system – Ethics and business
intelligence, Types of Data, The measure of Central Tendency, Measure
of Spread, Standard Normal Distribution, Skewness, Measures of
relationship, Central Limit Theorem.

Basic Probability -- definition of probability, conditional probability,

independent events, Bayes' rule, Bernoulli trials, Random variables,
discrete random variable, probability mass function, continuous random
variable, Probability Density Function, Cumulative Distributive CO2
II Function, properties of cumulative distribution function, Two 6
dimensional random variables and their distribution functions, Marginal
probability function, Independent random variables.

Bayesian Analysis – Bayes Theorem, Applications of Bayes Theorem,

Decision Theoretic framework and major concepts of Bayesian Analysis
Likelihood, Prior and posterior, Loss function, Bayes Rule, One‐ CO3
III parameter Bayesian models. 8

Bayesian Machine Learning‐ Hierarchical Bayesian Model, Regression

with Ridge prior, Classification with Bayesian Logistic Regression

Data Warehousing (DW)‐ Introduction & Overview; Data Marts, DW

architecture ‐ DW components, Implementation options; Meta Data,
Information delivery.
IV 7 CO4
ETL ‐ Data Extraction, Data Transformation ‐ Conditioning, Scrubbing,
Merging, etc., Data Loading, Data Staging, Data Quality.

Dimensional Modeling ‐ Facts, dimensions, measures, examples;

Schema Design Star and Snowflake, Fact constellation, Slow changing

OLAP ‐ OLAP Vs OLTP, Multi‐Dimensional Databases (MDD); OLAP

7 CO5

Data Warehouse Project Management ‐ Critical issues in planning,

physical design process, deployment and ongoing maintenance.

May be
Guest Lectures (if any) arranged

Total Hours 35
List of Experiments

• Case Study 1
• Case Study 2
• Case Study 3
• Case Study 4
• Case Study 5

Text Book-

• P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory, Universal Book Stall.
• D. C. Montgomery and G. C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Wiley
• David Loshin, Business Intelligence - The Savy Manager's Guide Getting Onboard with
Emerging IT, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009.
• Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, “Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems”,
9th Edition, Pearson 2013.
Reference Books-

• Larissa T. Moss, S. Atre, “Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle of Decision
Making”, Addison Wesley, 2003.
• Carlo Vercellis, “Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making”, Wiley
Publications, 2009.
• David Loshin Morgan, Kaufman, “Business Intelligence: The Savvy Manager‟s Guide”, Second
Edition, 2012.
• Cindi Howson, “Successful Business Intelligence: Secrets to Making BI a Killer App”, McGraw-Hill,
• Ralph Kimball , Margy Ross , Warren Thornthwaite, Joy Mundy, Bob Becker, “The Data Warehouse
Lifecycle Toolkit”, Wiley Publication Inc.,2007.
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric

The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term
work, end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.

List/Links of e-learning resource

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on

Compiled and designed by CS & IT

Subject handled by department CS & IT

(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering IT
Name of the course: B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Semester and Year of study B. Tech 3rd Year 6thSemester
Subject Category Professional Elective courses (PEC)
SubjectCode:AI-2063 Subject Name: Natural Langugae Processing
Maximum Marks Allotted Contact Hours Total
Theory Practical Total Credits
End Sem Mid-Sem Quiz End Sem Lab-Work Marks L T P
70 20 10 30 20 100 3 -- 2 4

Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 Natural language processing deals with written text.
2 Learn how to process written text from basic of fundamental knowledge.
3 Regular expression and probabilistic model with n-grams.
4 Recognizing Speech and parsing with grammar
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to

CO1: Understand comprehend the key concepts of NLP and identify the NLP
challenges and issues.
CO2: Develop Language Modeling for various text corpora across the different
CO3: Illustrate computational methods to understand language phenomena of
word sense disambiguation.
CO4 : Design and develop applications for text or information
CO5: Apply different Machine translation techniques for translating a source
to target language(s).
UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s
Introduction to NLP: History of NLP, Advantages of NLP,
Disadvantages of NLP, Components of NLP, Applications of
I 8 1
NLP, build an NLP pipeline , Phases of NLP, NLP APIs, NLP
Unigram Language Model, Bigram, Trigram, N-gram, Advanced
smoothing for language modeling, Empirical Comparison of
II Smoothing Techniques, Applications of Language Modeling, 8 2
Natural Language Generation, Parts of Speech Tagging,
Morphology, Named Entity Recognition
Words and Word Forms: Bag of words, skip-gram, Continuous Bag-Of-
Words, Embedding representations for words Lexical Semantics, Word Sense
III Disambiguation, Knowledge Based and Supervised Word Sense
8 3
Text Analysis, Summarization and Extraction: Sentiment Mining, Text
Classification, Text Summarization, Information Extraction, Named Entity
IV Recognition, Relation Extraction, Question Answering in Multilingual Setting;
8 4
NLP in Information Retrieval, Cross-Lingual IR
Need of MT, Problems of Machine Translation, MT Approaches, Direct
Machine Translations, Rule-Based Machine Translation, Knowledge Based
V MT System, Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), Parameter learning in 8 5
SMT (IBM models) using EM), Encoder-decoder architecture, Neural
Machine Translation.

Guest Lectures (if any) Nil

Total Hours 40
Suggestive list of experiments:
Text Book-

1. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing,

Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition Jurafsky, David, and James H. Martin,

Reference Books-

1.Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, Manning, Christopher D., and

Hinrich Schütze, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
2. Natural Language Understanding, James Allen. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
3. Natural Language Processing with Python – Analyzing Text with the Natural Language
ToolkitSteven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper.
List and Links of e-learning resources:
1. https://www.kaggle.com/learn/natural-language-processing
2. https://www.javatpoint.com/nlp
3. https://nptel.ac.in/
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term work,
end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled and designed by Ajay Kumar Goyal
(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering IT
Name of the course: B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Semester and Year of study B. Tech 3rd Year 6thSemester
Subject Category Engineering Science Course (PCC)
SubjectCode:AI-2064-A Subject Name: Robotics Process Automation
Maximum Marks Allotted Contact Hours Total
Theory Practical Total Credits
End Sem Mid-Sem Quiz End Sem Lab-Work Marks L T P
70 20 10 30 20 100 3 1 -- 4

Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 Understand the RPA and the ability to differentiate it from other types of automation.
2. Model the sequences and the nesting of activities.
3. Experiment with workflow in a manner to get the optimized output from a Bot

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to

CO 1: Describe RPA, where it can be applied and how it's implemented.

CO 2: Shows the different types of variables, Control Flow and data manipulation techniques.
CO 3: Identify and understand Image, Text and Data Tables Automation.
CO 4: Describe how to handle the User Events and various types of Exceptions and strategies.
CO 5: Understand the Deployment of the Robot and to maintain the connection.
UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s
Automation RPA vs Automation - Processes & Flowcharts -
Programming Constructs Types of Bots Workloads automated
RPA Advanced Concepts - Standardization of processes - RPA
I Development methodologies SDLC - Robotic control flow architecture 8 1
- RPA business case - RPA Team - Process Design Document/Solution
Design Document Risks & Challenges with RPA - RPA and emerging
User Interface - Variables - Managing Variables - Naming Best
Practices - Variables Panel The Arguments Panel - Importing New
Namespaces- Control Flow - Control Flow Introduction - Control Flow
II 8 2
Activities - Data Manipulation - Data Manipulation Introduction -
Scalar variables, collections and Tables - Text Manipulation - Data
Manipulation - Gathering and Assembling Data
Basic and Desktop Recording , Web Recording , Input/Output Methods
Screen Scraping - Data Scraping - Scraping advanced techniques -
Selectors - Defining and Assessing Selectors - Customization -
III Debugging - Dynamic Selectors - Partial Selectors - RPA Challenge - 8 3
Image, Text & Advanced Citrix Automation - Introduction to Image &
Text Automation - Image based automation - Keyboard based
automation - Information Retrieval
Monitoring system event triggers - Hotkey trigger - Mouse trigger -
System trigger - Monitoring image and element triggers - An example
of monitoring email - Example of monitoring a copying event and
IV 8 4
blocking it - Launching an assistant bot on a keyboard event,
EXCEPTION HANDLING: Debugging and Exception Handling -
Debugging Tools - Strategies for solving issues - Catching errors
publish utility - Creation of Server - Using Server to control the bots -
V Creating a provision Robot from the Server - Connecting a Robot to 8 5
Server - Deploy the Robot to Server - Publishing and managing updates
- Managing packages - Uploading packages - Deleting packages.

Guest Lectures (if any) Nil

Total Hours 40
Suggestive list of experiments:
NO Lab
3. Alok Mani Tripathi, “Learning Robotic Process Automation”, Packt Publishing, 2018.
Reference Books-
1. Frank Casale , Rebecca Dilla, Heidi Jaynes , Lauren Livingston, “Introduction to Robotic
Process Automation: a Primer”, Institute of Robotic Process Automation,1st Edition 2015.
4. Richard Murdoch, Robotic Process Automation: Guide To Building Software Robots,
Automate Repetitive Tasks & Become An RPA Consultant”, Independently Published, 1st
Edition 2018.
5. Srikanth Merianda,”Robotic Process Automation Tools, Process Automation and their
benefits: Understanding RPA and Intelligent Automation”, Consulting Opportunity
Holdings LLC, 1st Edition 2018.
6. 4. Lim Mei Ying, “Robotic Process Automation with Blue Prism Quick Start Guide: Create
software robots and automate business processes”, Packt Publishing, 1st Edition 2018.
List and Links of e-learning resources:

1. https://www.uipath.com/rpa/robotic-process-automation
2. https://www.academy.uipath.com
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term work,
end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled and designed by Ajay Kumar Goyal
(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering IT
Name of the course: B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Semester and Year of study B. Tech 3rd Year 6thSemester
Subject Category Professional Elective courses (PEC)
SubjectCode:AI-2064-B Subject Name: Computer Vision
Maximum Marks Allotted Contact Hours Total
Theory Practical Total Credits
End Sem Mid-Sem Quiz End Sem Lab-Work Marks L T P
70 20 10 30 20 100 3 -- 2 4

Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
CO1: Identify basic concepts, terminology, theories, models and methods of computer vision.
CO2: Describe basic methods of computer vision related to multi-scale representation.
CO3: Understanding edge detection of primitives, stereo, motion and object recognition.
CO4: Developed the practical skills necessary to build computer vision applications.
CO5:To have gained exposure to object and scene recognition..

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to

UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s

Overview, computer imaging systems, lenses, Image formation

I and sensing, Image analysis, pre-processing and Binary image 8 1
Edge detection, Edge detection performance, Hough transform,
II corner detection Segmentation, Morphological filtering, Fourier 8 2

Feature extraction, shape, histogram, color, spectral, texture,

III 8 3
using CV IP tools, Feature analysis, feature vectors, distance
/similarity measures, data pre-processing .
Pattern Analysis: Clustering: K-Means, K-Medoids, Mixture of
IV Gaussians Classification: Discriminant Function, Supervised, Un- 8 4
supervised, Semi-supervised .
Classifiers: Bayes, KNN, ANN models; Dimensionality
Reduction: PCA, LDA, ICA, and Non-parametric methods.
V 8 5
Recent trends in Activity Recognition, computational
photography, Biometrics.
Guest Lectures (if any) Nil
Total Hours 40
Suggestive list of experiments:
1. Text Book- Computer Vision – A modern approach, by D.Forsyth and J.Ponce, Prentice Hall Robot
Vision, by B. K. P. Horn, McGraw-Hill.

Reference Books-
2. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski.
3. Deep Learning, by Goodfellow, Bengio, and Courville.
4. Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing, by Fisher et al.
5. Three-Dimensional Computer Vision, by Olivier Faugeras, The MIT Press

List and Links of e-learning resources:

1. https://www.opengl.org/
2. https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/OpenGL
3. https://developer.nvidia.com/opengl
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term work,
end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled and designed by Ajay Kumar Goyal
(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering IT
Name of the course: B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Semester and Year of study B. Tech 3rd Year 6thSemester
Subject Category Professional Elective courses (PEC)
SubjectCode:AI-2064-C Subject Name: Data Compression
Maximum Marks Allotted Contact Hours Total
Theory Practical Total Credits
End Sem Mid-Sem Quiz End Sem Lab-Work Marks L T P
70 20 10 30 20 100 3 -- 2 4

Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to

CO1:Identify the important issues in data compression.

CO2:Differentiate and compare variety of data compression techniques.
CO3:Apply techniques for compression of binary programmes,data,sound and image.
CO4: Learn techniques for modelling data and the issues relating to modelling.
CO5: Analyze and implement DCT for compression.
UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s

Introduction To Data Compression, Lexicon, Data Compression

Modeling,Coding, Coding An improvement Modeling, Statistical
I 8 1
Modeling, Ziv & Lempel LZ77 LZ78, Lossy Compression, Minimum
Redundancy Coding Sahnnon-Fano Algorithm.

Huffman Algorithm, Prototypes, Huffman Code, Counting Symbols,

Saving the Counts, Building the Tree, ,Adaptive Huffman Coding
Adaptive Coding, Updating Huffman Tree, swapping, Enhancement,
II Escape Code, Overflow Bonus, Rescaling Bonus, Initialization of the 8 2
Array, Compress Main Program, Expand Main Program, Encoding
Symbol, Decoding Symbol .

Arithmetic Coding Difficulties, Arithmetic Coding:, Practical Matters,

Complication, Decoding, Beef Dictionary-Based Compression An
Example, Static vs. Adaptive, Adaptive Methods, A Representative
III 8 3
Example, Israeli Roots, History, ARC: MS-DOS Dictionary,
Dictionary Compression, Danger Ahead-Patents.
Sliding Window Compression, An Encoding Problem, balancing Act
Greedy vs. Best Possible. expansion routine, Improvements. Speech
Compression, Digital Audio Concepts, Fundamentals, Sampling
IV Variables, PC-Based sound, Lossless Compression of Sound, Problems 8 4
and Results, Loss compression, Silence Compression, Other

Lossy Graphics Compression, Enter Compression, Statistical And

Dictionary Compression Methods Lossy Compression Differential
V Modulation Adaptive Coding, A Standard that Works: JPEG, JPEG 8 5
Compression Discrete Cosine Transform, DCT Specifics,
Implementing DCT. Matrix Multiplication,DCT, Quantization.

Guest Lectures (if any) Nil

Total Hours 40
Suggestive list of experiments:

Text Book-
7. The Data Compression Book – Mark Nelson.
Reference Books-
8. Data Compression: The Complete Reference – David Salomon.
9. Data Compression : The Complete Reference”, David Saloman, Springer
List and Links of e-learning resources:
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term work,
end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled and designed by Ajay Kumar Goyal
(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering IT
Name of the course: B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Semester and Year of study B. Tech 3rd Year 6thSemester
Subject Category Open Elective Course(OEC)
SubjectCode:AI-2065(A) Subject Name: Soft Computing
Maximum Marks Allotted Contact Hours
Theory Practical Total
Total Credits
Mid- Lab-
End Sem
Quiz End Sem
Marks L T P
70 20 10 -- -- 100 3 -- -- 3

Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 To facilitate students to understand android SDK
2. To help students to gain a basic understanding of Android application development
3. To inculcate working knowledge of Android Studio development tool
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to

CO-1: Identify and describe soft computing techniques and their roles in building
intelligent machines.
CO-2: Apply fuzzy logic and reasoning to handle uncertainty and solve various
engineering problems.
CO-3: Apply genetic algorithms to combinatorial optimization problems.
CO-4: Evaluate and compare solutions by various soft computing approaches for a given

UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s

Soft Computing: Introduction of soft computing, soft
computing vs. hard computing, various types of soft
computing techniques, applications of soft computing.
Neural Network : Structure and Function of a single neuron:
Biological neuron, artificial neuron, Difference and
I 8 1
characteristics and applications of ANN, Evolution of
Neural Networks, Basic Models of Artificial Neural
Network, Important Terminologies of ANNs, McCulloch-
Pitts Neuron model. Widrow&Hebb;s learning rule/Delta
Supervised Learning Network Introduction, Perception
II 8 2
Networks, Back-Propagation Network, Radial Basis
Function Network, Time Delay Neural Network Single layer
network, Perceptron training algorithm, Linear separability,
, ADALINE, MADALINE. Introduction of MLP, Error
back propagation algorithm, derivation of BBPA,
momentum, limitation, characteristics and application of
EBPA. Hybrid Systems: Neuro fuzzy hybrid systems,
Adaptive neurofuzzy inference systems.
Unsupervised Learning Networks Introduction, Fixed
Weight Competitive Nets, Kohonen Self- Organizing Motor
Maps, Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART l,ART 2):
Architecture, classifications, Implementation and training
Counter propagation network, architecture, functioning &
III 8 3
characteristics of counter Propagation network, Hopfie1d/
Recurrent network, configuration, stability constraints,
associative memory, and characteristics, limitations and
applications. Hopfield v/s Boltzman machine. Associative

Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy set versus crisp

set, Crisp & fuzzy relations, Fuzzy systems: crisp logic,
fuzzy logic, , Predicate Logic, introduction & features
of membership functions, Fuzzy rule base system:
IV Defuzzification Methods,Fuzzification ,fuzzy 8 4
propositions, formation, decomposition & aggregation
of fuzzy rules, fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy inference
systems, fuzzy decision making & Applications of
fuzzy logic.

Genetic algorithm : Fundamentals of Genetic Algorithms

History, Basic Concepts, Creation of Offsprings,
Working Principle, working principle, encoding, fitness
function, reproduction, Genetic ’modelling: Inheritance
V operator, cross over, inversion & deletion, mutation 8 2,4
operator, Bitwise operator, Generational Cycle,
Convergence of GA, Applications & advances in GA,
Differences & similarities between GA& other
traditional method.

Guest Lectures (if any) Nil

Total Hours 40
Suggestive list of experiments:
NO Practical
Text Book-

1. Neural Network, Fuzzy 1ogic,and Genetic Algorithms Synthesis and Applications,

S.Rajsekaran ,G.A VijayalakshmiPai

Reference Books-
2. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation (2nd Edition), Simon Haykin, Prentice
3. Elements of artificial neural networks by Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan and
Sanjay Ranka.
4. Neural networks and fuzzy systems by Bart Kosko, Prentice Hall of India.
5.S. Fundam tats of artificial neural networks by Mohammad H. I-lassoun, Prentice Hall of

List and Links of e-learning resources:

Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/ Assignments, term work, end-
semester examinations, and end-semester practical examinations.

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled and designed by Ajay Kumar Goyal
(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering IT
Name of the course: B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Semester and Year of study B. Tech 3rd Year 6thSemester
Subject Category Open Elective Course(OEC)
SubjectCode:AI-2065(B) Subject Name: Information Retrieval
Maximum Marks Allotted Contact Hours
Theory Practical Total
Total Credits
Qu End Lab-
End Sem Mid-Sem
iz Sem Work
Marks L T P
70 20 10 -- -- 100 3 -- -- 3

Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 To facilitate students to understand android SDK
2. To help students to gain a basic understanding of Android application development
3. To inculcate working knowledge of Android Studio development tool
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to

CO-1: Identify and design the various components of an Information Retrieval system.
CO-2: Apply machine learning techniques to text classification and clustering which is used for
efficient Information Retrieval.
CO-3: Analyze the Web content structure.
CO-4: Design an efficient search engine.
CO-5: Build an Information Retrieval system using the available tools.
UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s
Introduction - Goals and history of IR - The impact of the
web on IR - The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in IR –
Basic IR Models Boolean and vector space retrieval models
I 8 1
– Ranked Retrieval – Text similarity metrics –TF IDF (term
frequency/inverse document frequency) weighting - Cosine
Basic Tokenizing - Indexing and Implementation of Vector
Space Retrieval - Simple tokenizing – stop word removal
II and stemming – Inverted Indices –Efficient processing with 8 2
sparse vectors – Query Operations and Languages -
Relevance feedback – Query expansion – Query languages.
Experimental Evaluation of IR Performance metrics Recall,
Precision and F measure – Evaluations on benchmark text
collections - Text Representation - Word statistics – Zipf's
III law – Porter stemmer - Morphology – Index term Selection 8 3
using thesauri -Metadata and markup languages- Web
Search engines – spidering – metacrawlers – Directed
spidering – Link analysis shopping agents.
Text Categorization and Clustering - Categorization
algorithms - Naive Bayes – Decision trees and nearest
IV neighbor- Clustering algorithms - Agglomerative 8 4
clustering – k Means – Expectation Maximization (EM)
- Applications to information filtering – Organization
and relevance feedback.

Recommender Systems - Collaborative filtering - Content

based recommendation of documents and products -
V Information Extraction and Integration - Extracting data 8 5
from text – XML – semantic web – Collecting and
integrating specialized information on the web.

Guest Lectures (if any) Nil

Total Hours 40
Suggestive list of experiments:
NO Practical
Text Book-

1. Neural Network, Fuzzy 1ogic,and Genetic Algorithms Synthesis and

Applications, S.Rajsekaran ,G.A VijayalakshmiPai

Reference Books-
2. Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation (2nd Edition), Simon Haykin,
Prentice Hall.
3. Elements of artificial neural networks by Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan
and Sanjay Ranka.
4. Neural networks and fuzzy systems by Bart Kosko, Prentice Hall of India.
5. S. Fundam tats of artificial neural networks by Mohammad H. I-lassoun,
Prentice Hall of India.

List and Links of e-learning resources:

Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/
Assignments, term work, end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled and designed by Ajay Kumar Goyal
(Engineering College), VIDISHA M.P.
(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to RGPV Bhopal)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering IT
Name of the course: B. Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Semester and Year of study B. Tech 3rd Year 6thSemester
Subject Category Open Elective Course(OEC)
SubjectCode:AI-2065(C) Subject Name: Information Retrieval
Maximum Marks Allotted Contact Hours Tot
Theory Practical al
Total Cre
Mid- End Lab-
End Sem
Sem Work
Marks L T P dits
70 20 10 -- -- 100 3 -- -- 3

Basic Knowledge of algorithms, Discrete Mathematics
Course Objective:
1 To facilitate students to understand android SDK
2. To help students to gain a basic understanding of Android application development
3. To inculcate working knowledge of Android Studio development tool
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students will be able to

CO-1: Identify and design the various components of an Information Retrieval system.
CO-2: Apply machine learning techniques to text classification and clustering which is used for
efficient Information Retrieval.
CO-3: Analyze the Web content structure.
CO-4: Design an efficient search engine.
CO-5: Build an Information Retrieval system using the available tools.
UNITs Descriptions Hrs. CO’s
Introduction - Goals and history of IR - The impact of the web
on IR - The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in IR – Basic IR
Models Boolean and vector space retrieval models – Ranked
I 8 1
Retrieval – Text similarity metrics –TF IDF (term
frequency/inverse document frequency) weighting - Cosine
Basic Tokenizing - Indexing and Implementation of Vector
Space Retrieval - Simple tokenizing – stop word removal and
II stemming – Inverted Indices –Efficient processing with sparse 8 2
vectors – Query Operations and Languages - Relevance
feedback – Query expansion – Query languages.
Experimental Evaluation of IR Performance metrics Recall,
Precision and F measure – Evaluations on benchmark text
collections - Text Representation - Word statistics – Zipf's law –
III Porter stemmer - Morphology – Index term Selection using 8 3
thesauri -Metadata and markup languages- Web Search engines
– spidering – metacrawlers – Directed spidering – Link analysis
shopping agents.
Text Categorization and Clustering - Categorization
algorithms - Naive Bayes – Decision trees and nearest
IV neighbor- Clustering algorithms - Agglomerative clustering 8 4
– k Means – Expectation Maximization (EM) - Applications
to information filtering – Organization and relevance

Recommender Systems - Collaborative filtering - Content based

recommendation of documents and products - Information
V Extraction and Integration - Extracting data from text – XML – 8 5
semantic web – Collecting and integrating specialized
information on the web.

Guest Lectures (if any) Nil

Total Hours 40
Suggestive list of experiments:
NO Practical
Text Book-

5. Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze,”

Introduction to Information Retrieval” , Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Reference Books-
6. Ricci, F. Roach, L. Shapira, B. Kantor, P.B. “Recommender Systems Handbook”
1st Edition, 2011.
7. Brusilovsky, Peter, “The Adaptive Web Methods and Strategies of Web
Personalization”, Springer, 2007.
List and Links of e-learning resources:
1. www.nptel.ac.in
Modes of Evaluation and Rubric
The evaluation modes consist of performance in Two mid-semester Tests, Quiz/
Assignments, term work, end-semester examinations, and end-semester practical

Recommendation by Board of studies on

Approval by Academic council on
Compiled and designed by

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