Test Cases For Youtube
Test Cases For Youtube
Test Cases For Youtube
Launch the Enter url in search bar The YouTube app should The youtube app is
TC-01 pass
YouTube app as"www.youtube.com" be opened successfully. opened
Tap on the "Sign Click on sign-in The Sign-In screen should The Sign-In Screen is
TC-02 pass
In" button button be displayed. displayed
The user should be
Enter valid successfully signed in to
Enter Valid username The user is
TC-03 username and their account without pass
and password successfully Signed-in
password displaying any error
An error message should
Enter an invalid Enter Invalid The error message is
TC-04 be displayed indicating an pass
username username displayed
invalid username.
An error message should
Enter an invalid The error message is
TC-05 Enter Invalid password be displayed indicating an pass
password displayed
invalid password.
Tap on the The password recovery The password
Click on "forgot
TC-06 "Forgot process should be recovery process is pass
Password" link
Password" link initiated. initiated
Reset password
Enter Valid email The user should receive a The reset password is
TC-07 using a valid pass
address password reset email. received
The user should be The user is
Sign in using Click on Google
TC-08 successfully signed in successfully Signed-in pass
Google account account
using Google. using Google
The user should be The user is
Sign in using Click on Apple ID
TC-09 successfully signed in successfully Signed-in pass
Apple ID credentials
using Apple ID. using Apple ID
The user is
Sign in using The user should be
Click on Facebook successfully Signed-in
TC-10 Facebook successfully signed in pass
account credentials using Facebook
account using Facebook.
The user should be signed The user is
Sign out of the Click on Sign out
TC-11 out and redirected to the successfully Logged- pass
app option.
screen. out
Check user's The user's profile The user's
TC-12 profile after sign- Click on user's profile. information should be information is pass
in displayed correctly. displayed correctly
Search results with relevant
Search for a Enter "cats" in Search The relevant video is
TC-13 videos should be pass
video by keyword Bar displayed
The selected video should The selected video is
TC-14 Play a video Click on Play Button pass
be played played.
The video should be
TC-15 Pause the video Click on Pause Button The video is paused pass
Adjust the video The video quality should The video quality is
TC-16 Choose 720p option pass
quality to 720p be set to 720p. set to 720p
The video should be The video is marked
TC-17 Like the video Click on Like Button pass
marked as "Liked." as "Liked"
The video should be The video is marked
TC-18 Dislike the video Click on Dislike Button pass
marked as "Disliked." as "UnLiked"
Type Comment
Add a comment The comment should be The Comment is
TC-19 as"Great video!" and pass
on the video successfully posted. posted successfully
click on post button
Subscribe to the Click on "Subscribe" Channel should be marked Channel is marked as
TC-20 pass
video's channel Button as "Subscribed". "Subscribed"
Disable dark Click on "Enabled The app's theme should be The app's theme is
TC-27 pass
mode captions" option switched to light mode. switch to light mode
Change app
Choose "Spanish" The app's language should The app's language is
TC-28 language to pass
Language be switched to Spanish. switched to Spanish.
Change app
Choose "French" The app's language should The app's language is
TC-29 language to pass
Language be switched to French. switched to French.
Adjust video
The video should be The video is played at
TC-30 playback speed Choose "1.5x "option pass
played at 1.5x speed. 1.5x speed.
to 1.5x
Adjust video
The video should be The video is played at
TC-31 playback speed Choose "0.5x "option pass
played at 0.5x speed. 0.5x speed.
to 0.5x
Check user's Click on Watch history The watch history should The watch history is
TC-32 pass
watch history option be displayed. displayed.
Clear the search Click on delete history The search history should The search history is
TC-33 pass
history option be deleted. deleted.
Check the user's click on "liked videos" The liked videos list should The liked videos list
TC-34 pass
liked videos option be displayed. are displayed.
The list of subscribed
Check the user's click on "user's The list of subscribed
TC-35 channels should be pass
subscriptions subscriptions" option channels is displayed.
A new playlist should be A new playlist is
Create a new click on "Create a new
TC-36 created with the specified created with the pass
playlist playlist"
name. specified name.
Add a video to a select any video from The video should be added The video is added to
TC-37 pass
playlist the list to the specified playlist. the specified playlist.
Restricted mode
Restricted mode should be
Enable restricted enabled, and
TC-62 Restricted mode enabled, and inappropriate pass
mode inappropriate content
content should be filtered.
should be filtered.
Parental control
Parental control settings
Verify parental settings functional
TC-64 parental settings should be functional and pass
controls and allow restricted
allow restricted access.
Autoplay should be Autoplay is enabled,
toggle on autoplay enabled, and videos and videos
TC-65 Enable autoplay pass
button should automatically play automatically play one
one after the other. after the other.
Autoplay should be
Autoplay is disabled,
toggle off autoplay disabled, and videos
TC-66 Disable autoplay and videos should not pass
button should not play
play automatically.
The personalized
The personalized home
Check "Home" click on Home from home feed is
TC-71 feed should be displayed pass
feed menu displayed with
with recommended videos.
recommended videos.
Security settings
Verify user Security settings should
allows users to secure
TC-98 account security security settings allow users to secure their pass
their accounts
settings accounts effectively.
Verify app The app scales
The app should scale
responsiveness to properly and be
TC-99 Various screen sizes properly and be responsive pass
various screen responsive to different
to different screen sizes.
sizes screen sizes.